Спасибо за веиколепное видео. Блохин - это целая эпоха 70-80 г 20 века в советском и мировом футболе. Это игрок, посвятивший свою футбольную жизнь только одному клубу: Динамо Киев. Долгих Вам лет жизни Олег Вадимирович. Ваш неизменный болельщик с 1970 года (я тогда учился в 3 классе школы в Киеве). Был почти на всех матчах с Вашим участием на Центральном (впоследствии Олимпийском) стадионе в Киеве и на легендарном стадионе "Динамо" вначале со своим дедом, затем сам. Не пропустил ни одной телетрансляции матчей с Вашим участием, которые проходили не в Киеве. Находясь на стадионе многократно наблюдвл магию под названием "Ускорение Блохина": складывалось впечатление, что Бежит только один Блохин, а остальные игроки стоят. Это ни с чем не сравнимое зрелище.
@@Ninja_volleyball Сказать, кто из этих великих футболистов лучше, крайне сложно. Здесь следует отметить следующее аспекты: 1. Игроки играли в разное время, но если Блохин играл только в одном клубе, и всех своих выдающихся ( на мой взгляд) результатов достиг только в нём и сборной СССР, то Шевченко играл в трёх клубах, причем в Динамо Киев он играл дважды,: первый раз в начале своей футбольной карьеры, второй раз -в конце неё, Очевидно, что итальянская Серия А и английская Премьер Лига, где после Динамо Киев играл Шевченко существенно более сильные чемпионаты, по сравнению чемпионатом СССР, где мастерство команд было существенно ниже. Поэтому, естественно, он имел больше возможностей достигнуть своего высокого уровня мастерства и раскрыться существенно успешней, по сравнению с чемпионатом СССР, где играл Блохин, что не помешало ему достигнуть высочайшего, по тем временам, уровня. Более того, следует отметить, что в Динамо Киев Блохин играл под руководством трёх тренеров ( А, Севидов, В.Лобановский и Ю,Морозов), причём большую часть времени под руководством В. Лобановского, который привил команде голландский принцип игры, называемый в то время Тотальным футболом. 2, Футбол эпохи Шевченко стал существенно более быстрым и атлетическим, а иногда откровенно грубым, по сравнению с футболом эпохи Блохина. На мой взгляд, футбольная личность Блохина несколько выше футбольной личности Шевченко, потому что в советском футболе было очень много идеологических ,управленческих и моральных ограничений. А уровни материального вознаграждения футболистов в эпохах Блозина и Шевченко несоизмеримы. Вот почему я бы не стал сравнивать этих двух выдающихся футболистов своих времён. Они играли в разный футбол, в разное время и в разных условиях, но при этом в прекрасный футбол.
@@Ninja_volleyball Кто лучше Месси или Роналдо? Пеле или Марадона? Слишком глупые вопросы, такое задают только те кто не разбираются в футболе. Нельзя их сравнивать, оба топ.
This is great footage. What a player Oleg looked. Power, pace, balance, balletic athleticism. When I was first into football as a youngster, I was aware of him as he was European footballer of the year in 1975. It was essentially all done from behind the 'iron curtain'...it's amazing to think of the global superstar he might have become if he had been about at a different time in history. For me, he's like a combination of the Laudrup brothers...but with extra power!
To Harms: Thanks for your kind and generous response. I noticed you are very patient and polite when somebody very unfairly criticized you for wasting his 12 minutes regarding the Boniek clip. You are doing a great service to all football lovers. I had no idea that W. Germany and the Soviet Union had played a friendly in 1973 or 74 until I watched your Blokhin video. How on earth you can get these clips, edit them and provide us is mind boggling. Thanks for all your hard work.
@@mydad1929 как же смешно читать сектантов вроде тебя))) нравится тебе это или нет,но это были советские футболисты,которых вырастила именно советская школа. И я уверен,что если бы ты тогда поинтересовался, любой из них ответил бы,что он играя за сборную,бьётся за СССР. При этом каждое новое поколение выросшее при независимости, всё громче кричит о том,что они были именно украинцами))). Плевать им было на это тогда. Особенно смешно становится,когда понимаешь,что у большинства этих украинцев были русские фамилии)
This guy was 40 years affront..His style look like a modern super athlete with very good technique and intelligence..I never knew that he was that good.
Amazing player but also very intelligent coach too later on. We remember him in Olympiacos as one of the best coaches that had the club. Thank you for everything Oleg!
A mi me parece una pasada. Además muchas jugadas son ante equipos como Alemania o Italia, en terrenos embarrados, no como los de ahora que son alfombras. Gran jugador
@@antoninavas1131 yo diría que recuerda un poco a Cruiff y que tiene una velocidad que jamás be visto en ningún futbolista, extraordinario jugador. Sin embargo ni siquiera en Google se le reconoce tal cualidad (todo es cuestión de intereses y marketing) y estoy de acuerdo que la gran mayoría de los jugadores de fútbol de hoy no podrían jugar en esa época
Не поэтому, раньше и не перейдешь ты свободно....,подставят, или в 1ю сошлют, или в армию заберут,или не с того клуба начал карьеру например ......в другой типа из за принципиальности не брали ,типа,а на самом деле договоренности......и не хрена не сделаешь......
