A Korean friend of mine that lives in Sydney said how much of a pain it was whenever he visited Korea was that he simply couldn't get all of his friends one venue because they're all separated by peer groups: middle school, high school, university and army mates. Age also plays a huge factor in how people socialise in Korea. I struggled with this over my entire 17 years in Korea, which led to me eventually leaving the country a year ago. Koreans are OBSESSED with labelling and putting themselves into boxes.
Koreans respect hierarchy and all labels and boxes that emanates from power. Capitalist power is ruinous. They allow media and respect for out of date and demeaning civilities to define their lives. The individual should not get lost in collective unity.
Agree, age is so important to them bc they immediately want to establiish a hierarchy. You don't need age bc a hierachy will naturally establish in a social enviorment.
Why would a army person want to hang put with middle schoolers? Same for university students and middle schoolers. Unless there is a bridge for the gap it's kind of weird. E.g. it's not weird if the older person has younger siblings and they all becomes friends. So it's like having more older role models and younger sibling type people relationship. Age as a barrier makes sense. Adults it's less restrictive. Like a 20 year old can be best friends with an 80 year old and it's not weird or unusual.
@Splexsychiick Hey, i think you completely misinterpreted the statement. What they were saying was that it was difficult to get together with all his friends bc they are from different social origins. The friends he had from his middle school days; the friends he made when he entered high school that were new friends; the army mates from his military conscription. They aren't different ages, only different social circles. The middle school friends are the same age as this person. They are grown up now. The issue is, why can't his army buddy friend socialize with his friend from high school? Why can't his middle school friend be invited to have dinner with the friend he made in high school? That's what they are saying. he's older now, grown up & left Korea. When he does go back to Korea for visits, it's stressful bc he can't just say to everyone, 'Hey, meet at this bar.' Or, 'meet at this restaurant,' like we would here in the states. We all mix. It's common to go to events with people u don't know. That's not an accepted practice there bc of hierarchy.
I was in SK for only a month, but in that span of time I could sense the immense loneliness there. I could see that others wanted something more meaningful, but for some reason, they’re too afraid to be vulnerable or rejected. They save themselves by all the distractions they have.
Exactly, well said. South Koreans are very private people, and find it hard to trust, no matter who you are. Now, you have over half the country not wanting marriage or children. How do they expect to populate their country. This alone is very said and considered selfish.😢
They save themselves? You mean they numb themselves.... It's a coping mechanism to flee in other things to numb your feelings and to forget everything for a while...
I truly have never seen a well developed country in this modern day and age that is keeling themselves by themselves and refuse to change how things are.
The youth of today’s generation is a big change from the generation of our ancestors. Back then when you’re in your mid’s 20’s you could get married and then the wife should stay at home and the husband would work and provide for his family. Now they put their career first and fulfill all their desires in life before setting down. I’m young but I like the old ways of generation because most of the youth are respectful to the elders and especially to their parents. And the young girls, woman are careful about themselves. 🌻💛👩🏻🦰
그리고 취업 잘하거나 돈 많이 벌고 잘나가면 좋게 생각하고, 그 사람이 힘든 순간에는 외면해버리는 사람들 .. 제 괜찮은데 왜 저렇게 되었냐 운도 없다... 막 마음대로 말하며 상처주는 사람들도 참 많은게 대한민국이에요... 저는 타인을 판단하지 않고, 남의 이야기 하지 말고 자기 생각, 자기 인생을 말하는 사람이 참 좋은데... 그런 생각을 깊게 해본 어른들은 참 적은 것 같아요. 프랑스에 있을떄도 시험이 주제 하나 던져놓고 서술 몇장씩 하는 거였어요.. 오지선다형 단답형 시험 수능만 보고 대한민국에서 공부하다가 외국 나가서 처음 보는 시험은 너무 어렵게 느껴졌어요... 대기업 들어갔을 때도, 상사가 미래를 위해 좋은 어른으로서 조언을 해주는 사람은 대한민국에서 못 만났고, 술 잘하냐... 결혼은 왜 안하냐... 어디 사냐... 정말 질문 자체가 급이 낮고 너무 싫었습니다.. 물론 좋은 상사 정말 어른으로서 배울 점이 있는 그런 분을 만나신 분은 참 행운이지만 대한민국의 술 문화 여자 직원 성희롱 하는 상사... 저는 다 겪어봐서 그런지 한 때 진짜 현타가 오더라구요... 그래서 대한민국에 오니 직장 생활도 너무 힘들어서 잘 못하겠고, 정직하게 내 자신의 의견을 말하기가 어렵고 수직 관계의 회사 사회생활.... 힘들게 들어 간 회사도 정의롭게 살려면 퇴사해야 했고, 더 마음이 슬프고 많이 힘들었어요. 외국 생활 열린 문화에서 살다가 오니 정말 숨막히는 나날들의 연속이였어요... 지금은 신앙으로 기도와 말씀으로 살아가며, 그래도 이 힘든 세상 아직 인생이 끝난건 아니니 긍정적으로 생각하며 좋은 마음으로 타인의 좋은 점을 저는 늘 보고 살려고 합니다. 그리고 함부로 상대방을 알지못하면서 판단하는 것을 싫어하고 저도 실수 할 수 있는 인간이기에 조심하고 그러지 않으려고 노력합니다. 누구에겐 돈이 많지 않아도 정말 마음이 맞는 한 사람을 만나 이 세상 다 가진 것처럼 너무 행복할 수 있고, 많이 가져도 불행한 사람들이 있고... 이 세상에는 너무나 다양한 사람, 행복의 기준과 우선 순위, 사람의 가치관은 다 다르고 소중하기에 정말 말은 다시 한 번 생각하고 신중하게 해야하는 게 맞는 것 같아요.. 결혼을 못하면 무슨 하자가 있는 사람처럼 생각하는 아직도 그런 시선으로 생각하는 꼰대 나이드신 어른들도 참 싫습니다. 각 사람을 개인적으로 교제하지 않은 이상, 그 사람의 과거의 아픔, 수 많은 경험들을 우리가 함부로 어떻게 말하고 판단할 수 있겠어요... 우물안 개구리, 편협한 사고, 주입식 사고를 대한민국은 정말 벗어나는 것이 중요하죠. 그래서 저는 대한민국에 와서 도를 혼자 많이 집에서 닦아서 변하지 않는 사람들 함부로 말하는 사람들은 더 이상 만나지 않아요. 그 시간에 제가 좋아하는 공부나 취미 생활을 하는 것이 훨씬 가치있고 좋더라구요. 사람은 홀로 살아갈 수 없기에 사람을 만나고 살아야 하는 것이 맞지만.... 참 쉽지 않은 일임을 나이가 한 살씩 들수록 더 많이 느끼는 것 같아요. 저는 돈도 우선이 아니고 가치관이 맞는 사람, 인생과 행복, 사랑에 대해 서로 이야기가 잘 통하는 사람을 만나는 것이 제 소망이에요. 코드가 맞는 사람을 만나는 것이 가장 큰 행복이고 삶을 다시 전진시키는 촉매제겠죠...전 세계가 각종 사건 사고로 시끄럽지만 개인적으로는 2025년 여기 오신 분들에게 행운, 사랑, 행복, 마음의 평안과 영육 건강이 함께하시길 기도드려요! 모든 분들 이 힘든 세상 함께 살아주셔서 진심으로 감사합니다! 엔조님도 행복하시고 바라시는 일 다 잘 되시길 바래요! 그리고 남과 비교하지 않고 나를 표현하고 상대방에게 내 생각은 강요하지 않으며 서로 배려하고 이해하며 나와 의견이 다르면 그렇구나 경청하는 자세도 서로 더 많이 연습해요. 여러분 힘내세요! 부족한 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다! 당신의 인생을 응원합니다! 화이팅! KEEP OPEN MIND ! STAY POSITIVE! BREAK THE MOULD! 🙏
👍I am impressed by your courage. Although I communicate with Koreans only online, many things irritate me when communicating with them. And yes, this is their cultural heritage. It’s a pity for the people, because after testing the situation there, I realized what a huge experiment was carried out on Korea. It's like they're being bullied. They divided one country into two halves, some were placed in poverty and fear behind a closed wall, and others were forced to run after carrots like donkeys, obeying the rules. At the same time, they protect this way of life. They don’t like pressure, deception, abuse, humiliation, but they do it themselves. This indicates that people are not aware. They don't know who they are, they're stuck in adolescence. I feel sorry for them. But this is also what makes them one of the most cruel. Remember? Children are the cruelest among people. (they don't understand when they hurt). I would like to chat with you, you are an interesting person.
Bro I'm currently almost 1 year in as a gradstud in SK. I felt everything that you mentioned. The isolation, depersonalization, lack of touch in nature, etc. Plus the fact that we're underpaid and the (comparably) more competitive learning/working culture. Felt really bad lately without knowing the exact reason until you brought this. I can't even bring myself up to work and study even though I have finals coming up. I even felt like I lost my goals/reason on pursuing the degree. Glad I'm not the only one who felt this way.
I think is because a part of us get isoled or been in izolation! We need to understand we are not the body , or our throughts , we are more than that! The body is transgenerațional, imagine inside you are all the ancestors, with Life they had, Sandness or happy ness , good or bad…. Are just our point of view , because we see reality throught their Own eyes ! So ask yourself always …HOw Am I? You will see all change bcs you are not the mind or the throughts You are The Body of light and love ! Just observe and search .. who had this feelings? Maybe your mom or dad have same feeling and they uncharge them in your field! Just observe! Peace and Love! I love me I love you ! ❤ Is a mantra 🥰because we are all ONE!
Olá como está você? Não te conheço mas espero que tenha forças renovadas, bom ânimo e coragem para seguir em frente. Deus te abençoe sempre e que você não desista 🙏 Coragem é sinônimo de pessoas fortes e com fé. Tenha bom ânimo. Sucesso.
True. Because crazy studies is the most well known factor world wide. Because of high academic competition there is also extreme bullying. I did not know how extreme it was till I saw the Glory. Wow! I am very happy in UK as its a very balanced life.
저는 한국에서의 시간을 사랑하지만 외국인이기 때문에 한국인을 묶어주는 기대 없이 우주에서 살 수 있습니다. 서울에 살고 싶은 마음은 없지만 부산을 온전히 포용합니다. 한국인이 아니기 때문에 일반 한국인의 마음을 제한하는 가정과 제약에 대해 자유로운 시각을 가지고 있습니다. 대부분의 한국인에게 제한되지 않는 공간에서 살 수 있기 때문입니다. 한국 문화를 크게 존중하지만, 한국인은 이렇게 하기 때문에 어리석은 짓을 해야 한다는 말을 들으면 항상 "하지만 나는 한국인이 아니다"라고 말할 수 있습니다. 당연히 한국인은 이렇게 말할 수 없습니다. 사회적 기대에 도전할 의향이 있는 한국인은 거의 없지만, 사회의 불가능한 기준을 맞추려는 일반 한국인보다 일반적으로 더 만족하는 것을 보았습니다. '헬조선'의 정신은 감옥이지만 정신적인 것일 뿐입니다. 열쇠를 쥐고 나면 문을 열고 밖으로 나가 신선한 공기를 마실 수 있습니다. 김 선수를 따라잡는 것은 쥐 경주, 어쩌면 '오징어 게임'일 수도 있습니다. 게임에 참여해서 이기려고 하거나 전제를 거부하고 규칙에 따라 게임하기를 거부할 수도 있습니다. 스스로 규칙을 만들고 게임을 하면 더 만족할 수 있다는 것을 이해하는 한국인은 너무 적습니다. 예전 방식도 중요했지만 그 유용성이 만료되어 이제는 책임이 되었습니다. 문제를 해결하려면 혁명가가가가 되어야 하지만, 선을 넘는 사람들을 위협하는 사회적 처벌을 두려워하며 사는 모든 사람에게 어려운 과제입니다. 두려움은 당신을 감옥에 가두는 정신적 살인자입니다. 자유로워지기 위해서는 두려움 없이 기꺼이 위험을 감수해야 합니다. 충분한 사람들이 이렇게 하면 사회를 진화시키고 긍정적인 변화를 만들 수 있습니다. 저는 한국인이 집단적으로 의도하는 모든 것을 할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 변화는 무섭지만 용기는 전염성이 있습니다. 지금은 더 용감한 사람들이 필요합니다. 그들을 찾을 수 있다면 방향을 바꾸고 현재 밤의 어둠에 가려진 밝은 내일을 확보할 수 있습니다. 별을 따라가고 곧 태양이 떠오를 것입니다.
I loved your analysis on Korean people. Hoping that this consciousness can bring, at least some of them, into a happier life. Loved the way you saw these issues.
