After placing in silver this season, I climbed over three days to hit platinum for the first time ever! All after watching your videos! Thank you skyline for teaching me and helping us OW players learn.
Gratz on 50k subs! I liked your channel when i found it and you were around only 10k subs, but after listening you on Omnic Lab I've simply fallen in love with your channel. Keep up the good work.
since i ve been only dropping in sr throughout seasons (48->40; 2300->2050; 1850->1250) i have only one reasonable goal left: Stay Positive. i think i can do that. wish me luck.
Hey Sky, I know the chance that you're actually reading this are very slim but here I go anyway.. First of all congrats for over 50k subscribers - you definately earned it! I got placed in medium Gold way back in Season 1 and got down to ~1700 after one (!!!) heavy loosing streak. After that I stopped for a while and then I found your channel. You have become the main reason that I started playing Ana and after watching you play and learning from your videos I started playing ranked again. Right now I'm at my all time high (Medium Plat) and my overall goal is at around 3k SR. I just want to thank you for your content, your humor and your helpfull tips!! Keep it on buddy Greetings from Germany
Skyline, I love how natural and unforced your voice sounds. I really do not care for those youtubers who use that fake ass radio voice. Natural is sexy. Good videos, dude.
I started playing OW in season 3 and was happy when I got placed in Plat. At the end of the season I already hit Master twice and during the second week of Season 4 I already hit GM. Feels really good to improve yourself and when I started playing the game I never imagined that i'm going to aim for Top 500 just a few months later.
I'm not sure if I'm doing it backwards, or if I'm just not understanding you perfectly, but I've always climbed sr and THEN learned what was necessary to stay at that point. I learned best by getting punished by higher ranked players, and the ways they punished me taught me how to win individual match ups (which, honestly, is one of the best things I think you can do to decrease your deaths, meaning you increase your up time).
Ended S2 at 2110. Ended S3 at 3400. The entire S3 was playing to improve, except for like one final week. I can confirm that playing to improve helps a *ton.*
Just realized, I didn't subscribed to your channel yet, after all those helpful tips from you. *fixed* Thanks for all the works you've done to make Overwatch a better I mean, game.
Season 3 was my 1st season, placed silver stayed there wayyyyy too long, watched a whole bunch of yours and other videos for advice, made it to gold by the end. Now season 4 my goal was to get Plat and i managed to do it within a few weeks so I guess now my goal is to keep plat and maybe get diamond. Thanks for the great videos and advice!
Is the "practise, comp, break, prac, comp" a method for the whole season? seems a lot better for weekly. eg. weekdays can be practise, weekend for comp. and i guess pick a day for a break.
this channel is honestly underrated. thank you so much for these tips and i hope i would reach diamond by the end of this season. (im gold btw pls dont make fun :( )
Skyline, how do you get away with one tricking? What do you do when no one wants to play Reinhardt, or something like that? Do you fill or just play four dps and make it work? I've been wondering this for a while.
I actually did something a little different, I ended up pushing really hard at the start of the season and got out of bronze. Now that I am comfortably in silver I am practicing my support play as mercy. My SR has suffered a little bit but its okay. After I get a bit more comfortable with mercy, I plan on pushing really hard to get to gold.
I think the best way to improve your gameplay and gain SR is to record your gameplay and watch it back. There you can see the silly mistakes you make. Also, spend 10-30mins in the practise range before you play any matches on Overwatch. It'll just make sure you're not rusty before heading online and can mean the difference between getting an elim or dying.
can you do a team practice guide video? I feel like for the most part this applies to team stuff, but if you have any specifics please share! Thanks for your continuously helpful videos. :)
last season I went from plat to top 500 by the end of the season and staid in it. today someone told me I was carried by the system and other people cause I'm a support player, in my defense I have yet to drop out of gm so I feel I like belong there but never felt so bad for winning a game in before
I have a hard time figuring out how to apply this to me. As you(and some of the stream know), I drive a truck and am only home 3 days a week. I think I only got to put about 45 hours total into season 3 so I definitely cant afford to dump 20 into just goofing off. My only real supplement is just spending my off time while on the road doing as much research on the game as possible. I'm hanging around 2800 right now but I think I'm in a rut so even though I'm not in panic mode yet, I'd still like to improve this season. Not necessarily in SR but at least to where I feel confident ina goal of getting into diamond for season 5.
Practice is not goofing off though. It is application and improvement of skills which you can then utilize at a later date. If you focus too narrowly at win-at-all-costs, you'll never discover new and better ways of playing.
so last season I reached diamond which was my goal, I placed at 2250 (season 2 I was 2500) and solo queued to 3098 SR. I didn't climb higher and stayed there. this season I'm 2800 and can't get higher. I keep losing games I shouldn't be losing, so I will take your advice and practice for now, then try to push my SR back to diamond. My goal this season is to reach 3300 so I can place in diamond next season. Thanks sky!
