The only thing that tops this for me is in Neon Double Dragon when you beat the skeleton final boss he sings a song off a cliff and during the song lyrics says "here's your trophy" and literally pops up on your screen achievement/ trophy unlocked
Control has a great slightly hidden room that plays "My Dark Disquiet" by Poets of the Fall, treating it like a paranormal piece of media, with a questionnaire asking for you perceive reality after listening to it. That was pretty awesome.
i absolutly agree with you. I love this ending + Blind Guardian thats rlly awesome music. Everytime when i hear i have this vid in my head. So damn awesome! :-)
Aren't they all weapons, just depends on which you want? I remember having to go get them all. I could be wrong, I played it soon after release lol. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part before hand that I recall, idk but def most satisfying quest ever, hands down
@@brandonbuie1884 iirc they give you them all, you don't have to pick one. And they scale to you. I recall them being a few levels ahead of where you were no matter where you were at so it was worth doing this mission late game.
@@brandonbuie1884 yeah each band member gave you a version of their instrument that you could use as a weapon upon completion of their individual quest. You had to complete all their quests to gain access to this concert.
BrajePaLaje You should, this game is already amazing itself. Blind Guardian makes it even better. Plus, iirc, you can even get the instruments they're using in this video as weapons ingame.
+Ilestun Absolutely in the top 3 moments of my life as a gamer. Every time I watch this video, I remember the first time as it was yesterday. One of the biggest surprises in a game.
@@bogartwilleyBG is almost OG metal. Started in the late 80s I think. But yeah, Dream Evil is cut from the same cloth. If you ever need to grin like an idiot while basking in your inner 16 year old, crank up Heavy Metal Jesus. Works every time.
omg, how I want to remaster this graphics. This music is eternal, this CGI is ancient for 2024, although it's still makes me smile and cry. It's been so long ago, yet it feels like just a few days have passed...
I didn't knew they played for this game... Discovered in the intro... and when I reach the quest that leaded me to this concert... my jaw fell to the ground and I believe tears escaped my eyes... Most epic surprise ever!
I have to say.... have never seen this happen before. Speaks a testament to the greatness of this band. They shall be praised and hailed for generations. WAR it's now or never, we shall stand together... one by one this world is SACRED! Brings tears to my eyes.... =')
I mean to this day it does. Never has anyone given a shit about us gamers, and now FINALLY awarded our apt reward. This is not just sacred, this is BLESSED.
@@justezlivn I have seen it before. Cod black ops 2 campaign you get a cutscene where Avenged Sevenfold plays Carry On. You can see characters of the campaign in the audience along with a few zombies.
Мне лет 15, я впервые запускаю второй сакред с паленого диска, купленного на единственном рынке в нашем райцентре, и цепенею, потом ещё трижды перезапускаю игру, чтобы посмотреть клип и чувствовать мурашки во время припева.
Хаддрим Люциус в sacred 2 очень много вложен сил, да плюс дополнения и убрали практически все баги. И самая главная там фишка, что можно менять камеру и делать из нее привычную РПГ, с видом сзади и играть на привычном управлении W- A- D.
Нам с братом 7 и 13 лет, мы открываем мир гейминга с паленого диска, купленного в каком то проходном магазине, который до сих пор лежит где то в шкафу, и абсолютно полностью погружаемся в эти дебри, начиная с этой самой игры...
not only is this the most bad ass song ever to be in a videogame but its also so synced so good with the real life motions (looking at the drumset the video is pretty accurate with what i'm hearing). i first heard about blind guardian through this game, but the game definatly deserved a bigger audience.
This " quest " is up there as one of gamings greatest moments along with the dogs through the window in Res Evil. When i first played this game and did this quest i was blown away by this, it was so cool, had never experienced anything like it before , so good.