안녕하세요 오늘 새벽 알고리즘으로 떠서 엔조김님 채널에 이렇게 방문을 하고 한국인은 왜 행복하지 않은가 영상 잘 시청했어요! :) 대학교 졸업후 여러 다양한 나라에서 20-30대 살고 일하고 여행하며 한국에 귀국했을 때... 정말 거짓말 안하고 1년은 맨날 울었어요... 너무 힘들고 적응이 안되서요. .. 엔조김님이 하신 말씀 저는 정말 무슨 뜻인지 백프로 아니 천프로 동감합니다! 맞아요, 서양 친구들, 다른 아시아 친구들, 흑인, 아프리카 친구 동료들도 함께 여럿이 어울려서 처음 봐도 같이 즐겁게 파티하고 훨씬 Flexible하고 생각 표현도 훨씬 자유롭고 어디 한쪽에 얽매여 있지 않아 좋았어요... 그래서 제가 처음 어릴때 20대 초반 외국 나갔을 때, stay calm and stay cool... 외국 친구들에게 많이 들은 것 같네요.. ㅋㅋ 한국은 정형화 된 틀이 많아서, 또 이 친구와 저 친구가 알지못하거나 친하지 않으면 의사를 물어보면 같이 모이는 거 꺼려하고, 따로 따로 만나기를 원하는 성향이 강하죠... 저는 타고난 성향이 서양 문화권 사람이여서 고등학교 여러 친구들이랑 잘 지냈는데, 생일이나 그럴때 저는 다 같이 불렀어요.. 저는 그런게 훨씬 행복하더라구요..... 고등학교 때도 여자애들이 나만의 친구, 이런거 정말 싫었어요. 저는 그냥 두루두루 잘 지내고, 누가 누구와 더 친해도 질투나지 않는 성격이였는데.. 한국은 뭔가 분리시키고, 자기들의 영역, 시샘도 많고 여러 정형화된 틀이 훨씬 서양보다 강한 것 같아요... 저는 사춘기 때부터 학교 교육에 늘 불만을 갖고 선생님께 질문하면 선생님이 대답 못하는 경우도 많고 선생님들이 불쾌해하죠...속 터졌어요.. 그리고 부모님이 특히 엄마가 너무 공부에 엄격해서, 행복이 중요한건데 초등학교 때 1등해도 몇 문제 틀리고 와도 손바닥 맞고.. 잔소리 듣고... 펑펑 울고... 그리고 꼭 명문고 명문대 가야 성공 출세해야 한다.. 저는 초등학교 때부터 그런 말이 너무 싫었어요.. 그래서 십대부터 힘들게 시험봐서 명문 예술고 가고 엄마가 원한 대학은 떨어지고 그 다음 대학을 갔지만 .... 명문대 가야 시집 잘 간다고 여교수가 그 말도 제겐 너무 어처구니 없고 아직도 충격 잊혀지지 않아요.... 그리고 순수 예술을 했는데 얼마나 돈을 밝히는지 예술고 선생님들과 대학교 교수들.... 진짜 아직도 잊지 못합니다 가슴에 상처... 그래서 음악을 안하게 된 것 같아요... 세상이 하나도 안 순수하고 가식이더라구요. 돈만 밝히고... 학생의 재능을 이끌어주고 사랑으로 가르치는 교수는 거의 없죠.... 스타일도 교수님 스타일로 쳐야 하고... 안 그러면 손 맞고 그랬어요... 대학교때도... ㅠㅠ 내 안의 감성과 풍부함을 꺼내주는 정말 좋은 선생님을 만났다면 그 길을 계속 갔을지도 몰라요.... 저는 그래서 고등학교 때 입시 실기 시험 준비 하도 시달리고 선생님이 너무 무서웠어서 요즘도 그런 꿈을 이렇게 세월이 지났는데도 마음이 불안하거나 초조하면 꾸더라구요... 그래서 저는 졸업 후 비교사회, 주입식 교육 너무 싫고 전 자유로운 사상을 어릴 때 부터 가진 사람이라 부모님이나 선생님이 압박하는 게 너무 싫었고 답답한 마음이 참 많았습니다.. 여러 경험을 해외에서 하고 싶어 대학교 졸업 후 한국을 떠났고... 아버지 사업이 어려워지셔서 음악 유학은 꿈도 꾸지 못하게 되었고, 영어는 좋아해서 워킹할러데이 뉴질랜드 맨땅에 헤딩하기부터 시작했어요. 고등학교 친구들은 거의 다 부유했지만, 정작 자신이 뭘 좋아하는지도, 그렇게 힘들게 공부해서 명문 예술고 갔어도 조수미 선배님처럼 유명해지는 사람은 거의 없죠... 결국은 부모님의 희망 대리만족을 위해 억지로 한 친구들 대학교 간 친구들은 결국 졸업 후 안하더라구요... 부잣집 친구들은 선봐서 일찍 결혼하거나 아니면 음악도 관두고 재능을 썪히고 아이 낳고.. 평범한 주부로 살아가는 친구들도 있죠... 공부 잘하는 애들은 재수해서 아예 전혀 이과나 문과로 전향하여 대학교 들어가거나 유학가곤 했죠... 그리고 한국 사람이 불행한 이유는 한국의 비교문화죠... 너무 싫었어요 사람마다 잘하는게 다르고, 인생의 가치나 삶의 행복을 제가 사춘기 때 질문하면 친구들이 공부만해서 그런 생각을 안해봤는지 저를 엉뚱하게 생각했는데.. 제가 훗날 대학교 졸업 후 뉴질랜드 부터 유럽 여러나라 특히 프랑스에서 7년 이상 공부, 일하고 살면서 유럽은 행복, 삶의 가치관, 정치, 사회, 문화 다 오픈 마인드 여러 생각을 남자, 여자 친구들과 남녀노소 상관없이 몇 시간씩 식사하고 디저트 먹으며 이야기 나눌 수 있어 정말 좋았어요... 그리고 제가 정상이라는 것을 깨달았어요... 어떻게 한번도 나는 왜 사는가? 내 행복은 무엇인가? 이런 것을 생각하고 이야기 하지 않는 그저 공부, 명문대, 성공의 길 만 강조하는 그 당시 선생님들과 입시 교육이 참 문제였어요....요즘은 좀 달라졌는지 모르겠네요... 근데 한국의 물질주의와 외모 지상주의 그런 거 너무 말하는 것도 정말 저는 싫어요. 외국은 외모가 아름답고 멋있어도 그런 이야기 계속 상대방 부담스러울까봐 하지 않고 실례라 에티켓이 있죠.. 그리고 나이 있어도 어떤 사람이 독신이면 왜 결혼안했는지 그 질문 자체가 엄청 실례이기에 안하구요... 정말 오랫동안 잘 알고 지낸 사이면 조심스레 물어보겠지만.. 한국은 친하지도 않는데 무례하게 인사를 묻는 사람이 다반사였죠... 물론 외국에서 뿌리를 내리고 사는 것도 정말 쉽지 않죠.. 저는 영원히 살 프랑스를 정리하고 한국에 왔지만, 결혼을 그곳에서 했다면 아마 지금 계속 파리에 살았을거에요.. 아픈 기억이 많지만, 후회하진 않아요. 외국 왔다 갔다하다 결국 팬데믹 때 고국에 돌아왔지만, 또 미래는 어떻게 펼쳐질지는 앞으로 모르니까요... 저는 대한민국 주입식 교육을 정말 싫어했고, 표현 자체를 잘하고 싫고 좋음이 확실한 편이였는데.. 친오빠는 그저 모범생 원하는 것도 큰 꿈도 없고 그저 조용히 공부하고 명문대가고 ... 엄마가 자식 잘 되라고 한 거겠지만 성공주의가 아이마다 가진 성향이 다른데 저는 행복이 가장 중요한 사람이였고... 성공에 집착하는 그 말이 큰 상처가 되었어요. 모든 인생이 공부로 평가되고 선생님께 이쁨 받아야 한다는 그런 부모님의 집착이 정작 자유로운 영혼을 가진 아이에게는 상처가 크게 될 수 있어요. 차라리 어릴 때 외국에 일찍 유학을 갔다면 지금보다 훨씬 행복하지 않았을까 삶이 더 낫지는 않았을까 싶기도 해요. 그리고 말씀하신 자연은 정말 중요한 것 같아요. 특히 나이가 들수록 자연을 가까이 해야 우리의 감성이 마르지 않는데... 대한민국은 먹고 살기 바빠, 콘크리트 아스팔트 삭막한 건물들과 아파트... 물질주의, 돈, 부동산, 동기부여 채널들... 돈이 무조건 행복인 것처럼 말하는 사람들도 싫어요... 돈이 살아가는데 필요한 것은 맞지만, 돈이 우리의 인생의 가장 우선 첫 번 째의 행복의 기준은 될 수 없어요. 돈으로 살 수 없는 각 사람의 가진 고유의 가치,성품, 사랑관, 인생관, 꿈들.... 이런 것을 슬프게도 저는 다 유럽, 외국 지인, 친구들과 인생 여러 주제 이야기를 훨씬 많이 나눴었네요. 대한민국의 정말 비교주의, 남에게 잘 보이려고 하는 것 강자에게 강하고 약자에게는 함부로 대하는 사람들이 아직도 많아요.. 자기가 이득 될 사람에게는 잘 보이려 하고, 꾸며진 가식적인 그런 행동 결국 그것도 성공주의 폐혜가 아닌 가 싶어요.. 외모가 보기 좋은 것이 나쁜 건 아니지만 괜찮은 매력적인 얼굴도 성형으로 비교되고 그런 것을 계속 말하는 겉모습 보이는 것만 게속 말하는 사람들도 너무 이질감 이 생겨서 싫어요... 저 친구는 서울대 갔는데.. 그리고 저 친구는 시집을 잘가고.. 친척이 뭘 했다더라.. 명절이나 가족 모임을 많은 대한민국 사람들이 기피하는 싫은 이유가 그거죠. 왜 자신들의 이야기는 안하고 꼭 남 이야기, 그리고 자기가 내세울 게 없다고 생각하면 남편이나 자식 이야기 자랑으로 늘어놓는 어른들도 저는 너무 불편하고 싫어요...상대방의 마음을 따뜻하고 진심으로 친절하게 대하며 헤아릴 줄 아는 사람은 참 적어요... 대화를 할 때나 지금 상대방이 처한 상황을 알고 배려하며 대화를 해야하는데 말이라는 것은 한 번 뱉으면 담을 수가 없는데.... 참 쉽게 말하고 혼자 판단하고 생각하는 수 많은 사람들을 보며 저는 마음이 많이 대한민국에 와서 슬프지만 닫혀졌어요...
안녕하세요! 영상 봐주시고 정성스럽게 댓글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다. 프랑스에 계시며 느꼈던 가족같은 분위기와 welcomenes가 저도 그리운 것 같아요. 상대방의 마음을 따듯하고 진심으로 친절하게 대하며 헤아릴 줄 아는 사람이 저도 적은 것 같아요. 다시 한 번 댓글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다. 화이팅입니다!!!
@@D.Enzokim 안녕하세요 엔조김님 어제 새벽 알고리즘으로 이 영상이 최초로 떠서 시청하고 너무 공감되서 시청 후 구독했어요! 다른 영상들도 천천히 볼께요. 생각하고 말하는 것이 아무래도 외국에서 공부하시고 열려 있으셔서 또래들보다 성숙하신 것 같다는 생각이 들었어요. 그리고 제가 본 두번째 영상에서 예수님을 믿으시는 것을 알고 참 기쁘고 감사했어요. 저도 예수님을 온전히 의지하며 부족하지만 매일 기도하고, 성경 말씀 묵상하고, 금식 실천하며 절제하며 육을 죽이고 영이 사는 삶을 추구하며 내 안의 행복을 믿고 지키며 살아갑니다. 세상이 어떻든 말이죠.... 엔조김님 전 세계가 전쟁, 재해, 여러 사건 사고로 참 새해부터 시끄럽지만 함께 기도해요. 그리고 엔조김님의 삶에 항상 예수님의 사랑과 평강, 행복과 아름다운 인연의 진실한 사랑이 함께하시길, 가족분들도 영육 건강하시길 기도드려요. 따뜻한 댓글, 부족한 글 공감해주셔서 참 감사합니다. 우리는 부족한 인간이지만 크리스천으로 성령으로 거듭난 사람이기에 매일 친절하게 사람을 겉모습으로 판단하지 않고 예수님 사랑을 더욱 실천하며, 어려운 이웃을 외면하지 않고 사랑과 친절을 나누며 살아가요. 저도 더 나은 주님의 딸이 되겠습니다. 멋진 엔조김 형제님 인생을 응원합니다! 어딜 가시든 하나님의 불꽃같은 눈길, 성령이 보호해주시길 기도드립니다! 화이팅이에요!! 축복합니다. 감사합니다.
@@HIDDENTIGER777 공감합니다. 선생님이 원하는데로 살아 가시면 좋겠네여. 만약 자제가 있다면 선생님 방식으로 본인이 원 하는데로 키우시면 좋겠네요. 제 아이도 본인이 원해서 디자인을 전공 했는데 원하는 회사에 취업을 하지 못해 지금은 패스트푸드점에서 일하고 있습니다. 예술은 일등이 아니면 전혀 대접을 받지 못하고 그 직종으로는 취업도 않되고요. 부모 입장에서 정말 가슴 아프지만 본인이 하고 싶은데로 하라고 했습니다. 그래도 자식이러 가슴이 미어집니다. 그래도 명문대를 나왔는데 하면서 . 동남아 발리에서 본인이 원하는 삶을 부모의 출세주의 1등주의에 반발하여 대학을 졸업하고 외국 친구들과 노마드 인생을 행복하게 사시는 분이 계시더라고요. 본인 삶은 본인이 원하는데로 사세요.
@charstar386 If the heart of man is already filled with love for money, status, prestige, pride, self-love, selfishness, etc. Then there is no longer any room left for the love of another person/people. This applies to all people in the whole world.
And the insane amount of study they're expected to do, and high expectations on academic success. There's this ex north korean elite who defected to South Korea. And he's literally studying for a degree in north korean studies just so his opinion matters, since people without degrees in Korea are looked down upon.
Worst part about these two vices you mentioned is, majority of them live above their means just so they can keep up with the Joneses. Which makes you wonder so why care about that right, it’s like setting yourself up for failure. As for the beauty part, majority once again have to get surgery to alter their natural features to gain another features that’s not theirs so they can fit in. SMH I’m shocked how such a developed country relies on the fickle things in life, things that in an instant can poof, disappear. Don’t they have like some strong values to remind them that this life is transient?
@MECAI914 They exist every where but in south Korea it's crazy bad. The most plastic surgeries are carried out in Korea. In particular double eyelid surgery and a bridge for the nose. People tell you openly if you are ugly. S chool children bully others on a large scale for being ugly. Its because korea has only one gene pool compared to China that beauty is such a huge chip on their shoulders. Korean actors do surgery look more white. True Beauty the global hit kdrama Depicts real life beautifully.
@MECAI914 Koreans worship everything intangible cos they have nothing to direct them to a higher aspiration. Cos this lame excuse whenever folks point out the ills in Korean society is tired.
I have lived in Korea for 2 years now and this is the reality. I barely have friends here and it's very lonely. I'm already thinking of leaving next year. It's not my fault. No matter how you try to keep up and change their mind, it's really tough so I will just focus on myself alone until I can leave. I don't wanna be alone all my life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's very relatable!
That is sad. What is even sadder is that people are living their entire lives that way. One would think the parents would teach their children another way. I don't think blind dates are the answer.