Question - during the practice periods, should I stay strictly to quickplay, or dip into competitive? It feels like everyone in QP plays more for either fun or improvement and while that is great, it also means that people typically instalock a hero (almost always DPS) without regard to team comp, and games don't play out like they realistically will in competitive.
I was silver most of last season and wasn't climbing until I started playing a lot of pharah who I hadn't really played before. I climbed to 2400 before the season ended, set a goal for diamond this season, floating around 2700 already. even if plat sucks it feels better to be in plat than in silver
My team goes all DpS and the are hesitant to pick tank or healer. What should I do? Should I play DpS along with the rest of my team or go try to fill in the role? Right now I'm playing tons of widow to improve my aim and tons of mercy to get better map awareness on quickplay.
i' ve set my goal last season to reach silver, i ended up on 1486, but after my placements + 5 games in season 4 i got to silver and i'm still climbing my goal for season 4 is gold, i'm aiming for 1 rank per season until i reach master^^ i still got a lot of work to do (stop jumping all the time for example, it's propably my worst habit in ow) i'll try record my gamplay and send it in, because i don't know where exactly to improve, i feel lile the typical low rank problem of bad aim, doesn't apply to me and i'm good on duels (i play gold to plat, with some diamond opponents in 1v1 mystery heroes and i usually go 9-1/8-2, in a session, with a lot of 5-0 and 4-1 wins in that mode), so i guess i'm good at the stuff needed for that mode, which leaves think, about what kept me in bronze for so long. positioning? ultimate usage? (which is really bad, judging by my overbuff stats) i don't think "elo hell" is keeping down, there must be something i do wrong and even if "elo hell" kept me down, i would want become good enough to carry my teams to escape. i hope you can help me out on improving at ow i feel like you are keeping calm when reviewing vods, not overreacting to good/ bad plays and i love that style love your vids sky, keep going, so we all can improve
Started at 2150 last season, ended at 2700. Queued into 2350 this season and am now at 2480. Goal is to reach and stay above 2750, potentially hit diamond. :)
It triggers the hell out of me that people use Diamonds to Top 500 as a goal example because it actually happened to my friend last season causing us to not play with each other because I was on holiday but he ended dropping to masters at the end of the season and now we're both in masters climbing together now, BOOM! Happy ending!
I just finished my placements for the first time. i main ana and i think i'm pretty good with her. did 8 wins and 2 losses. i actually want to play almost nothing BUT ana to try and learn proper aim and positioning, and i consider that my experimentation. is this a valid plan, or am i hindering myself by not playing other heroes? is it possible to play nothing but ana and still improve?
Hey I'm at platinum and I can play as all the healers and some defence and offence heroes, and some tanks(really good with tracer on console), very adaptable, my problem is that at platinum it is over saturated with bastion players. If you don't fully support the bastion then it will be 5v6, and usually the bastion players are not too good and bastion isn't like meta changing, do you have any tips on avoiding this comp cause it makes over watch boring. If I play tracer or Dva to counter the bastion we will have no healers. This is from most games i play and experience. I hate how a surprise bastion will almost team wipe.
Sky!!! I reached Diamond and I don't know what to do. I had a +10 game win streak with Lucio and Ana on the weekend, now I have gone down to 2913. I think I really got lucky and I shouldn't have gone up that quick, I was receiving almost 100 SR(probably 80) each time I had a win and finally hit Diamond. Now the thing is my friends are hard stuck on Gold and obviously queuing with them lowered the enemies levels. Yesterday that played alone I only managed to win one game and lost 2, it was weird night because I was really tired and my healing wasn't optimal... I'll see how it goes today.
Can a goal be not about numbers, but rather getting good at a certain hero? I really want to learn Genji to be able to do all that awesome stuff that pros do in their streams.
sure, get good with genji and no other hero so when your team needs a healer you can go genji or when the genji is taken by another guy you go genj- oh wait
Exactly, that's exactly my problem! All these Genji mains are getting in my way in every single match and I'm forced to support them. And whenever I get my hands on him, I get destroyed so hard, my team picks Genji just to prevent myself from picking him. #LifeSucks
So here's my advice (as a Genji main myself). When playing ranked play whatever you're comfterable with. In between some ranked games, play quick play or a different "fun" game mode, and pick Genji here. Focus on mechanics, aiming, when to go in, etc. Once you feel like you got the mechanics under control THEN you can start picking him in ranked without getting destroyed.
