Very interesting. I grew up in Germany and one could say that we are being taught in school, that we were basically savages in forests until the Romans brought us civilization. I certainly was not taught that the Romans were shocked by our morals.
Well in many ways they were more backwards than developed empires,like the roman or greek. We wouldnt be here without the contribution of such empires. This doesnt mean that germanic tribes were totally backwards, they of course have a developed culture, but on many levels it doesnt compare to more “civilized” empires.
Its correct in the sense that the Romans-Christians who informed the Teutons were Teutonic in ethnos. Rome is a civilizational idea permeating germanic, slavic, hellene, and gallic(celts). The idea of pagan roman republic was upped by the pagan kabbalists who rewrote our history in the 15-1600s to justify their banking, usury, republicanism and general errors contra crown & sceptre(church and monarchy)
Robert - your statement about history and how it’s taught is so spot on . There’s a great interview with a man named Norman Dodd who was instructed by Senator Reece to investigate Tax Exempt Foundations-Guggenheim, Carnegie and The Rockefeller Foundation (who controls all educational programs) and what he found was that they stated in their minutes of their meetings that “ in order to control the future,we must control the past. Therefore we must have history rewritten so that life does not return to how it was pre WWI” The interview is from the late 80’s -early 90’s by G Edward Griffith
The man from Laxaria story reminds me of a more recent story of the man from Taured. This happened in Tokyo in 1954. He was described as a Caucasian man originating from a mysterious place in Europe called Taured that was supposed to be between France and Spain.
The hiding of ancient truths negatively impacts all humans, not just Europeans. Just as truth, even if painful or inconvenient, ultimately benefits all humans.
really sad that. no one country is bad, it is the government of the country at any given point that makes it seem so. shame what a few idiots can do to the reputation of the masses.
Crystaline Dreams it seems to be the same cabal controlling puppets all over the world. Rothchilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and the former prince of Saudi Arabia! They all worship Satan! They bribe their puppets and install them in governments world wide!
Wonderful story... I have just started finding out about my family history and culture ... My parents did not think this was important but i greatly disagree.. My daughter's will know everything at least everything i can learn and discover.. It is more important than ever before that we hand are children our Heritage and culture we must do this..
One of the few people finding these gems all over the place and piecing it together without the veneer that's been historically forced down our throats.
I always look forward to your videos and the unique research you do, Robert. The parts with you strolling with your dog in scenic places are a really nice touch - brings the esoteric topics you cover "down to earth" and puts a face on you. Very nice.
There are old Maori legends here in New Zealand about subterranean worlds inhabited by blonde fairy people. I own an old book with such stories. And there are also anecdotes of encounters with those Moehau people in more recent times to be found on the internet.
Great content Robert. God bless you and thanks for your beautiful histories. I'm Portuguese. Will be good if you talk someday about northern Portugal and the Gauls. The north of iberian peninsula is full of lore that have relation and links with Ireland, France and England
@@sonnenrad229 the communist bolsheviks hate you and they cry out in pain as they strike you and the leadership like a single parent eats it up believing the one who cries is the victim
It used to be. Beautiful, clean and mostly safe. Japan is the only other country I know that is as beautiful and clean and tidy, punctual, precise and well mannered as Germany was.
Robert you ALWAYS leave me speechless. Gosh your so amazing! Something happened between the 1400 and 1800's, something devastating and paradigm shifting. We're not supposed to be living like this, it's wrong and against nature. We're not supposed to be somebody's Ant farm. We arent taught that we are electric beings of light. We need to wake up, we need to remember. Love, love, love your brilliant work Robert. ❤😊🔥💃🏹🐎🥁🎶🎻🔥😊❤
Olivia W mud flood 1731.....before that they burned down All the greate libraries in Scandinavia and Europe....after the flood they moved children to other kontinents....knowledge lost and history of the Old World..... after that only taught what the 13 blood line families want us to know.
@@manuelaolesen5109 I have heard of that. Sounds like an agenda 21 took place. I cant remember who I was watching but it explained how sound frequencies can cause mud floods. In my opinion there is evidence of the past in the vatican basement.
I am purchasing all of your books today. I'm ashamed it has taken so long. I am going to use your work, I am taking heed. My wife and I are so grateful. Thank you so much for your work,I cannot tell you how much love and appreciation we have for you dear friend. I will send you the one gift I can when I get the means.I wish you the very best.