1:07 Beside Pele in the game between Brazil and W. Germany in 1968, I haven't seen any other player make a fool of Beckenbauer (no disrespect to him) the way Blokhin does it here. To win the Ballon Dor at age 21 in an era when you had to compete with the likes of giant players like Cruyff and Beckenbauer, says what a special world class player Blokhin was.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 Oleg Blokhin is a Soviet football player, by nationality Russian, who played for Dynamo Kyiv in the Soviet football championship and in the USSR national football team.😃😛
@@HarmsFootball There is a good 11 minute one by MatigolVidz but yours tops his. What I liked about yours was that it was mostly colour footage and really showed Blokhin's close ball control.
Thank you, wonderful video. I started watching football around the 1982 WC, I remember that crazy player who almost beat Brazil 1982. Later on, I searched a lot for good videos for Blockhin, but I didn't find good videos. Now, finally there is a very decent video about him
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
Нісєбєчіво!!! Скільки дивився підборок - завжди якісь лядачі відео. Це перше, де Блохін просто СУПЕР. Цікаво, шо я з Києва, молодший за Олега на 2 роки, ходив майже на всі матчі Динамо, сам грав на першість Києва за Науку. Висновок. Марадона, Мессі, Роналду - відпочивайте.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 yes that is what I've read. The reason being that Russia was too cold for football whereas Ukraine had a better climate which allowed them to develop more players.
@@ronniep9272 ... uh... I will not debate you on the reasons. You are free to hold on to yours - although your reasons are obviously wrong... Those are the same reasons moscovites had "lampochku illicha" ... lol... the iron curtain must and is coming back down... moscovites should have never been allowed into the civilized society... whatever game they play in the swamps... cheers!
Finally saw the video - amazingly, Blokha's game doesn't look old. Think about it - all this was done 45+ years ago. Best videos of Messi are him going through defenders. Blokha has plenty of that in this video. In fact - in this video you do see all the best kinds of play in the game you see teams show today - Dynamo Kyiv did all this back then!!! That's revolutionary, that's trend setting, that's pioneering, that's defining the game!
Good comment ... and what is more, they did it twice ; once in the mid-70s and again in the mid-80s. This football would be considered modern even in our days, let alone 35 and 45 years back.
First time watching any video on Blokhin. Excellent player. Most of the newer generation people may not know his name even. I first read about him in 1980. As a middle school student, I was flipping through a sports magazine, where I read an article on the best 10 football players of the seventies. Blokhin was in the list. In those days, television was at a very nascent stage in India. Even later, I didn't get to see any clip of Blokhin. Seeing this video, I understand that he would have walked into any side even today. Thanks for the posting. More such videos would be highly appreciated 👍
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
Great piece of collector and editing work !!! I watched Blokhin from 82 and after, then mainly read about his earlier accomplishments. You have found great stuff and offered it to us. Thank you !
Rapid quick! Amazing winger. There was also Malcolm Macdonald who played for Newcastle United and Arsenal could do 100 metres in 10.3 seconds too and he was built like a middleweight boxer.
Хорошо что есть нынче интернет. Спасибо большое админу за такой прекрасный труд. В детстве Блохин был моим кумиром он самый лучший самый лучший голеадор СССР. Долгих лет жизни моему кумиру Олегу Блохину .
@@Pryhody_Plus Блохин в первую очередь советский футболист, потому что выступал за сборную Советского Союза и выступал в чемпионате СССР по футболу за киевское "Динамо", хоть по национальности он русский. Про советский футбол: Сборная СССР Олимпийский чемпион 1956 г., чемпион Европы 1960 г., серебряный призер чемпионата Европы 1988 г., Олимпийский чемпион 1988 г.😂
@@vladimirruzis1360 киевлянин, украинский футбол, даже при союзе мы болели за украинский футбол, я всегда был против московских команд, когда те играли в еврокубках, только за команды из Украины
@@Pryhody_Plus 80% великих советских футболистов русские. И неважно это русский из Москвы как Яшин, Воронин или Иванов, русский из Одессы как Беланов, русский из Красноярска как Малофеев, или русский из Киева как Блохин!
Блохин - реально был одним из лучших нападающих в ХХ веке. Великолепный дрилер на скорости. Может иногда это мешало, излишне жадичал. Но и пас умел отдавать. А ударом владел - супер!
No fue al del 74 por q Chile elimino a la URRSS empatando a 0 en Moscú con un actuación brillante Elias Figueroa.......Blokhin a.penas entro al área grande y solo disparo una vez al arco todo esto por la soberbia actuación de el mejor jugador del fútbol chileno " Don" Elias Figueroa
@@Mister.Beagle_8-8 Empatou em Moscovo, e depois em Santiago deu-se uma das maiores farsas do futebol, o Chile apresentou - se em campo , com adeptos nas bancadas para jogar contra ninguém, já que a URSS se recusou a jogar no estádio Nacional,que tinha servido de campo de tortura de presos políticos. Até os próprios jogadores chilenos tiveram vergonha do que se passou.
