Space Hulk on GOG - THE LIST - After playing this I'm even more irritated that Space Hulk Ascension was pulled. I think the license may have expired.
Stalker series? Emission is coming and you're not here to witness it. Apeiron games? No JA2 game in sight so there is that... Still - goo luck with Pathfinder Kingmaker, I was simply overwhelmed by the sheer size of the game. Even without DLCs...
Yeah Ascension was pretty addictive, but it also had a lot of bugs. Dark Angels DLC simply broke the game, some weapons (Plasma Cannon I think) didn't work and campaign was unfinishable. It was probably fixed, but way too late. Also a shame that Space Hulk Tactics wasn't that engaging for some reason.
The studio is making 40k project as we speak. It will be inquisition an mp probably. Side note please do a Battlefleet Gothic armada 2. The game is being abandoned by devs coz the publisher don't wana extend licence coz of business reasons. And yeah its the same publisher of this game.
Unfortunately it's basically limited to settings with fictional guns since it rarely ever comes up in real life and many shooter games feature real guns. Some versions of the BAR are the only guns I can think of with a variable fire rate selector. Most other guns where variable fire rate was an interest only accomplish it by completely swapping out the bolt for one of a different mass which doesn't lend itself to a smooth gameplay mechanic.
This is... basically what happens when you let 40K fanatics design and build a game without an experienced QC team to back them up. You get Peter Jackson level attention to detail, with EA level attention to gameplay.
Dunno man but haven’t seen that bugs he is talking about in mp . It’s hard as fuck and really is the closet thing to get you scared because of the ping radar
@Serp D. Part of it is the game is easier to run nowadays (hardware to do so was fairly expensive at the release of the review). Plus some people have figured out how to run it more reliably.
Still cant fathom the logic behind making one of the most armored and deadly soldier units of the Imperium into a paper thin 5 hp having loser with no ammo.
It is a game created for the simulation of a space hulk purging Slow, mechanical and tedious but also extremely important and dangerous And if you're not into Dark Angels lore you're not gonna care about it anyway
This games astethic almost carries it to playability... But it just doesn't. I'm a 40k dork, so the art style and just how pretty the game is immediately pulled me in. But by the 3rd map, I was bored and over it. Where vermintide got melee right, this game just kinda shrugged. Hell even guns in vermintide felt better.
Aye, but it seems like the years of uninspired shovelware are over. Within the last years, there have been many strong 40k/WH releases. Battlefleet. Mechanicus. Vermintide. Total War Warhammer. Inquisitor Martyr (kinda). Relic. Mordheim. And Darktide on the horizon. Most of them aren't games which are milestones, but they provide a overall good quality. They let me hope GW somehow slowly realized how much potential there is giving the license to talented devs.
Well sadly GW is famous for two things: making everything expensive, and poor quality control. It seems that this has extended to many of the outsources making vidya.... Then again you know, maybe they're symbolically emulating the 40k universe: some parts in the machine are polished to a god-level, but the system made by the sum of the parts are a broken dying mess... like the Imperium of Man!
@@234ne14 GW isn't particularly involved in a lot of the games that use their IP though - they just let pretty much anyone dev games using their IP, and let the poor ones fall through the cracks and the good ones stand out.
@@Marduk1813 The rule seems to be "so close to perfection if not for a few critical flaws". Vermintide is AMAZING...but repetitive and small. Battlefleet sounds great in theory, but in-game everything just loses their size. All your ships ceases to be "giant" when everything else is giant so you lose the sense of scale as a result. The only one closest to perfection I have to say is Total War.
@@ProtossExecutor100 Really _every_ other part of the team lacked. Game just isn't fun and would've been way better taking cues from L4D/Vermintide. Hopefully Darktide satisfies that niche.
I can only imagine how immersive this game would have been if the space marine sounds and weapons were chunkier with reverb and environmental effects like echo
Man if only more of these games took inspiration of how space marines designed their weapon sounds, hired gun is a great example but this came before it and space marines has been there since the 360... god I wish we had a space marines 2, can’t believe relic dropped a great action game with a cliff hanger ending and never followed it up.
imagine if different ships on the spacehulk had different assets to interact with, like a mechanicus ship had a run-down castelan robot in the workshop you could turn on and have it douse the whole room in promethium! Or a rogue trader ship having dangerous lifeforms you could unleash to attack everything that moves! Activating servitors to form up in a meatshield for you! This game had so much potential!
I'd trust the Castelan-automata, but gods, I would rather breathe vaccuum than willingly activate servitors who were exposed to the warp. I get your intended meaning, though.
"What is a spacehulk?" So... Imagine if a toddler drew a starship, and you built it with entire other starships as building blocks, and scaled it up to be several kilometers in every direction... That's a space-hulk. _(Just add warp-fuckery.)_
See also : Harbinger. Advertised as "Diablo in space", and it lived up to that - so long as it's Diablo 1. Combat does feel a little janky. Anyway the Harbinger itself is a full-on, small-planet-sized, space hulk. You only go through about 4 different tilesets but that's one per chapter and each felt different enough. Definitely worth a look if you've never played it, but you'll also understand why there wasn't a sequel.
The environment in this game looks like it would be amazing to just walk around in VR, maybe with the occasional Tyranid clicks in the background for spooky ambience
It wouldn't have saved the game, but about halfway through this game, I really started to miss Relic's shoe horning chaos into every game as the final villain. In Space Marine, they presented some unique and interesting enemies, and the game sorely needed more enemy variety with enemies that have more tricks to them. I also think gun jamming could work, especially with no ammo pool, but not with how they did things. It is the kind of mechanic that leads to good panic moments, but enemies were either too big of damage soaks or too many. It is the kind of mechanic that would be good for more of a horror-ish game, with fewer enemies.
I feel a game like this NEEDS to be horror based. Dark, illuminated only by your flashlight and muzzleflash. enemies appear on their own or in small groups to ambush you from heights, dark gutters, or around blind corners. Your only hope to not get spooked is to play tactically, and even then your weapon may jam, making you reliant on your teammates, or a clunky and unoptimized melee. quick reactions and situational awareness can make most encounters easy, but a lapse in judgement or vigilance could spell your doom.
They could have changed it up by making part of the hulk a tyranid brood vessel: Tyranid bio ships are not immune to getting hulk'd and it could conceivably survive getting hulked, so *Waves of Gaunts, bitches!*
On one hand, that could have been interesting and would shake things up. On the other hand, I find it frustrating how it feels like everything has to be chaos. Everything has to lead back to chaos and chaos has to be the real villain all along.
"Human ships tunnel short cuts through hell. These ships are old and sometimes the anti-satan field stops working. These ships can be lost for 100s or 1000s of years." **Cries in Lamenter Space Marine**
@@beatzdyer "please I'm begging you don't buy this. you'll hate it listen to the bad reviews. This DLC is so bad it almost makes me hate the rest of what was a wonderful game. if season 8 of game of thrones was a DLC this would be it. " - A steam review The DLC is sitting at a 32% approval rating... I don't have it personally, just the dlc with the 1st weapon pack but from what I got from my friends who has it, they have one words to describe it... *bad...*
@@beatzdyer I don't have much feeling about it since I only buy it for the weapon and the beatsman enemy. But if you consider to buy it for the weaves then I wouldn't recommend it.
