The color doesn’t cover all the way to the rail . For butterfly koi, transparent tail is one of the things to tell the butterfly kois are lower quality, unfortunately
because it's still a baby at size 8-9 cm. the metallic mutation will be grow as he grows older. You can see a video of our koi butterfly in size 20 cm here . it hasn't transparent fins
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Terima kasih. pembelian koi bisa melalui nomor admin 085708793096
Harga brp 1 ekornya spt itu...
Tergantung size nya om, tanya2 lebih lanjut bisa langsung chat wa
langsung hubungi nomor admin kami om: +62 857-8532-9064
Can you ship to UK?
Of course. I will be happy to send it to you . please call me +6285730122270
Dari daerah mana ini Pak?
Saya domisili sekitar jabodetabek
Saya lebih suka buttefly koi
kami dari gresik om. bisa kirim seluruh nusantara dan garansi ikan hidup sampai tujuan
Itu pakek makan merek apa kak
hrga brp an itu ya d beli ya..?
Hubungi WA yang tertera bang
The color doesn’t cover all the way to the rail . For butterfly koi, transparent tail is one of the things to tell the butterfly kois are lower quality, unfortunately
because it's still a baby at size 8-9 cm. the metallic mutation will be grow as he grows older. You can see a video of our koi butterfly in size 20 cm here . it hasn't transparent fins
Harga berapa om
bisa hubungi nomor wa ini om.