This is Bangladesh. And, you're also from Bangladesh. But in your channel info in the location section, you selected india?? Why??? @A Local Game. Please, Respect your Country.
Having keenly watched the game,I can tell that one of the very few down sides or flaws about the game is the fact that a player can decide to increase the chances of a person exiting the game by throwing or pushing the rod in a direction which makes it difficult to be caught or grasped by the player who takes over his spot whenever there's a shift in position,other than that,it's an interesting game.
I came to make that comment. I’m fact that’s exactly what the guy who won was doing. I’m guessing it is against the rules, so you have to make sure it looks accidental. Probably hard to catch on real life, but it’s pretty obvious in the video.
The two finalists did that same cheating technique since the beginning. But the one who won the game, did it less obvious and opportunist than the other guy. But definitely both cheat. The game should be fixed some way to prevent this if they want a fair game that not depends of people's honestly culture.
Also the fact that someone wisthle. The judge can make easy or hard to players by making shorter breaks when he see people almost not picking the stick
To those who are not aware, this game serves the clever purpose of providing a charity with dignity to a community of proud people. That's why everybody "wins" something.
The guy in black who made it to 4th place had THE BEST passes. He left his nearly perfect erect each time. And he dove for the pole in front of him no matter how sloppy it was. I was rooting for him
I think it would be more interesting to play it with an odd number of participants and have two people out each time someone drops a pole. Those people being the person that was supposed to catch it, and the other being the person that let go of it. That means that the people playing have to both worry about catching the pole they are moving to, while also trying to make sure their own pole is as straight as possible and gives the next person the best chance of catching it. Since it's an odd number of participants eventually you will end up with a final winner.
Uhhhh, I may be mistaken but I don't believe that this is a traditional “winner take all" game, but more of a giveaway for the entire community. The rules are perfect for this situation. IMO. But what do I know.... ROFL 🌈😁👍🏿
@@Durttar695 Yup, i dig that - but i'm not sure the runner-up did (he seemed unhappy about the way the pole was left for him). Anyway, competition and collaboration are not diametrical opposites. And it would be TWO individual winners, not one, enhancing the collaborative element.
What a fun game! The fact that this game is friendly, no physical contact between the competitors, yet a great test of stamina and agility is everything. I love that the award is cooking oil 😂
The second last guy wanted to win Sooo bad, but if you watch a second time... he gave some of the most unclean passes of the whole game... pushing the sticks down. It also took him a good 15 seconds to regain his composure after loosing and to realize that the entire village was watching
Yeah, this game naturally exposes who is passing the worst since they will be the ones playing at the end. The "winners" are the least skilled at leaving a clean, vertical stick (either by lack of skill or malice).
Easy to sabotage this game. With a slight flick of ur wrist, make ur stick drop a little faster or away from ur opponent so he cant get to it in time. DONE! Game Over! Dumbest game in the world. People, no need to hype up a game just because u haven't seen it before. Folks, this is not Chess. This DOES NOT REQUIRE any intelligence.
@@njhbgy98 the player is happy, the community is happy... This game is not about win or lose, it's about engaging the community. You can keep the dumb comment to yourself.
This was surprisingly thrilling! I don’t trust the gentleman who got second place though. I’d like to see a version where a double-whistle means reverse direction.
Also what is really cool is that nobody tried to intentionally get others out, which at least from this one video could be possible…. 🙏🏽🙏🏽 cooperation! ❤
Any game where you need your opponent to do something correct so you don't lose is NOT a good game. Most of people who were taken out, did so because someone else tipped the staff, not because they were slow. This game was built for cheats. A fair game would reward the one whose staff fell last, not first.
I've done this many times with random groups over the years. It really brings everyone together,especially the fact everyone gets something in the end. I think that's oil they are playing for as well👍
I love to see this. Not just because the game is fun, but because everybody is enjoying together as a community. I want to assume and be right in thinking that these sort of activities make for a deep sense of belonging and leave almost no room for dumb rivalries, gossip, toxicity, etc. I wish everyone a nice and prosper life 😊
It's such a nice thing to see people having a good time in a friendly environment old and young sharing happy moments. Please tell us about the community and history of the event. I guess a lot of us would like to be in a community like this away from all the noise and stress and struggles, just living a simple lifestyle
these folks work and live in the same world you do. they just play this game from time to time the same way you might go to a local high school or beer league ball game
Your life is as 'simple' and 'stress free' or 'difficult' and 'stressful' as you choose to make it / allow it to be. JOOI - how 'simple' and 'stress free' do you imagine life to be always wondering whether / when you will have enough to feed yourself / your family?! What is it that makes your life so 'stressful' and 'difficult'?! Always over-reaching for more and 'bigger' things that you don't really 'need'?!
