Funny to think. People want aliens to introduce themselves but we can't even get along with each other. Honestly, I don't blame them for keeping their distance.
How can you introduce yourself to an ant ? Or say a bacteria 🦠? How can humans introduce themselves to a spider ? I guess my point here is we often ask why don’t they just come and say hi to us when in reality we can’t even communicate with most of not all species on our planet yet alone communicating with beings from other planets or dimensions .
Nesta ismail Plus, they might adhere to the Prime Directive policy. Interesting side note - after I typed “Prime” autocorrect suggested “Directive”. I would’ve lost that bet.
@Arthur Scott they do exist....well "UFO'S" was declassified in March or April of 2020....even have a space military force now...everyone was so distracted by covid19 outbreak that the news only covered it briefly.
UFOs have always been here throughout our entire history. Perhaps they were here before us too. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that they've always been here. Problem is, most people don't have the time to properly research this topic for themselves. They're so busy they just take the mainstream's word for it.
A. These had red and blue lights and up to 6 ft wingspans, probably gov. B. UFOs are probably not aliens. It is a technological offset between covert and overt technologies which began in WW2 and before, and extended and got exxacerbated with the continuation of the Cold War. The government has promoted the mythology since Kennith Arnold, Fred Chrisman (Murray Island) and Rosswell The Navy vids and 'To The Stars Academy' are some part of a government op, cant figure out their motive. Im way more concerned with the very real RNM and V2K
I'm in Maryland. On 12/14/24 we finally spotted one in the air behind our house. We got in the car to drive closer. It would move away then hover there going back and forth across the sky. When we stopped it stopped. When we pursued again it zoomed away FAST. Coolest shit ever. And this is a well populated area. We believe initially it was over Martin State Airport which houses part of the Maryland Air National Guard.
@bryce062211 Do you think it possibly could've been an air taxi? There's several models and the most recent one "Midnight" can fly over 100mph. It's a quiet drone. The company Advent said they would be doing test runs in late December so they can begin operating early next year. These test flight drones would be operating the test drives from major airports or one of Avent's facilities. The drones can last one hour on a single quick charge and can go as far as 50 miles.
@@bryce062211there are freaking creepy I must say. We saw one over around 500ft up like a small plane with green red and white lights and other as a small orb up in a sky. Nobody tell us what it is in NJ. Did they tell you what it was?
I flew my drone and people reported it as well. People think that nearly impossible things are much more probable than the mondane truth. The police called me and I confirmed it was mine and left me alone. I just wonder what they reported. "Help! There is an alien craft outside and Bigfoot is the pilot and the Nazis are controlling him!"
Damn, I made that comment a YEAR ago. I don’t remember this at all. Can you freaking believe it’s happening again now in NJ. This is unreal. WTF is going on?
I saw seven lights in the evening sky on Thanksgiving weekend in 2012. They were hovering over a country sideroad. They went from blinding white, to yellow, to orange, to deep red. Once they were all red, they formed a 'Y' directly over the road. I was parked on the shoulder, frantically talking to my girlfriend, describing what I was witnessing. I got out of my car to see them more clearly. They were completely silent!!! They stayed in their Y for about one minute, then began to go completely dark, one by one. Only one of them stayed lit up, in deep red, and it drifted slowly southward, towards Lake Ontario, which was only about one km away. What an experience!!!! I will never forget what I saw, and I know that they weren't man-made. No way.
@@cocainecowboy1717 it was back in November of 2012, so if I still have it, it'll be somewhere in my laptop, but next time I'm using it I'll take a look. If I find it we'll go from there.
@Jackie Price It's is spelt 'nuclear'. There has been a lot more openness about these UAP since the Nimitz gimbal video and the others were leaked. Veterans claim that the US even had security personnel to watch the UAP which regularly appeared quite openly over the nuclear test sites in Nevada in the 50s, just as they had appeared over Los Alamos etc. It also appears that a UAP activated Soviet ICBM launch codes at a Soviet base in the early 80s in a manner similar to the incidents with US ICBM control systems. Thus there clearly does seem to be a correlation with human nuclear weapons but I doubt very much that they mean us harm - if so why would they wait until we are more advanced?
My husband served on a submarine in the late 70s early 80s. He was on the Benjamin Franklin, then on an air craft carrier in the Mediterranean. The one that burned later, can't remember the name. He worked on the tower. One night he saw 5 objects flying in formation, really fast. They stopped and all broke formations and took off in different directions, really fast. Others saw it too.
Sorry just read a comment. Trump must be held accountable!!?? Rent free... Right after you hold the Democrats accountable for ripping the fabric of society apart.
@@mustertherohirrim7315 Trump admitted to trying to "overturn the result of the election". Also, those bad dems are just giving the Repubs what they want otherwise nothing will ever happen because Mitch also admitted to resisting anything the dems want unless it's lower taxes for the wealthy. What have the repubs ever done to make life better for Americans? Besides hate and fear mongering.
Master Yoda right but as soon as they cast Trump as prez, the ratings on Belzebob now they’re desperate. Low fly-bys, prominent abductions, whatever. Side note: please take Biden.
Tai Lopez you probably have indigenous blood, dumbass. Lol all you Mestizos are the same. Wanna be Spanish so bad but y’all are really Indigenous to the America’s.
@@damianlake7351 No but it seems that you are, I, myself, believe there are aliens out there somewhere but we have literally zero concrete evidence of it.
I saw a UFO outside my window as I was star gazing through my telescope, all I could see was an octagonal shape with the top 1/4 of the object missing and it had a repeating white and dull grey pattern that went into the middle of the object. I to this day remember that night and feeling so confused about what I saw but have yet to find any similar stories or events online documented...
About twenty years ago when I was out with my dog late in the evening, I saw something I can't explain till this day. I looked up at the stars and there were for light points in a square formation. I was watching them for a while and I was just thinking to myself: "That's weird, I don't know that constellation" when they started slowly spinning. So I thought: "Ah ok that's no stars at all but some kind of Airplane, satellite or helicopter" but then suddenly they moved away from each other in four different directions. In perfect synchronization and with an incredible speed. They were all out of sight in one or two seconds. I have never seen anything move or behave this way and since that day I have stopped laughing at conspiracy nuts and their alien theories.
Probably 30-35 years ago I had a similar experience. Strange lights in the sky, sometimes hovering, sometimes moving very fast, several different colors. I lived way out in the middle of nowhere (half a mile just to the nearest neighbor, 15 minute drive to nearest town) and sound carries a long ways in areas like that. I could actually see the lights dropping down in front of a hill probably 2-3 miles to the north, and yet there wasn't a sound... growing up out there, we could hear the cows from that general area, yet that night it was quiet. As a result of this (and other odd experiences growing up) I've long since known that there is much more to the universe than can be explained by modern science.
One time working an off duty law enforcement job my partner and I witnessed something similar other than it at first appeared to be three stars with the most southern one being the brightest and the second two lined up from north to south being dimmer. The most southern one took off first headed south with the other two following in uniform right behind it and in just a few seconds flat out of sight. My partner asked me what I thought it was and I told him that since we couldn’t identify them and they were much higher than aircraft fly that they were ufo’s and we weren’t going to mention it to anyone because I didn’t want to be shipped off to some damn nuthouse just because we witnessed what could only be identified as ufo’s.
Those are the fallen angels of Satan which have landed on earth. The forces of darkness. It sounds crazy but it's not. If you are a believer, the bible talks about cosmic powers and spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places Ephesians 6. People think they're aliens but really these are angelic beings that exist in the heavens and come to earth. Hence why all this craziness and evil activities are going on.