Came by to relive this outstanding in-game moment after all these years. I remember it to be one of the best quests I ever completed in a game. I knew about the quest, but never spoiled it. I couldn't believe it. An in-game concert with trolls and orcs in the audience, a song by Blind Guardian, a really fuckin' good song by Blind Guardian that kind of haunts you long after hearing it. I must have re-watched the video like 10 times that night over a few beers and headphones pressed to my skull as hard as I could push em. The way the whole thing is done is amazing. This is a seriously sweet idea really, completing a quest to see a song like that!!! It is worth the price of the game alone. Later on after you see the show, you'll encounter someone in town singing it to himself. I'd play any game that did something similar. Hell yes. Whoever thought of this, did not get nearly enough credit for this sweet collaboration.
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. When you finnish the campaign you get a concert scene with Avenged Sevenfold playing Carry On. Also every zombie easter egg song in the whole series is metal. Avenged Sevenfold made Mad Hatter for the map IX the rest of the songs are made by Kevin Sherwood. Most of them are sung by Elena Siegman unless stated otherwise. The song 115 in the map Kino Der Toten was my introduction to metal so that song has a special place in my heart.
I still remember the day we figured out how to activate the song. You had to interact with three "rocks" across the map. You knew when you did it because the character you play would comment on it and it would make a noise. The "rocks" is element 115 a mysterious element that caused the zombie apocalypse among other things
Unbelievable how old I was when I played Sacred 2. I think I was 14 and now I'm 25 years old. Missing the old days, that's for sure. Sacred 2, for me, the best RPG of all time. This is nostalgia at its finest. I remember playing with 3 of my best friends back then as we grinded the shit out of this game. I need to play Sacred 2 again on PC. Unfortunately I sold my PS3 version...
@@sidneytedeschi4990 It works on Windows 10. If you find the launcher in the files it will tell you that something is missing and this something is actually in the files. You can find it and launch it to install it on your PC and then you're able to launch the game without any issue.
This side quest is easily the side-quest that has had the greatest effect on my life. A throw away video game quest from a lacklustre game, introduced me to one of my most listened too bands ever! THANK YOU VIDEO GAME
Funny is that I said to myself that this was so far the most boring quest in the game but then I got to the concert and I changed my opinion the very first second I saw this. lol
SUCH A GOOD GAME. There is so much content and the map is HUGE. Not only do you get this badass surprise but when I beat the main campaign it said I only discovered like 29 percent of the map? That's INSANE
They left out the best verse of the song! “My eyes are the eyes of a dead man They see the unholy stream The source of my power T-Energy I’m in control I’M IN CONTROL!”
and that correlates with final chorus how instead of War, it's now or never We should stand together One by one This world is sacred we have I will live forever All that really matters I'M THE ONE This world is sacred
I miss this gave for this very reason. I haven't seen a damn radical concert like this since my first time seeing James dio at the killing the dragon tour when I was 17. My father took me. This is pure passionate energy driven music that really gets the blood pumping and makes you feel almost immortal. This is what made the game hands down. Total badassery.
The permastuck i got yesterday was bad. lol Only way to sort it out was to clear catche and not accept the update after and load save. lol New characters would also be permastuck.
This song gives me chills just hearing it. The nostalgia, I've played this game for so long and once I discovered it in game, it's been one of my favorite songs.
Hello my loyal servants! Listen, this is for the people of Ancaria. Though the hour is dark and the suffering goes on, just keep in mind, this Sacred.
imagine of yourself picturing something on your mind. its exactly what it feels like. you kinda feel it there, just above your eyes, but it just is a illusion of your mind. bunch of beautiful colour mixes dancing in your mind.
I'm not gonna lie, I just put this game into my PS3 for the first time and when I saw this... I nearly screamed with excitement. Blind Guardian Forever!
2020 and em i still one of the few people that still play this game? cause no other game can ever pump out content like this game did even in the first region.
One of my favorite song of all time. The song that got me into Blind Guardian, which is now my favorite band for the past 8 years. Saw the song live, I smiled so hard it hurt.