Many native traditions bring our human ancestors out from the ground after earth altering events from caves deep and vast. I know a cataclysmic event and ice age drove my ancestors south from the great north...we traveled very far..being Norse I still have great mothers from Japan, Africa, Turkey, Peru, travelled quite a bit....I am so gratefull for you filling in the spaces of our ancestral Earth, it helps me to understand our present circumstances. With the great earth/sun events coming very soon now it's easier to see how we survived them before...will survive them again to rebuild, I pray, an even better civilization than before. As always Robert...well done!
"a race of pygmies on the north coast of Canada" AKA, Elves near the North Pole!!!! Truth in Mythology........ Happy New Year from Canada, Thank you for your amazing work xoxoxoxo
Ha ha, that part about the red beards brought back a childhood memory. My great-uncle told me that the men in the family all had red beards. He said it was a sight to see them with their black hair and red beards or blond hair and red beards.
I’m not sure if you have ever read the now cia declassified book _The Adam and Eve Story_ by Chan Thomas, but it talks about how, I believe, a pole switch tilts the earth and unlocks the plates so the arctic is not in the spot it is now. It also speaks about how it seemed the earth stood still because of the sun being basically frozen in the sky, which sounds very similar to this story of being daylight for awhile. The events during this time were so violent that it seems the best way to have survived would have been under ground. Anyways, as always, very fascinating stuff Robert. Thank you very much and I hope you have a happy New Year’s!
Afternoon Mr Sepehr. ..could you please look into the story of Yohan Faust for us all..we'd all love to hear the story of the Faustian spirit ...thanks
Happy Holidays Robert and Buffy💙💙 thank you for another wonderful video full of information.. I hope all is well .. Thank you for all the hard work You put into these videos💙💙
I have always felt there was something very special about the Germanic people. This excellent presentation reinforces those feelings. What a wonderful presentation . In my humble opinion, our future as a people has the blueprint within our suppressed glorious past. The Europeans are an exceptional people. Such a shame they do not embrace that . They do not know their past. Only that which has been presented to them by their enemies. Maybe in , as the Gnostics called it, this time of Correction the European descendants can start to realize their true potential. Peace to all and Have a productive 2020!
'Shlaraffenlande' is to close to the name the National Socialists gave to 'New Shwabbenland' located in Antarctica to be a chance coincidence, imo. Thank you very much for this story Robert, it puts together many missing peices how the Germans of the 30's had inside information about 'the hidden lands.' Love from Ireland 💖
Neu Schwabenland and Schlaraffenland are two completly different Things. The Schlaraffenland is the Myth of a land of plenty. The Schwabenland is simply the land of the "Schwaben" a Germanic tribe located in South Germany. (Albert Einstein, Johannes Keppler, Berthold Brecht, Erwin Rommler were Schwaben for example) New or Neu Schwanbenland therefor is the New Swabian Land just like New Fundland or New Amsterdam (today New York).
as a native german i can assure you that there is no connection whatsoever. you just see it because in your ears it sounds similar, but it really doesn´t.
Ein gegent heißt schlauraffenlant, den faulen leuten wol bekant, das ligt drei meil hinter weihnachten, und welcher darein wölle trachten, der muß sich großer ding vermeßen und durch ein berg mit hirßbrei eßen, der ist wol dreier meilen dick; alsdann ist er im augenblick in demselbing schlauraffenlant, da aller reichtum ist bekant. da sint die heuser deckt mit fladen, leckkuchen die haustür und laden, von speckkuchen dillen und went, die dröm von schweinen braten sent. umb jedes haus so ist ein zaun geflochten von bratwürsten braun, von malvasier so sint die brunnen, kommen eim selbs ins maul gerunnen; auf den tannen wachsen die krapfen, wie hie zu lande die tannzapfen, undt zo weyter. Hans Sachs wohnte in der Frührenaisssanz, 1494-1576, vier Jahrhunderten vor der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
I enjoyed this. I found your comment about a land that may have existed at the pole in antediluvian times particularly interesting. In the Old Testament description of the Earth at that time, the author states that it had not rained prior to the flood, but that the earth was covered (surrounded?) by a canopy and that a mist rose from the ground. If it did not rain, one must assume that it also did not snow. This would seem to mean that the planet maintained a constant temperature. I always found that to be a fascinating description. As a child, it really stirred the imagination.
