@@lovealways2609 @Música Cristiana LA LEY=La Escribire en sus Corazones y Jamas me volvere a acordar de sus pecados, ( pero todos estais bajo pecado) 1 Juan capitulo 1. Que Dios es luz, y en él no hay ningunas TINIEBLAS.(Efesios 6:12,=Tinieblas) Si nosotros dijéremos que tenemos comunión con él, y andamos en tinieblas, MENTIMOS, y no hacemos LA VERDAD;=(Los Mandamientos=La Ley.) Mas si andamos en luz, como él está en luz, tenemos comunión entre nosotros, y la sangre de Jesucristo su Hijo nos limpia de todo pecado. Si dijéremos que NO TENEMOS PECADO, nos engañamos á nosotros mismos, y NO HAY VERDAD EN NOSOTROS. Si confesamos nuestros pecados, él es fiel y justo para que nos perdone nuestros pecados, y nos limpie de toda maldad. Si dijéremos que no hemos pecado, lo hacemos á él mentiroso, y su palabra no está en nosotros. القانون = سأكتبه في قلوبهم ولن أتذكر خطاياهم مرة أخرى (لكنكم جميعًا تحت الخطيئة) 1 يوحنا الفصل 1. أن الله نور وليس فيه ظلام (أفسس 6:12 = ظلمة) إذا قلنا أن لدينا شركة معه ، وسيرنا في الظلام ، فإننا نكذب ، ولا نفعل الحقيقة ؛ = (الوصايا = القانون.) ولكن إذا سلكنا في النور كما هو في النور ، فلدينا شركة مع بعضنا البعض ، ودم يسوع المسيح ابنه يطهرنا من كل خطيئة. إذا قلنا أنه ليس لدينا ذنب ، فإننا نخدع أنفسنا ، ولا توجد حقيقة فينا. إذا اعترفنا بخطايانا فهو أمين وعادل حتى يغفر لنا خطايانا ويطهرنا من كل إثم. إذا قلنا إننا لم نخطئ نجعله كاذبًا وكلمته ليست فينا. THE LAW = I will write it in their hearts and I will never remember their sins again, (but all of you are under sin) 1 John chapter 1. That God is light, and in him there is no DARKNESS (Ephesians 6:12, = Darkness) If we say that we have communion with him, and we walk in darkness, we LIE, and do not do THE TRUTH; = (The Commandments = The Law.) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that WE HAVE NO SIN, we are deceiving ourselves, and THERE IS NO TRUTH IN US. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. Lucas 21:8, Y, El tiempo ESTÁ CERCA, por lo tanto NO VAYAS EN POS DE ELLOS. 1 Corintios capitulo 15:19, 24, Mateo 28:20, Y, Estare con VOSOTROS..... Y díjome: Hecho es. YO SOY EL ALFA Y OMEGA, el principio y el fin. Al que TUVIERE SED, yo le daré de LA FUENTE DEL AGUA DE VIDA GRATUITAMENTE.(Saviduria, Conocimiento, El Espiritu SANTO, La Espada, El Escudo) El que VENCIERE, poseerá TODAS LAS COSAS; y YO SERE SU DIOS, y ÉL SERÁ MI HIJO. Mas á LOS TEMEROSOS É INCRÉDULOS, á LOS ABOMINABLES y HOMICIDAS, á LOS FORNICARIOS y HECHICEROS, y á LOS IDÓLATRAS, y á todos LOS MENTIROSOS, su parte será en EL LAGO ARDIENDO CON FUEGO Y AZUFRE, que es LA MUERTE SEGUNDA. 👉😎Y VERÁN SU CARA; y SU NOMBRE ESTARÁ EN SUS FRENTES.❤👈(Colosences 2.) BIENAVENTURADOS LOS QUE GUARDAN SUS MANDAMIENTOS(1 Corintios15:56,), para que su POTENCIA sea en EL ÁRBOL DE LA VIDA, y que entren por las puertas en la ciudad. Mas LOS PERROS estarán fuera, y LOS HECHICEROS, y LOS DISOLUTOS, y LOS HOMICIDAS, y LOS IDÓLATRAS, y CUALQUIERA QUE AMA y HACE MENTIRA..💯⚖👈🤕😷🤧🤒🙊🙉🙈〽️😔👈 👉😔TODOS NEGARAN SU NOMBRE, NACIONES Y HOMBRES😷👈.. 👉😎MI DIVINO NOMBRE NUEVO❤👈. Apocalipse capitulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, ALFA OMEGA ALIAN =Jehová el Altisimo el TODOPODEROSO el Soy el que Soy Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno. MARIA=SASHA Msto. MAHOMA =Yazan Mesto. JESUCRISTO =Mohammed MSTO=MAESTRO=CRISTO. Mi lugar de Residencia Lattakia Siria=LAODICEA en el pasado de la tierra.(Colosences capitulo 2.) La divina familia Solar del Reino de Los CIELOS. 2 Juan capitulo 1. LOS CIELOS SE HAN ABIERTO.. www.AlfayOmega com www.AlfayOmega Pe Esto es Divino Conocimiento NO ES RELIGION ALGUNA DE HOMBRES EN PRUEBAS DE VIDA RELATIVAS. No se hara templo alguno como VOSOTROS acostubrastes hacerlo en sus pruebas. Y cuando el Hijo del hombre VENGA EN SU GLORIA, y TODOS LOS SANTOS ANGELES CON ÉL, entonces se sentará sobre el trono de su gloria. Y serán reunidas delante de él TODAS LAS GENTES: y LOS APARTARÁ los unos de los otros, como aparta el pastor las ovejas de los cabritos. Y pondrá LAS OVEJAS á su DERECHA, y los cabritos á la izquierda. Entonces el Rey dirá á los que estarán á su derecha: VENID, BENDITOS DE MI PADRE, heredad EL REINO preparado para vosotros desde LA FUNDACIÓN DEL MUNDO. Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fuí huésped, y me recogisteis; Desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; ESTUVE EN LA CÁRCEL, y VINISTEIS á MÍ. 💯⚖🖖🏼👈 وعندما يأتي ابن الإنسان بمجده ، وكل الملائكة القديسين معه ، فإنه سيجلس على عرش مجده. ويجب أن يجتمع كل الناس أمامه: ويفصلهم عن بعضهم البعض ، كما يفصل الراعي الأغنام عن الماعز. وسيضع الضأن على يمينه والماعز على اليسار. ثم سيقول الملك لمن هم على يمينه: تعالوا ، مباركًا من والدي ، ورثوا المملكة المعدة لكم من مؤسسة العالم. لأنني كنت جائعا وأعطيتني طعاما. وشعرت بالعطش، وما قدمتموه لي الشراب؛ كنت ضيفًا ، وأخذتني ؛ عريانا غطيتني. مريض وانت زرتني. كنت في السجن ، وقد أتيت إلي. 💯⚖🖖🏼👈 And when the Son of man COMES IN HIS GLORY, and ALL THE HOLY ANGELS WITH HIM, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. AND ALL THE PEOPLE SHALL BE GATHERED BEFORE HIM: AND HE WILL SEPARATE THEM ONE FROM ANOTHER, AS A SHEPHERD separates sheep from goats. AND HE WILL PLACE THE SHEEP ON HIS RIGHT AND THE GOATS ON THE LEFT. Then the King will say to those who will be on his right: COME, BLESSED BY MY FATHER, inherit THE KINGDOM prepared for you from THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Because I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink; I was a guest, and you took me in; Naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; I WAS IN JAIL, and YOU CAME TO ME. 💯⚖🖖🏼👈
Hallelujah!...HIS NAME IS SACRED...no one knows HIS NAME..we know know HIS LOVE...if we chose the narrow path...for many know the fallen ones love, which fulfills all the many whom follow...few Know our Creator God, for they don't want to crawl through the narrow thorn filled uncharted or documented or gps tracked path...which 99% have no idea even exist...
you walk by the doings of your own hand while your god stands by and watches , he is a viewer in the cinema not the director , he sees pain and does nothing because he can not , you are here not him , remember that the next time you need saveing because he will not be there to save you its up to you to act.
@@fkingride.5500 it appears from your comment you are turned away from God. Is this true? If anyone wishes to live as though separate from Him, He graciously allows them to experience the consequences of that...one of which is deepening blindness and tone deafness to things of His Spirit. One's acting and decision making under such circumstances, without wisdom from the Holy Spirit, leads to bad results sooner or later. Such hasty, ill conceived behavior takes on the quality of the bumbling acts of a fool. FOOLS blame God for not rescuing them from their choice to live and move encased and constricted by their own ego. You are quite right that God may not rush to the rescue. That does not mean He does not care. He wants us to be reconciled with Him, but He does not force that on us. Him forcing the issue and disregarding our volition would not be Love.... The pain of consequences can be a great teacher if a person is willing to learn from them. It is a sad state to choose to be permanently estranged from Him both in this life now and in the future.
Father forgive me for all the times I let somebody suffer and didn't help. Help me to see the suffering of others more than my own so that I can manifest your love in the world every day. Help me to be bold in your service because we are sure suffering down here. I ask this in your Precious Blood, Amen
I have listened to Gods word for years while i sleep. In my dreams Gods word comes alive. Even sleeping my spirit hears and i wake and feel ive been with the Lord in a special way
Yes..that's because Holy Spirit is revealing you...It has happened to me...Holy Spirit has revealed verses from Bible which I never knew about ..God is Great, Love you Jesus
Wow! Thank you..I do love the LORD with all my heart, mind, and body. I want nothing more than to be closer to our HEAVENLY FATHER, LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. Your words just gave me hope for a closer and deeper walk in the Spirit, as I live. I ask in the name of JESUS that GOD will pour into you HIS Glory and Righteousness, so you may glorify HIM. You have my love my brother in CHRIST JESUS
I got attacked by the enemy while listening to this in my sleep. The enemy is not happy with this, but we keep fighting. We give God the glory. Hallelujah. Jesus is coming soon!! God bless you brothers & sisters
Quietness..the more I get the better I feel🙏 Thank you Jesus for those quiet times alone with you🙌 I’m praying for relief of the ringing in your ears 🙏
Blessings to everyone reading this. May our Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob continue to increase your faith and may He open the eyes of those who are yet to be saved. In Jesus name. Amen!
I’m so happy you’re brother is home, I had a close call due to covid and with Gods grace I am still with my family. Love and blessings to all; I love you Jesus. Amen
JESUS SAVES!! He saved me from depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. I almost died in 2012 and in 2019 until I finally called on Him to save me and HE DID! Not only did He save me, but He healed me, too. Go to him and ask for forgiveness. Ask Him to be in your heart and He will come to you. Ask Him to pour His Holy Spirit onto you and guide you through this life and walk with Him. Jesus Christ died on cross just so that our sins can be forgiven. No sin is too great. Just believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for us and resurrected from the dead. Confess with your mouth JESUS IS LORD. Call upon Him. The great I AM is coming soon! The creator of all things is soon to come! Time is running out! With love, I ask you to have faith. We all, believers and nonbelievers, will have to face His judgment someday. HE IS REAL AND HE IS COMING SOON! God bless you! 🥰
I had depression too and attempted suicide 3 times but then I put all my faith in Jesus and now I’m really happy and God even blessed me with the best girlfriend ever and now I’m so happy I never thought this could happen and it’s only the beginning I’m only 16.
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
I'm pretty sure if u had experience darkness u will not say "God is good" base on what i experience in this crap life i can say God is bad. ain't no good in God, only punishment n sorrow
God is good even when we are disobedient he's obedient he cannot deny himself he is pure love and for anyone who thinks God is not good or for instance a teenager gets in a car drunk takes off n veers off hitting a car full of family killing them then some blame God or might say it was time God took them that is incorrect the drunk driver abused the choice of free will and caused that God will not make us do anything let alone something so evil and I believe the #1 reason God is blamed or misunderstood for man's evil choices that affect others. Brothers and sisters must know that free will is a powerful thing and our choices can affect others negatively and positively consequently we can really abuse that right doin awful things so It's m prayer that others who may blame God for the loss of a loved one or for a child that's been abused know that God is not responsible the enemy of all righteousness is in fact the cause of the beginning of all evil for he is the one who came to kill steal and destroy and many fallen angels tempt man day an night to do horrible things with their gift of free will trying to turn many from the true living God of love our lord Jesus Christ. Think if we couldn't choose to love another being it wouldn't be love at all so thank you lord for free will and help and forgive me for my sins and trespasses against my brothers and sisters
@@mathurinandre6543 God is the only reason why You are living today that car could have hit u that person behind u could have hurt u that food that u dropped could have poisoned u God has your back and spend a lot of time on u and never gave up he see beauty he sees strength he sees kindness he sees talent he sees potential in you and loves you so much 😇❤️
I don’t know how many people will see this, but I please ask anyone that sees this to pray for me, the past few days I have been attacked with doubting my faith, I don’t know why this has happened, but I’m the most scared I’ve ever been in my life, I don’t understand what is happening, I pray and wait but I don’t know how to get back, thank you.
Psalm 34:4 "I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears." The key word is all fears... You r a blessing and you bow to God with flames surrounding u so God can raise u to the mountain top to roar. When u trust Him to elevate u u begin to roar and your fears doubts and troubles remain below the mountain top.. It's done be blessed
Engage in worship and praises. Don't give up brethren, we are with you in prayers. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -Philippians 4:6 Tell Jesus your fears and doubts, surrender all of it to him and tell him to take them away. May God strengthen you Isaiah 41:10-11
Nothing can pluck u out of Gods hands.nothing can seperate u from Gods love kill ur flesh.its your flesh waring againts your spirit talk to ur flesh tell it no.u are the boss over your flesh.you are Gods child you know his voicealready
Nick Dawe you are not the only one. I have never been this concerned and just plain scared. Pray The Lord's prayer every morning and try to read at least a chapter every morning first thing. Do a 3 or 2 or 1 day water only fast. I witness to you I did the above and it works, I also witness to you, if I go and do my own thing I percieve the presence of The Holy Spirit fading. Read The Word often.
I am in the hospital having tests done. I have been here 4 days. I had life threatening problems and God spared me. This video plays in my sleep nightly and Get me through This is a God gift. ZThank you for this.
So thankful I found this!! I am currently in the hospital and was beginning to get discouraged. I will definitely be listening to this tonight as I sleep.