In the early 1980's one night my wife woke me up (amateur astronomer here) to see exactly the same thing (many) flying in formation over Pasadena, California. There were about 20 and at times for 15 minutes some of the white orbs appeared to "become" or "give birth" to another one which immediately joined the group in perfect harmony. That amazine event happened several times. Never covered by the news media but this was nearly 40 years ago, well before drones were ubiquitous. The flying patterns were not produced by any natural event and I've never seen them again until watching this video.
In perfect harmony? That might be a group of people in parachutes or some sort of flares. What direction was the group moving in? That might give you an idea to see if it was a formation of known objects falling due to gravity or the real deal. I saw a video from a UFO site where it seemed there were so many lights moving in formation, growing together and apart, but then I looked up the city and saw it was a skydiving group, who also posted their video on the internet. Not trying to rain in on your parade. I've seen some UFO's too, but I still have some logical explanation for some of them I haven't ruled out completely (because an average human does not have the equipment or records to verify this)
It was definitely aliens and they most likely crashed. It's been calculated that aliens have a 99% crash rate on earth. They can fly all around the stars, but they all crash land on earth :)
It's so funny how the media wants to call these "drones" even tho we have no clue what they are and not the much more appropriate UNIDENTIFIED Aerial Phenomena
Imagine a government that allows its citizens to freely operate drones and then also wastes resources to investigate people that are... freely... operating... drones...
Imagine property owners who complained to a responsive government about drones flying over their land, farms, etc. Something you wouldn't care about called privacy.
@@randomaxe662 First, you don't own the airspace above your "land, farms, etc." in the USA. It is public airspace, whether you like it or not. There is no minimum altitude that drones have to fly at, only a maximum which is the boundary line between where drones are allowed and where airplanes are allowed. Generally 400 feet up, but there are numerous details and exceptions dealing with keeping airplanes away from buildings, towers, obstacles, and so forth. Drones are generally allowed anywhere an airplane is not allowed, again with exceptions mainly dealing with keeping drones away from airports. Second, even on the ground, except in the immediate vicinity of your house/buildings, you have no right to privacy outdoors, and this has been true for a very long time in the USA. Research the "open fields doctrine" which allows people to observe and even enter and pass through your land. Drones are perceived as a problem, by people who overestimate their own rights to the airspace above their land. Meaning pretty much every property owner. It's just a matter of time before some of them end up in prison for interfering with the operation of drones, a federal crime.
Look at that blue planet we are passing Mommy lets go there..... oh gross what is that smell Thats pollution Marklar, roll up your window we dont stop at this planet.
Yea no shit. By repeatedly calling them something they clearly aren’t just imprints that nonsense into the masses minds. We must elevate our critical thinking and not be such sheeple.
@@alteredstates333 Critical thinking would lead one to the conclusion that the best, most likely answer for an small object moving though the night sky would be a drone. There are millions of them now. That doesn't make it a drone, but it is likely one. To conclude anything less would likely mean your argument is poisoned by personal bias. The Phoenix lights, on the other hand, weren't flares.
Deviant Affinity small? They have been reported to have over a 6 feet wingspan. I’m a drone operator myself and can tell you there aren’t many non manned drones anywhere close to that size outside military use bombers. So thinking that packs of them are stalking farmers for hours a night, which also by the way isn’t anywhere close to norm as drone batteries are notoriously weak, for a month isn’t exactly common sense. Critical thinking suggests we don’t conclude a single thing as conclusions by definition are closing doors with assurance we understand. And we don’t. I conclude nothing myself.
UFO files don't leak simply because they can't, they're very well protected and anybody leaking anything faces severe punishment. It's the mother of all national secrets, only few people need to be in the know at all times not a whole bunch of people all at once, those that knew in the past kept their mouths shut for the reasons above.
@Dave Religion is a big part of it for sure, it is however mainly because of the energy issue that we're still being held in the dark. It'd tip the whole oil industry on its head if we got free energy like ZPE (zero point energy), there's still big money to be made on fossil fuel and they'll be milking that for as long as they can polluting away without a care. By controlling what kind of energy we use, they basically control us in everything we do and that's the whole idea behind the cover-up and denial; it's all about that power and its structure. Once they let that go, we don't need them anymore and they lose their control over us and the way of the world. This they probably fear even more than admitting any ET existence, I sometimes wonder which will be revealed first; new energy forms or the ET reality...
@Dave Money would probably be made from free energy as well, but it's readily available everywhere in the atmosphere around us, hence the name free but yes we'd need some type of container or whatever for it. But money isn't really the main thing, it's the control thing. By keeping us on fossil fuel, they keep us depended on them they can rule as they have forever been as long as there's the control mechanism. With free energy, most if not all their control would be challenged. Good of course, but difficult to reach that point.
I just hope they don't say, "Take me to your leader."...this really isn't the time for that. They'd leave knowing there was no intelligent life forms here.
I have a few theories: 1. Other humans don't look up 2. Americans confuse easily 3. Drama for dramas sake 4. Aliens only bother the gullible 5. Whatever other idea you may have
Nah bro, those are demons. If it were aliens we’d be able to sense them at some point, no matter how advanced. Doesn’t make sense for them to be so secretive only to reveal themselves in the sky.
I just had a thought what if the flying lights in the sky are really just alien laser pointers and they are just messing with us kind of like we would with a cat
Klen McRock speed has a lot to do. Take for instance a bullet and throw it with your hand. Now take the same bullet and shoot it out of a gun. See where I’m going here. Speed makes a huge difference buddy.
@John Doe, the length of the drones are not a proven fact, just somebody’s uneducated guess. It’s impossible to know from an eyewitness account or a video the size or altitude of an unknown object in the sky without a known frame of reference, especially at night. -Gary Be well, be kind, and lead a good life
I feel sorry for Americans humans have been controlled for decades they've been slave & plus CNN put out UFOs on their Tv🤣😂😂😂🤫🤐🐑💉 but anyways & Y'all humans are stupid y'all always wonder when disclosure is going to take place & it's around them Everyday they do not realize it 🤣🤪👹Smh!
Lmao. Even if it is a drone why would they think everyone in eyesight needs to be notified. Typical cnn. Puffing up a story about nothing because 1 person was “outraged” over a light they can’t explain 😂
My friend and I saw the same thing in 2017 off Witter Gultch in Colorado. It moved in a very curious way, then shot off into the sky. It was not a drone, plane, or helicopter. It made no noise and moved so fast.
I just saw one for the first time and it was a ufo I believe in stuff like this but didn't really believe I was going to see one but I didn't it was unreal we have been lied to for years
@@timothytillman6513 yeah Tim I had a bizzare experience one night back in 97 and for a brief moment I feard for my life , and whatever it was it wasn’t of this world .
"flying objects that officials can't explain". The TLDR, officials explain the objects (drones) 59 seconds in. So the story is that nobody knows who is flying the drones. This is what cars must have been like in the 1890s.
No matter, e.ts are already here for a long Time but as long as humanity is fighting each other, they wont reveal themselves bc obviously Humans would attack them. We all need to stop fighting and come together as One global consciousness in order to make Contact. The Start of a new Journey lies within each One of us.
I agree 👍,these objects are defying all laws of physics we learned about back In science class in school, it's really mind boggling what these things can do
Which laws? The right ones or nonsense such as the THEORY OF RELATIVITY? The latter is based on two false assumptions, that gravity is constant and the speed of light is constant. Einstein's equations were "corrupt" according to Oppenheimer, who hoped old Albert would sort out the mess in time, but he didn't. There was no "Big Bang," nor do black holes exist; bad science.
