Do you also take away pieces of the smily face if the students misbehave? For instance, if they earn the smily face in the morning but misbehave before they get their reward? Also, do you restart the smily face after the first smily face reward is given, for instance after recess if they just got extra recess? Could they potentially get more than one reward in a day?
Thanks for your questions, Ariana! Very rarely will I take away pieces of the smiley face. I think that if the students have earned them, it would be unfair to take them away if students are misbehaving. It's not likely that ALL of the students are participating in the misbehavior, so I don't want to punish the kiddos who were behaving the way they should. Does that make sense? Instead I would say something like, "I wish we could have earned a piece of the smiley face for walking quietly in the halls, but some of my friends were being silly in the line." On a really good day, my students might earn the smiley face twice. If they are having an awesome day and earn the smiley face in the morning, I might reward them with extra recess time or bubble gum. Then we can start over towards earning it again. It just depends on how frequently you give the pieces out and the behavior of the class. When we first start the smiley face, I give out the pieces often so they understand how it works. As the year goes on, I expect more and thus it takes awesome behavior to earn them. :)
Do you also take away pieces of the smily face if the students misbehave? For instance, if they earn the smily face in the morning but misbehave before they get their reward? Also, do you restart the smily face after the first smily face reward is given, for instance after recess if they just got extra recess? Could they potentially get more than one reward in a day?
Thanks for your questions, Ariana! Very rarely will I take away pieces of the smiley face. I think that if the students have earned them, it would be unfair to take them away if students are misbehaving. It's not likely that ALL of the students are participating in the misbehavior, so I don't want to punish the kiddos who were behaving the way they should. Does that make sense? Instead I would say something like, "I wish we could have earned a piece of the smiley face for walking quietly in the halls, but some of my friends were being silly in the line." On a really good day, my students might earn the smiley face twice. If they are having an awesome day and earn the smiley face in the morning, I might reward them with extra recess time or bubble gum. Then we can start over towards earning it again. It just depends on how frequently you give the pieces out and the behavior of the class. When we first start the smiley face, I give out the pieces often so they understand how it works. As the year goes on, I expect more and thus it takes awesome behavior to earn them. :)
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