Please those chauvinist minded Amharas who claim that Oromo people came through Madagascar drawn from Indian Ocean must swallow the truth. Oromo people whose ancestral family lines are Cushitic are the first. They were the expansionist Amharas who destroyed the decent or normal life styles of the non Semitic families. Shame on the chauvinist today’s expansionist group😭😭😭
I have never heard this language spoken untill today, and didn’t understand how much I have no idea how to read this language. You gotta start somewhere
@@betehabeshaofficial you guys are confused . which Ethiopia are you talking about ? Do you know ,The name Ethiopia is Greek for the Hebrew name Cush or Nubia, the country south of Egypt, which was pretty much the southernmost border of the known world in Biblical times. It is also important to note that in ancient Greek literature, “Ethiopia” was often used to describe regions of Africa including the areas around the Sudan and beyond
Atwash ewnetun atdebk ye 571 ye abreha atsbeha,,,yenejashi 612(13) ye abrehet 1514 battle of shimbra kure& my aby Ahmed Ali +abebaw tadese for lebeletsegechw great et
Although the history is amazing. However by embarrassing diversity , one could not go wrong. Ultimately the Human history is convergence. And this is route humanity is going t take. The world is becoming global village because of technology that could not stop it seems like. Instead of fighting over history to generate identity. Why not drop historical identity, embrace human- race- identity. What you think?
you guys are confused . which Ethiopia are you talking about ? Do you know ,The name Ethiopia is Greek for the Hebrew name Cush or Nubia, the country south of Egypt, which was pretty much the southernmost border of the known world in Biblical times. It is also important to note that in ancient Greek literature, “Ethiopia” was often used to describe regions of Africa including the areas around the Sudan and beyond
@Debritu ..Eritrea eko lela heger nate? Sele Ethiopia aydel ende terektu? Tadia melaw East Africa ena middle East mekatet alebeta Eritrea keteketetech.
Nigus Lalibela is from ERITREA 🇪🇷. Ke Nigus Mirara teklehaymanot zer new. Beh ERITREAWIAN wede Lasta hedew ygezu neber behuala gin be Zagwe sirwe mengst teshenifew gimashochu wede ERITREA temelesu. Yeqerut ERITREAN gin ezaw wolo mider qeru. Ye Kidus Lalibela beteseboch Lasta qeru. Agewoch ke qerut ERITREAWIAN zer nachew.
History is not to give you sense at the first place, but it's the already happened facts. Just accept it as long as it's true. It's written not to make someone happy and not to make others unhappy. It's the listener's right to be happy or not. It's a history that's already happened that way.
A mis-programmed mind is not better than a robot! This is the right way to describe this narrator. The thing is that whoever can read and understand English alone, leave alone other languages, can do a little research and get the actual history of what actually was...In reality, the people whom this man tries to glorify were not different from colonial master of his very anscetors! The truth was/is foreign thieves wandering around- fleeing from the expanding powerful Islam, and showed up via the Red Sea, and enslaved the native (Hamitic, Kush) people while lurking behind organized religions, namely Christianity and Islam. They used native people themselves against one another in order to expand their colonial mission over the native people. That is all! But some of the brainwashed and mis-programmed individuals even could not be freed, but wasting times glorifying their anscetors' Master as if they were those old thieves!!
Have you read the book or are you just accusing because you have a different opinion, We Ethiopians have our own language hence we recorded it accordingly if you think the right history is written by foreigners then we too acuse you of being mis-programmed. If you have evidence of what you claim is true then present it we would gladly share it if not don't waste your time here read, its really good.
@The python guy. My friend, think globally but active locally. Don't approve or disprove what I have been writing/saying to you. Just try to know the truth and set yourself free, be a light for yourself, so to speak. Don't get lost by the ideologies of those who enslaved your forefathers and mis-programmed you only to use you as their robots!
@The python guy. That greatness is built in the air by your forefathers colonizers to brainwash them to the point they/like you lost their true identity, and identify themselves with their forefathers' masters' well-crafted ideologies. That is a tragedy, my friend, not a greatness! Your conflict is between what actually is and what you think you are/you should be, do you see that? It is the reality of the problem even today in that country. In reality, you are not different from other Ethiopian peoples, but at ideological level, your mind/your forefathers' minds were programmed as a great, part of the so-called "God-chosen race", do you see that? It requires a free mind to observe and see it as it is! So, my friend, try your best to know the truth and free yourself; be a light to yourself! Thank You...
@betehabeshaofficial so let me tell you that I'm harari in harari language. we use the term ወነግ for lion አሴገዳ mean አንበረከከ we use that term for Lebna Dengel because he defeat imam mahfuz of zeila imam of adal father in law of imam Ahmed algazi or Ahmed gragh so they are both harari but most Somali doesn't know that and they think us Somali or the lost tribe of Somali but we are never related to them
This was informative, thank you for sharing and if there is a book you could refer us about the sultanates it would really help us establish and understand the chronology better
ለመሆኑ አጼ ልብነ ድንግል ምን እንደሚመስ ያውቃሉ ወይ? የሱ ፓርትሬት በካቶሊክ ሪካርድ ውስጥ እንደለው ያውቃሉ ወይ? ከአጼ ልብነ-ድንግል ጌዜ ከነበሩት ይቅርና ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያ ከሉት ሕዝብ ይልቅ ከግሪክ ጋር ይዛመደል ሰውዬው። እናቱም አረባዊት ናት። ስለዚህ ፍርዱን ለናንተው ልተሁ... በአብዘኛው ሰውዮው ያነባበውን ታሪክ እያጠመመው የበሬ-ወለደ ተረት ነው የሚያወረው። በኢንግሊዘኛ መንበብ ለሚችለው እውነታኛው ታሪክ አይነ-አማኞቹ በጥልቅ የጻፉት ታሪክ በእንተርኔት ላይ በግልእጽ ይገኛልና እንደ ድሮ ሕዝብን ብዙ መሞኘት አይቻልም። A mis-programmed mind is not better than a robot! This is the right way to describe this narrator. The thing is that whoever can read and understand English alone, leave alone other languages, can do a little research and get the actual history of what actually was...In reality, the people whom this man tries to glorify were not different from colonial master of his very anscetors! The truth was/is foreign thieves wandering around and showed up via the Red Sea, and enslaved natives (Hamitic, Kush) people while lurking behind organized religions, namely Christianity and Islam. They used native people themselves against one another in order to expand their colonial mission over the native people. That is all! But some of the brainwashed and mis-programmed individuals even could not be freed, but wasting times glorifying their anscetors' Master as if they were those old thieves!!
ነጭ የፃፈው ብቻ ልክ ነው ብሎ መነሳት በራሱ ለራሳችን ያለንን ቦታ ይናገራል። please read more and we say it with the up most respect, it shows you have some knowledge but your singular narrative about thieves colonizing the red sea is to narrow for a big country such as Ethiopia. The portrait of other great men were also drawn with the caucasian man as a guide so you can't seriously suggest a portrait from 600 years ago would depict one's color.