No like Iran did in Saudi, severely damaging oil refining,could. Be terrorists practicing a mass drone attack on say the White House or nuclear plant, pretty simple unfortunately
S Stills, she is positing the idea that it’s a practice manoeuvre of some sort. Her implication is that it could be malicious, but honestly if it’s anything like that I would imagine it is military or private security. Think about it this way, the combat use of drones has so far been to replace strike fighters and Combat Air Patrols, but I can see the value of a smaller, shorter ranged variant used in groups for perimeter security of FOBs or convoys. If that is the case, they would need to write and test a program or algorithm to allow one pilot to easily and accurately coordinate or control multiple drones in a high stress situation and thus, at some point someone is gonna need to practice referencing satellite data to control a group over unfamiliar ground, which is what we could be seeing here. The fact that they seem to be a rather motley group of drones could point to it being a company attempting to develop this (so far mythical) control program for sale rather than it being an actual military project. Edit - In retrospect that really turned into a paragraph. My apologies.
I spotted something similar from my rooftop too here in Kenya sometime last year around September at 2100h. It appeared to be glowing yellow in the shape of a sphere while in a stationary position. At times the glow would get brighter making the object appear to be getting bigger but even from a far, one could tell it was a strange phenomenon. I starred at it for a while, 40min or so, and then it disappeared. Tried sighting it the next days and nights but my unidentified object never returned. I have been trying to make sense of this ever since and trying to make sight of such strange phenomenas in the sky has been kind of a routine every few hours (when I can) before going to sleep.
What you saw was a ufo! The amber light that flowed around it was the antigravity field it oxidizes the air and causes that rusted amber orange look around the craft. Research Bob Lazar he was a whistle blower that worked at Section 4 in Area 51 in the 70’s and 80’s and was recruited to reverse engineer the craft they found in an archeological dig. We have 9 of they that were abandoned maybe thousands of years ago! They use Element 115 as fuel ⛽️ it’s nit easily found in the universe however it’s abundant in planets 🪐 with binary star systems. These particular craft came from the data reticular star system is what was discovered. Anyway that’s my months long research in one paragraph hopefully that helps.
It's possible that you've been visited in the middle of the night. When you wake up are your pants pulled down around your ankles and is your anus wet? 👽☝👆
The fact you are investing time looking up deserves 🙌 👏, if more people did the same mankind would reach critical mass to force the authorities to acknowledge we are being visited by non human intelligences
Go to the map at 0:38 and then open a new tab and google nuclear silo locations in US - you'll notice a massive smattering of them in this exact area... The NHI is monitoring our nuclear capabilities most certainly.
Like Cave paintings of different ships and beings... Wood carving of a battle over medieval Germany... UFO in medieval paintings behind people... Stone carvings of ships and beings that aren't human... Tons of stuff people don't even know about but are easily Googled.
Object "Fired" at a wing because that object is not a drone as it would be impossible to fly without props basically they just fired metal into a wing. Oh a drone could make the plane crash, while on the ground ??? Because if their claiming that's a drone the plane is able to fly without wings in the same way a drone flies without pros !
Now they're calling UAP's "drones". Those aren't drones, honey. A drone wouldn't be carrying a super bright light. Drones run on batteries. People are so much in denial.
Saw a huge drone in Manteca Ca. some years ago, long before drones were popular. We followed it to a court there and discovered that it landed . After talking to the man controlling it he told us he had made it. It was about 8 feet wide and had lights all around it. There were rotating fan type motors about a foot apart that caused the lift.
@Madolina Degocelli Your sentences are so incoherent that they are hard to understand. I literally can't agree or disagree with you because I have no clue what message you are trying to convey.
you guys probably never heard if a digital zoom have you? try a max zoom with your latest phone camera and see crystal crisp image you produce. that’s the case of bad shots and ofc you want to zoom as on camera objects appear further away than to naked eye unless you have a telescope lens and a good camera which I doubt most of population has especially at any random time.
No one gives a damn about the sheriffs office... everyone knows they don't have enough funding to actually investigate it therefore whatever they say about it is pure speculated opinion
I have seen so many un identified flying objects in my lifetime and just because someone also sees one and calls CNN does not mean its the only one.One time i was star gazing at 4am and saw this object zoom past Orion and I was like-Just another UFO.Ofcourse we are not alone in this Universe, it would be foolish to think so
@@GalacticNovaOverlord it was not a meteor-i am sure.I only wished they would have taken me and made me the spokesperson for their needs on earth.I GAZE at the stars, seen a few UFOs in my lifetime, and I am 100% sure we are not alone.some are much much more intelligent than us
Cringe. Watch some debunking videos and you will realise why people don't take u seriously...... You need to see how easily debunked the nonsense that you believe in is. Really tho it will help
@@mitchdevi6432 Why would I want to hide under a bridge. I don’t think there is any bridges in my entire city. 😂 but yeah UFOS are here for centuries and they’ve just being wasting all these resources to just float around and do nothing 😂 makes sense. That’s logical. And anybody who doesn’t believe that very sound logic, must belong, UNDER A BRIDGE 😂😂😂
Freedom is not Free.. DOMINION AI MACHINES are still in use around the world to control elections . Satanic CCP has control of all you DEMONCRACKS and you GOP TRAITORS. BinDonkeys EO's are NAZIS rules BACK in CONTROL FACISM, COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM. NATO. UN they are SATANIS. The FBI/CIA/NSA/NASA/FEMA/IRS NO MORALS, Two hearted lies are all FAKE NEWS. And the worst BIG Tech is CENSORHIP ..Voice of the people of America is gone. V@x Sin is fake & Death. .Prepare protect your children against CHILD TRAFFICKING and your people. Prepare yourself for the great horrible reveal that they did to the Children's lives. Told you So, you voted the Swamp back in demoncracks. WAKE UP out of your hate, maybe never, demoncrack are programed. YOUR NEXT on your own list. OH! CCP china just banned the Pfiel V@X SIN ... Killing to many people .pass the word...About your stimulus chks . Prisoners also Prisoners' on death role are getting $2500 tax free each. ha cry now demons......Pakistan gender training is getting 1 Billon $$$ your taxes helping others not u ..........we are fighting under DC removing the DUMPS . OORAH!!.............
Funny to think. People want aliens to introduce themselves but we can't even get along with each other. Honestly, I don't blame them for keeping their distance.
Waldo Wall why are you so obsessed with fucking aliens
How can you introduce yourself to an ant ? Or say a bacteria 🦠? How can humans introduce themselves to a spider ? I guess my point here is we often ask why don’t they just come and say hi to us when in reality we can’t even communicate with most of not all species on our planet yet alone communicating with beings from other planets or dimensions .
Yep. Too many people dividing rather than uniting.
They’re just waiting for us to leave so that they can have the parking spot.
Nesta ismail Plus, they might adhere to the Prime Directive policy. Interesting side note - after I typed “Prime” autocorrect suggested “Directive”. I would’ve lost that bet.
These sightings were happening well before the drones were invented.
yeah its called rc planes been flying since early 90s
@Arthur Scott they do exist....well "UFO'S" was declassified in March or April of 2020....even have a space military force now...everyone was so distracted by covid19 outbreak that the news only covered it briefly.
UFOs have always been here throughout our entire history. Perhaps they were here before us too. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that they've always been here. Problem is, most people don't have the time to properly research this topic for themselves. They're so busy they just take the mainstream's word for it.