Now add this, long whistle means don't go (so people that react really fast might have a chance of getting out if they rush to the other stick) and a double whistle which means switch directions. People would have to not move immediately and it would add more variety to the game. Honestly sounds so fun
This is similar to what native American pow wows do as well. Builds a sense of community through friendly competition. Would be great if more people were able to participate in events like this. People might actually build better communal relationships
Kind of like church, neighborhood bars,, softball, baseball, volleyball, 🏸 badminton, basketball, Frisbee golf, actual golf, boyscouts, girlscouts, 4H, FFA, spelling bees, book clubs, horse shows, rodeos, dog shows, pigeon clubs, motorcycle gangs, drug cartels... wait... scratch those last ones... I got off track... 😊
I’ve played this game before, during scouts. All the kids got given a pole and the direction changes as well. It’s really fun. I would recommend you playing it.
@@KaiLucasZachary no, those are large games, not games that help to bring a community together, because as soon as the games are over they all go their own ways. Small communities would gather to celebrate after with food and helps build better relationships. The Olympics and sports are so large usually that most people there are strangers
It’s interesting how we all seem to find a way to make it more competitive and/fair in some way. We can’t fathom the idea of having to rely on someone else not to screw you over.
Truly has local flavour and rustic game. Love the atmosphere and simplicity ...incredible India. This can be a best exercise and motivating game for every school kid. It requires small space and few sticks. Appreciate every moment of it ...enjoyed.
@@Gphdwrebecause Arif Rana the owner's name is an Indian name and the winner of the game is wearing a lungi a traditional Indian dress as well as they people in the video are speaking Hindi the national language of India.
Love it! A wholesome game that tests endurance and agility with no physcial contact. This could be made more challenging by adding different sounds for different actions. Instead of just changing amount of whistles, a whistle sound can mean move clockwise, drum sound for moving counterclockwise, and maybe loud shout for standing still. I think using just whistle to signal different actions (1 whistle, 2, or 3) could cause a a simple game like this to be too chaotic. Thus, different sounds adds some challenge and keeps it safe and simple.
An interesting thing to notice is that the prize is not money or a trophy instead it's a bottle of oil. Which the winner can use at home. We can't think of having a bottle of oil as a prize as it's not that important. But it's making some people happy. That's the simplicity of this crowd. So good. ❤
A very social game❤ healthy for the attendents and entertaining for the visitors. I like it. Better for me than computer Games, because I'm older and traditionell.
At the beginning of the video, I was thinking, “no way is the guy in the skirt gonna win this”. By the time it was down to four men, I’m yelling, “Go Skirt Guy go!!!” What a unique and fun looking game. Shout to out to you “Skirt Guy” wherever you may be 😉♥️
Looks like a fun game, but it seems to have a flaw: often, when someone fails to catch the stick it's because the person before them let go of it at an odd angle. So players get disqualified for the mistakes of others.
This game is awesome! And just a little stressful. I’m glad you make the circle smaller as people are eliminated, that would have been even more stressful haha!
Whatever can be expressed about the game but it must be appreciated about the place of the game choosed by the organisor is very charming to encourage the village people to live together in brotherly hood.
Cooperation with whom? You're always at the mercy of the person in front of you to give you a good pass. If you get a bad pass, you're screwed. Nothing that you can do can actually make the gameplay fair.
They say there's also a "solitaire" mode to this game. You stand alone on one side of the circle, then you let loose of the stick and run all the way around the circle and grab the stick again before it falls. _'Supposedly'_ solitaire mode is more challenging than the version with lots of players, although I'm not quite sure why....... 😁
Makes for kind of a dumb game when your poor skill gets someone else out. If a stick is dropped the both the person that left it and the person going to it should get out.
I have no idea what this game is, but I love how everybody wins something and they (including the audience) are enjoying every moment. I would love to play this too!
The lungi boy was most active and witty, a befitting reply to people who downgrade Bharatiya dressing side over western. Kudos, he won it simply. Good game. The beauty of being Bharatiya can clearly be seen here. No nonsense. Purely a sport. Congratulations to you all.
I was also thinking same that the next player can always do some trick, For this can be modified as team game by making 2 different circles with 2 sets of players like 5-10 players but same number in both team and one referee Try it and share it here please, I’m sure it will have more funnn 😊
@@rakhiganpuleor it could be that the person who planted the stick and the guy that dropped it both get eliminated causing a series of shifting alliances
Those people are from Northern Bangladesh. The North Bengal people are known through the whole country for their simplicity and hospitality. Whenever they visit bigger cities specially capital city Dhaka, they caught by cheaters, sometimes loss their money. But they did not learn and do not practice to be a cheater yet 😅
Nice game that can be played at all ages...good to see different activities around the world...showing that we can be entertained without having violent activities like fighting and heavy contact sports .
It would be nice to have a community event like this in my town. We don't do much charity socially to have more communication so a thing like this would a life saver.
Nice game & after a very long time saw something promoting local culture in a positive way !! Kudos to the makers of this game & even to the chap who shared this
Its not a fair game..... It heavily depends on person who is leaving the stick. If he leaves unstable stick then it will be difficult to hold it by the next person.