@@nunobrito7855 Más vergüenza debería darte los adherentes de Bolsonaro que entraron a tu palacio de gobierno destruyendo todo a su paso. Parecía país africano
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@Stand4Righteousness well unless brazil had access to Ukrainian tv channels I don't see how he would of watched him play and even if he did it would of been blokhin who was out of his prime by the mid 80s he was in his 30s
0:39 one of the most underrated goals I've ever seen. Crazy how this never shows up in solo goals compilations. Dude was the only player wearing white during the whole play and he still scored.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 Noone asked a loser from a fake nation with artificial language that vast majority of the nation don't speak in daily lives. Before war, which will hopefully end the utter joke that is "project Ukraine" in 22 years "Ukraina" has produced NOTHING under its own "independent" leadership. All it did was consume it's soviet-era inheritance that whole USSR was helping build. Ukraine is a worthless fascist state that will be dealt what it deserves.
An awesome simply marvellous skilled player, one of the BEST ever to grace the pitch. I recall being 14 in 73 and my dad was a number 1 fan of Oleg, our cousin who played for Albania and Bologna(Italy) Sllave Llambi said that a top Italian team maybe Inter or Juventus wanted him badly, but for some reason, nothing came of it, but he told my dad Oleg was pure magic.
A lot could be said about this authentic soccer beast, but I will highlight that he is the only player I have seen who, a priori, cannot tell if he is left-handed or right-handed, because he does EVERYTHING with both legs. What a player!!
@@deanronson6331 Really, the truth? So when two people choose two different footballers as their favorites, which one is telling the truth? You are truly a disgusting Malfeasant.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 I think you have an obsession. Dinamo Kiev is just an average team. They were just lucky with Valeri Lobanovski who taught them to play an interesting football. But when they have met a serious and talented team everything fall apart.
Interesting that Cruyff has come up! Lobanovskyi has introduced "total soccer", developed it in Dynamo Kyiv, and had it played by his teams while coaching for his entire life. Supposedly, he borrowed total soccer from the Dutch and Cruyff - however i personally think Lobanovskyi took observations, articulated ideas and perfected his style. It was VERY fluid, with all short, medium and long passes utilized, distant shots, use of the field edge to edge, full return to defense after the attack, defenders going forward to support the attack. Heavy emphasis on midfield. Lobanovskyi himself while playing for Dynamo Kyiv invented a "podkat" - a defending technique. If you google it - check the images to understand, it's become basics nowadays. The word and term are Ukrainian. Heavy emphasis on a team play over individual skills and techniques - those were not denied, it simply meant team play takes priority over individual play. In short - every and all elements of the game were to be maximized to the extreme - hence the term "total football". You can trace Pep Guardiola, and best modern teams back to Lobanovskyi's "total soccer", and best performances of Dynamo Kyiv. Incredible Oleg Blokhin was as good for Lobanovskyi's game as Messi was for Pep's. Blokhin and Lobanovskyi are Ukrainian heroes. Beat back razzi moscovites with a stick - they stole, and are trying to steal anything they can put their eyes on - always did, always will. Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam Slava!
Oleg Blokhin simplemente maravilloso el futbolista más veloz de la historia? Talento, velocidad, reacción y potencia pura trasladando el balón. Excelente
He was the one of the gratest in the USSR of course. Mostly Kiev Dinamo was rod of the USSR National Team during V. Lobanovsky coaching. We had the greatest National Team and Dinamo Kiev, unfortunately thees years have passed away...
He crossed my mind .. i was thinking about him few days ago..i still remember him one of the fb stars in world cup 1982. Jet air liner ! Fastest player on earth
Документалка не передаёт всей той магии игры О.Блохина. На стадионе им. Банникова собирался аншлаг ещё тогда, когда будущая звезда играл только за дубль Динамо(Киев)! Часто глаза 100 000 зрителей следили только за его игрой, а остальные были статистами.
The best footballer history. Nunca he visto un futbolista igual. No es muy conocido como otros futbolistas. Pero acaso no es tan bueno como los que se suelen mencionar como los mejores de la historia? Además es el futbolista más veloz que he visto. Le faltó marketing por eso no es tan conocido. Eso es porque no perteneció a ningún equipo que maneje grandes sumas de dinero (sabido es la gran corrupción que hay en el fútbol) al pertenecer a la URSS. La velocidad física, mental y su depurada técnica lo convierten en el mejor futbolista. El mundo del fútbol al descubierto con este excelente video...
@@alexandrsukharev3771 точно. Одним голом с Баварией уже всех заебали. Больше показать и нечего. Потому что успехов больше не было. Ни на клубном уровне,ни на уровне сборных
Back in the good old days, when Russians and Ukrainians used to play peacefully together football in one great team - CCCP sbornaya!... It's a shame, what today is going on...
He was better than all. Tall, fast, technically talking a monster. We can really say that just the origin and the CCCP of that time don't permitted him to be on the top of the world. For me he was better than all. For sure he deserves to be in the first 10 places of the football history.
I lknow Blokhin was mainly a 70's player but Ukraine had some wonderful players in the mid-late 80's. They really should have won a major title. 1988 was their chance. 1986 they should have gone further.
Ufffff jajaja que animal.... La primera cabalga da ya deja claro que carrera pudo llevar este hombre, si tienes velocidad de atleta y talento de futbolista no lo dudes hasras cosas que otros no pueden.