So, basically, the goal can be formulated as "get to Master rank while maintaining Genji as my most played character by the end of the current season". It's quite specific as it's hard to misinterpret, it's measurable and is possible to achieve, it's timebound and most certainly is realistic. It just occurred to me that it would be much easier to set a goal if every character had their own SR.
I try to have more hours in quick play than competitive, because in quick play I can play with heroes I'm really bad with, because In competitive you mostly will do better with the hero you play better. I try to train a lot at least one from each role, so I can fill any gap in the team selection. I see friends who has like 50 hours of competitive and the same rank as me, and like, 20h total in quick play.
Is it reasonable to climb from 2200 to Diamond in season 4? I am currently 2600 after my learning/practice period where I played DPS instead of one tricking Lucio.
I have always been in plat on the borderline of diamond. I had horrible placements with all but 2 struck with leavers and throwers. I got placed at 2033. I switched to playing only zenyatta and climbed 400+SR with a run of 12W-1D-1L. im currently had a week off while playing NieR Automata. so I am unintentionally following this video plan
I get that setting reasonable goals is reasonable to cut down on a frustration factor of not hitting goals but I feel setting high goals is not a bad thing and anything can ever happen. Is it likely that a diamond will hit top 500 in a week? No but it most definitely can happen. Last day of s3 I played on a friends account who no longer plays that much. His sr was 2200 and I played on his account for 6 hours, went on a 17 win streak and got him to 3600. Once again, not likely that someone can do this but I used this as a example that anything can happen.
At the begin of the season(placements and little more) I experimented and the after only like 2 weeks I just whent for and got from 3080 to 3250 then a few days later I did it again and got to 3400 I don't know if i experimented enough or if I am actually ready for master's or good enough or if I just got lucky, please help skyline.
If you can stay there for a couple of weeks and hold your own, then you probably belong there. If you're struggling and lose SR, you probably weren't good enough. Overwatch rankings are like 70% skill and 30% luck.
My goal is to get from bronze to gold (already in silver) season 4 is my first full season I joined season 3 for the last month. Any tips for silver to gold an getting rid those "silver habits"?
Olivier Tostevin join team voice chat and duo queue with someone who you know is good. Boom you're in high gold if you are at least a platinum level player.
My goals right now are to get to plat, which is more than reasonable, right now I'm hovering one - three wins from it at any one time. if i get that then I'm aiming for mid-plat. Not too ambitious lmao
I have 150 hours on this game, and through competitive I have finished placements in gold, before eventually dropping to bronze about 100 hours in, and now I can't get out...
i bought the game last season and got placed in plat, at the end of the season i managed to get into master(played almost 100 hours on comp) but this season i placed 3200 then things went better than i thought. now i'm 3880 so i guess my goal this season is to reach GM (then probably play torbjorn every games)
I'm about 26xx right now, I want to get up to at least 31xx by the end of this season and then get a full team together. I play about 3 hours every day (about 8 on saturdays), so I'm pretty sure I'll get it.
Well I always get a big lose streak at the start of every season mainly because of bad luck so I drop quite a lot because of the way the rank system works at the start of the season. Then I climb back and above where I was. This season was the worst start. I dropped from 3500 to 2500 in 7 games. I have a feeling people might start to exploit this "feature" when they want to intentionally derank. At least it helped me get better at more heroes because I had the option to pick up more heroes from lower rank and learn them as I go up the ranks. Most people get stuck at high rank with a very small set of heroes to play at those ranks.
dude i had the same shit happen to me but i got a alt account made the alt account my main account my smurf and the alt account got too 3400 im mean not everyone wants to buy a new account but it worked for me
Rahim Islam it takes time to rank up as u play more u play better, dont worry about numbers/ranks atm just try to get better at ur mains for about 2 more weeks, then explore ur options on how to grind higher rank
Play to get better; not to rank up. Like seriously, play to get better; not to rank up. This will make you rank up. (And the next game you play, stop dying so much, and don't waste your ultimate!)
you should feel accomplished and start setting very minor goals, unless of course your first goal was very minor then you could aim for a very big goal but. tbh, up to you and your mindset.
Jᴀᴄᴋᴇʀᴄᴏ my goal was to reach gold this season which I have done without much difficulty, now however I don't know if it's too ambitious to shoot for platinum since I don't have that much playtime on my hands
this season my goal was to escape low diamond and reach mid diamond, turns out 1 day after being placed in high plat,I reached masters, 2 days later I reached grandmaster and peaked at 4121 all while only playing Lucio in solo queue. I have a vid about it on my channel
you mention practicing, but don't really illustrate where to practice. you mean to practice in Competitive? I am a one trick pony Soldier trying to learn how to play flankers and other dps in qp, but every game is me fighting against my 5 other teammates for gold damage. Any recommendations?