God, please save me, please heal my health and body and my heart God, please let the lord take my heart and fill it with faith and peace, in jesus name, amen🙏🏽💞
Heaven is a much better place than this will ever be… do you know that every person that has had an after death experience all wish They were never sent back here and wish they could go back… and they just had A little taste of what life feels like in heaven.. imagine eternity..
there is noone coming to save you you will die just like all before you , and only then realise you are your own god you made you happen and you are responsible for all you did and all you are, you became because you chose to do so and you will end by your own hand , be happy you happend atall.
His voice is so soothing. As I started to play. I feel instantly. Just wow. Thank you Lion of Judah for taking the time out of your day to put out 7 hours. Blessing to you and everyone listening.🙏🙏😊😊💞💞💞
I agree In Jesus mighty name I will overcome sin and temptation I fell I'm up I love God so much but I don't go to the word alot this changes now pray for me
@@johnkennedy68 God is within you.. Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you. Jesus also said for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.
@@johnkennedy68 Look at the ✨ the 🌍.. the sky the planets.. the 🕊️ birds.. the grass.. the 🌞 the 🌚🌝.. the 🍃🌬️.. the universe.. God is clearly seen.. in all his creation what he's created.. the 🌴🎄.. the 🌊💦.. the 🌹🌺.. human beings.. God is clearly visible through all he's created
For who ever is reading this May god continue to help you remain humble and find your gift do not loose faith as he is molding us all amen to lead with him and be with him amen ❤️
Thank you. We all love to have some peace and calm. Please Father, send Jesus to get us, as soon as you will. We ask you for all good things, in Jesus name. Please hurry Father, amen.
I declare blessings in health wealth and mentally for who ever reads this! Let’s keep fighting the good fight Jesus is still and will be Kings!!! Mercy upon all of us!
Jesus doesn’t care about wealth The greatest richness we could ever conquer is salvation through the cross of Christ at Calvary his blood pay the way material things of this earth do not matter Wealth cannot buy you happiness nor salvation!
Please, Father Protect everyone from this COVID 19 situation and any other new strains/viruses. Please, also Protect my children, kin, my mother, animals, and just everyone. I'm scared. I do not want anyone to die. BLESS YOU ALL. STAY SAFE.
these days i have been feeling anxious and have a hard time falling asleep at night, listening to this already make me feel safe and protected, God is good.
This actually helped I woke up the next day totally no interest in my addiction not on that I did it again and had a dream of the angel carried me to God and it reveal my thoughts are more important than I thought. I need to think better of my self because if God say I'm this to him then I need to believe it. That I may be ugly and uncleaned but if God say I am made righteous and pure than I need to believe it but not be arrogant about it. So no more thinking I need to repent before praying to God. Or letting condemnation from me being humble and confident in Christ that I can go to God for anything.
I’m struggling with an addiction too, for the past I hate to say it and am embarrassed but for the past almost year (a year this month) I will have been addicted to doing blue M30s (fentanyl pressed pills). Before this I was totally against anything that wasn’t marijuana and I barely smoked like that just a relaxation joint at the end of the night to go to sleep with after putting my son to sleep. I am embarrassed to say that I knew exactly what would happen if I tried it I knew it I literally knew it and I still can’t process that I actually did it the first time knowing exactly what would happen, I knew even more so because my two older sisters were struggling with addictions as well with heroin and cocaine, my oldest sister for a few years.. I am struggling so bad I want to get clean I want to so bad, I want to stop the repetitive cycle, I have the thoughts of stopping everyday and have had them for months, I don’t chase a high I literally use to function , I use to be able to do simple tasks, I use to be able to get up out of bed in the mornings and use to be able to sleep and not lay there sweating and heart racing and mind going crazy, I have reached out to my mother and sister (which both of my sisters have now been clean for a little over a year since moving states; I’m still in the state they moved from with my wife and son) I reached out to them for them to help get me on insurance so I can be able to go to a clinic to get on suboxone so I can stop using, I don’t want to switch over to using suboxone every day for years either I just want it so I can use it for maybe a week or two to help me get off this stuff, I have been watching a lot of videos on god etc, also have been praying a lot and talking to god asking him to give me the strength and to be with me through this, please if I could ask you to pray for me I really need the spiritual support right now. I’m asking for forgiveness for my foolishness and for falling for the devils game, I am so so sorry that I have led myself down this path and I have affected so many people in my life because of it. I have led myself to sleep in my car, led myself to lose the most important people in my life, I have led my self astray and I need god to direct me on the correct path, I’m so done being in pain and in chains.
Thanks to all of the hard work and the people it took to make this video possible. Much love and God Bless Each of you and yours. God is So So Good!!! I will forever praise His Holy Name. Holy Holy Holy Is The Good Lord Almighty. Who was, who is, and who is to come. Help us to be busy doing your work when You come my, Lord...and help us to keep our Lamps 🪔 Full....♥️✨ Thank You for Who You Are... And All You do...In Jesus Name Amen&Amen
⚖THE SKIES HAVE OPENED⚖ I WAS A STRANGER, AND YOU DID NOT RECIVE ME; I WAS NAKED, AND YOU DID NOT CLOTHE ME; SICK, AND IN JAIL, AND YOU DIDN'T VISIT ME. ... the birth, the place, the nation, the person, everything remained a mystery; because you asked to know the terrestrial mystery; and it was granted to you; This gave rise to the parable that says: By the fruit the tree is known; it means that it is up to you to discern the veracity of the Revelation of the Firstborn Son; because you asked to know the discernment of the Earth; and it was granted to you; many will ask for physical evidence; those who do not see such evidence, they asked for it in the Kingdom; they run out of evidence; those who asked for them will have proof of the Firstborn Son; Thus it was agreed in the divine alliances between terrestrial cherubs and the Solar Firstborn; your Creator asks you: are you prepared to demand proof? Have you studied your Creator second by second in your existences, as he was commanded you? Have you not scandalized, nor have you shown a single molecule of your flesh to the world? Have you not scandalized for less than a second? Have you not practiced vice, like accursed tobacco? the questions of morality are endless; If you have done nothing bad and sinful, you have the moral right to ask for proof; because violators of the Father's morality are never rewarded; nor will they ever be; no scandalous or vicious, enter the Kingdom of Heaven; my divine Commandments do not teach that; they command to be humble and clean of heart; This moral severity, you yourselves, asked for it; because you saw in the Kingdom of Heavens, the clean and humble of heart; and you promised to return triumphant from the test of life; your consciences will tell you, if you succeeded; each one makes his own sky: .- Alpha and Omega DIVINE POSITION OF THE PLANET EARTH, IN THE EXPANSIVE THINKING UNIVERSE; THE DIVINE SPARK, MATURE IN THE MIDST OF COLOSSAL SUNS; THE EXPANSIONS ARE OPENED, AND THE DIVINE ALLIANCES ARE FIXED BETWEEN INFINITE MOLECULES AND DIVINE QUERUBINS.- ⚠️And you will be HATED by all nations because of MY NAME⚠️ 👉EVERYONE, NATIONS AND MEN WILL DENY MY NAME. 😷 ❤My Divine New Name💯 Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alpha Omega Alian = The Wise One, He I Am Who I Am, The Most High, The Almighty, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Jesus Christ = Mohammed Msto = Teacher = Christ. MARIA = SASHA Msto. MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto. FATIMA = JENNIFER Mesto. 😎EVERYONE WHO NEVER SEEN MY FACE IN THE FLESH 🖖🏼👈 👉LAODICEA = LATTAKIA SYRIA 💯 Colosences chapter 2. 7 Seals, The Scrolls of the Lamb of God Revelation chapters 5 and 10. The Promised Comforter, The Holy Spirit of Truth, John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is Divine Knowledge of the Kingdom of HEAVENS, It is not any Religion of men in Relative life tests. And Material Temples Will Not Be Made As Was Human Customs On Earth. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .PE WWW.CIENCIACELESTE .COM Mathew 10. And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword. Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law. And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE. MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian=The wise, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Mary=Sasha Msto. Mahoma=Yazan Mesto. Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto. EVERYONE DENIED MY NAME, NATION AND MEN. FOR EVERYONE, WHO NEVER SEEN MY FACE IN THE FLESH My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2 7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth.
@@gregwilliams6110 ⚖THE SKIES HAVE OPENED⚖ I WAS A STRANGER, AND YOU DID NOT RECIVE ME; I WAS NAKED, AND YOU DID NOT CLOTHE ME; SICK, AND IN JAIL, AND YOU DIDN'T VISIT ME. ... the birth, the place, the nation, the person, everything remained a mystery; because you asked to know the terrestrial mystery; and it was granted to you; This gave rise to the parable that says: By the fruit the tree is known; it means that it is up to you to discern the veracity of the Revelation of the Firstborn Son; because you asked to know the discernment of the Earth; and it was granted to you; many will ask for physical evidence; those who do not see such evidence, they asked for it in the Kingdom; they run out of evidence; those who asked for them will have proof of the Firstborn Son; Thus it was agreed in the divine alliances between terrestrial cherubs and the Solar Firstborn; your Creator asks you: are you prepared to demand proof? Have you studied your Creator second by second in your existences, as he was commanded you? Have you not scandalized, nor have you shown a single molecule of your flesh to the world? Have you not scandalized for less than a second? Have you not practiced vice, like accursed tobacco? the questions of morality are endless; If you have done nothing bad and sinful, you have the moral right to ask for proof; because violators of the Father's morality are never rewarded; nor will they ever be; no scandalous or vicious, enter the Kingdom of Heaven; my divine Commandments do not teach that; they command to be humble and clean of heart; This moral severity, you yourselves, asked for it; because you saw in the Kingdom of Heavens, the clean and humble of heart; and you promised to return triumphant from the test of life; your consciences will tell you, if you succeeded; each one makes his own sky: .- Alpha and Omega DIVINE POSITION OF THE PLANET EARTH, IN THE EXPANSIVE THINKING UNIVERSE; THE DIVINE SPARK, MATURE IN THE MIDST OF COLOSSAL SUNS; THE EXPANSIONS ARE OPENED, AND THE DIVINE ALLIANCES ARE FIXED BETWEEN INFINITE MOLECULES AND DIVINE QUERUBINS.- ⚠️And you will be HATED by all nations because of MY NAME⚠️ 👉EVERYONE, NATIONS AND MEN WILL DENY MY NAME. 😷 ❤My Divine New Name💯 Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alpha Omega Alian = The Wise One, He I Am Who I Am, The Most High, The Almighty, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Jesus Christ = Mohammed Msto = Teacher = Christ. MARIA = SASHA Msto. MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto. FATIMA = JENNIFER Mesto. 😎EVERYONE WHO NEVER SEEN MY FACE IN THE FLESH 🖖🏼👈 👉LAODICEA = LATTAKIA SYRIA 💯 Colosences chapter 2. 7 Seals, The Scrolls of the Lamb of God Revelation chapters 5 and 10. The Promised Comforter, The Holy Spirit of Truth, John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is Divine Knowledge of the Kingdom of HEAVENS, It is not any Religion of men in Relative life tests. And Material Temples Will Not Be Made As Was Human Customs On Earth. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .PE WWW.CIENCIACELESTE .COM Mathew 10. And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword. Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law. And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE. MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian=The wise, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Mary=Sasha Msto. Mahoma=Yazan Mesto. Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto. EVERYONE DENIED MY NAME, NATION AND MEN. FOR EVERYONE, WHO NEVER SEEN MY FACE IN THE FLESH My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2 7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth.
Amen. God promised every believer that he will NEVER leave or forsake you. You are the apple of God's eye. So trust and believe that he is there and he hears your prayers. I hope you know how much you are loved. God bless you.