Saints1317 Agree! Yea the third.. is not made by the same developers! (But I don't know why you would do to sacred series what they did) - Ascaron (who made sacred 1 and sacred 2, this!,) has a new project however: Check out Unbended - I am currently playing Sacred 2 again, for some time, started a week before. It's much fun. S3? I played for 1 minute.
Many years, enjoyed every bit of this game and every part of it, still loved this song since then. Maybe one day we'll get a remaster, one can only hope
If theres one band out there worthy enough to adopt a game form n through it transcend through ageless dimensions of myths n fairytales in true mythic bard fashion thats Blind Guardian alone. Best in-game live performance ever. Heck its the only one ever. Legendary.
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is the reason I found you guys. Seen you live in concert a few years back. Some of the best power metal around if I say so myself.
Aaaand this is how I got into power metal and heavy metal as a whole. Including all other subgenres. For the record, I've discovered hundreds of bands since 2014, when I first played this game.
It's amazing! Look at their outfits! "Born in the days of medieval" This game seems to be very cool as well! Congratulations for your creativity. You are the best, guys!
When I first played this game I was already a Blind Guardian fan, but I had no clue they were in the game. When I got to this scene my jaw hit the desk. Pure EPIC! 🤘😁🍺
AMAZING SONG! even though the game was good, this is what made the game so memorable. I remember being told to "wait till I get home to play that part so I can see it again" LUL
Cyrek M Blind Guardian and underappreciated? Good Joke, as one of the most succesfull and most importants Bands in Power/Fantasy Metal they're anything than underappreciated :D
A Sacred kettőt 2 karakterrel végigvittem(templomőr,inkvizítor)(A többiben már csaltam egy kissé különböző programok segítségével). Már amennyire végig lehet vinni egy Hack N Shlash típusú játékot.Mikor megláttam eme mellékküldetést,csak egy üdítő színfoltot vitt ebbe a középkategóriás játékba csodálkozás mellet.Végre valami új ötlet a játék alkotóktól.Csak így tovább.
I found this part hilarious and that's as the quest leading up to it was pretty fun the song it self is fun. Heck the entire game is filled with pop culture and daft jokes that might be a little obscure to some but to others funny as heck. Really this is why I love the sacred series shame the third is no where near this good.
Lunaclove Yea the third.. is not made by the same developers! (But I don't know why you would do to sacred series what they did) - Ascaron (who made sacred 1 and sacred 2, this!,) has a new project however: Check out Unbended - I am currently playing Sacred 2 again, for some time, started a week before. It's much fun. S3? I played for 1 minute.
3rd game was an absolute disgrace ...totally killed it by making it a hack n slash action game with zero depth....something that's been done a million times before
I didn't know the band and I was quite surprised to find it, years ago, in the game. running around beating fantasy monsters with guitars in Sacred 2 was funny.
It's 2022 and I still think that this is one of the most epic endings for a quest chain in a game ever.
The only thing that tops this for me is in Neon Double Dragon when you beat the skeleton final boss he sings a song off a cliff and during the song lyrics says "here's your trophy" and literally pops up on your screen achievement/ trophy unlocked
Totally agree @OnigoroshiZero
Control has a great slightly hidden room that plays "My Dark Disquiet" by Poets of the Fall, treating it like a paranormal piece of media, with a questionnaire asking for you perceive reality after listening to it. That was pretty awesome.
i absolutly agree with you. I love this ending + Blind Guardian thats rlly awesome music. Everytime when i hear i have this vid in my head. So damn awesome! :-)
It's 2023 and Is still legendary
2024 And Still a banger, both song And The game 🎉❤
Not every band has an awesome concert with goblins cheering them.
Best bards ever.
nec.romancer dont forget the skeletons and the golem. And the goblin sound master in the back
@@silentwatcher4883 And the Bards are the good guys... The rest bad guys. And their not taking the bards apart.