@@betehabeshaofficial Well, it is sad to say but the Truth is that the actual history of the peoples in the modern region we call, "Ethiopia" was not written as it should be. At one point, my co-worker said to me, "The history of any nation is written by the winners; that is why there are so many corrections today". Do you think it is true for Ethiopia, too? Having made thorough researches about "Abyssinia", which later expanded to the modern Ethiopia, as you and I know, the man's statement reminded me of the history of Ethiopia as we were taught during the Derge regime. - To answer your question, Yes, I did intensive research, and I am very familiar with the narrator's readings and the sources of his information, but he was twisting and using the information in a way it fits for his political profits, to justify what had been claimed as Ethiopia's true history by those colonizers of the region, initially starting in Abyssinia which was centred at Axum. Thankfully, today many young people and some educated people have already became aware of the fact that the country was built on false propagandas that do not represent the actual history of its peoples, which is responsible for the country's political turmoil of today. That's a great move, and I am very happy about it. It is beyond this short communication to explain to you about the very shameful claims of those colonizers, and how they meticulously destroyed the native people traditions, culture, languages, etc, and mis-programmed them to the point they adamantly believe that their identities, histories etc, are what those colonizers claimed to be or wrote up about them. That is why I said, a "mis-programmed mind is not better than a robot". It is very true, my friend, I have no any ill-driven view against anyone, but as much as I understand honestly to my own conscience, I always try to do my best to stand by and defend what actually is, the facts, the truth of anything. As such, unlike almost all Ethiopians, I don't blame the deliberately selected and appointed individuals as "Ras, King, etc.", only to use them as tools, to bring down their own people and be enslaved, to fulfill the mischievous foreign origin Neftegne's ideology or to their mis-programmed descendants, who wrapped up themselves by organized religions. In fact, this is the source of today's political problem in the country! - Concerning the portrait of Lebne-Dengle, you may say whatever you think, the truth is that neither king Ezana of the Axum in the 3r century, nor the Lebne-Dengle of the today's Tigray region of the 16th century was a native Hamitic (Kush) to that land. Actually, the Abyssinians, later, the Ethiopians' political power never been in the hands of the native people until the Derge regime exploded in the 1970s. Since then, the political problem of the country continued because the change did not root out those who were heavily mis-programmed and so conditioned by the old Neftegne' (their colonizers', the masters of their ancestors') ideology because they remained wrapped up themselves with/behind the organized religions, mainly the Orthodox, where they could not be suspected for their mischievous ill-driven activities in the closed door. Some of this group are also in diaspora, ran away when Derge came or as elites, yet part of the mis-programmed segments. So, the problem of today in that country is as you and I witness before our eyes. - In closing, I don't know about you but I honour the old saying, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Anyway, thank you for sharing your opinions and asking questions, because a mind that asks has curiosity to know about something, and curiosity has a reason to exist in human mind. Either way, the truth shall prevail sooner or later!
@@betehabeshaofficial Because Ethiopia, as we now knew, was built on fabricated false stories that do not represent the history of the actual native peoples in that country, some of us have difficulties even today to disprove the invented propagandas of the colonizers in order to wrap up themselves with it and exploit the native peoples. It is a double tragedy indeed. Just ask yourself, those who seem to identify yourselves with the fabricated propaganda stories, if indeed, historically the political power were in the hands of the actual native peoples of past and modern Ethiopia, particular those of the northern region, which previously know as "Abyssinia", why the Native peoples' culture, belief systems, traditions, etc, were wiped out and Christianity- church and church related arts only, became the only identities they seemed to have? If you doubt, just read the testimonies of Mr. James Bruce's eye-witnessed Agao (Agaw) people's culture and belief system. Even Mr. Bruce, who was in Abyssinia in the years of 1768-1773, was very sentimental about the Agao peoples' situation around the Tana lake and expressed how they were driven into Tana lake and baptized but still how they were struggling to hang onto their forefathers' traditional belief system. Same was true for the Tigray people but the damage was done to them so earlier than to the Agao people, (the rest in that part of Abyssinia for that matter), that their native original culture was completely lost, and no more slight of its smell's was survived!, The fact that southern peoples, including Oromos, somehow survived was that they were colonized quite recently compared to the Abyssinian native peoples, the Hamitic (part of the Kush, that the Bible refers to). Anyway, who were the colonizers in different forms but certainly dominating and controlling the political power and resources of the region along with some of their robots: the mis-programmed individuals who became their loyal agents, even to the point they identify themselves with the colonizers' s fabricated ideologies- both at their belief system to the power ownership? In fact, such individuals are the actual source of the political problem in that country even today so to speak. In realty, the today's robots are the legacy of the only intruders, the Semitic people, whose origin varies so much and mixed as the name "Habesha" perfectly describes them! Otherwise, the grassroots of the East African peoples are the Hamitic people, regardless of the various languages, culture, belief system, tradition, etc. they might have adopted favoured by the nature of the landscape in that part of the world. Had this reality understood thoroughly, they would have so much ideological differences, hatred, conflicts and wars as we know of them today. I hope you get it unless you are also one of those robots, my friend. We also point our fingers to the White people inflicts upon some native African people because the events were not so long, but the Arabs, semitic peoples' unspeakable enslavement of some of the Native African people- in particular the northern and north-east part fo the continent started way long long time ago and took so long to the point they changed the faces of the native people at genetic level, not only at ideological level, my friends. It is more than wish-washy aspirations of some of our robots to identify themselves with them even today at their ideological level - the root source cause of political instability that feeds wars after wars in disguised of religious, ethnic, tribal, etc., as we witness them today before our eyes! Ignorance truly is dangerous, my friend!
@@sabri5460yes that is why there has been any proof of her presence in Ethiopia by way of her palace, pottery, etc Yemen on the other hand have numerous historical evidence
@@adugnawubbie9740 Ahunem atwash ❗️ ERITREA means Sea's Flower. Ke ethiopia qemto gezat lalkew:- ethiopia yemitbal hager yetefeterechew be axe Minilik zemen ye Italien Tor lemaswetat ye ye kifle gzatoch axewoch hizbchawenn kazemettu behuala new.
ኢትዮጵያየ በጣም አሪፍ ታሪክነዉ አመሰግናለሁ ሁላችንም ታሪክ አዋቂ ብንሆን ዛሬ እንደዚህ ባልተባላን ነበር የአያት ቅድመ አያቶቻችን ታሪክ ለኛ በጣም አስተምሮን ተከባብረንና ተዋደን እንኖር ነበር የሰዉልጂ ትልቁ ህይወቱ ነፃነቱ መሆኑን እንረዳ ነበር
ትረካውን በጣም ወድጄዋለሁ ፣ በርታ !!! ተመሳሳይ ሌሎች መጽሐፎችንም ብትተርክልን መልካም ነው ።
ምርጥ ታሪክ ❤❤❤❤
በጣም እናመስግናለን 😊
ታሪክን የናቀ ይዋረዳል. ዕድሜውም ያጥራል,, ዋዋዋ,
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
አባታችን እናመሰግናለን 💚💛❤
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
አባታችን እናመሰግናለን
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
ሰለ ኢ/ያ ጥንታዊ ታሪክ የመረጃ አሰተያየት ድንቅ ነው 👍🙏👍🙏👍🙏👍🙏💖
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
ለትምህርት ሚኒስተር ይህን የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ከአፄ ልብነድንግል እስከ አፄ ቴድሮስ የሚለውን እውነተኛ የሰው ልጅ በተለይም ስለ ኢትዮጵያ የዛሬዎቹ የመንደር አዋቂ ነን ባዮችን ጭንብል ሊያስወልቅ ስለሚችልና በትምህርት ቤት ላሉት ትውልዱን የማነፅና የመቅረፅ ተልዕኮን በትክክል እውን ስለሚያደርግ በትምህርት ዝግጅት ፕሮግራም ውስጥ ተካቶ ብንማር ተተኪው ትውልድ ዘርን ሳይሆን ሰው መሆኑን ባህሉን ያዳብርበታል እንላለን !!!ከቻልክ ፕ/ር ብርሃኑ ነጋ ትውልዱን ከዘረኝነት ለማዳን ሥራ!!!እውነቱ ነኝ !!!
በጃንሆይ ጊዜ ይማሩት ነበርኮ! ደርግ ከመጣ ነው ነገሮች የተለወጡት!
እራሱ ብርሃኑ መቼ ያውቀዋል
Please those chauvinist minded Amharas who claim that Oromo people came through Madagascar drawn from Indian Ocean must swallow the truth. Oromo people whose ancestral family lines are Cushitic are the first. They were the expansionist Amharas who destroyed the decent or normal life styles of the non Semitic families. Shame on the chauvinist today’s expansionist group😭😭😭
ይህ የአለም ታሪክ የሚል መጽህፍ ነው
Thank you !