@@beatzdyer The weaves aren't particularly fun but the beastmen and the weapons are. If you want them then get it, if you were interested in Weaves I'd say skip it. It's not nearly as bad as people make it sound now that its had a year of patches.
@@beatzdyer Its not about how "bad" winds are. Its about how narrow competitive VT2 fanbase is. DLC is 50% a map and weapons and 50% "hey boy you want to climb 160 samey short missions together to get a rank every 6 months?". Most people who ardently hate WoM are the ones who argue that updates should be free and WoM's sin is that 50% of PAID DLC is not to their taste (even though 120 levels X "you need to have a team" X "no one wants to replay stages they get" = shit conditions to have fun)
Fun thing about the melee class in multiplayer is it becomes the god class, the powersword gets an attachment that makes you immune to damage as you swing it, so keep chopping, keep alive
Which upgrade is that?From what i remember you just buy a force upgrade to a sword henceby increase its damage and armour penetration to the most powerful weapon in game, but theres no invicible effect
The visuals and sound design of the "Astartes" series on UA-cam is the GOLD standard for 40k realized in-motion.. and it's fanmade! I highly recommend checking it out for any 40k fans out there.
My favourite part of the enhanced edition was the introduction of the chaplain, making the tactical class I‘ve been investing in completely and utterly redundant .
I think that's what's so frustrating about it. They have a huge and expansive universe to draw from, some amazing characters to follow or use, absolutely nuts events and locations to use as a setting, etc. AKA so much potential, but it's usually squandered or just disappointing. I wish they would do what you suggested. It'd be incredible. Like remake this game with the same visuals but refine the combat, better rpg progression and choices, an actually engaging story, and better enemy design. Obviously easier said than done but it's very possible.
@Fantastic Jelly Do they really sell well though? I feel like with the exception of Vermintide and Total War these games never reach the grand audience and are mainly known among the kind of people that visit these channels.
GW has started selling the license to everyone, because they know good things like DoW or Total Warhammer will give them great press while janky shovelware like Snotling Fling or Carnage will be simply forgotten. We still talk about DoW, Space Marine, Blood Bowl and Total Warhammer. We don't about Regicide or Storm of Vengeane. We talked about them when they came out and forgot their existence promptly. The only bad game that's really talked about is DoW3 because it buried the franchise. Even Space Hulk: Death Angel has been forgotten mostly, despite the trailer memes.
@@iwatchyoutubealot Yeah but these people definitely have somewhat similiar interests. I feel like the MandaloreGaming channel caters towards a specific type of gamer which likes fantasy settings, unique mechanics and doesn't care too much about AAA titles. So I tried pointing out that I don't think the average Warhammer game makes it beyond this group of gamers.
@joseaca Yeah it always seemed weird that those ranged dudes were way more threatening than most of the other units, bar the psykers. I mean 3-5 of those can kill you in under 20 seconds. Whats the point of all that armour if everything kills you anyway.
@@warriorcrab1319 Thats because Space Hulks are incredible dangerous and exploring then is usually left to a Terminator Squad of Space Marines that are called that because they earned the right to wear Tactical Dreadnought Armour, we talking about 1st Company here. Guardman would not stand a chance, regular Astartes simply arent up to the task as Genestealers can tear into Terminator armor, they arent a joke. As for autoguns ... well its a game and Tactical Dreadnought Armour doesnt not make you impervious to damage, its the better armor available yes but they arent fighting against Terran 21st century armament either.
@@drakron I mean why not just get rid of the bulky armour so you could run faster? If everything kills you in 1 hit, seems like there's no point to it. I never read much about terminators because they kind of look silly, but I don't think they have many utility options that a regular astartes doesn't have to justify using them aside from protection, and maybe the stronger endoskeleton to hold larger weapons. And both in board games and here (unless were talking about lower difficulties) genestealers tend to 1 shot the vast majority of times. And they are the baseline enemy. I guess this would be a lot less of a sour point if you could hit the ranged dudes with anything other than storm bolter / hellfire, without missing the first 30 shots, forcing you to use the more boring weapon to get rid of an inconvenience.
@@warriorcrab1319 Its because Space Hulks are super high hazard, Terminator Armor is radiation resistant along with many other hazards that even regular Astartes armor cant protect against. I think in the books at 1 point it specifically states they would prefer to use regular Space Marine armor but cant because of said hazards. Plus other then Genestealers not much can fuck with the Terminators, the games really underplay the dynamic of Genestealers being great at slicing through heavy armor targets and stealthy and Terminators just being indestructible to everything else.
This game had one of the strangest trailer theme songs I'd heard in a while. I'm not sure why I never got around to buying it, even though I loved Eye. Loved the Higaaran mothership slapped in there as part of the space hulk too, Homeworld series review when?
I used to play Space Hulk Tabletop; the lack of a soundtrack only immersed me further, but to each their own. I love this game, and now with SM2, even compared to the new Space Marine, it still holds up for me. Nice video, man. I appreciate people like you who give many a chance to make a decision while reducing the risk of buyer's remorse. There are a lot of subpar Warhammer games out there. So videos that fairly review these games is right up my ally good job! Way to go!
It’s not innacurate: Terminator Armor is meant to protect the Astartes from the Space Hulk’s environmental dangers like radiation: Genestealers can shred the armor with their claws like nothing.
@@KrimzonFlygon1 well, kinda. At least on the tabletop, genestealer rending claws are pretty poor against 2+ saves like terminators. They can randomly be good if you get lucky since rolling a 6 gives it AP -4, but usually they're just AP -1, which gives your opponent a 2/3 chance to ignore the hit. Having to rely on a 1/6 chance to have good AP isn't really a sound strategy.
7:39 Motion does mean tyranids But it doesn't mean they're on the same elevation as you 10:46 small doors stay locked permanently but can be smashed away by melee while big doors can be unlocked again but are indestructible
"Do you know what the Heavy Flamer sounds like, brother? It roars like a dragon, a fiery god purging everything in it's path. Hold down the trigger and the "woosh" drowns out everything else, focus on the noise and you almost convince yourself you don't hear the screams. By the time the tank is empty, everything is over, even the xenos are quiet. There's nothing but the crackling of burning chitin. You see, it's not the noise that keeps me awake at night, it's the silence." - Battle brother Mandaloricus, commenting on the lack of music.
@@lanasmith4795 True! Weakness like that betrays doubt festering deep in the heart. Doubt is heresy. Rest assured: No Astartes ever uttered words of weakness like those above. Sadly this proves them to be heretical and traitorous propaganda. You doomed yourself by reading it. Only purging flames and the mercy of the Emperor can save you now.
