Bride-To-Be BACKSTABBED On BACHELORETTE, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

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  • @DharMann
    @DharMann  Рік тому +783

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  • @Asr26363
    @Asr26363 Рік тому +3281

    I feel bad for the one bridesmaid who was nice and didn’t pressure her because at that one part she said “I’m done with all of you” but she didn’t do anything wrong.

    • @conga781
      @conga781 Рік тому +144

      but she didnt do anything to stop the other girls

    • @Asr26363
      @Asr26363 Рік тому +122

      @@conga781 She kind of tried defending her though also what could she have done ?

    • @ss1ro
      @ss1ro Рік тому +80

      ​@@conga781when someone pressures you so much you can't do anything , she tried but they kept telling her that everything was fine she stopped, at least she tried not like the other one literally just left her like that

    • @amylee8969
      @amylee8969 Рік тому +19

      @ Asr
      I kind of feel bad for the villain friend too. Like yeah, what she did was NOT ok. Especially to someone whose suppose to be her friend.
      -But I could imagine how hurtful and frustrating it is having feelings for someone in high school, only to see them either, reject you, or get together with someone else. I myself didn’t get the chance to really date in high school for this very reason! For adults……who are older and wiser, it doesn’t seem like a big deal. But it’s very hurtful and heartbreaking as a teenager.

    • @Asr26363
      @Asr26363 Рік тому +23

      @@amylee8969 she’s not a teenager though

  • @Bakutalk
    @Bakutalk Рік тому +5954

    Brian was the real hero of the story. He saved a marriage.

    • @jordanpryor4771
      @jordanpryor4771 Рік тому +136

      Relationship. They weren’t married yet.

    • @alch8485
      @alch8485 Рік тому +183

      He also ruined it too though to begin with

    • @Hihiglegle1723
      @Hihiglegle1723 Рік тому +92

      he also ruined it too

    • @joshuamartinez7409
      @joshuamartinez7409 Рік тому +48

      @@Hihiglegle1723 The friendship was ruined between one of the girls

    • @ihurtyourfeelings
      @ihurtyourfeelings Рік тому +30

      @@jordanpryor4771 Marriage doesn't have to be present.
      In this case, it's future.

  • @kalandargandapur4820
    @kalandargandapur4820 Рік тому +407

    I am glad Brian showed up at the end and how he explained the truth to them to save their marriage. He actually cared about her marriage. He is truly an honest man of the story.

    • @acedup00
      @acedup00 3 місяці тому

      She still cheated 💀🤦🏻‍♂️🤡

      @LOVEYOURSELFFFxX Місяць тому

      @@acedup00how did she cheat? Oh nvm I didn’t watch the full thing now I did

    • @Vlxidyoumsny
      @Vlxidyoumsny 10 днів тому

      It’s not her fault most of her “friends” told her to take shots and iykyk and yea

  • @lorikodama8212
    @lorikodama8212 8 місяців тому +197

    I've never understood the purpose of a bachelor/bachelorette party. It seems to undermine everything a wedding stands for. That's why when I got married, we just had a get together with close friends TOGETHER.

    • @zachgsu762
      @zachgsu762 7 місяців тому +9

      I think they see those parties as a "last night of freedom" so anything goes for them

    • @lorikodama8212
      @lorikodama8212 7 місяців тому +15

      @@zachgsu762 not sure why freedom is so important to them. They've had their whole single life of "freedom". Why risk your marriage for one more meaningless roll in the hay? Sounds like their not ready to be married tbh.

    • @maryperry6573
      @maryperry6573 3 місяці тому +4

      @@lorikodama8212bachelor(ette) parties don’t necessarily mean cheating though

    • @JerinJohnsonC
      @JerinJohnsonC 2 місяці тому +3

      ​@@maryperry6573 you're right but you won't rule out the possibility that many cheatings do happen during that party, would you?