He came to my home country as a coach after he retired most us here as young kids didn't realise we heard he was great but didn't really watch much of him and didn't realise what an absolute football legend he was...Depressing to think that he sadly didn't play in the big European clubs so more people can watch him because of strict USSR's laws he would have been HUGE today
Dynamo was huge. He won two European Winner's Cup for them. Only five teams won the cup more than once between 1960 and 2000. He isn't as well known because Soviet players are slept on today for some reason.
Спасибо за веиколепное видео. Блохин - это целая эпоха 70-80 г 20 века в советском и мировом футболе. Это игрок, посвятивший свою футбольную жизнь только одному клубу: Динамо Киев. Долгих Вам лет жизни Олег Вадимирович. Ваш неизменный болельщик с 1970 года (я тогда учился в 3 классе школы в Киеве). Был почти на всех матчах с Вашим участием на Центральном (впоследствии Олимпийском) стадионе в Киеве и на легендарном стадионе "Динамо" вначале со своим дедом, затем сам. Не пропустил ни одной телетрансляции матчей с Вашим участием, которые проходили не в Киеве. Находясь на стадионе многократно наблюдвл магию под названием "Ускорение Блохина": складывалось впечатление, что Бежит только один Блохин, а остальные игроки стоят. Это ни с чем не сравнимое зрелище.
Как считаете, Шевченко или Блохин лучше?)
@@Ninja_volleyball Сказать, кто из этих великих футболистов лучше, крайне сложно. Здесь следует отметить следующее аспекты: 1. Игроки играли в разное время, но если Блохин играл только в одном клубе, и всех своих выдающихся ( на мой взгляд) результатов достиг только в нём и сборной СССР, то Шевченко играл в трёх клубах, причем в Динамо Киев он играл дважды,: первый раз в начале своей футбольной карьеры, второй раз -в конце неё, Очевидно, что итальянская Серия А и английская Премьер Лига, где после Динамо Киев играл Шевченко существенно более сильные чемпионаты, по сравнению чемпионатом СССР, где мастерство команд было существенно ниже. Поэтому, естественно, он имел больше возможностей достигнуть своего высокого уровня мастерства и раскрыться существенно успешней, по сравнению с чемпионатом СССР, где играл Блохин, что не помешало ему достигнуть высочайшего, по тем временам, уровня. Более того, следует отметить, что в Динамо Киев Блохин играл под руководством трёх тренеров ( А, Севидов, В.Лобановский и Ю,Морозов), причём большую часть времени под руководством В. Лобановского, который привил команде голландский принцип игры, называемый в то время Тотальным футболом. 2, Футбол эпохи Шевченко стал существенно более быстрым и атлетическим, а иногда откровенно грубым, по сравнению с футболом эпохи Блохина. На мой взгляд, футбольная личность Блохина несколько выше футбольной личности Шевченко, потому что в советском футболе было очень много идеологических ,управленческих и моральных ограничений. А уровни материального вознаграждения футболистов в эпохах Блозина и Шевченко несоизмеримы. Вот почему я бы не стал сравнивать этих двух выдающихся футболистов своих времён. Они играли в разный футбол, в разное время и в разных условиях, но при этом в прекрасный футбол.
@@Ninja_volleyball Кто лучше Месси или Роналдо? Пеле или Марадона? Слишком глупые вопросы, такое задают только те кто не разбираются в футболе. Нельзя их сравнивать, оба топ.
This is great footage. What a player Oleg looked. Power, pace, balance, balletic athleticism. When I was first into football as a youngster, I was aware of him as he was European footballer of the year in 1975. It was essentially all done from behind the 'iron curtain'...it's amazing to think of the global superstar he might have become if he had been about at a different time in history. For me, he's like a combination of the Laudrup brothers...but with extra power!
Шевченко или Блохин сильнее для вас?)
To Harms: Thanks for your kind and generous response. I noticed you are very patient and polite when somebody very unfairly criticized you for wasting his 12 minutes regarding the Boniek clip. You are doing a great service to all football lovers. I had no idea that W. Germany and the Soviet Union had played a friendly in 1973 or 74 until I watched your Blokhin video. How on earth you can get these clips, edit them and provide us is mind boggling. Thanks for all your hard work.
You're welcome. Thanks for your response, it means a lot.
It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 как же смешно читать сектантов вроде тебя))) нравится тебе это или нет,но это были советские футболисты,которых вырастила именно советская школа. И я уверен,что если бы ты тогда поинтересовался, любой из них ответил бы,что он играя за сборную,бьётся за СССР. При этом каждое новое поколение выросшее при независимости, всё громче кричит о том,что они были именно украинцами))). Плевать им было на это тогда. Особенно смешно становится,когда понимаешь,что у большинства этих украинцев были русские фамилии)
@@mydad1929 Il y avait quand même Lev Yachine !
@@HarmsFootball what is the starting music ?
This guy was 40 years affront..His style look like a modern super athlete with very good technique and intelligence..I never knew that he was that good.
Amazing player but also very intelligent coach too later on. We remember him in Olympiacos as one of the best coaches that had the club. Thank you for everything Oleg!
A pity about his racist comments about black players.