Im scared to ever get an EYE sequel because i think what makes eye so fun and amazing is that its a completely unfinished DMT fueled fever nightmare and i dont think that can EVER be intentionally recreated or followed up on
Yeah it's like a game you expect to emerge from a space hulk just like this, some crazy turbo-drugged artifact of the warp. It's amazing, beyond understanding, and sometimes borderline unusable/broken/stupid, but damn if stuff like this didn't exist why even bother getting into your glorious spess mareen armor and trudge into the hulk anyway? 'Objectively good' and 'fun' don't always need to be joined at the hip.
I kind of want someone to get all the assets and either make another game with them like The Secret's World's dev team did when their MMO went down, or just extract and port the assets to Source Filmmaker (or maybe Source 2 Filmmaker). I mean even Garry's Mod would do the environments more justice than Space Hulk managed to.
Ok ok I agree with everything you say about the sound….BUT THE SOUND THE TYRINADS MAKE IS FUCKING PREMIUM I physically react EVERY TIME it is SO fucking good
One of the few complaints I have about it is that you can't use a regular bolter but it's right there in a table in the room where you choose your equipment/loadout
"I have no idea how bad things were before" The phrase you're looking for is 'completely unfucking playable'. Imagine someone sold you Space Hulk 1st Edition without flamer markers, dice, or a rulebook. That was the first version of the video game.
"If you wanna play a game like this with friends you could play Deep Rock Galactic." Can...can we have a Deep Rock Galactic review pretty please? That game is just good, man.
THIS. BEST COOP SHOOTER EVER!!!! Its a great shooter, great coop, great procedural generation, great AI director, great customization, great endgame loop...Man, my game of the last couple years!
i played this game twice with friends in co op from missions 1 to 6, and the most profound thing that brought me was like. actual fatigue/trauma? i remember playing it and then just. sitting afterwards, realising that my brain was just. fried, from the lack of music, and the repetitive, droning sound of the weapons and the enemies and the ambient effects. i have over 1700 hours in payday 2, and i have only felt remotely as exhausted when i did the overdrill on payday 2, which was a full, straight 30 minute slog of one fight, so of course i'd be exhausted. i don't think that this game is bad per se, but like. the fact that the feeling i have towards this game is "if i play this i will end up mentally exhausted without enough benefit to justify playing it again" is...damning, because everything else about this game _should_ be an excellent game to play with friends, but it's just. not.
MOUT is stressful even as a spacemarine. The worst was not realizing muzzle flare was auto set to max and having the chaingun flare burned on to my retinas for days.
If it wasn't for the bugs the game would be playable, the devs haven't updated the game in a year or so to fix bugs that were in the first version of the game so that basically says it all. That being said, Payday 2 is a trash game.
Agreed. Most missions won't take up as long (especially because with all the aliens spawning constantly exploration is not so warranted, since it yields only useless collectibles), but I seriously could never play more than one level per session. Even if I had more time to spare playing, I'd play something else after
I'm honestly glad to hear Toby Longworth's voice pop up in this game. He's my favourite narrator for the audiobooks, hearing him in the intro was pretty awesome.
The core rulebook for one of the Space Hulk re-releases also mentions that the radiation is so extremely high in many places that it would even fry an Astartes alive when only going in in power armour.
damn, this looks like one of those rare FPS games that i'd actually really enjoy, but the sound design issues would most likely kill it for me. they could do so much cool shit with the soundtrack too!
Special abilities don't feel powerful or give much indication that they're being used. I was playing the Chaplain and he has an ability called Liturgies of War that make him and the team completely invulnerable to damage for 15 seconds. Chaplains are supposed to be inspiring figures, so you'd expect that your character will bark some awesome voicelines like in DoW 1. Turns out that the ability is completely silent and gives no indicator, to you or your teammates, when it's in use and when its duration ends other than a funky visual overlay on your screen that says "Emperor be Praised!"
turning on captions on a video that both has custom captions and a lengthy section focused on sounds is heavily amusing for me, i love how the sounds are described
i love how E.Y.E. keeps showing up in mandalore's vids. you wouldn't think such a goofy little source game would effect someone very much, but then, I played E.Y.E. after watching his review and i feel the same way he seems to. always good to see more of E.Y.E.
I worked on the Alpha and Beta testing for this. Feel free to email me any questions and i'd be happy to answer. It was a trainwreck from the first playable build.
@@lund5869 Without getting too far into it, the Devs were more worried about their testers leaking gameplay footage rather than handling the issues that were brought up. Long load times, bugged AI, maps that wouldn't load at all or would have entire cross sections missing. The first 'playable' mission could have four players all load at different times and then load in separate matches. These are just very tiny examples, it'd be a *lot* to type out for a YT comment.
@@HorizonHipHop If you know people mostly. They'll pass along opportunities for when companies are looking to bring in testers and the like. Then you apply and there's a brief interview process, and you'll hear back from them. For me it was about a month wait and I was in. But another acquaintance of mine was brought in almost last minute before the casting was closed, essentially. Best way to go about it for yourself if you don't know anyone, follow the company on social media and any developers that work on it. More often than not they (the company in question) will make a public announcement that they're looking for testers. Of course you could always email semi-frequently and inquire about opportunities. It's a mixed bag, really.
@@JaxTheFound Why the fuuuuuuuck did they add the purple explosion fucks? It's like they were implemented solely to make campaign with the AI impossible lol
The sad part about the story is that they bragged a lot about having Ian Thorpe onboard, a W40K novels author. Guess the guy's only involvement was to get a check for mentioning him in the trailers.
Funny Mandalor mentions that bit about X-COM. Someone didn't play the XCOM 3rd person shooter they released back in 2013. Haha..... oh god why did they do it.
@Brupcat Yeah, I remember seeing the original trailers for it and thinking it looked like it was trying to do a pre-apocalypse fallout 3 style game mixed with x-files and then the game that did release was... different. Very different. :(
@@MandaloreGaming Oh The Bureau. I was thinking about Alliance, but that was first person, and cancelled. At least The Bureau had an *amazing* plot twist, not that it makes up for the gameplay.
Whenever there is a guy that looks interesting I always search it up. Sometimes I am lucky enough that MandaloreGaming has made a review on it. By far the best and most indepth review channel.
This game is basically if Mechanicus tried to be less like X-Com by becoming an FPS, but then they made it more like X-Com by throwing in unnecessary mechanics.
Thanks for the insightful review Mandalore! I went in thinking that the game looked impressive and interesting, and it does, but often in games like this, you have to dig deep to discover the fundamental flaws that are present. As always your video quality is stellar and insightful!
This game is 80% off on Steam right now (about $8 Canadian). I had fun with it when it came out, especially with friends. Definitely worth that price for the ambiance alone, it remains one of the best-looking 40k games I've ever played.
Sometimes yes, othertimes, no. Since it depends on which game you use as the example to the comparison. Because there are some games out there that actually improve on the concept of L4D.
Space Hulk on GOG -
After playing this I'm even more irritated that Space Hulk Ascension was pulled. I think the license may have expired.
Hi my lord
where is father Sseth?
Stalker series? Emission is coming and you're not here to witness it.
Apeiron games? No JA2 game in sight so there is that...
Still - goo luck with Pathfinder Kingmaker, I was simply overwhelmed by the sheer size of the game. Even without DLCs...