Very informative video. Thanks and keep this work up. Little stories like these turn to folklore, myths, urban myths and eventually legend... this is a legendary story and intrigues more knowledge and wisdom be sequestered...
In a dream many years ago, I found myself standing on a shoreline of a large body of water. I was in an immense cavern, the light was soft. I knew I was somewhere deep in the earth. It was only for a brief moment. I remember it clearly today.
Hey Robert, have you ever heard about the untersberg in germany? It could be the Stone which ist shown in the map from Scharaffenland. There are a lot of myths and Legends about this Mountain. There are reports about time travels, portals, dwarfs, charlamenge who is sleeping in the mountain an is supposed to emerge with an big army when the last battle between good and evil beginns, the nazis and of course a great cave system etc!!! :)
Perhaps he came from a place beyond what "scientists" call Antarctica. It's no coincidence to me that every nation in this world restrict travel for anyone to go into the Antarctica area. There are several written documents that show that there is a lush land beyond what is Antarctica. Our world leaders know of this place. Maps from civilizations that existed thousands of years ago speak of this land. That seems more likely to me with regard to this story.
Are you talking about hollow earth or flat earth? Beware of flat earth. It is a psyop meant to poison the well and make hollow earth seem ridiculous by false association. Lots of these floating around in the memetosphere. It's a good tactic. If you see a truth you don't like, create a fallacious and false version of that truth and use it as a strawman to attack/dismiss the truth.
Tales in Germany of a people living "in" the Earth are legion in Germany & always have been. It's more than likely a memory, orally passed down of living deep within caves in the Ice age, that has been expanded into a lost Eden.
Could there really be a middle earth? Let's start a go fund me and start an exhibition! It seems to me that myth and legend hold more truth than the bs that passes for history! Thank u for your work Robert always a pleasure! God bless!
The easier but risky way to venture to inner earth is flying straight towards the rotation axis of earth 90 latitude while ignoring the compass, just like Admiral Byrd did with his airplane. Risky because there is a good chance your airplane will get shot by either military or inner earth ufo's. Most people who have visited the poles by airplane or land have merely visited the magnetic poles located at around 80 latitude parallel which is close to the rim of the polar opening. Polar openings are located at 90 latitude, rotation axis of earth, thousands of km beyond the magnetic poles. Airplanes only fly over magnetic poles and never fly over the prohibited rotation axis of earth. Google "Mars North Polar Opening Confirmed" for evidence of polar opening by hubble telescope, Nasa forgot to censor it. Also the Mercator map is depicting the polar opening, not an island, it says so in latin. The warmer oceans shown in the map are actually located at the inward curvature of the polar opening, very few explorers have encountered those warmer oceans. The mountainous circle in the map at 80 latitude parallel is the area of magnetic pole which most people have visited following the compass and have fooled themselves into thinking they have reached the pole. You must ignore the compass if you are to venture to the inner earth because the compass will keep you from reaching inner earth by directing you back out since the magnetic poles are located near the rim of the polar opening so once you venture far enough, compass will flip and point towards the rim of the polar opening, if you keep following the compass, you will just keep circling the rim of the polar opening, never reaching actually the inner earth. Read Marshall B. Gardner's book Chapters IV-VIII for more evidence of polar openings.
Another great video! Thank you, Robert. Just out of curiosity, do you ever do any lectures or teach any classes on these subjects that you write about? You are truly a wealth of information. I am sure that there are others besides myself, that would love the opportunity to pick your brain for the amazing wealth of information that you hold inside. Sending much love and an abundance of beautiful blessings to you and Buffy too, from the magnificent Oregon coast! 🌊🐳🐟
@@stinkfinger1942 either that or get 'read in' or better still obtain an inisibility suit! It can be viewed remotely for those that take the time to hone those abilities. Love 💖
yet of the 3 major western religions catholicism has the lowest rate of abuse and pederasty. when compared with the public school system the difference in abuse rates is staggering.
@@morgott13 Umm, you do realize that most religious abuse, especially Catholic abuse, never gets reported right? It sadly can't be proven with statistics for obvious reasons, but if you pay attention to the real world it's pretty obvious.