A. These had red and blue lights and up to 6 ft wingspans, probably gov.
B. UFOs are probably not aliens. It is a technological offset between covert and overt technologies which began in WW2 and before, and extended and got exxacerbated with the continuation of the Cold War. The government has promoted the mythology since Kennith Arnold, Fred Chrisman (Murray Island) and Rosswell
The Navy vids and 'To The Stars Academy' are some part of a government op, cant figure out their motive. Im way more concerned with the very real RNM and V2K
@DanMlg Diaz
T23Bs are US government
History repeats. This description is exactly of those invading the east coast 2024.
Including the description of being 6 feet wide! 😮
Look hard enough, you can probably find someone that used that exact same script this go around
Looks like the orb seen over Mecca years ago
@@rayerscarpensael2300 What if alien are human from far future that time travel to this timeline with most advance technology
Who came here after the recent December sightings? I'm curious what others think they are.
I'm in Maryland. On 12/14/24 we finally spotted one in the air behind our house. We got in the car to drive closer. It would move away then hover there going back and forth across the sky. When we stopped it stopped. When we pursued again it zoomed away FAST. Coolest shit ever. And this is a well populated area. We believe initially it was over Martin State Airport which houses part of the Maryland Air National Guard.
@bryce062211 Do you think it possibly could've been an air taxi? There's several models and the most recent one "Midnight" can fly over 100mph. It's a quiet drone. The company Advent said they would be doing test runs in late December so they can begin operating early next year. These test flight drones would be operating the test drives from major airports or one of Avent's facilities. The drones can last one hour on a single quick charge and can go as far as 50 miles.
Yep, so it already did happen before wow did anything say what it was ?
@@bryce062211there are freaking creepy I must say. We saw one over around 500ft up like a small plane with green red and white lights and other as a small orb up in a sky. Nobody tell us what it is in NJ. Did they tell you what it was?
It's the orbs, what is it? Still no answers. The drones are human we're looking at something else with the spheres/orbs
Aliens be like, “Let’s mess with them. Turn on the exterior lights. It drives them crazy”.
Like deer staring in the car lights
Not Aliens those are chariots. Read your bible it explains what they are .Zechariah 5
@@taburdine1 aliens ARE 'God", what our ancestors understood as "angels".
@@nooneatall9479 my mom says the same thing, I dont disagree either
we're just stupid apes looking at flashing lights in the sky to them
How are you going to call them drones when you haven’t even identified what they are?
Only gork brained chimpanzees dont know Aliens are all over earth
@@VG-rj8pn what the HECK is a gork???
@@lostpockets2227 look it up
I flew my drone and people reported it as well. People think that nearly impossible things are much more probable than the mondane truth. The police called me and I confirmed it was mine and left me alone. I just wonder what they reported. "Help! There is an alien craft outside and Bigfoot is the pilot and the Nazis are controlling him!"
@@indridcold8433 you're as stupid as it gets. Tell your bull walking
"it would also explain..." --- why this video ended abruptly.
phlezk agreed
Aliens 👽
The mystery depends.
communication satellites...EMP
Brian C EMP as in Electro magnetic pulse? Because if that’s what you mean then everything electronic would be dead.
Why the hell are they calling them drones while at the same time admitting they don’t know what they are.
Asked that same question after watching a Timelapse video of the New Jersey drones.. creepy
Damn, I made that comment a YEAR ago. I don’t remember this at all. Can you freaking believe it’s happening again now in NJ. This is unreal. WTF is going on?
sound familar?????
I honestly though I was going to see a clear object flying above those mountains like the thumbail, not a blurry light at night!
At least you got to see some nice smartphone footage of Venus.
I’ve seen them they look like a blurry light.
@@JoeBlac you're joking right, thats no venus, angular size too small to even occupy a handful of pixels
@@zazugee smartphone digital zoom will do that.
@@JoeBlac there is a limit to what digital zoom can do
you never took a picture of stars or planets with your phone
Why even post any of the story if you’re going to cut it off in the middle?
Fake news
I expect nothing less from CNN,most trusted name in fake news.
Because that's how liberals work
3☝️dumbass bitches
Lorita Alanzo exactly. Hate that
Clearly, if the government or military isn't showing much interest, they know full well what's going on. They're just not telling the locals.
Exactly, why would they lol. Hell they gotta prepare for these terrorist attacks.
Master Carl wouldn’t be the first time. But hey you already know that don’t you. : )
Or its worse then anyone thinks
May be it's them. They are testing new technologies.
@@namenotavailable9989 bingo. There it is. I used to live in the area, these things are quite common. It's just us.
Did they ever figure this out? Seems so similar to what’s been happening in New Jersey right now. (Dec. 2024)
Sounds like officials explained the flying objects about 45 seconds in.
Everyone here is concerned about UFO’s, I’m concerned for that guy that said “25 miles, square, radius”
What is wrong with that statement? It translates to an area with a radius of 25^2 miles
@@moshet842 so a line distance radius of 625 square miles .... get out
@DARKCAVE Most of you humans are. True.
yeah, ya gotta watch dat square radius, espessially when ya gotta line up in a circle
@DARKCAVE Dude that's exactly what it means. An area that is 25 square miles is equivalent to the area of a square that is 25x25 which is 25^2.
Caveman: Grug see light in sky, Grugg think no natural.
Cave Media: Grugg see nothing, probably birds on fire.
A firefly splatter they didn’t clean off of the phone camera? 😂😂😂
Caveman Chief: You Grug say you see nothing or Chief smash Grug head to pieces and make Grug disappear!
@@walterdayrit675 Men In Black (Bearskins)
Probably birds on fire lol that’s hilarious lol
Who's here in December 2024?
I saw seven lights in the evening sky on Thanksgiving weekend in 2012.
They were hovering over a country sideroad. They went from blinding white, to yellow, to orange, to deep red. Once they were all red, they formed a 'Y' directly over the road.
I was parked on the shoulder, frantically talking to my girlfriend, describing what I was witnessing.
I got out of my car to see them more clearly. They were completely silent!!!
They stayed in their Y for about one minute, then began to go completely dark, one by one.
Only one of them stayed lit up, in deep red, and it drifted slowly southward, towards Lake Ontario, which was only about one km away.
What an experience!!!!
I will never forget what I saw, and I know that they weren't man-made.
No way.
Mike, is there any way you could send this picture to me?
@@cocainecowboy1717 it was back in November of 2012, so if I still have it, it'll be somewhere in my laptop, but next time I'm using it I'll take a look.
If I find it we'll go from there.
@@Bannysadkosays2u awesome, i appreciate it brother!
@@Bannysadkosays2u same here.
Awesome man post pic
Just call them drones and everyone gets to live and go on about their day. How foolish.
@Jackie Price It's is spelt 'nuclear'. There has been a lot more openness about these UAP since the Nimitz gimbal video and the others were leaked. Veterans claim that the US even had security personnel to watch the UAP which regularly appeared quite openly over the nuclear test sites in Nevada in the 50s, just as they had appeared over Los Alamos etc. It also appears that a UAP activated Soviet ICBM launch codes at a Soviet base in the early 80s in a manner similar to the incidents with US ICBM control systems. Thus there clearly does seem to be a correlation with human nuclear weapons but I doubt very much that they mean us harm - if so why would they wait until we are more advanced?
Their waiting their turn. Just like the ash filled earth today.
We aren’t the only ones in this whole universe
Mr EDH Exactly. The lying should stop.
The universe is way too big for humans to be the only civilized life. There should even be other life in our galaxy.
