Hey I've played this map before, it was in HEROES.wad, probably the worst steaming pile of toxic garbage I've ever had the displeasure to play. I think is was E2M7 or something in that wad, and I didn't care for it all that much. Probably because HEROES uses the worlds most obnoxious sound effects for literally everything, which made the room with all the raising/lowering lifts especially bad. Please stay FAR away from that wad.
Hey I've played this map before, it was in HEROES.wad, probably the worst steaming pile of toxic garbage I've ever had the displeasure to play. I think is was E2M7 or something in that wad, and I didn't care for it all that much. Probably because HEROES uses the worlds most obnoxious sound effects for literally everything, which made the room with all the raising/lowering lifts especially bad. Please stay FAR away from that wad.
Hahaha, you can rest assured that I will not be touching that one.