Mathew 10. And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword. Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law. And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE. MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian=Jehovah, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Mary=Sasha Msto. Mahoma=Yazan Mesto. Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto. EVERYONE DENIED MY NAME, NATION AND MEN. My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2 WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth. Mateo 10. Y cualquiera que me niegue delante de los hombres, también lo negare delante de mi Padre que está en los cielos. No penséis que he venido a traer paz a la tierra; no he venido a traer paz, sino espada. Porque he venido a disentir del hombre contra su padre, de la hija contra su madre, y de la nuera contra su suegra. Y los ENEMIGOS del hombre serán los de SU CASA. MI NUEVO NOMBRE = Capítulos de Apocalipsis 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jehová, el Altísimo, el Todopoderoso, yo soy el único que soy, nuestro divino y amoroso Padre Eterno. María = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fátima = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRISTO = Mohammed Msto. TODOS NEGARÁN MI NOMBRE, NACIÓN Y HOMBRES. Mi lugar de residencia: EL PRISIONERO. Latakia Siria-LAODICEA en el pasado de la tierra,=Colosenses capítulo 2 WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sellos = Los Rollos del Cordero de Dios. Apocalipsis capítulo 5. Al 10. El Espíritu Santo de la Verdad = Juan capítulos 14:26, 16:13, Esto es CONOCIMIENTO, no es una creencia religiosa, y nadie levantará templo alguno, como era costumbre humana en la tierra. ماثيو 10. وكل من ينكرني قبل الناس سينكره أيضًا أمام أبي الذي في السماء. لا تظنوا أني جئت لإحلال السلام على الأرض: لم آتِ لإحضار السلام بل السيف. لأنني جئت لأحدث خلافات بين الرجل على أبيه ، وبين الابنة على والدته ، والفتن على حماته. وسيكون أعداء الرجل هم أعداء بيته. اسمي الجديد = الإصحاحات 2:17 ، 3:12 ، 19:12 ، Alfa Omega Alian = يهوه ، العلي ، القادر على كل شيء ، أنا من أنا ، أبانا الأزلي الإلهي والمحب. ماري = ساشا مستو. Mahoma = يزن مستو. فاطمة = جينيفر ميستو. يسوع = محمد مستو. الجميع رفض اسمي وأمتي ورجال. مكان إقامتي - السجين. اللاذقية سوريا - لاوديسا في ماضي الأرض = كولوسي الفصل 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 الأختام = مخطوطات حمل الله الرؤيا الفصل 5. إلى 10. قديسي روح الحق = يوحنا الإصحاحات 14:26 ، 16:13 ، هذه معرفة ، ليست عقيدة دينية ، ولا يجوز لأحد إقامة أي معبد كما كانت العادة البشرية على الأرض. Matthieu 10. Et quiconque me reniera devant les hommes le reniera aussi devant mon Père qui est aux cieux. Ne pensez pas que je sois venu apporter la paix sur la terre: je ne suis pas venu apporter la paix, mais l'épée. Parce que je suis venu faire des dissensions de l'homme contre son père, et de la fille contre sa mère, et de la belle-fille contre sa belle-mère. Et les ENNEMIS de l'homme seront ceux de SA MAISON. MON NOUVEAU NOM = chapitres d'Apocalypse 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jéhovah, le plus élevé, le tout-puissant, je suis celui que je suis, notre père éternel divin et aimant. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TOUT LE MONDE A REFUSÉ MON NOM, MON NATION ET MES HOMMES. Mon lieu de résidence - Le prisonnier. Lattaquié Syrie-LAODICEA dans le passé de la terre, = Colossiens chapitre 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sceaux = Parchemins Agneau de Dieu Apocalypse chapitre 5. À 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth = Jean chapitres 14:26, 16:13, Ceci est la CONNAISSANCE, ce n'est pas une croyance religieuse, Et personne ne doit élever de temple, comme c'était la coutume humaine sur terre. Mathew 10. En elkeen wat My voor die mense verloën, sal hom ook verloën voor my Vader wat in die hemele is. Moenie dink dat ek gekom het om vrede op die aarde te bring nie; ek het nie gekom om vrede te bring nie, maar 'n swaard. Want ek het gekom om onenigheid te maak tussen die man teen sy vader en die dogter teen sy moeder en die skoondogter teen sy skoonmoeder. En die VYANDE van die mens sal dié van SY HUIS wees. MY NUWE NAAM = Openbaring hoofstukke 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jehovah, die Allerhoogste, die Almagtige, Ek is die Een wat Ek is, ons Goddelike en liefdevolle ewige Vader. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRISTUS = Mohammed Msto. ALMAL HET MY NAAM, VOLK EN MANNE verloën. My blyplek- Die gevangene. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in die verlede van die aarde, = Kolossense hoofstuk 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Seëls = Rolle Lam van God Openbaring hoofstuk 5. Tot 10. Die Geesheiliges van die waarheid = Johannes hoofstukke 14:26, 16:13, Dit is KENNIS, is nie 'n godsdienstige geloof nie, en niemand mag 'n tempel oprig soos die mens se gebruik op aarde was nie. מתיו 10. וכל מי שיכחיש אותי לפני אנשים יכחיש אותו גם לפני אבי שבשמיים. אל תחשוב שבאתי להביא שלום על הארץ: לא באתי להביא שלום אלא חרב. כי באתי לחלוק על האיש נגד אביו, ועל הבת נגד אמו, ועל כלתו נגד חמותו. ואויבי האדם יהיו אלה של ביתו. השם החדש שלי = התגלות פרקים 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, אלפא אומגה אליאן = יהוה, הגבוה, הכל יכול, אני זה שאני, אבינו הנצחי האלוהי והאוהב. מרי = סשה מסטו. מהומה = יזאן מסטו. פטימה = ג'ניפר מסטו. ישוע = מוחמד מסטו. כולם הכחישו את השם שלי, הלאום והגברים. מקום מגורי - האסיר. לטקיה סוריה- LAODICEA בעבר הארץ, = הקולוסים פרק 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 חותמות = מגילות כבש האלוהים התגלות פרק 5. עד 10. רוח הקדושים של האמת = יוחנן פרקים 14:26, 16:13, זה ידע, אינו אמונה דתית, ואף אחד לא יגדל שום מקדש, כפי שהיה נהוג אנושי על פני האדמה. Mathew 10. E qualquer que me negar diante dos homens, o negará também diante de meu Pai que está nos céus. Não penseis que vim trazer paz à terra: não vim trazer paz, mas espada. Porque vim fazer dissensão do homem contra seu pai, da filha contra sua mãe, e da nora contra sua sogra. E os INIMIGOS do homem serão os DE SUA CASA. MEU NOVO NOME = Apocalipse capítulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jeová, O Altíssimo, O Todo-Poderoso, Eu Sou Aquele que Sou, Nosso Divino e Amoroso Pai Eterno. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TODOS NEGARAM MEU NOME, NAÇÃO E HOMENS. My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Síria-LAODICEA no passado da terra, = Colossenses capítulo 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Selos = Rolos do Cordeiro de Deus Apocalipse capítulo 5. A 10. Os Santos da Verdade do Espírito = João capítulos 14:26, 16:13, Isso é CONHECIMENTO, não é uma crença religiosa, E ninguém deve erguer templo, como era costume humano na terra......
If you are reading this then it is specifically for you... I hope you find serene peace and heavenly sleep. Lay your worries anxieties and anything that holds you back right now. May the Angels watch and protect you tonight. You are loved You are special You are important God Bless You 😇🙏
Whoever is reading this I pray for you today. Remember God has plans for us. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. So I pray today that you stand firm in faith and all God's blessings will fall on you
Amen!! Its hard not too worry, but God says in His word fear not; and be not dismayed. Their will be tribulations but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. Ask and it shall be given too you, seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. Instead of worrying pray and take everything to God. God sees, knows and understands all that we are going through. God listens and hears. When we worry that means we don't trust God and what God is capable of doing. This message is definitely for me and definitely at the right time for others.🙏💜❤💯💯💯
I pray everyone to believe in this manner! Thank you for all your comments; He is Risen!💜 It's really nice to read inspirational words on the internet; Praise you Father, Son, & Holy Spirit! God bless all your daughters & son in Christ Jesus & all the ones who allow theirselves to be converted into your wonderful image!! I am so grateful!! Hallelujah! In Jesus name. Amen Amen
Finally someone with a soft voice. Sounds natural too. Makes a big dietetic when trying to meditate and be in quietness. This is real good. Thank you Lion of Judah for the upload. Very generous
I’m scared. I’m scared of the future. I’m scared because I don’t know how god will test me. I’m scared of the trials and tribulations I will face as I grow older. I’m afraid of the demons I unwillingly will let in my life. I’m afraid of my thoughts. I’m afraid of this life I was born in. God please give me strength to fight . Please give me courage. Please give me back the faith I lost. All though I am scared of what this life will bring me, I pray that you make yourself known to me and give me strength to overcome. I may be ignorant to your blessings now, but I don’t want to be. I know you are here, I just don’t know if I’m worthy for your love. I pray that I am. I pray that you love me for not what I do, but for who I am. Please god. Please god. Please god.
My wife is estranged by and affair and i started playing these prayers as I sleep in another room to hopefully purge the home and my wife of any evil spirits. This can happen to anyone, I have a great career , took care of myself have a great personality and still infidelity hit our home, God have mercy as I pray and give it to you lord I’m Jesus name
there is noone coming to save you you will die just like all before you , and only then realise you are your own god you made you happen and you are responsible for all you did and all you are, you became because you chose to do so and you will end by your own hand , be happy you happend atall.
listen, you loved her yes and she betrayed you , you can now move on and be the best you can be , the greatest people in history came from pain , i know it hurts but dont hold onto that regret dont hold onto the feeling you did something wrong , you didnt, its time to stand up and make the changes you want to see happen in your life , its your life not hers, you will do great from now on , reach out like you have on here, you will find yourself , focus and know, god will not make everything right only you can , he watches , its you that makes things happen .
so the one beleivers deserve no blessing ? there is noone coming to save you you will die just like all before you , and only then realise you are your own god you made you happen and you are responsible for all you did and all you are, you became because you chose to do so and you will end by your own hand , be happy you happend atall.
I went through this years ago. Holy Father in Jesus Christ’s Mighty name I pray according to scripture, the two became one flesh! What God has made Holy (sanctity of marriage) let no man break! Amen! I don’t know how it happened but I remember, I had to forgive and I remember asking God to help me forgive because I was willing and then I kept declaring the two became one flesh! What God made Holy let no man break, it took some time but our marriage was restored. It isn’t perfect, but only God is perfect! God Bless you and keep you in all of your ways in Jesus Christ’s Holy name! Amen!
I pray for your marriage, and your faith to become stronger and filled with love, peace, healing, and abundance in all areas of your life. I love you Jesus! God bless us all. Amen
I'm praying for you and your marriage. Based on my experience God will separate us for a time so we can grow together closer while being apart. He's pruning you both and getting rid of the branches that no longer serve him Work on you and soon new growth will sprout. New perspective will emerge, new eyes will touch your heart like never before. Hang in the storm, have faith. For faith without works is dead. I hope this encourages you. God bless.
ua-cam.com/video/gcK_-k_R-p8/v-deo.html This is a link to Lion of Judah’s prayer channel where this particular video is related to marriage. I pray that your heart be healed and that you find a way to praise our Father. Knock … Seek … you will be blessed with your increasing faith in the promises of the LORD.
If you repented from your sins.. you excepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. you been born again with the SPIRIT. Dedicated your life to serving the Lord… He is with you and will sustain you. He will take it away or give you the strength and comfort to deal with it. He has you in his hands and his hands are the best. If your not born again it’s okay you can be right now. you can fully surrender to the lord and ask the Holy Spirit to come into you he will. He can make you a new person with a new heart and mind. I’m praying for you right brother. In Jesus mighty name. 😇❤️🙏🏽
Praise god all the time my dear .repeat halleluyah 120 times three times a day believing in yr heart that you shall be healed God says he knows yr prblm before u mention it to him.therefore keep praising by repeating the above You could have died but god is yr redeemer,he has a purpose for you .yr enemy's will fail bcos god is yr fortress in him u need to trust.God bless u n heal you .Amen
I am believing with you and for you; Lord you said that where 2 or more come in agreement , you would hear us. I exalt Lisa up to your glory, I pray that you will bless her and give her the abundant breakthrough that only thou can give, in The name of Jesus.
I must always listen to this when I go to sleep. It has deepened my faith, filled me with a sense of the Living Word......I am as trusting in Jesus as when I was very young, but now I can look back and see how He has Loved me all these years.....
All who read this let us be joined in strengthening the faith and sharing the blessing we are about to receive with one another and all those in need in Jesus name🙏
I pray for my dad who has the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. I ask for Gods will to be done and help me handle whatever His will may be. Have mercy. In Jesus name
I know it seems so simple...but just to know that you people have taken the time to pray for a man (my dad) that you don’t even know fills my heart with love. God bless each and every one of you
I pray God that this will not take control of his mind. Please give him some oatmeal porridge every day with some virgin coconut oil in it, about 2tbsp, be consistent and he will be fine. Also pour a little extra virgin olive oil on all his meals. Just be consistent it must be a part of his daily meals. And I know it will be reversed, by the grace of God. God has put everything on this earth for to heal us.. I also do all these with my 90 yrs old mother and she's as sharp as a razor in Jesus Christ name I'm so grateful. God's blessings for you and your dad.🙏
I come in agreement and stand in faith with my brothers and sisters in Christ and decree and declare that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and we can do nothing without you. You are the vine and we are the branches.. We abide in you and you abide in us thank you for loving us unconditionally ❤️
It’s true that is gets rooted in you while you sleep. I fell asleep listening to a podcast not too long ago. When I woke up the next day this one thing popped into my mind and I was thinking about it. I knew I had fell asleep and I was listening to the podcast, so I relisten to it and it talked about that one thing that came into my mind. My subconscious absorbed it but I was sleeping.
@@johnkennedy68 John God is within you and all around you. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you.. look at the ✨ in the heavens.. the 🌎.. the planets.. the 🌬️🍃.. the 🌹🌺.. the grass.. the 🎄🌴.. the 🐔🕊️ birds.. the universe.. our life in our bodies.. us human beings.. the 🌞 the 🌚🌝 moon.. God is clearly seen in all his creation.. the 🌊💦..
It’s true! I was asleep once and my mom was attending a video call in the same room on Born-again Christianity and it actually appeared in my dream…and by appeared, I heard some character in my dream quote John 14:6 - _"…I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life”_ while preaching to another person about the Gospel. Although, he was preoccupied working for the other person; that still did not deter him from telling it!! I only found the video chatting out once I woke up from the dream! Praise the Lord! 👏🏻
It saddens me to think that there are people out there that will mock this presentation and will not even bother to hear the voice of our Father as He tries to gather us like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. What a privilege it is to know My Father and My Saviour. I thank Them for Their words of comfort and for Their strength and Their help in these difficult times. Without my Father and My Saviour I would not make it. I NEED THEM!
Yes we must listen to God and may I walk humbly before the lord jesus christ for by the grace of God go I, he is our very life and breath and salvation praise the lord father God and his son jesus christ and the holy spirit, all glory to God. May you all be blessed in the lord jesus christ.