    • @Luckyrider1958
      @Luckyrider1958 2 місяці тому

      @@zachgsu762 anyone believing that, should NOT get married.. that act like Marriage is a life sentence in prison!! And frankly, the minute you say "YES" and take the engagement ring... you're sworn to monogamy... so HELL YES anything at a Bachelor or Bachelorette party IS CHEATING...

  • @Melina4kkk
    @Melina4kkk Рік тому +1197

    My anger issues could never with those girls 💀

  • @heartrose2122
    @heartrose2122 7 місяців тому +47

    Sarah Noelle - Ocean
    Colton Fish - Grant
    Alexa Koptinik - Ranya
    Brianna Fernandez - Ali
    Jataun Gilbert - Brian
    Shekina Austria - Danica

    • @user-j4x2y-26wkt
      @user-j4x2y-26wkt 6 місяців тому +11

      you mean instead of ocean its brinley?

    • @anastasiajane2830
      @anastasiajane2830 12 днів тому

      Soon To Be Bride Gets Backstabbed Cast
      Sarah Noelle- Brinley
      Colton Fish- Grant
      Alexa Cate- Camry
      Brianna Fernandez- Ellie
      Jataun Gilbert- Brian
      Shekinah Austria- Danica

    • @anastasiajane2830
      @anastasiajane2830 12 днів тому

      Teen Pressured to try cigarettes cast
      Sarah Noelle- Ocean
      Bhaavika Gaddam- Shilpa
      Alexa Cate- Ranya
      Callie Walker- Tara
      Rita Sehmi- Pooja
      Jovanna Vidal- Toni

  • @cupidsdesire.
    @cupidsdesire. Рік тому +1099

    i actually really liked this video. it shows how horrible peer pressure is. if the guy wasn’t an actor, she could’ve ended up actually cheating on her fiancé, but knowing that, her friends still pressured her into it. it also shows real emotions as well, especially when she accused one of her friends of doing it and pushed her. shows how when in distress, we often jump to conclusions and act/speak without thinking.

    • @masterofdeath5648
      @masterofdeath5648 Рік тому +22

      It wouldn't have been cheating even if they "hooked up" cause having sex with someone while they're under the influence is not consensual, which meant she would've been raped, not cheating.

    • @cupidsdesire.
      @cupidsdesire. Рік тому +8

      @@masterofdeath5648 yh true, i was just going by how the video portrayed it.

    • @Ashley-kx2gf
      @Ashley-kx2gf Рік тому +12

      okay but if you know you can't hang and you know the consequences why be dumb and blame some one else about yo actions that's childish

    • @cupidsdesire.
      @cupidsdesire. Рік тому +8

      @@Ashley-kx2gf she was peer pressured into doing stuff, and was set up by her friend. she didn’t know what would happen, she isn’t a time traveler. she was blaming ppl for snitching on her, which made the situation worse bc she was going to confess anyways, but it looked as if she was trying to hide it. maybe try actually watching the video. she was going to take accountability for her actions, she wasn’t blaming anyone for it she was jumping to conclusions abt who snitched on her. it’s not childish, it’s having emotions.

    • @tequilashots875
      @tequilashots875 Рік тому +14

      Peer pressure is for the weak. You control your own decisions in life. Don’t blame peer pressure for your own mistakes. If she didn’t want to drink she should have just said no.

  • @SomeRandodude222
    @SomeRandodude222 Рік тому +4747

    Has anyone else ever been so disappointed that you don’t believe anyone anymore ?

  • @asiaelassidi9337
    @asiaelassidi9337 Рік тому +57

    Those friends are the kind u should get away from , except ali ofc

    • @sixeyedsamurai2647
      @sixeyedsamurai2647 8 днів тому

      All of them are bad people. Even if Ali tried to defend her, she also tried to help cover it up.