Optional additions: • have both the catcher and last owner of a fallen pole be disqualified • thus have odd number of players • Start with a small circle, then put the pole 1 foot further away each catch until someone leaves (then reset size) • Have a similar, but different whistle that means "stay", and those leaving their poles fail • Have music, where the signal is a start of a section every 2-4 seconds • carry a basket on your head that you also may not drop
@@Danmansri I'd take that as a compliment then because he's actually suggested improvements to a game that favors screwing the person behind you rather than cooperating.
Watching this reminds me of a popular game in my hometown called "game box"... It's very different from this but the whole vibe, it being a local game, it also being an agility, strategy based field game and all. I haven't played that game since i graduated from highschool 4-5 yrs ago. When i go home this December, I'm determined to teach it to my older sister so that she can play it with me and our younger siblings.
Does it involve drawing a large rectangle with a double line just inside the length, and multiple double lines inside the space, and a “catcher” and a “runner”?
It is almost always the fault of the stick holder previous to the person eliminated, not the person eliminated. But fortunately, at the end, the guy in blue won, because the other guy was over all the worst offender.
Loved every minute of this. I kind of knew that the guy at the end would win. He was lightning fast. But his competitor at the end was also very fast, and a good sport right at the very end.
This turned out to be extremely satisfying. The game itself is simple, but very entertaining. I've recently been to Morocco, and in the square, at night, people play all sort of ingenious games like this, which is absolutely brilliant to see. I'd like to know where this is (I think I heard Pakistan at some point)
As kids we played a game simular to this...only we had stationery poles. We started with more people than poles though. You had to run to a pole, sort of like musical chairs w/o the chairs. We called it switch.
I really enjoyed that, and it was great to see this whole group of people into it. I can tell you, sadly, that if this were played in the U.S., you'd have to have minutely-specified rules about stick placement and everything else. Players would give their sticks a little nudge as they let go to decrease the odds of the other person catching it. You'd have to have instant replay, referees, and, of course, special shoes.
Given the low value, to me in the UK, of the prize and the opportunity to cheat but lack if cheating, it seems the game is played as much for the fun as anything. Which is nice to see.
Very nice game, the inventor must add variations to it, eg. Different whistle tone they must go different direction. It’s a good game indeed. Team building game indeed.
The guy that came second always let the stick fall while the guy who won left the stick very balanced standing straight, so it was easier for the another person to catch. He deserved winning.
I love how it’s a combo of balance, speed, and stamina. Balance because I assume tipping the stick in any direction would be considered cheating and a forfeit. Speed because obviously you have to get to the next stick. And stamina because that whistle guy gives you ZERO time to catch your breath lol.
I watched the WHOLE time the guy who got second place. He DIDNT play fair. Always bringing the stick with him making it hard to the person behind him. And surprise surprise, the one that didnt play fair was the only one clompaining after losing.
The duration of the stick before it falls to the ground depends on the force exerted and how erect the stick was before tuning to the next. I can see that some players failed because of this 😢, although this game can be improved.
The first thing I thought of when watching this. The release of the stick can adversely affect the opponent’s ability to catch it. Otherwise a cool game!
Yes that seemed to me the main flaw in the game, what is the incentive to leave the stick balancing for the next person, rather than just throw it down? Even if that is against the rules or something there is still clearly a lot of room to make things unfairly harder for the person behind you. I feel like it should be a joint effort, i.e. if the guy behind you doesn't catch it then you're out too!
Dear viewers, please watch this video 👉
Thank you.
That's a challenging 'game'. 😉😊👍
what is the origin of this game
This is Bangladesh. And, you're also from Bangladesh. But in your channel info in the location section, you selected india?? Why??? @A Local Game.
Please, Respect your Country.
dear video producers, please rotate your phone 90° when making videos for the internet.
Easy to win this game, all you need is to throw all the sticks down so your opponents can’t catch them
Having keenly watched the game,I can tell that one of the very few down sides or flaws about the game is the fact that a player can decide to increase the chances of a person exiting the game by throwing or pushing the rod in a direction which makes it difficult to be caught or grasped by the player who takes over his spot whenever there's a shift in position,other than that,it's an interesting game.
Thank you sir ❤️
I came to make that comment. I’m fact that’s exactly what the guy who won was doing. I’m guessing it is against the rules, so you have to make sure it looks accidental. Probably hard to catch on real life, but it’s pretty obvious in the video.
@@cactiguidethe guy that lost in the end was doing that. A good handful of people that had to leave the game were behind him.
The two finalists did that same cheating technique since the beginning. But the one who won the game, did it less obvious and opportunist than the other guy. But definitely both cheat. The game should be fixed some way to prevent this if they want a fair game that not depends of people's honestly culture.
Also the fact that someone wisthle. The judge can make easy or hard to players by making shorter breaks when he see people almost not picking the stick
Finally, the purpose of a medium like UA-cam has been satisfied. Showing the culture and games of one region to the world.