Cheese Bacon having multiple mains will allow you to climb with that character and get to that level with that character but if you have two people who can only play that then you will most likely lose. Having a wide hero pool allows you to be more flexible and become better as a whole
One? No, because as a bare minimum, 2 in every 10 matches will have a player who picks that one main of yours and is not willing to change because that's all they know. In a situation like this. you need to be effective with at least one more hero. If you have the time for it, then one more for a total of 3. I think 3 heroes semi-mastered is the best use of time, just in case in a match your first 2 mains are already taken.
Started this season at 2.5K coz I wanted to pratice competitive sombra at the end of season 3. took me 1 week 2hrs a day to get from low plat to Master and I am bad. Pretty sure people can Aim higher, they just need to stop tilting over others picks and learn basics.
Sky I was placed in silver last season and made it up to plat. I got stuck there until this season though. Got placed at exactly 2500 and the flew up the ladder to where I am now in mid masters. Are you proud of me?
Torger Lind Dude I m looking forward to read some tips from you.What is your motivation to keep going?Are you only playing 1 character or also fill the spaces when required?How do you react when Hanzo and Widow picked and game turns to 6 v 5 because widow/hanzo useless?Give me more tips please.
Jᴀᴄᴋᴇʀᴄᴏ If you are picking Hanzo and Widow on attack, make sure that you have the most elims, if not other 5 people will bang your ears at the voice chat.Well let me give an actual reason, Widow and Hanzo players, especially Hanzos, sucks balls at the plat or lower, so picking them generally is seen as a selfish pick which has no contribution to the team and make the game an automatic loss 6 v 5.
but he's playing in mid masters, widow and hanzo players arent bad here and you dont need to tell them to switch because if they arent doing well they switch by themselves.
in s2 I was placed in gold and s2 high was 3980. after that season I've been in gm/top 500. I've just kept on playing and climbed that way. no one cares but decided to say it anyway
I like the saying shoot for the moon because if you miss at least you will be among the stars
this made my day
jerthon1 Les Brown I believe came up with that
it's also super super factually wrong and that is why I hate that saying
I got placed in gold season 3, and now in season 4 I am close to Masters. I've watched most of your videos, and you've helped me a lot. Thank you.
The break in the season is probably he most important thing people need to do.
"Aim for the moon, even if you miss, you could land among the stars." -Chiron, Smite 2015
Knowing me, I'll aim to gain 500SR and end up gaining like 10
Sangerino A month before the end of last season, I aimed to gain 300 sr. I gained 1.
The sun+tree doodle combo is my favorite tbh
After placing in silver this season, I climbed over three days to hit platinum for the first time ever! All after watching your videos! Thank you skyline for teaching me and helping us OW players learn.
guys i figured out why sky makes these videos. he likes making doodles about little timmys life. :)
Gratz on 50k subs! I liked your channel when i found it and you were around only 10k subs, but after listening you on Omnic Lab I've simply fallen in love with your channel. Keep up the good work.
since i ve been only dropping in sr throughout seasons (48->40; 2300->2050; 1850->1250) i have only one reasonable goal left: Stay Positive. i think i can do that. wish me luck.
Hehehe now I know when 52,000 players will be 'practicing'... MY ROAD FROM BRONZE TO TOP 500 IS SECURE
I barely even noticed you were gone. Your video are just a bonus to Overwatch live bro. No need to feel pressured.
Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Hey Sky, I know the chance that you're actually reading this are very slim but here I go anyway..
First of all congrats for over 50k subscribers - you definately earned it!
I got placed in medium Gold way back in Season 1 and got down to ~1700 after one (!!!) heavy loosing streak. After that I stopped for a while and then I found your channel. You have become the main reason that I started playing Ana and after watching you play and learning from your videos I started playing ranked again.
Right now I'm at my all time high (Medium Plat) and my overall goal is at around 3k SR.
I just want to thank you for your content, your humor and your helpfull tips!!
Keep it on buddy
Greetings from Germany
Wurzelgnom94 season 1 there were no tiers
they had basicly the same tier system they have now as you can see on the icons, just had that 1-100 rating.
Your channel is blowing up. Keep it up. :)
Skyline, I love how natural and unforced your voice sounds. I really do not care for those youtubers who use that fake ass radio voice. Natural is sexy. Good videos, dude.
Sky, since you're taking a break, I expect top 10 next week during stream. No spaghetti allowed. Also: !asmrstream
I started playing OW in season 3 and was happy when I got placed in Plat. At the end of the season I already hit Master twice and during the second week of Season 4 I already hit GM. Feels really good to improve yourself and when I started playing the game I never imagined that i'm going to aim for Top 500 just a few months later.