@@ronniep9272 🖕👎How do you know he was racist you weren't even born when Oleg Played. You Western trolls manipulators are everywhere!!
He was a mixture of Ronaldo El Phenomeno and Marco Van Basten. But Blokhin played before both of them. That’s why he is unique.
A mi me parece una pasada. Además muchas jugadas son ante equipos como Alemania o Italia, en terrenos embarrados, no como los de ahora que son alfombras. Gran jugador
El fenomeno????????? O fenômeno!!! hes brazilian cheesedick
@@antoninavas1131 yo diría que recuerda un poco a Cruiff y que tiene una velocidad que jamás be visto en ningún futbolista, extraordinario jugador. Sin embargo ni siquiera en Google se le reconoce tal cualidad (todo es cuestión de intereses y marketing) y estoy de acuerdo que la gran mayoría de los jugadores de fútbol de hoy no podrían jugar en esa época
Whole Cyprus would come to watch Oleg play for Aris Limassol!! what a player!
This guys is slept on he never gets the credit he deserves. He was a beast.
Да были такие футболисты которые были верны своим клубам....жаль что сейчас нет этого.
Сейчас детский футбол оптимизирован,как и массовый,а о чём то рассуждаете.
Все равно, что быть верным одному заводу. Где лучше, там и работаешь
Не поэтому, раньше и не перейдешь ты свободно....,подставят, или в 1ю сошлют, или в армию заберут,или не с того клуба начал карьеру например ......в другой типа из за принципиальности не брали ,типа,а на самом деле договоренности......и не хрена не сделаешь......
Mark Noble was the last
@@victorkreig6089 Да спасибо, я посмотрел перевод, я знаю кто ...
Великий футболист. Смотреть на его игру было настоящим наслаждением.
1:07 Beside Pele in the game between Brazil and W. Germany in 1968, I haven't seen any other player make a fool of Beckenbauer (no disrespect to him) the way Blokhin does it here. To win the Ballon Dor at age 21 in an era when you had to compete with the likes of giant players like Cruyff and Beckenbauer, says what a special world class player Blokhin was.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
Blokhin made the Great Bayern of mid-70s looked silly
@@mydad1929 ха-ха. Всем плевать
@@mydad1929 eastern ukraine is russians dominated and joined russia by vote like crimea
@@mydad1929 Oleg Blokhin is a Soviet football player, by nationality Russian, who played for Dynamo Kyiv in the Soviet football championship and in the USSR national football team.😃😛
The best Blokhin video I've ever seen, well done!
Sadly, there aren’t that many of those 🙁
@@HarmsFootball There is a good 11 minute one by MatigolVidz but yours tops his. What I liked about yours was that it was mostly colour footage and really showed Blokhin's close ball control.
Thank you, wonderful video. I started watching football around the 1982 WC, I remember that crazy player who almost beat Brazil 1982. Later on, I searched a lot for good videos for Blockhin, but I didn't find good videos. Now, finally there is a very decent video about him
He was even better when younger
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 Enough with this ... us football lovers know the basic stuff.
@@scouter-xn6zi, оставь свои базовые вещи при себе. Нервничаешь не по теме)))
Робота-гра Олега Блохіна на футбольному полі завжди була цікавою. Він - професіонал з великої літери! Дякуємо Олеже!
Скільки дивився підборок - завжди якісь лядачі відео. Це перше, де Блохін просто СУПЕР. Цікаво, шо я з Києва, молодший за Олега на 2 роки, ходив майже на всі матчі Динамо, сам грав на першість Києва за Науку.
Висновок. Марадона, Мессі, Роналду - відпочивайте.
Oleg Blokhin fabolous star of football ee wonderful player thanks Oleg
What a amazing player! I didnt realize he was so good
Everybody knows his name, but I've never seen him play before and now I ask myself why? He is spectacular! Love him!
Excellent ball control for someone so fast.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 yes that is what I've read. The reason being that Russia was too cold for football whereas Ukraine had a better climate which allowed them to develop more players.
@@ronniep9272 ... uh... I will not debate you on the reasons. You are free to hold on to yours - although your reasons are obviously wrong...
Those are the same reasons moscovites had "lampochku illicha" ... lol... the iron curtain must and is coming back down... moscovites should have never been allowed into the civilized society... whatever game they play in the swamps... cheers!
@@ronniep9272 ... you mean swamps, right?
@@mydad1929 nobody asked.
Finally saw the video - amazingly, Blokha's game doesn't look old. Think about it - all this was done 45+ years ago. Best videos of Messi are him going through defenders. Blokha has plenty of that in this video. In fact - in this video you do see all the best kinds of play in the game you see teams show today - Dynamo Kyiv did all this back then!!! That's revolutionary, that's trend setting, that's pioneering, that's defining the game!
There are a few historical teams that don’t look dated at all, Dynamo is certainly one of them. Very Klopp-esque.
yes that was my first thought. he looks like a taller messi :)
Good comment ... and what is more, they did it twice ; once in the mid-70s and again in the mid-80s. This football would be considered modern even in our days, let alone 35 and 45 years back.