Mathew 10. And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword. Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law. And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE. MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian=Jehovah, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Mary=Sasha Msto. Mahoma=Yazan Mesto. Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto. EVERYONE DENIED MY NAME, NATION AND MEN. My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2 WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth. Mateo 10. Y cualquiera que me niegue delante de los hombres, también lo negare delante de mi Padre que está en los cielos. No penséis que he venido a traer paz a la tierra; no he venido a traer paz, sino espada. Porque he venido a disentir del hombre contra su padre, de la hija contra su madre, y de la nuera contra su suegra. Y los ENEMIGOS del hombre serán los de SU CASA. MI NUEVO NOMBRE = Capítulos de Apocalipsis 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jehová, el Altísimo, el Todopoderoso, yo soy el único que soy, nuestro divino y amoroso Padre Eterno. María = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fátima = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRISTO = Mohammed Msto. TODOS NEGARÁN MI NOMBRE, NACIÓN Y HOMBRES. Mi lugar de residencia: EL PRISIONERO. Latakia Siria-LAODICEA en el pasado de la tierra,=Colosenses capítulo 2 WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sellos = Los Rollos del Cordero de Dios. Apocalipsis capítulo 5. Al 10. El Espíritu Santo de la Verdad = Juan capítulos 14:26, 16:13, Esto es CONOCIMIENTO, no es una creencia religiosa, y nadie levantará templo alguno, como era costumbre humana en la tierra. ماثيو 10. وكل من ينكرني قبل الناس سينكره أيضًا أمام أبي الذي في السماء. لا تظنوا أني جئت لإحلال السلام على الأرض: لم آتِ لإحضار السلام بل السيف. لأنني جئت لأحدث خلافات بين الرجل على أبيه ، وبين الابنة على والدته ، والفتن على حماته. وسيكون أعداء الرجل هم أعداء بيته. اسمي الجديد = الإصحاحات 2:17 ، 3:12 ، 19:12 ، Alfa Omega Alian = يهوه ، العلي ، القادر على كل شيء ، أنا من أنا ، أبانا الأزلي الإلهي والمحب. ماري = ساشا مستو. Mahoma = يزن مستو. فاطمة = جينيفر ميستو. يسوع = محمد مستو. الجميع رفض اسمي وأمتي ورجال. مكان إقامتي - السجين. اللاذقية سوريا - لاوديسا في ماضي الأرض = كولوسي الفصل 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 الأختام = مخطوطات حمل الله الرؤيا الفصل 5. إلى 10. قديسي روح الحق = يوحنا الإصحاحات 14:26 ، 16:13 ، هذه معرفة ، ليست عقيدة دينية ، ولا يجوز لأحد إقامة أي معبد كما كانت العادة البشرية على الأرض. Matthieu 10. Et quiconque me reniera devant les hommes le reniera aussi devant mon Père qui est aux cieux. Ne pensez pas que je sois venu apporter la paix sur la terre: je ne suis pas venu apporter la paix, mais l'épée. Parce que je suis venu faire des dissensions de l'homme contre son père, et de la fille contre sa mère, et de la belle-fille contre sa belle-mère. Et les ENNEMIS de l'homme seront ceux de SA MAISON. MON NOUVEAU NOM = chapitres d'Apocalypse 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jéhovah, le plus élevé, le tout-puissant, je suis celui que je suis, notre père éternel divin et aimant. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TOUT LE MONDE A REFUSÉ MON NOM, MON NATION ET MES HOMMES. Mon lieu de résidence - Le prisonnier. Lattaquié Syrie-LAODICEA dans le passé de la terre, = Colossiens chapitre 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sceaux = Parchemins Agneau de Dieu Apocalypse chapitre 5. À 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth = Jean chapitres 14:26, 16:13, Ceci est la CONNAISSANCE, ce n'est pas une croyance religieuse, Et personne ne doit élever de temple, comme c'était la coutume humaine sur terre. Mathew 10. En elkeen wat My voor die mense verloën, sal hom ook verloën voor my Vader wat in die hemele is. Moenie dink dat ek gekom het om vrede op die aarde te bring nie; ek het nie gekom om vrede te bring nie, maar 'n swaard. Want ek het gekom om onenigheid te maak tussen die man teen sy vader en die dogter teen sy moeder en die skoondogter teen sy skoonmoeder. En die VYANDE van die mens sal dié van SY HUIS wees. MY NUWE NAAM = Openbaring hoofstukke 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jehovah, die Allerhoogste, die Almagtige, Ek is die Een wat Ek is, ons Goddelike en liefdevolle ewige Vader. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRISTUS = Mohammed Msto. ALMAL HET MY NAAM, VOLK EN MANNE verloën. My blyplek- Die gevangene. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in die verlede van die aarde, = Kolossense hoofstuk 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Seëls = Rolle Lam van God Openbaring hoofstuk 5. Tot 10. Die Geesheiliges van die waarheid = Johannes hoofstukke 14:26, 16:13, Dit is KENNIS, is nie 'n godsdienstige geloof nie, en niemand mag 'n tempel oprig soos die mens se gebruik op aarde was nie. מתיו 10. וכל מי שיכחיש אותי לפני אנשים יכחיש אותו גם לפני אבי שבשמיים. אל תחשוב שבאתי להביא שלום על הארץ: לא באתי להביא שלום אלא חרב. כי באתי לחלוק על האיש נגד אביו, ועל הבת נגד אמו, ועל כלתו נגד חמותו. ואויבי האדם יהיו אלה של ביתו. השם החדש שלי = התגלות פרקים 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, אלפא אומגה אליאן = יהוה, הגבוה, הכל יכול, אני זה שאני, אבינו הנצחי האלוהי והאוהב. מרי = סשה מסטו. מהומה = יזאן מסטו. פטימה = ג'ניפר מסטו. ישוע = מוחמד מסטו. כולם הכחישו את השם שלי, הלאום והגברים. מקום מגורי - האסיר. לטקיה סוריה- LAODICEA בעבר הארץ, = הקולוסים פרק 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 חותמות = מגילות כבש האלוהים התגלות פרק 5. עד 10. רוח הקדושים של האמת = יוחנן פרקים 14:26, 16:13, זה ידע, אינו אמונה דתית, ואף אחד לא יגדל שום מקדש, כפי שהיה נהוג אנושי על פני האדמה. Mathew 10. E qualquer que me negar diante dos homens, o negará também diante de meu Pai que está nos céus. Não penseis que vim trazer paz à terra: não vim trazer paz, mas espada. Porque vim fazer dissensão do homem contra seu pai, da filha contra sua mãe, e da nora contra sua sogra. E os INIMIGOS do homem serão os DE SUA CASA. MEU NOVO NOME = Apocalipse capítulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jeová, O Altíssimo, O Todo-Poderoso, Eu Sou Aquele que Sou, Nosso Divino e Amoroso Pai Eterno. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TODOS NEGARAM MEU NOME, NAÇÃO E HOMENS. My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Síria-LAODICEA no passado da terra, = Colossenses capítulo 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Selos = Rolos do Cordeiro de Deus Apocalipse capítulo 5. A 10. Os Santos da Verdade do Espírito = João capítulos 14:26, 16:13, Isso é CONHECIMENTO, não é uma crença religiosa, E ninguém deve erguer templo, como era costume humano na terra....
Thank Jesus that your words are true. Today I am asking you Lord to heal my mother Dalisay who is in the hospital right ow.🙏 I ask Lord that you do miraculous healing on her lungs and heart in Jesus Name. Amen
Please pray for me... For I've felt this huge light of god within me, and it's all went away... He wanted me to do something and I didn't listen... Please help me. I want that light back in my life. God bless. You are all beautiful people.
I know the scriptures say dont grieve the holy spirit when the light of God has shown and revealed himself to us it is nothing to take lightly disobedience is a sin that disconnects us from the annointing and the favor of God ,but the scriptures also says Berean Literal Bible "My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you might not sin. And if anyone should sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous One Literal Bible And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world". Jesus intercedes for us, Repent and align yourself with Gods word and prayer and fasting , but remember Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake .you, its just you must now comeback into alignment with God , its like a train slipping off the track which impedes its ability to move forward, but once the wheels come back into alignment with the tracts it can then move foward we are like those train wheels sometimes getting off track by sin but the Lord our God is so merciful ,he said he will forgive an wrap his arms around you as you press into prayer to him and repent with Godly sorrow ,He will ease you spirit with his peace that passeth all understanding ,stay in the fight Love you always Jesus ,even unto the ends of the world 🌝
@oso gili...listen whether you feel Him or not He is there...just continue on your journey...now this is faith not to give up...so next obey...not just you me and the rest of us as well
I will pray for you, but you must also pray for yourself. You have to repent as much as you possibly can and try to stay focused on Jesus Christ. If you want that light back, you have to admit all of your sins with full honesty, apologize and mean it, and change your way and live by his word. I'm honestly not perfect at all, but I know when I'm wrong and don't have too much pride to admit it and ask for forgiveness.. You have to do the same
Repent and ask for forgiveness for disobeying Him. He hears us. He just wants to see how sincere we are and how hard we are willing to work to get back into His favor. He will supply all of your needs. He loves you ALWAYS!
I pray for your baby healing. By the stripes he is healed! I pray for strength and restoration for yourself. May Jesus be with you and provide you everything you need to know that you are important, you have a purpose and you are loved. God Bless You!🙏
While playing this video, I fell asleep. I woke up extremely peaceful with 4 hours and 36 minutes worth of sleep. This will be my go to video during the nighttime. God bless the individual(s) who created this video.
yea... i really like this video for calming down and even while i am sleeping... kinda weird how some folks had negative comments?... they must hate having to go to 💤 😴... 🤭 🤪 🙃 ... silly ppl... 🙂
My sister is in the hospital with Covid . I pray for healing for her . Jesus Christ died for us. She loves you Jesus. Please keep holding her tightly. I pray for her husband my brother in Jesus Christ. May you comfort him Holy Spirit.
Thank you father for another day of life thank you for the rain thank you for sending Angels to guard us through the night you are a faithful father a God who doesn't change I come to you to help me have a miraculous Friday grant me desires of my heart and grant me peace forgive all my sins and I also forgive all those who wronged me I pray all this in Jesus Mighty powerful name Amen
The spirit of the Lord is upon me thank you Jesus I will always call on you I come to you I ask for ur Mercy I ask for Blesdings please open all doors closed for my entry I will always seek ur ways Lord let me live under ur shadow Amen
For more bible readings subscribe to Lion Of Judah Prayers: ua-cam.com/channels/m0suAQS-edihyD8o64ctuw.html
Look for ! Where is God?
Lord is Everywhere
@@gailperkins2161 ä
Whoever reading this, I pray that God visit your home with healing, blessings and miracles. Amen.💕
I receive it in the name of Jesus Amen🙏
Amen me thank you 🙏
Amen, and to you too
Thank you. I receive it in Jesus's name. Amen
2021 is a year of breakthrough for believers I pray this for everyone in jesus name amen
Thank you Father, for letting us find some peace.
In Jesus name we offer you our prayers.
@Música Cristiana
LA LEY=La Escribire en sus Corazones y Jamas me volvere a acordar de sus pecados, ( pero todos estais bajo pecado)
1 Juan capitulo 1.
Que Dios es luz, y en él no hay ningunas TINIEBLAS.(Efesios 6:12,=Tinieblas)
Si nosotros dijéremos que tenemos comunión con él, y andamos en tinieblas, MENTIMOS, y no hacemos LA VERDAD;=(Los Mandamientos=La Ley.)
Mas si andamos en luz, como él está en luz, tenemos comunión entre nosotros, y la sangre de Jesucristo su Hijo nos limpia de todo pecado.
Si dijéremos que NO TENEMOS PECADO, nos engañamos á nosotros mismos, y NO HAY VERDAD EN NOSOTROS.
Si confesamos nuestros pecados, él es fiel y justo para que nos perdone nuestros pecados, y nos limpie de toda maldad.
Si dijéremos que no hemos pecado, lo hacemos á él mentiroso, y su palabra no está en nosotros.
القانون = سأكتبه في قلوبهم ولن أتذكر خطاياهم مرة أخرى (لكنكم جميعًا تحت الخطيئة) 1 يوحنا الفصل 1. أن الله نور وليس فيه ظلام (أفسس 6:12 = ظلمة) إذا قلنا أن لدينا شركة معه ، وسيرنا في الظلام ، فإننا نكذب ، ولا نفعل الحقيقة ؛ = (الوصايا = القانون.) ولكن إذا سلكنا في النور كما هو في النور ، فلدينا شركة مع بعضنا البعض ، ودم يسوع المسيح ابنه يطهرنا من كل خطيئة. إذا قلنا أنه ليس لدينا ذنب ، فإننا نخدع أنفسنا ، ولا توجد حقيقة فينا. إذا اعترفنا بخطايانا فهو أمين وعادل حتى يغفر لنا خطايانا ويطهرنا من كل إثم. إذا قلنا إننا لم نخطئ نجعله كاذبًا وكلمته ليست فينا.
THE LAW = I will write it in their hearts and I will never remember their sins again, (but all of you are under sin) 1 John chapter 1. That God is light, and in him there is no DARKNESS (Ephesians 6:12, = Darkness) If we say that we have communion with him, and we walk in darkness, we LIE, and do not do THE TRUTH; = (The Commandments = The Law.) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that WE HAVE NO SIN, we are deceiving ourselves, and THERE IS NO TRUTH IN US. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Lucas 21:8,
Y, El tiempo ESTÁ CERCA, por lo tanto NO VAYAS EN POS DE ELLOS.
1 Corintios capitulo 15:19, 24,
Mateo 28:20, Y, Estare con VOSOTROS.....
Y díjome: Hecho es. YO SOY EL ALFA Y OMEGA, el principio y el fin. Al que TUVIERE SED, yo le daré de LA FUENTE DEL AGUA DE VIDA GRATUITAMENTE.(Saviduria, Conocimiento, El Espiritu SANTO, La Espada, El Escudo)
BIENAVENTURADOS LOS QUE GUARDAN SUS MANDAMIENTOS(1 Corintios15:56,), para que su POTENCIA sea en EL ÁRBOL DE LA VIDA, y que entren por las puertas en la ciudad.
Apocalipse capitulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
ALFA OMEGA ALIAN =Jehová el Altisimo el TODOPODEROSO el Soy el que Soy Nuestro Divino y Amoroso Padre Eterno.
MAHOMA =Yazan Mesto.
Mi lugar de Residencia Lattakia Siria=LAODICEA en el pasado de la tierra.(Colosences capitulo 2.)
La divina familia Solar del Reino de Los CIELOS. 2 Juan capitulo 1.
www.AlfayOmega com
www.AlfayOmega Pe
No se hara templo alguno como VOSOTROS acostubrastes hacerlo en sus pruebas.
Y cuando el Hijo del hombre VENGA EN SU GLORIA, y TODOS LOS SANTOS ANGELES CON ÉL, entonces se sentará sobre el trono de su gloria.
Y serán reunidas delante de él TODAS LAS GENTES: y LOS APARTARÁ los unos de los otros, como aparta el pastor las ovejas de los cabritos.
Y pondrá LAS OVEJAS á su DERECHA, y los cabritos á la izquierda.
Entonces el Rey dirá á los que estarán á su derecha: VENID, BENDITOS DE MI PADRE, heredad EL REINO preparado para vosotros desde LA FUNDACIÓN DEL MUNDO.
Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fuí huésped, y me recogisteis;
Desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; ESTUVE EN LA CÁRCEL, y VINISTEIS á MÍ. 💯⚖🖖🏼👈
وعندما يأتي ابن الإنسان بمجده ، وكل الملائكة القديسين معه ، فإنه سيجلس على عرش مجده. ويجب أن يجتمع كل الناس أمامه: ويفصلهم عن بعضهم البعض ، كما يفصل الراعي الأغنام عن الماعز. وسيضع الضأن على يمينه والماعز على اليسار. ثم سيقول الملك لمن هم على يمينه: تعالوا ، مباركًا من والدي ، ورثوا المملكة المعدة لكم من مؤسسة العالم. لأنني كنت جائعا وأعطيتني طعاما. وشعرت بالعطش، وما قدمتموه لي الشراب؛ كنت ضيفًا ، وأخذتني ؛ عريانا غطيتني. مريض وانت زرتني. كنت في السجن ، وقد أتيت إلي. 💯⚖🖖🏼👈
And when the Son of man COMES IN HIS GLORY, and ALL THE HOLY ANGELS WITH HIM, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. AND ALL THE PEOPLE SHALL BE GATHERED BEFORE HIM: AND HE WILL SEPARATE THEM ONE FROM ANOTHER, AS A SHEPHERD separates sheep from goats. AND HE WILL PLACE THE SHEEP ON HIS RIGHT AND THE GOATS ON THE LEFT. Then the King will say to those who will be on his right: COME, BLESSED BY MY FATHER, inherit THE KINGDOM prepared for you from THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Because I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink; I was a guest, and you took me in; Naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; I WAS IN JAIL, and YOU CAME TO ME. 💯⚖🖖🏼👈
God bless every soul who see's this comment. For they are here to become closer to you ❤
God Bless you too🙏🏾♥️
Amen thank you 😊
God Bless
Amen yeah :) and God bless you as well 100 fold per 1 you reached doing you as I do me
Amen 🙏 you as well God Bless 🙏💕in the name of Jesus
I renounce and reject ANY witchcraft, unrepentant, pain, hurt in my body, and any marker of death on my mind, body, or soul. In His Mighty Name Amen.
Hallelujah!...HIS NAME IS SACRED...no one knows HIS NAME..we know know HIS LOVE...if we chose the narrow path...for many know the fallen ones love, which fulfills all the many whom follow...few Know our Creator God, for they don't want to crawl through the narrow thorn filled uncharted or documented or gps tracked path...which 99% have no idea even exist...
@@ninobrown341 Amen 🙏💚
Whoever reading this, God knows what you are facing through, He heard your cry, He is going to deliver you. Just trust in him. Ameen ❤
God bless you real good
you walk by the doings of your own hand while your god stands by and watches , he is a viewer in the cinema not the director , he sees pain and does nothing because he can not , you are here not him , remember that the next time you need saveing because he will not be there to save you its up to you to act.
@@fkingride.5500 personally God has always been there for me. He has helped me. Seek a personal relationship and see what happens
@@fkingride.5500 it appears from your comment you are turned away from God. Is this true? If anyone wishes to live as though separate from Him, He graciously allows them to experience the consequences of that...one of which is deepening blindness and tone deafness to things of His Spirit. One's acting and decision making under such circumstances, without wisdom from the Holy Spirit, leads to bad results sooner or later. Such hasty, ill conceived behavior takes on the quality of the bumbling acts of a fool.
FOOLS blame God for not rescuing them from their choice to live and move encased and constricted by their own ego. You are quite right that God may not rush to the rescue. That does not mean He does not care. He wants us to be reconciled with Him, but He does not force that on us. Him forcing the issue and disregarding our volition would not be Love....
The pain of consequences can be a great teacher if a person is willing to learn from them. It is a sad state to choose to be permanently estranged from Him both in this life now and in the future.
God I’m asking you to forgive all of us for our sins in Jesus name I pray Amen🙏❤️
Did you just ask God to forgive 7.5 BILLION people, all at once, on a youtube comments section?
Whoever needs to hear this: you are loved.
Thanks! From Hungary
Thank you
You ARE Too beautiful sister in the Lord
Sincere thanks to you for your loving spirit 🙂🙏 I surely know that you are as well ! ♥️💟💜 🙏 😃
Thank you
Lord how much I want to be obedient to you.. please give me strength to walk with you always
I pray this prayer with you in Jesus name 🙏
I received in Jesus name 🙏
Thanks for the prayer may god bless you 🙏
Amen !
I pray with you 🙏
All will be well
Ask and it will be given to you. Amen
How is your daughter now? 🙏🏾
Look for ! Where is God?
lord please help this little gal so she can grow up and call upon you in love amen
Father forgive me for all the times I let somebody suffer and didn't help. Help me to see the suffering of others more than my own so that I can manifest your love in the world every day. Help me to be bold in your service because we are sure suffering down here. I ask this in your Precious Blood, Amen
yes its time to help others
I have listened to Gods word for years while i sleep. In my dreams Gods word comes alive. Even sleeping my spirit hears and i wake and feel ive been with the Lord in a special way
Really wow that is awesome
Ah just what I needed to know. What a good way to get the word in ur spirit. God bless
Yes..that's because Holy Spirit is revealing you...It has happened to me...Holy Spirit has revealed verses from Bible which I never knew about ..God is Great, Love you Jesus
Wow! Thank you..I do love the LORD with all my heart, mind, and body. I want nothing more than to be closer to our HEAVENLY FATHER, LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. Your words just gave me hope for a closer and deeper walk in the Spirit, as I live. I ask in the name of JESUS that GOD will pour into you HIS Glory and Righteousness, so you may glorify HIM.
You have my love my brother in CHRIST JESUS
You are so right I have experienced it first hand
I got attacked by the enemy while listening to this in my sleep. The enemy is not happy with this, but we keep fighting. We give God the glory. Hallelujah. Jesus is coming soon!! God bless you brothers & sisters
Ive seen comments similar and have had the same happen to me. Worst and most real nightmare ever
god be with you Fasilia
God has you trust in Him
Thank God 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I listen to these every night since 2020 the enemy broke up my marriage and family my life has been I. Shambles
The Lord is always in control
Y did you stop upload?
Always Amen
Isn’t it wonderful to be laying in bed thinking about what is being said. Gods word and it’s comfort. Quietness is a blessing.
Thank you Lord for this wonderful work
Yes indeed
Linda Powell - I have screaming tinnitus... so I would love to not hear that...
Quietness..the more I get the better I feel🙏 Thank you Jesus for those quiet times alone with you🙌
I’m praying for relief of the ringing in your ears 🙏
Uckg to the Sunday service
Blessings to everyone reading this. May our Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob continue to increase your faith and may He open the eyes of those who are yet to be saved. In Jesus name. Amen!
Read and Obey Acts 2:38
AMEN 🌴🀄🌴
One of my brothers was in treatment for five days for covid, he came home today healed. Thank you Heavenly Father!
Amen Our God is good
Super ! Thank God !
Have faith in Jesus He is with you and will heal you and your family ❤️✝️
I’m so happy you’re brother is home, I had a close call due to covid and with Gods grace I am still with my family. Love and blessings to all; I love you Jesus. Amen
At night I had it playing as I slept and my mum said I was saying "Amen" in my sleep 😇
That's awesome!
That's sooo cute😂🧡💯
amen amen amen amen amen amen amen ! 😇😇😇😇😇i'm a little christian headslap completely brainwashed by the cross culture !
@@ixisinvestigator6009 if you weren't brainwashed, you would be able to tell me one real thing about Christianity, and I bet you can't.
.let's keep seeking his glory. We shall be rewarded.
A men
I needed that encouraging statement 💜
Amen! God bless! ✝️❤️
Lol to funny
For all those who desire the Lord with all their hearts, keep seeking Him. YOU SHALL FIND HIM. We need You oh Lord🙏🏽
Amen🙏❤️ and thank u
Kingdom Potential, 'Blessings' to you as well. ❤💕💕💕
Hey my christian brethren, I'm a musician, can you check my music?
Ez. Amen
JESUS SAVES!! He saved me from depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and behaviors. I almost died in 2012 and in 2019 until I finally called on Him to save me and HE DID! Not only did He save me, but He healed me, too. Go to him and ask for forgiveness. Ask Him to be in your heart and He will come to you. Ask Him to pour His Holy Spirit onto you and guide you through this life and walk with Him. Jesus Christ died on cross just so that our sins can be forgiven. No sin is too great. Just believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for us and resurrected from the dead. Confess with your mouth JESUS IS LORD. Call upon Him. The great I AM is coming soon! The creator of all things is soon to come! Time is running out! With love, I ask you to have faith. We all, believers and nonbelievers, will have to face His judgment someday. HE IS REAL AND HE IS COMING SOON! God bless you! 🥰
I had depression too and attempted suicide 3 times but then I put all my faith in Jesus and now I’m really happy and God even blessed me with the best girlfriend ever and now I’m so happy I never thought this could happen and it’s only the beginning I’m only 16.
God bless you today who's reading this comment have a good day love you all praying for you're situations and needs today amen to that
Bless you dear brother
For anyone who is checking this is good stuff right here
@MrInvisible777 The Goodness of God provides Peace.
@MrInvisible777 same here😁🙏🏽
@@craigaparton5545 absolutely, Amen. To God be the glory 🙏🏽🙏🏽
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31-32
@@tiffanydrake1652 ]
God is good.. all the time!! All the time... God is good!!!
Amen ooo
I'm pretty sure if u had experience darkness u will not say "God is good" base on what i experience in this crap life i can say God is bad. ain't no good in God, only punishment n sorrow
God is good even when we are disobedient he's obedient he cannot deny himself he is pure love and for anyone who thinks God is not good or for instance a teenager gets in a car drunk takes off n veers off hitting a car full of family killing them then some blame God or might say it was time God took them that is incorrect the drunk driver abused the choice of free will and caused that God will not make us do anything let alone something so evil and I believe the #1 reason God is blamed or misunderstood for man's evil choices that affect others. Brothers and sisters must know that free will is a powerful thing and our choices can affect others negatively and positively consequently we can really abuse that right doin awful things so It's m prayer that others who may blame God for the loss of a loved one or for a child that's been abused know that God is not responsible the enemy of all righteousness is in fact the cause of the beginning of all evil for he is the one who came to kill steal and destroy and many fallen angels tempt man day an night to do horrible things with their gift of free will trying to turn many from the true living God of love our lord Jesus Christ. Think if we couldn't choose to love another being it wouldn't be love at all so thank you lord for free will and help and forgive me for my sins and trespasses against my brothers and sisters
@@mathurinandre6543 God is the only reason why You are living today that car could have hit u that person behind u could have hurt u that food that u dropped could have poisoned u God has your back and spend a lot of time on u and never gave up he see beauty he sees strength he sees kindness he sees talent he sees potential in you and loves you so much 😇❤️
Whoever reading this, I pray that God visit your home with healing, blessings and miracles. Amen.💕 Hallelujah
Waste of a comment for people tryna see if this worked
@@teannalaurent8188 Amen.💕
Dear Jesus bless everybody who reads this, May they feel your love presence right now in moments & beyond
I don’t know how many people will see this, but I please ask anyone that sees this to pray for me, the past few days I have been attacked with doubting my faith, I don’t know why this has happened, but I’m the most scared I’ve ever been in my life, I don’t understand what is happening, I pray and wait but I don’t know how to get back, thank you.
Psalm 34:4 "I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears." The key word is all fears... You r a blessing and you bow to God with flames surrounding u so God can raise u to the mountain top to roar. When u trust Him to elevate u u begin to roar and your fears doubts and troubles remain below the mountain top.. It's done be blessed
Engage in worship and praises.
Don't give up brethren, we are with you in prayers.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -Philippians 4:6
Tell Jesus your fears and doubts, surrender all of it to him and tell him to take them away.
May God strengthen you
Isaiah 41:10-11
Nothing can pluck u out of Gods hands.nothing can seperate u from Gods love kill ur flesh.its your flesh waring againts your spirit talk to ur flesh tell it no.u are the boss over your flesh.you are Gods child you know his voicealready
Nick Dawe you are not the only one. I have never been this concerned and just plain scared. Pray The Lord's prayer every morning and try to read at least a chapter every morning first thing. Do a 3 or 2 or 1 day water only fast. I witness to you I did the above and it works, I also witness to you, if I go and do my own thing I percieve the presence of The Holy Spirit fading. Read The Word often.
2 Timothy 1;7
Lord cover each listener with the blood of Jesus. Answer their prayers and strengthen them as they seek your face.
Thank you for these uploads. They are very timely and uplifting.
Look for ! Where is God?
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
I am in the hospital having tests done. I have been here 4 days. I had life threatening problems and God spared me. This video plays in my sleep nightly and Get me through
This is a God gift. ZThank you for this.
So thankful I found this!! I am currently in the hospital and was beginning to get discouraged. I will definitely be listening to this tonight as I sleep.
@@missTteacher4th I'm praying for you both!
May you be well in Jesus name
@@missTteacher4th May you be well in Jesus name. God bless you
Nothing is impossible to God 🥰🥰
God, please save me, please heal my health and body and my heart God, please let the lord take my heart and fill it with faith and peace, in jesus name, amen🙏🏽💞
That is so beautiful may the lord be with use
Heaven is a much better place than this will ever be… do you know that every person that has had an after death experience all wish They were never sent back here and wish they could go back… and they just had A little taste of what life feels like in heaven.. imagine eternity..
Dont Quit, God is going to Restore your peace ,your sleep ,your joy ,your health, your family ,Your finance Amen
there is noone coming to save you you will die just like all before you , and only then realise you are your own god you made you happen and you are responsible for all you did and all you are, you became because you chose to do so and you will end by your own hand , be happy you happend atall.
Amen. Praise God
@@SavedbytheloveofChrist Michael Hawker Olivia Welch
His voice is so soothing. As I started to play. I feel instantly. Just wow. Thank you Lion of Judah for taking the time out of your day to put out 7 hours. Blessing to you and everyone listening.🙏🙏😊😊💞💞💞
Not just for sleep but these are great verses to hear.
So true
And to read for yourself
God bless each and everyone of you in Jesus mighty name.
God bless you too with the desires of your heart, in the powerful name of Jesus!
Blessed are all they who listened to the word of God and obeyed
I agree In Jesus mighty name I will overcome sin and temptation I fell I'm up I love God so much but I don't go to the word alot this changes now pray for me
Amen 🙏🏽 blessings and shalom!
I pray everyone seeing this god bless you. amen
Waste of a comment. Idk u man nobody cares. I'm just tryna see how peoples experience was
Father. Thank you , for the WORD, Jesus Christ. Amen
Look for ! Where is God?
@@johnkennedy68 God is within you.. Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you. Jesus also said for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.
@@johnkennedy68 Look at the ✨ the 🌍.. the sky the planets.. the 🕊️ birds.. the grass.. the 🌞 the 🌚🌝.. the 🍃🌬️.. the universe.. God is clearly seen.. in all his creation what he's created.. the 🌴🎄.. the 🌊💦.. the 🌹🌺.. human beings.. God is clearly visible through all he's created
@@johnkennedy68 WE WALK BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT.