Yeah Ascension was pretty addictive, but it also had a lot of bugs. Dark Angels DLC simply broke the game, some weapons (Plasma Cannon I think) didn't work and campaign was unfinishable. It was probably fixed, but way too late. Also a shame that Space Hulk Tactics wasn't that engaging for some reason.
The studio is making 40k project as we speak. It will be inquisition an mp probably.
Side note please do a Battlefleet Gothic armada 2. The game is being abandoned by devs coz the publisher don't wana extend licence coz of business reasons. And yeah its the same publisher of this game.
**Mandalore uploads a 40k video**
Get a like, sir!
Rally Squad!
We are back and better than ever
Next is Battlefleet gothic next is Battlefleet gothic
@@abointedtoyblingofmats aww
"Sometimes the Anti-Satan Field stops working" is an impressive line to say with a straight face, and is hilarious how accurately it fits 40k.
"Anti-Satan Field malfunction detected! Giant Hellish Dustbunny status ascertained! Abandon all hope and get the Heavy Flamer, brother!"
Event horizon
The Anti-Event Horizon Field - would fit as well. :p
@@jarrelllaw6299 classic
Yeah that's basically the Gellar field in a nutshell.
"Fuller auto" is a mechanic that should appear in more games.
Unfortunately it's basically limited to settings with fictional guns since it rarely ever comes up in real life and many shooter games feature real guns. Some versions of the BAR are the only guns I can think of with a variable fire rate selector. Most other guns where variable fire rate was an interest only accomplish it by completely swapping out the bolt for one of a different mass which doesn't lend itself to a smooth gameplay mechanic.
Fuller Auto is Literally the Video Game Version of the "That isn't Full auto, This is"
Bordlerlands 3 has it so its still alive
@@faceless2302 Early Maxim machine guns had it too! Down to one (1) round per minute!!
@@georgewhitworth9742 Never heard that one before that's pretty hilarious
“The bugs can eat you alive up close”
And the Tyranids are pretty nasty, too
Just because we eat biomass doesn’t make us nasty
Yeah but one of those is a feature
sounds very mandalore
Got 'eem
This is... basically what happens when you let 40K fanatics design and build a game without an experienced QC team to back them up. You get Peter Jackson level attention to detail, with EA level attention to gameplay.
Pretty sure games workshop is also responsible
Dunno man but haven’t seen that bugs he is talking about in mp . It’s hard as fuck and really is the closet thing to get you scared because of the ping radar
@Serp D. Part of it is the game is easier to run nowadays (hardware to do so was fairly expensive at the release of the review). Plus some people have figured out how to run it more reliably.
@@Genigmama they're responsible by being irresponsible. They don't QC shit that their licensees make.
Still cant fathom the logic behind making one of the most armored and deadly soldier units of the Imperium into a paper thin 5 hp having loser with no ammo.
22:33 “It’s just so agonisingly, tauntingly close to being good”. Nothing sums up this game better than this sentence.
Can confirm
feel like same way about EYE. refunded that pile of shit after an hour and a half
It is a game created for the simulation of a space hulk purging
Slow, mechanical and tedious but also extremely important and dangerous
And if you're not into Dark Angels lore you're not gonna care about it anyway
This games astethic almost carries it to playability... But it just doesn't. I'm a 40k dork, so the art style and just how pretty the game is immediately pulled me in. But by the 3rd map, I was bored and over it. Where vermintide got melee right, this game just kinda shrugged. Hell even guns in vermintide felt better.
Or 40K games in general (and Mordheim for fantasy)
"next time we will be seeing these ships when they were functional" oooh is that a hint for the 40K Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2?
Or maybe the first one. Maybe both?
I wish someone would tell me to shut up 😭
@@dialaskisel5929 Shut up.
I hope that his review will do basic research unlike some other youtubers...
"I'm really realizing how many horrible Warhammer game there are "
I am Sad that this statement is true
Aye, but it seems like the years of uninspired shovelware are over. Within the last years, there have been many strong 40k/WH releases. Battlefleet. Mechanicus. Vermintide. Total War Warhammer. Inquisitor Martyr (kinda). Relic. Mordheim. And Darktide on the horizon.
Most of them aren't games which are milestones, but they provide a overall good quality. They let me hope GW somehow slowly realized how much potential there is giving the license to talented devs.
Well sadly GW is famous for two things: making everything expensive, and poor quality control. It seems that this has extended to many of the outsources making vidya....
Then again you know, maybe they're symbolically emulating the 40k universe: some parts in the machine are polished to a god-level, but the system made by the sum of the parts are a broken dying mess... like the Imperium of Man!
@@234ne14 GW isn't particularly involved in a lot of the games that use their IP though - they just let pretty much anyone dev games using their IP, and let the poor ones fall through the cracks and the good ones stand out.
@@Marduk1813 The rule seems to be "so close to perfection if not for a few critical flaws". Vermintide is AMAZING...but repetitive and small. Battlefleet sounds great in theory, but in-game everything just loses their size. All your ships ceases to be "giant" when everything else is giant so you lose the sense of scale as a result. The only one closest to perfection I have to say is Total War.
@@Marduk1813 shovelware era ended just in time for the "gw tries to ruin 40k with marine marines" era
this is the best it will ever get :/
The art team really hit a grand slam. The amount of detail and atmosphere is remarkably 40k as if they recreated it from a real space hulk.
They really did. It's so disappointing because the sound team kinda lacked.
@@ProtossExecutor100 Really _every_ other part of the team lacked. Game just isn't fun and would've been way better taking cues from L4D/Vermintide. Hopefully Darktide satisfies that niche.
doesnt matter how beautiful the game is if im never going to download it because the gameplay looks incredibly boring and should just play VT/DT
Iirc Warhammer stuff is mostly fictional
I can only imagine how immersive this game would have been if the space marine sounds and weapons were chunkier with reverb and environmental effects like echo
May i introduce you to the Boltweapons in Hired Gun or as i call them "The People Deleter"
Modders can save the day.
Man if only more of these games took inspiration of how space marines designed their weapon sounds, hired gun is a great example but this came before it and space marines has been there since the 360... god I wish we had a space marines 2, can’t believe relic dropped a great action game with a cliff hanger ending and never followed it up.
I feel it, it looks like a mod or two would help fix it hopefully
@@joescannoli7660 lmfao and 1 month later bro Space Marines 2 announced 😂😂
"Brother I am pinned here!"
Ah Captain Diomedes my old friend, it's been too long
@@opposingfarce131 Yes commisar, this comment right here.
@@opposingfarce131 lmao
@@itarH I prefer a nice METAL BAWKS myself!
Vermintide's sound design: FUN FUN FUUUUUN!
Space Hulk's sound design: *D* *U* *T* *Y*
aka Warhammer's "Brouzouf moment".
God seeing brouzouf in a sentence in english is weird
Wouldn't be surprised if most likes here were from people completely missing the reference.
Also didn't like myself, shitty punchline.