  • @jokodihaynes419
    @jokodihaynes419 Рік тому +414

    "The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from those you trust the most"

    • @thearcherofjustice1492
      @thearcherofjustice1492 Рік тому +4

      This is so true 😞😭

    • @CeCe_Bride_Of_Jesus_Christ
      @CeCe_Bride_Of_Jesus_Christ Рік тому +4

      Exactly. It mainly comes from family members. I know because I'm going through it everyday. Being persecuted, abused mentally, emotionally and verbally for calling the dysfunctions and their toxic behavior. They don't take accountability for how they treat me so they call me crazy and tell me I should be in a mental hospital. I'm 23 and they're trying to control my life, telling me where I can and can't work. Then when I stand up for myself they get mad. 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @DEAN_23
      @DEAN_23 Рік тому +3

      If it comes from your enemies, it's not really betrayal, is it?....

    • @BethSloan-u9r
      @BethSloan-u9r Рік тому +1

      That's true, because you expect it from enemies so it's not really betrayal.

    • @cedriccoles4335
      @cedriccoles4335 6 місяців тому +1

      Did Cam even tell Brin how she felt about Grant?

  • @JaaronBrice
    @JaaronBrice Рік тому +980

    "Sometimes it's the people closest to you that can hurt you the most." Big facts! 💯

    • @inukaiser
      @inukaiser Рік тому +4


    • @lilash6041
      @lilash6041 Рік тому +9

      Well no duh. If people that aren't close to you, hurt you, you don't care as much cause u don't care for them. So of course when someone close to you hurts you, it hurts more. Because you care for them. The quote is ridiculous lol.

    • @joey6451
      @joey6451 Рік тому +2


    • @TheOnlyDannyDoggy
      @TheOnlyDannyDoggy Рік тому


    • @JaaronBrice
      @JaaronBrice Рік тому +2

      @@joey6451 Yo mama is a NPC!

  • @Rainy_snc
    @Rainy_snc 11 місяців тому +75

    The gaslighting is real.

  • @PublicStqticVoid
    @PublicStqticVoid Рік тому +213

    Girl: *pushes other girl with 0.0000000000001 lbs of pressure*
    Other girls: *Scream at the top of their lungs*

    • @DaRealZerTs
      @DaRealZerTs 11 місяців тому +2


    • @Urfavbrunette-w7o
      @Urfavbrunette-w7o 10 місяців тому +1

      Ong 😭

    • @IzzysChristmasTree
      @IzzysChristmasTree 10 місяців тому +1

      It she did not scream and if she did then it was cause she was shocked that the bride would accuse her❤

      @BUSORSUS 9 місяців тому +2

      i dont like people that force people into doing things that could ruin there whole life, its so annoying

    • @itsfinby
      @itsfinby 9 місяців тому +2


  • @DelainaTheJurassicFan
    @DelainaTheJurassicFan Рік тому +846

    " You have to be careful who you trust. It's the ones closest to you who can hurt you the most " Powerful message, Dhar! Thank you for this...thanks for this video. Keep up the great work!

  • @benouzgane1929
    @benouzgane1929 Рік тому +27

    Betrayal is a terrible and emotional thing. When you hurt someone, you only hurt yourself in the end.

  • @Jaya-yx5gd
    @Jaya-yx5gd Рік тому +304

    A person like Brian is hard to find in real life....he could have taken advantage of the situation bt he is a pure gentleman❤

    • @G-bk2ob
      @G-bk2ob 6 місяців тому

      @@user-je7nq6rz2ja LIAAAT

    • @Relight_Aqua
      @Relight_Aqua 6 місяців тому


    • @MacauleyCooke
      @MacauleyCooke 4 місяці тому +1

      I subbed

    • @maryperry6573
      @maryperry6573 3 місяці тому +1


    • @G-bk2ob
      @G-bk2ob 3 місяці тому

      @@MacauleyCooke it's a spam dummy

  • @king-dragosancho17
    @king-dragosancho17 Рік тому +123

    Brian is the hero of the video he saved Brinley's relationship at least Grant actually listened to the story and actually believed him their relationship woulda been over if Brian wasn't there but mad props for Brian for being loyal and helping Brinley