The Russian football was ahead of all. We in the West said Netherlands played "football total" hut the Russians controlled the ball more
@@tyronevaldez-kruger5313 Russian??? Dynamo was Lobanovky’s team, he is 100 Ukrainian, as well as Blokhin
First time watching any video on Blokhin. Excellent player. Most of the newer generation people may not know his name even.
I first read about him in 1980. As a middle school student, I was flipping through a sports magazine, where I read an article on the best 10 football players of the seventies. Blokhin was in the list.
In those days, television was at a very nascent stage in India. Even later, I didn't get to see any clip of Blokhin. Seeing this video, I understand that he would have walked into any side even today.
Thanks for the posting.
More such videos would be highly appreciated 👍
Fantastic player! 13:56 resembles a Rugby passing sequence.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
1986 UEFA Cup Winners Cup final against Atletico Madrid. This was Dynamo's second goal in a 3-0 victory.
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
Great piece of collector and editing work !!! I watched Blokhin from 82 and after, then mainly read about his earlier accomplishments. You have found great stuff and offered it to us. Thank you !
Grande Oleg !
Rapid quick! Amazing winger. There was also Malcolm Macdonald who played for Newcastle United and Arsenal could do 100 metres in 10.3 seconds too and he was built like a middleweight boxer.
Unfortunately football forgets great players... Nowadays people think football began in 2005!!!!
@@ismailmiah1446 that's true my friend👍
Хорошо что есть нынче интернет. Спасибо большое админу за такой прекрасный труд. В детстве Блохин был моим кумиром он самый лучший самый лучший голеадор СССР. Долгих лет жизни моему кумиру Олегу Блохину .
Шевченко или Блохин сильнее, как считаете?)
Great video clips. I remember Oleg Blokhin from back in the day and knew he was good but never realised he was THIS good.
I was a big fan as a fellow winger of this man back in the day 👍🏻
Легенда советского и мирового футбола!!!
Українського, а не совєцького. совєцький був ГУЛАГ.
Українського і світового футболу. Бо "советского" футболу ніколи не було, був грузинський, український, литовський і т.д.
@@Pryhody_Plus Блохин в первую очередь советский футболист, потому что выступал за сборную Советского Союза и выступал в чемпионате СССР по футболу за киевское "Динамо", хоть по национальности он русский. Про советский футбол: Сборная СССР Олимпийский чемпион 1956 г., чемпион Европы 1960 г., серебряный призер чемпионата Европы 1988 г., Олимпийский чемпион 1988 г.😂
@@vladimirruzis1360 киевлянин, украинский футбол, даже при союзе мы болели за украинский футбол, я всегда был против московских команд, когда те играли в еврокубках, только за команды из Украины
@@Pryhody_Plus 80% великих советских футболистов русские. И неважно это русский из Москвы как Яшин, Воронин или Иванов, русский из Одессы как Беланов, русский из Красноярска как Малофеев, или русский из Киева как Блохин!
Fantastic player!
i love the choice of music for this old school legend. so fitting.
What a player mind blowing !
Amazing player.
the truly great oleg blokhim. he's in my all time XI along with platini, zico, banks, etc.
Блохин - реально был одним из лучших нападающих в ХХ веке. Великолепный дрилер на скорости. Может иногда это мешало, излишне жадичал. Но и пас умел отдавать. А ударом владел - супер!
E foi uma pena não ter jogado os mundiais de 74 e 78 ,onde estava no seu auge. Uma lenda do Dínamo de Kiev e do futebol mundial.
No fue al del 74 por q Chile elimino a la URRSS empatando a 0 en Moscú con un actuación brillante Elias Figueroa.......Blokhin a.penas entro al área grande y solo disparo una vez al arco todo esto por la soberbia actuación de el mejor jugador del fútbol chileno " Don" Elias Figueroa
@@Mister.Beagle_8-8 Empatou em Moscovo, e depois em Santiago deu-se uma das maiores farsas do futebol, o Chile apresentou - se em campo , com adeptos nas bancadas para jogar contra ninguém, já que a URSS se recusou a jogar no estádio Nacional,que tinha servido de campo de tortura de presos políticos. Até os próprios jogadores chilenos tiveram vergonha do que se passou.
@@nunobrito7855 Más vergüenza debería darte los adherentes de Bolsonaro que entraron a tu palacio de gobierno destruyendo todo a su paso. Parecía país africano
@@Mister.Beagle_8-8 Estás me a confudir, não sou brasileiro. E não fiques tão ofendido que só estávamos a falar de futebol.
Blokhin was a Phenomenon long before R9 .. truth be told
He definitely reminds of r9 the way he charges at the defenders. I reckon r9 was inspired by him
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@Stand4Righteousness I doubt Ronaldo even watched him play
@@kcapo89 didn't Ronaldo grow up in the 80s as kid? It's not so far fetched that he watched him play on tv
@@Stand4Righteousness well unless brazil had access to Ukrainian tv channels I don't see how he would of watched him play and even if he did it would of been blokhin who was out of his prime by the mid 80s he was in his 30s
0:39 one of the most underrated goals I've ever seen. Crazy how this never shows up in solo goals compilations. Dude was the only player wearing white during the whole play and he still scored.
Geez, how is this dude not known at all? Skillswise one of the best I've seen, hence probably on of the best ever, for real!
