Battling Unbelief Session 10

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Bitterness and impatience may seem like frightful enemies, but when we lay claim to Scripture’s promises, we can take seeming setbacks in faith that God himself is at work for our good.
    How Does It Work Against Sin? | Session 10 - Part 4 | The Pursuit of Holiness in Life and Ministry
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  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord 3 роки тому +6

    Talking about Joseph is a very good example.

  • @cindyc
    @cindyc 3 роки тому +3

    Praying for strength, wisdom, courage, and the ability to get past the evil I have been suffering.

    • @darkmatter503
      @darkmatter503 3 роки тому +1

      Sam's her brother. December has been a really heavy battle more than I've faced in all my life I don't know but there is something big goin on

    • @cindyc
      @cindyc 3 роки тому

      @@darkmatter503 sadly, I think we are going through spiritual battles, and some who we care about are being weeded out for us to see. If we have chosen to follow Jesus with our whole heart, then we cannot turn back for anyone or anything. Got a song on my mind, No Turning Back. I'm reminded of Lot's wife. We must serve the Lord, no matter who or what we have to let go of.

    • @cindyc
      @cindyc 3 роки тому

      Watching this video now, and thought it may bless you too.
      Two Words That Can Change Your Life! WALK AWAY!
      On the Grace for Purpose channel

  • @Richie016
    @Richie016 3 роки тому +2

    Living a life driven by God's spirit in faithfulness ensures true blessings.

  • @JoeyC777
    @JoeyC777 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this really helpful and God honouring series. I need to listen to this series once every year I think, and by God's grace take to heart all that he says

  • @refiloemotsoeneng8777
    @refiloemotsoeneng8777 2 роки тому

    9:16 - it’ll belittle Christ’s death if you have to recompense for yourself- and I’m done thanks be to God

  • @jasonamor4785
    @jasonamor4785 3 роки тому +1

    Psalm 27:10
    "For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in."
    God revealed himself to me around 10 yo when physical abuse began at home. As a teenager, my mother and step father were drugging all three of the kids with wine and GHB so they could molest us without us remembering.
    I remember making a conscious decision one day that I didn't want anything to do with women if they're anything like my mother.
    I came to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior in my 20s but my emotional and psychological struggles continued.
    I always struggled with how little my mother seemed to care for my safety during and after the abuse years. I witnessed a conversation between her and her parents, who told her, "You know we can have your kids taken away from you at any time." My mother refused to explain.
    So even my grandparents were aware of what was happening and did nothing to protect me. The reality is that there wasn't a single person in my entire family who cared enough about me to protect me.
    And if I meant so little to everyone else, why should my life mean any more to me?
    That thought fueled Major Depressive Disorder and about 50 suicide attempts throughout my life, almost half of those before I graduated from high school.
    In my early 40s, I got involved with crystal meth to help cope with the stress. A few years ago, I entered rehab and felt driven to leave a church led by a gay pastor. In conversation with the pastor, he refused to acknowledge the Bible passages critical of homosexuality. However I continued with gay sex in my private life with meth use.
    Rehab in conjunction with trauma counseling brought me to forgive my mother and begin to pray for her salvation. She lived her entire life hating God.
    Some people have asked how I was able to forgive her. The Holy Spirit helped me to understand the situation from her point of view. She experienced intense public humiliation and shaming from her own father as a child. Unfortunately she wasn't able to get professional help and under the right circumstances she just unraveled. But she wasn't always like that.
    So we were both abused, albeit in different ways. She couldn't handle it very well but neither did I. We just had different ways of coping.
    She constructed a fantasy world where nothing happened and she wasn't capable of doing anything of the sort.
    I stuck a needle in my arm just to have a few hours where I didn't have to think about everything.
    So again, we're the same. And if we're both the same at the core, then I don't have to internalize anything. Seeing her life journey through the lens of mental health issues allowed me to foster compassion. All the anger and resentments slowly melted away.
    I was able to forgive her after I related to her.
    I was healed from the depression after I forgave my abusers. But I still live with PTSD.
    With the help of the Holy Spirit, I was able to cast out a demon of addiction with an unpronounceable name. I felt it leave my body. The next morning I had no draw to meth use and almost entirely lost cigarette cravings after trying to quit smoking numerous times.
    More recently, I felt compelled to read Revelation and the warnings to the seven churches really hit me hard. I vowed to completely turn from my gay past.
    I only recently learned how the Vatican changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday so I'm now changing my life again to honor the Sabbath on the seventh day instead of the first as Jesus instructed. However, I also understand that we are saved by grace alone. So this change isn't about doing anything to earn salvation, but more in line with obedience.
    It's been a lifetime journey with Jesus, leaning on him constantly. I'm now free of my traumatic past, free of drug use (fighting occasional cravings), free of smoking (with lozenges) and free of the gay life.
    Psalm 18:1-6
    I love you, O Lord, my strength
    The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
    my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
    my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
    I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,
    and I am saved from my enemies.
    The cords of death encompassed me;
    the torrents of destruction assailed me;
    the cords of Sheol entangled me;
    the snares of death confronted me.
    In my distress I called upon the Lord;
    to my God I called for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears.
    Beating gay people with Bible criticism will only drive them away from God. Christians need compassion to help gay and lesbian people cope with their underlying issues so they're open to the healing power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    With all my traumatic past and drug addiction behind me, I'm now facing potential metastatic cancer (waiting for official diagnosis) AND a hole in a heart valve from drug use - all without the support of family. But the benefit of having been through such a difficult life is knowing the closeness of relationship with Jesus I certainly would not enjoy had it not been for those trials.
    Jesus has saved my life on at least three occasions. There have been many visions of the two of us alone in an all-white room as he counsels me and other "close encounters" over my life, prompting me to track many of them in a God Journal.
    So as I face this new trial, I have no doubts that he will continue to walk with me by my side. Undoubtedly he's been the closest friend I've ever known.
    I recently bought a used copy of the movie Big Fish. An elderly man made a lifetime habit of sharing the details of his life through grand, flowery tales bringing joy, laughter, inspiration and fond memories to those who heard.
    It tells of his son's journey to unravel truth from fantasy as his father battles cancer. After watching it again for the first time in many years, I asked God absentmindedly before bed how the story applies to me. Here's what he said the following morning:
    The plain details of my life were these: abused, abandoned, betrayed, suicidal, depressed, hopeless, alone - my destiny was clear. But God preferred the more flowery version of the tale and began leading me down a different path.
    Thank you for all my trials Lord. From glory to glory to eventually finished glory. God makes all things work for the good of those who love him. (I'm not praying for healing. If you feel moved to pray for me, please pray for pain management and that I will be reunited with Jesus in heaven, finally free of all struggle and striving.)
    All glory to God - there's no way I could have survived this long without him.
    May these words inspire and comfort all who read them. Amen
    Feel free to share my testimony with others in your life who may be coping with similar issues or benefit from a story of hope and bountiful faithfulness of Christ Jesus.
    "If you abide in me, I will abide in you."
    The Holy Spirit once told me that abide means to linger in the presence of another.
    So what God is really saying is this:
    "If you hang out with me, I'll hang out with you."
    God/Jesus/Holy Spirit just want to be friends with you.
    What do friends do when they hang out? They TALK.
    Prayer was always meant to be a two way verbal conversation, not some lonely thought stuck in your head.
    God often works in 3s to reflect the Trinity.
    1) If you abide in me, I will abide in you.
    2) Pray without ceasing
    3) Contemplate your word day and night
    Three verses all saying the same thing:

  • @PMA65537
    @PMA65537 3 роки тому +1

    James 1v20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

  • @PMA65537
    @PMA65537 3 роки тому

    24:29 2 Thess reference on slide seems to omit chapter 1.

  • @Benzufication
    @Benzufication 3 роки тому

    Bitterness and impatience is for fools and suckers. Consider the work that God does: He does all things for His own glory. When He finds an opportunity to bless someone He loves, He does it. When He finds an opportunity to smite one He loathes, He does so. He only hates others or loves others to the extent that it gives Him pleasure. Bitterness and impatience are not pleasurable, and kindness and patience are joyful. So by nature just choose what feels good and you'll go the heavenly route, because it is a lie from the devil that Satan has pleasure copyrighted. The yoke of Christ is easy, and His burden is light. Just do what is good, and what evil does the world or even yourself have to pose when you have already chosen the high path, and are simplistic and certain in your choice?
    Brethren, the Kingdom of God is within, and if you choose the Light of God, you're already in it.

  • @toolofgod1947
    @toolofgod1947 3 роки тому

    Crusade Prayer (33) Seal of the Living God
    O my God, my loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your
    Divine Seal of Protection.
    Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity.
    I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to
    You, my beloved Father.
    I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I
    pledge my life to Your service forever and ever.
    I love You, dear Father. I console You in these times, dear Father.
    I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved
    Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the Salvation of all
    Your children.
    The Seal of the Living God was given to us in the revelations of Maria Divine Mercy. In the Message of February 20th, 2012 Jesus says about it in these words: „(…) For I now bequeath the Seal of My Love and Protection. With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries.
    My Seal is My Promise of Salvation. My Power will surge through you with this Seal and no harm will come to you.
    This is a miracle, children, and only those who bow before Me, their Lord and Creator of all things, as little children with love in their hearts for Me, can be blessed with this Divine Gift.” The Seal of the Living God is a special Grace from God given for the present time leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
    It was foretold in the last part of the Holy Bible - in the Book of Revelation of Saint John (Rev 7 and Rev 9,4). The Seal can have different graphical finishes (sometimes minimal or even not any), the text can be formatted in various ways (lower case or upper case).