@@akimsmith840 Have you look at it Search for me on youtube! Pray for the world and our nation!
For who ever is reading this May god continue to help you remain humble and find your gift do not loose faith as he is molding us all amen to lead with him and be with him amen ❤️
The peace of Christ be with you always
Thank you. Same to you!
Can you check my music?
Thank you.
We all love to have some peace and calm.
Please Father, send Jesus to get us, as soon as you will.
We ask you for all good things, in Jesus name.
Please hurry Father, amen.
Amen! Same to you, brother, God Bless! ✝️💗😊
I declare blessings in health wealth and mentally for who ever reads this! Let’s keep fighting the good fight Jesus is still and will be Kings!!! Mercy upon all of us!
Jesus doesn’t care about wealth
The greatest richness we could ever conquer is salvation through the cross of Christ at Calvary his blood pay the way material things of this earth do not matter Wealth cannot buy you happiness nor salvation!
Google put on Ryan put on Ryan Ryakjoj
Please, Father Protect everyone from this COVID 19 situation and any other new strains/viruses.
Please, also Protect my children, kin, my mother, animals, and just everyone. I'm scared. I do not want anyone to die. BLESS YOU ALL. STAY SAFE.
In Jesus' name, Amen! 🙏🏻
Im scared to God Bless all the children babys teens and adult teens Belivers in christ
God bless you!
Covid 19 is the demons virus healing per Jesus for us all
these days i have been feeling anxious and have a hard time falling asleep at night, listening to this already make me feel safe and protected, God is good.
Praying for you ❤️🙏🏽
.where is my writings
Amen 🙏🏽 blessings and shalom !
This actually helped I woke up the next day totally no interest in my addiction not on that I did it again and had a dream of the angel carried me to God and it reveal my thoughts are more important than I thought. I need to think better of my self because if God say I'm this to him then I need to believe it. That I may be ugly and uncleaned but if God say I am made righteous and pure than I need to believe it but not be arrogant about it.
So no more thinking I need to repent before praying to God. Or letting condemnation from me being humble and confident in Christ that I can go to God for anything.
Hello dear!!, I can see that you are a very huge lover of the Bible. How are you doing?
Amen Amen
I’m struggling with an addiction too, for the past I hate to say it and am embarrassed but for the past almost year (a year this month) I will have been addicted to doing blue M30s (fentanyl pressed pills). Before this I was totally against anything that wasn’t marijuana and I barely smoked like that just a relaxation joint at the end of the night to go to sleep with after putting my son to sleep. I am embarrassed to say that I knew exactly what would happen if I tried it I knew it I literally knew it and I still can’t process that I actually did it the first time knowing exactly what would happen, I knew even more so because my two older sisters were struggling with addictions as well with heroin and cocaine, my oldest sister for a few years.. I am struggling so bad I want to get clean I want to so bad, I want to stop the repetitive cycle, I have the thoughts of stopping everyday and have had them for months, I don’t chase a high I literally use to function , I use to be able to do simple tasks, I use to be able to get up out of bed in the mornings and use to be able to sleep and not lay there sweating and heart racing and mind going crazy, I have reached out to my mother and sister (which both of my sisters have now been clean for a little over a year since moving states; I’m still in the state they moved from with my wife and son) I reached out to them for them to help get me on insurance so I can be able to go to a clinic to get on suboxone so I can stop using, I don’t want to switch over to using suboxone every day for years either I just want it so I can use it for maybe a week or two to help me get off this stuff, I have been watching a lot of videos on god etc, also have been praying a lot and talking to god asking him to give me the strength and to be with me through this, please if I could ask you to pray for me I really need the spiritual support right now. I’m asking for forgiveness for my foolishness and for falling for the devils game, I am so so sorry that I have led myself down this path and I have affected so many people in my life because of it. I have led myself to sleep in my car, led myself to lose the most important people in my life, I have led my self astray and I need god to direct me on the correct path, I’m so done being in pain and in chains.
Thanks to all of the hard work and the people it took to make this video possible. Much love and God Bless Each of you and yours.
God is So So Good!!! I will forever praise His Holy Name.
Holy Holy Holy Is The Good Lord Almighty. Who was, who is, and who is to come.
Help us to be busy doing your work when You come my, Lord...and help us to keep our Lamps 🪔 Full....♥️✨ Thank You for Who You Are... And All You do...In Jesus Name Amen&Amen
Amen @Crystal!!💞💞💞😊😊🙏🙏
Hello dear!!, I can see that you are a very huge lover of the Bible. How are you doing?
... the birth, the place, the nation, the person, everything remained a mystery; because you asked to know the terrestrial mystery; and it was granted to you; This gave rise to the parable that says: By the fruit the tree is known; it means that it is up to you to discern the veracity of the Revelation of the Firstborn Son; because you asked to know the discernment of the Earth; and it was granted to you; many will ask for physical evidence; those who do not see such evidence, they asked for it in the Kingdom; they run out of evidence; those who asked for them will have proof of the Firstborn Son; Thus it was agreed in the divine alliances between terrestrial cherubs and the Solar Firstborn; your Creator asks you: are you prepared to demand proof? Have you studied your Creator second by second in your existences, as he was commanded you? Have you not scandalized, nor have you shown a single molecule of your flesh to the world? Have you not scandalized for less than a second? Have you not practiced vice, like accursed tobacco? the questions of morality are endless; If you have done nothing bad and sinful, you have the moral right to ask for proof; because violators of the Father's morality are never rewarded; nor will they ever be; no scandalous or vicious, enter the Kingdom of Heaven; my divine Commandments do not teach that; they command to be humble and clean of heart; This moral severity, you yourselves, asked for it; because you saw in the Kingdom of Heavens, the clean and humble of heart; and you promised to return triumphant from the test of life; your consciences will tell you, if you succeeded; each one makes his own sky: .- Alpha and Omega DIVINE POSITION OF THE PLANET EARTH, IN THE EXPANSIVE THINKING UNIVERSE; THE DIVINE SPARK, MATURE IN THE MIDST OF COLOSSAL SUNS; THE EXPANSIONS ARE OPENED, AND THE DIVINE ALLIANCES ARE FIXED BETWEEN INFINITE MOLECULES AND DIVINE QUERUBINS.-
⚠️And you will be HATED by all nations because of MY NAME⚠️ 👉EVERYONE, NATIONS AND MEN WILL DENY MY NAME. 😷 ❤My Divine New Name💯 Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alpha Omega Alian = The Wise One, He I Am Who I Am, The Most High, The Almighty, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Jesus Christ = Mohammed Msto = Teacher = Christ. MARIA = SASHA Msto. MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto. FATIMA = JENNIFER Mesto. 😎EVERYONE WHO NEVER SEEN MY FACE IN THE FLESH 🖖🏼👈 👉LAODICEA = LATTAKIA SYRIA 💯 Colosences chapter 2. 7 Seals, The Scrolls of the Lamb of God Revelation chapters 5 and 10. The Promised Comforter, The Holy Spirit of Truth, John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is Divine Knowledge of the Kingdom of HEAVENS, It is not any Religion of men in Relative life tests. And Material Temples Will Not Be Made As Was Human Customs On Earth. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .PE WWW.CIENCIACELESTE .COM
Mathew 10.
And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven.
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword.
Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law.
And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE.
MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
Alfa Omega Alian=The wise, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father.
Mary=Sasha Msto.
Mahoma=Yazan Mesto.
Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto.
JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto.
My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2
7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10.
The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13,
This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth.
... the birth, the place, the nation, the person, everything remained a mystery; because you asked to know the terrestrial mystery; and it was granted to you; This gave rise to the parable that says: By the fruit the tree is known; it means that it is up to you to discern the veracity of the Revelation of the Firstborn Son; because you asked to know the discernment of the Earth; and it was granted to you; many will ask for physical evidence; those who do not see such evidence, they asked for it in the Kingdom; they run out of evidence; those who asked for them will have proof of the Firstborn Son; Thus it was agreed in the divine alliances between terrestrial cherubs and the Solar Firstborn; your Creator asks you: are you prepared to demand proof? Have you studied your Creator second by second in your existences, as he was commanded you? Have you not scandalized, nor have you shown a single molecule of your flesh to the world? Have you not scandalized for less than a second? Have you not practiced vice, like accursed tobacco? the questions of morality are endless; If you have done nothing bad and sinful, you have the moral right to ask for proof; because violators of the Father's morality are never rewarded; nor will they ever be; no scandalous or vicious, enter the Kingdom of Heaven; my divine Commandments do not teach that; they command to be humble and clean of heart; This moral severity, you yourselves, asked for it; because you saw in the Kingdom of Heavens, the clean and humble of heart; and you promised to return triumphant from the test of life; your consciences will tell you, if you succeeded; each one makes his own sky: .- Alpha and Omega DIVINE POSITION OF THE PLANET EARTH, IN THE EXPANSIVE THINKING UNIVERSE; THE DIVINE SPARK, MATURE IN THE MIDST OF COLOSSAL SUNS; THE EXPANSIONS ARE OPENED, AND THE DIVINE ALLIANCES ARE FIXED BETWEEN INFINITE MOLECULES AND DIVINE QUERUBINS.-
⚠️And you will be HATED by all nations because of MY NAME⚠️ 👉EVERYONE, NATIONS AND MEN WILL DENY MY NAME. 😷 ❤My Divine New Name💯 Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alpha Omega Alian = The Wise One, He I Am Who I Am, The Most High, The Almighty, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father. Jesus Christ = Mohammed Msto = Teacher = Christ. MARIA = SASHA Msto. MUHAMMY = Yazan Mesto. FATIMA = JENNIFER Mesto. 😎EVERYONE WHO NEVER SEEN MY FACE IN THE FLESH 🖖🏼👈 👉LAODICEA = LATTAKIA SYRIA 💯 Colosences chapter 2. 7 Seals, The Scrolls of the Lamb of God Revelation chapters 5 and 10. The Promised Comforter, The Holy Spirit of Truth, John chapters 14:26, 16:13, This is Divine Knowledge of the Kingdom of HEAVENS, It is not any Religion of men in Relative life tests. And Material Temples Will Not Be Made As Was Human Customs On Earth. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA .PE WWW.CIENCIACELESTE .COM
Mathew 10.
And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven.
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword.
Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law.
And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE.
MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
Alfa Omega Alian=The wise, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father.
Mary=Sasha Msto.
Mahoma=Yazan Mesto.
Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto.
JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto.
My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2
7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10.
The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13,
This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth.
Amen. God promised every believer that he will NEVER leave or forsake you. You are the apple of God's eye. So trust and believe that he is there and he hears your prayers. I hope you know how much you are loved. God bless you.
Mathew 10.
And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven.
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword.
Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law.
And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE.
MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
Alfa Omega Alian=Jehovah, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father.
Mary=Sasha Msto.
Mahoma=Yazan Mesto.
Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto.
JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto.
My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2
7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10.
The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13,
This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth.
Mateo 10.
Y cualquiera que me niegue delante de los hombres, también lo negare delante de mi Padre que está en los cielos.
No penséis que he venido a traer paz a la tierra; no he venido a traer paz, sino espada.
Porque he venido a disentir del hombre contra su padre, de la hija contra su madre, y de la nuera contra su suegra.
Y los ENEMIGOS del hombre serán los de SU CASA.
MI NUEVO NOMBRE = Capítulos de Apocalipsis 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
Alfa Omega Alian = Jehová, el Altísimo, el Todopoderoso, yo soy el único que soy, nuestro divino y amoroso Padre Eterno. María = Sasha Msto.
Mahoma = Yazan Mesto.
Fátima = Jennifer Mesto.
JESUSCRISTO = Mohammed Msto.
Mi lugar de residencia: EL PRISIONERO. Latakia Siria-LAODICEA en el pasado de la tierra,=Colosenses capítulo 2 WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sellos = Los Rollos del Cordero de Dios.
Apocalipsis capítulo 5. Al 10.
El Espíritu Santo de la Verdad = Juan capítulos 14:26, 16:13,
Esto es CONOCIMIENTO, no es una creencia religiosa,
y nadie levantará templo alguno, como era costumbre humana en la tierra.
ماثيو 10. وكل من ينكرني قبل الناس سينكره أيضًا أمام أبي الذي في السماء. لا تظنوا أني جئت لإحلال السلام على الأرض: لم آتِ لإحضار السلام بل السيف. لأنني جئت لأحدث خلافات بين الرجل على أبيه ، وبين الابنة على والدته ، والفتن على حماته. وسيكون أعداء الرجل هم أعداء بيته. اسمي الجديد = الإصحاحات 2:17 ، 3:12 ، 19:12 ، Alfa Omega Alian = يهوه ، العلي ، القادر على كل شيء ، أنا من أنا ، أبانا الأزلي الإلهي والمحب. ماري = ساشا مستو. Mahoma = يزن مستو. فاطمة = جينيفر ميستو. يسوع = محمد مستو. الجميع رفض اسمي وأمتي ورجال. مكان إقامتي - السجين. اللاذقية سوريا - لاوديسا في ماضي الأرض = كولوسي الفصل 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 الأختام = مخطوطات حمل الله الرؤيا الفصل 5. إلى 10. قديسي روح الحق = يوحنا الإصحاحات 14:26 ، 16:13 ، هذه معرفة ، ليست عقيدة دينية ، ولا يجوز لأحد إقامة أي معبد كما كانت العادة البشرية على الأرض.
Matthieu 10. Et quiconque me reniera devant les hommes le reniera aussi devant mon Père qui est aux cieux. Ne pensez pas que je sois venu apporter la paix sur la terre: je ne suis pas venu apporter la paix, mais l'épée. Parce que je suis venu faire des dissensions de l'homme contre son père, et de la fille contre sa mère, et de la belle-fille contre sa belle-mère. Et les ENNEMIS de l'homme seront ceux de SA MAISON. MON NOUVEAU NOM = chapitres d'Apocalypse 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jéhovah, le plus élevé, le tout-puissant, je suis celui que je suis, notre père éternel divin et aimant. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TOUT LE MONDE A REFUSÉ MON NOM, MON NATION ET MES HOMMES. Mon lieu de résidence - Le prisonnier. Lattaquié Syrie-LAODICEA dans le passé de la terre, = Colossiens chapitre 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sceaux = Parchemins Agneau de Dieu Apocalypse chapitre 5. À 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth = Jean chapitres 14:26, 16:13, Ceci est la CONNAISSANCE, ce n'est pas une croyance religieuse, Et personne ne doit élever de temple, comme c'était la coutume humaine sur terre.