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
ይገርማል ግን ኢትዮጵያየ ለዘላለም ኑሪ በአምላክሽ ተባርከሽ
አባታችን እናመሠግናለን 👏💌💯
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
ነቢዩ ሞሃመድ ነው የሚባለው ሰለአላሁ አለይ ወሰለም ❤ደሞ ወረው አይባልም የገዛ ሀገራቸው እንደት ወረሩ ይባላል😮ነቢዩ ሞሃመድ ትሁት ፍትሃዊ መሪ ነበሩ ሰላማዊ የሰላም ተምሳሌት ናቸው እስሊምና መስራች አይደሉም እስላም ተፈጥሮ የሰው ዘር የአዳም የአብራሃም የሙሴ የነቢያት ሁሉ ሃይማኖት ነው ሞሃመድ የነቢያት መደምደሚያ የመጨረሻ የፈጣሪ መለኮት ቃል ነው ያስተማሩት የቀደምቶች የአባቶቻችን ሃይማኖት አዲስ ኪዳን(ፉርቃን )ቅዱስ ቁርአን ተሰጣቸው
ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ተከብራ ትኖራለች ።
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
የግሪኮቹ አባባል ፀሀይ የመታው መጋኛ ይምታቸውና እኛ እነሱ ነጫጭባ ስለሆኑ ፀሀይ ያጣው አላልናቸውም ፀሀይ የለበለበው ምናምን ሰይጣን ይለብልባቸውና።ሰው ነን ስምአለን ወይይጠይቁ እነሱ ናቸው ወደአፍሪካ የመጡብን እንጂ እኛ አልሄድንባችምውም ይላቸውን ስልጣኔ ከኛው ነው የተማሩት ይህ ቅዥት አይደለም ።
አባታችን እስቲ ከአክሱም ዘመነ መንግሥ በፊት ስለነበሩት ታላላቅ ስለኢትዮፕያ ንጉሶች ለምሳሌ ሁለት መቶ ሐገር ይገዛ ስለነበረዉ ንጉሥ ሰንደቅ አልማ ( ይህ 💚💛❤ሰንደቅ አልማችንም በሱ ሥም ነዉ የተሰየመዉ ) ታሪኩን ለማግኘት የተዋሕዶን ቅዱሳኖችን ማማከር ጥሩ ነዉ እናመሰግናለን: ይህ ነዉ ሰንደቅ አልማችን 💚💛❤
አሪፍ ትንተና ነው
አናመሰግን አለን!
የጦርነት እንጅ የልማት ታሪክ የሌሌች ኢትዮጵያ እንደምን ነሽ😢
አለን ዳድ❤️🇪🇹 #ጽንፈኝነትን ነቅላን አረጋዴ አሺላን ለትውድ እንተክላላን ኢትዮጵያም ትለመልማላች
ጦርነት ብቻ ሳይሆን አክሱምን፣ ላሊበላን፣ የሃረርን ግንብ፣ የራሷን ፊደል የሰራች ድንቅ እና ውብ ሚስጥሯ የማያልቅ ሀገር ናት ኢትዮጵያ
@@betehabeshaofficial harar was an independent state before Emperor menilik invasion. Minilik killed the last emir of harar and occupied harar
ግን የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ተብሎ ተለቆ እንደት ነው ይኸ ብቻ ሰው እሚሰማው ለምን አንሰማም ለምን አናቃትም ኧረ ተው ወገን
Mulu ye ethiopia tarik silalhone newa abate algebahim? Lol
ቡዙው በውሸት የተሞላ ታሪክ ነው
Please ቀጣይ ክፍሉን ፖስት አድርጉልን
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
ሰሜናዊ ስልጤኔ የኩሽ ስልጣኔ ነው። ባቢሌን ግሪክ እና ሌሎቺም ስልጣኔን በአንድ አምላክ ማመን ያወቄት ከኩሽ ነው።
በትክክል የኩሽ ምድር መሆኗን በዛጉዌ ስልጣኔ ማንሳትና ከልዩነት ይልቅ ወደ አንድነት የሚወስዱንን በደንብ ፈትሸን ማወቅ ይጠቅመናል ያለ ህልውና (ሰርቫይቫል ) ወሬ ባዶውን ያጠፋፋናል የተያዘው ኩሹን ከነገደ ሴም በማጋጨት የናዚዎችን የነገደ ሴም ጥላቻ በግሎባላይዜሽን ስም ማስፈፀሚያ እየሆንን ነው የአክሱምን ሀውልት ( የግርዘት) ምልክት በኮንሶ ፣ በዲላ ወናጎ ቱቲፈላ 1500 ትክል ድንጋይዎች፣ በቦረና አባገዳዎች ራስ ላይ (ቦኩ)፣ በጢያ ትክል ድንጋይ ብዙ አንድ የሚያደርጉን ከምፅዋ አዱሊስ ጀምሮ ተመሳሳይ ቋሚ ቅርሶች በየጫካው ምስክር ሊሆኑን እየጠበቁን እያለ ይህን አውቀን የሚጠቅመንን አንድነት ከማጠናከር በዘለለ ለያይተው ሊያፈራርሱንና ሊያጠፋፉን የቤት ስራ ተሰቷቸው ለመጡ ወገኖች የመጠፋፊያ ቤተሙከራቸው እንዳንሆን ዙሪያችን ያሉትን እውነቶች ጠንቅቀን ማጤን ያስፈልገናል ኢትዮጵያን ከዥንጉርጉርነቷ ሊለያት የሚችል ምድራዊ ኃይል የለም በከንቱ አትልፋ እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያንና ህዝቦቿን በበረከት ያስብልን ስለ አበው አባቶችና እናቶቻችን ሲል እኛንም በነሱ ዘላለማዊነት እንዲያስበን ስለ ዥንጉርጉርነታችን እናስብ ቸር እንሰንበት ያጎደልኩት ካለ አርሙኝ።
ሴማውያን ከውጭ እያመስመጡ ስልጣኔን አስፋፉ ይላል
መበልጸግ የሚፈልግ ህዝብ ከጎረቤት ሀገር እህልና የመገልገያ ቁሳቁሶች በኮንትሮባንድ እየሸመተ መኖርን ያቆማል። ብዙ ብዙ የተለያዩ ፍላጎቶችን መነገድን፣ ዩነበርሲቲ ውሰጥ መማርን፣ መታከምን፣ ጋብቻን፣ እርሻን፣ ማእድን ፍለጋን፣ ጥብቅናን፣ ትራንሰፓርት አገልግሎት
ወዘተ መሳተፍና መበልጸግ ይችላል። ተነጥሎ መኖር ድብርትንና ድህነትን ያባብሳል። ከጎረቤት ጋር መነታረክና መጎሳስም ይፈጥራል። ወደ ጦርነት ከተገባ ንብረት ይወድማል፣ ሰው ይሞታል፣ አካለ ሰንኩል ይሆናል፣ ይሰደዳል፣ ከአለም ይገለላል።
In one word Eritrea still answering their slave master's name
I have never heard this language spoken untill today, and didn’t understand how much I have no idea how to read this language. You gotta start somewhere
የኋላው ከለለ የለም የፍቱ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!!
Atte Doqqorroo Dawarroo malleti minmalet nawi ?
እነ ምላችሁ በልጂነታችሁ እራቁታችሁ ነው የተወለዳችሁ ስትባሉ አይ ልብስ ለብሸ ነው የተወለዲኩ የምትሉ ሰወች አላችሁ ትገሪማላችሁ
can I find this in an english transaltion??
The original book has not been translated, If you want to purchase an Amharic version of it please email us on
@@betehabeshaofficial you guys are confused . which Ethiopia are you talking about ? Do you know ,The name Ethiopia is Greek for the Hebrew name Cush or Nubia, the country south of Egypt, which was pretty much the southernmost border of the known world in Biblical times. It is also important to note that in ancient Greek literature, “Ethiopia” was often used to describe regions of Africa including the areas around the Sudan and beyond
please what is the difference between cam-seme and cush-seme?
cam and sem are brothers while kush is the descendent or child of cam
No one king before ortodox...