@@simiankleurde1544 There is! Check Dr. Steven Greene (and ;-)
They've been visiting for a very long time
@@trainwrecktoldya5298 dogong tribes
I was lured here by the implication that this video would contain flying objects in daylight, not a nondescript nocturnal light. Downvote.
"It would also explain-"
This made me laugh. Thank you.
My husband served on a submarine in the late 70s early 80s. He was on the Benjamin Franklin, then on an air craft carrier in the Mediterranean. The one that burned later, can't remember the name. He worked on the tower. One night he saw 5 objects flying in formation, really fast. They stopped and all broke formations and took off in different directions, really fast. Others saw it too.
It was probably the red arrows
Sorry just read a comment.
Trump must be held accountable!!??
Rent free...
Right after you hold the Democrats accountable for ripping the fabric of society apart.
@@mustertherohirrim7315 Trump admitted to trying to "overturn the result of the election".
Also, those bad dems are just giving the Repubs what they want otherwise nothing will ever happen because Mitch also admitted to resisting anything the dems want unless it's lower taxes for the wealthy.
What have the repubs ever done to make life better for Americans? Besides hate and fear mongering.
@@aliensarerealttsa6198 Trump's tax cut for the rich benefitted the top few percent of Americans (at the expense of the rest of us.)
@@trufom6926 True.
Just let them be, they are the alien film industry. They are just trying to continue the series about us.
Master Yoda right but as soon as they cast Trump as prez, the ratings on Belzebob now they’re desperate. Low fly-bys, prominent abductions, whatever. Side note: please take Biden.
Their sequels are always terrible.
@@hifismiffy Yeah, sometimes no character development. though it looks like they want to make the plot interesting this time
Genre: horror
looks like they changed the genre disaster because this August (probably counts a one chapter) is full of disasters and accidents
Satellites don't hover in one spot or fade in and out, or make right and left turns yes they do
Ask the indigenous peoples, elders will tell stories.
This whole recent phenomenon has already been explained and verified as RC drones... CNN is late to the party
This is from Jan 2, 2020
They've been coming here forever ppl. Wake up.
Tai Lopez your just mad at Native Americans because ur ass is stuck in Mexico huh??
Tai Lopez you probably have indigenous blood, dumbass. Lol all you Mestizos are the same. Wanna be Spanish so bad but y’all are really Indigenous to the America’s.
@Develop Robes I was told ask elders questions if you don't understand somethings
Why can’t it be aliens anymore?....
LOL yes the Orbs!!!
...because drones are a far easier explanation. You can buy them on ebay, any day of the week. Aliens however we have no evidence for currently.
@@damianlake7351 we have zero evidence of aliens.
@@retrolean7129 doesn't mean they're aliens
@@damianlake7351 No but it seems that you are, I, myself, believe there are aliens out there somewhere but we have literally zero concrete evidence of it.
*why are all ufos and bigfoots filmed with a potato?*
Because the gullibility of the human species is only surpassed by its propensity for confirmation bias.
@jameslock1 That was the point? how come no one with a "real camera ever catches this stuff"
@jameslock1 unfortunately, yea we don't make a habit of keeping a $5,000 camera in our pockets LOL
@@anthonymiller7992 you just need the new Iphone 11 according to the ads for it :D
I saw a UFO outside my window as I was star gazing through my telescope, all I could see was an octagonal shape with the top 1/4 of the object missing and it had a repeating white and dull grey pattern that went into the middle of the object. I to this day remember that night and feeling so confused about what I saw but have yet to find any similar stories or events online documented...
Listen to Art Bell. You’ll find a similar story there.
Take your scope to the gulf of Mexico, pick a bay near san diego
Why didn’t you record it?
@@Obe411 the telescope wouldn’t allow for such recording and whatever it was, was way to far away.
Alien be like: I'm about to end WW3's career
Time for a third faction
this comment is underrated 😂
They can come get me
Maybe then the world would learn to work along bro
Hello people of 2024
ET wants his M&Ms and he's pissed.
The Aliens are like the French theyre coming down to see what the hecks going on.
Reese's pieces
That's a nice clown you have for profile...
It was Reeses pieces
TheRealColdfire Exactly.
About twenty years ago when I was out with my dog late in the evening, I saw something I can't explain till this day. I looked up at the stars and there were for light points in a square formation.
I was watching them for a while and I was just thinking to myself: "That's weird, I don't know that constellation" when they started slowly spinning. So I thought: "Ah ok that's no stars at all but some kind of Airplane, satellite or helicopter" but then suddenly they moved away from each other in four different directions. In perfect synchronization and with an incredible speed. They were all out of sight in one or two seconds.
I have never seen anything move or behave this way and since that day I have stopped laughing at conspiracy nuts and their alien theories.
Probably 30-35 years ago I had a similar experience. Strange lights in the sky, sometimes hovering, sometimes moving very fast, several different colors. I lived way out in the middle of nowhere (half a mile just to the nearest neighbor, 15 minute drive to nearest town) and sound carries a long ways in areas like that. I could actually see the lights dropping down in front of a hill probably 2-3 miles to the north, and yet there wasn't a sound... growing up out there, we could hear the cows from that general area, yet that night it was quiet.
As a result of this (and other odd experiences growing up) I've long since known that there is much more to the universe than can be explained by modern science.
One time working an off duty law enforcement job my partner and I witnessed something similar other than it at first appeared to be three stars with the most southern one being the brightest and the second two lined up from north to south being dimmer. The most southern one took off first headed south with the other two following in uniform right behind it and in just a few seconds flat out of sight. My partner asked me what I thought it was and I told him that since we couldn’t identify them and they were much higher than aircraft fly that they were ufo’s and we weren’t going to mention it to anyone because I didn’t want to be shipped off to some damn nuthouse just because we witnessed what could only be identified as ufo’s.
Those are the fallen angels of Satan which have landed on earth. The forces of darkness. It sounds crazy but it's not. If you are a believer, the bible talks about cosmic powers and spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places Ephesians 6. People think they're aliens but really these are angelic beings that exist in the heavens and come to earth. Hence why all this craziness and evil activities are going on.
How far were you from a military base?
I seen the cigar shaped ufo 20 years ago blew my mind. Yes me to I don’t laugh at what others say anymore either
came here after the drone and orb sightings the past month. all over the news
"O boy" Iran's ghost is hunting
Lol! 😂
It started before the incident tho
In the early 1980's one night my wife woke me up (amateur astronomer here) to see exactly the same thing (many) flying in formation over Pasadena, California. There were about 20 and at times for 15 minutes some of the white orbs appeared to "become" or "give birth" to another one which immediately joined the group in perfect harmony. That amazine event happened several times. Never covered by the news media but this was nearly 40 years ago, well before drones were ubiquitous. The flying patterns were not produced by any natural event and I've never seen them again until watching this video.
In perfect harmony? That might be a group of people in parachutes or some sort of flares. What direction was the group moving in? That might give you an idea to see if it was a formation of known objects falling due to gravity or the real deal.
I saw a video from a UFO site where it seemed there were so many lights moving in formation, growing together and apart, but then I looked up the city and saw it was a skydiving group, who also posted their video on the internet.
Not trying to rain in on your parade. I've seen some UFO's too, but I still have some logical explanation for some of them I haven't ruled out completely (because an average human does not have the equipment or records to verify this)
It was definitely aliens and they most likely crashed. It's been calculated that aliens have a 99% crash rate on earth. They can fly all around the stars, but they all crash land on earth :)
Виждал съм същото преди 30 години в България. Тогава нямаше дронове.
Sounds like it was CRITTERS.