Mathew 10. En elkeen wat My voor die mense verloën, sal hom ook verloën voor my Vader wat in die hemele is. Moenie dink dat ek gekom het om vrede op die aarde te bring nie; ek het nie gekom om vrede te bring nie, maar 'n swaard. Want ek het gekom om onenigheid te maak tussen die man teen sy vader en die dogter teen sy moeder en die skoondogter teen sy skoonmoeder. En die VYANDE van die mens sal dié van SY HUIS wees. MY NUWE NAAM = Openbaring hoofstukke 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jehovah, die Allerhoogste, die Almagtige, Ek is die Een wat Ek is, ons Goddelike en liefdevolle ewige Vader. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRISTUS = Mohammed Msto. ALMAL HET MY NAAM, VOLK EN MANNE verloën. My blyplek- Die gevangene. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in die verlede van die aarde, = Kolossense hoofstuk 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Seëls = Rolle Lam van God Openbaring hoofstuk 5. Tot 10. Die Geesheiliges van die waarheid = Johannes hoofstukke 14:26, 16:13, Dit is KENNIS, is nie 'n godsdienstige geloof nie, en niemand mag 'n tempel oprig soos die mens se gebruik op aarde was nie.
מתיו 10. וכל מי שיכחיש אותי לפני אנשים יכחיש אותו גם לפני אבי שבשמיים. אל תחשוב שבאתי להביא שלום על הארץ: לא באתי להביא שלום אלא חרב. כי באתי לחלוק על האיש נגד אביו, ועל הבת נגד אמו, ועל כלתו נגד חמותו. ואויבי האדם יהיו אלה של ביתו. השם החדש שלי = התגלות פרקים 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, אלפא אומגה אליאן = יהוה, הגבוה, הכל יכול, אני זה שאני, אבינו הנצחי האלוהי והאוהב. מרי = סשה מסטו. מהומה = יזאן מסטו. פטימה = ג'ניפר מסטו. ישוע = מוחמד מסטו. כולם הכחישו את השם שלי, הלאום והגברים. מקום מגורי - האסיר. לטקיה סוריה- LAODICEA בעבר הארץ, = הקולוסים פרק 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 חותמות = מגילות כבש האלוהים התגלות פרק 5. עד 10. רוח הקדושים של האמת = יוחנן פרקים 14:26, 16:13, זה ידע, אינו אמונה דתית, ואף אחד לא יגדל שום מקדש, כפי שהיה נהוג אנושי על פני האדמה.
Mathew 10. E qualquer que me negar diante dos homens, o negará também diante de meu Pai que está nos céus. Não penseis que vim trazer paz à terra: não vim trazer paz, mas espada. Porque vim fazer dissensão do homem contra seu pai, da filha contra sua mãe, e da nora contra sua sogra. E os INIMIGOS do homem serão os DE SUA CASA. MEU NOVO NOME = Apocalipse capítulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jeová, O Altíssimo, O Todo-Poderoso, Eu Sou Aquele que Sou, Nosso Divino e Amoroso Pai Eterno. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TODOS NEGARAM MEU NOME, NAÇÃO E HOMENS. My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Síria-LAODICEA no passado da terra, = Colossenses capítulo 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Selos = Rolos do Cordeiro de Deus Apocalipse capítulo 5. A 10. Os Santos da Verdade do Espírito = João capítulos 14:26, 16:13, Isso é CONHECIMENTO, não é uma crença religiosa, E ninguém deve erguer templo, como era costume humano na terra......
If you are reading this then it is specifically for you...
I hope you find serene peace and heavenly sleep. Lay your worries anxieties and anything that holds you back right now.
May the Angels watch and protect you tonight.
You are loved
You are special
You are important
God Bless You 😇🙏
Tonight I'm praying for forgiveness.. Lord please open the close Doors..
Absolutely, repent and live by his word
Amen ❤️
Whoever is reading this I pray for you today. Remember God has plans for us. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. So I pray today that you stand firm in faith and all God's blessings will fall on you
Amen ❤️
In jesus mighty name, Amen.
I pray the same to you Amen 🙏🏽blessings and shalom!
You know all things Jesus, I need you my Lord.
Amen!! Its hard not too worry, but God says in His word fear not; and be not dismayed. Their will be tribulations but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. Ask and it shall be given too you, seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. Instead of worrying pray and take everything to God. God sees, knows and understands all that we are going through. God listens and hears. When we worry that means we don't trust God and what God is capable of doing. This message is definitely for me and definitely at the right time for others.🙏💜❤💯💯💯
I pray everyone to believe in this manner! Thank you for all your comments; He is Risen!💜 It's really nice to read inspirational words on the internet; Praise you Father, Son, & Holy Spirit! God bless all your daughters & son in Christ Jesus & all the ones who allow theirselves to be converted into your wonderful image!! I am so grateful!! Hallelujah! In Jesus name. Amen Amen
Hello dear!!, I can see that you are a very huge lover of the Bible. How are you doing?
God's word is the ultimate enlightenment.
Finally someone with a soft voice. Sounds natural too. Makes a big dietetic when trying to meditate and be in quietness. This is real good. Thank you Lion of Judah for the upload. Very generous
Hello dear!!, I can see that you are a very huge lover of the bible. How are you doing?
I’m scared. I’m scared of the future. I’m scared because I don’t know how god will test me. I’m scared of the trials and tribulations I will face as I grow older. I’m afraid of the demons I unwillingly will let in my life. I’m afraid of my thoughts. I’m afraid of this life I was born in. God please give me strength to fight . Please give me courage. Please give me back the faith I lost. All though I am scared of what this life will bring me, I pray that you make yourself known to me and give me strength to overcome. I may be ignorant to your blessings now, but I don’t want to be. I know you are here, I just don’t know if I’m worthy for your love. I pray that I am. I pray that you love me for not what I do, but for who I am. Please god. Please god. Please god.
Thank you Lion of Judah ministries for your anointed videos. The Word of God is the most powerful !
My wife is estranged by and affair and i started playing these prayers as I sleep in another room to hopefully purge the home and my wife of any evil spirits. This can happen to anyone,
I have a great career , took care of myself have a great personality and still infidelity hit our home, God have mercy as I pray and give it to you lord I’m Jesus name
I went through this 11 years ago.It ended in a divorce but God carried me everyday all thoses years.You will be okay my Brother.
there is noone coming to save you you will die just like all before you , and only then realise you are your own god you made you happen and you are responsible for all you did and all you are, you became because you chose to do so and you will end by your own hand , be happy you happend atall.
May God heal your marriage.
listen, you loved her yes and she betrayed you , you can now move on and be the best you can be , the greatest people in history came from pain , i know it hurts but dont hold onto that regret dont hold onto the feeling you did something wrong , you didnt, its time to stand up and make the changes you want to see happen in your life , its your life not hers, you will do great from now on , reach out like you have on here, you will find yourself , focus and know, god will not make everything right only you can , he watches , its you that makes things happen .
@@Press1for id rather have faith in myself, that way things actually get done.
Blessings to every believer that’s here God bless us all in Jesus Christ name amen..
so the one beleivers deserve no blessing ? there is noone coming to save you you will die just like all before you , and only then realise you are your own god you made you happen and you are responsible for all you did and all you are, you became because you chose to do so and you will end by your own hand , be happy you happend atall.
I'm in a dark time due to my marriage break up. I'm using this to grow closer to God and pray that God can restore my marriage.
I went through this years ago. Holy Father in Jesus Christ’s Mighty name I pray according to scripture, the two became one flesh! What God has made Holy (sanctity of marriage) let no man break! Amen!
I don’t know how it happened but I remember, I had to forgive and I remember asking God to help me forgive because I was willing and then I kept declaring the two became one flesh! What God made Holy let no man break, it took some time but our marriage was restored. It isn’t perfect, but only God is perfect! God Bless you and keep you in all of your ways in Jesus Christ’s Holy name! Amen!
I pray for your marriage, and your faith to become stronger and filled with love, peace, healing, and abundance in all areas of your life. I love you Jesus! God bless us all. Amen
I'm praying for you and your marriage. Based on my experience God will separate us for a time so we can grow together closer while being apart. He's pruning you both and getting rid of the branches that no longer serve him
Work on you and soon new growth will sprout. New perspective will emerge, new eyes will touch your heart like never before. Hang in the storm, have faith. For faith without works is dead. I hope this encourages you. God bless.
ua-cam.com/video/gcK_-k_R-p8/v-deo.html This is a link to Lion of Judah’s prayer channel where this particular video is related to marriage. I pray that your heart be healed and that you find a way to praise our Father. Knock … Seek … you will be blessed with your increasing faith in the promises of the LORD.
I will pray for you.
"I will never leave you, nor forsake u"
Read that again, please🙏
He that did it before, will do it again‼
💝 *pRaiSe G-d.!!!!!!* 😇
Needing a miraculous recovery from a stroke 3 years ago. I'm persuaded that GOD is both willing and able to restore me.
Amen. By His stripes you are healed. Receive it
“Everything is possible for one who believes” - Mark 9:23
If you repented from your sins.. you excepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. you been born again with the SPIRIT. Dedicated your life to serving the Lord… He is with you and will sustain you. He will take it away or give you the strength and comfort to deal with it. He has you in his hands and his hands are the best. If your not born again it’s okay you can be right now. you can fully surrender to the lord and ask the Holy Spirit to come into you he will. He can make you a new person with a new heart and mind. I’m praying for you right brother. In Jesus mighty name. 😇❤️🙏🏽
Praise god all the time my dear .repeat halleluyah 120 times three times a day believing in yr heart that you shall be healed
God says he knows yr prblm before u mention it to him.therefore keep praising by repeating the above
You could have died but god is yr redeemer,he has a purpose for you .yr enemy's will fail bcos god is yr fortress in him u need to trust.God bless u n heal you .Amen
@@guessgues8368 thank you so much for your words of encouragement
Breakthrough coming my way in Jesus name Amen.
Look for ! Where is God?
@@johnkennedy68 Jesus Christ loves you repent of your sins and surrender you life
I am believing with you and for you; Lord you said that where 2 or more come in agreement , you would hear us. I exalt Lisa up to your glory, I pray that you will bless her and give her the abundant breakthrough that only thou can give, in The name of Jesus.
@@throughthestorm3852 Amen.
I must always listen to this when I go to sleep. It has deepened my faith, filled me with a sense of the Living Word......I am as trusting in Jesus as when I was very young, but now I can look back and see how He has Loved me all these years.....
Amen 🙏🏽 blessings and shalom!
God you are my father and my mother I need you lord
Lord please grant us all a spirit of Repentance.
All who read this let us be joined in strengthening the faith and sharing the blessing we are about to receive with one another and all those in need in Jesus name🙏
This is just in time for meditation and quiet time
as we sit before HIM.
Thank you
I'm Blessed. Jesus make me holy for you are holy
I pray for my dad who has the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. I ask for Gods will to be done and help me handle whatever His will may be. Have mercy. In Jesus name
It shall be done in the name of Christ Jesus amen and amen
In jesus name amen.
Amen❤.. No worries...
I know it seems so simple...but just to know that you people have taken the time to pray for a man (my dad) that you don’t even know fills my heart with love. God bless each and every one of you
I pray God that this will not take control of his mind. Please give him some oatmeal porridge every day with some virgin coconut oil in it, about 2tbsp, be consistent and he will be fine. Also pour a little extra virgin olive oil on all his meals. Just be consistent it must be a part of his daily meals. And I know it will be reversed, by the grace of God. God has put everything on this earth for to heal us.. I also do all these with my 90 yrs old mother and she's as sharp as a razor in Jesus Christ name I'm so grateful. God's blessings for you and your dad.🙏
His voice is so calming.makes me want to sleep even when I'm not tired
I thought it's was kind of creepy at first I agree very calming...i kept thinking he's going to say :Winter is coming😄
Yes, I am at work when I find this recording and l don't want to stop but I think I should before I lie down in the car outside the office.
I come in agreement and stand in faith with my brothers and sisters in Christ and decree and declare that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and we can do nothing without you. You are the vine and we are the branches.. We abide in you and you abide in us thank you for loving us unconditionally ❤️
It’s true that is gets rooted in you while you sleep. I fell asleep listening to a podcast not too long ago. When I woke up the next day this one thing popped into my mind and I was thinking about it. I knew I had fell asleep and I was listening to the podcast, so I relisten to it and it talked about that one thing that came into my mind. My subconscious absorbed it but I was sleeping.
Look for ! Where is God?
@@johnkennedy68 John God is within you and all around you. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you.. look at the ✨ in the heavens.. the 🌎.. the planets.. the 🌬️🍃.. the 🌹🌺.. the grass.. the 🎄🌴.. the 🐔🕊️ birds.. the universe.. our life in our bodies.. us human beings.. the 🌞 the 🌚🌝 moon.. God is clearly seen in all his creation.. the 🌊💦..
It’s true! I was asleep once and my mom was attending a video call in the same room on Born-again Christianity and it actually appeared in my dream…and by appeared, I heard some character in my dream quote John 14:6 - _"…I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life”_ while preaching to another person about the Gospel. Although, he was preoccupied working for the other person; that still did not deter him from telling it!! I only found the video chatting out once I woke up from the dream! Praise the Lord! 👏🏻
GOD ALMIGHTY NEVER FAILS. He is the way the truth and the live
It saddens me to think that there are people out there that will mock this presentation and will not even bother to hear the voice of our Father as He tries to gather us like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. What a privilege it is to know My Father and My Saviour. I thank Them for Their words of comfort and for Their strength and Their help in these difficult times. Without my Father and My Saviour I would not make it. I NEED THEM!
Amen, brother.
I want so much 🥺 in my life
Thank You And God's Blessings For You And Your Family Always.
All that I am is because of Him. The Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God./
Yes we must listen to God and may I walk humbly before the lord jesus christ for by the grace of God go I, he is our very life and breath and salvation praise the lord father God and his son jesus christ and the holy spirit, all glory to God. May you all be blessed in the lord jesus christ.