I believe this is for after placements and something should be said in preparation for before those placements mentally and idealisticly.
currently climbing out of bronze and I want to get to gold. Its been going well! Wish me luck!
I'm not sure if I'm doing it backwards, or if I'm just not understanding you perfectly, but I've always climbed sr and THEN learned what was necessary to stay at that point. I learned best by getting punished by higher ranked players, and the ways they punished me taught me how to win individual match ups (which, honestly, is one of the best things I think you can do to decrease your deaths, meaning you increase your up time).
Ended S2 at 2110.
Ended S3 at 3400.
The entire S3 was playing to improve, except for like one final week.
I can confirm that playing to improve helps a *ton.*
Hello I Am Zonee ended s2 at, 2300, ended s3 3129
I need to watch this video every season
My goal is to get to masters someday but this season is to get to gold
I really like this one. I have been subconsciously doing that already :) im on the climb / break time stage
My problem is I live at two different places, meaning decay is really tough to handle and also I can't keep a consistent flow...
Just realized, I didn't subscribed to your channel yet, after all those helpful tips from you. *fixed*
Thanks for all the works you've done to make Overwatch a better I mean, game.
Looking forward to the new stuff dude. Keep it up!
Season 3 was my 1st season, placed silver stayed there wayyyyy too long, watched a whole bunch of yours and other videos for advice, made it to gold by the end. Now season 4 my goal was to get Plat and i managed to do it within a few weeks so I guess now my goal is to keep plat and maybe get diamond. Thanks for the great videos and advice!
Best OW channel hands down
You're so awesome keep up the great job!!
came for OW advice, stayed for Sky's doodles.
Is the "practise, comp, break, prac, comp" a method for the whole season? seems a lot better for weekly. eg. weekdays can be practise, weekend for comp. and i guess pick a day for a break.
How I remember the saying is to shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars
rank 1 here I come!
this channel is honestly underrated. thank you so much for these tips and i hope i would reach diamond by the end of this season. (im gold btw pls dont make fun :( )
Was that music in the background when he was talking at 5:24 from the ace attorney series?
Skyline, how do you get away with one tricking? What do you do when no one wants to play Reinhardt, or something like that? Do you fill or just play four dps and make it work? I've been wondering this for a while.
I actually did something a little different, I ended up pushing really hard at the start of the season and got out of bronze. Now that I am comfortably in silver I am practicing my support play as mercy. My SR has suffered a little bit but its okay. After I get a bit more comfortable with mercy, I plan on pushing really hard to get to gold.
Thanks for this vague guide
I think the best way to improve your gameplay and gain SR is to record your gameplay and watch it back. There you can see the silly mistakes you make. Also, spend 10-30mins in the practise range before you play any matches on Overwatch. It'll just make sure you're not rusty before heading online and can mean the difference between getting an elim or dying.
can you do a team practice guide video? I feel like for the most part this applies to team stuff, but if you have any specifics please share! Thanks for your continuously helpful videos. :)
last season I went from plat to top 500 by the end of the season and staid in it. today someone told me I was carried by the system and other people cause I'm a support player, in my defense I have yet to drop out of gm so I feel I like belong there
but never felt so bad for winning a game in before
I have a hard time figuring out how to apply this to me. As you(and some of the stream know), I drive a truck and am only home 3 days a week. I think I only got to put about 45 hours total into season 3 so I definitely cant afford to dump 20 into just goofing off. My only real supplement is just spending my off time while on the road doing as much research on the game as possible. I'm hanging around 2800 right now but I think I'm in a rut so even though I'm not in panic mode yet, I'd still like to improve this season. Not necessarily in SR but at least to where I feel confident ina goal of getting into diamond for season 5.
Practice is not goofing off though. It is application and improvement of skills which you can then utilize at a later date. If you focus too narrowly at win-at-all-costs, you'll never discover new and better ways of playing.
Also useful since the meta may shift during the season, this way you won't stagnate
Yay I love these kinds of vids
so last season I reached diamond which was my goal, I placed at 2250 (season 2 I was 2500) and solo queued to 3098 SR. I didn't climb higher and stayed there. this season I'm 2800 and can't get higher. I keep losing games I shouldn't be losing, so I will take your advice and practice for now, then try to push my SR back to diamond. My goal this season is to reach 3300 so I can place in diamond next season. Thanks sky!
Question - during the practice periods, should I stay strictly to quickplay, or dip into competitive? It feels like everyone in QP plays more for either fun or improvement and while that is great, it also means that people typically instalock a hero (almost always DPS) without regard to team comp, and games don't play out like they realistically will in competitive.