  • @toolofgod1947
    @toolofgod1947 3 роки тому

    351. Gott der Vater: Erhebt euch nun und empfangt Mein Siegel, das Siegel des Lebendigen Gottes
    Montag, 20. Februar 2012, 12:20 Uhr
    Meine geliebte Tochter, Mein Herz windet sich vor Trauer über die Sünden Meiner Kinder.
    Ihr böser Hass aufeinander reißt Mein Herz entzwei - so, wie das bei jedem liebevollem Vater sein würde.
    Es ist für Mich, als ob ein Schwert Mein Herz durchbohrt, das nicht mehr aus Meinem Herzen weichen will.
    Ich bin Gott, der Allerhöchste, der aufgrund des freien Willens, den Ich allen Meinen Kindern gegeben habe, andauernden Schmerz wird ertragen müssen, solange, bis sich das Neue Paradies auf Erden gebildet hat.
    Dann werdet ihr, Meine Kinder, euch zusammentun, im Einklang mit Meinem Heiligen Willen.
    Solange bis das geschieht, kann es auf Erden keinen Frieden geben.
    Nur dann, wenn der Teufel und diejenigen, die sklavisch den Lügen, die er verspricht, folgen, letztendlich vernichtet sein werden, kann die Welt zur Ruhe kommen.
    Meine Tochter, sage Meinen Kindern, dass Ich den Gedanken an eine Bestrafung Meiner Kinder gar nicht gerne habe; denn Ich liebe sie.
    Sie gehören zu Mir und sind Meine hochgeschätzte Schöpfung. Zu sehen, wie der Teufel ihre Seelen verdorben hat, ist eine ständige Qual für Mich, ihren geliebten Vater.
    Ich habe das starke Bedürfnis, alle von euch liebevollen Kinder, die ihr über Meine Liebe zu euch Bescheid wisst und sie begreift, in Mein wunderschönes Neues Paradies auf Erden mitzunehmen.
    Ich verspreche euch, dass die Verfolgung kurz sein wird und dass ihr geschützt werdet.
    Denn Ich vermache euch jetzt das Siegel Meiner Liebe und Meines Schutzes.
    Mit diesem Siegel werdet ihr der Wahrnehmung jener entkommen, die schwere Lebensumstände in euren Ländern verursachen werden.
    Mein Siegel ist Mein Versprechen der Rettung. Aufgrund dieses Siegels wird euch Meine Kraft durchströmen und es wird euch kein Unheil widerfahren.
    Dieses Siegel ist ein Wunder, Kinder, und nur diejenigen, die sich vor Mir, ihrem Herrn und dem Schöpfer aller Dinge, verneigen - wie kleine Kinder und mit Liebe für Mich in ihren Herzen - können mit diesem Göttlichen Geschenk gesegnet werden.
    Erhebt euch nun und empfangt Mein Siegel, das Siegel des Lebendigen Gottes.
    Betet dieses Kreuzzug-Gebet (33), um Mein Siegel zu würdigen, und empfangt es mit Liebe, Freude und Dankbarkeit.
    „O mein Gott, mein liebender Vater,
    ich nehme Dein Göttliches Siegel des Schutzes mit Liebe und Dankbarkeit an.
    Dein Göttliches Wesen umgibt meinen Leib und meine Seele bis in alle Ewigkeit.
    Ich verneige mich in demütiger Danksagung und biete Dir meine tiefe Liebe und meine Treue zu Dir, meinem geliebten Vater, dar.
    Ich bitte Dich, mich und meine Lieben mit diesem besonderen Siegel zu schützen, und ich gelobe Dir, mein Leben jetzt und immerdar in Deinem Dienst zu leben.
    Ich liebe Dich, lieber Vater.
    Ich tröste Dich in diesen Zeiten, lieber Vater.
    Ich opfere Dir auf den Leib und das Blut, die Seele und die Gottheit Deines innig geliebten Sohnes zur Sühne für die Sünden der Welt und für die Rettung all Deiner Kinder. Amen.“
    Geht jetzt hin, Meine Kinder, und habt keine Furcht. Vertraut auf Mich, euren geliebten Vater, der jeden von euch liebevoll erschuf.
    Ich kenne jede einzelne Seele, jeder Teil von euch ist Mir genau bekannt. Keiner von euch wird von Mir weniger geliebt als ein anderer.
    Aus diesem Grund möchte Ich nicht eine Seele verlieren. Nicht eine einzige.
    Bitte fahrt damit fort, jeden Tag Meinen Barmherzigkeitsrosenkranz zu beten.
    Eines Tages werdet ihr verstehen, warum diese Reinigung erforderlich ist.
    Euer liebender Vater im Himmel
    Gott der Allerhöchste