How weird I'm watching this the day after christmas 2020
same bro
I’m his friend and yeah no joke we saw them but they could’ve been spotlights
@Secoda yeah that’s what I said
It's known as Boxing Day...
That's because UA-cam's algorithm is on some weird shit lately. Lol
Wow, that was January 2020. How ironic we are in a similar situation now at the end of 2024 close to the new year.
If they say Take me to your leader, who else would be too embarrassed to tell the truth?
superque4 I’ll tell them to go to New Zealand, they have a pretty decent leader.
@paul sticks Agreed!!
@paul sticks Agreed!!
Me me me!
@paul sticks doesn't Hillary hate men and is involed in a scandal that got the FBI INVOLVED!? but on the bright side we getting a new cod dlc in iran
It's so funny how the media wants to call these "drones" even tho we have no clue what they are and not the much more appropriate UNIDENTIFIED Aerial Phenomena
"it would also explain-" ended abruptly
Video editing 10/10
Oh this is CNN no facts available.
Ive been seeing them in Milton Florida for about 8 years. Up to 12 hour flight times, with white, green, and red lights, only at night.
For 8 years? Did anyone tell you what it was?
Imagine a government that allows its citizens to freely operate drones and then also wastes resources to investigate people that are... freely... operating... drones...
One hand doesnt know what the other hands doing..
Imagine property owners who complained to a responsive government about drones flying over their land, farms, etc. Something you wouldn't care about called privacy.
@JFresco yeah man conservatives are paranoid ass motherfuckers
First, you don't own the airspace above your "land, farms, etc." in the USA. It is public airspace, whether you like it or not. There is no minimum altitude that drones have to fly at, only a maximum which is the boundary line between where drones are allowed and where airplanes are allowed. Generally 400 feet up, but there are numerous details and exceptions dealing with keeping airplanes away from buildings, towers, obstacles, and so forth. Drones are generally allowed anywhere an airplane is not allowed, again with exceptions mainly dealing with keeping drones away from airports.
Second, even on the ground, except in the immediate vicinity of your house/buildings, you have no right to privacy outdoors, and this has been true for a very long time in the USA. Research the "open fields doctrine" which allows people to observe and even enter and pass through your land.
Drones are perceived as a problem, by people who overestimate their own rights to the airspace above their land. Meaning pretty much every property owner. It's just a matter of time before some of them end up in prison for interfering with the operation of drones, a federal crime.
A satellite? That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard
Alien children be like: dad we want to go play to another planet.
People on earth: mysterious unidentified flying object were seen dancing in the sky.
Look at that blue planet we are passing Mommy lets go there..... oh gross what is that smell
Thats pollution Marklar, roll up your window we dont stop at this planet.
@@irieite9666 lol
Nah, these Aliens get high as hell, and they come here to watch this comedy show live on earth, I hope one day I can spark a blunt with one of them😂
looking at this in mind blowing
"Drones", now that's funny. In '97 they called the Phoenix Lights "Flares."
Yea no shit. By repeatedly calling them something they clearly aren’t just imprints that nonsense into the masses minds. We must elevate our critical thinking and not be such sheeple.
@@alteredstates333 Critical thinking would lead one to the conclusion that the best, most likely answer for an small object moving though the night sky would be a drone. There are millions of them now. That doesn't make it a drone, but it is likely one. To conclude anything less would likely mean your argument is poisoned by personal bias.
The Phoenix lights, on the other hand, weren't flares.
Phoenix lights have been soundly debunked, 2 incidents, one planes flying in formation, another flares dropped behind a mountain
Deviant Affinity small? They have been reported to have over a 6 feet wingspan. I’m a drone operator myself and can tell you there aren’t many non manned drones anywhere close to that size outside military use bombers. So thinking that packs of them are stalking farmers for hours a night, which also by the way isn’t anywhere close to norm as drone batteries are notoriously weak, for a month isn’t exactly common sense. Critical thinking suggests we don’t conclude a single thing as conclusions by definition are closing doors with assurance we understand. And we don’t. I conclude nothing myself.
Rujewitblood hahaaaaaa. Yea.....
Our government has known about this for years.They should tell us the truth.
UFO files don't leak simply because they can't, they're very well protected and anybody leaking anything faces severe punishment. It's the mother of all national secrets, only few people need to be in the know at all times not a whole bunch of people all at once, those that knew in the past kept their mouths shut for the reasons above.
@Dave Religion is a big part of it for sure, it is however mainly because of the energy issue that we're still being held in the dark. It'd tip the whole oil industry on its head if we got free energy like ZPE (zero point energy), there's still big money to be made on fossil fuel and they'll be milking that for as long as they can polluting away without a care. By controlling what kind of energy we use, they basically control us in everything we do and that's the whole idea behind the cover-up and denial; it's all about that power and its structure. Once they let that go, we don't need them anymore and they lose their control over us and the way of the world. This they probably fear even more than admitting any ET existence, I sometimes wonder which will be revealed first; new energy forms or the ET reality...
@Dave Money would probably be made from free energy as well, but it's readily available everywhere in the atmosphere around us, hence the name free but yes we'd need some type of container or whatever for it. But money isn't really the main thing, it's the control thing. By keeping us on fossil fuel, they keep us depended on them they can rule as they have forever been as long as there's the control mechanism. With free energy, most if not all their control would be challenged. Good of course, but difficult to reach that point.
I'm sure other countries have alien tech as well then
Private companies have the info, even high ranking officials cant get access to the info
Bruh the aliens come here to visit us and than they see what it is than there like nope I’m good
Ken Rascon made a joke of what’s America so yea
If they came to Yuma County Colorado, there isn’t anything to see here. There might be 2-3 thousand people in the entire county.
I just hope they don't say, "Take me to your leader."...this really isn't the time for that. They'd leave knowing there was no intelligent life forms here.
What did I just read? Did your mind just takes a shit while on the Internet?
Same thing happening in New Jersey 4 years later.
Why are Unidentified Flying Objects seen Only in the USA ?
I have a few theories:
1. Other humans don't look up
2. Americans confuse easily
3. Drama for dramas sake
4. Aliens only bother the gullible
5. Whatever other idea you may have
Its a worldwide phenomenon, uk, poland, Portugal, russia. Saying they are only seen by americans is stupid
Because they have Area 51😅
Aanand Kumar you’re dumb af if you think that
Aanand Kumar Farr from the truth
"I'm not saying its aliens but it's aliens".
What? Didn’t watch beyond the clickbait title?
Nah bro, those are demons. If it were aliens we’d be able to sense them at some point, no matter how advanced. Doesn’t make sense for them to be so secretive only to reveal themselves in the sky.
Best comment goes to ...
The logic is strong with this one
@@Anne_one demons
We were invaded but then found out they would have to self quarantine for a year and went back home
The Wiseman 🤣🤣🤣
@@dnr2089 do not resuscitate
Who here in 2024
I just had a thought what if the flying lights in the sky are really just alien laser pointers and they are just messing with us kind of like we would with a cat
There is that possibility. Could explain why they seem like they’re from other dimensions. Projected beams. Hey, ynever know.
You're the one by the comment who doesn't get handed the bowl.
They have UFO's at S4 (area 51). Bob Lazar, former Are 51 scientist who worked on it, talked about it. He leaked it.
@@USA92 Be nice. Pass the bowl.
Someone said the same thing about Skywalker Ranch.
It tripped me out when i read it .
1:44 is proof planes cant penetrate a steel building..............
@Donald Floyd hes just a kid or teen on the internet leave him alone
What does the speed have to do with the strength? You make no sense. Seems like a smart kid to me.