22:30 start
ምን አገባህ
عليها قضية اعلا نسك ❤
እርሶ የኢትዮጵያን ታርክ እያነበቡ እየተረኩ ከሆነ አንዳንድ ቦታዎች ወይም ዘር አጠራር በጣም በጣም እርማት ያሰፈልጎታል ማለት እወዳለሁ ከይቅርታ ጋር።
ልክ ነው አንዳንድ ስያሜዎች በአሁኑ ጊዜ የተዛባ ወይም የተለየ ትርጉም ይዘዋል ሆኖም ግን ጽሁፉን እንዳለ መተረክ ያስፈለገው እነዚህ ስያሜዎች አቻ ፍቺያቸው ላያግባባ ስለሚችል ነው... እውነትን በመፈለግ ውስጥ የሚያሳፍር ታሪክ አለ በለን አናስብም እርሶም መጽሃፉን ፈልገው ቢያነቡት ይጠቀማሉ
ሙዚቃውን ብትቀይሩት ግን ጥሩ ነብር ።
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
some of it has contradicts from Alvares book😮
could you please specify your findings
ታሪኩ ቆንጆ ነዉ ግን ምያስዝነዉ ታርኩን የተዛባ ምያደርገዉ የማርያምን አምላክነት ለመግለፅ የትከሄደበት አካሄድ ታሪኩ የ አማራ ብቻ መሆኑን ያሳያል betam ያሳዝናል አፍርያለዉ. Betam አዝኛለዉ በጣም
ትልቅ ሰው ይመስላል ድምጾ ግን ታራክን እንደዚ ማበለሻሸትና የነጭ አሽከር መሆን ጥሩ ነውወዮ
ይሄ መጸሃፍ መቼ እንደተጻፈ በሌሎች ክፍሎች ተገልጿል እባክዎትን መጸሃፉን ያንብቡት
please tell me your variety
Atwash ewnetun atdebk ye 571 ye abreha atsbeha,,,yenejashi 612(13) ye abrehet 1514 battle of shimbra kure& my aby Ahmed Ali +abebaw tadese for lebeletsegechw great et
መጽሐፉን የሚያነቡት መሰሎኝ ደሰ ብሎኝ ነበር😅
የሚገርመኝ፡ የታሪክ ትምህርት በዩኒቨርሲቲ ደረጃ ትምህርት ተምሬኣለሁ፡ ኢትዮጵያ የሚባል ህዝብም ታሪክም ኣንድም በቀደምት ታሪካዊ መጻህፍት የለም፡ የድሮ መጻህፍት የሚተርኩት ኣግኣዝያን፡ ነገደ ዮቅጣን፡ ቤተ እስራኤል፡ ፑንት (ሶማል እና ኣዳል) ደዋሮ ብቻ ነው። በነዚህ ህዝቦች የዘረም የሃይማኖት ጦርነቶች ሲደረግ እና በሰላም ኖረው ኣያውቁም።
ኢትዮጵያ 130 ኣመት ታሪክ ብቻ ነው ያለው ቃሉ ኢትዮጵያ ቴድሮስ ተጠቀመበት ከዛ የውሃንስ እና ምንሊክ ናቸው ያመጡት። ኢትዮጵያ 3000 ኣመት ታሪል የለዉም።
በኣጠቃላይ ታሪኩ የጦርነት ሞት እርዛት በሽታ ብቻ ነው፡ ሰላም የሆበበት ዘመን የለም።
ታድያ ለምንድነው ኣንድ ነን በኣንድነት ኖረናል የምንል?
ነጻ ሃሀራት መምጣት ኣለባቸው
ከትህትና ጋር የት ዩኒቨርሲቲ እንደተማሩ ቢያካፍሉን ጥሩ ነው... የጠቀሱዋቸው ነገዶችን ደግሞ በዚህ ሊንክ ገብተው ማብራርያውን እንዲያዩ እንጋብዛለን
የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ከአፄ ቴዎድሮስ እስከ ኃይለ ስላሴ yalawnm siraln plz
Aske your father simple as that 😅😅
ሁሉ መሪዎች የባህረነጋሽ የሃማሴን ነበሩ!
Although the history is amazing. However by embarrassing diversity , one could not go wrong. Ultimately the Human history is convergence. And this is route humanity is going t take. The world is becoming global village because of technology that could not stop it seems like. Instead of fighting over history to generate identity. Why not drop historical identity, embrace human- race- identity. What you think?
why would we drop our history, we need to learn from the past and build a better tomorrow
Kifil 2
ግራኝ ፍትሃዊ ነበር።
No he was a paid local terrorist
ሀይሌ ገብረስላሴ ነውንዴ የሚያስተምረው?
አዎን፣ ራሱ ነው።
ዳውንሎድ ካልሆነ እንዴት ማድመጥ ይቻላል ካልሆነ ታሪክ ብላችሁ አትጫኑ
ከኣፄ ልብነ ድንግል እስከ ቴዎ
ድሮስ ከተባለ፡ ይሃበሻ (ኢትዮ)
መልክዓምድር ኤርትራም ማ
ጠቃለል ነበር። እናስተምር።
የኢትዮጵያን ጸሐፊዎች ለማመን ቢከብድም መስማት ለማነፃፀር ፕረዳል።
የአፄዎችን ታሪክ በሙዝየም ማስቀመጥ ነው
የሚፈልግ እዝያ ሄዶ ይያቸው።
ዛሬ ላይ ባለው ማንነታችን ተከባብረን በእኩልነት እንኑር
ለሚመጣው ትውልድ ሰላምና ዲሞክራሲን እናስረክብ፣
የዘመናት ኋላ ቀርነትን ፣ ረሃብተኛነትን፣ ጦርነትን አጥፍተን
በሰላም፣ በስልጣኔ ለመኖር እንስራ
"ውሃ ቢወቅጡት እንቦጭ ነው"
የተዛባና የጦርነት ታሪክ ;መተረኩን ትተን ዛሬ ላይ ባሉ ማንነቶች ተስማምተን እንኑር
ተረት፣ ጉራ፣ቀረርቶ የትም አያደርሰንም።
የሆነውን አትጻፉ የሚሉ ለመደበቅ የሚፈልጉት ነገር አለ ማለት ነው ። የውሸት አንድነት ዋጋ የለውም ። የዛሬው መባላታችን ምክንያቱ እሱ ነው ።
ታሪክን ለማቃለል የሚሮጡ ሁሉ ለማጥፋትና ለመጥፋት ራሳቸውንና ትውልዳቸውን ለማጥፋት ነው ..::
Yane eko Eritrea ke kartalay altekoretechim neber. Ewnetun le menager bertu.
መጽሐፋን ሲያነቡ የኢትዬጵያ ካርታ ምን እንደሚመስል ይረዳሉ። ለውይይትም ይመቸናል
Yehen yewushet tarikachun new?
ቀይ ባህር ስትሉ ትቀቀላላቹ
ሰህተት ታሪክ ውሽት
which is lie?
you guys are confused . which Ethiopia are you talking about ? Do you know ,The name Ethiopia is Greek for the Hebrew name Cush or Nubia, the country south of Egypt, which was pretty much the southernmost border of the known world in Biblical times. It is also important to note that in ancient Greek literature, “Ethiopia” was often used to describe regions of Africa including the areas around the Sudan and beyond
Ath guth saw edtlh nahw
Niggisti saba. Kushi. Nachii
Saba. Maleti hizzib malet nawi
Isikka mache nawi. Ya washat tarikki tirikti ?
Sheba/Saba was never ethiopian but Yemeni.
Nigsti Saba twuldua khe ERITREA hamasien new
Nigst Saba twuldua Hamasien/ERITREA new.
Qedamawi Axe Minilik Llliua yeteweledewum asmera May bela new.
አንገት አዙሩ ማያ ነው እግዜር ካለሁሉይሆናል።
ለምንድነው ከኢትዮጵያ ካርታ የኤርትራ የተቆረጠው???
ሞተህ የተነሳህ ሰው መሆን አለብህ
@Debritu ..Eritrea eko lela heger nate? Sele Ethiopia aydel ende terektu? Tadia melaw East Africa ena middle East mekatet alebeta Eritrea keteketetech.
ላለፈው 30 አመት ሞተሽ ነው አንዴ የተነሳሽው ኤርትራ በአለም አቀፍ እውቅና አግኝታ ከተገነጠለች 30 አመት አለፋት እዛው ችግራችን ጣጣችሁን ዘር ከዘእ መባላታችሁን ለእናንተ እኛ ስላም ነን ምፅዋ ላይ አሪፍ አየር እየተናፈስን ነው we don't need hadige!