I was silver most of last season and wasn't climbing until I started playing a lot of pharah who I hadn't really played before. I climbed to 2400 before the season ended, set a goal for diamond this season, floating around 2700 already. even if plat sucks it feels better to be in plat than in silver
Is anyone else having the issue of people quitting out of matches constantly even when you're winning?
I got disconnected from a match once. Looks the same to the team as rage quitting.
My team goes all DpS and the are hesitant to pick tank or healer. What should I do? Should I play DpS along with the rest of my team or go try to fill in the role?
Right now I'm playing tons of widow to improve my aim and tons of mercy to get better map awareness on quickplay.
i' ve set my goal last season to reach silver, i ended up on 1486, but after my placements + 5 games in season 4 i got to silver and i'm still climbing
my goal for season 4 is gold, i'm aiming for 1 rank per season until i reach master^^
i still got a lot of work to do (stop jumping all the time for example, it's propably my worst habit in ow)
i'll try record my gamplay and send it in, because i don't know where exactly to improve, i feel lile the typical low rank problem of bad aim, doesn't apply to me and i'm good on duels (i play gold to plat, with some diamond opponents in 1v1 mystery heroes and i usually go 9-1/8-2, in a session, with a lot of 5-0 and 4-1 wins in that mode), so i guess i'm good at the stuff needed for that mode, which leaves think, about what kept me in bronze for so long.
positioning? ultimate usage? (which is really bad, judging by my overbuff stats)
i don't think "elo hell" is keeping down, there must be something i do wrong and even if "elo hell" kept me down, i would want become good enough to carry my teams to escape.
i hope you can help me out on improving at ow
i feel like you are keeping calm when reviewing vods, not overreacting to good/ bad plays and i love that style
love your vids sky, keep going, so we all can improve
Keep up your good work!
Started at 2150 last season, ended at 2700. Queued into 2350 this season and am now at 2480. Goal is to reach and stay above 2750, potentially hit diamond. :)
This video is on point! Blizzard does need to work on the SR rules though...they are a little off.
At 2:50
How long is a league? That seems confusing to me
It triggers the hell out of me that people use Diamonds to Top 500 as a goal example because it actually happened to my friend last season causing us to not play with each other because I was on holiday but he ended dropping to masters at the end of the season and now we're both in masters climbing together now, BOOM! Happy ending!
I just finished my placements for the first time. i main ana and i think i'm pretty good with her. did 8 wins and 2 losses. i actually want to play almost nothing BUT ana to try and learn proper aim and positioning, and i consider that my experimentation. is this a valid plan, or am i hindering myself by not playing other heroes? is it possible to play nothing but ana and still improve?
Hold it!! Sky, is that ace attorney music in the background? No objections here. I appreciate it.
should you do the practicing in quick play
Hey I'm at platinum and I can play as all the healers and some defence and offence heroes, and some tanks(really good with tracer on console), very adaptable, my problem is that at platinum it is over saturated with bastion players. If you don't fully support the bastion then it will be 5v6, and usually the bastion players are not too good and bastion isn't like meta changing, do you have any tips on avoiding this comp cause it makes over watch boring. If I play tracer or Dva to counter the bastion we will have no healers. This is from most games i play and experience.
I hate how a surprise bastion will almost team wipe.
Sky!!! I reached Diamond and I don't know what to do. I had a +10 game win streak with Lucio and Ana on the weekend, now I have gone down to 2913. I think I really got lucky and I shouldn't have gone up that quick, I was receiving almost 100 SR(probably 80) each time I had a win and finally hit Diamond. Now the thing is my friends are hard stuck on Gold and obviously queuing with them lowered the enemies levels.
Yesterday that played alone I only managed to win one game and lost 2, it was weird night because I was really tired and my healing wasn't optimal... I'll see how it goes today.
Can a goal be not about numbers, but rather getting good at a certain hero? I really want to learn Genji to be able to do all that awesome stuff that pros do in their streams.
sure, get good with genji and no other hero so when your team needs a healer you can go genji or when the genji is taken by another guy you go genj- oh wait
Exactly, that's exactly my problem! All these Genji mains are getting in my way in every single match and I'm forced to support them. And whenever I get my hands on him, I get destroyed so hard, my team picks Genji just to prevent myself from picking him. #LifeSucks
So here's my advice (as a Genji main myself). When playing ranked play whatever you're comfterable with. In between some ranked games, play quick play or a different "fun" game mode, and pick Genji here. Focus on mechanics, aiming, when to go in, etc. Once you feel like you got the mechanics under control THEN you can start picking him in ranked without getting destroyed.
A goal can be anything you want it to be, as long as it measurable and achievable.