I've been telling my family that at some point I intend to accept the life I've lived and journey through Antarctica in search of this inner earth land. I feel it will be worth the risk.
I ditto the thoughts expressed by the previous comments, and want to add that the final clip using the flying camera was lovely. Say hello to Buffy for me. I'm going to re-watch this video.
00:38 Lies by omission as education - this started in South Africa in the late 1800s, surely in many other places its also well before WWII, perfected during and after WWII
Robert, there is supposed to be a place called Ragantown, Pennsylvania, but I can not find where it's located. What's most interesting are the names associated with that place.
13:45 top left shows California, top right shows Asia. If the map were flipped over and California was on the right and Asia on the left, could we possibly be looking at the south pole (Antarctica) not the north pole???
Very interesting. I grew up in Germany and one could say that we are being taught in school, that we were basically savages in forests until the Romans brought us civilization. I certainly was not taught that the Romans were shocked by our morals.
That's interesting, I'm a Briton and we got the same, we were savage tribes but the Romans saved us rubbish
Catholic E Michael Jones says the same message.
Tacitus the Roman historian wrote great things about the germanic tribes. Things like " They know that laws cannot replace virtuous behaviour"
Well in many ways they were more backwards than developed empires,like the roman or greek. We wouldnt be here without the contribution of such empires. This doesnt mean that germanic tribes were totally backwards, they of course have a developed culture, but on many levels it doesnt compare to more “civilized” empires.
Its correct in the sense that the Romans-Christians who informed the Teutons were Teutonic in ethnos. Rome is a civilizational idea permeating germanic, slavic, hellene, and gallic(celts). The idea of pagan roman republic was upped by the pagan kabbalists who rewrote our history in the 15-1600s to justify their banking, usury, republicanism and general errors contra crown & sceptre(church and monarchy)
Robert - your statement about history and how it’s taught is so spot on . There’s a great interview with a man named Norman Dodd who was instructed by Senator Reece to investigate Tax Exempt Foundations-Guggenheim, Carnegie and The Rockefeller Foundation (who controls all educational programs) and what he found was that they stated in their minutes of their meetings that “ in order to control the future,we must control the past. Therefore we must have history rewritten so that life does not return to how it was pre WWI”
The interview is from the late 80’s -early 90’s by G Edward Griffith
The man from Laxaria story reminds me of a more recent story of the man from Taured. This happened in Tokyo in 1954. He was described as a Caucasian man originating from a mysterious place in Europe called Taured that was supposed to be between France and Spain.
So true.
That was solved
The mountain range between Spain and France is the Pyrenees, not the Caucasus.
@@marirezende8478 what was its solution?
I cannot fathom how many ancient secrets are presently being kept from us Europeans.
The hiding of ancient truths negatively impacts all humans, not just Europeans.
Just as truth, even if painful or inconvenient, ultimately benefits all humans.
Like the mummies in the pyramids of China are white Europeans and older than the Chinese mummies?
Great video, I like hearing history and legends about the German side of my ancestry that isn't derogatory. Have a wonderful weekend.
So many people have been fooled for so long no one knows which end is up any more until someone does the research and forges ahead.
really sad that. no one country is bad, it is the government of the country at any given point that makes it seem so. shame what a few idiots can do to the reputation of the masses.
Crystaline Dreams it seems to be the same cabal controlling puppets all over the world. Rothchilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and the former prince of Saudi Arabia! They all worship Satan! They bribe their puppets and install them in governments world wide!
I agree! My German ancestry makes me very proud.
Waterlily 2017 "The Greatest Story Never Told" by Denis Wise. TRUE HISTORY.
I really enjoyed the hilarious censor beep... One more great video. Luck to you in the new year, Robert.
Meeee too!!!! I had to rewind it
Literally the best channel on the internet
Great story.. I am of German decent. I remember my grandmother telling me such stories as a kid. It was refreshing to watch this story...
Wonderful story... I have just started finding out about my family history and culture ... My parents did not think this was important but i greatly disagree.. My daughter's will know everything at least everything i can learn and discover.. It is more important than ever before that we hand are children our Heritage and culture we must do this..
Do it. The alternative is that vacuous entertainment of Hollywood which spoils the spirit.
None of your videos have failed to amaze me. Another great one
i like your channel because you seem such a meek soul, so gentle and kind. i'm glad i found you
One of the few people finding these gems all over the place and piecing it together without the veneer that's been historically forced down our throats.