ታሪክ ማለት የሰው ልጅ የሰራው የህብረ ተሰቡ የሂወት ታሪክ ነው ሁሉም የየመን የአረቦች ታሪክ ነው ኢትዮጵያ የራሶ የሆነ ታሪክ የላትም ምክንያቱም ከየመን የመጡ ሰዎች ናቸው
No no my dear god before that which means what you took about like even Christianity Judi hem mosleme Ethiopia oldest country in world
ግን ለምንድናዉ የእትዮጵያ በአመርኛ የለስታመሩን ለምን በእግልዝኛ ተፀፈ😢
የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ሳይሆን የ አቢሲንያ ታሪክ ነው ትክክለኛ ስሙ:: ኢትዮጵያ የሚለው ስም የመጣው ሃላ ነው
በጠላት ወረራ ጌዜ ሁሉም የዓለም ጋዜጦችም ይሁኑ ዜናዎች ሲዝግቡ አቢሲንያ እያሉ ነበር
እኔምለው ታሪክ የላስታ ታሪክ የቅድስ ላሊበባ ታሪክ የሚነሳው በበጌምድር
የአገው ዘር የአማራ መሆኑን እናውቃለን
እንዴት ሆኖ ነው በአንድ ጊዜ ሽዋ ? ላሊበላ ወደ ወሎ የሔደው
56 አመቱ ነው። ለማንኛውም አማራ
ጎንደርም ሆነ ጎጃም ወሎ ሺዋ አንድ ነው መነሻው
ሌላው አክሱም የኢትዮጵያ
መናገሻ ከአክሱም ወደ በጌምድር ነው
የገባው __ አንድ ነገር ከአክሱም
በፊት እራሱ የአክሱም ፓስቴል ወይም ሐውልት የተሰራበት የአባይ የሚስጥሪ አፈር ነው
ማለት ከንግስት ወይም ከማክዳ በፊት የኢትዮጵያ ንጉሳን በጣና ሐይቅ ነው
ሌላው ንግስት ሳባ
ስባት ነበሩ የመጨረሻዋ ማክዳ ናት
ዞሮ ዞሮ ያው አንድ ሐረግ ነው የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ እያንዳዳችን
ደማችን በጀናትን የተውስበስበ ነው
ማናችንም ከማናችንም አንለይም
ልንገራችሁ እስከ ሚበቃ ተመራ ምረውበናል
Nigus Lalibela is from ERITREA 🇪🇷. Ke Nigus Mirara teklehaymanot zer new.
ERITREAWIAN wede Lasta hedew ygezu neber behuala gin be Zagwe sirwe mengst teshenifew gimashochu wede ERITREA temelesu. Yeqerut ERITREAN gin ezaw wolo mider qeru.
Ye Kidus Lalibela beteseboch Lasta qeru.
Agewoch ke qerut ERITREAWIAN zer nachew.
please tell me where is the lie?
Ante dedeb habesha dibiliq malet ayidelem. Habesha rasun yechale neged new. Be tinit Yemen yemenor neged neber lik ende Saba, himyaryit, hadermaut...etc
እባኮትን እይታዎን በትህትና ከነማስረጃው ያስቀምጡ... የተሳሳትነው ካለ እንድናርመው ይረዳናል
Kesedb jemrkna chenklath asayh
የተጻፈውን ነውኮ የሚያነብልህ! ደደብ!
የኢትዮ ኦርቶዶክስ ታሪክ ሊሆን ይችላል የኢት ታሪክ ግን አይደለም
ስንት ኢትዮጵያ አለች ብለው ያስባሉ?
متنازل للثوبي
እባካችሁ በዝያን ጊዜ አብስኒያ እንጂ ኢትዮጵያ አልነበረችም !! አፀ ቴዎድሮስ ሽዋንም አልተሻገሩም ::
ያሁኑ ደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ ባጠቃላይ በሚኒልክ ወረራ ነዉየተቀላቀለዉ በ1894 .
የለላዉን ታሪክ እንደነበር አምነን የራስን መተረክ አይሻልም? የሌላውን ጨፍልቆ እንደራስ መተረክ መጨረሻው አሁን የምናየዉ አይነት መደናቆር ይሆናል !!
ላነሱት እይታ የሚሆን ማስረጃ ካለዎት ቢያካፍሉን መልካም ነው
ቆይ ሳይንሳዊ ብቻ የሆነ አለ ?? መንፈሳዊ ነገር መልካም ሆኖ ሳለ ከ ኦርቶዶክስ ክርስቲያን ዉጪ የሆነ ሰዉ ታሪኩን ሲሰማዉ ትርጉም አይሰጥም
History is not to give you sense at the first place, but it's the already happened facts. Just accept it as long as it's true. It's written not to make someone happy and not to make others unhappy. It's the listener's right to be happy or not. It's a history that's already happened that way.
Mejmriya lmemare zegju yehone sew mehon yaseflgal tarikn lemawek haymamot gar magenagnt ayseflgm .....le ewekt mzegajet
ይሄንን ታሪክ ያቀረብክ ሰው (አፄዎቹ ይህን ካርታ አያውቁትም ) እኛ ሀበሾች ያመናል ችግር አለብን ! አራሚም የለንም የሚያጭደንም በኛ ሰለቸ
አረ ትውልዱን ትክክለኛውን ታሪክ አስተምሩት ኢትዮጵያ ከአለም የመጀመርያ
ስልጣኔ የነበረች ናት። ነጮችን አትስግናችው
3000 Amet eyalachu kemtawerut YeAhun gizew yalachuh lemekref lemin atmokurum betarik menor aychalim'na. Tarikih mawek tru new enet gin mohon alebet bezam demo monor yemaychal new.
እኮ ማንበብ ነው ለዘመኑ የሚበጀው... የማናውቀውን ከመናገርና ከማሰብ ያድነናል ታሪክ ለማይመቸው ሰው ወግ, ልብወለድ,ግጥም አለን በሱ ዙርያ አስተያየት መስጠት ይችላሉ
ታሪክ አታውሩ ከሆነ ከእውቀት መፅዳት ይሁን ማለት ሊገባህ ይገባል ።ነገ ኤርትራ ከየመን አንድ ብትሆን መጻፉ አይቀሬ ነው ። የብሽሽቅ ፖለቲካ ግን አይደብርም?
Abet yewshet gagata sitanebut enqan atafrum 80/ wishet
list tell me 3 lies
Sem and kush agewu kehone yihun alezia oromo mibamin litil kehone i didn't agree!
Why not oromo?
There is a difference that's why
Adamet mjmriya
A mis-programmed mind is not better than a robot! This is the right way to describe this narrator. The thing is that whoever can read and understand English alone, leave alone other languages, can do a little research and get the actual history of what actually was...In reality, the people whom this man tries to glorify were not different from colonial master of his very anscetors! The truth was/is foreign thieves wandering around- fleeing from the expanding powerful Islam, and showed up via the Red Sea, and enslaved the native (Hamitic, Kush) people while lurking behind organized religions, namely Christianity and Islam. They used native people themselves against one another in order to expand their colonial mission over the native people. That is all! But some of the brainwashed and mis-programmed individuals even could not be freed, but wasting times glorifying their anscetors' Master as if they were those old thieves!!
Have you read the book or are you just accusing because you have a different opinion, We Ethiopians have our own language hence we recorded it accordingly if you think the right history is written by foreigners then we too acuse you of being mis-programmed. If you have evidence of what you claim is true then present it we would gladly share it if not don't waste your time here read, its really good.
@The python guy. My friend, think globally but active locally. Don't approve or disprove what I have been writing/saying to you. Just try to know the truth and set yourself free, be a light for yourself, so to speak. Don't get lost by the ideologies of those who enslaved your forefathers and mis-programmed you only to use you as their robots!