    • @victoriapeare4393
      @victoriapeare4393 9 місяців тому +3

      I feel bad for Brinle'ys going though make me feel emotional all time I dont like it so much

    • @noora1402
      @noora1402 2 місяці тому

      @@victoriapeare4393 why would you feel bad for brinley? i feel bad for grant

  • @Milaaloves
    @Milaaloves 11 місяців тому +23

    18:12 grant face made me laugh lol

  • @Kayytooprettyy
    @Kayytooprettyy Рік тому +210

    Her friends get on my nervess.🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @laurieblackwell3178
      @laurieblackwell3178 Рік тому +23

      Mine too! Not real friends. I would have left them 😂

    • @gabylaney5884
      @gabylaney5884 Рік тому +17

      Something instantly told me that Camry would be the culprit in this video because she was the worst out of any of the friends! "If friends are pressuring you into something you don't want to do then they are not your friends" 💯 fact! It's so disheartening when sometimes the people closest to us are the ones that hurt us the most 💔 And the final straw is a sign that we must get them out of our lives for good to protect ourselves..🤍

    • @chigusayamamoto5063
      @chigusayamamoto5063 Рік тому +9

      @@gabylaney5884 Ali is the only likeable friend

    • @anarahm
      @anarahm Рік тому +1

      ​​@@gabylaney5884At first I thought it was Danica because she was being whiny trying to get Brinley to drink and she was coming off as the most annoying and whiny in the group.

    • @gabylaney5884
      @gabylaney5884 Рік тому +2

      Just as well none of those so-called friends were Brinley's Bridesmaids. Yes Ali was the only likeable friend. Some people prob thought it was Danica & some people prob thought it was Camry, so it was 💯 gonna be between those 2! Some friend Camry turned out to be 👎👎

  • @Marktxx
    @Marktxx Рік тому +56

    The girl getting the bride ready for her wedding was ABSOLUTELY FLABBERGASTED. When he said, "there's gonna be no wEdDiNg"

    • @ThatMentallyillgirl
      @ThatMentallyillgirl 9 місяців тому +3

      Fr tho its was so funny😭

    • @coleallen3895
      @coleallen3895 5 місяців тому +2

      Girl? You mean lady!! She’s old enough to be Brinley’s mother!

  • @emmastar-d5f
    @emmastar-d5f 11 місяців тому +16

    2:19 Exactly its hers she gets to decide

  • @leslyyjrr
    @leslyyjrr Рік тому +74

    the way they pressured her is so relatable to me

  • @milestaylor-charlemagne6311
    @milestaylor-charlemagne6311 Рік тому +172

    These videos never fail to impress the twists and whose really at fault. Brian truly was an honest guy; he didn't take advantage and told the truth in the end. Peer pressure is never okay; you should never torture yourself just to please others and never let anyone peer pressure you to do things just for a laugh. People should respect your decision and if they don't, they're not really your friends. Great video overall!

  • @FoamFoom
    @FoamFoom 8 місяців тому +16


  • @TheRealMadamBlackWolf
    @TheRealMadamBlackWolf Рік тому +243

    In the words of Daughtry: The only thing worse than a hater is a traitor.
    And who is the traitor? CAMRY.

  • @poepoep8659
    @poepoep8659 Рік тому +37

    Remember To Pray Before Eating And Drinking. Spread The Gospel.

  • @N00RYOYT
    @N00RYOYT 8 місяців тому +15

    14:04 lol u can tell she was trying so hard not to laugh!

  • @mpierce3818
    @mpierce3818 Рік тому +140

    The lessons in these videos are always on point. Definitely have to be careful with who you trust. These girls were not her true friends. So terrible that she set her up. Jealousy is an ugly trait. Glad this video had a happy ending.

    • @TheGreatestShortKid
      @TheGreatestShortKid Рік тому +6

      If you look back one girl was not happy with anything that brinley was doing.

    • @mpierce3818
      @mpierce3818 Рік тому +4

      @@TheGreatestShortKid that’s true!