Klen McRock speed has a lot to do. Take for instance a bullet and throw it with your hand. Now take the same bullet and shoot it out of a gun. See where I’m going here. Speed makes a huge difference buddy.
They don't appear after dark, it's just the time of day that our eyes can see them.
Hate speech will be reported.
@@1jediwitch nigga
@Marci Lee Nelson-Murray that's a possibility
I see them only during dark and I see them every week.
@@myspace1876 pictures? Lol
It happened here six nights ago! They were silent as can be! Not drones!
"Video captures flying objects officials can't explain"
Ikr. I was like wtf.
These drones are around for many centuries
@John Doe, the length of the drones are not a proven fact, just somebody’s uneducated guess. It’s impossible to know from an eyewitness account or a video the size or altitude of an unknown object in the sky without a known frame of reference, especially at night.
Be well, be kind, and lead a good life
Haha for real though
"And pray that there's intelligent life up above, cause there's bugger all down here on earth"
Best song ever!
Aliens are filming season 20,199 of the tv show “Humans are idiots”
I feel bad for people that politicize everything.
Naw, they film that over Orlando ...
SuperSomebody101 hahahahahahaha you must be an Aussie that’s our humour love it 😆😆
I feel sorry for Americans humans have been controlled for decades they've been slave & plus CNN put out UFOs on their Tv🤣😂😂😂🤫🤐🐑💉 but anyways & Y'all humans are stupid y'all always wonder when disclosure is going to take place & it's around them Everyday they do not realize it 🤣🤪👹Smh!
“That little dot right there”. Is this for real? That’s the most underwhelming “evidence” I’ve ever seen
Swear 😅
Lmao. Even if it is a drone why would they think everyone in eyesight needs to be notified. Typical cnn. Puffing up a story about nothing because 1 person was “outraged” over a light they can’t explain 😂
No they’re very overwhelming I have a video too
This video starts off talking about unidentified objects seen in the sky and then go’s into talking about drones’s not drones.
My friend and I saw the same thing in 2017 off Witter Gultch in Colorado. It moved in a very curious way, then shot off into the sky. It was not a drone, plane, or helicopter. It made no noise and moved so fast.
I just saw one for the first time and it was a ufo I believe in stuff like this but didn't really believe I was going to see one but I didn't it was unreal we have been lied to for years
@@timothytillman6513 yeah Tim I had a bizzare experience one night back in 97 and for a brief moment I feard for my life , and whatever it was it wasn’t of this world .
"flying objects that officials can't explain". The TLDR, officials explain the objects (drones) 59 seconds in. So the story is that nobody knows who is flying the drones. This is what cars must have been like in the 1890s.
Yep, people are too easily frightened.
No matter, e.ts are already here for a long Time but as long as humanity is fighting each other, they wont reveal themselves bc obviously Humans would attack them. We all need to stop fighting and come together as One global consciousness in order to make Contact.
The Start of a new Journey lies within each One of us.
Have they started making a new model of human without the bugs of the old? We are still in the 1890's. We just learned a few tricks.
@@jcoghill2 i Hope so lol
Saxk Acfe far too many selfish people here for that to happen
Four years later… making news in New Jersey
Why cut his explanation off in mid sentence? Edit much?
The laws of physics are no barrier for these things and that's just totally unfathomable 😳
I agree 👍,these objects are defying all laws of physics we learned about back
In science class in school, it's really mind boggling what these things can do
Which laws? The right ones or nonsense such as the THEORY OF RELATIVITY? The latter is based on two false assumptions, that gravity is constant and the speed of light is constant. Einstein's equations were "corrupt" according to Oppenheimer, who hoped old Albert would sort out the mess in time, but he didn't. There was no "Big Bang," nor do black holes exist; bad science.
"Drones" are the new Swamp gas.
"Birds" too, it's used by many skeptics who are too lazy to find the subtle evidence.
No like Iran did in Saudi, severely damaging oil refining,could. Be terrorists practicing a mass drone attack on say the White House or nuclear plant, pretty simple unfortunately
@@bethjohnson8353 Huh? Can somebody translate what this woman is trying to say please.
S Stills, she is positing the idea that it’s a practice manoeuvre of some sort. Her implication is that it could be malicious, but honestly if it’s anything like that I would imagine it is military or private security.
Think about it this way, the combat use of drones has so far been to replace strike fighters and Combat Air Patrols, but I can see the value of a smaller, shorter ranged variant used in groups for perimeter security of FOBs or convoys. If that is the case, they would need to write and test a program or algorithm to allow one pilot to easily and accurately coordinate or control multiple drones in a high stress situation and thus, at some point someone is gonna need to practice referencing satellite data to control a group over unfamiliar ground, which is what we could be seeing here. The fact that they seem to be a rather motley group of drones could point to it being a company attempting to develop this (so far mythical) control program for sale rather than it being an actual military project.
Edit - In retrospect that really turned into a paragraph. My apologies.
@John Lorenzo show me a successfully drained swamp, and I'll show you a bunch of red swamp rats.
Did they just tell The aliens to get a permit 🤣
I spotted something similar from my rooftop too here in Kenya sometime last year around September at 2100h. It appeared to be glowing yellow in the shape of a sphere while in a stationary position. At times the glow would get brighter making the object appear to be getting bigger but even from a far, one could tell it was a strange phenomenon. I starred at it for a while, 40min or so, and then it disappeared. Tried sighting it the next days and nights but my unidentified object never returned. I have been trying to make sense of this ever since and trying to make sight of such strange phenomenas in the sky has been kind of a routine every few hours (when I can) before going to sleep.
Anthony, meet CE5. CE5, meet Anthony (queue weird space theme music)
@@terpop1710 Bruh beat me to it lol. You need a group, & you all have to ask very very nicely for them to show up.
What you saw was a ufo! The amber light that flowed around it was the antigravity field it oxidizes the air and causes that rusted amber orange look around the craft. Research Bob Lazar he was a whistle blower that worked at Section 4 in Area 51 in the 70’s and 80’s and was recruited to reverse engineer the craft they found in an archeological dig. We have 9 of they that were abandoned maybe thousands of years ago! They use Element 115 as fuel ⛽️ it’s nit easily found in the universe however it’s abundant in planets 🪐 with binary star systems. These particular craft came from the data reticular star system is what was discovered. Anyway that’s my months long research in one paragraph hopefully that helps.
It's possible that you've been visited in the middle of the night. When you wake up are your pants pulled down around your ankles and is your anus wet? 👽☝👆
The fact you are investing time looking up deserves 🙌 👏, if more people did the same mankind would reach critical mass to force the authorities to acknowledge we are being visited by non human intelligences
Everybody gangster until Jah starts flying
TheGamingPolitician Nobody but give af about “Jah”🤣
@ drafted?
@ don't wanna sound like a Str8 idiot but I'm curious what is Jah and what do you mean by drafted or w.e
@@daddyromeo2304 too late😂
Cut the story a little short, there.
Beet Oven
Well it’s not like CNN does news in any case
@@muellerruski9708 Yeah you are right, when they are reporting Trump's wrong doing, it is not like we did not know already.
Go to the map at 0:38 and then open a new tab and google nuclear silo locations in US - you'll notice a massive smattering of them in this exact area... The NHI is monitoring our nuclear capabilities most certainly.
LOL using drone's for excuses. I call it B.S... Them shapes we've all seen in the sky have been popping up before drones even existed.
Like Cave paintings of different ships and beings... Wood carving of a battle over medieval Germany... UFO in medieval paintings behind people... Stone carvings of ships and beings that aren't human... Tons of stuff people don't even know about but are easily Googled.