I always look forward to your videos and the unique research you do, Robert. The parts with you strolling with your dog in scenic places are a really nice touch - brings the esoteric topics you cover "down to earth" and puts a face on you. Very nice.
There are old Maori legends here in New Zealand about subterranean worlds inhabited by blonde fairy people. I own an old book with such stories. And there are also anecdotes of encounters with those Moehau people in more recent times to be found on the internet.
Tshaika Wow
Give a link to the book if it can still be bought.
Isn't there also an inexplicable red haired phene among some subpopulations of their people?
May be your best short yet Robert, keep up the great work!
Wonderful !!! So many mysteries waiting to be uncovered ! Thanks again !!
This is one of those rare channels where you just hit like before even watching the video. Excellent content!
Great content Robert. God bless you and thanks for your beautiful histories. I'm Portuguese. Will be good if you talk someday about northern Portugal and the Gauls. The north of iberian peninsula is full of lore that have relation and links with Ireland, France and England
Wow Germany is beautiful and clean
@@sonnenrad229 the communist bolsheviks hate you and they cry out in pain as they strike you and the leadership like a single parent eats it up believing the one who cries is the victim
Not really man
@a girl has no masters All the world is beautiful bu the Evropa is the most unique one
It used to be. Beautiful, clean and mostly safe. Japan is the only other country I know that is as beautiful and clean and tidy, punctual, precise and well mannered as Germany was.
"The Smokey Gods" is one of the craziest books I've ever read. It's almost too fantastic to be fiction.
@Maitre Mark ever seen "Island at the Top of the World" from the late 70s? It is interesting.
Robert you ALWAYS leave me speechless. Gosh your so amazing! Something happened between the 1400 and 1800's, something devastating and paradigm shifting. We're not supposed to be living like this, it's wrong and against nature. We're not supposed to be somebody's Ant farm. We arent taught that we are electric beings of light. We need to wake up, we need to remember. Love, love, love your brilliant work Robert.
love love loved your comment ;0
Maybe we are going into another paradigm shifting era, starting in 2020
Olivia W mud flood 1731.....before that they burned down All the greate libraries in Scandinavia and Europe....after the flood they moved children to other kontinents....knowledge lost and history of the Old World..... after that only taught what the 13 blood line families want us to know.
@@chickyrogue8485 😊
@@manuelaolesen5109 I have heard of that. Sounds like an agenda 21 took place. I cant remember who I was watching but it explained how sound frequencies can cause mud floods. In my opinion there is evidence of the past in the vatican basement.
I am purchasing all of your books today. I'm ashamed it has taken so long. I am going to use your work, I am taking heed. My wife and I are so grateful. Thank you so much for your work,I cannot tell you how much love and appreciation we have for you dear friend. I will send you the one gift I can when I get the means.I wish you the very best.
Germanic tribes more catholic than catholics :D
"They know that good laws cannot replace good behaviour" - tacitus
Many native traditions bring our human ancestors out from the ground after earth altering events from caves deep and vast. I know a cataclysmic event and ice age drove my ancestors south from the great north...we traveled very far..being Norse I still have great mothers from Japan, Africa, Turkey, Peru, travelled quite a bit....I am so gratefull for you filling in the spaces of our ancestral Earth, it helps me to understand our present circumstances. With the great earth/sun events coming very soon now it's easier to see how we survived them before...will survive them again to rebuild, I pray, an even better civilization than before. As always Robert...well done!
Thankyou so much Robert! My mom’s side of the family all German. This is wonderful. ✨
My mother has a German admixture, but my father's parents were both from German families, before they came to Canada in the late 19th-Century.
Coastal Animist Hello! I also had the blessing of living there for three years. So many nice walks in the forests.
Thank you for another informative and provocative (intellectually speaking) video. Very interesting!
"a race of pygmies on the north coast of Canada"
AKA, Elves near the North Pole!!!! Truth in Mythology........
Happy New Year from Canada, Thank you for your amazing work xoxoxoxo
So much info in this I had to watch it 2 times...
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihren stetigen Respekt dem Deutschen gegenüber. Mögen Sie noch viele Jahre forschen und mehr Wahrheiten und Fakten finden.
Thank you Mr Sepher. Your contributions widen my imagination. And yes, on these vast and ancient lands, real history of our home is lost to us.