    • @acedup00
      @acedup00 3 місяці тому

      Those girls didn’t force her to cheat on her fiancé WTF 😂

  • @Batman10480
    @Batman10480 Рік тому +30

    16:37 amazon truck really 😂😂

    • @ladennayoung2939
      @ladennayoung2939 5 місяців тому +1

      Dude had to make his delivery. Besides, it looks more realistic that way. LOL.

  • @babysenpai_
    @babysenpai_ 8 місяців тому +3

    0:38 the fact that the first thought that came to her is go give him a kiss on the cheek and not to get her phone is actually really sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺

  • @quincycadatal7973
    @quincycadatal7973 Рік тому +347

    He is literally changing the lives of children’s minds and memories

  • @sabrinataimalie9084
    @sabrinataimalie9084 Рік тому +91

    betrayal always comes from the loved ones

  • @elizabethzumaya1044
    @elizabethzumaya1044 Рік тому +12

    The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies it comes from those you trust the most

  • @barbkatz1500
    @barbkatz1500 Рік тому +169

    Brian is truly the man of the century. His honesty saved the marriage. Decide what is really important in life when picking your friends. 💙🦋💙🦋


    Dhar has no boundaries on how crazy his content gets and he never fails us to entertain us and he always makes our day or night even better

  • @GeometryGav
    @GeometryGav Рік тому +4

    Ali was actually a good friend, she kept telling them, “I don’t know” or trying to stop things. Camry did the worst. Danica peer pressured her to drink more. Ali was an actual genuine friend

  • @KBAFourthtime
    @KBAFourthtime Рік тому +42

    I've felt like yelling at Danica and Camry for manipulation.

    • @anarahm
      @anarahm Рік тому

      I'd leave as soon as they wanted me to drink, and do all that stuff, and before I leave I would say "DBI"(Don't beg it)

    • @romaryovictor3585
      @romaryovictor3585 Рік тому +4

      And I hated how Danika got away with everything in the end

  • @thomashallletsplays3340
    @thomashallletsplays3340 Рік тому +40

    You seriously had me fooled with this one. I thought the video was gonna leave off when the engaged couple broke up, but fortunately, it didn't. I guess it also goes to show you should be careful on who you trust.

  • @miamxmi
    @miamxmi Рік тому +11

    "no buts! I need your BUTT in this DRESS!" got me dying 🤣

  • @mystical9386
    @mystical9386 Рік тому +85

    1:00 proceeds to forget phone again 💀

  • @raashmivenkateshraj2247
    @raashmivenkateshraj2247 Рік тому +60

    Being people pleaser can actually put us into complicated situations we just need to learn how to say "No" we need to set out boundaries fr

    • @Rjcar11324
      @Rjcar11324 7 місяців тому

      Yes 1 million percent

    • @ladennayoung2939
      @ladennayoung2939 5 місяців тому

      Yes. Say no and stick to it without over explaining or anything.

  • @mantraa2129
    @mantraa2129 Рік тому +16

    wait whaaaa---------11:52 🥲

  • @LuvKaykay.
    @LuvKaykay. Рік тому +41

    16:11 I KNEW IT

  • @laragalesso1385
    @laragalesso1385 Рік тому +43

    Envy and jealousy, especially among women, have always been there, social media and internet have only provided these people with an additional weapon... For this we mothers owe, more than we once, taught our children to act independently and conscientiously, without being influenced by companies...

