Counter strike 2 (12.10.2024) First game (sort of): Deathmatch

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024
  • Counter strike 2 (12.10.2024) First game (sort of): Deathmatch
    Have played the old CS before. But not the new CS2. I can only remember the old playstyle with two teams. One counter-terrorists, and one terrorist. First defusing the bomb, latter are defending the bomb. Guess it's this in the game this mode. I just have to find it again.
    In this Deathmatch style, it's everybody against everybody. A bit chaotic, but kind of fun. Thou still not super-fan how few shots you need to die. And how you're loose walking speed down to like 1/4 when shot at. But yeah, that's the old style, when games were not that realistic (in some ways). You still of cause have games, were you have almost superhuman powers. But other fps games are realistic in various combat situations, that it takes account for what body part you have been hit and hurt. So you walk slowly if your legs are hurt, but other places like eg. shoulders and arms, you are still able to run or sprint. Here you loose a lot of speed, almost down to a standstill when shot at any body part.
    In this CS2 game, if you get shot first, its most likely that you will die, because your reactions and walking speed gets down to almost nothing. So in many situations, it's a kind of shoot first or be killed situation. It's of cause a simplification of the various of shooting situations, because it's still important in this game, one can do headshots. Because other shots to the body takes many shots before the opponent gets down. So if you miss first shot, and you are shot at, you could be lucky he miss a headshot, but you are able to get your revenge with a good headshot back.
    Anyway, very rusty Krusty in this game, that are newer version, than than the old CS I played before. But get slowly back at it.... (hopefully :-D )
    Thanks for watching. Regards from Krusty :-)
    BTW Had housefire earlier in 2023, and lost everything.
    If possible, I would appreciate any kind of donation. I have the link on my UA-cam Profile, and here below. Thanks in advance.
    If I get any kind of donations, I will use it for upgrading my system. And get better content.
    One can message me, if you got some CPU (like eg. i7 or I9), motherboard, or graphics-card to donate. My graphics-card at the moment are okay. But again very old compared to a modern one. I have right now a GTX 1060. So any in the RTX family would be a huge upgrade for me. Thanks.