I'm very happy😄
That was awesome, I’m sharing this👍
Thank you sir
Indeed 😊
And Nobel prize nomination 🎉 hurrayyy
To those who are not aware, this game serves the clever purpose of providing a charity with dignity to a community of proud people. That's why everybody "wins" something.
Thank you so much sir ❤️
@@ivanfaught9997bro I take accessibility to oil for granted
It's really nice to have a meaningful side to this game, but just for fun sake it is amazing
Oohhh.. interesting 🤔 love it!!!
@@ivanfaught9997it is a luxury in many parts of the world. I would have appreciated that bottle of cooking oil in my starving years at uni.
The guy in black who made it to 4th place had THE BEST passes. He left his nearly perfect erect each time. And he dove for the pole in front of him no matter how sloppy it was. I was rooting for him
Came here looking for this comment
Me too.
I think it would be more interesting to play it with an odd number of participants and have two people out each time someone drops a pole. Those people being the person that was supposed to catch it, and the other being the person that let go of it. That means that the people playing have to both worry about catching the pole they are moving to, while also trying to make sure their own pole is as straight as possible and gives the next person the best chance of catching it. Since it's an odd number of participants eventually you will end up with a final winner.
Cam here to make the same suggestion except for the odd number of players. Would have the final two both win.
Adding changes in direction might help as well.
Spot on! And a practical suggestion, too. Would actually be worth implementing in schools everywhere, for example.
Uhhhh, I may be mistaken but I don't believe that this is a traditional “winner take all" game, but more of a giveaway for the entire community.
The rules are perfect for this situation. IMO.
But what do I know.... ROFL 🌈😁👍🏿
@@Durttar695 Yup, i dig that - but i'm not sure the runner-up did (he seemed unhappy about the way the pole was left for him). Anyway, competition and collaboration are not diametrical opposites. And it would be TWO individual winners, not one, enhancing the collaborative element.
What a fun game! The fact that this game is friendly, no physical contact between the competitors, yet a great test of stamina and agility is everything.
I love that the award is cooking oil 😂
Thank you sir ❤️
I’ve seen a lot of videos lately of games like this where the reward seems to be some type of grocery item
They should add a different whistle to tell the players to go in the opposite direction
@@davidhirschhorn2960oohh yeah, that would mess me up
@@davidhirschhorn2960haha so evil haha 😂
The second last guy wanted to win Sooo bad, but if you watch a second time... he gave some of the most unclean passes of the whole game... pushing the sticks down. It also took him a good 15 seconds to regain his composure after loosing and to realize that the entire village was watching
I thought I was seeing things lol
So trueee
U r right
probably cause the one that won with the 07 shirt was pulling that crap the whole game and only started playing fair when it was down to 3 people
Yeah, this game naturally exposes who is passing the worst since they will be the ones playing at the end. The "winners" are the least skilled at leaving a clean, vertical stick (either by lack of skill or malice).
Imagine playing this with the boys after a few beers.
The crowd acknowledge everyone exiting the game with a clap is just amazing!
Thank you sir
That was my favorite too.
Easy to sabotage this game. With a slight flick of ur wrist, make ur stick drop a little faster or away from ur opponent so he cant get to it in time. DONE! Game Over!
Dumbest game in the world.
People, no need to hype up a game just because u haven't seen it before.
Folks, this is not Chess.
This DOES NOT REQUIRE any intelligence.
@@njhbgy98I can't imagine not living in an honest place 😂😂😂
@@njhbgy98 the player is happy, the community is happy... This game is not about win or lose, it's about engaging the community. You can keep the dumb comment to yourself.
This was surprisingly thrilling! I don’t trust the gentleman who got second place though.
I’d like to see a version where a double-whistle means reverse direction.
Double would confuse them, using a bell or something that makes a different noise is better
Ankles would be broken
You worry about Ankels?May I introduce you to Kabadi?
Or a version in which you only avoid elimination if your rod is standing for 2 seconds b4 the other player grabs it
The players who survive are the ones who don't balance their rods well.
Also what is really cool is that nobody tried to intentionally get others out, which at least from this one video could be possible…. 🙏🏽🙏🏽 cooperation! ❤
Thank you sir
@@tommaguzzi1723that isn’t the point fella. It’s been honest to yourself and the other people who are playing.
Are you saying you would? Lol!
Any game where you need your opponent to do something correct so you don't lose is NOT a good game. Most of people who were taken out, did so because someone else tipped the staff, not because they were slow. This game was built for cheats.
A fair game would reward the one whose staff fell last, not first.
Asian cultures tend to be less hyper competitive and more communal than western.