@The python guy. That greatness is built in the air by your forefathers colonizers to brainwash them to the point they/like you lost their true identity, and identify themselves with their forefathers' masters' well-crafted ideologies. That is a tragedy, my friend, not a greatness! Your conflict is between what actually is and what you think you are/you should be, do you see that? It is the reality of the problem even today in that country. In reality, you are not different from other Ethiopian peoples, but at ideological level, your mind/your forefathers' minds were programmed as a great, part of the so-called "God-chosen race", do you see that? It requires a free mind to observe and see it as it is! So, my friend, try your best to know the truth and free yourself; be a light to yourself! Thank You...
አንተ ብስበስ አህያ፣ ምትናገረው እወቅ፦ ኤርትራ [ባሕረ ነጋሽ] መቸውም ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ ሁና አታቅም፦ አሜርካ ነው ለሃይለስላሴ በስጦታ እንዲወራት ያራገ። ኤርትራውያን ደግሞ ከ አሜርካኖች እና ሩስያኖች መንጋጋ ነጥቀው አገራቸው አስመለሱ። እና የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይህ አርግ፦
ኤርትራችን አውጣት ከችጋራም ድሃ ስጦቢያሽ ካርታ። ብስብስ ፈሳም፦
متنلزل للاوثوبي
ደሞ አንድንድ ቃላቶች ከመፃፉ ዉጭህ ናቸዉ. ታስፍራለ
first of all ወነግ is harari word Somali word of lion is ሊባሕ
Please explain your perspective about those words
@betehabeshaofficial so let me tell you that I'm harari in harari language. we use the term ወነግ for lion አሴገዳ mean አንበረከከ we use that term for Lebna Dengel because he defeat imam mahfuz of zeila imam of adal father in law of imam Ahmed algazi or Ahmed gragh so they are both harari but most Somali doesn't know that and they think us Somali or the lost tribe of Somali but we are never related to them
by any means we speak semantic language and we have different culture than them
This was informative, thank you for sharing and if there is a book you could refer us about the sultanates it would really help us establish and understand the chronology better
@@betehabeshaofficial history of harar and harari
oromo yalew man new
ጀርመኖች ናቸው።
ይህ የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ አይደለም
ለመሆኑ አጼ ልብነ ድንግል ምን እንደሚመስ ያውቃሉ ወይ? የሱ ፓርትሬት በካቶሊክ ሪካርድ ውስጥ እንደለው ያውቃሉ ወይ? ከአጼ ልብነ-ድንግል ጌዜ ከነበሩት ይቅርና ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያ ከሉት ሕዝብ ይልቅ ከግሪክ ጋር ይዛመደል ሰውዬው። እናቱም አረባዊት ናት። ስለዚህ ፍርዱን ለናንተው ልተሁ... በአብዘኛው ሰውዮው ያነባበውን ታሪክ እያጠመመው የበሬ-ወለደ ተረት ነው የሚያወረው። በኢንግሊዘኛ መንበብ ለሚችለው እውነታኛው ታሪክ አይነ-አማኞቹ በጥልቅ የጻፉት ታሪክ በእንተርኔት ላይ በግልእጽ ይገኛልና እንደ ድሮ ሕዝብን ብዙ መሞኘት አይቻልም።
A mis-programmed mind is not better than a robot! This is the right way to describe this narrator. The thing is that whoever can read and understand English alone, leave alone other languages, can do a little research and get the actual history of what actually was...In reality, the people whom this man tries to glorify were not different from colonial master of his very anscetors! The truth was/is foreign thieves wandering around and showed up via the Red Sea, and enslaved natives (Hamitic, Kush) people while lurking behind organized religions, namely Christianity and Islam. They used native people themselves against one another in order to expand their colonial mission over the native people. That is all! But some of the brainwashed and mis-programmed individuals even could not be freed, but wasting times glorifying their anscetors' Master as if they were those old thieves!!
ነጭ የፃፈው ብቻ ልክ ነው ብሎ መነሳት በራሱ ለራሳችን ያለንን ቦታ ይናገራል። please read more and we say it with the up most respect, it shows you have some knowledge but your singular narrative about thieves colonizing the red sea is to narrow for a big country such as Ethiopia. The portrait of other great men were also drawn with the caucasian man as a guide so you can't seriously suggest a portrait from 600 years ago would depict one's color.
@@betehabeshaofficial Well, it is sad to say but the Truth is that the actual history of the peoples in the modern region we call, "Ethiopia" was not written as it should be. At one point, my co-worker said to me, "The history of any nation is written by the winners; that is why there are so many corrections today". Do you think it is true for Ethiopia, too? Having made thorough researches about "Abyssinia", which later expanded to the modern Ethiopia, as you and I know, the man's statement reminded me of the history of Ethiopia as we were taught during the Derge regime.
- To answer your question, Yes, I did intensive research, and I am very familiar with the narrator's readings and the sources of his information, but he was twisting and using the information in a way it fits for his political profits, to justify what had been claimed as Ethiopia's true history by those colonizers of the region, initially starting in Abyssinia which was centred at Axum. Thankfully, today many young people and some educated people have already became aware of the fact that the country was built on false propagandas that do not represent the actual history of its peoples, which is responsible for the country's political turmoil of today. That's a great move, and I am very happy about it. It is beyond this short communication to explain to you about the very shameful claims of those colonizers, and how they meticulously destroyed the native people traditions, culture, languages, etc, and mis-programmed them to the point they adamantly believe that their identities, histories etc, are what those colonizers claimed to be or wrote up about them. That is why I said, a "mis-programmed mind is not better than a robot". It is very true, my friend, I have no any ill-driven view against anyone, but as much as I understand honestly to my own conscience, I always try to do my best to stand by and defend what actually is, the facts, the truth of anything. As such, unlike almost all Ethiopians, I don't blame the deliberately selected and appointed individuals as "Ras, King, etc.", only to use them as tools, to bring down their own people and be enslaved, to fulfill the mischievous foreign origin Neftegne's ideology or to their mis-programmed descendants, who wrapped up themselves by organized religions. In fact, this is the source of today's political problem in the country!
- Concerning the portrait of Lebne-Dengle, you may say whatever you think, the truth is that neither king Ezana of the Axum in the 3r century, nor the Lebne-Dengle of the today's Tigray region of the 16th century was a native Hamitic (Kush) to that land. Actually, the Abyssinians, later, the Ethiopians' political power never been in the hands of the native people until the Derge regime exploded in the 1970s. Since then, the political problem of the country continued because the change did not root out those who were heavily mis-programmed and so conditioned by the old Neftegne' (their colonizers', the masters of their ancestors') ideology because they remained wrapped up themselves with/behind the organized religions, mainly the Orthodox, where they could not be suspected for their mischievous ill-driven activities in the closed door. Some of this group are also in diaspora, ran away when Derge came or as elites, yet part of the mis-programmed segments. So, the problem of today in that country is as you and I witness before our eyes.
- In closing, I don't know about you but I honour the old saying, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Anyway, thank you for sharing your opinions and asking questions, because a mind that asks has curiosity to know about something, and curiosity has a reason to exist in human mind. Either way, the truth shall prevail sooner or later!
