
  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Peyronie'sdisease is a cause of all agony and failure for men who see their bend and curvature giving them loss of morale and failure into something they want to get corrected. The chordee or curvature or bend cant be corrected by medicines or injections that we keep taking . If you have pain at erections, shrinkage of the shaft, failing erections, twist or torque and the bend of the penis that makes you incapable in bed in partnership its time to utilise the benefit of the operative workshop by bovine pericardium corporoplasty in 5 days time provided you are fit and ready to get corrected of the curve that has been ruining the attempts while failing management. the two slots helps young, fit and needy to connect and get treated and cured. do email asap at sanjaypdr@gmail.com for a possible fitness and arrive 2-3 days in advance towards preparation best wishes in an endeavour and attempt thats unique and helpful for somoene who lives in the difficulty of the #peyroniesdisease Best wishes