So, basically, the goal can be formulated as "get to Master rank while maintaining Genji as my most played character by the end of the current season".
It's quite specific as it's hard to misinterpret, it's measurable and is possible to achieve, it's timebound and most certainly is realistic.
It just occurred to me that it would be much easier to set a goal if every character had their own SR.
i try to climb and grind and learn on the way and watch streamers and its gotten to gm so i think thats good
I try to have more hours in quick play than competitive, because in quick play I can play with heroes I'm really bad with, because In competitive you mostly will do better with the hero you play better. I try to train a lot at least one from each role, so I can fill any gap in the team selection.
I see friends who has like 50 hours of competitive and the same rank as me, and like, 20h total in quick play.
is this a reasonable goal?
Was 3980 season high last season
ended at 3885
want to get to top 500 or get close but i dont have a lot of time
But my prob is that im normally a gold player and landed in nearly silver now but its hard to play without Group ups etc. what should i do
Is it reasonable to climb from 2200 to Diamond in season 4? I am currently 2600 after my learning/practice period where I played DPS instead of one tricking Lucio.
I have always been in plat on the borderline of diamond.
I had horrible placements with all but 2 struck with leavers and throwers.
I got placed at 2033.
I switched to playing only zenyatta and climbed 400+SR with a run of 12W-1D-1L.
im currently had a week off while playing NieR Automata.
so I am unintentionally following this video plan
The saying is actually "Shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars." So I should shoot for going from gold to GM in one season?
Mitchell Reitz there are multiple variations depending on the situation. I think that ruins the idiom, but yeah...
I get that setting reasonable goals is reasonable to cut down on a frustration factor of not hitting goals but I feel setting high goals is not a bad thing and anything can ever happen. Is it likely that a diamond will hit top 500 in a week? No but it most definitely can happen.
Last day of s3 I played on a friends account who no longer plays that much. His sr was 2200 and I played on his account for 6 hours, went on a 17 win streak and got him to 3600. Once again, not likely that someone can do this but I used this as a example that anything can happen.
How relevant should my practice strats be to my "try hard state"?
The Practice portion is impossible for me lol. I won't stop putting my self in bad positions to win that specific game.
At the begin of the season(placements and little more) I experimented and the after only like 2 weeks I just whent for and got from 3080 to 3250 then a few days later I did it again and got to 3400 I don't know if i experimented enough or if I am actually ready for master's or good enough or if I just got lucky, please help skyline.
If you can stay there for a couple of weeks and hold your own, then you probably belong there. If you're struggling and lose SR, you probably weren't good enough. Overwatch rankings are like 70% skill and 30% luck.
My goal is to get from bronze to gold (already in silver) season 4 is my first full season I joined season 3 for the last month. Any tips for silver to gold an getting rid those "silver habits"?
Olivier Tostevin join team voice chat and duo queue with someone who you know is good. Boom you're in high gold if you are at least a platinum level player.
My goals right now are to get to plat, which is more than reasonable, right now I'm hovering one - three wins from it at any one time. if i get that then I'm aiming for mid-plat. Not too ambitious lmao
Should I try the practice strats in ranked?
Skyline Okay thanks for clearing things up. Love your content man, keep up the awesome work.
What if I lost 500 points at the last day of S3? Should I commit suicide?
Shoot for the moon that way, even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars?
I have 150 hours on this game, and through competitive I have finished placements in gold, before eventually dropping to bronze about 100 hours in, and now I can't get out...
i bought the game last season and got placed in plat, at the end of the season i managed to get into master(played almost 100 hours on comp) but this season i placed 3200 then things went better than i thought. now i'm 3880 so i guess my goal this season is to reach GM (then probably play torbjorn every games)
I'm about 26xx right now, I want to get up to at least 31xx by the end of this season and then get a full team together.
I play about 3 hours every day (about 8 on saturdays), so I'm pretty sure I'll get it.
I only work 5-6 hours a day usually and I am not in school. It helps that I game at the same time every evening.
Well I always get a big lose streak at the start of every season mainly because of bad luck so I drop quite a lot because of the way the rank system works at the start of the season. Then I climb back and above where I was. This season was the worst start. I dropped from 3500 to 2500 in 7 games. I have a feeling people might start to exploit this "feature" when they want to intentionally derank. At least it helped me get better at more heroes because I had the option to pick up more heroes from lower rank and learn them as I go up the ranks. Most people get stuck at high rank with a very small set of heroes to play at those ranks.
I hit diamond but then dropped back to 2750. Is there anything I can do to climb back to diamond or even masters?
Be good
dude i had the same shit happen to me but i got a alt account made the alt account my main account my smurf and the alt account got too 3400 im mean not everyone wants to buy a new account but it worked for me
Was 3445 last season going for master
My goal for this season was to reach diamond.