I sorta get but forget exactly
My legs are okay
The story of how a French slang word for cash got famous.
imagine if different ships on the spacehulk had different assets to interact with, like a mechanicus ship had a run-down castelan robot in the workshop you could turn on and have it douse the whole room in promethium! Or a rogue trader ship having dangerous lifeforms you could unleash to attack everything that moves! Activating servitors to form up in a meatshield for you! This game had so much potential!
I'd trust the Castelan-automata, but gods, I would rather breathe vaccuum than willingly activate servitors who were exposed to the warp. I get your intended meaning, though.
"What is a spacehulk?"
So... Imagine if a toddler drew a starship, and you built it with entire other starships as building blocks, and scaled it up to be several kilometers in every direction...
That's a space-hulk. _(Just add warp-fuckery.)_
A space hulk is when you get a bunch of ships, each the size of Manhattan, then slam them together and call it a day.
@@macnbac3476 and then add a sprinkling of space demons and xenomorphs
See also : Harbinger.
Advertised as "Diablo in space", and it lived up to that - so long as it's Diablo 1. Combat does feel a little janky.
Anyway the Harbinger itself is a full-on, small-planet-sized, space hulk.
You only go through about 4 different tilesets but that's one per chapter and each felt different enough.
Definitely worth a look if you've never played it, but you'll also understand why there wasn't a sequel.
@@frostyfoster7267 don't forgot ork
Mando uploading at 6 am. Everyone is asleep. One could even say
Is that a Fire Warrior reference...?
What? Can’t hear you
It's quiet
@@shagaru1234 considering that here in Italy the video came out at 4 P.m..... yeah he is almost certainly european.,,,or african (hey hey people).
That Mary Celeste as a part of Space Hulk killed me.
I'd like to know how a megathron got there
*looks at eve's player count below what I played with in revelations II*
oh yeah...
@@pnutz_2 I miss The days of BoB vs Goon....2006 eve was a good time.
"The original space hulk"
Excuuussse meeee!, the floppy disc version from 1993 want to have a word with you sir.
Ah yes, Space Crusader, Space Hulk, and Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels. The old dos/ps1 40k games from the 90's.
The environment in this game looks like it would be amazing to just walk around in VR, maybe with the occasional Tyranid clicks in the background for spooky ambience
It wouldn't have saved the game, but about halfway through this game, I really started to miss Relic's shoe horning chaos into every game as the final villain. In Space Marine, they presented some unique and interesting enemies, and the game sorely needed more enemy variety with enemies that have more tricks to them.
I also think gun jamming could work, especially with no ammo pool, but not with how they did things. It is the kind of mechanic that leads to good panic moments, but enemies were either too big of damage soaks or too many. It is the kind of mechanic that would be good for more of a horror-ish game, with fewer enemies.
I feel a game like this NEEDS to be horror based. Dark, illuminated only by your flashlight and muzzleflash. enemies appear on their own or in small groups to ambush you from heights, dark gutters, or around blind corners. Your only hope to not get spooked is to play tactically, and even then your weapon may jam, making you reliant on your teammates, or a clunky and unoptimized melee.
quick reactions and situational awareness can make most encounters easy, but a lapse in judgement or vigilance could spell your doom.
"Relic shoe horning chaos into every game as the final villain"
**Releases a shooter with exclusively chaos-themed enemies like a boss**
They could have changed it up by making part of the hulk a tyranid brood vessel: Tyranid bio ships are not immune to getting hulk'd and it could conceivably survive getting hulked, so *Waves of Gaunts, bitches!*
On one hand, that could have been interesting and would shake things up.
On the other hand, I find it frustrating how it feels like everything has to be chaos. Everything has to lead back to chaos and chaos has to be the real villain all along.
I bought this game because this is what i thought it was gonna be lol. whatever what is $4
"Human ships tunnel short cuts through hell. These ships are old and sometimes the anti-satan field stops working. These ships can be lost for 100s or 1000s of years." **Cries in Lamenter Space Marine**
"Now Vermintide isn't perfect"
*Shows winds of magic*
*Audible Wheeze*
How bad is winds of magic? Asking because I'm considering buying it
@@beatzdyer "please I'm begging you don't buy this. you'll hate it listen to the bad reviews. This DLC is so bad it almost makes me hate the rest of what was a wonderful game. if season 8 of game of thrones was a DLC this would be it. " - A steam review
The DLC is sitting at a 32% approval rating... I don't have it personally, just the dlc with the 1st weapon pack but from what I got from my friends who has it, they have one words to describe it... *bad...*
@@beatzdyer I don't have much feeling about it since I only buy it for the weapon and the beatsman enemy. But if you consider to buy it for the weaves then I wouldn't recommend it.
@@beatzdyer The weaves aren't particularly fun but the beastmen and the weapons are. If you want them then get it, if you were interested in Weaves I'd say skip it. It's not nearly as bad as people make it sound now that its had a year of patches.
@@beatzdyer Its not about how "bad" winds are. Its about how narrow competitive VT2 fanbase is. DLC is 50% a map and weapons and 50% "hey boy you want to climb 160 samey short missions together to get a rank every 6 months?". Most people who ardently hate WoM are the ones who argue that updates should be free and WoM's sin is that 50% of PAID DLC is not to their taste (even though 120 levels X "you need to have a team" X "no one wants to replay stages they get" = shit conditions to have fun)
Fun thing about the melee class in multiplayer is it becomes the god class, the powersword gets an attachment that makes you immune to damage as you swing it, so keep chopping, keep alive
You can also kill your entire squad in a few hits because the friendly fire splash damage is ridiculous
@@BIueharvest that is why our squad agreed to never bring the plasma cannon, we discovered the mod where the shot can cover an entire room in plasma
Which upgrade is that?From what i remember you just buy a force upgrade to a sword henceby increase its damage and armour penetration to the most powerful weapon in game, but theres no invicible effect
The visuals and sound design of the "Astartes" series on UA-cam is the GOLD standard for 40k realized in-motion.. and it's fanmade! I highly recommend checking it out for any 40k fans out there.
And it's gone, because GW won't let us have nice things
Them being taken down was a tipping point for fans finally getting fed up with GW's anti-customer practices.
You guys clearly don't understand business,
Don't ever start one 🤦♂️🤡
@@Arto257 There is a compilation someone else put up but it sucks the channel is gone. The teaser trailer for 2 had me so hyped.
@@smokey6292 stop simping for a multi million dollar corporation
My favourite part of the enhanced edition was the introduction of the chaplain, making the tactical class I‘ve been investing in completely and utterly redundant .
Nice touch opening with the E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy lines.
“Oh God, not again!”
My legs are OK
That is because the same developers were involved on the making of deathwing, you can feel it on the lvl design.
That opening got my divine cyberboner ultra errect
@@cibo889 Your battle spans across space and time about who will shut up first
I just think everyone is shocked that Games Workshop hasn't reused the assets for a chess game yet
Oh no... you don't know, do you?
I've got some news for you, bud
For those who don't know: Warhammer 40,000: Regicide.
Chess : the strongest piece is queen
Imperium the strongest piece is emperor(king) you heretic
Why does the Warhammer universe have so many of 'these' games? Why can't they bundle their efforts and make a killer game?