65 million years ago
T-rex: Weird Dino,its flying without wings.
Terodactyl: I followed it but it moves so fast and dissapears in the ocean.
T-Rex, anyway noe i eat you roarr.
@@brunoder303 how old are you dude 🤨
@@Mike1923-s2r 27 😏
@@brunoder303 you need to drink milk you didn't fully developed yet
@@Mike1923-s2r If a little joke triggers you then you're the one that needs to grow up my friend.
Love how they try and blame it on drones. They will say anything to keep the average person out of airspace
Object "Fired" at a wing because that object is not a drone as it would be impossible to fly without props basically they just fired metal into a wing. Oh a drone could make the plane crash, while on the ground ??? Because if their claiming that's a drone the plane is able to fly without wings in the same way a drone flies without pros !
I definitely don’t want average people in the air. I want certified pilots in the air.
I agree. Every time I try to invade airspace they tell me that my sovereign citizen rights don’t apply
Now they're calling UAP's "drones". Those aren't drones, honey. A drone wouldn't be carrying a super bright light. Drones run on batteries. People are so much in denial.
I'm pretty sure that the "u" in ufo stands for unidentified.
Sounds legit
unidentified flying object
And I'm pretty sure " f" stands for FLYING
It’s unknown flying object
And '0' is object
Drone club having fun scaring people
Probably but that's still pretty damn high in the sky though.
How many personal drones have a 6ft wingspan?? Serious question
Man, I need a hobby
@@dozzer009 actually quite a few.
Iranian Drone Club Testing Its US penetration capabilities!
2021 and the sightings are still very blurry. You will never see a clean picture. I don't believe it.
2024 and media are now talking about similar "drones" flying all over military bases... But, yeah, they are just "drones".
Watching this Aug 2020.
They're here to give us more of their DNA for vaccines
Diana Davis Remember to buckle up so they can't getcha.
@jeez.. lol
Came here after the NY Times story about " not of this earth " vehicles discovered by Pentagon UFO program
There’s so much information out there about aliens. If you do your research and know how to navigate yourself you’ll find answers.
@@ethandowns6797 *OG Moulder*
mjaay u an uneducated person. That’s all.
@@ethandowns6797 He compliments you and you call him uneducated? What the cock is that shit?
Amazing 21st century, all the tech. Still looks like footage we saw in the 1980's.
It's .... far away.
Try recording a high altitude plane with your cutting edge smartphone some time and see how well it turns out.
@@kosmique yep. The average person doesn't have good enough equipment to record anything else than a dot
Was this ever solved re: who is responsible?
Saw a huge drone in Manteca Ca. some years ago, long before drones were popular. We followed it to a court there and discovered that it landed . After talking to the man controlling it he told us he had made it. It was about 8 feet wide and had lights all around it. There were rotating fan type motors about a foot apart that caused the lift.
Does it still stink when you pass the sugar plant in Manteca?
*RIC has entered the chat* 🛸
@Madolina Degocelli Ummm... What?
@Madolina Degocelli Your sentences are so incoherent that they are hard to understand. I literally can't agree or disagree with you because I have no clue what message you are trying to convey.
India in spectator mode
A UFO. Quick, get the worst resolution device to film it on!
Get the potato
180p ufo?
They will all have the worst resolution because not everything people are going to soon be seeing is actually even real.
you guys probably never heard if a digital zoom have you? try a max zoom with your latest phone camera and see crystal crisp image you produce. that’s the case of bad shots and ofc you want to zoom as on camera objects appear further away than to naked eye unless you have a telescope lens and a good camera which I doubt most of population has especially at any random time.
lame comment
Why are all the UFO videos such bad quality? That dot could be ANYTHING. It proves nothing.
That Sheriff is only saying that so he doesn't lose his job like the other officer who spoke out
No one gives a damn about the sheriffs office... everyone knows they don't have enough funding to actually investigate it therefore whatever they say about it is pure speculated opinion
I have seen so many un identified flying objects in my lifetime and just because someone also sees one and calls CNN does not mean its the only one.One time i was star gazing at 4am and saw this object zoom past Orion and I was like-Just another UFO.Ofcourse we are not alone in this Universe, it would be foolish to think so
Are you sure it wasn't a meteor?
I've seen some UFOs, but many can be attributed to things we already have identification for.
@@GalacticNovaOverlord it was not a meteor-i am sure.I only wished they would have taken me and made me the spokesperson for their needs on earth.I GAZE at the stars, seen a few UFOs in my lifetime, and I am 100% sure we are not alone.some are much much more intelligent than us
These "drones" has an act to constantly disappear out of no where, or travel in such high speeds that no aircraft can follow.
Did you figure out what it was in 2020v We have something similar to it now in NJ.
These UFO s are here in peace Extraterrestrials have been here for CENTURIES! ❤️
See a mental health professional
Yeah they are coming for you 😂
@@MrShanester117 well well ...another sad troll who can’t find a bridge to hide under
Cringe. Watch some debunking videos and you will realise why people don't take u seriously...... You need to see how easily debunked the nonsense that you believe in is. Really tho it will help
Why would I want to hide under a bridge. I don’t think there is any bridges in my entire city. 😂 but yeah UFOS are here for centuries and they’ve just being wasting all these resources to just float around and do nothing 😂 makes sense. That’s logical. And anybody who doesn’t believe that very sound logic, must belong, UNDER A BRIDGE 😂😂😂
CNN Headlines be like:
-We just found them aliens! 👽 👾
-Flying drones could damage sum planes lol 🤷🏻♂️
"It could also explain-"
guess we'll never know lol
Ahaaaa sir, i see what you did there...
Freedom is not Free.. DOMINION AI MACHINES are still in use around the world to control elections . Satanic CCP has control of all you DEMONCRACKS and you GOP TRAITORS. BinDonkeys EO's are NAZIS rules BACK in CONTROL FACISM, COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM. NATO. UN they are SATANIS. The FBI/CIA/NSA/NASA/FEMA/IRS NO MORALS, Two hearted lies are all FAKE NEWS. And the worst BIG Tech is CENSORHIP ..Voice of the people of America is gone. V@x Sin is fake & Death. .Prepare protect your children against CHILD TRAFFICKING and your people. Prepare yourself for the great horrible reveal that they did to the Children's lives. Told you So, you voted the Swamp back in demoncracks. WAKE UP out of your hate, maybe never, demoncrack are programed. YOUR NEXT on your own list.
OH! CCP china just banned the Pfiel V@X SIN ... Killing to many people .pass the word...About your stimulus chks . Prisoners also Prisoners' on death role are getting $2500 tax free each. ha cry now demons......Pakistan gender training is getting 1 Billon $$$ your taxes helping others not u ..........we are fighting under DC removing the DUMPS . OORAH!!.............
@@gunnyoorah1846 whatever, dude. Maybe get some sleep...
@@gunnyoorah1846 how many horses kicked you in the head buddy?
"It would also explain-"
"why yo momma's butt so big!"
I had no idea the orbs were here in 2020! Wow!!
Perhaps much much longer
You'd think with all the "eye witnesses" that have seen these drones they'd have better footage of them... that blurry light looks like a street lamp.
What will it Explain?
Dammit! THEY got to him Also!!
Cut of by aliens
😆 lol
He dead
Those "drones" must be out of this world if they can stay hovering for so long…
They are. I have first hand evidence.
They are not drones. Or satellites. You wouldn’t believe the information I’ve come across.
@@theUNEXPLAINABLEuap bullshit.....sory
so sick of blurry lights in the sky so boring