Your Filter Determines Your Belief

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Today we dive into perspective, surprise I know. Was Jesus an illegitimate child or the messiah? Did Trump or Biden win the debate? What should you watch on Netflix? Your belief structure and thought process will decide the answers to these questions. Your filter determines your belief.
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  • @WalkinginDivineHealth
    @WalkinginDivineHealth 2 місяці тому

    It is all about perspective! I often say "reality is what you perceive of it". And its true. I think what can really help us is to realize that our perceptions can easily change, when we want them to. Like how we frame a personal tragedy could be instead of "this happened TO me"- "this happened FOR me". That can be hard pill to swallow when we cannot see any silver lining in the tragedy, but this is where faith comes in. It makes it true when we believe its true and then we will perceive it.
    There seems to be a tendency within all humans to never want to be wrong so we end up fiercely defending our old perspective instead of questioning and seeking truth and moving beyond the old paradigms. We have to be able to flex in order to grasp the TRUE reality. We need a few firm beliefs that do not flex as well. For example; I believe God is everywhere, in everything and in everybody. This is something fundamental that I would not flex on. It takes believing that way to see Him in everything and everyone. If I do not look for Him, I will not find Him.
    Jesus told us that God's kingdom is at hand. He knew most people were so focused on what they could perceive with their natural senses that they were totally missing that God was (and still is) right here, right now- in them!
    The religious system typically is continually pointing people to some form of practice that will somehow gain them access to God, but they never really get there. It helped me once I realized this. I was then able to begin the process of unlearning everything I thought I knew based on what I was taught by religion and re-learning direct from Yahweh. Its funny how now and then my mind is still blown about something I thought I understood yet it turns out it was totally backwards! Then I have to go through the process of unraveling all the other presuppositions that were based on that faulty belief! Those are the things I must be able to flex on.
    We must enter through the narrow gate. I think that gate is a tiny sliver of the light of reality within each one of us and we must pull on that thread to even begin the journey of experiencing eternal life.
    I just took some time to re-watch the Chosen since Josh brought it up recently. I do love how well the script and the acting shows some of the conflict that Jesus must have endured. The whole show is profoundly thought provoking and makes some provocative conjectures that are probably pretty right on target with reality!
    Oh and thanks Josh and Kimb, for being awesome!