    • @Edzhjus
      @Edzhjus Рік тому

      competition is more fun

  • @aurora_2754
    @aurora_2754 Рік тому +9

    This video is reminiscent of my sister's wedding 4 years ago. I was a Bridesmaid at her wedding and her 'maid of honour', best friend of over 10 years was never nice to me. Saying I should stay away from my sister and her now husband. I was 14 her and my sister was in her late 20s, her husband as well. How they met was through her best friend, now looking back at the wedding I realised the maid of honour was trying to stop and spoil the wedding. However I was the one who saved the day by asking why she was so stressed. Being a young but smart naive teenager I didn't want to make it too obvious about what I was going to ask her. Turns out, she yelled at me furious that my sister and brother-in-law were getting married and she was on 'the sidelines'. So I thought quickly by giving her some advice on trying to get over my brother-in-law and taking interest in other guys. But oh she wasn't having it. Just 3 days before the wedding at the final wedding dress fitting I saw scissors in her bag and I knew she was planning to cut her dress, and possibly ours too. So I confronted the maid of honour and my sister was angry, very angry. Both the bride and groom's mothers were there, my cousins, best friends of my sister who were the other Bridesmaids and the maid of honours mother. My sister ended up banning her from the wedding and I was made maid of honour. Her now ex best friend did try but failed miserably at crashing the wedding, but I was quick to respond by pulling her by the hair and dragging her down the aisle with my sister laughing hard. She thanked me that night, and since then we never saw that girl again.

  • @RedBlue-sp9ix
    @RedBlue-sp9ix Рік тому +41

    My outcome:
    Ever since their wedding day, Brinley and Grant proved to be one of the happiest married couples in the world. They cherished every moment with each other, and eventually had a beautiful baby girl. Camry, however, was abandoned by all of her friends, couldn’t find a boyfriend of her own, forcing her to live the rest of her life alone and sad.

    • @bmendez3782
      @bmendez3782 Рік тому +5

      Best outcome ever.

    • @syrup3586
      @syrup3586 Рік тому +4

      L Camry W Brinley and Grant

    • @OnlyInCSO
      @OnlyInCSO Рік тому

      I get to bang Camry then

    • @romaryovictor3585
      @romaryovictor3585 Рік тому

      Brinley also mostly likely broke off her friendship with Danika leaving her alone and with no freinds also leaving Ali as her only freind left

  • @louiseleilei
    @louiseleilei Рік тому +19

    Scary that this could actually happen, a "friend" sabotaging important moments in your life.😢

    • @Gheemo
      @Gheemo Рік тому

      I talked to your parents and they said they are sending you to a concentration camp 🤗😇🤑

  • @alex_ramjiawan
    @alex_ramjiawan 11 місяців тому +14

    3:52 I'm only this far in, and i can gell that these are not the kind of friends you should have as an adult. You would think that they would be mature enough to make proper decisions, but here we are. Al is the only one I feel is a real friend to her.

    • @ronniselvan6243
      @ronniselvan6243 9 місяців тому +2

      Yeah they're very immature and obviously don't care. I think deep down they're jealous she's getting married and are enjoying the fact that she's not being loyal to her fiancee. They don't want the insecurity of being single when their friend is taken. The one friend seemed a little better

    • @_c4ts_
      @_c4ts_ 8 місяців тому +2

      true. and brinley was probably too scared to lose them until grant said "the wedding is over"

  • @owenpancoast1163
    @owenpancoast1163 Рік тому +28

    HOW THE HELL DID BRIAN TRAVEL ALL THAT DISTANCE, LET ALONE FIND OUT WITH BRINN LIVED IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS?!?!?! To say this shit does not add up would be a MASSIVE understatement😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ARMY-ot2px
      @ARMY-ot2px Рік тому +6

      She was drunk she might have spilled out the location in b/w showing the pics of her boyfriend cause that is possible

  • @beckykennedy6886
    @beckykennedy6886 Рік тому +40

    With friends like Camry, who needs enemies?

  • @veronnicccaa
    @veronnicccaa Рік тому +12

    17:51 are the friends still invited to the wedding or??