Respect level; 100
@@AngelEmfrbl BECAUSE...good or bad...EVERYONE loves a GREAT rock concert...the unifying factor....and I agree...respect hits 100 ;)
Goblins? I'm here for the Werewolves. Goblins are far too common...........
And deadass guitar axes
That axe guitar is a weapon in the game. It plays metal riffs when you strike your enemies. It must be the best weapon ever.
Heavy metal;)
I can confirm it's an amazing weapon
Aren't they all weapons, just depends on which you want? I remember having to go get them all. I could be wrong, I played it soon after release lol. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part before hand that I recall, idk but def most satisfying quest ever, hands down
@@brandonbuie1884 iirc they give you them all, you don't have to pick one. And they scale to you. I recall them being a few levels ahead of where you were no matter where you were at so it was worth doing this mission late game.
@@brandonbuie1884 yeah each band member gave you a version of their instrument that you could use as a weapon upon completion of their individual quest. You had to complete all their quests to gain access to this concert.
I was like MAD when i completed the quest for this.......was a PURE surprise !!!!!
Best moment in gamer's life.
Ilestun YOU MEAN THIS IS IN A FUCKING GAME!!!!!!!?????????
BrajePaLaje sacred 2 yep there is a quest with the band members :D though this video is in the "Extras"
I got no choice, I gotta buy this!
BrajePaLaje You should, this game is already amazing itself. Blind Guardian makes it even better. Plus, iirc, you can even get the instruments they're using in this video as weapons ingame.
+Ilestun Absolutely in the top 3 moments of my life as a gamer. Every time I watch this video, I remember the first time as it was yesterday. One of the biggest surprises in a game.
Power metal + video games + fantasy books = MY RELIGION :D
I can’t believe no one liked your message in 7 years. I share your religion 😀
This game is awesome, so much depth to it. One of the best ARPGS ever!
I wish more fantasy RPGs did this. Imagine meeting the band members of Rhapsody of Fire or Hammerfall as NPCs in game.
I would sell a kidney to get it
4XEM4N3000 you have to try butal legend :D
4XEM4N3000 or Justin Bieber!
The Fart Song
fuck you
Douglass Whipple
That voice is pure gold!!!
This band reminds me very much of the band DREAM EVIL - specifically their DRAGON SLAYER album
@Bogart gaming & tech
Blind Guardian were doing this a decade or more before Dream Evil lol
@@bogartwilleyBG is almost OG metal. Started in the late 80s I think. But yeah, Dream Evil is cut from the same cloth. If you ever need to grin like an idiot while basking in your inner 16 year old, crank up Heavy Metal Jesus. Works every time.
@@zadenwachter9918 1984
10 years later....still awesome!
omg, how I want to remaster this graphics. This music is eternal, this CGI is ancient for 2024, although it's still makes me smile and cry. It's been so long ago, yet it feels like just a few days have passed... has nice quality
Stumbling on this little sidequest when you weren't expecting it and getting this video at the end was worth buying the game in itself.
Blisterdude123 It was awesome! I completed the quest at like 3 a.m. and then this started and I was like....SWEET!!!
@@salamanderavem3782 Yes, it was, you had to retrieve the bands instruments and you got this concert when you gave them back :D
@@Sigma_Eight shoot and the weapons are really good.
La miglior quest secondaria della storia
Si ma non rubare le battute a yotobi
@@JankyDice96 era appunto per citarlo
@@iOSMIDO I see, you're a man of culture.
Cacchio che quest. Me l'ero scordata
Solo chi l ha giocata sa.....avevo almeno 180 h su ps2...
This animation is so well done for its age. The musicians are legit playing their instruments. (Drummer at least) from all angles!!!
That's because the band did motion capture and actually played the song for the game. They also made the game.
@@GGA007Gamingin a recent podcast they told that they used broomsticks for the motion capture which is kind of funny :D
I didn't knew they played for this game... Discovered in the intro... and when I reach the quest that leaded me to this concert... my jaw fell to the ground and I believe tears escaped my eyes... Most epic surprise ever!