No marketing
He did not play in Europe
One of the best football videos to appear on my timeline in recent years. What a great player Blokhin was! Subscribed ✌️
Brilliant skill at 5:34, not many players did moves like that in those days, especially from Europe.
Легенда мирового футбола!
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 Noone asked a loser from a fake nation with artificial language that vast majority of the nation don't speak in daily lives. Before war, which will hopefully end the utter joke that is "project Ukraine" in 22 years "Ukraina" has produced NOTHING under its own "independent" leadership. All it did was consume it's soviet-era inheritance that whole USSR was helping build. Ukraine is a worthless fascist state that will be dealt what it deserves.
@@mydad1929 Единственное,что вы знаете о "soviet union" ,что там был GULAG!Так что не беритесь судить! Германия тоже была только страна -концлагерь !
@@ГеннадийЛемихов, Ваня, у вас сейчас ГУЛАГ и нацизм похлеще германии при Гитлере)
What a player!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
I don't usually like music on sport highlights, but this works well (had the volume turned down a bit though).
Блоха был из лучших! Всегда на острие! Браво
Well done, Mate; this is terrific!
Wow what a player, and to think most people haver never heard of him. Just imagine his value today!
At Mbappe's level or maybe more...
An awesome simply marvellous skilled player, one of the BEST ever to grace the pitch. I recall being 14 in 73 and my dad was a number 1 fan of Oleg, our cousin who played for Albania and Bologna(Italy) Sllave Llambi said that a top Italian team maybe Inter or Juventus wanted him badly, but for some reason, nothing came of it, but he told my dad Oleg was pure magic.
Incredible player.
Such a shame that the world never got to enjoy him at a top tier club.
Except Dynamo Kyïv was a top tier club back then.
@@feraro23 is he faster than empabe ?
A lot could be said about this authentic soccer beast, but I will highlight that he is the only player I have seen who, a priori, cannot tell if he is left-handed or right-handed, because he does EVERYTHING with both legs. What a player!!
Sooka ti,a ne fotbal
Для меня лично,Олег Блохин лучший футболист 80 х г.Мирового масштаба.
Фигасе. Даже лучше Платини, Марадоны, ван Бастена и Зико с Сократесом? Оригинальные у вас взгляды на футбол.
Невероятно...спасибо за воспоминания!
J'adorais ce joueur quand j'étais gamin et son dynamo de Kiev dirigé par lobanovski,une équipe phénoménale
Great speed, excellent technique, powerful left, serviceable right, ability to defend, played hurt. To me, this guy was the best player ever.
Ladies and gentlemen, here he is: Mr. Eugene Hyperbole Berkovich.
@@deanronson6331 Dean the Malfeasant Ronson.
@@eberkovich Telling the truth is malfeasance only in the minds of enemies of the truth and persons prone to hyperbole.
@@deanronson6331 Really, the truth? So when two people choose two different footballers as their favorites, which one is telling the truth? You are truly a disgusting Malfeasant.
Кумир мого дитинства!
Блохін - це легенда! Українського, а не совєцького. совєцький був ГУЛАГ.
мого теж.
How amazing is this player...?what a pleasure to watch him play!👏👏👏
So thats why he won Ballon D'or
Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian star. It was mostly Ukrainian team, with Ukrainian players, playing Ukrainian soccer. "soviet union" had GULAG - nothing else.
@@mydad1929 I think you have an obsession. Dinamo Kiev is just an average team. They were just lucky with Valeri Lobanovski who taught them to play an interesting football. But when they have met a serious and talented team everything fall apart.
Interesting that Cruyff has come up!
Lobanovskyi has introduced "total soccer", developed it in Dynamo Kyiv, and had it played by his teams while coaching for his entire life. Supposedly, he borrowed total soccer from the Dutch and Cruyff - however i personally think Lobanovskyi took observations, articulated ideas and perfected his style. It was VERY fluid, with all short, medium and long passes utilized, distant shots, use of the field edge to edge, full return to defense after the attack, defenders going forward to support the attack. Heavy emphasis on midfield. Lobanovskyi himself while playing for Dynamo Kyiv invented a "podkat" - a defending technique. If you google it - check the images to understand, it's become basics nowadays. The word and term are Ukrainian. Heavy emphasis on a team play over individual skills and techniques - those were not denied, it simply meant team play takes priority over individual play. In short - every and all elements of the game were to be maximized to the extreme - hence the term "total football".
You can trace Pep Guardiola, and best modern teams back to Lobanovskyi's "total soccer", and best performances of Dynamo Kyiv.
Incredible Oleg Blokhin was as good for Lobanovskyi's game as Messi was for Pep's.
Blokhin and Lobanovskyi are Ukrainian heroes. Beat back razzi moscovites with a stick - they stole, and are trying to steal anything they can put their eyes on - always did, always will.
Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam Slava!
Oleg Blokhin simplemente maravilloso el futbolista más veloz de la historia? Talento, velocidad, reacción y potencia pura trasladando el balón. Excelente
Один из самых лучших.
El mejor jugador ucraniano de la historia del fútbol!
He was the one of the gratest in the USSR of course. Mostly Kiev Dinamo was rod of the USSR National Team during V. Lobanovsky coaching. We had the greatest National Team and Dinamo Kiev, unfortunately thees years have passed away...