    • @minominaaa
      @minominaaa 11 місяців тому +2

      They are it’s only the blonde girl who isn’t invited

  • @danic2795
    @danic2795 Рік тому +19

    7:50 GUYS? 🤨

  • @thomasdrown2420
    @thomasdrown2420 Рік тому +55

    2:18 she said this is your bachelorette yet she's controlling everything

  • @Brookswifty13
    @Brookswifty13 7 місяців тому +7

    Omg this part though LOL 13:28

  • @LuvKaykay.
    @LuvKaykay. Рік тому +32

    14:22 it’s the blonde head

  • @YoshiNebula
    @YoshiNebula Рік тому +22

    13:17 come on
    why was that "YOU CHEATED ON ME" so plain
    That whole part was so plain

  • @dai-anna
    @dai-anna Рік тому +13

    The peer pressure is crazyyy

  • @hamadhumaid1984
    @hamadhumaid1984 Рік тому +23

    "Be careful who you trust, because it's always the ones closest to you who will hurt you the most" Camry made the biggest mistake of her life and she's gonna face the consequences, I know what is like to be betrayed by someone

  • @dallasyap3064
    @dallasyap3064 Рік тому +41

    If your friends keep pressuring u to do something that's not beneficial for u or something u don't want to then they are not your friends. Betrayal always comes from inside your circle not outside.

  • @Dani.2y0
    @Dani.2y0 Рік тому +9

    0:07 lol her eyes

  • @Artuar3CRaFT
    @Artuar3CRaFT Рік тому +146

    “Sometimes it’s the people closest to you that can hurt you the most.” Well taught and shown. Thank you for showing us that. 💜

  • @CeCe_Bride_Of_Jesus_Christ
    @CeCe_Bride_Of_Jesus_Christ Рік тому +17

    "The ones closest to you can hurt you the most" THIS SO TRUE!!!!!!!!! My narcissistic family members bully, persecute, guilt trip and manipulate me everyday. 🤦🏽‍♀️😣💔

  • @Lemon-AidDBD
    @Lemon-AidDBD Рік тому +12

    18:19 that stare 😂

  • @melodyM305
    @melodyM305 Рік тому +36

    This is why you should never get over drunk at a party.

  • @makstyrkin64
    @makstyrkin64 Рік тому +13

    3:32 Sheesh smooth transition

  • @Matt-nw2te
    @Matt-nw2te Рік тому +9

    6:08 don’t need friends like that

  • @Cupertinorail
    @Cupertinorail Рік тому +32

    I guess my mother was right about being careful who we trust. If you have a friend who likes your significant other, it's best to not be friends with them.

  • @mectricaltitan777
    @mectricaltitan777 Рік тому +15

    12:48 i can feel the heart beating 132 👀

  • @DawnPemberton-i9u
    @DawnPemberton-i9u Місяць тому +1

    "Why don't we do what Brinley wants? It is her bachelorette party." so sensible

  • @dilettarebello8781
    @dilettarebello8781 Рік тому +13

    "You have to be careful who you trust. It's the ones closest to you who can hurt you the most."
    That's so true
    Really felt that🥺
    Reminded me of my best friend (like my soul sis) who had backstabbed me.
    I can never forget that though💔

  • @dott8348
    @dott8348 Рік тому +21

    0:55 she still left her phone 😔

  • @Bestst3llaever
    @Bestst3llaever 9 місяців тому +4

    9:51 bro dharmanns getting to real😮

  • @angelbon2225
    @angelbon2225 Рік тому +18

    7:23 there goes the shot song again

  • @0ddArt
    @0ddArt Рік тому +28

    Damn I wasn't expecting this from a family friendly channel 8:36

  • @x.Madeline.x
    @x.Madeline.x 11 місяців тому +2

    Rose are red
    Cactuses are prickly
    Dhar man is amazing

  • @murraytianne
    @murraytianne Рік тому +21

    You really should be careful with who you trust because it's the people closest to you that can hurt you the most.

  • @anthonyleon7590
    @anthonyleon7590 Рік тому +80

    "Be careful who you trust; the ones who are closest to you will hurt you the most." Very true! We need to choose certain people carefully because you never know if they can be trusted. True friendship is about trust, kindness, and respect, not taking advantage of it and backstabbing others.