Gustavo Sanchez it was a moment where me and my brother bonded as gamers
I have to say.... have never seen this happen before. Speaks a testament to the greatness of this band. They shall be praised and hailed for generations. WAR it's now or never, we shall stand together... one by one this world is SACRED! Brings tears to my eyes.... =')
I mean to this day it does. Never has anyone given a shit about us gamers, and now FINALLY awarded our apt reward. This is not just sacred, this is BLESSED.
@@justezlivn I have seen it before. Cod black ops 2 campaign you get a cutscene where Avenged Sevenfold plays Carry On. You can see characters of the campaign in the audience along with a few zombies.
I just experienced this now! What a surprise haha!
Мне лет 15, я впервые запускаю второй сакред с паленого диска, купленного на единственном рынке в нашем райцентре, и цепенею, потом ещё трижды перезапускаю игру, чтобы посмотреть клип и чувствовать мурашки во время припева.
Неужели фанаты sacred еще не вымерли?
@@OzZarNik_Vs_Ich_Will Это наверное воспоминания. Сейчас уже нет рынков в райцентрах с палёными дисками)
@@OzZarNik_Vs_Ich_Will Поверь мы ешё есть помним любим скорбим жаль что сакред 3 конкретно так всрали
@@Haddrim__Luzius Согласна 3 полное говно...
Хаддрим Люциус
в sacred 2 очень много вложен сил, да плюс дополнения и убрали практически все баги. И самая главная там фишка, что можно менять камеру и делать из нее привычную РПГ, с видом сзади и играть на привычном управлении W- A- D.
It's 2021 and I'm not sick of this incredible thing.
Нам с братом 7 и 13 лет, мы открываем мир гейминга с паленого диска, купленного в каком то проходном магазине, который до сих пор лежит где то в шкафу, и абсолютно полностью погружаемся в эти дебри, начиная с этой самой игры...
Аналогично. Но вместо брата сестра. И вместо этой игры Скайрим.
This is a true Blind Guardian concert. A concert of metalhead hobgoblins, orks and dwarfs.
В 2024 году тоже очень играбельна и выглядит намного лучше некоторых современных релизов. Немецкие фэнтези-рпг самые лучшие!!
Still playing the game. 1-1-2019
One of the best games ever
я из 2035,до сих пор слушаем)))
@Christlicher Musikkanal What do you mean? The gsme or the In-game concert?
Bro, are the servers still online?
too bad the game was so ez that u had to go in the text balance file to buff enemies but it was worth playing just for this quest
we shall stand together!
Holyfranz One by one. THIS WORLD IS SAAAAACRED
@@AmaryInkawult I'm coming home
@@plebisMaximus how do you mean?
2024 und es kickt einfach nach wie vor brutal!
not only is this the most bad ass song ever to be in a videogame but its also so synced so good with the real life motions (looking at the drumset the video is pretty accurate with what i'm hearing). i first heard about blind guardian through this game, but the game definatly deserved a bigger audience.
Blind Guardian ist einfach nur der Hammer
Sacred 2 and quarantine, best weekends ever))
4.10.2023 e sto andando al loro concerto😊
Sacred 2 is and was the best game EVER !!! Make sacred 4 PLESEEEE ,,,,2024 love ya !!!
This " quest " is up there as one of gamings greatest moments along with the dogs through the window in Res Evil. When i first played this game and did this quest i was blown away by this, it was so cool, had never experienced anything like it before , so good.
Came by to relive this outstanding in-game moment after all these years. I remember it to be one of the best quests I ever completed in a game. I knew about the quest, but never spoiled it. I couldn't believe it. An in-game concert with trolls and orcs in the audience, a song by Blind Guardian, a really fuckin' good song by Blind Guardian that kind of haunts you long after hearing it. I must have re-watched the video like 10 times that night over a few beers and headphones pressed to my skull as hard as I could push em. The way the whole thing is done is amazing. This is a seriously sweet idea really, completing a quest to see a song like that!!! It is worth the price of the game alone. Later on after you see the show, you'll encounter someone in town singing it to himself. I'd play any game that did something similar. Hell yes. Whoever thought of this, did not get nearly enough credit for this sweet collaboration.