You're absolutely correct. I am a University Professor and teaching in China for two years, I found that I had to change my teaching style. In the US we teach critical thinking, vs. teachers in the east just give the information and students memorize without the why. My first question is what do you want to do with your degree. No one knew. But, I receive emails and had 1 on 1 conversations where it was explained that they had never been asked. As doctoral students, I found it sad. We (US) people are individualistic and always think about where we are going in life, whereas, as a lover of culture and exploration, I found that collectivists are guided more by parents and societal norms, hence, Asians being more similar than unique. Both have good and bad points. Nice to meet you. Now you have another person to share your views with. Very important topic in understanding others and how they think. 😊 Sorry for such a long response. 😅
East Asian's teaching method is mostly NOT based on critical thinking so when I began teaching ESL/EFL to Chinese and Koreans, I always ask them "why". I gave them incorrect sentences and let them explain why so. I gave them lots of essay questions, too, during their exams.
Yet differing circumstance in this age of shifting geopolitical norms. Developing Asian countries like China, Thailand and Vietnam have this collectivist mindset for their societies achieve national development goals and even breaking grounds on technological breakthroughs, maintaining social stability, cultural harmony and securing the hard earned peace. One should even better study Asian history and learn basic international relations and cross-cultural communications.
On the education system topic, why not looking into the ever evolving situation inside the Chinese mainland’s education with newer reforms on after school classes and home-works and increased share on extra-curricular activities? But also remember the resource gaps in terms of distribution of educational resources between urban and rural areas, coastal and inland provinces which their education ministry has been addressing seriously.
Why is America and western countries in such a mess and ignorant if critical thinking was really taught in universities. Most people follow the liberal status quo which has been shown to be a sham. Critical thinkers broadly don’t and can’t tow that line because they are informed and interrogate what passes as information and education. I became educated after leaving Ini.
Very insightful Enzo. It's true that problems cannot be fixed until they are acknowledged and you are brave to make your thoughts public, well done! I've seen Kpop bands 10 or 14 years apart, with lyrics calling for resistance against conformity and learning to love yourself. They are generations apart but still with the same issues. Living by the sea, I know that a beautiful natural environment absolutely makes us happier. We do have similar issues in the West, particularly with the crazy identity politics segregating people by immutable characteristics. We used to have a thriving local pub culture in the UK which bought different generations together and ensured that vulnerable people in the community had a friendly place to go, unfortunately that's declining with the result that loneliness and isolation are increasing. Please keep up with your videos, they make way more sense than some of the 'professional' youtubers.
I don’t see the Social Media as a platform to get less lonely, less isolated, less conform, and less obsessed with whiteness, with Western extremely expensive Designer clothes and so on. If you do not start to live to your heart’s content, and your decisive mind, you will be even more isolated. The iPads, the mobile phones are no substitute for human being communications, friendships, and togetherness, making excursions, activities together learning about, what each other’s likes are, what society should be like, and change slowly. I mean, what do you expect from a South Korean ruling class of 5 Chaebols, who have everything under their control, and the few ultra rich, face, and control the not haves.
As someone that has struggled with depression for like 5 or so years i completely agree on the possible causes. I grew up in the middle of nature and the more time i spent in school or on vacations in asphalt citys, the more i became depressed. Around that time covid hit my country so i was isolated and it just didn't get better. I also didn't really know what i wanted to do in life, i changed schools twice but neither of the professions i was tought really grew on me and because of the depression and loneliness i dropped out. Now I'm back at home, in the middle of the forest where i grew up and I'm a bit better and getting my drivers licence so i can go work and slowly figure out what i wanna do ect. Honestly nature and inclusive people (and professional therapy) are the ones that helped me the most to push forward.
👍😊 good on you as I have 3 children and they all suffer some kind of depression in their teenage years but 1 at a time so we us a parents, we try and help them with therapy and introduce them to volunteer work that helps others in need and they all got better afterwards all grown and happy 🙏🙏🙏 we are from Sydney Australia 🇦🇺 Take care ❤
@bernadettepalmer6407 thanks! You too, also grettings from Slovenia. I know it was a huge shock for my parents at first but now we are mostly all much happier
@Mylife-clueless, It is very wise of you to live in close proximity to nature. Hopefully you will start a vegetable garden to grow your own fresh vegetables. Being self-sufficient is the key to the problems that are soon to come worldwide. It might be fun for you to take nature photos or videos and post this on social media YT?
😮…I had never met someone who would be puzzled by the question “what do you want to eat?” It took me years to understand why this friend found this question odd. Thank you for putting the reason into words. On the first topic, being more exclusive with friends is true in other countries as well. In the States, connections are looser and maybe more superficial but definitely not more inclusive than in older countries. Best wishes on making friends with people whom you connect with.
For both natives and foreigners, this must be an extremely hard thing to experience💔 Growing up here in Australia, my parents were always considerate of my siblings and me when it came to our opinions, likes and dislikes. We always had important conversations over dinner and had plenty of nature/ open space around us as kids with the safety of a family that encouraged us to always live an authentic and happy life. So, hearing that there are so many people growing up and living their lives without having support like that is truly heartbreaking.
Excellent message, and I'm so glad you're exploring this topic. I love Koreans. Whenever I've visited Korea (mostly Seoul), they've been kind and caring toward me. Maybe because I'm an old, American woman. And this meloncholy trend that is leading to suicide and a lowering birth rate is alarming to me. I don't want to lose Korea. 😢 What Korea is contributing is too important. I want Koreans to find the happiness they're working so hard for. Another reason for their depression is a need to work excessive hours, under unrealistic pressure with expectations of perfection. Then I see a cruel and often very public criticism of individuals if they make a mistake. I wish Koreans could learn to be kinder to themselves and each other. They are such a wonderful people. I think this discussion is critical right now. Thank you for expressing your thoughts. I hope people are listening. ❤❤❤
Estoy contigo y deseo la misma Bondad y Amor entre ellos. Desde Galicia, España mi Espíritu está con ese pueblo maravilloso, que aún debe dar pequeños pasos para alcanzar este Reto.🎉🎉🎉🎉
A lot of the SK success is based on the economics being managed like an army under dictatorship. Very hierarchical, cruel rules and no individuality. It served the purpose. SK became a economical powerhouse. But now they need new/diverse ways to not only being economically successful but being fulfilled and happy. They have the highest suicide rate among kids and young adults. That should be a priority for the government. Like in Finnland for instance. They had the same problem with very high suicide rates. Now they are among the happiest people. It’s probably not that easy. But I hope they find a way. Our very complex world needs people who are willing to learn and integrate ideas and achievements apart from status, closed groups and hierarchies.
Brave, courageous and very insightful. I wish you well with your open-hearted gesture to reach out to the culture and encourage a Spirit of openness and less fear in being seen and being heard. Loneliness is so dangerous especially in Urban environments. Well done for not sitting in Silence and suffering!! Call a group gathering and go for a long walk in nature together!! Wish you well Enzo x
I swear I just suggested this to another Korean in the comments that agreed to everything he said. I’m like so why can’t you all change the way things are? Good thing is they can identify that those things he listed are part of the problem&i believe that can easily be rectified, so why can’t they take steps in changing things. Call up different friend groups, twl them this is what you wanna do and go from there, have a once a month hangout or once on two months and diversify from there. I think it can be done.
Thank you very much. I'm in the US and have been searching for meaningful content after discovering Korean drama. Who would guess it would be here on youtube. I look forward to more discourse.
Nós, brasileiros, fazemos amizade facilmente e gostamos que as pessoas se sintam confortáveis quando estão conosco. Além disso, gostamos de nos reunir com amigos de diferentes grupos. Acho que, apesar dos problemas, vivemos a vida de forma mais leve e descontraída.
In Eastern countries, society is vertically build, meaning that people serve the system, not the other way round. That is why education is structured in this way - to raise obedient citizens. And everything you said is also important. You are a very intelligent person, and if you study medicine, you will make a great doctor. I wish you to be happy❤Greetings from Ukraine.
my sight after 1 year of learning about korean culture was shocking. There is no work-life-balance. They work the whole day with earning little money. So parents have to work both, have no time and space to raise children. The pressure through own family and from society is immense. Korea is parted into N communism and S materialism, both is inhuman, no human rights regarded, only exploitation without caring for human needs. No wonder, people get depressed, burnout and at last suicide. Such a society is damned to go down.
this was a really interesting topic. as someone whose knowledge on South korea has been very limited to shows, i think this really broadened my perspective and also curiosity about the place and culture.
I think it’s great that you have found an outlet for your thoughts so they aren’t bottled up inside. In doing so, you have given me a greater insight into the culture of South Korea that isn’t usually portrayed by media or movies, or frankly UA-camrs. I’ve seen beautiful natural park areas in Seoul. Is it not convenient to get there? I also wondered if it’s not convenient to take short day trips out of the city. I’ve only seen pictures, but it looks like most people stay in the city when a large part of the country is absolutely beautiful countryside. Is that how it is?
Yeah hard to believe there’s no nature to escape to. I get that people are depressed. With more talk of therapy and self healing in this modern age, it’s hard to believe that hasn’t caught up to them there- or maybe they’re so groomed to this kind of social presence they’re completely removed from themselves. I wish them the best and the willingness to thrive in life when it comes to their happiness and wellbeing.
@fondaware8276 Korea certainly needs prayer, because the people are in a pitiful spiritual state, without realizing it. Running away from The Lord God is not a good idea!
Thank you for shearing. Many people don't understand the struggle and pressure that one person is under or have to go through. We are all just humans and we all have feelings. Lets try to understand and be there for each other. Thank you again, because of your post I now understand Koreans a bit better. I am from the Bahamas and we are taught to always have our own thoughts and opinions. This is all so new to me.
Hey, Enzo, I just spent 10 weeks in SK, and 3 in Japan. I had a date with a Korean guy and what he told me about the work culture and the competition between companies was crazy - that must contribute to the unhappiness. I saw so much beauty in SK, hiked on Jeju (Hallasan), in Seoroksan, in Jirisan, and a guided walk on Bukhansan - I saw a fair number of Koreans hiking in Nature…I did get the feeling in Busan and Seoul that it would be easy to feel trapped in a lifestyle without much work/life balance.
Thank you Enzo for sharing this! I live in the US (Hawai’i) and I have always wanted to travel to South Korea and other Asian countries. I can definitely see how everything you are saying is accurate. It’s always good to keep in mind differences of cultures when you’re traveling and see how you can approach and navigate the landscape to meet your comfort level. Thank you for being vulnerable with your experiences and sharing these insights. It might not have been easy to do to compare but it’s great advice!! Take care ✨💫
Very interesting thoughts you have. Thanks for sharing those with us. We have been to Korea and I'm still learning Korean because we want to go back and learn more about the culture. We found the people in Seoul and Busan very kind to us and I have to say that we saw a lot of green (nature) but it's more clustered (is this good English? Sorry not my first language)than it is at home. But we agree with you that everything is so focused on work that it's a bit unsettling! When do they live and have fun? At least this seemed so to us, we are Belgians. But again, we liked the parts we saw in Korea and the people we met.
And i will add the thing that i also for 31 years i didnt know myself at all, i didnt asked myself what i like,what i enjoy,i was raised by a family who was thinking how to make money and survive,and i started 2 years ago to want to know more about myself,so is never to late,is a beautiful journey...whenever someone starts that will be fine...maybe i coulnt handle things if i would do that when i was younger!!! And i also like this video that you made Enzo im glad i saw it and i wish you a blessed year!
Thank you. Subscribed. My Kid married a Korean man (whom I adore.) This type of insight helps me to better connect with her new culture from 6500 miles away.
This makes me want to help in a way. I went through process of confronting and working through exactly what you’re describing. I don’t speak Korean but if I could I would be a self-esteem coach in South Korea.
Good video! I lived in SK for 5yrs and loved it. I agree. there is a lot of social pressure for people to be alike that’s it’s hard not to conform or stand out as an individual.
This is something I totally agree. I saw a lot of videos discussing about this but after interacting with them, especially my bf is korean. There are times that I would have difficult time understanding him (btw im fil) especially when he rather choose put a wall or shut himself. And when he has a problem he would really keep to himself, instead of like opening up to me. I mean we have been through a lot but still, he would prefer to be alone. I thought he may be like that or he is like that, thats his personality but after working with koreans, i realized that they are the same if not, most of them. They don't do like ask for help in a medical sense when dealing with depression, not because they dont believe in mental health or something. They feel that it will not work. They think it wouldn't help in their situation. I just leave him alone, give him space but at the same time im worried as well but what could I do. Hes sometimes like sweet but most of time hes not. But all i can say hes a provider and there for me when i need him but hes just like that. Like if its his problem, it doesnt concern me
From my limited experience of Korean culture I understand the culture to be more of collective rather than individualistic in nature. There is a rigid social hierarchy with many expectations of behaviour. Societies with class systems easily exclude people not reflecting the preferred norms and restrict access to privileges in order to keep power in the hands of a selected few.
Society and culture are not synonyms, but people use them as such. "Culture" is a myth, a propaganda term devoid of meaning, everything and nothing can be clasified as "culture", whose only intention is to supplant science and technology. The correct word in this context is "society", Korean society
Thank you for opening up about this. Without communication there can’t be change. The world and the problems we as humanity faces are very complex. We need exchange and being open for new and different ways of living.
Damn, this was honestly super insightful. I speak Korean and am often around Korean people. I've been told that I have the uncanny ability to make Korean folks open up but that's very uncommon (as in I cause this to happen more easily for them). See this is what happens when thoughts are shared and people are allowed to critically think so thank you for making this vid man. I believe treating people like individuals is the optimal way as it's how God looks at us; a community of individuals. I hope to in some way help the Korean people i interact with though..I'm not sure right now what that'll look like... Again thank you for making this man. God bless you.
What do you do to help them open up? Besides being magical and charming. Would you say that asking their opinions and taking them into consideration helps, or is there more to it than that? Sorry to grill you btw, I just want to teach in SK someday and I want to know how to make my students more comfortable with western education styles and social structures.
@meadow392 Id say I facilitate a lot of conversations by asking them about their life experiences and interests and connecting where I can relate. Then from there I take it a little further maybe some potential solutions to problems I've solved that are similar to theirs. Sometimes they aren't "problems" necessarily but just more ways to be stress free or showing how they can connect with others.