Thanks for all you do...great vid before bed...awesome!
Ha ha, that part about the red beards brought back a childhood memory. My great-uncle told me that the men in the family all had red beards. He said it was a sight to see them with their black hair and red beards or blond hair and red beards.
My son is like that. He has honey color hair , black eyebrows and a red beard! It is a sight (an adorable one)
Robert Sepehr is great because he gets close to the edge, but doesn't go over.
I think many historians just gloss over German folklore and history.
I’m not sure if you have ever read the now cia declassified book _The Adam and Eve Story_ by Chan Thomas, but it talks about how, I believe, a pole switch tilts the earth and unlocks the plates so the arctic is not in the spot it is now. It also speaks about how it seemed the earth stood still because of the sun being basically frozen in the sky, which sounds very similar to this story of being daylight for awhile. The events during this time were so violent that it seems the best way to have survived would have been under ground. Anyways, as always, very fascinating stuff Robert. Thank you very much and I hope you have a happy New Year’s!
Will happen pre-2050.
Coming again soon
During your lifetime you’ll see this happening
Afternoon Mr Sepehr. ..could you please look into the story of Yohan Faust for us all..we'd all love to hear the story of the Faustian spirit ...thanks
Happy Holidays Robert and Buffy💙💙 thank you for another wonderful video full of information.. I hope all is well .. Thank you for all the hard work You put into these videos💙💙
I think there was a similar case in modern times. I seem to remember a case with some mysterious guy in Tokyo airport back in the 70'es..
Found it...
I have always felt there was something very special about the Germanic people. This excellent presentation reinforces those feelings. What a wonderful presentation . In my humble opinion, our future as a people has the blueprint within our suppressed glorious past. The Europeans are an exceptional people. Such a shame they do not embrace that . They do not know their past. Only that which has been presented to them by their enemies. Maybe in , as the Gnostics called it, this time of Correction the European descendants can start to realize their true potential. Peace to all and Have a productive 2020!
That was an amazing video, thanks.
'Shlaraffenlande' is to close to the name the National Socialists gave to 'New Shwabbenland' located in Antarctica to be a chance coincidence, imo.
Thank you very much for this story Robert, it puts together many missing peices how the Germans of the 30's had inside information about 'the hidden lands.'
Love from Ireland 💖
Neu Schwabenland and Schlaraffenland are two completly different Things. The Schlaraffenland is the Myth of a land of plenty. The Schwabenland is simply the land of the "Schwaben" a Germanic tribe located in South Germany. (Albert Einstein, Johannes Keppler, Berthold Brecht, Erwin Rommler were Schwaben for example) New or Neu Schwanbenland therefor is the New Swabian Land just like New Fundland or New Amsterdam (today New York).
as a native german i can assure you that there is no connection whatsoever. you just see it because in your ears it sounds similar, but it really doesn´t.
Ein gegent heißt schlauraffenlant,
den faulen leuten wol bekant,
das ligt drei meil hinter weihnachten,
und welcher darein wölle trachten,
der muß sich großer ding vermeßen
und durch ein berg mit hirßbrei eßen,
der ist wol dreier meilen dick;
alsdann ist er im augenblick
in demselbing schlauraffenlant,
da aller reichtum ist bekant.
da sint die heuser deckt mit fladen,
leckkuchen die haustür und laden,
von speckkuchen dillen und went,
die dröm von schweinen braten sent.
umb jedes haus so ist ein zaun
geflochten von bratwürsten braun,
von malvasier so sint die brunnen,
kommen eim selbs ins maul gerunnen;
auf den tannen wachsen die krapfen,
wie hie zu lande die tannzapfen,
undt zo weyter.
Hans Sachs wohnte in der Frührenaisssanz, 1494-1576, vier Jahrhunderten vor der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
@@aisha7923 Einstein? Rommler? hahahaha
@@lorenzkraus6888 you can't be proud of every family member. This time I chose people also known in the US. :p
I enjoyed the required beep. Thumbs up for that!
I enjoyed this. I found your comment about a land that may have existed at the pole in antediluvian times particularly interesting. In the Old Testament description of the Earth at that time, the author states that it had not rained prior to the flood, but that the earth was covered (surrounded?) by a canopy and that a mist rose from the ground. If it did not rain, one must assume that it also did not snow. This would seem to mean that the planet maintained a constant temperature. I always found that to be a fascinating description. As a child, it really stirred the imagination.