Nicely said and done. Honestly when I completed the quest, I was kind of shocked. I didn't expect it to be so cool LOL.
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. When you finnish the campaign you get a concert scene with Avenged Sevenfold playing Carry On. Also every zombie easter egg song in the whole series is metal. Avenged Sevenfold made Mad Hatter for the map IX the rest of the songs are made by Kevin Sherwood. Most of them are sung by Elena Siegman unless stated otherwise. The song 115 in the map Kino Der Toten was my introduction to metal so that song has a special place in my heart.
I still remember the day we figured out how to activate the song. You had to interact with three "rocks" across the map. You knew when you did it because the character you play would comment on it and it would make a noise. The "rocks" is element 115 a mysterious element that caused the zombie apocalypse among other things
One of the levels in Jets'n'Guns is a Machinae Supremacy concert.
what game?
Просто супер!!!!!!!
Sacred 2 & Blind Guardian, pure perfection! ♥ ♥
Unbelievable how old I was when I played Sacred 2. I think I was 14 and now I'm 25 years old. Missing the old days, that's for sure. Sacred 2, for me, the best RPG of all time. This is nostalgia at its finest. I remember playing with 3 of my best friends back then as we grinded the shit out of this game. I need to play Sacred 2 again on PC. Unfortunately I sold my PS3 version...
Steam, currently 14.99 € for the game +ice and blood, work on every system except win 10 (works on 10 pro)
@@sidneytedeschi4990 It works on Windows 10. If you find the launcher in the files it will tell you that something is missing and this something is actually in the files. You can find it and launch it to install it on your PC and then you're able to launch the game without any issue.
This side quest is easily the side-quest that has had the greatest effect on my life. A throw away video game quest from a lacklustre game, introduced me to one of my most listened too bands ever! THANK YOU VIDEO GAME
Funny is that I said to myself that this was so far the most boring quest in the game but then I got to the concert and I changed my opinion the very first second I saw this. lol
Ловлю кайф, сидя на самоизоляции, июнь 2020.😏
Ты не одинок
Я так решил поиграть пару недель, а потом подсел немного. Особенно когда меняешь вид и играешь с видом сзади, то вообще одно удовольствие.
This was my introduction to Blind Guardian, all those years ago. Still search the video out from time to time.
this is the best award for a mission ever `!!!!
Axel Sinni Yea it is but don't forget ya get their instruments too.. agreed BEST QUEST REWARDS EVER!!!
John Williams that's the next quest called After the Show is Before the Show
SUCH A GOOD GAME. There is so much content and the map is HUGE. Not only do you get this badass surprise but when I beat the main campaign it said I only discovered like 29 percent of the map? That's INSANE
I recently saw them live in concert back in April, here in Texas. Deep Ellum. It was amazing!
This song found in sacred 2 introduced me to a new form of metal. It's opened a whole new world for me. It holds a special spot in my heart for that
One of the best parts from One of My favorite games!
cette chanson me donne toujours envie de jouer à ce superbe jeu!!
It’s actually not good how truly burned into my brain this song is in my brain. For real.
They left out the best verse of the song!
“My eyes are the eyes of a dead man
They see the unholy stream
The source of my power T-Energy
I’m in control
and that correlates with final chorus how instead of
War, it's now or never
We should stand together
One by one
This world is sacred
we have
I will live forever
All that really matters
This world is sacred
I miss this gave for this very reason. I haven't seen a damn radical concert like this since my first time seeing James dio at the killing the dragon tour when I was 17. My father took me.
This is pure passionate energy driven music that really gets the blood pumping and makes you feel almost immortal.
This is what made the game hands down. Total badassery.