SO fascinating. Thank you for this glimpse into this aspect of SK culture. I love learning about other people in the world, and this is a really personal experience to share. Each culture has it's own set of customs and boundaries which make them unique, and of course challenges that unite the culture as well. I wonder if some of these limitations on self expression for the culture there will change over generations....wish I could live long enough to see!
Hello Enzo, I am a Venezuelan woman living in Luxembourg. I have visited SK few times because I have a Korean friend. I totally agree with your points of view and comments. Actually, the elements you considered and the way to explained them were very inteligent!.
Interesting perspective. My Korean teacher (born and raised) and others on YT that now live in Seoul are all smiles, but I constantly hear the same thing. Makes me wonder if I ever move there temporarily how "welcome" I would be b/c in TX we are definitely more welcoming. And no UT shirt today, but I'll still say Hook 'Em :) - Kellie
I clicked on the video to practice my English, and I was pleasantly surprised by the peace and kindness conveyed in your voice. Keep up the great work! ☺️
I've been here for a month and it's so lonely here. people aren't really open to meeting strangers here so it's hard to meet new people. I can't explain what I'm doing wrong but I don't feel I'm entirely to blame. I look forward to going home soon. thanks for this video
Go to meetups. It's literally the same in NYC and probably any city in the world. Korea isn't going to fix your problems but it's a heck of a lot of fun....
Interesting perspective. In the West we have too much of the "I " expression now I understand why mother said moderate told us before you say "I" think "us" first then fully understand the expression of "I". Really enjoy your thoughts and help to understand differences. I WISH THEM HAPPINESS because they spead so much joy around the world with their talents. Also wish you find more joy in your life
❤Oh sweetie pie I just want to give you a hug and help you feel better❤ Youth is really hard on the young. When I was young in the 60’s and 70’s the cruelty of people was devastating in school because I was so unprepared to deal with it. We had cliques in the U. S. schools too, and still do but I see shows on these days that would have been so helpful to me back then. I’m glad Facebook wasn’t around because it might have destroyed me. A lot of us have PTSD from our youth. I read somewhere that Life isn’t the survival of the fittest, but the survival of the most adaptable. I’m much older than you but I’m still having to adapt and negotiate life, though I’m a lot better at it now. I understand finally that life is a series of challenges that I need to deal with, in some positive way, without choking the crap out of someone so I can feel good about how I handled the situation. I know I’ll survive because I have a 100% survival rate up till now. So do you! The surviving is freaking hard though. Voicing your thoughts is good for you whether or not you share them publicly. It does get better. Thank you ❤
When you are young you don't know how to play the game of life as you get older you learn but at the end of the day you find out a little to late just be kind and try to enjoy life hard at times though
I agree with you on all points. On holiday for a month in Korea and joined English classes in order to meet locals. I travelled with a 19-year-old granddaughter. Although my granddaughter was younger than most attending, her attitude to life is totally different. Should mention we're Australians and New Zealanders. We were there to make friends. They were there for verbs and adjectives. Heres me, struggling to remember which was which .😂 After 3 classes, we felt like we had become teachers. When I asked for opinions, they clammed up. Now I get it. On nature or the lack of. I was constantly touching plants and trees whenever we were out and about. Even went into an enormous drain, which had a creek type waterway and trees growing in it. Maybe inadvertently craved nature.
Your direct, thoughtful sharing is refreshing. It's like you are a good friend sharing heartfelt observations with the intention to help others live well, as you said at the outset. I like seeing you think, followed quickly by a logical reflection. You illuminated an interaction I had with a person learning English who wanted to know how to pronounce a name in English. They said their teacher was mispronouncing it but they would not feel comfortable correcting the teacher. 감사합니다! 안녕히 겨세요
This is so heartbreaking to hear. Its always been my absolute dream to visit south Korea. You will all be in my heart and prayers. I sincerely have always admired koreans for being just amazing and such a hardworking nature. It shows how much i dont know. Ive always admired other countries for keeping in touch with ancestrial roots and taking great care of older buildings and land. I know it doesnt help but theres so many of us around the world that would be more than happy to be a friend to all💜🙏🏼
Socializing is important...even though some friends can be draining. Learn a hobby that has no limit to how far you can take it. Grounding has importance...please look it up and find sand or grass to earth yourself as often as possible. Thanks for sharing
Since he attended school in So. Korea & the West, I yield to his observations which are insightful. This are based on his isolated So. Korean experience on the social "bubble" "exclusive" culture of his So. Korean young adult peers. But if this is actually a generalised condition of So. Koreans, this is disturbing because this is unsustainable in the long term for So. Korea in the coming decades. A growing population of emotionally unhappy- social introverts does not bode well for the prosperous survival of a nation.
Very interesting indeed. I guess it's like that in many cities. Where you don't touch nature, but here in NYC there are parks all over the place. But I think you have to make it a point to go to them. When I visited Korea, I did find places to be with nature. But as a visitor you make it a point to do these things when you visit.
Wow man U described everything in my heart, u totally right. , but regarding nature, such as grass, trees, greenery, and so on, there are many pretty places. Go to the forests, they are rlly the most adorable thing..yep💠
Thank you Enzo, thought provoking insight, I believe you are on the right track, when it comes to differences in identity. Great chat, not everyone can go down to the Han River, every day. I noticed that in Dramas, so much concrete, you are right, even if wealthy family houses have gardens, more of a yard. Greenery definitely in short supply, sad 💯👏🤗
Yes here in the west as long as I can remember we always had conversations around the dinner table .We intereacted with your siblings and parents.We even had conversation with our parents after school before school.We were allowe all the time to express our thoughts .And that carried through into adulthood.When my kids went off to college they always brought home kids were from other countries.And we had fascinating conversations getting to connect with one another.And some of these students have become life long friends.And you also mentioned something about nature.I think nature is very important to ones life.I do think it keeps us grounded and us from becoming to materialistic.It is nothing like being able to watch that mighty sunrise.Or go up the mountain12000ft.❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reflections. I appreciate what you say. You are well on your way to living a thoughtful life. May you discover what makes you happy! I look forward to more videos from you.
Randomly found this video and ended up watching all of it 😄 I thought I'd share something about my experience in Korea. I'm an Estonian living in Seoul and one of the reasons I love Korea is actually its nature. So here's something I'd like to add about South Koreans not being close to nature. I do agree with it to some extent but I would not say that South Korea does not have any nature. It really depends where do you live in Seoul, and also it can be very different if you live out of Seoul. I'd say that it's actually surprising how much nature you can find in a huge city like Seoul! The main reason is that Korea and Seoul as well has a lot of mountains (South Korea has over 4000 mountains). I started hiking after I moved to Korea. In my neighborhood there's a smaller mountain which is connected to Bukhasan national park (which is huge) and this where I take my daily walks. On a walk I've come across squirrels, a weasel, a mole, a pheasant, and even wild boars..all in Seoul 😊So I agree that Koreans, especially people living in big cities, have grown apart from nature. That is maybe why they don't go look for that nature, and don't see it around them either because they are used to taking a walk in a park instead of climbing up a mountain. It's very different for older Koreans who have grown up spending time in the mountains. The older generation loves going hiking, and I've seen some Korean elderly playing a flute or other instrument in the mountains. These days hiking has become more trendy and popular among young people but still whenever I go to the mountains to just chill and spend time in the nature it's hard to see other people my age doing it in Korea.
Hi Mariel! Thanks for the comment. After reading it all I think I was wrong with saying there’s no nature. Rather it should be people not finding nature. Thanks for helping me find a better answer😁 *btw i have plans on going hiking in bukhansan. We could go together if you’d enjoy😁
really interesting and I can see you have thought about this difficult topic. I think they are very valid points. You speak very well. Many of us here in the UK are big followers of Kpop and Kdrama and because of that have an interest in what life is like in South Korea. Sadly we hear of many suicides and how hard it is in general life. I'll try to find your discord as it sounds a really connective community.
I grew up in Lake Tahoe California and can't imagine not appreciating nature. But I do understand how different cultures can affect this appreciation and can't be judged for this. 🌺😉
As a korean-am in los angeles, idk on the skorea social group exclusivity since i never lived there but with my korean girlfriends, if we make another asian (esp if krn) friend, we welcome them since we are a minority. Aside from my korean gfs, even w my non asian gfs, we are cool to make new friends caz i think here we believe there is strength in numbers cause world is crazy here and we switch friend vibes, we like the many varieties & options (the american mindset). Not sure if its only due to skoreans tryna exclude ppl, just totally different mindset in this way too. Americans get super lonely too.
soo true , I agreed. here is Philippines we are happy people even after the Super typhoon we still;; manage to smile and hang out with our friends for karaoke .its not end of the world mindset
Enzo It's Never About How many Followers you have it's all about your Personality, Thoughts and how you are as an Individual & you're Very Impressive and Deep. You are Very Good at addressing the Root Cause and put it in a Simple Manner. You're very Compassionate as well that you see that it's not Koreans Fault actually But the culture which is Going on and on like this with zero Changes. I hope all the citizens of that Beautiful Country Which have beautiful Language and Genens Can Grow their Mindset and live a Healthy and prosperous life🩷 May you Grow fast and gain lots of followers. Best wishes.
Very interesting discussion. I'm Jamaican, born and raised, and it's hard to imagine this culture because mine is so very social that it's stressful for an introvert like me. But thinking about growing up isolated like this makes me sad. I hope there's a culture shift in South Korea over time to help alleviate the loneliness.
After watching dozens of films, documentaries and TV series, I've noticed that people in South Korea are afraid of how others see them, afraid of being judged, of being criticized. As a result, any attempt to be 'oneself' is non-existent. At least... that's what I've found.
A very thought provoking topic. It must make life so hard, and its already hard enough as it is. Thank you for the insight. Very informative and makes perfect sense.
I never knew this. I wish younger generations in SK or wherever will decide to break the chains that bind them and be their true self without worrying what family members, family, teachers or society in general thinks of them. Growing older you will learn that you will have less and less friends every year, family members will die or continue their life without including you for whatever reason, however, you will need every one of them around you to grow emotionally and psychologically. You need the bad, the ugly, and the good around you in order to become YOU, the best version of you. Travel more, see other cultures and decide what's best for you. Free yourself!
Thank you so much Enzo for your very interesting view and thoughts of South Korean people. I have 3 make friends in Seoul and because of your video, I can understand them better. Take care and good luck in your career. 🤗🙏
I think all go through a period of not knowing which direction they want to go! That is why I’ve always felt that the college set up allows people to pursue different avenues and make the decision in what direction they want to go towards the end of their college education. By exploring different avenues, it’s not surprising that many people will take a different route, but a happier route for them. Being young is just a difficult time, think about all the years ahead of you. It can be over stimulating. It is important to live in the moment with mild perspective towards the future. At least for your sanity. Those are my thoughts.
I have already visited South Korea. There are many people who were very open to us. But it was the older generation, not the young. That is certainly due to the intensity of work and then there is the family. Korea has over 70% forest and mountains. There are enough opportunities to experience nature. But it is not used that way. For the reasons mentioned above.....
from my observation, most koreans have more of a possessive personality so if they have plans with their friend, that friend is solely theres for that get together and no one elses. its like, im setting myself aside for you and you aside for me, like a friend reservation. in the states and many other places, gatherings is common to have everyone included and theyll always be cliques but for the most part, no one is never really excluded unless its like someones ex and they specifically say they dont want that person there. you are right though, koreans would be more happy if they had an open mind to unite. hopefully one day, itll be common practice to include everyone as if it was someones wedding or something.
Yes👍i agree with your point of mean🥺Anyways GOD change this situations in your country.be worship GOD✝️❤️😊 And I'm indian and also pray to GOD for your country 🙏❤️✝️😊
I'm so glad I found your channel. Your words made me think of my life, the mistakes I could've made/still making. Thank you! 감사합니다! Благодарю! Greeting from Russia
A Korean friend of mine that lives in Sydney said how much of a pain it was whenever he visited Korea was that he simply couldn't get all of his friends one venue because they're all separated by peer groups: middle school, high school, university and army mates. Age also plays a huge factor in how people socialise in Korea. I struggled with this over my entire 17 years in Korea, which led to me eventually leaving the country a year ago. Koreans are OBSESSED with labelling and putting themselves into boxes.
So sad😓😭❤️
Koreans respect hierarchy and all labels and boxes that emanates from power. Capitalist power is ruinous. They allow media and respect for out of date and demeaning civilities to define their lives. The individual should not get lost in collective unity.
Agree, age is so important to them bc they immediately want to establiish a hierarchy. You don't need age bc a hierachy will naturally establish in a social enviorment.
Why would a army person want to hang put with middle schoolers? Same for university students and middle schoolers. Unless there is a bridge for the gap it's kind of weird. E.g. it's not weird if the older person has younger siblings and they all becomes friends. So it's like having more older role models and younger sibling type people relationship.
Age as a barrier makes sense. Adults it's less restrictive. Like a 20 year old can be best friends with an 80 year old and it's not weird or unusual.
@Splexsychiick Hey, i think you completely misinterpreted the statement. What they were saying was that it was difficult to get together with all his friends bc they are from different social origins. The friends he had from his middle school days; the friends he made when he entered high school that were new friends; the army mates from his military conscription. They aren't different ages, only different social circles. The middle school friends are the same age as this person. They are grown up now.
The issue is, why can't his army buddy friend socialize with his friend from high school? Why can't his middle school friend be invited to have dinner with the friend he made in high school?
That's what they are saying. he's older now, grown up & left Korea. When he does go back to Korea for visits, it's stressful bc he can't just say to everyone, 'Hey, meet at this bar.' Or, 'meet at this restaurant,' like we would here in the states. We all mix. It's common to go to events with people u don't know. That's not an accepted practice there bc of hierarchy.
I was in SK for only a month, but in that span of time I could sense the immense loneliness there. I could see that others wanted something more meaningful, but for some reason, they’re too afraid to be vulnerable or rejected. They save themselves by all the distractions they have.