Very informative video. Thanks and keep this work up. Little stories like these turn to folklore, myths, urban myths and eventually legend... this is a legendary story and intrigues more knowledge and wisdom be sequestered...
Thank you, Robert, for another fascinating video. Your prolific production, as of late, is most welcome. Peace.
I love your mysterious stories of inner Earth. Blessings to you, Robert.
Awesome vid, Robert. One of my favorites
Thank you Robert!!! We need not tell you how important your work is for us!
Wow !! I look forward to reading your book😎😍 much love from NZ
Thank you so much for another amazing video!
Great job. Ordering your books. Thanks!
In a dream many years ago, I found myself standing on a shoreline of a large body of water. I was in an immense cavern, the light was soft. I knew I was somewhere deep in the earth. It was only for a brief moment. I remember it clearly today.
I always enjoy your videos.🥂🍾👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🖖
Mahalo for the great video, you have a great mind (not only because you are interested in the same stuff I am), I always enjoy them.
Hey Robert, have you ever heard about the untersberg in germany? It could be the Stone which ist shown in the map from Scharaffenland. There are a lot of myths and Legends about this Mountain. There are reports about time travels, portals, dwarfs, charlamenge who is sleeping in the mountain an is supposed to emerge with an big army when the last battle between good and evil beginns, the nazis and of course a great cave system etc!!! :)
Perhaps he came from a place beyond what "scientists" call Antarctica.
It's no coincidence to me that every nation in this world restrict travel for anyone to go into the Antarctica area. There are several written documents that show that there is a lush land beyond what is Antarctica.
Our world leaders know of this place.
Maps from civilizations that existed thousands of years ago speak of this land.
That seems more likely to me with regard to this story.
Are you talking about the world inside earth, Buddhism refers to it agatha.
Are you talking about hollow earth or flat earth? Beware of flat earth. It is a psyop meant to poison the well and make hollow earth seem ridiculous by false association. Lots of these floating around in the memetosphere. It's a good tactic. If you see a truth you don't like, create a fallacious and false version of that truth and use it as a strawman to attack/dismiss the truth.
Excellent work, Robert.Thank you so much for your service.
I really enjoy your videos thank you for making them.
Tales in Germany of a people living "in" the Earth are legion in Germany & always have been. It's more than likely a memory, orally passed down of living deep within caves in the Ice age, that has been expanded into a lost Eden.
Beautiful images and descriptions. This reminds me slightly of the Green Children of Woolpit.
Could there really be a middle earth? Let's start a go fund me and start an exhibition! It seems to me that myth and legend hold more truth than the bs that passes for history! Thank u for your work Robert always a pleasure!
God bless!
Right! Monks still meditate to the blue skinned people(1 of 2 tribes) in the hollow earth. Interesting stuff!
THEY do NOT want us there.
Know that.
free2sing psalms the geological North pole.
do you mean expedition?
@@arkangelnorthman yes that is what they meant and we understood.
Well Done, Well said. I know the German family And they are beautiful, brilliant and have hearts of gold
Very good!!!Thanks for your dedication and hard work!
Excellent excellent video
The easier but risky way to venture to inner earth is flying straight towards the rotation axis of earth 90 latitude while ignoring the compass, just like Admiral Byrd did with his airplane. Risky because there is a good chance your airplane will get shot by either military or inner earth ufo's. Most people who have visited the poles by airplane or land have merely visited the magnetic poles located at around 80 latitude parallel which is close to the rim of the polar opening. Polar openings are located at 90 latitude, rotation axis of earth, thousands of km beyond the magnetic poles. Airplanes only fly over magnetic poles and never fly over the prohibited rotation axis of earth. Google "Mars North Polar Opening Confirmed" for evidence of polar opening by hubble telescope, Nasa forgot to censor it. Also the Mercator map is depicting the polar opening, not an island, it says so in latin. The warmer oceans shown in the map are actually located at the inward curvature of the polar opening, very few explorers have encountered those warmer oceans. The mountainous circle in the map at 80 latitude parallel is the area of magnetic pole which most people have visited following the compass and have fooled themselves into thinking they have reached the pole. You must ignore the compass if you are to venture to the inner earth because the compass will keep you from reaching inner earth by directing you back out since the magnetic poles are located near the rim of the polar opening so once you venture far enough, compass will flip and point towards the rim of the polar opening, if you keep following the compass, you will just keep circling the rim of the polar opening, never reaching actually the inner earth. Read Marshall B. Gardner's book Chapters IV-VIII for more evidence of polar openings.