You'd have better luck uniting the forces of Chaos itself.
I think that's what's so frustrating about it. They have a huge and expansive universe to draw from, some amazing characters to follow or use, absolutely nuts events and locations to use as a setting, etc.
AKA so much potential, but it's usually squandered or just disappointing.
I wish they would do what you suggested. It'd be incredible. Like remake this game with the same visuals but refine the combat, better rpg progression and choices, an actually engaging story, and better enemy design. Obviously easier said than done but it's very possible.
@Fantastic Jelly Do they really sell well though? I feel like with the exception of Vermintide and Total War these games never reach the grand audience and are mainly known among the kind of people that visit these channels.
GW has started selling the license to everyone, because they know good things like DoW or Total Warhammer will give them great press while janky shovelware like Snotling Fling or Carnage will be simply forgotten. We still talk about DoW, Space Marine, Blood Bowl and Total Warhammer. We don't about Regicide or Storm of Vengeane. We talked about them when they came out and forgot their existence promptly. The only bad game that's really talked about is DoW3 because it buried the franchise. Even Space Hulk: Death Angel has been forgotten mostly, despite the trailer memes.
@@iwatchyoutubealot Yeah but these people definitely have somewhat similiar interests. I feel like the MandaloreGaming channel caters towards a specific type of gamer which likes fantasy settings, unique mechanics and doesn't care too much about AAA titles. So I tried pointing out that I don't think the average Warhammer game makes it beyond this group of gamers.
My favourite part of your videos is how you explain the background and lore of the setting!
Lol 😂
"fuller auto has returned" YEEEEAH-aw it's bugged
Considering the sound of that storm cannon, I think it was a mistake that it wasn't put on that in the first place. :D That would've been epic
Ah yes, the game that has us all wonder "How can you fuck up being a terminator?"
_cough_ DOW3 _Cough_
@joseaca Yeah it always seemed weird that those ranged dudes were way more threatening than most of the other units, bar the psykers.
I mean 3-5 of those can kill you in under 20 seconds. Whats the point of all that armour if everything kills you anyway.
@@warriorcrab1319 Thats because Space Hulks are incredible dangerous and exploring then is usually left to a Terminator Squad of Space Marines that are called that because they earned the right to wear Tactical Dreadnought Armour, we talking about 1st Company here.
Guardman would not stand a chance, regular Astartes simply arent up to the task as Genestealers can tear into Terminator armor, they arent a joke.
As for autoguns ... well its a game and Tactical Dreadnought Armour doesnt not make you impervious to damage, its the better armor available yes but they arent fighting against Terran 21st century armament either.
@@drakron I mean why not just get rid of the bulky armour so you could run faster? If everything kills you in 1 hit, seems like there's no point to it.
I never read much about terminators because they kind of look silly, but I don't think they have many utility options that a regular astartes doesn't have to justify using them aside from protection, and maybe the stronger endoskeleton to hold larger weapons.
And both in board games and here (unless were talking about lower difficulties) genestealers tend to 1 shot the vast majority of times. And they are the baseline enemy.
I guess this would be a lot less of a sour point if you could hit the ranged dudes with anything other than storm bolter / hellfire, without missing the first 30 shots, forcing you to use the more boring weapon to get rid of an inconvenience.
@@warriorcrab1319 Its because Space Hulks are super high hazard, Terminator Armor is radiation resistant along with many other hazards that even regular Astartes armor cant protect against. I think in the books at 1 point it specifically states they would prefer to use regular Space Marine armor but cant because of said hazards. Plus other then Genestealers not much can fuck with the Terminators, the games really underplay the dynamic of Genestealers being great at slicing through heavy armor targets and stealthy and Terminators just being indestructible to everything else.
This game had one of the strangest trailer theme songs I'd heard in a while. I'm not sure why I never got around to buying it, even though I loved Eye.
Loved the Higaaran mothership slapped in there as part of the space hulk too, Homeworld series review when?
40K games having more mariachi music would at least guarantee the soundtracks would be salvageable.
@@MandaloreGaming Did somebody say Sewer Surfin' Mariachi Cover?
@@abointedtoyblingofmats Someone’s a bit too angry.
@@thegumonyourshoes why do people randomly say "shut up"? you just guarantee people will keep talking
@@abointedtoyblingofmats why?
Probably the best reviewer on you tube these days... So much detail and great observations
I used to play Space Hulk Tabletop; the lack of a soundtrack only immersed me further, but to each their own. I love this game, and now with SM2, even compared to the new Space Marine, it still holds up for me. Nice video, man. I appreciate people like you who give many a chance to make a decision while reducing the risk of buyer's remorse. There are a lot of subpar Warhammer games out there. So videos that fairly review these games is right up my ally good job! Way to go!
At least the enhanced edition fixed "You brought shame on your chapte."
Hahaha so true!
"We'll see what these ships are like when they were functional"
Yep the next 40k review is Battlefleet Gothic Armada
Guessed that right lol
An unsanctioned psyker, eh? GET HIM BOYS!!!
Oh god, imagine "99% chance to hit" moments in an FPS
That makes me physically uncomfortable
Best I can figure, it's just bullet spread, but even then.
Counter Strike does this. Since you can't ADS, sometimes even if your crosshair is dead on an enemy's head and you don't move, you can still miss.
@@SgtZaqq cept it doesn't
Fallout V.A.T.S.
I've never known a game that puts you in almost physically indestructible armor to kill you at the slightest scratch
Fallout? Although damage is bit odd you might survive a near direct hit from a nuclear bomb but die from a hit from a really big deathclaw
It’s not innacurate: Terminator Armor is meant to protect the Astartes from the Space Hulk’s environmental dangers like radiation: Genestealers can shred the armor with their claws like nothing.
As the old saying goes: "Rending Claws make terminator armor as effective as wrapping your dick in a napkin to fuck a chainsword"
@@KrimzonFlygon1 well, kinda. At least on the tabletop, genestealer rending claws are pretty poor against 2+ saves like terminators. They can randomly be good if you get lucky since rolling a 6 gives it AP -4, but usually they're just AP -1, which gives your opponent a 2/3 chance to ignore the hit. Having to rely on a 1/6 chance to have good AP isn't really a sound strategy.
@@colby1398 Don't you scoff at one-in-six chances. Not until you've faced Necrons and their Scarab Swarms.
7:39 Motion does mean tyranids
But it doesn't mean they're on the same elevation as you
10:46 small doors stay locked permanently but can be smashed away by melee while big doors can be unlocked again but are indestructible
"Do you know what the Heavy Flamer sounds like, brother? It roars like a dragon, a fiery god purging everything in it's path. Hold down the trigger and the "woosh" drowns out everything else, focus on the noise and you almost convince yourself you don't hear the screams. By the time the tank is empty, everything is over, even the xenos are quiet. There's nothing but the crackling of burning chitin. You see, it's not the noise that keeps me awake at night, it's the silence."
- Battle brother Mandaloricus, commenting on the lack of music.