I was a beta tester for this game and this quest introduced me to our bards. Been a follower since. Soo good.
I wish Ascaron were still with us and released the actual Sacred 3
The permastuck i got yesterday was bad. lol Only way to sort it out was to clear catche and not accept the update after and load save. lol New characters would also be permastuck.
My new standard for the word "epic"
This song gives me chills just hearing it. The nostalgia, I've played this game for so long and once I discovered it in game, it's been one of my favorite songs.
Love this song and getting the Blind Guardians instruments after as a reward weapons, especially the axe guitar hearing each hit the guitar going 😆✨
Hello my loyal servants! Listen, this is for the people of Ancaria. Though the hour is dark and the suffering goes on, just keep in mind, this Sacred.
After 20 years i will finally watch them live in Brisbane Australia! Cannot wait for
Охрененные! Что видеоряд, что песня. Услышал впервые в 2009-том или 2010-том году. И с этой песни начался мой путь в пауэр-металл)
best song in a video game ever made catchy and awesome
Wow the drums are synced really well. Like better than the first three guitar heroes. Most impressive thing about the whole game.
100%the best rpg quest in the history of rpg's.if only we had developers like this today.
Keeping it real in 2021. Will always love this.
imagine of yourself picturing something on your mind. its exactly what it feels like. you kinda feel it there, just above your eyes, but it just is a illusion of your mind. bunch of beautiful colour mixes dancing in your mind.
Everyone, look up the work that they put into making this for the game. You'll understand just how dedicated these guys are.
I'm not gonna lie, I just put this game into my PS3 for the first time and when I saw this... I nearly screamed with excitement. Blind Guardian Forever!
Eu amo essa versão, mas eu amo mais ainda a versão do álbum ♡♡♡♡ blind guardian nunca me decepciona 😍😍😍
In my opinion, this is their best song. And i`m not even played the game. Just chills every time and pure power.
2020 and em i still one of the few people that still play this game? cause no other game can ever pump out content like this game did even in the first region.
Playing it now.
One of my favorite song of all time. The song that got me into Blind Guardian, which is now my favorite band for the past 8 years. Saw the song live, I smiled so hard it hurt.
Oh the memories.. One of the best RPGs out there. Shame what they did with Sacred 3, those morons. But anyways, this song is so. fucking. good!
Saints1317 Agree! Yea the third.. is not made by the same developers! (But I don't know why you would do to sacred series what they did)
- Ascaron (who made sacred 1 and sacred 2, this!,) has a new project however: Check out Unbended
- I am currently playing Sacred 2 again, for some time, started a week before. It's much fun. S3? I played for 1 minute.
Ice & blood was amazing.
Join 3 friends and play Sacred 3 for you to see. Guaranteed fun
Noo, the BEST RPG!
Sacred 2 was pretty shitty compared to the first one, come on
Many years, enjoyed every bit of this game and every part of it, still loved this song since then. Maybe one day we'll get a remaster, one can only hope
The nostalgia hitting me back as a little girl playing this game is insane
I'm genuinely impressed they actually animated the drumming accurately the way they did.
Я помню этот момент по игре Sacred 2 Falen Angel... Это было круто))
А трофеи были ещё круче))
@@Yarilo1000 пламеные гитары и посох-микрофон если я не ошибаюсь
С удовольствием слушал Blind Guardian, купил Sacred и тут....млин, это было круто!!!👍
@@peterquote9949 что тут то!???? что ты млинкаеш!!???? кретин!!!
If theres one band out there worthy enough to adopt a game form n through it transcend through ageless dimensions of myths n fairytales in true mythic bard fashion thats Blind Guardian alone. Best in-game live performance ever. Heck its the only one ever. Legendary.
ça me donne envie de rejouer à ce jeu!!! fantastique!
This game (and quest) was my first introduction to Blind Guardian. What a nostalgia trip 🤘
When i played sacred 2 and saw this first time i was shocked why ? because this was a great idea and best song
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is the reason I found you guys. Seen you live in concert a few years back.
