Hi, seems like u understand and able to reply in English With the new patch the biggest impact is the grave & marker in terms of damage. Previously, my understanding is we have to time it for the boss to reappear and use marker to maximize the damage, now if we do the same thing compared to grave and marker, do we do more or less or the same damage?
Hi, seems like u understand and able to reply in English
With the new patch the biggest impact is the grave & marker in terms of damage. Previously, my understanding is we have to time it for the boss to reappear and use marker to maximize the damage, now if we do the same thing compared to grave and marker, do we do more or less or the same damage?
3 minutes and 22 seconds faster is crazy! I'm so excited for the new changes!! :D
Yeah!! And I think if I get a little more skilled, I can cut it down to another 3 minutes. 👍
아델 이번 밸패 체감 어느정도 일까요,?