Wonder if they modernized the rest of the crappy Hyundais here including the two generic-style ones at a different wing and the one sitting beside a Mitsubishi.
Didn't check the crappy ones at the Angsoka Wing so I don't know how they're doing now. The lone Hyundai in the Mahottama Wards is still unchanged as per Lingga's Elevator video so I won't bother with that. The Mitsubishis in the polyclinic and PJT building remain unchanged I think.
Finally they got the elevator into the original version!
The first talking elevator i've ever rode!
Wonder if they modernized the rest of the crappy Hyundais here including the two generic-style ones at a different wing and the one sitting beside a Mitsubishi.
Didn't check the crappy ones at the Angsoka Wing so I don't know how they're doing now. The lone Hyundai in the Mahottama Wards is still unchanged as per Lingga's Elevator video so I won't bother with that.
The Mitsubishis in the polyclinic and PJT building remain unchanged I think.
It's quite weird that the new voice says G instead of Ground, because the ones at Jio World Center do say Ground instead of G
I don't know what were the voice actor thinking when she made the English voice pack.
If it's on the ground floor, the voice should say "This is the ground floor" instead of " This is G floor"
@@idl3k_elev: Perhaps the only possible explanation is that the Ground floor announcement wasn't available at the time of this recording?
This is a common problem with some internationally-recorded English voices. They probably didn't realise that's what G stood for.
Kek kenal liftnya? Apa ini yg pernah mati indicatorny?
Coba, buka deskripsi video ini dan cari link video yang berkaitan dengan lift ini. That should answer your question.
@@idl3k_elev yeah i know after i open before youre replying this