I've done this many times with random groups over the years. It really brings everyone together,especially the fact everyone gets something in the end. I think that's oil they are playing for as well👍
Thank you sir
Good to know i thought it was either apple juice or some type of citrus drink
I thought this was cooking oil, my good guess 😊
Thanks bro
First time I saw such a game, but nice game, quick action & concentration required for such game
Thank you sir
I love to see this. Not just because the game is fun, but because everybody is enjoying together as a community. I want to assume and be right in thinking that these sort of activities make for a deep sense of belonging and leave almost no room for dumb rivalries, gossip, toxicity, etc. I wish everyone a nice and prosper life 😊
Thank you sir ❤️
It's such a nice thing to see people having a good time in a friendly environment old and young sharing happy moments. Please tell us about the community and history of the event. I guess a lot of us would like to be in a community like this away from all the noise and stress and struggles, just living a simple lifestyle
Thank you sir
This is the proof that even with a simple life u can be happy...I like the simplicity in every thing.❤❤❤
these folks work and live in the same world you do. they just play this game from time to time the same way you might go to a local high school or beer league ball game
Based on the native language being spoken, it seems to be in Bangladesh.
Your life is as 'simple' and 'stress free' or 'difficult' and 'stressful' as you choose to make it / allow it to be.
JOOI - how 'simple' and 'stress free' do you imagine life to be always wondering whether / when you will have enough to feed yourself / your family?!
What is it that makes your life so 'stressful' and 'difficult'?!
Always over-reaching for more and 'bigger' things that you don't really 'need'?!
చాలా బాగుంది . హడావిడి లేకుండా సిపుల్ గా వుంది ! ప్రవేశపెట్టినవానికి అభినందనలు !
Now add this, long whistle means don't go (so people that react really fast might have a chance of getting out if they rush to the other stick) and a double whistle which means switch directions. People would have to not move immediately and it would add more variety to the game. Honestly sounds so fun
Thank you sir ❤️
I had a similar thought. One whistle tone means go clockwise another means go anticlockwise
I was that also.... that would be extra fun
This is similar to what native American pow wows do as well. Builds a sense of community through friendly competition. Would be great if more people were able to participate in events like this. People might actually build better communal relationships
Thank you sir ❤️
Kind of like church, neighborhood bars,, softball, baseball, volleyball, 🏸 badminton, basketball, Frisbee golf, actual golf, boyscouts, girlscouts, 4H, FFA, spelling bees, book clubs, horse shows, rodeos, dog shows, pigeon clubs, motorcycle gangs, drug cartels... wait... scratch those last ones... I got off track... 😊
I’ve played this game before, during scouts. All the kids got given a pole and the direction changes as well. It’s really fun. I would recommend you playing it.
Soooooo…. sports? Sports that exist in most countries? Things like The Olympics? Those don’t count towards your comment, right?
@@KaiLucasZachary no, those are large games, not games that help to bring a community together, because as soon as the games are over they all go their own ways. Small communities would gather to celebrate after with food and helps build better relationships. The Olympics and sports are so large usually that most people there are strangers
Wearing a Manchester City shirt and Lungi at the bottom is such a sigma move 😂 👏
Man City winning with a suspect last move... hmm.
@@jewelweed6880 Man City = shady moves off the pitch, the winner wearing their shirt = also pulled a shady move to win.
@@automatedcryptoapp4573 no, no, I mean the op re the outfit and "sigma male move"
It’s interesting how we all seem to find a way to make it more competitive and/fair in some way. We can’t fathom the idea of having to rely on someone else not to screw you over.
Apart from the game being very engaging for players and viewers it is also an amazing way of promoting a product 😊
Thank you sir ❤️
so the winner got a large bottle of urine ?!?
@@stevewiley8409you are the reason why shampoo bottles come with instructions.
@@stevewiley8409Cooking oil.
Truly has local flavour and rustic game. Love the atmosphere and simplicity ...incredible India. This can be a best exercise and motivating game for every school kid. It requires small space and few sticks. Appreciate every moment of it ...enjoyed.
Thank you sir
How do you know this is India? This could be Thailand, Indonesia, Philipines, Vietnam, China, etc also.
@@Gphdwrebecause Arif Rana the owner's name is an Indian name and the winner of the game is wearing a lungi a traditional Indian dress as well as they people in the video are speaking Hindi the national language of India.
It's actually Bangladesh, close to India though.
No, they were speaking Bangla, North Bengal dialect, not Hindi. It's in Bangladesh
How beautiful it is to see the whole community enjoying a game, without the distraction cellphones!
Thank you so much sir ❤️
The prize was a large juice, I highly doubt cell phones are a distraction there.
This is such a beautiful community. God bless them. Where is this? Was it apple juice or cooking oil?
Except for the cell phone recording the game.😊
@@carliushardin4229that looked like groundnut oil 😂
Very entertaining I was pretty intrigued by it thank you for sharing
Thanks for watching
Love it! A wholesome game that tests endurance and agility with no physcial contact. This could be made more challenging by adding different sounds for different actions. Instead of just changing amount of whistles, a whistle sound can mean move clockwise, drum sound for moving counterclockwise, and maybe loud shout for standing still.