To those seeking help from the most high may our dear heavenly father bless your family, your life and your calling 🙏
Lord I hope you forgive me of my sins
I want to change who I am
Help me have the strength to walk more like Jesus
What a wonderful words in the stillness of the night you can listen to god's words it brings joy and comfort to my soul thank you jesus praise God 🙏🙌
Diane. Davis. God. Is. Good. Words 🙏 good. I. Love 💗. U. Lord. Thank. U. Lord. Jesus. Name😇🙏❤️
Thank You, I really needed this.
Mathew 10.
And anyone who will deny me before men will deny him also before my Father who is in heaven.
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth: I have not come to bring peace, but sword.
Because I have come to make dissension of the man against his father, and of the daughter against his mother, and of the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law.
And man's ENEMIES will be those of HIS HOUSE.
MY NEW NAME=Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
Alfa Omega Alian=Jehovah, The Highest, The Almighty, I Am The One I Am, Our Divine and Loving Eternal Father.
Mary=Sasha Msto.
Mahoma=Yazan Mesto.
Fatimah=Jennifer Mesto.
JESUSCRIST=Mohammed Msto.
My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in the past of the earth= Colossians chapter 2
7 Seals =Scrolls Lamb of God Revelation chapter 5. To 10.
The Spirit Saints of Truth =John chapters 14:26, 16:13,
This is KNOWLEDGE, isn't a Religious belief, And no one shall raise any temple, as was human custom on earth.
Mateo 10.
Y cualquiera que me niegue delante de los hombres, también lo negare delante de mi Padre que está en los cielos.
No penséis que he venido a traer paz a la tierra; no he venido a traer paz, sino espada.
Porque he venido a disentir del hombre contra su padre, de la hija contra su madre, y de la nuera contra su suegra.
Y los ENEMIGOS del hombre serán los de SU CASA.
MI NUEVO NOMBRE = Capítulos de Apocalipsis 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
Alfa Omega Alian = Jehová, el Altísimo, el Todopoderoso, yo soy el único que soy, nuestro divino y amoroso Padre Eterno. María = Sasha Msto.
Mahoma = Yazan Mesto.
Fátima = Jennifer Mesto.
JESUSCRISTO = Mohammed Msto.
Mi lugar de residencia: EL PRISIONERO. Latakia Siria-LAODICEA en el pasado de la tierra,=Colosenses capítulo 2 WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sellos = Los Rollos del Cordero de Dios.
Apocalipsis capítulo 5. Al 10.
El Espíritu Santo de la Verdad = Juan capítulos 14:26, 16:13,
Esto es CONOCIMIENTO, no es una creencia religiosa,
y nadie levantará templo alguno, como era costumbre humana en la tierra.
ماثيو 10. وكل من ينكرني قبل الناس سينكره أيضًا أمام أبي الذي في السماء. لا تظنوا أني جئت لإحلال السلام على الأرض: لم آتِ لإحضار السلام بل السيف. لأنني جئت لأحدث خلافات بين الرجل على أبيه ، وبين الابنة على والدته ، والفتن على حماته. وسيكون أعداء الرجل هم أعداء بيته. اسمي الجديد = الإصحاحات 2:17 ، 3:12 ، 19:12 ، Alfa Omega Alian = يهوه ، العلي ، القادر على كل شيء ، أنا من أنا ، أبانا الأزلي الإلهي والمحب. ماري = ساشا مستو. Mahoma = يزن مستو. فاطمة = جينيفر ميستو. يسوع = محمد مستو. الجميع رفض اسمي وأمتي ورجال. مكان إقامتي - السجين. اللاذقية سوريا - لاوديسا في ماضي الأرض = كولوسي الفصل 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 الأختام = مخطوطات حمل الله الرؤيا الفصل 5. إلى 10. قديسي روح الحق = يوحنا الإصحاحات 14:26 ، 16:13 ، هذه معرفة ، ليست عقيدة دينية ، ولا يجوز لأحد إقامة أي معبد كما كانت العادة البشرية على الأرض.
Matthieu 10. Et quiconque me reniera devant les hommes le reniera aussi devant mon Père qui est aux cieux. Ne pensez pas que je sois venu apporter la paix sur la terre: je ne suis pas venu apporter la paix, mais l'épée. Parce que je suis venu faire des dissensions de l'homme contre son père, et de la fille contre sa mère, et de la belle-fille contre sa belle-mère. Et les ENNEMIS de l'homme seront ceux de SA MAISON. MON NOUVEAU NOM = chapitres d'Apocalypse 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jéhovah, le plus élevé, le tout-puissant, je suis celui que je suis, notre père éternel divin et aimant. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TOUT LE MONDE A REFUSÉ MON NOM, MON NATION ET MES HOMMES. Mon lieu de résidence - Le prisonnier. Lattaquié Syrie-LAODICEA dans le passé de la terre, = Colossiens chapitre 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Sceaux = Parchemins Agneau de Dieu Apocalypse chapitre 5. À 10. The Spirit Saints of Truth = Jean chapitres 14:26, 16:13, Ceci est la CONNAISSANCE, ce n'est pas une croyance religieuse, Et personne ne doit élever de temple, comme c'était la coutume humaine sur terre.
Mathew 10. En elkeen wat My voor die mense verloën, sal hom ook verloën voor my Vader wat in die hemele is. Moenie dink dat ek gekom het om vrede op die aarde te bring nie; ek het nie gekom om vrede te bring nie, maar 'n swaard. Want ek het gekom om onenigheid te maak tussen die man teen sy vader en die dogter teen sy moeder en die skoondogter teen sy skoonmoeder. En die VYANDE van die mens sal dié van SY HUIS wees. MY NUWE NAAM = Openbaring hoofstukke 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jehovah, die Allerhoogste, die Almagtige, Ek is die Een wat Ek is, ons Goddelike en liefdevolle ewige Vader. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRISTUS = Mohammed Msto. ALMAL HET MY NAAM, VOLK EN MANNE verloën. My blyplek- Die gevangene. Latakia Syria-LAODICEA in die verlede van die aarde, = Kolossense hoofstuk 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Seëls = Rolle Lam van God Openbaring hoofstuk 5. Tot 10. Die Geesheiliges van die waarheid = Johannes hoofstukke 14:26, 16:13, Dit is KENNIS, is nie 'n godsdienstige geloof nie, en niemand mag 'n tempel oprig soos die mens se gebruik op aarde was nie.
מתיו 10. וכל מי שיכחיש אותי לפני אנשים יכחיש אותו גם לפני אבי שבשמיים. אל תחשוב שבאתי להביא שלום על הארץ: לא באתי להביא שלום אלא חרב. כי באתי לחלוק על האיש נגד אביו, ועל הבת נגד אמו, ועל כלתו נגד חמותו. ואויבי האדם יהיו אלה של ביתו. השם החדש שלי = התגלות פרקים 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, אלפא אומגה אליאן = יהוה, הגבוה, הכל יכול, אני זה שאני, אבינו הנצחי האלוהי והאוהב. מרי = סשה מסטו. מהומה = יזאן מסטו. פטימה = ג'ניפר מסטו. ישוע = מוחמד מסטו. כולם הכחישו את השם שלי, הלאום והגברים. מקום מגורי - האסיר. לטקיה סוריה- LAODICEA בעבר הארץ, = הקולוסים פרק 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 חותמות = מגילות כבש האלוהים התגלות פרק 5. עד 10. רוח הקדושים של האמת = יוחנן פרקים 14:26, 16:13, זה ידע, אינו אמונה דתית, ואף אחד לא יגדל שום מקדש, כפי שהיה נהוג אנושי על פני האדמה.
Mathew 10. E qualquer que me negar diante dos homens, o negará também diante de meu Pai que está nos céus. Não penseis que vim trazer paz à terra: não vim trazer paz, mas espada. Porque vim fazer dissensão do homem contra seu pai, da filha contra sua mãe, e da nora contra sua sogra. E os INIMIGOS do homem serão os DE SUA CASA. MEU NOVO NOME = Apocalipse capítulos 2:17, 3:12, 19:12, Alfa Omega Alian = Jeová, O Altíssimo, O Todo-Poderoso, Eu Sou Aquele que Sou, Nosso Divino e Amoroso Pai Eterno. Mary = Sasha Msto. Mahoma = Yazan Mesto. Fatimah = Jennifer Mesto. JESUSCRIST = Mohammed Msto. TODOS NEGARAM MEU NOME, NAÇÃO E HOMENS. My Place of Residence- The Prisoner. Latakia Síria-LAODICEA no passado da terra, = Colossenses capítulo 2. WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.COM WWW.ALFAYOMEGA.PE 7 Selos = Rolos do Cordeiro de Deus Apocalipse capítulo 5. A 10. Os Santos da Verdade do Espírito = João capítulos 14:26, 16:13, Isso é CONHECIMENTO, não é uma crença religiosa, E ninguém deve erguer templo, como era costume humano na terra....
Try reaching information@lyraholtdean ,kom she will help you achieve a lot this year
I pray Jesus brings you peace as you read this. ☀️ God bless each and every one of you ❤️
You shall not die but live and declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, Amen
Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.
Amen brother. Just one thing the picture on your profile is not the one Jesus Christ (Yeshua ) find the correct one and replace it. God bless you.
Thank Jesus that your words are true. Today I am asking you Lord to heal my mother Dalisay who is in the hospital right ow.🙏 I ask Lord that you do miraculous healing on her lungs and heart in Jesus Name. Amen
In the name of Jesus your mother is healed!! Her lungs and heart have been restored. Amen
Amen bess your mom amen
Please pray for me... For I've felt this huge light of god within me, and it's all went away... He wanted me to do something and I didn't listen... Please help me. I want that light back in my life. God bless. You are all beautiful people.
I know the scriptures say dont grieve the holy spirit when the light of God has shown and revealed himself to us it is nothing to take lightly disobedience is a sin that disconnects us from the annointing and the favor of God ,but the scriptures also says
Berean Literal Bible
"My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you might not sin. And if anyone should sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous One Literal Bible
And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world". Jesus intercedes for us, Repent and align yourself with Gods word and prayer and fasting , but remember Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake .you, its just you must now comeback into alignment with God , its like a train slipping off the track which impedes its ability to move forward, but once the wheels come back into alignment with the tracts it can then move foward we are like those train wheels sometimes getting off track by sin but the Lord our God is so merciful ,he said he will forgive an wrap his arms around you as you press into prayer to him and repent with Godly sorrow ,He will ease you spirit with his peace that passeth all understanding ,stay in the fight Love you always Jesus ,even unto the ends of the world 🌝
@oso gili...listen whether you feel Him or not He is there...just continue on your journey...now this is faith not to give up...so next obey...not just you me and the rest of us as well
You just have to ask
I will pray for you, but you must also pray for yourself. You have to repent as much as you possibly can and try to stay focused on Jesus Christ. If you want that light back, you have to admit all of your sins with full honesty, apologize and mean it, and change your way and live by his word. I'm honestly not perfect at all, but I know when I'm wrong and don't have too much pride to admit it and ask for forgiveness.. You have to do the same
Repent and ask for forgiveness for disobeying Him. He hears us. He just wants to see how sincere we are and how hard we are willing to work to get back into His favor. He will supply all of your needs. He loves you ALWAYS!
Please pray for my 18 month old baby, Bryce. His mind is slipping away and he's losing his light. I'm terrified and am losing my will to live.
please contact me so i can pray for you
I pray for your baby healing. By the stripes he is healed! I pray for strength and restoration for yourself. May Jesus be with you and provide you everything you need to know that you are important, you have a purpose and you are loved. God Bless You!🙏
I would like to contact you to pray as well. I hope you are able to reach out.
Please Contact me if this is still an evil on you there are people who can help
Squirrel contact me asap if this evil still vexes you there are people that can help
Our spirit never sleeps the very reason to listen while your body sleeps
Amen 🙏
Best thing to listen to while 😴😴😴😴
@@drgnflyangeltruthseeker8556 yup
You are heavy with the Lord's favor brother 🙏
@@christaylor9712 you too as well brother 🙏🙌✝️
I feel present with all of you and present with God 🥰
I feel the presence of god the whole time while playing this video thank you Jesus 🙌🏽🙌🏽🔥
This is sooo beautiful and relaxing Thank you Jesus for your grace and MERCY bless everyone that is listening right now 2021
While playing this video, I fell asleep. I woke up extremely peaceful with 4 hours and 36 minutes worth of sleep. This will be my go to video during the nighttime. God bless the individual(s) who created this video.
yea... i really like this video for calming down and even while i am sleeping... kinda weird how some folks had negative comments?... they must hate having to go to 💤 😴... 🤭 🤪 🙃 ... silly ppl... 🙂
@@lovealways2609 Jesus LOVES them even if the church doesnt!
@@lovealways2609 you guys can get the money 💵
@@lovealways2609 you guys can get the money 💵
This narrator's voice is so soothing and clear! Perfect for this!
This is such a wonderful blessing to me thank you in Jesus Name.
Amen 🙏🏽 blessings and shalom!
I sleep so peaceful! I thank God for this channel!
Hello dear!!, I can see that you are a very huge lover of the bible. How are you doing?
My sister is in the hospital with Covid . I pray for healing for her . Jesus Christ died for us. She loves you Jesus. Please keep holding her tightly. I pray for her husband my brother in Jesus Christ. May you comfort him Holy Spirit.
She is healed in Jesus name
@@RedRose-lw2zp yes she went to heaven March 21. 2021
@@rhondahogan7663I pray the lord may have grace and mercy upon her soul and accept her into his Kington,
Amen 🙏🏽 blessings and shalom!
Ps 138:3: "You answered me on the day I called. You Lord gave me strength in my soul."
Thank you father for another day of life thank you for the rain thank you for sending Angels to guard us through the night you are a faithful father a God who doesn't change I come to you to help me have a miraculous Friday grant me desires of my heart and grant me peace forgive all my sins and I also forgive all those who wronged me I pray all this in Jesus Mighty powerful name Amen
The spirit of the Lord is upon me thank you Jesus I will always call on you I come to you I ask for ur Mercy I ask for Blesdings please open all doors closed for my entry I will always seek ur ways Lord let me live under ur shadow Amen
Whoever is reading this I pray you have faith forever and go to heaven and praise the Lord for the rest of your days ✝️🙏🏽💞
Thank you I am GRATEFUL
I receive it in Jesus name amen.
Be with me Lord and everyone hearing this holy word
I listen through the whole Bible once a year. It is a great experience.