  • @NopzY_games
    @NopzY_games 7 місяців тому +5

    13:24 when I see my crush holding another guys hand

  • @Nebil2100
    @Nebil2100 Рік тому +13

    “Be careful who you trust. It's the one who's closest to you can hurt you the most”

  • @Kayytooprettyy
    @Kayytooprettyy Рік тому +10

    Her husband told her.❤😮 9:22

  • @sabahtahiyat7302
    @sabahtahiyat7302 Рік тому +4

    "No buts. I just need your butt in this dress!" had me dying of laughter wow

  • @AmaOneandonly
    @AmaOneandonly Рік тому +11

    I like this video👏 You never know who you could truly trust. All her friends was not a good friend. Camry is definitely a back-stabbing friend. Danica was not a back-stabbing friend but she also was not good friend for peer-pressuring Brinley to drink even though she said no. Ali even tho she cared for Brinley, she was a bystander, she wanted to help but just watched and just worried for her. Smh. Brinley should dropped all of three of them🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @Disney65Fan
    @Disney65Fan Рік тому +8

    There's only one of her friends who didn't pressure her. If I were the bride to be I'd ditch my 2 so called friends and keep the friend who didnt pressure me.

  • @T-swift-4-ever
    @T-swift-4-ever 8 місяців тому +6

    4:51 she a real one

    • @T-swift-4-ever
      @T-swift-4-ever 8 місяців тому +2

      The girl that says she doesn’t have to do it

  • @HuffyPup
    @HuffyPup Рік тому +30

    7:12 These friends are straight L's

  • @trinityburse3083
    @trinityburse3083 Рік тому +15

    Lesson Learned: Be more aware of the people you let into your circle.

  • @lenaecampney3365
    @lenaecampney3365 Рік тому

    0:04 smile was insane😂

  • @superiorjr154
    @superiorjr154 Рік тому +24

    3:56 she looks like Taylor Swift

    • @ThatMentallyillgirl
      @ThatMentallyillgirl 9 місяців тому

      I mean it a little her nose is really different and so are her eyes but ig

    • @Its_TIMEEEEE3
      @Its_TIMEEEEE3 8 місяців тому +5

      No she looks like Sabrina Carpenter lol

    • @MaxCastillo123
      @MaxCastillo123 3 місяці тому


  • @dokidokiyuki
    @dokidokiyuki Рік тому +20


  • @jasonlumpkin4732
    @jasonlumpkin4732 7 місяців тому +2

    Even some of your best friends can become your worst enemy. Moral of the story, choose your friends more carefully.

  • @elenimalandrinos5751
    @elenimalandrinos5751 Рік тому +9

    I So Totally Agree. You cant trust your Best of Friends, Its happened so many times. You got to be careful in Life.
    Great Video. Brought back old and new memories. So Sad.

  • @aahanas375
    @aahanas375 Рік тому +31

    Sometimes best friends can turn out be wolves in sheep's s clothing.. so we need to be careful

  • @glenngill2410
    @glenngill2410 Рік тому +2

    The girl that’s having the bachelorette looks like Chrissy from Eleven ,she’s beautiful

  • @Dragon-Samurai19
    @Dragon-Samurai19 Рік тому +22

    “If A Girl Cheats On You, Never Let Any Cheating Girl Back Into Your Life, Find Some Girl That Will Truly Love You”

  • @ItzAubrey416
    @ItzAubrey416 Рік тому +9

    0:40 this is like in every dhar man

  • @samsoto338
    @samsoto338 Рік тому

    Brinley crying after she accidentally brought Brian home after she blacked out drunk was showing that she loves Grant.

  • @calebwashingtonproductions
    @calebwashingtonproductions Рік тому +24

    This story has everything, drama, inspiration and a fairytale ending.
    Well done, Dhar!

  • @inukaiser
    @inukaiser Рік тому +15

    16:59 she speaks fact: the ones closest to you could be who would hurt you the msot

  • @heartrose2122
    @heartrose2122 10 місяців тому +4

    8:32 Ocean