I’ve got a very similar build but a few tweaks. I don’t run the nashkar on the front weapon slot, I run helleports in that slot because the DPS and healing are higher with 6 gun ports vs only 2 when using the nashkars there… My furniture is also slightly different because I’m leaning into both piercing and fire damage. I run shot carving station for faster reload with Nashkar’s and the added taunt bonus. 5% is less than 15% but it doesn’t require the long charge that megaphone requires. It’s always active. Overall, your build is well thought out and it’s definitely worth a try
Quality of the video was awesome. I haven't had time to play. Those floating towers were a big surprise. Love how you put together your builds.
great content as always!
Nice to see a Sambuk build that brings it back into some prominence
Thanks Dreadlock, i appreciate you sharing these builds. 🏴☠️
I’ve got a very similar build but a few tweaks. I don’t run the nashkar on the front weapon slot, I run helleports in that slot because the DPS and healing are higher with 6 gun ports vs only 2 when using the nashkars there… My furniture is also slightly different because I’m leaning into both piercing and fire damage. I run shot carving station for faster reload with Nashkar’s and the added taunt bonus. 5% is less than 15% but it doesn’t require the long charge that megaphone requires. It’s always active. Overall, your build is well thought out and it’s definitely worth a try
Did more story content come out yet for this season?
no, they didn't time gate the story this season. it was all available from the start. I finished it on day 2
Hello 👋 Where and how to farm a silver? I got a game 1 week ago and now I have a big problems with silver for factories 🏭…
Grind. Sink everything. Grind more.