After the placement matches i re-evaluated my goal to just finish the placement matches.
Goal reached :P
My goals GM/Top 500.
Look possible coming out of placements at 3780?
GM definitely possible, for sure.
Skyline do you have any tips to help me get to platinum or low diamond? I'm at 2213 what should I do?
Rahim Islam git gud
spoken like a true professional
Rahim Islam it takes time to rank up as u play more u play better, dont worry about numbers/ranks atm just try to get better at ur mains for about 2 more weeks, then explore ur options on how to grind higher rank
Rahim Islam Try to focus more on your positioning than aiming.
Play to get better; not to rank up. Like seriously, play to get better; not to rank up. This will make you rank up. (And the next game you play, stop dying so much, and don't waste your ultimate!)
I've already reached my goal this season, should I now shoot for an even higher end goal?
you should feel accomplished and start setting very minor goals, unless of course your first goal was very minor then you could aim for a very big goal but. tbh, up to you and your mindset.
Jᴀᴄᴋᴇʀᴄᴏ my goal was to reach gold this season which I have done without much difficulty, now however I don't know if it's too ambitious to shoot for platinum since I don't have that much playtime on my hands
this season my goal was to escape low diamond and reach mid diamond, turns out 1 day after being placed in high plat,I reached masters, 2 days later I reached grandmaster and peaked at 4121 all while only playing Lucio in solo queue. I have a vid about it on my channel
dude i'm always envious of good lucio players, you truly deserve to get on GM with those kind of plays
you mention practicing, but don't really illustrate where to practice. you mean to practice in Competitive? I am a one trick pony Soldier trying to learn how to play flankers and other dps in qp, but every game is me fighting against my 5 other teammates for gold damage. Any recommendations?
if you want to get better at the game, practice in comp not QP
GeneralBlue Practice in comp.You can only learn the basics of heroes while playing them in QuickPlay.
can i ask whether having one or two of mains or having fews of mains is better???
Cheese Bacon having multiple mains will allow you to climb with that character and get to that level with that character but if you have two people who can only play that then you will most likely lose. Having a wide hero pool allows you to be more flexible and become better as a whole
oh i see
One? No, because as a bare minimum, 2 in every 10 matches will have a player who picks that one main of yours and is not willing to change because that's all they know. In a situation like this. you need to be effective with at least one more hero. If you have the time for it, then one more for a total of 3. I think 3 heroes semi-mastered is the best use of time, just in case in a match your first 2 mains are already taken.
Pls do a new lucio guide with update stuff !!
Started out at plat 2835 last season ended at 2650ish last season. Goal is to make it into diamond and stay there.
Started this season at 2.5K coz I wanted to pratice competitive sombra at the end of season 3. took me 1 week 2hrs a day to get from low plat to Master and I am bad. Pretty sure people can Aim higher, they just need to stop tilting over others picks and learn basics.
Sky I was placed in silver last season and made it up to plat. I got stuck there until this season though. Got placed at exactly 2500 and the flew up the ladder to where I am now in mid masters. Are you proud of me?
Torger Lind Dude I m looking forward to read some tips from you.What is your motivation to keep going?Are you only playing 1 character or also fill the spaces when required?How do you react when Hanzo and Widow picked and game turns to 6 v 5 because widow/hanzo useless?Give me more tips please.
wtf.. Widowmaker and hanzo aren't useless ffs
Jᴀᴄᴋᴇʀᴄᴏ If you are picking Hanzo and Widow on attack, make sure that you have the most elims, if not other 5 people will bang your ears at the voice chat.Well let me give an actual reason, Widow and Hanzo players, especially Hanzos, sucks balls at the plat or lower, so picking them generally is seen as a selfish pick which has no contribution to the team and make the game an automatic loss 6 v 5.
but he's playing in mid masters, widow and hanzo players arent bad here and you dont need to tell them to switch because if they arent doing well they switch by themselves.
Zacker Layer I know that, Im asking how he dealt with those when he was plat or lower.
i played for 8 days at the start of the season and climbed 700 sr from 2000 to 2700. then... i didnt take a break... and dropped 300 in 2 days
Sooooooo...I just use the Italy-method :D
I wanna reach diamond but I was in gold 2200sr, my pc had issues with a stick of bad ram so I kept crashing and I dropped to 1600 thanks to crash ):
I'd take a week off. but I'd have fucking decayed. thanks Jeff
practice on ranked or qp?
in s2 I was placed in gold and s2 high was 3980. after that season I've been in gm/top 500. I've just kept on playing and climbed that way.
no one cares but decided to say it anyway