I think using just whistle to signal different actions (1 whistle, 2, or 3) could cause a a simple game like this to be too chaotic. Thus, different sounds adds some challenge and keeps it safe and simple.
Thank you so much sir ❤️
An interesting thing to notice is that the prize is not money or a trophy instead it's a bottle of oil. Which the winner can use at home. We can't think of having a bottle of oil as a prize as it's not that important. But it's making some people happy. That's the simplicity of this crowd. So good. ❤
Thank you sir ❤️
I thought it was Gatorade, but my eyesight is not that good 😊
Its like the prizes at country fairs something small and useful
@@anamariaguadayol2335me too!
Honestly as someone who makes six figures in the states I rather win a bottle of cooking oil than anything extravagant. Usefulness is the best prize
I saw this game for the first time.. it's really Amazing..
Alertness is the total need for this game.
Hearty Congratulations Dear Children 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you sir
These are grown men, not children
I don't like Xmas, but I need to make my family play this at the party 😂
A very social game❤ healthy for the attendents and entertaining for the visitors. I like it. Better for me than computer Games, because I'm older and traditionell.
Thank you sir
I love this, so wholesome and yes, I watched every minute it was strangely gripping! How the whole village turned out to take part is beautiful 😍
Thank you sir ❤️
Thank you for the video . How is this game called ? Is this in India? Do you think this game could one day be added to the Olympics ?
Ha...ha...ha.... nice game. Creative thinking. Waiting forward for more game show.
Thanks for the visit
Thank you sir ❤️
It was very lovely watching a community of people getting together to enjoy and support. All without phones at hand! 😂
thanks you
At the beginning of the video, I was thinking, “no way is the guy in the skirt gonna win this”. By the time it was down to four men, I’m yelling, “Go Skirt Guy go!!!” What a unique and fun looking game. Shout to out to you “Skirt Guy” wherever you may be 😉♥️
Thank you sir ❤️
It's not a skirt 😂
Its all about feeling fresh.
It's a lungi
It's called a Lungi lol😂
Looks like a fun game, but it seems to have a flaw: often, when someone fails to catch the stick it's because the person before them let go of it at an odd angle. So players get disqualified for the mistakes of others.
I thought so too. There should be a rule that the person to be disqualified is the one who is at fault, not just the one who does not catch the pole
Thank you sir ❤️
Yes, you are right. I thing so too.
I think letting go to an odd angle may be a good strategy not a mistake. But guys are so gentle that they don't even care it.
Enjoyed every bit of it ,, this should be introduced in all schools sport activities …
This game is awesome! And just a little stressful. I’m glad you make the circle smaller as people are eliminated, that would have been even more stressful haha!
Glad you enjoy it!
Thank you sir ❤️
Whatever can be expressed about the game but it must be appreciated about the place of the game choosed by the organisor is very charming to encourage the village people to live together in brotherly hood.
Very good game. Hats off to the winner, not just because of his victory,but for his ease with lungi.He was so comfortably running even in lungi.👍
Thank you sir
I knew the lunghi guy would win🎉
As did I , Perfectly at ease with confidence ✨️
Namaste 🕉 🙏
Great Game guys ❤ 🇦🇺🚩❤️
@@hapijen4828 👍
I was rooting for him!
So simple, so skillful, like musical chairs, but much better! ❤
Thank you sir
What a great game. It's as much about cooperation as it is competition. And fun and engaging to watch. I love it!
Cooperation with whom? You're always at the mercy of the person in front of you to give you a good pass. If you get a bad pass, you're screwed. Nothing that you can do can actually make the gameplay fair.
Excellent game. First time dekha. Maza aa gaya. Hats of to the inventor. So energetic . Winner ko kuch zyada milna chahiye. He deserve more
Thank you sir
What a gentlemanly way to resolve political disputes as well 😂
Thank you sir
They say there's also a "solitaire" mode to this game. You stand alone on one side of the circle, then you let loose of the stick and run all the way around the circle and grab the stick again before it falls. _'Supposedly'_ solitaire mode is more challenging than the version with lots of players, although I'm not quite sure why....... 😁
I knew it he would win this game. Everyone behind him was out by his carelessness to balance the stick.
Thank you sir
He was very alert and mobile. You can say he was well-oiled 🤣
Right, letting the stick fall the wrong way gives you an advantage.
Makes for kind of a dumb game when your poor skill gets someone else out. If a stick is dropped the both the person that left it and the person going to it should get out.
Lungi helped him too 😃😍😍😅😅
Beautiful game....not expensive...but need both good running and coordination...enjoyed it thoroughly
Thanks for the visit
All of them were very energetic. Such a lovely game! Incredible Bharath❤
Thank you sir
It’s an amazing game but it looks like Bangladesh right?
Lol it's Bangladesh
This is not a Bharath/India. This is Bangladesh.
Not India but India's grandson
I have no idea what this game is, but I love how everybody wins something and they (including the audience) are enjoying every moment. I would love to play this too!