Lies by omission seems to be the stock and trade of those who wish to rewrite history to thier liking.
Thank you Robert, excellent presentation and so interesting! 😊👏
Another great video! Thank you, Robert. Just out of curiosity, do you ever do any lectures or teach any classes on these subjects that you write about? You are truly a wealth of information. I am sure that there are others besides myself, that would love the opportunity to pick your brain for the amazing wealth of information that you hold inside. Sending much love and an abundance of beautiful blessings to you and Buffy too, from the magnificent Oregon coast! 🌊🐳🐟
I'd love nothing more than to find this place, or at least be "allowed" to search for it.
You will need a very sturdy all Wooden Boat like the Arabella
@@DrMichaelMillerPhD And a hall-pass from who ever controls the armed forces in Antarctica.
@@stinkfinger1942 either that or get 'read in' or better still obtain an inisibility suit!
It can be viewed remotely for those that take the time to hone those abilities.
Love 💖
Great video!
The Roman Church of today has those same foundations that's why they like to import people to certain places with same predation of the very young
I see you on alot of channels I watch....great minds think alike i guess.
yet of the 3 major western religions catholicism has the lowest rate of abuse and pederasty. when compared with the public school system the difference in abuse rates is staggering.
Not just the catholic church my friend...people just like to focus on one group of ppl....
The world is a scary place designed to choke out truth and good and let lies and evil bloom.
@@morgott13 Umm, you do realize that most religious abuse, especially Catholic abuse, never gets reported right? It sadly can't be proven with statistics for obvious reasons, but if you pay attention to the real world it's pretty obvious.
Just when I think you have done your best, you suprise me with better. Thank you for the hard work.
I've been telling my family that at some point I intend to accept the life I've lived and journey through Antarctica in search of this inner earth land. I feel it will be worth the risk.
Get on with it!!
Wishing you safe passage for your journey .. 🗺️🔭🏔️
This may be much more of an inner voyage than an outer one. Develop and hone your intuition before you set out.
I will go with you.
This world has more amazing places than anything described in books or legends. People just need to get out of their bubble and get out there
Keep up the good work
Thank you Robert . Here we go
Happy New decade Robert, thanks for your wonderful content as always 🙏
Well done. I learned something new :) Thank you
Interesting stuff. Keep up ze good vibes. Happy new year
I really appreciate your work! Thank you for this content. Very compellling information.
Thank you! Thank you Sir very much for this video! I think it’s my favorite one you have done! 🥰
Fascinating! Thank you!... could you do a video on magic mushroom use in Old Europe?
So amazing the possibilities of REAL History! Much thanks for all you do!
Thank you for this. Super interesting!
Thank you again for another fascinating video.
So much beauty in this video!
Very good, as always. 👍👍
Amazing information thank you Robert.
LOVE your videos. Happy new year!
I ditto the thoughts expressed by the previous comments, and want to add that the final clip using the flying camera was lovely. Say hello to Buffy for me. I'm going to re-watch this video.
00:38 Lies by omission as education - this started in South Africa in the late 1800s, surely in many other places its also well before WWII, perfected during and after WWII
a demon named cecil rhodes ....of the rhodes scholarship evil demons all receive
@@chickyrogue8485 , you're so right, more than a Century after his death he's still fighting SA on SA's money
@aaron lopez SA is short for South Africa.
Fascinating connections.
Happ new year dear Mr. Robert 🙏🏼❤️🌞
Good video thank you
Robert, there is supposed to be a place called Ragantown, Pennsylvania, but I can not find where it's located. What's most interesting are the names associated with that place.
Great video! It was fascinating to learn about that map, or should I say, maps.
can anyone link the map 10:20? Is it Mathis Suther? cant find it.
13:45 top left shows California, top right shows Asia. If the map were flipped over and California was on the right and Asia on the left, could we possibly be looking at the south pole (Antarctica) not the north pole???
Thank you, Robert.
I always enjoy your videos.