@@betehabeshaofficial Because Ethiopia, as we now knew, was built on fabricated false stories that do not represent the history of the actual native peoples in that country, some of us have difficulties even today to disprove the invented propagandas of the colonizers in order to wrap up themselves with it and exploit the native peoples. It is a double tragedy indeed. Just ask yourself, those who seem to identify yourselves with the fabricated propaganda stories, if indeed, historically the political power were in the hands of the actual native peoples of past and modern Ethiopia, particular those of the northern region, which previously know as "Abyssinia", why the Native peoples' culture, belief systems, traditions, etc, were wiped out and Christianity- church and church related arts only, became the only identities they seemed to have? If you doubt, just read the testimonies of Mr. James Bruce's eye-witnessed Agao (Agaw) people's culture and belief system. Even Mr. Bruce, who was in Abyssinia in the years of 1768-1773, was very sentimental about the Agao peoples' situation around the Tana lake and expressed how they were driven into Tana lake and baptized but still how they were struggling to hang onto their forefathers' traditional belief system. Same was true for the Tigray people but the damage was done to them so earlier than to the Agao people, (the rest in that part of Abyssinia for that matter), that their native original culture was completely lost, and no more slight of its smell's was survived!, The fact that southern peoples, including Oromos, somehow survived was that they were colonized quite recently compared to the Abyssinian native peoples, the Hamitic (part of the Kush, that the Bible refers to). Anyway, who were the colonizers in different forms but certainly dominating and controlling the political power and resources of the region along with some of their robots: the mis-programmed individuals who became their loyal agents, even to the point they identify themselves with the colonizers' s fabricated ideologies- both at their belief system to the power ownership? In fact, such individuals are the actual source of the political problem in that country even today so to speak. In realty, the today's robots are the legacy of the only intruders, the Semitic people, whose origin varies so much and mixed as the name "Habesha" perfectly describes them! Otherwise, the grassroots of the East African peoples are the Hamitic people, regardless of the various languages, culture, belief system, tradition, etc. they might have adopted favoured by the nature of the landscape in that part of the world. Had this reality understood thoroughly, they would have so much ideological differences, hatred, conflicts and wars as we know of them today. I hope you get it unless you are also one of those robots, my friend. We also point our fingers to the White people inflicts upon some native African people because the events were not so long, but the Arabs, semitic peoples' unspeakable enslavement of some of the Native African people- in particular the northern and north-east part fo the continent started way long long time ago and took so long to the point they changed the faces of the native people at genetic level, not only at ideological level, my friends. It is more than wish-washy aspirations of some of our robots to identify themselves with them even today at their ideological level - the root source cause of political instability that feeds wars after wars in disguised of religious, ethnic, tribal, etc., as we witness them today before our eyes! Ignorance truly is dangerous, my friend!
አንተም የ ፀ ጠላት ነህ ትገርማለህ መፅዋዕ ራስህ አስተካክለህ ምጥዋ ስትል ሳቅኩ ና ንቁ ትረካህን ተውኩት
የ ፀ ጠላት ደግሞ ምንድን ነው?... ከፀጉር ስንጠቃው በፊት መጽሐፉን ያንብቡትና እርሶም ይንቁ
እንደው አንድ ቀን እንኳን እውነት ሳትናገሩ ልትቀሩ ንው ? ታሪክ እውነቱን ማውጣቱ አልቀረም
እውነትን ስታስተባብሉ ባጠቃላይ ግን የውሸት አባቶች ብላችሁ ርመርጣለሁ
የውሸት አባቶች!!!'!!!'!!!
Ewenetu mndnew???anet ngrn
ቂቂቂቂቂቂ ንግስት ሳባ ኢትዮጵያዊት አልነበረችም!!
ሳባ የምትባለው ከተማ መገኛዋን ይፍልጉ... የጋራ በሆነው መድረክ ላይ አስተያየት ከመስጠቶ በፊት መጸሃፍትን ያንብቡ
@@betehabeshaofficial ቂቂቂቂቂ ሳባ የምትባል ከተማ የተገኘችው የመን ውስጥ ነው!! ሲጀመር ሳባ የአገር( የቦታ) ሰም ነው!! ሳባ የተባለች የኢቴዮጵያ ንግስት አልነበረችም!! የሳባ ንግስት ማለት ነው!! ክርስትያን የሆነ ሰው በልደተ ክርስቶስ በልደት ምስማክ የሚባል የወቅቱ ዜማ ስለክርስቶስ ልደት በግዕዝ በተወለደበት ቦታ ከተርሴስና ከሳባ ገጸበረከት ይዞውለት ሄዱ ወይም መጡ ይላል!! ሰላም ለዚህ የአማራ ጽንፈኛ ደብተራ የፈጠረው ተረት ተረት ነውና ግዜዎትን/ ግዝሽን/ ግዜህን ባታባክን ምክሬ ነው!! ምርጫው ግን ክፍት ነው!!
ሳባ የተባለች የኢትዮጵያ ንግስ
ት ከነበረች ከነማስረጃ ቁጭ አርጉ!! የነፍጠኞች ተረትተረት ያበቃለት ዘመን ነው!!
ባጭሩ ውሸት ነው!! HOW ABOUT THAT??!!
@@betehabeshaofficial ቂቂቂቂቂቂ ሳባ የተባለች ከተማ የት ተገኘች?? ጎጃም? ጎነደር? ወሎ? ሸዋ? የተለመደው የአሀዳውያን የደብተራ የውሸት ፈጠራ ነው!!
* ሳባ የተባለች ከተማ በአረኪዎሎጂስቶች የተገኘች በየመን ነው!! በኢትጵያ የተገኘው የፈጠራ ወሬ ነው!!!!
ላይሰማማችሁ ይችላል!! እና ምን እናርግ? 🗯️ማሰረጃ ማምጣት ነው!!!
@@sabri5460yes that is why there has been any proof of her presence in Ethiopia by way of her palace, pottery, etc Yemen on the other hand have numerous historical evidence
Ye Ethiopia tarik mijemrew Ke minilik nw….ante mtaweraw ale Abyssinia nw aba……mejemerya ewek keza tasawkaleh ይህንን ቪድዮ ይመልከቱ
Merjahn asekmt
@@melatasefa5991 Mn mereja yasfelgewal ehe
@@tselotshafi2339 ድንቁርና የነገሰበት ዘመን! የዓፄ ምኒልክ ታሪክ ከ150 አይበልጥም ታዲያ አክሱምን ላሊበላን የት እናድርገው አባቱ
@@adugnatesfaye3280 chinklatih bado silehone eza argew
ኢትዮጵያ እውነተኛ ታሪክ የላትም ። አማሮች ለራሳቸው የጻፉት የውሸት ታሪክ ነው ያላት።
ኤርትራ ማለት የአንድ የጣልያን ባላባት ሥም ነው።
አሁንም በድጋሜ ከአፄ ንብለድንግል እስከ አፄ ቴዎድሮስና ዮሐነስ እና ሚኒልክ ዘመነ መንግሥት ሁሉ ሁሉም ባሕረምድር ( ኤርትራ )ግዛት የኢትዮጵያ አካል ነበር ታዲያ ለምን አሁን እንደወያኔ ባሕረምድርን ቆረጣችኋት??
የኤርትራ ባሕር ለምን ይባላል ቀይ ባሕር ብለህ ለምን አትጠራውም ምናልባት ታሪክ አቅራቢው ይሕን የማትጠራው ጣላናዊ ወይም ኤርትራዊ ልትሆን ትችላለህ ማለት ነው?
ወንድሜ ላቀረብከው ታሪክ መረጃ ካለህ እሱን አጣርተን ለማቅረብ ዝግጁ ነን ወቀሳና ጥቆማን ካወቅን በኋላ ይደርሳል
Wushet tiru aydelem.
ERITREA 🇪🇷 malet (ye Greek)trgum ye bahr xgereda malet New.
Ethiopia ke 120 amet befit abysinya neber yemtbalew be wushet tarik atnuru.
በታሪክ እንዳነበብነው ኤርትራ የሚለው ቃል ከክርስቶስ ልደት በፊት በኃያሏ ግሪክ መንግስት የነበረ የአንድ ግሪካዊ ልዑል ስም ነው ።
ይህ የግሪክ ልዑል ቀይ ባሕርን በማቋረጥ ሕንድ ውቅያኖስ ደርሶ ሲመለስ ለግሪኩ ልዑሉ ክብር ሲባል የወቅቱ ኃያሉ የግሪክ መንግሥት ከክርስቶስ ልደት በፊት በ 210 ዓዓ ዓመተ ዓለም ቀይ ባሕርን የኤርትራ ባሕር ብለው ሰየሙት።
በኋላም ጣሊያን ባሕረ ምድርን/ምድሪ ባሕሪን ከኢትዮጵያ በመንጠቅ በባርነት/በቅኝ ግዛት ይዞ ሲገዛ ቆይቶ በ 1892 ዓም የጣሊያን ፓርላማ ይሕን የኢትዮጵያ አካል የሆነውን ምድር በግሪክ ፈረንጅ ልዑል ስም ኤርትራ ብለው ሰየሙት። Read (The Perplus of Erthreaen Sea)
ትክክል ነህ ተቀብያለሁ። የምታቀርበውን ታሪክ ግን በጣም አደንቃለሁ።@@betehabeshaofficial
Ahunem atwash ❗️
ERITREA means Sea's Flower.