The one in black was so fair for the one behind him, he always left the poll stand in a stable position
Oh my goodness what a game....required much attention and being mindful.....hahaha 😊😊😊. Thanks
The lungi boy was most active and witty, a befitting reply to people who downgrade Bharatiya dressing side over western. Kudos, he won it simply. Good game. The beauty of being Bharatiya can clearly be seen here. No nonsense. Purely a sport. Congratulations to you all.
Thank you sir ❤️
Depends upon how the first person leaves the stick,not the next one who catches the stick. But he is to be out.
That's why they are leaving the stick just straight without leaning it.
@@sharmilaimmaneni9223but its tricky.. Someone can cheat with just little push so follower will not catch.
I was also thinking same that the next player can always do some trick, For this can be modified as team game by making 2 different circles with 2 sets of players like 5-10 players but same number in both team and one referee
Try it and share it here please, I’m sure it will have more funnn 😊
@@rakhiganpuleor it could be that the person who planted the stick and the guy that dropped it both get eliminated causing a series of shifting alliances
Those people are from Northern Bangladesh. The North Bengal people are known through the whole country for their simplicity and hospitality. Whenever they visit bigger cities specially capital city Dhaka, they caught by cheaters, sometimes loss their money.
But they did not learn and do not practice to be a cheater yet 😅
The moment I saw a Lungi Guy in the game, I knew who is gonna win the game
Thank you sir
Amazing fun game. The guy who stood first got many of the players outed. He wantedly made the stick fall. Atill had fun watching.
Nice game that can be played at all ages...good to see different activities around the world...showing that we can be entertained without having violent activities like fighting and heavy contact sports .
Thank you sir ❤️
or computer games
@@c.b.jersey7304lol, nicely said on this time wasting platform that might as well be the computer game of videos. You are indeed superior.
Great game requiring much dexterity.
No violence! I loved watching this!
(I hope women have a go too!)
Thank you sir
I want to see the women play too.
It would be nice to have a community event like this in my town. We don't do much charity socially to have more communication so a thing like this would a life saver.
Thank you so much sir
How do they get the whole village to come out and participate when they could be home watching the View or the Kardashians?
Very innovative and inexpensive game. Locally easily , eco-friendly materials required. 🤗 Similar to Musical chair 🙌👍
Thanks a lot 😊
Gostei da diversão, vou fazer esse jogo aqui no BRAZIL. 👍👍👍👍👍
Thank you sir
Bem interessante esse jogo.
Nice game & after a very long time saw something promoting local culture in a positive way !! Kudos to the makers of this game & even to the chap who shared this
Thank you sir ❤️
Great game. I got dizzy Close to the end. Nice. I'll have to try it. 😂
This games brings harmony and enjoyment to the community. What a fun game. I love the environment too so raw and looks very nature friendly .
Thank you so much sir ❤️
Its not a fair game..... It heavily depends on person who is leaving the stick. If he leaves unstable stick then it will be difficult to hold it by the next person.
Thank you sir
The interesting thing though is that it was obvious nobody was trying to do that
@@sonarharin3906 yes
well there can be refrees for that
Good game, hats off to the inventor.
Thank you sir
Yessss.... 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Ye game 1000 saal purana hain..
Wonderful.. entertainment..very much enjoyed ❤️🤗🙏
Thanks so much
Optional additions:
• have both the catcher and last owner of a fallen pole be disqualified
• thus have odd number of players
• Start with a small circle, then put the pole 1 foot further away each catch until someone leaves (then reset size)
• Have a similar, but different whistle that means "stay", and those leaving their poles fail
• Have music, where the signal is a start of a section every 2-4 seconds
• carry a basket on your head that you also may not drop
Spoken like an American
@@Danmansri excuse me?
@@Danmansri I'd take that as a compliment then because he's actually suggested improvements to a game that favors screwing the person behind you rather than cooperating.
Watching this reminds me of a popular game in my hometown called "game box"... It's very different from this but the whole vibe, it being a local game, it also being an agility, strategy based field game and all. I haven't played that game since i graduated from highschool 4-5 yrs ago.
When i go home this December, I'm determined to teach it to my older sister so that she can play it with me and our younger siblings.
Thank you so much sir ❤️
Does it involve drawing a large rectangle with a double line just inside the length, and multiple double lines inside the space, and a “catcher” and a “runner”?
Maybe you could put the game up so we can learn too? That'd be AWESOME!
@@ecks_ YEEESSSS!!!
@@handledthatwell I'll try do so
I know what game to have for the kids and adults at the next BBQ. 👍😃
Thank you sir
Nice to see such simple but fun games. No electronics required, no phones/computers.. Basic at it's best
Would be cool to see multiple rings getting bigger to increase space and difficulty between levels. Cool game.