Exactly, well said. South Koreans are very private people, and find it hard to trust, no matter who you are. Now, you have over half the country not wanting marriage or children. How do they expect to populate their country. This alone is very said and considered selfish.😢
@@MatchaJazmin 💔😭
They save themselves? You mean they numb themselves.... It's a coping mechanism to flee in other things to numb your feelings and to forget everything for a while...
I truly have never seen a well developed country in this modern day and age that is keeling themselves by themselves and refuse to change how things are.
The youth of today’s generation is a big change from the generation of our ancestors. Back then when you’re in your mid’s 20’s you could get married and then the wife should stay at home and the husband would work and provide for his family. Now they put their career first and fulfill all their desires in life before setting down. I’m young but I like the old ways of generation because most of the youth are respectful to the elders and especially to their parents. And the young girls, woman are careful about themselves. 🌻💛👩🏻🦰
그리고 취업 잘하거나 돈 많이 벌고 잘나가면 좋게 생각하고, 그 사람이 힘든 순간에는 외면해버리는 사람들 .. 제 괜찮은데 왜 저렇게 되었냐 운도 없다... 막 마음대로 말하며 상처주는 사람들도 참 많은게 대한민국이에요... 저는 타인을 판단하지 않고, 남의 이야기 하지 말고 자기 생각, 자기 인생을 말하는 사람이 참 좋은데... 그런 생각을 깊게 해본 어른들은 참 적은 것 같아요. 프랑스에 있을떄도 시험이 주제 하나 던져놓고 서술 몇장씩 하는 거였어요.. 오지선다형 단답형 시험 수능만 보고 대한민국에서 공부하다가 외국 나가서 처음 보는 시험은 너무 어렵게 느껴졌어요... 대기업 들어갔을 때도, 상사가 미래를 위해 좋은 어른으로서 조언을 해주는 사람은 대한민국에서 못 만났고, 술 잘하냐... 결혼은 왜 안하냐... 어디 사냐... 정말 질문 자체가 급이 낮고 너무 싫었습니다.. 물론 좋은 상사 정말 어른으로서 배울 점이 있는 그런 분을 만나신 분은 참 행운이지만 대한민국의 술 문화 여자 직원 성희롱 하는 상사... 저는 다 겪어봐서 그런지 한 때 진짜 현타가 오더라구요... 그래서 대한민국에 오니 직장 생활도 너무 힘들어서 잘 못하겠고, 정직하게 내 자신의 의견을 말하기가 어렵고 수직 관계의 회사 사회생활.... 힘들게 들어 간 회사도 정의롭게 살려면 퇴사해야 했고, 더 마음이 슬프고 많이 힘들었어요. 외국 생활 열린 문화에서 살다가 오니 정말 숨막히는 나날들의 연속이였어요... 지금은 신앙으로 기도와 말씀으로 살아가며, 그래도 이 힘든 세상 아직 인생이 끝난건 아니니 긍정적으로 생각하며 좋은 마음으로 타인의 좋은 점을 저는 늘 보고 살려고 합니다. 그리고 함부로 상대방을 알지못하면서 판단하는 것을 싫어하고 저도 실수 할 수 있는 인간이기에 조심하고 그러지 않으려고 노력합니다. 누구에겐 돈이 많지 않아도 정말 마음이 맞는 한 사람을 만나 이 세상 다 가진 것처럼 너무 행복할 수 있고, 많이 가져도 불행한 사람들이 있고... 이 세상에는 너무나 다양한 사람, 행복의 기준과 우선 순위, 사람의 가치관은 다 다르고 소중하기에 정말 말은 다시 한 번 생각하고 신중하게 해야하는 게 맞는 것 같아요.. 결혼을 못하면 무슨 하자가 있는 사람처럼 생각하는 아직도 그런 시선으로 생각하는 꼰대 나이드신 어른들도 참 싫습니다. 각 사람을 개인적으로 교제하지 않은 이상, 그 사람의 과거의 아픔, 수 많은 경험들을 우리가 함부로 어떻게 말하고 판단할 수 있겠어요... 우물안 개구리, 편협한 사고, 주입식 사고를 대한민국은 정말 벗어나는 것이 중요하죠. 그래서 저는 대한민국에 와서 도를 혼자 많이 집에서 닦아서 변하지 않는 사람들 함부로 말하는 사람들은 더 이상 만나지 않아요. 그 시간에 제가 좋아하는 공부나 취미 생활을 하는 것이 훨씬 가치있고 좋더라구요. 사람은 홀로 살아갈 수 없기에 사람을 만나고 살아야 하는 것이 맞지만.... 참 쉽지 않은 일임을 나이가 한 살씩 들수록 더 많이 느끼는 것 같아요. 저는 돈도 우선이 아니고 가치관이 맞는 사람, 인생과 행복, 사랑에 대해 서로 이야기가 잘 통하는 사람을 만나는 것이 제 소망이에요. 코드가 맞는 사람을 만나는 것이 가장 큰 행복이고 삶을 다시 전진시키는 촉매제겠죠...전 세계가 각종 사건 사고로 시끄럽지만 개인적으로는 2025년 여기 오신 분들에게 행운, 사랑, 행복, 마음의 평안과 영육 건강이 함께하시길 기도드려요! 모든 분들 이 힘든 세상 함께 살아주셔서 진심으로 감사합니다! 엔조님도 행복하시고 바라시는 일 다 잘 되시길 바래요! 그리고 남과 비교하지 않고 나를 표현하고 상대방에게 내 생각은 강요하지 않으며 서로 배려하고 이해하며 나와 의견이 다르면 그렇구나 경청하는 자세도 서로 더 많이 연습해요. 여러분 힘내세요! 부족한 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다! 당신의 인생을 응원합니다! 화이팅! KEEP OPEN MIND ! STAY POSITIVE! BREAK THE MOULD! 🙏
God bless you! Just keep trusting in Him 🙏
This is correct rationality، May God protect you 💗
👍I am impressed by your courage. Although I communicate with Koreans only online, many things irritate me when communicating with them. And yes, this is their cultural heritage. It’s a pity for the people, because after testing the situation there, I realized what a huge experiment was carried out on Korea. It's like they're being bullied. They divided one country into two halves, some were placed in poverty and fear behind a closed wall, and others were forced to run after carrots like donkeys, obeying the rules. At the same time, they protect this way of life. They don’t like pressure, deception, abuse, humiliation, but they do it themselves. This indicates that people are not aware. They don't know who they are, they're stuck in adolescence. I feel sorry for them. But this is also what makes them one of the most cruel. Remember? Children are the cruelest among people. (they don't understand when they hurt).
I would like to chat with you, you are an interesting person.
Bro I'm currently almost 1 year in as a gradstud in SK. I felt everything that you mentioned. The isolation, depersonalization, lack of touch in nature, etc. Plus the fact that we're underpaid and the (comparably) more competitive learning/working culture. Felt really bad lately without knowing the exact reason until you brought this. I can't even bring myself up to work and study even though I have finals coming up. I even felt like I lost my goals/reason on pursuing the degree. Glad I'm not the only one who felt this way.
I hope things get better for you soon.
😢❤be strong, and most important DO what makes you happy. We only live once!
I think is because a part of us get isoled or been in izolation! We need to understand we are not the body , or our throughts , we are more than that!
The body is transgenerațional, imagine inside you are all the ancestors, with Life they had, Sandness or happy ness , good or bad…. Are just our point of view , because we see reality throught their Own eyes !
So ask yourself always …HOw Am I? You will see all change bcs you are not the mind or the throughts
You are The Body of light and love !
Just observe and search .. who had this feelings? Maybe your mom or dad have same feeling and they uncharge them in your field!
Just observe! Peace and Love!
I love me
I love you ! ❤
Is a mantra 🥰because we are all ONE!
Olá como está você? Não te conheço mas espero que tenha forças renovadas, bom ânimo e coragem para seguir em frente. Deus te abençoe sempre e que você não desista 🙏 Coragem é sinônimo de pessoas fortes e com fé. Tenha bom ânimo. Sucesso.
I'm korean american and i absolutely agreed with everything you said. You hit the mark. Thank you for vocalizing this.
한국에서 나고 자라며 종종 아직도 내가 어떤 사람인지, 뭘 좋아하는지, 그리고 내 생각을 말로 표현하기가 어렵다고 느낄 때가 있는데, 어릴 때부터 받아 온 교육 영향도 있겠다는 생각이 들었어요. 좋은 영상 감사합니다!
Can I be your friend😊
Because crazy studies is the most well known factor world wide.
Because of high academic competition there is also extreme bullying.
I did not know how extreme it was till I saw the Glory.
I am very happy in UK as its a very balanced life.
@@mariamyibowei9876 yes
저는 한국에서의 시간을 사랑하지만 외국인이기 때문에 한국인을 묶어주는 기대 없이 우주에서 살 수 있습니다. 서울에 살고 싶은 마음은 없지만 부산을 온전히 포용합니다. 한국인이 아니기 때문에 일반 한국인의 마음을 제한하는 가정과 제약에 대해 자유로운 시각을 가지고 있습니다. 대부분의 한국인에게 제한되지 않는 공간에서 살 수 있기 때문입니다. 한국 문화를 크게 존중하지만, 한국인은 이렇게 하기 때문에 어리석은 짓을 해야 한다는 말을 들으면 항상 "하지만 나는 한국인이 아니다"라고 말할 수 있습니다. 당연히 한국인은 이렇게 말할 수 없습니다. 사회적 기대에 도전할 의향이 있는 한국인은 거의 없지만, 사회의 불가능한 기준을 맞추려는 일반 한국인보다 일반적으로 더 만족하는 것을 보았습니다.
'헬조선'의 정신은 감옥이지만 정신적인 것일 뿐입니다. 열쇠를 쥐고 나면 문을 열고 밖으로 나가 신선한 공기를 마실 수 있습니다. 김 선수를 따라잡는 것은 쥐 경주, 어쩌면 '오징어 게임'일 수도 있습니다. 게임에 참여해서 이기려고 하거나 전제를 거부하고 규칙에 따라 게임하기를 거부할 수도 있습니다. 스스로 규칙을 만들고 게임을 하면 더 만족할 수 있다는 것을 이해하는 한국인은 너무 적습니다. 예전 방식도 중요했지만 그 유용성이 만료되어 이제는 책임이 되었습니다. 문제를 해결하려면 혁명가가가가 되어야 하지만, 선을 넘는 사람들을 위협하는 사회적 처벌을 두려워하며 사는 모든 사람에게 어려운 과제입니다. 두려움은 당신을 감옥에 가두는 정신적 살인자입니다. 자유로워지기 위해서는 두려움 없이 기꺼이 위험을 감수해야 합니다. 충분한 사람들이 이렇게 하면 사회를 진화시키고 긍정적인 변화를 만들 수 있습니다.
저는 한국인이 집단적으로 의도하는 모든 것을 할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 변화는 무섭지만 용기는 전염성이 있습니다. 지금은 더 용감한 사람들이 필요합니다. 그들을 찾을 수 있다면 방향을 바꾸고 현재 밤의 어둠에 가려진 밝은 내일을 확보할 수 있습니다. 별을 따라가고 곧 태양이 떠오를 것입니다.
I loved your analysis on Korean people. Hoping that this consciousness can bring, at least some of them, into a happier life. Loved the way you saw these issues.