Ke ethiopia qemto gezat lalkew:-
ethiopia yemitbal hager yetefeterechew be axe Minilik zemen ye Italien Tor lemaswetat ye ye kifle gzatoch axewoch hizbchawenn kazemettu behuala new.
ሴሜቱኩ የኤርትራ እና ትግራይ ህዝብ ብቻ ነዉ ሌላዉ ዲቃላ ነዉ
ጄሪ ዘረኛ ሀሰተኛ ነሸ ወይ ነህ
አብዛኛው በደብተራ የጥላቻ ተረት ተረት የተሞላ ነው 🤣
ጨሊያም እውነት ዬሚሸሸው ታሪክ ስሌለው ነው ተክለፃዱቅ መኩሪያ ዬፃፈው እንደዛሬው በዘር ሳትብድ ነው
ሳባ የተባለች ከተማ የተገኘችው የት ነበረ?? ጎጃም? ጎነደር? ወሎ? ሸዋ?? አርኪዎሎጂስቶች ሳባ የተባለች ከተማ ያገኙት የመን ውሰጥ ነው!! የደብተራዎች ፈጠራ ማመን ከፈለጋችሁ ደስ እነዳላችሁ!! ሳባም የአካባቢ/ የቦታ ስም ነውንጂ የሴትቱ ስም አልነበረም!! አሁንም የውሸት ታሪክ ወይም ተረት ነው!!
የለም የሚል ከሆነ ማስረጃ ይዞ ይምጣ!!!
ሳባውያን የሀበሻ ቅድመ አያቶች ናቸው ሰለዚህ ትውፊታችን ዘራችን ታሪካችን የቅድመ አያቶቻችን ብሎም የራሳችን ነው። ካነቀህ በውሀ አወራርደው😂😂
@@amsaletegegn3202 ቂቂቂቂቂ የጽንፈኞች "DIVE&DUCK ማምታታት ነው!!! ከውሸትና ቅጥፈት ነፃ መሆን ባህሪያችሁ አይፈቅድላቹሁም!! ዛሬ ላይ ብዙ ውሀ የሚያስፈልጋችሁ እናንተን ነው!!!!ጩሄቱ ! ገድሉ! ለቅሶው! ወሬው ጉራው !ቀረ ርቶው! ላንቃችሁ እየደረቀ ነውና!!! ስለሳባውያን አላወራሁም!! ሳባ ስለተባለችው የኢትዮጵየ ንግስት ነበረች በሚል ተረት ነበረ ክርክሩ!!
ሳባውያንም አረቦች ናቸው!!አጎቶቹህ አያቶታችሁም ቢሆኑ ችግሬ አይደለም!! አይመለከተኝም!! ወሬው ስለሳባ እነጂ ስለሳባውያን አልነበረም! አይደለምም!!.
ማጣመምና ማጭበርበር ባህላችሁ ስለሆነ ያው ግልጽ ነው!! ሳባ ከነበረች ማስረጃ አምጡ እኮ ነው ምን አጣላን!!
የኢትዮጽያ መናገሻ አክሱም በነበረበት ወቅት ከተነሱ ገናና ኢትዮጵያዊ ነገስታት ቀዳሚዋ ንግስተ አዜብ ወይም ማክዳ ናት የእርሷም ግዛት ውስጥ በዛሬይቱ የኢትዮጵያ ካርታ ውስጥ ያልተካተቱ የአረብ እንዲሁም የባህር ስፍራዎች ይገኛሉ። ከልዩነታችን በላይ የአንድነት ታሪካችን ያስተምረናል በሚል ቀና ሃሳብ ይህን ቪድዮ ይመልከቱ ምናልባትም መልስ ያገኙ ይሆናል
የአማራንና የኦርቶዶክስን የውሸት ታሪክ በደብተራ አፅፈህ የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ብለህ ስታቀርብ ልታፍር ይገባል ማፈርያ
You are hater and dark thinker
ኤረትራ የተለየችው በአማራ ብልሹና በገማ አሠራር ነበረ!!!
ኤርትራን ከኢትዮጵያ ጋርም ያዋሀዱት እኮ እነ ፀሐፊ ትዕዛዝ አክሊሉ ሀብተ ወልድም እኮ አማሮች ናቸው ግማታም ሳብሪ!
@@fuadali1495 ቂቂቂቂቂ እናስ??!!ጠቀሙህ??! አጭበርብሮ ዋሽቶ ቀጥፎ ምሎ ነው አይደለም??!! ውሸት ወረ ራ ዝርፊያ ሴት አስገድዶ መድፈር በሰው እንጀራ መቅናት ያዩቱን ሁሉ አማረኝ ማለት( እንደህፃን ልጅና እንደትረፊክ ፖሊስ!!) ስግብግብነት! ዘረኝነት ውሸት ቅጥፈት ክህደት ከደማችሁ የተዋሀደ እስከሞታችሁ የማይለያችሁ በሽታ ስለሆነ ዛሬም እነ አክሊሉ እነ እርገጣቸው እነ ደምስሳቸው እነ ግዛቸው በሠሩት ሤራ ተንኮል ወንጀል ግፍ ፍርዳልባ ፍትህአልባ የመርዝ አገዛዝ ያመጣው ጣጣ ነው ሰው እየታረደና እየተፈናቀለ ያለው!!!.
አተረፍ ባይ አጉዳይ!! ወንጀለኛና ደመኛ እጆቻቸው በቀጠፉት ከመቶ አመት ቧሁላ ያች ቡትቶ የአውሬና የደብተራ የጭራቆች አገር በረሀብ እየተገረፈች ጭራ ሁና ትገኛለች!! እነአክሊሉ የሠሩትን መንገድ ልታሳየን ትችላለህ? ለመላ ኢትዮጵያ አንድ የዩኒቨርሲቲ ኮለጅ ነበረ!! ማን ይማርበታል??? አማራ!!!....
እነአክሊሉ የዘረኝነትና የፍትህ የፍረድ አልባነት የድህነት የጭቆናና የሰቆቃ Symbols ነበሩ!! የዛሬ ጽንፈኛው / አራጁ ዘራፊው ወራሪው ፋኖም ያን ዘመን ለማስመለስ ነው ጩሄቱ!!! ያዋጦዋል ? መልሱን ለተመልካች!!! አሁን ማን እንደገማ ማን ግማታም እንደሆነ እስከ ለታዛቢው እንተወው!!! የሚገማው ነፍሰ ገዳዩ ነፍሰ በላው አራጁ ገዳዩ ደመኛው አውሬ ደብተራ የደብተራ ዘር አሀዳዊ ጽንፈኛ ሌባ ነው!! ከግማት አልፎ ከአረመኔነት አልፎ ሰው ጠብሶም በጥሬውም የሚበላ አውሬ ወይም ጭራቅ ሁኖዋል!!!
ሳብሪን ብሉሹና የገማሽ አንቺ ነሽ አማራም ኤርትራም ክቡር ንጹሕ ነው
@@solomont9371 kkkkkkkk ebet!!donkoro!!rapist!!
@@sabri5460 tesadanint awakint aydelmm manenethn gn yasayal
This is Ethiopia history or orthodox history funny
ትግሬ የሚባል ቢሄርም ቋንቋም የለም። ኣስተምራለሁ እያልክ ኣታወዥናብር። ጦብያ የሚባል ያሁኗ ሜሮይ እንጂ የኣሁንዋ ጦብያ ስምም ካርታም ኣሁን የመጣው ኣዲስ ነው። ኣሁን ያለቹው ጦብያ ልክ የምኒሊክ ጦብያ ናት። የቴዎድሮስም ትለያለች የዮውሃንስም እንደገና ትለያለች። ኣክሱም ሌላ ጦብያ ሌላ። ኣክሱም ከኣባይ በላይ እንጂ ከኣባይ በታች ሁኖ ኣያውቅም።