Sounds like heretic talk to me
@@lanasmith4795 True! Weakness like that betrays doubt festering deep in the heart. Doubt is heresy. Rest assured: No Astartes ever uttered words of weakness like those above.
Sadly this proves them to be heretical and traitorous propaganda. You doomed yourself by reading it. Only purging flames and the mercy of the Emperor can save you now.
@@Baalur I shall prepare my melta bomb and take the heretic with me
@@lanasmith4795 May the Emperor smile upon your sacrifice and welcome you on Holy Terra!
I knew my "Mandalore is doing 40K" sense was tingling.
@@abointedtoyblingofmats :c
@@taqnology they have said that on a bunch of comments on this video
@@AlexWithington I know, it's no harm done lol. Just playing along.
@@taqnology yea I'm just letting few people know because some take I seriously for some reason
I've been looking forward to this review :D
Now kiss him.
Pretty please.
What's up babe
I see you *everywhere* my dude.
“Emperor’s Guest Key” lol that’s gold
Hellgate London was my introduction to mmo rpg like games and now I need a mandalore review
Im scared to ever get an EYE sequel because i think what makes eye so fun and amazing is that its a completely unfinished DMT fueled fever nightmare and i dont think that can EVER be intentionally recreated or followed up on
Yeah it's like a game you expect to emerge from a space hulk just like this, some crazy turbo-drugged artifact of the warp. It's amazing, beyond understanding, and sometimes borderline unusable/broken/stupid, but damn if stuff like this didn't exist why even bother getting into your glorious spess mareen armor and trudge into the hulk anyway? 'Objectively good' and 'fun' don't always need to be joined at the hip.
It was a first attempt at making a real game from modders, you won't see a sequel to that.
What is EYE?
@@JayFFAFAlesanaES google is free
@@JayFFAFAlesanaES E.Y.E: Devine Cybermancy is a 2011 game, I’d look up more information for you but I don’t want to forget where your comment is.
Damn, those environments look nice. I kind of wish there was a "no enemies" mode just to enjoy the environments
I kind of want someone to get all the assets and either make another game with them like The Secret's World's dev team did when their MMO went down, or just extract and port the assets to Source Filmmaker (or maybe Source 2 Filmmaker). I mean even Garry's Mod would do the environments more justice than Space Hulk managed to.
Sounds great for a horror game
If you do your duty and serve the emperor then there will be no enemies of man left alive to interrupt your tour.
@@mig1739 Fuck, you're right.
Ah yes, "Game Journalist" difficulty
Seems like the game needs a mod to add the Mechanicus sound design and soundtrack to it.
They should add the mariachi music from the trailer.
Well see it's not a game as much as it is a space hulk stimulator
@@peppermillers8361 Why it sounds trash.
@@MrAmbrosse nah man, it's amazing. It's the best part of the trailer.
Ok ok I agree with everything you say about the sound….BUT
One of the few complaints I have about it is that you can't use a regular bolter but it's right there in a table in the room where you choose your equipment/loadout
Termiantors only use storm bolters and assault cannons when they want to use mass-reactives.
I love when he references older videos. I feel like a good boy that did his homework.
"I have no idea how bad things were before"
The phrase you're looking for is 'completely unfucking playable'. Imagine someone sold you Space Hulk 1st Edition without flamer markers, dice, or a rulebook. That was the first version of the video game.
"Brother, get the flamer! the heavy flamer!!!"
The only correct answer to look into this game
shut up
Yea then you realize it's literally the only good gun in the entire game
@@strikerecho2592 you are right on that.
The WWF No Mercy wrestler-select music you added at 9:45 was a nice touch. If I ever buy this on sale, I'm leaving it on loop over the game audio
If only the sound designers from Mechanicus had been working on this....
"If you wanna play a game like this with friends you could play Deep Rock Galactic."
Can...can we have a Deep Rock Galactic review pretty please? That game is just good, man.
THIS. BEST COOP SHOOTER EVER!!!! Its a great shooter, great coop, great procedural generation, great AI director, great customization, great endgame loop...Man, my game of the last couple years!
I want this too. Hopefully next year.
@@cibo889 shut up
This is the only thing I care about anymore
It’s one of the most fun games I’ve ever experienced with friends and it’s so freaking charming too
Ah Space Hulk Unenhanced those were some crazy days, truly a test of the warp
We WERE on a space hulk after all
i played this game twice with friends in co op from missions 1 to 6, and the most profound thing that brought me was like. actual fatigue/trauma? i remember playing it and then just. sitting afterwards, realising that my brain was just. fried, from the lack of music, and the repetitive, droning sound of the weapons and the enemies and the ambient effects. i have over 1700 hours in payday 2, and i have only felt remotely as exhausted when i did the overdrill on payday 2, which was a full, straight 30 minute slog of one fight, so of course i'd be exhausted.
i don't think that this game is bad per se, but like. the fact that the feeling i have towards this game is "if i play this i will end up mentally exhausted without enough benefit to justify playing it again" is...damning, because everything else about this game _should_ be an excellent game to play with friends, but it's just. not.
This is the most profound comment in the section. I felt the same way.
MOUT is stressful even as a spacemarine. The worst was not realizing muzzle flare was auto set to max and having the chaingun flare burned on to my retinas for days.
If it wasn't for the bugs the game would be playable, the devs haven't updated the game in a year or so to fix bugs that were in the first version of the game so that basically says it all. That being said, Payday 2 is a trash game.
Agreed. Most missions won't take up as long (especially because with all the aliens spawning constantly exploration is not so warranted, since it yields only useless collectibles), but I seriously could never play more than one level per session. Even if I had more time to spare playing, I'd play something else after
We came a long way Brothers. From this to Space Marine 2.
I'm honestly glad to hear Toby Longworth's voice pop up in this game. He's my favourite narrator for the audiobooks, hearing him in the intro was pretty awesome.
Can you recommend a good 40K audiobook or just book for a beginner?
The termie suit is needed for environmental protection too, after being in the warp for who knows how long, you can never be too careful.
The core rulebook for one of the Space Hulk re-releases also mentions that the radiation is so extremely high in many places that it would even fry an Astartes alive when only going in in power armour.
Don’t mind me just a son of Dorn fortifying the comments section
Proceed as you would
damn, this looks like one of those rare FPS games that i'd actually really enjoy, but the sound design issues would most likely kill it for me. they could do so much cool shit with the soundtrack too!
Just wait for Darktide.
@@kaj7135 after the closed beta i can now agree. the sound design/music in Darktide is incredible
Special abilities don't feel powerful or give much indication that they're being used. I was playing the Chaplain and he has an ability called Liturgies of War that make him and the team completely invulnerable to damage for 15 seconds. Chaplains are supposed to be inspiring figures, so you'd expect that your character will bark some awesome voicelines like in DoW 1. Turns out that the ability is completely silent and gives no indicator, to you or your teammates, when it's in use and when its duration ends other than a funky visual overlay on your screen that says "Emperor be Praised!"
"Still next time we'll see what these ships were like when they were functional"
Battlefleet Gothic Armada?