안녕하세요 오늘 새벽 알고리즘으로 떠서 엔조김님 채널에 이렇게 방문을 하고 한국인은 왜 행복하지 않은가 영상 잘 시청했어요! :) 대학교 졸업후 여러 다양한 나라에서 20-30대 살고 일하고 여행하며 한국에 귀국했을 때... 정말 거짓말 안하고 1년은 맨날 울었어요... 너무 힘들고 적응이 안되서요. .. 엔조김님이 하신 말씀 저는 정말 무슨 뜻인지 백프로 아니 천프로 동감합니다! 맞아요, 서양 친구들, 다른 아시아 친구들, 흑인, 아프리카 친구 동료들도 함께 여럿이 어울려서 처음 봐도 같이 즐겁게 파티하고 훨씬 Flexible하고 생각 표현도 훨씬 자유롭고 어디 한쪽에 얽매여 있지 않아 좋았어요... 그래서 제가 처음 어릴때 20대 초반 외국 나갔을 때, stay calm and stay cool... 외국 친구들에게 많이 들은 것 같네요.. ㅋㅋ 한국은 정형화 된 틀이 많아서, 또 이 친구와 저 친구가 알지못하거나 친하지 않으면 의사를 물어보면 같이 모이는 거 꺼려하고, 따로 따로 만나기를 원하는 성향이 강하죠... 저는 타고난 성향이 서양 문화권 사람이여서 고등학교 여러 친구들이랑 잘 지냈는데, 생일이나 그럴때 저는 다 같이 불렀어요.. 저는 그런게 훨씬 행복하더라구요..... 고등학교 때도 여자애들이 나만의 친구, 이런거 정말 싫었어요. 저는 그냥 두루두루 잘 지내고, 누가 누구와 더 친해도 질투나지 않는 성격이였는데.. 한국은 뭔가 분리시키고, 자기들의 영역, 시샘도 많고 여러 정형화된 틀이 훨씬 서양보다 강한 것 같아요... 저는 사춘기 때부터 학교 교육에 늘 불만을 갖고 선생님께 질문하면 선생님이 대답 못하는 경우도 많고 선생님들이 불쾌해하죠...속 터졌어요.. 그리고 부모님이 특히 엄마가 너무 공부에 엄격해서, 행복이 중요한건데 초등학교 때 1등해도 몇 문제 틀리고 와도 손바닥 맞고.. 잔소리 듣고... 펑펑 울고... 그리고 꼭 명문고 명문대 가야 성공 출세해야 한다.. 저는 초등학교 때부터 그런 말이 너무 싫었어요.. 그래서 십대부터 힘들게 시험봐서 명문 예술고 가고 엄마가 원한 대학은 떨어지고 그 다음 대학을 갔지만 .... 명문대 가야 시집 잘 간다고 여교수가 그 말도 제겐 너무 어처구니 없고 아직도 충격 잊혀지지 않아요.... 그리고 순수 예술을 했는데 얼마나 돈을 밝히는지 예술고 선생님들과 대학교 교수들.... 진짜 아직도 잊지 못합니다 가슴에 상처... 그래서 음악을 안하게 된 것 같아요... 세상이 하나도 안 순수하고 가식이더라구요. 돈만 밝히고... 학생의 재능을 이끌어주고 사랑으로 가르치는 교수는 거의 없죠.... 스타일도 교수님 스타일로 쳐야 하고... 안 그러면 손 맞고 그랬어요... 대학교때도... ㅠㅠ 내 안의 감성과 풍부함을 꺼내주는 정말 좋은 선생님을 만났다면 그 길을 계속 갔을지도 몰라요.... 저는 그래서 고등학교 때 입시 실기 시험 준비 하도 시달리고 선생님이 너무 무서웠어서 요즘도 그런 꿈을 이렇게 세월이 지났는데도 마음이 불안하거나 초조하면 꾸더라구요... 그래서 저는 졸업 후 비교사회, 주입식 교육 너무 싫고 전 자유로운 사상을 어릴 때 부터 가진 사람이라 부모님이나 선생님이 압박하는 게 너무 싫었고 답답한 마음이 참 많았습니다.. 여러 경험을 해외에서 하고 싶어 대학교 졸업 후 한국을 떠났고... 아버지 사업이 어려워지셔서 음악 유학은 꿈도 꾸지 못하게 되었고, 영어는 좋아해서 워킹할러데이 뉴질랜드 맨땅에 헤딩하기부터 시작했어요. 고등학교 친구들은 거의 다 부유했지만, 정작 자신이 뭘 좋아하는지도, 그렇게 힘들게 공부해서 명문 예술고 갔어도 조수미 선배님처럼 유명해지는 사람은 거의 없죠... 결국은 부모님의 희망 대리만족을 위해 억지로 한 친구들 대학교 간 친구들은 결국 졸업 후 안하더라구요... 부잣집 친구들은 선봐서 일찍 결혼하거나 아니면 음악도 관두고 재능을 썪히고 아이 낳고.. 평범한 주부로 살아가는 친구들도 있죠... 공부 잘하는 애들은 재수해서 아예 전혀 이과나 문과로 전향하여 대학교 들어가거나 유학가곤 했죠... 그리고 한국 사람이 불행한 이유는 한국의 비교문화죠... 너무 싫었어요 사람마다 잘하는게 다르고, 인생의 가치나 삶의 행복을 제가 사춘기 때 질문하면 친구들이 공부만해서 그런 생각을 안해봤는지 저를 엉뚱하게 생각했는데.. 제가 훗날 대학교 졸업 후 뉴질랜드 부터 유럽 여러나라 특히 프랑스에서 7년 이상 공부, 일하고 살면서 유럽은 행복, 삶의 가치관, 정치, 사회, 문화 다 오픈 마인드 여러 생각을 남자, 여자 친구들과 남녀노소 상관없이 몇 시간씩 식사하고 디저트 먹으며 이야기 나눌 수 있어 정말 좋았어요... 그리고 제가 정상이라는 것을 깨달았어요... 어떻게 한번도 나는 왜 사는가? 내 행복은 무엇인가? 이런 것을 생각하고 이야기 하지 않는 그저 공부, 명문대, 성공의 길 만 강조하는 그 당시 선생님들과 입시 교육이 참 문제였어요....요즘은 좀 달라졌는지 모르겠네요... 근데 한국의 물질주의와 외모 지상주의 그런 거 너무 말하는 것도 정말 저는 싫어요. 외국은 외모가 아름답고 멋있어도 그런 이야기 계속 상대방 부담스러울까봐 하지 않고 실례라 에티켓이 있죠.. 그리고 나이 있어도 어떤 사람이 독신이면 왜 결혼안했는지 그 질문 자체가 엄청 실례이기에 안하구요... 정말 오랫동안 잘 알고 지낸 사이면 조심스레 물어보겠지만.. 한국은 친하지도 않는데 무례하게 인사를 묻는 사람이 다반사였죠... 물론 외국에서 뿌리를 내리고 사는 것도 정말 쉽지 않죠.. 저는 영원히 살 프랑스를 정리하고 한국에 왔지만, 결혼을 그곳에서 했다면 아마 지금 계속 파리에 살았을거에요.. 아픈 기억이 많지만, 후회하진 않아요. 외국 왔다 갔다하다 결국 팬데믹 때 고국에 돌아왔지만, 또 미래는 어떻게 펼쳐질지는 앞으로 모르니까요... 저는 대한민국 주입식 교육을 정말 싫어했고, 표현 자체를 잘하고 싫고 좋음이 확실한 편이였는데.. 친오빠는 그저 모범생 원하는 것도 큰 꿈도 없고 그저 조용히 공부하고 명문대가고 ... 엄마가 자식 잘 되라고 한 거겠지만 성공주의가 아이마다 가진 성향이 다른데 저는 행복이 가장 중요한 사람이였고... 성공에 집착하는 그 말이 큰 상처가 되었어요. 모든 인생이 공부로 평가되고 선생님께 이쁨 받아야 한다는 그런 부모님의 집착이 정작 자유로운 영혼을 가진 아이에게는 상처가 크게 될 수 있어요. 차라리 어릴 때 외국에 일찍 유학을 갔다면 지금보다 훨씬 행복하지 않았을까 삶이 더 낫지는 않았을까 싶기도 해요. 그리고 말씀하신 자연은 정말 중요한 것 같아요. 특히 나이가 들수록 자연을 가까이 해야 우리의 감성이 마르지 않는데... 대한민국은 먹고 살기 바빠, 콘크리트 아스팔트 삭막한 건물들과 아파트... 물질주의, 돈, 부동산, 동기부여 채널들... 돈이 무조건 행복인 것처럼 말하는 사람들도 싫어요... 돈이 살아가는데 필요한 것은 맞지만, 돈이 우리의 인생의 가장 우선 첫 번 째의 행복의 기준은 될 수 없어요. 돈으로 살 수 없는 각 사람의 가진 고유의 가치,성품, 사랑관, 인생관, 꿈들.... 이런 것을 슬프게도 저는 다 유럽, 외국 지인, 친구들과 인생 여러 주제 이야기를 훨씬 많이 나눴었네요. 대한민국의 정말 비교주의, 남에게 잘 보이려고 하는 것 강자에게 강하고 약자에게는 함부로 대하는 사람들이 아직도 많아요.. 자기가 이득 될 사람에게는 잘 보이려 하고, 꾸며진 가식적인 그런 행동 결국 그것도 성공주의 폐혜가 아닌 가 싶어요.. 외모가 보기 좋은 것이 나쁜 건 아니지만 괜찮은 매력적인 얼굴도 성형으로 비교되고 그런 것을 계속 말하는 겉모습 보이는 것만 게속 말하는 사람들도 너무 이질감 이 생겨서 싫어요... 저 친구는 서울대 갔는데.. 그리고 저 친구는 시집을 잘가고.. 친척이 뭘 했다더라.. 명절이나 가족 모임을 많은 대한민국 사람들이 기피하는 싫은 이유가 그거죠. 왜 자신들의 이야기는 안하고 꼭 남 이야기, 그리고 자기가 내세울 게 없다고 생각하면 남편이나 자식 이야기 자랑으로 늘어놓는 어른들도 저는 너무 불편하고 싫어요...상대방의 마음을 따뜻하고 진심으로 친절하게 대하며 헤아릴 줄 아는 사람은 참 적어요... 대화를 할 때나 지금 상대방이 처한 상황을 알고 배려하며 대화를 해야하는데 말이라는 것은 한 번 뱉으면 담을 수가 없는데.... 참 쉽게 말하고 혼자 판단하고 생각하는 수 많은 사람들을 보며 저는 마음이 많이 대한민국에 와서 슬프지만 닫혀졌어요...
영상 봐주시고 정성스럽게 댓글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다.
프랑스에 계시며 느꼈던 가족같은 분위기와 welcomenes가 저도 그리운 것 같아요.
상대방의 마음을 따듯하고 진심으로 친절하게 대하며 헤아릴 줄 아는 사람이 저도 적은 것 같아요.
다시 한 번 댓글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다.
@@D.Enzokim 안녕하세요 엔조김님 어제 새벽 알고리즘으로 이 영상이 최초로 떠서 시청하고 너무 공감되서 시청 후 구독했어요! 다른 영상들도 천천히 볼께요. 생각하고 말하는 것이 아무래도 외국에서 공부하시고 열려 있으셔서 또래들보다 성숙하신 것 같다는 생각이 들었어요. 그리고 제가 본 두번째 영상에서 예수님을 믿으시는 것을 알고 참 기쁘고 감사했어요. 저도 예수님을 온전히 의지하며 부족하지만 매일 기도하고, 성경 말씀 묵상하고, 금식 실천하며 절제하며 육을 죽이고 영이 사는 삶을 추구하며 내 안의 행복을 믿고 지키며 살아갑니다. 세상이 어떻든 말이죠.... 엔조김님 전 세계가 전쟁, 재해, 여러 사건 사고로 참 새해부터 시끄럽지만 함께 기도해요. 그리고 엔조김님의 삶에 항상 예수님의 사랑과 평강, 행복과 아름다운 인연의 진실한 사랑이 함께하시길, 가족분들도 영육 건강하시길 기도드려요. 따뜻한 댓글, 부족한 글 공감해주셔서 참 감사합니다. 우리는 부족한 인간이지만 크리스천으로 성령으로 거듭난 사람이기에 매일 친절하게 사람을 겉모습으로 판단하지 않고 예수님 사랑을 더욱 실천하며, 어려운 이웃을 외면하지 않고 사랑과 친절을 나누며 살아가요. 저도 더 나은 주님의 딸이 되겠습니다. 멋진 엔조김 형제님 인생을 응원합니다! 어딜 가시든 하나님의 불꽃같은 눈길, 성령이 보호해주시길 기도드립니다! 화이팅이에요!! 축복합니다. 감사합니다.
@@HIDDENTIGER777 공감합니다. 선생님이 원하는데로 살아 가시면 좋겠네여. 만약 자제가 있다면 선생님 방식으로 본인이 원 하는데로 키우시면 좋겠네요. 제 아이도 본인이 원해서 디자인을 전공 했는데 원하는 회사에 취업을 하지 못해 지금은 패스트푸드점에서 일하고 있습니다. 예술은 일등이 아니면 전혀 대접을 받지 못하고 그 직종으로는 취업도 않되고요. 부모 입장에서 정말 가슴 아프지만 본인이 하고 싶은데로 하라고 했습니다. 그래도 자식이러 가슴이 미어집니다. 그래도 명문대를 나왔는데 하면서 . 동남아 발리에서 본인이 원하는 삶을 부모의 출세주의 1등주의에 반발하여 대학을 졸업하고 외국 친구들과 노마드 인생을 행복하게 사시는 분이 계시더라고요. 본인 삶은 본인이 원하는데로 사세요.
This really opened my mind to what it’s like socially in South Korea. Thanks for making it so clear. Sounds like a hard way to make friends.
@charstar386 If the heart of man is already filled with love for money, status, prestige, pride, self-love, selfishness, etc.
Then there is no longer any room left for the love of another person/people.
This applies to all people in the whole world.
Loved your open, honest talk.
It’s normal to feel lonely sometimes and it should be okay to express it…
Sending a big hug!
You forgot materialism and beauty standards
And the insane amount of study they're expected to do, and high expectations on academic success.
There's this ex north korean elite who defected to South Korea. And he's literally studying for a degree in north korean studies just so his opinion matters, since people without degrees in Korea are looked down upon.
Worst part about these two vices you mentioned is, majority of them live above their means just so they can keep up with the Joneses. Which makes you wonder so why care about that right, it’s like setting yourself up for failure.
As for the beauty part, majority once again have to get surgery to alter their natural features to gain another features that’s not theirs so they can fit in. SMH
I’m shocked how such a developed country relies on the fickle things in life, things that in an instant can poof, disappear. Don’t they have like some strong values to remind them that this life is transient?
Materialism and standards of beauty exist in every country, in some less noticeable and in others more noticeable.
@MECAI914 They exist every where but in south Korea it's crazy bad.
The most plastic surgeries are carried out in Korea.
In particular double eyelid surgery and a bridge for the nose.
People tell you openly if you are ugly.
S chool children bully others on a large scale for being ugly.
Its because korea has only one gene pool compared to China that beauty is such a huge chip on their shoulders.
Korean actors do surgery look more white.
True Beauty the global hit kdrama
Depicts real life beautifully.
@MECAI914 Koreans worship everything intangible cos they have nothing to direct them to a higher aspiration.
Cos this lame excuse whenever folks point out the ills in Korean society is tired.
I have lived in Korea for 2 years now and this is the reality. I barely have friends here and it's very lonely. I'm already thinking of leaving next year. It's not my fault. No matter how you try to keep up and change their mind, it's really tough so I will just focus on myself alone until I can leave. I don't wanna be alone all my life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's very relatable!
That is sad. What is even sadder is that people are living their entire lives that way. One would think the parents would teach their children another way. I don't think blind dates are the answer.
@ethelynpelham4857 yeah i totally agree with you.
That's strange... Not like am a very sociable person myself, but I appreciate the company of the right people!
I am really sorry as a one of the Korean.
Whereabouts are you? My daughter is in Gimpo and would likely welcome a friendly conversation
Refreshing to see a talk without crazy edits , intro and all that stuff
Exactly ❤
You're absolutely correct. I am a University Professor and teaching in China for two years, I found that I had to change my teaching style. In the US we teach critical thinking, vs. teachers in the east just give the information and students memorize without the why. My first question is what do you want to do with your degree. No one knew. But, I receive emails and had 1 on 1 conversations where it was explained that they had never been asked. As doctoral students, I found it sad. We (US) people are individualistic and always think about where we are going in life, whereas, as a lover of culture and exploration, I found that collectivists are guided more by parents and societal norms, hence, Asians being more similar than unique. Both have good and bad points. Nice to meet you. Now you have another person to share your views with. Very important topic in understanding others and how they think. 😊 Sorry for such a long response. 😅
East Asian's teaching method is mostly NOT based on critical thinking so when I began teaching ESL/EFL to Chinese and Koreans, I always ask them "why". I gave them incorrect sentences and let them explain why so. I gave them lots of essay questions, too, during their exams.
