Daisy, you will save soooo much money being able to fix things on your own vehicle. Make sure you learn how to change your own oil too. It's crazy how much money you will save. Even switching your own tires. You're lucky your dad makes you learn these things. You will appreciate it once you're older and on your own. You should also learn how to change a flat tire or patch a tire.
Aww Ender is growing up! No more Have You Seen My New Shoes song!🩰Those look like they would be yummy with that gravy on them!😋Daisy you need to get yur hair up out of the way when yur working on yur car!See ya's in the next one!!
Daisy is so lucky to have such a patient dad. Willing to train his kids on how to fix car stuff. Great training. Lucky she has utube.
i knew nothing about cars it just came to me naturally :) the more you learn bout cars the more fun it will be
Daisy, you will save soooo much money being able to fix things on your own vehicle. Make sure you learn how to change your own oil too. It's crazy how much money you will save. Even switching your own tires. You're lucky your dad makes you learn these things. You will appreciate it once you're older and on your own. You should also learn how to change a flat tire or patch a tire.
Aw nice video April and davey family happy Tuesday 4/30/24
Daisy is doing a great job! What do your older kids want to be/do when they grow up?
Not everyone kills spiders.😢
To each there own! 😊
Depends on the spider. Some are good some are bad.
Not everyone eats spiders
Have you ever posted a recipe for your chicken pillows, I would love to try them!
Rhubarb & custard is absolutely delicious 😋 ❤/ or rhubarb & apple 🍎 crumble 😋yummy...
Rhubarb pie is so delicious. 😋
love rubob ruhbarb and strawberry pie is so so crummy
Is it possible to get the recepie on the chicken pillows?
I would love to have a minky blanket...would the code work if ordering from Ireland ☘️💚?
Who else loves April and Davey.
Where is the recipe for chicken pillows?
I've been watch8ng for years. I just unsubscribed because you killed the spider.
Why do you save the spiders I mean if a black widow bit you, you be in the hospital.
Okay bye
Aww Ender is growing up! No more Have You Seen My New Shoes song!🩰Those look like they would be yummy with that gravy on them!😋Daisy you need to get yur hair up out of the way when yur working on yur car!See ya's in the next one!!