dont listen to horror stories on the internet about benefits hun ,. generally the people that dont get it , dont qualify for it , they wont tell you that but its usually the case . If you are genuine and in need ( which of course you are ) you have nothing to worry about xx (as you know now because you are sorted now , just commenting for others ) , love you sweetie xx
Very Positive, considering the circumstances
Hope you get your transplant soon
thanks and yes I always try to stay positive x
dont listen to horror stories on the internet about benefits hun ,. generally the people that dont get it , dont qualify for it , they wont tell you that but its usually the case . If you are genuine and in need ( which of course you are ) you have nothing to worry about xx (as you know now because you are sorted now , just commenting for others ) , love you sweetie xx
thank you this made me feel better about myself :)
did you get a special day ??
yes I did I may do a video on it not sure yet X
Oh please do . would love to hear about it x
good luck
thanks :)