Some of the best power metal around if I say so myself.
Aaaand this is how I got into power metal and heavy metal as a whole. Including all other subgenres.
For the record, I've discovered hundreds of bands since 2014, when I first played this game.
What a classic.
It's amazing! Look at their outfits! "Born in the days of medieval"
This game seems to be very cool as well!
Congratulations for your creativity.
You are the best, guys!
I'm still playing Sacred 2, and listening to this song, both will stand the test of time...
Got that game just because of this Blind Guardian quest XD
Durah Chan too bad the rest of the game couldn't be as good.
Sandra Contreras Sadly
It's a pretty good game.
Yeah, when I saw a trailer and heard Hansi's voice I was like "Wtf are you, I need you."
Great band and great game. This fit so well too.
When I first played this game I was already a Blind Guardian fan, but I had no clue they were in the game. When I got to this scene my jaw hit the desk. Pure EPIC! 🤘😁🍺
Wish ascaron did not fold, and added more to this game/series. Was a great game with great potential
I'm going to be honest, I played this game specifically because this song was in it haha
Still adore this song
Blind guardian are insane
Esse eh o nosso hino Guardiões
I'm playing this game at the moment, and today I got to see this cinematic ingame - it was fantastic, as is the game itself, I'm loving it so far.
AMAZING SONG! even though the game was good, this is what made the game so memorable. I remember being told to "wait till I get home to play that part so I can see it again" LUL
Episch. Hab das grad gespielt und gesehen. Bin begeistert!
One of the BEST and most underappreciated bands EVER. Just listen and appreciate! :)
Cyrek M Blind Guardian and underappreciated? Good Joke, as one of the most succesfull and most importants Bands in Power/Fantasy Metal they're anything than underappreciated :D
A Sacred kettőt 2 karakterrel végigvittem(templomőr,inkvizítor)(A többiben már csaltam egy kissé különböző programok segítségével). Már amennyire végig lehet vinni egy Hack N Shlash típusú játékot.Mikor megláttam eme mellékküldetést,csak egy üdítő színfoltot vitt ebbe a középkategóriás játékba csodálkozás mellet.Végre valami új ötlet a játék alkotóktól.Csak így tovább.
here in 2024❤
Yes sir
And on my way to see them at Wacken 😂
Immernoch GEIL...
This is the best version of the song. Nothing beats the original.
this isn't the original. maybe to the video game. you can hear where its edited towards the end.
This song would make me want to slay a bunch of evildoers too. Blind power metal band!!!!!!
I found this part hilarious and that's as the quest leading up to it was pretty fun the song it self is fun. Heck the entire game is filled with pop culture and daft jokes that might be a little obscure to some but to others funny as heck. Really this is why I love the sacred series shame the third is no where near this good.
Lunaclove Yea the third.. is not made by the same developers! (But I don't know why you would do to sacred series what they did)
- Ascaron (who made sacred 1 and sacred 2, this!,) has a new project however: Check out Unbended
- I am currently playing Sacred 2 again, for some time, started a week before. It's much fun. S3? I played for 1 minute.
Honestly I have the gold edition on steam and the game for Xbox 360. I do hope it becomes backwards compatible
3rd game was an absolute disgrace ...totally killed it by making it a hack n slash action game with zero depth....something that's been done a million times before
Blind Guardian are awesome!!!
I didn't know the band and I was quite surprised to find it, years ago, in the game. running around beating fantasy monsters with guitars in Sacred 2 was funny.
One of the best songs of their entire career.
Still playing this game in 2017.
Blind Guardian's works are indescribable, simply breathtaking and awesome beyond belief.
I love this game to death. Many things in it are so quirky and humorous.
Rip of his head... i need a new Ashtray. xD
Not too mention, how often do you get to see a fallen angel ride around on the back of a bengal tiger? Just saying.
stupendo pezzo meraviglioso bello anche video