Yet differing circumstance in this age of shifting geopolitical norms. Developing Asian countries like China, Thailand and Vietnam have this collectivist mindset for their societies achieve national development goals and even breaking grounds on technological breakthroughs, maintaining social stability, cultural harmony and securing the hard earned peace.
One should even better study Asian history and learn basic international relations and cross-cultural communications.
On the education system
topic, why not looking into the ever evolving situation inside the Chinese mainland’s education with newer reforms on after school classes and home-works and increased share on extra-curricular activities?
But also remember the resource gaps in terms of distribution of educational resources between urban and rural areas, coastal and inland provinces which their education ministry has been addressing seriously.
There is no good point in being a collectivist who moves and "thinks" in a mass or group. You can only think for yourself
Why is America and western countries in such a mess and ignorant if critical thinking was really taught in universities. Most people follow the liberal status quo which has been shown to be a sham. Critical thinkers broadly don’t and can’t tow that line because they are informed and interrogate what passes as information and education. I became educated after leaving Ini.
Very insightful Enzo. It's true that problems cannot be fixed until they are acknowledged and you are brave to make your thoughts public, well done! I've seen Kpop bands 10 or 14 years apart, with lyrics calling for resistance against conformity and learning to love yourself. They are generations apart but still with the same issues. Living by the sea, I know that a beautiful natural environment absolutely makes us happier. We do have similar issues in the West, particularly with the crazy identity politics segregating people by immutable characteristics. We used to have a thriving local pub culture in the UK which bought different generations together and ensured that vulnerable people in the community had a friendly place to go, unfortunately that's declining with the result that loneliness and isolation are increasing. Please keep up with your videos, they make way more sense than some of the 'professional' youtubers.
I don’t see the Social Media as a platform to get less lonely, less isolated, less conform, and less obsessed with whiteness, with Western extremely expensive Designer clothes and so on. If you do not start to live to your heart’s content, and your decisive mind, you will be even more isolated. The iPads, the mobile phones are no substitute for human being communications, friendships, and togetherness, making excursions, activities together learning about, what each other’s likes are, what society should be like, and change slowly. I mean, what do you expect from a South Korean ruling class of 5 Chaebols, who have everything under their control, and the few ultra rich, face, and control the not haves.
Yes, that is very much similar to what I have seen in UK. That people do not mix their social groups either.
As someone that has struggled with depression for like 5 or so years i completely agree on the possible causes. I grew up in the middle of nature and the more time i spent in school or on vacations in asphalt citys, the more i became depressed. Around that time covid hit my country so i was isolated and it just didn't get better. I also didn't really know what i wanted to do in life, i changed schools twice but neither of the professions i was tought really grew on me and because of the depression and loneliness i dropped out. Now I'm back at home, in the middle of the forest where i grew up and I'm a bit better and getting my drivers licence so i can go work and slowly figure out what i wanna do ect. Honestly nature and inclusive people (and professional therapy) are the ones that helped me the most to push forward.
👍😊 good on you as I have 3 children and they all suffer some kind of depression in their teenage years but 1 at a time so we us a parents, we try and help them with therapy and introduce them to volunteer work that helps others in need and they all got better afterwards all grown and happy 🙏🙏🙏 we are from Sydney Australia 🇦🇺
Take care ❤
@bernadettepalmer6407 thanks! You too, also grettings from Slovenia. I know it was a huge shock for my parents at first but now we are mostly all much happier
@Mylife-clueless, It is very wise of you to live in close proximity to nature. Hopefully you will start a vegetable garden to grow your own fresh vegetables. Being self-sufficient is the key to the problems that are soon to come worldwide. It might be fun for you to take nature photos or videos and post this on social media YT?
Возможно, вам стоит подумать для чего вы живёте, зачем родились..
😮…I had never met someone who would be puzzled by the question “what do you want to eat?”
It took me years to understand why this friend found this question odd.
Thank you for putting the reason into words.
On the first topic, being more exclusive with friends is true in other countries as well. In the States, connections are looser and maybe more superficial but definitely not more inclusive than in older countries.
Best wishes on making friends with people whom you connect with.
For both natives and foreigners, this must be an extremely hard thing to experience💔
Growing up here in Australia, my parents were always considerate of my siblings and me when it came to our opinions, likes and dislikes.
We always had important conversations over dinner and had plenty of nature/ open space around us as kids with the safety of a family that encouraged us to always live an authentic and happy life.
So, hearing that there are so many people growing up and living their lives without having support like that is truly heartbreaking.
I know it is!! I just asked is there a way of fixing such a life?
Excellent message, and I'm so glad you're exploring this topic. I love Koreans. Whenever I've visited Korea (mostly Seoul), they've been kind and caring toward me. Maybe because I'm an old, American woman. And this meloncholy trend that is leading to suicide and a lowering birth rate is alarming to me. I don't want to lose Korea. 😢 What Korea is contributing is too important. I want Koreans to find the happiness they're working so hard for. Another reason for their depression is a need to work excessive hours, under unrealistic pressure with expectations of perfection. Then I see a cruel and often very public criticism of individuals if they make a mistake. I wish Koreans could learn to be kinder to themselves and each other. They are such a wonderful people. I think this discussion is critical right now. Thank you for expressing your thoughts. I hope people are listening. ❤❤❤
Estoy contigo y deseo la misma Bondad y Amor entre ellos.
Desde Galicia, España mi Espíritu está con ese pueblo maravilloso, que aún debe dar pequeños pasos para alcanzar este Reto.🎉🎉🎉🎉
Beautiful words. I couldn’t agree more.
Beautiful comment. ❤❤
Wonderfully expressed. I would love to visit Korea in the near future.
A lot of the SK success is based on the economics being managed like an army under dictatorship. Very hierarchical, cruel rules and no individuality. It served the purpose. SK became a economical powerhouse. But now they need new/diverse ways to not only being economically successful but being fulfilled and happy. They have the highest suicide rate among kids and young adults. That should be a priority for the government. Like in Finnland for instance. They had the same problem with very high suicide rates. Now they are among the happiest people. It’s probably not that easy. But I hope they find a way. Our very complex world needs people who are willing to learn and integrate ideas and achievements apart from status, closed groups and hierarchies.
Brave, courageous and very insightful. I wish you well with your open-hearted gesture to reach out to the culture and encourage a Spirit of openness and less fear in being seen and being heard. Loneliness is so dangerous especially in Urban environments. Well done for not sitting in Silence and suffering!! Call a group gathering and go for a long walk in nature together!! Wish you well Enzo x
I swear I just suggested this to another Korean in the comments that agreed to everything he said.
I’m like so why can’t you all change the way things are? Good thing is they can identify that those things he listed are part of the problem&i believe that can easily be rectified, so why can’t they take steps in changing things.
Call up different friend groups, twl them this is what you wanna do and go from there, have a once a month hangout or once on two months and diversify from there. I think it can be done.
Half korean half Japanese here just shut up
Thank you very much. I'm in the US and have been searching for meaningful content after discovering Korean drama. Who would guess it would be here on youtube. I look forward to more discourse.
Valid points! I like the candid talks, kinda like how UA-cam used to be, not super polished.
As a brazilian we are very friendly and open arms with people. So I know the moment I move to Korea I'll feel it.
Nós, brasileiros, fazemos amizade facilmente e gostamos que as pessoas se sintam confortáveis quando estão conosco. Além disso, gostamos de nos reunir com amigos de diferentes grupos. Acho que, apesar dos problemas, vivemos a vida de forma mais leve e descontraída.
In Brazil, as in India or Spain, there are other extremes. Too loose.
Wow! You are brave to speak up about this😊Wish you well!
In Eastern countries, society is vertically build, meaning that people serve the system, not the other way round. That is why education is structured in this way - to raise obedient citizens. And everything you said is also important. You are a very intelligent person, and if you study medicine, you will make a great doctor. I wish you to be happy❤Greetings from Ukraine.
my sight after 1 year of learning about korean culture was shocking. There is no work-life-balance. They work the whole day with earning little money. So parents have to work both, have no time and space to raise children. The pressure through own family and from society is immense. Korea is parted into N communism and S materialism, both is inhuman, no human rights regarded, only exploitation without caring for human needs. No wonder, people get depressed, burnout and at last suicide. Such a society is damned to go down.
This discussion is fascinating and your analysis is intelligent and sensitive! Thank you!
this was a really interesting topic. as someone whose knowledge on South korea has been very limited to shows, i think this really broadened my perspective and also curiosity about the place and culture.
I think it’s great that you have found an outlet for your thoughts so they aren’t bottled up inside. In doing so, you have given me a greater insight into the culture of South Korea that isn’t usually portrayed by media or movies, or frankly UA-camrs. I’ve seen beautiful natural park areas in Seoul. Is it not convenient to get there? I also wondered if it’s not convenient to take short day trips out of the city. I’ve only seen pictures, but it looks like most people stay in the city when a large part of the country is absolutely beautiful countryside. Is that how it is?
Yeah hard to believe there’s no nature to escape to. I get that people are depressed. With more talk of therapy and self healing in this modern age, it’s hard to believe that hasn’t caught up to them there- or maybe they’re so groomed to this kind of social presence they’re completely removed from themselves. I wish them the best and the willingness to thrive in life when it comes to their happiness and wellbeing.
Very interesting perspective 🤔 Sounds like you've really contemplated these things. I respect that.
Thank you for your information!! I pray more joy comes to south Korea!
@fondaware8276 Korea certainly needs prayer, because the people are in a pitiful spiritual state, without realizing it.
Running away from The Lord God is not a good idea!
Thank you for shearing. Many people don't understand the struggle and pressure that one person is under or have to go through. We are all just humans and we all have feelings. Lets try to understand and be there for each other. Thank you again, because of your post I now understand Koreans a bit better. I am from the Bahamas and we are taught to always have our own thoughts and opinions. This is all so new to me.
Great video. Agree on all your points. I have heard many similar things regarding the social construct in South Korea.
Hey, Enzo, I just spent 10 weeks in SK, and 3 in Japan. I had a date with a Korean guy and what he told me about the work culture and the competition between companies was crazy - that must contribute to the unhappiness. I saw so much beauty in SK, hiked on Jeju (Hallasan), in Seoroksan, in Jirisan, and a guided walk on Bukhansan - I saw a fair number of Koreans hiking in Nature…I did get the feeling in Busan and Seoul that it would be easy to feel trapped in a lifestyle without much work/life balance.
Thank you very much for sharing your insights about this ... This explains so much ...
Love your point of view. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you Enzo for sharing this! I live in the US (Hawai’i) and I have always wanted to travel to South Korea and other Asian countries. I can definitely see how everything you are saying is accurate. It’s always good to keep in mind differences of cultures when you’re traveling and see how you can approach and navigate the landscape to meet your comfort level. Thank you for being vulnerable with your experiences and sharing these insights. It might not have been easy to do to compare but it’s great advice!! Take care ✨💫
Very interesting thoughts you have. Thanks for sharing those with us. We have been to Korea and I'm still learning Korean because we want to go back and learn more about the culture. We found the people in Seoul and Busan very kind to us and I have to say that we saw a lot of green (nature) but it's more clustered (is this good English? Sorry not my first language)than it is at home. But we agree with you that everything is so focused on work that it's a bit unsettling! When do they live and have fun? At least this seemed so to us, we are Belgians. But again, we liked the parts we saw in Korea and the people we met.
Thank You very calm and straight forward.
And i will add the thing that i also for 31 years i didnt know myself at all, i didnt asked myself what i like,what i enjoy,i was raised by a family who was thinking how to make money and survive,and i started 2 years ago to want to know more about myself,so is never to late,is a beautiful journey...whenever someone starts that will be fine...maybe i coulnt handle things if i would do that when i was younger!!! And i also like this video that you made Enzo im glad i saw it and i wish you a blessed year!
This felt like a chill video talking to a friend somehow, cant believe u only have 1k subs!! keep posting :)
Thank you for sharing. This has been insightful.
Thank you. Subscribed. My Kid married a Korean man (whom I adore.) This type of insight helps me to better connect with her new culture from 6500 miles away.
This makes me want to help in a way. I went through process of confronting and working through exactly what you’re describing. I don’t speak Korean but if I could I would be a self-esteem coach in South Korea.
These are really new perspectives that I normally don't hear. Thanks for bringing it to light.
He is very good at his communications. Thank you for the insights.
Good video! I lived in SK for 5yrs and loved it.
I agree. there is a lot of social pressure for people to be alike that’s it’s hard not to conform or stand out as an individual.
This is something I totally agree. I saw a lot of videos discussing about this but after interacting with them, especially my bf is korean. There are times that I would have difficult time understanding him (btw im fil) especially when he rather choose put a wall or shut himself. And when he has a problem he would really keep to himself, instead of like opening up to me. I mean we have been through a lot but still, he would prefer to be alone.
I thought he may be like that or he is like that, thats his personality but after working with koreans, i realized that they are the same if not, most of them. They don't do like ask for help in a medical sense when dealing with depression, not because they dont believe in mental health or something. They feel that it will not work. They think it wouldn't help in their situation. I just leave him alone, give him space but at the same time im worried as well but what could I do.
Hes sometimes like sweet but most of time hes not. But all i can say hes a provider and there for me when i need him but hes just like that. Like if its his problem, it doesnt concern me
From my limited experience of Korean culture I understand the culture to be more of collective rather than individualistic in nature. There is a rigid social hierarchy with many expectations of behaviour. Societies with class systems easily exclude people not reflecting the preferred norms and restrict access to privileges in order to keep power in the hands of a selected few.
Society and culture are not synonyms, but people use them as such. "Culture" is a myth, a propaganda term devoid of meaning, everything and nothing can be clasified as "culture", whose only intention is to supplant science and technology. The correct word in this context is "society", Korean society
Thank you for opening up about this. Without communication there can’t be change. The world and the problems we as humanity faces are very complex. We need exchange and being open for new and different ways of living.
Damn, this was honestly super insightful. I speak Korean and am often around Korean people. I've been told that I have the uncanny ability to make Korean folks open up but that's very uncommon (as in I cause this to happen more easily for them).