Moral of the game if you want to win wear a Lungee😂😂😂
Thank you sir
He won because he was advised by numerologist Sanjay jumaani to wear blue shirt for good luck.😂
It is almost always the fault of the stick holder previous to the person eliminated, not the person eliminated. But fortunately, at the end, the guy in blue won, because the other guy was over all the worst offender.
Thank you sir
01:00 - Brilliant use of visuals! It makes everything so easy to understand. 👏
Loved every minute of this. I kind of knew that the guy at the end would win. He was lightning fast. But his competitor at the end was also very fast, and a good sport right at the very end.
This turned out to be extremely satisfying. The game itself is simple, but very entertaining. I've recently been to Morocco, and in the square, at night, people play all sort of ingenious games like this, which is absolutely brilliant to see. I'd like to know where this is (I think I heard Pakistan at some point)
Thank you sir ❤️
It’s in Bangladesh
@@SameenIslam cool, thanks!
Chittagong , Bangladesh
Great game ,,and its more than a game for me ,I see consentration, discipline, agility,confidence and yes the fun ...tfs 🎉
That's a really cool game and they do this for charity! Bravo!🎉🎉🎉🎉❤
As kids we played a game simular to this...only we had stationery poles. We started with more people than poles though. You had to run to a pole, sort of like musical chairs w/o the chairs. We called it switch.
I really enjoyed that, and it was great to see this whole group of people into it. I can tell you, sadly, that if this were played in the U.S., you'd have to have minutely-specified rules about stick placement and everything else. Players would give their sticks a little nudge as they let go to decrease the odds of the other person catching it. You'd have to have instant replay, referees, and, of course, special shoes.
Thank you sir ❤️
That's why the reward is just cooking, so that people wouldn't take it too seriously and see the game as just something fun.
Individualism verses collective mindset with village accountability measures.
Wrong. We’d never play this stupid ass game in America
bro just proof using local garment is better than jeans.. unlimited flexibility
I was thinking same
Thank you sir
That chad who is winning a competitive game WITH A LONG SKIRT ON!
That's a lot of piss
Very interesting game. Enjoyed watching it.
Thank you sir
Given the low value, to me in the UK, of the prize and the opportunity to cheat but lack if cheating, it seems the game is played as much for the fun as anything. Which is nice to see.
Thank you sir
There’ll probably be a rule to not try and sabotage the next person
@veedjohnson9551 I'm sure there are, but it seems there's a good level of sportsmanship.
Cooking oil very expensive rupee in India and Nepal.
Brilliant prize
You are wrong. The “winner” was cheating all the time. He was sabotaging the next person by making the stick falls quicker.
Very nice game, the inventor must add variations to it, eg. Different whistle tone they must go different direction. It’s a good game indeed. Team building game indeed.
The guy that came second always let the stick fall while the guy who won left the stick very balanced standing straight, so it was easier for the another person to catch. He deserved winning.
At least they gave cold drink to all the participants
Thank you sir
Cold ? Are tou sure ?
It is like our musical Chair.
Thank you sir
Yes in Germany we call it journey to Jerusalem
Great game my pick won . Congrats!!
The fact you can cheat by pushing the stick away just before leaving is the only flaw I think the game have other than that.. it’s an awesome game.
Thank you sir ❤️
Vai tumi English khub ekta ki parona?
Add the following rule: if the guy behind you fails to grab the stick, you are both out.
I love how it’s a combo of balance, speed, and stamina. Balance because I assume tipping the stick in any direction would be considered cheating and a forfeit. Speed because obviously you have to get to the next stick. And stamina because that whistle guy gives you ZERO time to catch your breath lol.
Thank you sir ❤️
Hey, something new for birthday parties. Unusual but quite cool.
I watched the WHOLE time the guy who got second place.
He DIDNT play fair.
Always bringing the stick with him making it hard to the person behind him.
And surprise surprise, the one that didnt play fair was the only one clompaining after losing.
The duration of the stick before it falls to the ground depends on the force exerted and how erect the stick was before tuning to the next. I can see that some players failed because of this 😢, although this game can be improved.
Thank you sir
The first thing I thought of when watching this. The release of the stick can adversely affect the opponent’s ability to catch it. Otherwise a cool game!
Just stick with it. 😅
Very nice game❤😂
This is waaayyyy better than TV. Love it.
The person who won left the stick falling down so the opponent couldn't catch it. But the opponent left the stick well..
Thank you sir
Yes, *a very good observation* that many others FAILED to see, and hence APPLAUD THE FAKE WINNER
It is not a fair game
I already notice him did that on purpose few times when there's still many players
Yes that seemed to me the main flaw in the game, what is the incentive to leave the stick balancing for the next person, rather than just throw it down? Even if that is against the rules or something there is still clearly a lot of room to make things unfairly harder for the person behind you. I feel like it should be a joint effort, i.e. if the guy behind you doesn't catch it then you're out too!
Legends said that people still clapping 👏🏻
Thank you sir
Simple pleasures of life❤
Thank you sir
Really funny game! I hope that girls and women are allowed to play, too.