This is MGS levels of picking three words that sound cool together
@@m.f.m.8290 I mean, it is accurate though. Your Armada is a task force from the Gothic sector Battlefleet
@@m.f.m.8290 It's the Battlefleet for the Gothic Sector. Of which you control an Armada. Literally couldn't make more sense.
My thoughts exactly, holy ommisiah heal your wounded servants
Ok, we can oficially rename our gellar fields as Anti-Satan Fields
Ah yes, Mariachi marines: The game
this was an experience for sure...
Well shit. I just finished all your videos. You introduced me to several games I never heard of and I've bought a couple. Thanks. I love your vids.
turning on captions on a video that both has custom captions and a lengthy section focused on sounds is heavily amusing for me, i love how the sounds are described
Can’t believe you went through an entire review without talking about the blinding default muzzle flash.
Word of advice: Don’t whip the flamer like a pool noodle.
I would like to file a COMPLAINT.
I see there are other men of CULTURE, here!
But that's the opposite of what you should do... :|
I'm gonna need a heavy flamer for this heresy
"So what you're telling me, brother, is that those Genestealers want to
_Dramatic Pause_
*Steal our genes?!"*
Unprecedented, I know.
not your genes. Your JEANS.
@@Ganjamuffins KABOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!
No, you misheard me. I said they want to steal your _jeans_ . And they're not tyranids, they're just fashion victims. Tragic, really.
@@alexsmith4212 silence Lion lover! You Dank Angels are all heretics.
The lack of music is perfect for listening to epic warhammer audio books while you play, like you're being fed information while you work on the ship
i love how E.Y.E. keeps showing up in mandalore's vids.
you wouldn't think such a goofy little source game would effect someone very much, but then, I played E.Y.E. after watching his review and i feel the same way he seems to.
always good to see more of E.Y.E.
I worked on the Alpha and Beta testing for this. Feel free to email me any questions and i'd be happy to answer. It was a trainwreck from the first playable build.
That bad huh?
@@lund5869 Without getting too far into it, the Devs were more worried about their testers leaking gameplay footage rather than handling the issues that were brought up. Long load times, bugged AI, maps that wouldn't load at all or would have entire cross sections missing. The first 'playable' mission could have four players all load at different times and then load in separate matches. These are just very tiny examples, it'd be a *lot* to type out for a YT comment.
How do you get a job like that?
@@HorizonHipHop If you know people mostly. They'll pass along opportunities for when companies are looking to bring in testers and the like. Then you apply and there's a brief interview process, and you'll hear back from them. For me it was about a month wait and I was in. But another acquaintance of mine was brought in almost last minute before the casting was closed, essentially.
Best way to go about it for yourself if you don't know anyone, follow the company on social media and any developers that work on it. More often than not they (the company in question) will make a public announcement that they're looking for testers. Of course you could always email semi-frequently and inquire about opportunities. It's a mixed bag, really.
@@JaxTheFound Why the fuuuuuuuck did they add the purple explosion fucks? It's like they were implemented solely to make campaign with the AI impossible lol
My blood generated pure caffeine just so I could click the video as fast as I could
@@abointedtoyblingofmats why are you telling everyone to shut up?
mandalore is speeding up his uploads and i love it
The sad part about the story is that they bragged a lot about having Ian Thorpe onboard, a W40K novels author. Guess the guy's only involvement was to get a check for mentioning him in the trailers.
The video currently has 40K likes.
n i c e
I wish they remade Ascension with the engine and assets of Deathwing. That was an excellent turn based tactics game.
@@cibo889 shut up
@@justiceforjoggers2897 shut up
@@somebaby1518 shut up
@@abointedtoyblingofmats No u
Mandy: Uploaded 4 videos already
Meanwhile Sseth: *IT'S QUIET!*
He took too much meds
The pills took effect
@@abointedtoyblingofmats no u
It's quiet
Funny Mandalor mentions that bit about X-COM. Someone didn't play the XCOM 3rd person shooter they released back in 2013.
oh god why did they do it.
I remember seeing footage of The Bureau and it just looked generic. Later found out it was much worse than I thought.
@Brupcat Yeah, I remember seeing the original trailers for it and thinking it looked like it was trying to do a pre-apocalypse fallout 3 style game mixed with x-files and then the game that did release was... different. Very different. :(
@@MandaloreGaming Oh The Bureau. I was thinking about Alliance, but that was first person, and cancelled.
At least The Bureau had an *amazing* plot twist, not that it makes up for the gameplay.
@@adamofblastworks1517 what was the twist?
@@warhound45 that you're actually playing as an alien
Whenever there is a guy that looks interesting I always search it up. Sometimes I am lucky enough that MandaloreGaming has made a review on it. By far the best and most indepth review channel.
I love whenever you use Kirby Air Ride music. Makes me very happy
This game is basically if Mechanicus tried to be less like X-Com by becoming an FPS, but then they made it more like X-Com by throwing in unnecessary mechanics.
It's at 18:57 this time.
what about "its quiet"?
What is that sound effect even from originally?
@@AlpineShenanigans home alone
@@ThatWildcard duhhh 🤦♂️
@@ThatWildcard Which scream is it from Home Alone?
Never been this early to tour vids, i love the upload schedule.
@@cibo889 shut up
Up shut
I really like EYE, jank included. It breaks my heart to see Streum On struggle with a game like this. Hopefully, their next project is better.
Thanks for the insightful review Mandalore! I went in thinking that the game looked impressive and interesting, and it does, but often in games like this, you have to dig deep to discover the fundamental flaws that are present. As always your video quality is stellar and insightful!
Wait this isn't Elmo's Number Journey.
the children are fast, but elmo is faster.
@@slyseal2091 Oh God
Ps:The only good thing about the Weave is the weapons
@@robertwsaul I'm talking about the new one like heavy spear,throwing axes..........not the weave weapons
DRG got mentioned boys!
21:57 is the best moment in this video
Rock and stone to the bone!
@@_h0tel_ Like that: ROCK AND STONE!
If you don't ROCK AND STONE you ain't coming home
This game is 80% off on Steam right now (about $8 Canadian). I had fun with it when it came out, especially with friends. Definitely worth that price for the ambiance alone, it remains one of the best-looking 40k games I've ever played.
Some "Ave Maria" would make this game A+ is what I'm hearing. Maybe even "Mars: Bringer of War" by Gustav Holst!
I was JUST playing this. I'm glad a review of this game came out. Christmas came early.
13:05 "the bugs will eat you alive up close" Rending claws, Zael.
@@cibo889 shut up
@@abointedtoyblingofmats why don’t you make like a banana and fuck off?
"Your mother is so dumb, she thinks 'Black Rage' is an action movie starring Wesley Snipes"
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded
Damn 40k got the quotes
"Brother, im pinned here!" i laughed.
Also interesting detail with hitting bell.
It seems that every horde shooter can be summarised as "It's like Left 4 Dead, but not as good"
Sometimes yes, othertimes, no. Since it depends on which game you use as the example to the comparison. Because there are some games out there that actually improve on the concept of L4D.