See this is what happens when thoughts are shared and people are allowed to critically think so thank you for making this vid man.
I believe treating people like individuals is the optimal way as it's how God looks at us; a community of individuals.
I hope to in some way help the Korean people i interact with though..I'm not sure right now what that'll look like...
Again thank you for making this man. God bless you.
What do you do to help them open up? Besides being magical and charming. Would you say that asking their opinions and taking them into consideration helps, or is there more to it than that? Sorry to grill you btw, I just want to teach in SK someday and I want to know how to make my students more comfortable with western education styles and social structures.
@meadow392 Id say I facilitate a lot of conversations by asking them about their life experiences and interests and connecting where I can relate. Then from there I take it a little further maybe some potential solutions to problems I've solved that are similar to theirs. Sometimes they aren't "problems" necessarily but just more ways to be stress free or showing how they can connect with others.
This is absolutely brilliant! I loved your mention of cortisol and urbanization. Spot on! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
SO fascinating. Thank you for this glimpse into this aspect of SK culture. I love learning about other people in the world, and this is a really personal experience to share. Each culture has it's own set of customs and boundaries which make them unique, and of course challenges that unite the culture as well. I wonder if some of these limitations on self expression for the culture there will change over generations....wish I could live long enough to see!
Hello Enzo, I am a Venezuelan woman living in Luxembourg. I have visited SK few times because I have a Korean friend. I totally agree with your points of view and comments. Actually, the elements you considered and the way to explained them were very inteligent!.
Love how in your conclusion you summarized your thoughts, exactly the way I was taught when doing essays or quick writes.
I've just started watching, and I like the realness in your conversation.
Interesting perspective. My Korean teacher (born and raised) and others on YT that now live in Seoul are all smiles, but I constantly hear the same thing. Makes me wonder if I ever move there temporarily how "welcome" I would be b/c in TX we are definitely more welcoming. And no UT shirt today, but I'll still say Hook 'Em :) - Kellie
I clicked on the video to practice my English, and I was pleasantly surprised by the peace and kindness conveyed in your voice. Keep up the great work! ☺️
I've been here for a month and it's so lonely here. people aren't really open to meeting strangers here so it's hard to meet new people. I can't explain what I'm doing wrong but I don't feel I'm entirely to blame. I look forward to going home soon. thanks for this video
Go to meetups. It's literally the same in NYC and probably any city in the world. Korea isn't going to fix your problems but it's a heck of a lot of fun....
Interesting perspective. In the West we have too much of the "I " expression now I understand why mother said moderate told us before you say "I" think "us" first then fully understand the expression of "I". Really enjoy your thoughts and help to understand differences. I WISH THEM HAPPINESS because they spead so much joy around the world with their talents. Also wish you find more joy in your life
❤Oh sweetie pie I just want to give you a hug and help you feel better❤ Youth is really hard on the young. When I was young in the 60’s and 70’s the cruelty of people was devastating in school because I was so unprepared to deal with it. We had cliques in the U. S. schools too, and still do but I see shows on these days that would have been so helpful to me back then. I’m glad Facebook wasn’t around because it might have destroyed me. A lot of us have PTSD from our youth. I read somewhere that Life isn’t the survival of the fittest, but the survival of the most adaptable. I’m much older than you but I’m still having to adapt and negotiate life, though I’m a lot better at it now. I understand finally that life is a series of challenges that I need to deal with, in some positive way, without choking the crap out of someone so I can feel good about how I handled the situation. I know I’ll survive because I have a 100% survival rate up till now. So do you! The surviving is freaking hard though. Voicing your thoughts is good for you whether or not you share them publicly. It does get better. Thank you ❤
When you are young you don't know how to play the game of life as you get older you learn but at the end of the day you find out a little to late just be kind and try to enjoy life hard at times though
I agree with you on all points. On holiday for a month in Korea and joined English classes in order to meet locals. I travelled with a 19-year-old granddaughter. Although my granddaughter was younger than most attending, her attitude to life is totally different. Should mention we're Australians and New Zealanders. We were there to make friends. They were there for verbs and adjectives. Heres me, struggling to remember which was which .😂 After 3 classes, we felt like we had become teachers. When I asked for opinions, they clammed up. Now I get it.
On nature or the lack of. I was constantly touching plants and trees whenever we were out and about. Even went into an enormous drain, which had a creek type waterway and trees growing in it. Maybe inadvertently craved nature.
Your direct, thoughtful sharing is refreshing. It's like you are a good friend sharing heartfelt observations with the intention to help others live well, as you said at the outset. I like seeing you think, followed quickly by a logical reflection. You illuminated an interaction I had with a person learning English who wanted to know how to pronounce a name in English. They said their teacher was mispronouncing it but they would not feel comfortable correcting the teacher. 감사합니다! 안녕히 겨세요
Thank you for sharing! 😊 I pray that things will change for the better.
It’s okay. We’re depressed here in the U.S too. Great video! Hope things will go well for you. Stay healthy and happy!
That's to do with Capitalism
This is so heartbreaking to hear. Its always been my absolute dream to visit south Korea. You will all be in my heart and prayers. I sincerely have always admired koreans for being just amazing and such a hardworking nature. It shows how much i dont know. Ive always admired other countries for keeping in touch with ancestrial roots and taking great care of older buildings and land. I know it doesnt help but theres so many of us around the world that would be more than happy to be a friend to all💜🙏🏼
Socializing is important...even though some friends can be draining. Learn a hobby that has no limit to how far you can take it. Grounding has importance...please look it up and find sand or grass to earth yourself as often as possible. Thanks for sharing
Since he attended school in So. Korea & the West, I yield to his observations which are insightful. This are based on his isolated So. Korean experience on the social "bubble" "exclusive" culture of his So. Korean young adult peers. But if this is actually a generalised condition of So. Koreans, this is disturbing because this is unsustainable in the long term for So. Korea in the coming decades. A growing population of emotionally unhappy- social introverts does not bode well for the prosperous survival of a nation.
Very interesting indeed. I guess it's like that in many cities. Where you don't touch nature, but here in NYC there are parks all over the place. But I think you have to make it a point to go to them. When I visited Korea, I did find places to be with nature. But as a visitor you make it a point to do these things when you visit.
come to the Philippines you will love here Pinoy are very hospitable, friendly and down to earth.
Wow man
U described everything in my heart, u totally right.
, but regarding nature, such as grass, trees, greenery, and so on, there are many pretty places. Go to the forests, they are rlly the most adorable thing..yep💠
Fascinating and makes a lot of sense! Thanks for putting this video together.
Thank you Enzo, thought provoking insight, I believe you are on the right track, when it comes to differences in identity.
Great chat, not everyone can go down to the Han River, every day.
I noticed that in Dramas, so much concrete, you are right, even if wealthy family houses have gardens, more of a yard.
Greenery definitely in short supply, sad 💯👏🤗
That explains a lot for the culture side of kdramas and what they became lately thanks for the video
Yes here in the west as long as I can remember we always had conversations around the dinner table .We intereacted with your siblings and parents.We even had conversation with our parents after school before school.We were allowe all the time to express our thoughts .And that carried through into adulthood.When my kids went off to college they always brought home kids were from other countries.And we had fascinating conversations getting to connect with one another.And some of these students have become life long friends.And you also mentioned something about nature.I think nature is very important to ones life.I do think it keeps us grounded and us from becoming to materialistic.It is nothing like being able to watch that mighty sunrise.Or go up the mountain12000ft.❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
You took the words out of my mouth..well said..
Insightful and resonated with my 9+ odd years in the ROK. Keep it coming!
It’s all make sense to me tbh . Great analysis of the issue 🙌🏻
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reflections. I appreciate what you say. You are well on your way to living a thoughtful life. May you discover what makes you happy! I look forward to more videos from you.
Randomly found this video and ended up watching all of it 😄 I thought I'd share something about my experience in Korea. I'm an Estonian living in Seoul and one of the reasons I love Korea is actually its nature. So here's something I'd like to add about South Koreans not being close to nature. I do agree with it to some extent but I would not say that South Korea does not have any nature. It really depends where do you live in Seoul, and also it can be very different if you live out of Seoul. I'd say that it's actually surprising how much nature you can find in a huge city like Seoul! The main reason is that Korea and Seoul as well has a lot of mountains (South Korea has over 4000 mountains). I started hiking after I moved to Korea. In my neighborhood there's a smaller mountain which is connected to Bukhasan national park (which is huge) and this where I take my daily walks. On a walk I've come across squirrels, a weasel, a mole, a pheasant, and even wild boars..all in Seoul 😊So I agree that Koreans, especially people living in big cities, have grown apart from nature. That is maybe why they don't go look for that nature, and don't see it around them either because they are used to taking a walk in a park instead of climbing up a mountain. It's very different for older Koreans who have grown up spending time in the mountains. The older generation loves going hiking, and I've seen some Korean elderly playing a flute or other instrument in the mountains. These days hiking has become more trendy and popular among young people but still whenever I go to the mountains to just chill and spend time in the nature it's hard to see other people my age doing it in Korea.
Hi Mariel!
Thanks for the comment.
After reading it all I think I was wrong with saying there’s no nature.
Rather it should be people not finding nature.
Thanks for helping me find a better answer😁
*btw i have plans on going hiking in bukhansan. We could go together if you’d enjoy😁
you did such a good job at explaining everything!! wonderful video
Great insights. Wow.
You have hit the nail on the head, every time!!... Good on you for verbally putting it out there. A fan from New Zealand..
really interesting and I can see you have thought about this difficult topic. I think they are very valid points. You speak very well. Many of us here in the UK are big followers of Kpop and Kdrama and because of that have an interest in what life is like in South Korea. Sadly we hear of many suicides and how hard it is in general life. I'll try to find your discord as it sounds a really connective community.
the theory of urbanization you talk about is quite interesting. Thank you for the explanation.
Great explanation! I lived in Texas and Taiwan growing up. You hit the nail on the head:)
I grew up in Lake Tahoe California and can't imagine not appreciating nature. But I do understand how different cultures can affect this appreciation and can't be judged for this. 🌺😉
As a korean-am in los angeles, idk on the skorea social group exclusivity since i never lived there but with my korean girlfriends, if we make another asian (esp if krn) friend, we welcome them since we are a minority. Aside from my korean gfs, even w my non asian gfs, we are cool to make new friends caz i think here we believe there is strength in numbers cause world is crazy here and we switch friend vibes, we like the many varieties & options (the american mindset). Not sure if its only due to skoreans tryna exclude ppl, just totally different mindset in this way too. Americans get super lonely too.
soo true , I agreed. here is Philippines we are happy people even after the Super typhoon we still;; manage to smile and hang out with our friends for karaoke .its not end of the world mindset
very insightful, I hope you rub off on the collective of people there and help encourage healthy change
Enzo It's Never About How many Followers you have it's all about your Personality, Thoughts and how you are as an Individual & you're Very Impressive and Deep. You are Very Good at addressing the Root Cause and put it in a Simple Manner. You're very Compassionate as well that you see that it's not Koreans Fault actually But the culture which is Going on and on like this with zero Changes. I hope all the citizens of that Beautiful Country Which have beautiful Language and Genens Can Grow their Mindset and live a Healthy and prosperous life🩷
May you Grow fast and gain lots of followers. Best wishes.
Very interesting discussion. I'm Jamaican, born and raised, and it's hard to imagine this culture because mine is so very social that it's stressful for an introvert like me. But thinking about growing up isolated like this makes me sad. I hope there's a culture shift in South Korea over time to help alleviate the loneliness.
Excellent video..
Thank you for such an eye opening points…
After watching dozens of films, documentaries and TV series, I've noticed that people in South Korea are afraid of how others see them, afraid of being judged, of being criticized. As a result, any attempt to be 'oneself' is non-existent. At least... that's what I've found.
A very thought provoking topic. It must make life so hard, and its already hard enough as it is. Thank you for the insight. Very informative and makes perfect sense.
I never knew this. I wish younger generations in SK or wherever will decide to break the chains that bind them and be their true self without worrying what family members, family, teachers or society in general thinks of them.
Growing older you will learn that you will have less and less friends every year, family members will die or continue their life without including you for whatever reason, however, you will need every one of them around you to grow emotionally and psychologically.
You need the bad, the ugly, and the good around you in order to become YOU, the best version of you.
Travel more, see other cultures and decide what's best for you.
Free yourself!
Thank you so much Enzo for your very interesting view and thoughts of South Korean people.
I have 3 make friends in Seoul and because of your video, I can understand them better.
Take care and good luck in your career. 🤗🙏
✅This is relatable about having no voice until you are 20. The honorifics are intimidating.🙌🙂
I think all go through a period of not knowing which direction they want to go! That is why I’ve always felt that the college set up allows people to pursue different avenues and make the decision in what direction they want to go towards the end of their college education. By exploring different avenues, it’s not surprising that many people will take a different route, but a happier route for them. Being young is just a difficult time, think about all the years ahead of you. It can be over stimulating. It is important to live in the moment with mild perspective towards the future. At least for your sanity. Those are my thoughts.
I have already visited South Korea. There are many people who were very open to us. But it was the older generation, not the young. That is certainly due to the intensity of work and then there is the family. Korea has over 70% forest and mountains. There are enough opportunities to experience nature. But it is not used that way. For the reasons mentioned above.....
from my observation, most koreans have more of a possessive personality so if they have plans with their friend, that friend is solely theres for that get together and no one elses. its like, im setting myself aside for you and you aside for me, like a friend reservation. in the states and many other places, gatherings is common to have everyone included and theyll always be cliques but for the most part, no one is never really excluded unless its like someones ex and they specifically say they dont want that person there. you are right though, koreans would be more happy if they had an open mind to unite. hopefully one day, itll be common practice to include everyone as if it was someones wedding or something.
Yes👍i agree with your point of mean🥺Anyways GOD change this situations in your country.be worship GOD✝️❤️😊
And I'm indian and also pray to GOD for your country 🙏❤️✝️😊
I'm so glad I found your channel. Your words made me think of my life, the mistakes I could've made/still making. Thank you! 감사합니다! Благодарю!
Greeting from Russia