Whether a Woman On Her Menses Should Recite The Qurʾān During Ramaḍān | Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al Fawzān

  • Опубліковано 20 чер 2016
  • Whether a Woman On Her Menses Should Recite The Qurʾān During Ramaḍān | Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān
    The Questioner: The sister who is posing the question Umm Muḥammad says during Ramaḍān is it lawful for a woman to read the Qurʾān while she is on her menses?
    Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān: “Reading the Qurʾān for the one who is menstruating is a matter of differing. And the time is extensive and all praise is due to Allāh so for the woman who has a desire to read the Qurʾān can read it when she is not menstruating. She has an opportunity and all praise is due to Allāh.
    She is not forced to read it while menstruating except in the case where there is a need as in the case of the woman who will be tested in the Qurʾān and might fail, there is no harm in her reading while menstruating due to the need however she should not [physically] touch the Qurʾān.
    She should either read from her memory or she should wear gloves on her hands and use them to turn the pages of the Qurʾān or she should use a ruler or a pen to follow the verses or letters without touching it when there is a need to do so. Or she may memorize a portion of the Qurʾān fearing that she will forget it, then for her there is no harm in her reading while menstruating in order to preserve what she is memorizing.
    As for the woman for whom Allāh has granted an ample amount of time, then she should delay her reading of the Qurʾān until after her menses and until after she has purified herself in an effort to escape the difference of opinion in this issue and all praise is due to Allāh. Yes.”
    Translated By: Abul-Layth Qāsim Mutiva