Шевченко кращий! Хоч я любив Блохіна
@@АнатолійВажний Шевченко більш відомий у Європі, але Блохін був краще, більш швидкий і небезбечний гравець
Great stuff
Самый титулованный, супер футболист вселенной! Такие рождаются один раз за млн. лет.
Oleg Blokhin - the great Ukrainian footballer!
@joseph_goebbels ale on dobrze wyglonda!! Rusсy sa brzydkie
He never played for Ukraine.
@@debrajbhattacharjee976 He was born and raised in Ukraine and played for the Ukrainian soccer team Dynamo Kiev based in Kiev, Ukraine.
@joseph_goebbels He never played for Russia, but for Ukrainian team Dynamo Kiev
@joseph_goebbels how wrong you are . Lol
He crossed my mind .. i was thinking about him few days ago..i still remember him one of the fb stars in world cup 1982. Jet air liner !
Fastest player on earth
Документалка не передаёт всей той магии игры О.Блохина. На стадионе им. Банникова собирался аншлаг ещё тогда, когда будущая звезда играл только за дубль Динамо(Киев)! Часто глаза 100 000 зрителей следили только за его игрой, а остальные были статистами.
The best footballer history. Nunca he visto un futbolista igual. No es muy conocido como otros futbolistas. Pero acaso no es tan bueno como los que se suelen mencionar como los mejores de la historia? Además es el futbolista más veloz que he visto. Le faltó marketing por eso no es tan conocido. Eso es porque no perteneció a ningún equipo que maneje grandes sumas de dinero (sabido es la gran corrupción que hay en el fútbol) al pertenecer a la URSS. La velocidad física, mental y su depurada técnica lo convierten en el mejor futbolista. El mundo del fútbol al descubierto con este excelente video...
А я помню, как после очередного незабития, Олежа бутсы шнуровал и гетры подтягивал ))) 😁
Олежка больше не забил,чем забил.Был бы на его месте Шевченко,киевляне бы выиграли пару кеч во второй половине семидесятых.
@@alexandrsukharev3771 Можно подумать, что Шева все реализовывал)
@@Jack1986ZE это точно)
@@alexandrsukharev3771 точно. Одним голом с Баварией уже всех заебали. Больше показать и нечего. Потому что успехов больше не было. Ни на клубном уровне,ни на уровне сборных
Олег это феномен, Олег это гений, Олег это величайший, сейчас нет таких великих!
What A great footballer.
Дякую Олегу Володимировичу за блискучу гру.❤
Завтра великому советскому форварду Олегу Владимировичу Блохину исполнится 71 год).. Спасибо, Вам за игру , король !
Ottimo video e soundtrack , per il Ferrsri ucraino .
Thanks for so inspiring video and and excellent background music makes it even more enjoyable!
You're welcome!)
Craque muita velocidade rapidez drible chute habilidade e inteligente quase ninguém fala nele
Заслуженный Золотой мяч!
Олег Блохин .Я посмотрев игр Блохина освоил техники и тактики футбола.И даже сейчас в школе преподаю по этим системе.
Back in the good old days, when Russians and Ukrainians used to play peacefully together football in one great team - CCCP sbornaya!... It's a shame, what today is going on...
Respect from Poland
Un crack el Soviético Oleg Blokhin...junto con Rinat Dassaev y Alexei Mikhail Litchenko
He was better than all. Tall, fast, technically talking a monster. We can really say that just the origin and the CCCP of that time don't permitted him to be on the top of the world. For me he was better than all. For sure he deserves to be in the first 10 places of the football history.
Всё таки, в те времена, золотой мяч просто так не давали.
what a BEAST
Бешенный скорость, оснащен прекрасный техникой
Latest legends derive from old legends. One thing for sure none looking for a dive.
Um dos melhores jogadores do mundo,sem dúvida..
Unknown legend!
Ballon d or 1975 .He deserves it well.
Never heard of this guy before, great player..
Si tu aimes le football,tu dois connaître son histoire. Et Oleg blokhine était incroyable
He has good ball control and dribbling skills too.
I lknow Blokhin was mainly a 70's player but Ukraine had some wonderful players in the mid-late 80's. They really should have won a major title. 1988 was their chance. 1986 they should have gone further.
MUY GRANDE!!!!!👏👏👏🏆
Ufffff jajaja que animal.... La primera cabalga da ya deja claro que carrera pudo llevar este hombre, si tienes velocidad de atleta y talento de futbolista no lo dudes hasras cosas que otros no pueden.
He came to my home country as a coach after he retired most us here as young kids didn't realise we heard he was great but didn't really watch much of him and didn't realise what an absolute football legend he was...Depressing to think that he sadly didn't play in the big European clubs so more people can watch him because of strict USSR's laws he would have been HUGE today
Dynamo was huge. He won two European Winner's Cup for them. Only five teams won the cup more than once between 1960 and 2000. He isn't as well known because Soviet players are slept on today for some reason.
What a special player oleg was he was the first Russian player I heard of when I was a a lad
Super Oleg!!!!
Mans really did the Ronaldo chop before he was even born 💀