Sherab Chamma Mantra
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- Mantra Sherab Chamma,
Composition et chant Yannick Kang Shik RUIN
Technique Rémi SAIKI Sté Triumph Production
Sur une idée originale de JAI GOPAL
Spéciale dédicace KARTA SATYAVRATI
kundalini yoga
Sherab Shakti est l’énergie féminine de Tara Verte
Grand mère de tous les Maîtres, Véritable élixir d’Amour, de paix, de pure dévotion, il est tenu en grand respect par tous les Yogis et permet de se reconnecter à son potentiel illimité
Sherab Shakti is the feminine energy of Tara Verte , Grandmother of all the Masters, True elixir of Love, of peace, of pure devotion, he is held in great respect by all Yogis, and allows you to reconnect to, its unlimited potential
OM MAWA MADE MAHI MOHA E MAHO MAYE RUPA YETA DUDU SOHA The Explanation of the Mantra of Sherap Chamma
OM Künsal Chamma Chemo, the Great, All Illuminating Loving Mother, the source of the five manifestations.
The Eight Chamma Protectors (jig pa gye kop):
MA Protectionfromenemies(ga) WA Protectionfromcurses(je) MA Protectionfrominfertility(rik) DE Protectionfromnagas(lu)
MA Protection from wrong views (mu tek)
HI Protection from impure actions (chön)
MO Protection from death (chi wa)
E Therootofenlightenedactivity:peaceful,increasing,powerful,andwrathful
MA Represents the source of the four teachings: (do, bum, zung, gyü )
HO Four doorkeepers of the mandala on the external, internal, secret, and innermost secret levels
MA Her 108 manifestations that are the source of volumes of sutric and tantric teachings
YE Her 360 manifestations that inspire other sutric and tantric teachings
RU 5,500 manifestations manifest in four stages (sa): accumulation, preparation, seeing, meditation
PA Hercountlessexternalmanifestationsthatbenefitbeingsinwhateverwayisneeded
YE Thecollectiveinneressenceoftheenlightenedmind,thesourceofthecountlessmanifestations
TA Chamma who is the tamer of the eight classes of powerful beings and seventy powerful realms, the liberator of the six realms
DU DU Chamma of the bodhisattvas of the ten bhumis, the mother of all the buddhas and conqueror of the three levels.
SO Homage to the Mother who understands the meaning of knowledge and the objects of knowledge! Homage to the Mother who is free of the 3 limits: unbounded by the three times of past, present and future; unbounded by either existence or non-existence, eternalism or nihilism; unbounded by appearance and emptiness
HA The mother of all the root sutric deities
fréquence 174 hz
fréquence 417 hz
fréquence 741 hz
fréquence 528 hz
fréquence 285 hz
fréquence 852 hz
fréquence 396 hz
fréquence 639 hz
fréquence 963 hz
hans cousto
octave cosmique
fréquence jour terrestre 194,18 hz
fréquence année terrestre 136,10 hz
fréquence année platonicienne 172,06 hz
fréquence vénus 221,23 hz
fréquence mercure 141,27 hz
fréquence soleil 126,22 hz
fréquence lune 210,42 hz
ouverture conscience
nouvelles énergies
mère universelle
éternel féminin
kundalini yoga
12 rayons universels de guérison
El morya
Djwal Kool
Paul le vénitien
Sérapis Bey
Saint Germain
Lady Nada
lady Marie
Lady Portia
Kuan Yin
marie madeleine
myriam de magdala
rythme 3,5 temps