Evidence against evolution (Part 3 of 6) One small speck to man - the evolution myth

  • Опубліковано 18 бер 2010
  • Discussion programme featuring 4 creationists explaining the evidence against the theory of evolution.
    Presented by surgeon Dr Vij Sodera, with guests David Rosevear PHD chemistry, Paul Garner BSc (Hons) geology/biology, Philip Bell BSc (Hons) zoology
    present observable evidence against evolution theory
    evidence against evolution one small speck to man the myth genesis revelation tv science proof fact discussion creation creationism creationist intelligent design movement ID theistic darwin theories theory God Jesus truth answers secular materialist materialism bias atheism atheist media


  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    The british museum and other media as the film shown shows that there is an intentional misleading by secularist scientists to shoehorn the lucy finding into some walking type human category when the evidence shows it had hands rather than feet.
    The close ups are focused on the thumb region and the analysis is by a medically trained surgeon

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    Quantum physics findings should make you doubt and question the Newtonian model of physics if you want something scientific to question it with.
    Particles of light and atoms being influenced by the observers presence, the same particles being able to exist in multiple locations simultaneously, these are things which science does not understand and yet all supposed scientific knowledge is built on top of these elements which are not understood at the fundamental level

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    The model in the british museum has Lucy standing which implies she was bipedal and this was a familar to her as to us, but studies have shown that Lucy's feet were not capable of bipedalism in the way conveyed by the museum model and other media
    lol 9:30 is from a tv programme depicting lucy's walking capability in other scenes, 9:45 is a model inferring bipedalism, the point is later discoveries of this fossil prove it has thumbs, so they wouldnt have walked as implied by the models

  • @dragonking700
    @dragonking700 14 років тому +1

    do you really believe humans are so similar to apes? do you want a list of the differences?

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    Actually there is a kink inwards on the Orangutan also with the thigh bone - this can be varied depending on how the bones are arranged, some layouts of lucy show a straight thigh bone.
    And the chimps hips are a similar width, though it is harder to make out the hip bones on the other two examples.

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    @Hooya3 - Evolution implies a continual divergence of new forms and we should be finding ever new phyla and body types mutating into existence throughout the fossil record and geological column. Yet as the graph shows all of the basic phyla or body type designs are present as far back as you can unearth, there is no evidence they came about by previous developmental stages.

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    He is saying that there were no new phyla discovered in that period - all the basic "phyla" were discovered in the early period
    The T stands for Tertiary Period I would assume.

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    I dont think you observed the chart carefully
    It has 34 sighted at the O - Ordovician Period
    The current discoveries are new types which have no current fossil record.

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    And the set of body skeletal characteristics make up the particular body type/plan.
    It is silly to think that humans could have evolved from a mollusc or spinal looking creature, why would intelligent and functional elements like limbs begin to mutate into existence? - this is evidence of intelligent design and creation/design, in fact all functional elements are.

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    If you do that google search as I did before you suggested it you will see what I said is true, the bones can be laid out at different angles, images of Lucy's fossil remain show this online.
    Do a search of gorilla hips or pelvis they are far from "vertical"
    Her "Lucy" acetabulum, however, was small and primitive. - Pelvic curvature
    Regardless of your interpretation of the images, the hand with thumb means walking as a standard is impossible

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    @Hooya3 - You have totally misunderstood the chart and the point the men are making. You should listen to the information without a reactionary judgmental attitude.
    The graph shows the times at which new phyla has been discovered - since the initial discover of most phyla in the ordovician period there have been no new discovering in the fossil record since then - it has remained constant until very recently and they are not documented previously in the fossil record.

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    You do not need to think of yourself as an ape, animal or vertebrate as these are naturalist animalistic terms which demean you as a human being and Spiritual being.
    90 million bits of intelligent functional programmed information and language code is not almost identical or possible to arise by accidental gene shifts and mutations.
    Maybe you should doubt astronomy on the grounds of dark matter, dark energy and dark flow which is hinges on yet does not understand.
    Quantum physics findings..

  • @GoldenLightD
    @GoldenLightD  14 років тому

    You can call yourself an ape if you like but that is only due to secularist brainwashing.
    Even a 3% difference in the genome between humans and apes equates to roughly 90 millions bits of information - not quite the similarity you imply.
    The fact that there have been a number of secular hoaxes designed to try and prove the theory of evolution should make you question the amount of faith required to believe it