I'm surprises you did not know about, Tinian nor associate the island with the names of two, B-29 that took of from there in August 1945, Enola Gay and Bockscar.
@@no3ironman11100 i give it max 2 weeks from the moment it`s added , that somebody will blubber something about a feature or a specification, that it`s not quite "ACCURATE" enough...
Manned flight, Submarines, Spaceflight, reusable rockets, tail landing rockets, directed energy weapons, cellphones, and much more all used to be the realm of pure science fiction.
@@andreivaldez2929 agreed, like flying cars. but hoverboards and exoskeleton suits do exist. Hoverboards are not really practical. but the exoskeleton suits have already been used outside fo R&D.
That's the funny thing about military aircraft. By the time a brand new fighter/attack or bomber airframe gets put into service, the technology is already 20 years old. The flip side is that cutting edge aerospace tech is decades ahead of the consumer goods market. And classified. People may think that high resolution digital cameras, reflex gun sights and rc drones are products of the last 30 years, when in fact that technology existed and was used during the early days of the cold war and in some cases WWII. It just takes time for the technology to be declassified, funded, miniaturized and applied to some area of the consumer market. Most of our modern telecom and IT technology can be traced back to WWII/cold war R&D projects.
Yeah, it can be weird at times. Sometimes it's really advanced, and sometimes it's behind the ball. I can't remember if it was the F-22 or F-35 (I think it was the F-35), but I remember a general saying that the computers powering the aircraft were outdated before it flew, and said that "the chips you find in your kids Xbox are more powerful than what we're putting into this". I think they were good when they started the program, but delays saw that it wasn't at release. I want to say they put in a program to upgrade those chips though. @@galloglaigh8198
@@galloglaigh8198It is more that the technology has been deliberately withheld from consumers by Classified patents than the military being decades ahead. Military applications means civilians have outdated technology constantly, and the current stuff is reserved for war games. Science and technology has been held back by the military more than helped by it, at least since the 1970's.
Ideally, the Russians would be best served by moving on to development of their 6th generation fighter. Given the current political, economic, and military situation, it seems doubtful that they will be able to do so any time soon.
USA can "dominate" until the real war with China or Russia would began. After that point USA´s aircraft carriers would be sunk by hypersonic missilles and USA would realize, they are against some huge powers whithout any doubt. Game over very fast...
I love your information dense presentations and the fact that 90% of the images you include actually depict what you are talking about. Other channels that i don't watch very frequently anymore just use pictures of stuff. I watched a vid covering the same subject as this vid but most of the pictures were miscellaneous aircraft. You are the absolute best!
Yes, they'd ask for budget to fight aliens, but only after the have the capability to do so. The worst case scenario would be some AF General promising they could shoot it down, getting some shitbrain nationalist President in office (think Bush) who literally runs on a platform of "We're going to shoot down these illegal alien saucers invading our planet!" and then we have absolutely no ability to. Just failure after failure. No one wants to be the general promising they can shoot one down (especially "we'll shoot one down before I leave office!"), when they really know that it's impossible or decades away from our capabilities.
How can the budget get any higher than it already is ufos not of this earth are real and 100% the government knows this just to many things support this
Canada has already invaded and is working from the inside out. Just look at Ryan Gosling, Seth Rogen, Dan Aykroyd, William Shatner... the list goes on and on. It was fine when it was just Alanis Morissette and Rush influencing our children but then you had to drop Nickelback and Bieber on us, you cruel cruel bastards.
@@ronjon7942 No, it really wouldn't. You're not one of those Arrow fans who seriously believes that it would be a competitive aircraft even today are you? Even though no Western air force has had operational interceptors for decades.
OH! Thanks for using my NGAD design. I can see you made your own animations as well. Even greater that you used my design of F-34 Lynx as i called it. Next NGAD design is on the way. :)
Nice thing about directed energy, the firing solution equals “point at enemy”. When your shot is at the speed of light you don’t need to spend effort on future position prediction, maintaining radar lock, etc
Main issue is getting over the refraction of the light as a result of the atmosphere, and getting efficient energy output instead of having most of the energy be wasted.
Yeah, but it needs to be future proofed, a missile to missile is a guaranteed destruction. Laser to missile takes time to be effective, and in a realm where things are moving at hypersonic speeds, every second matters. And if your enemy’s missile has some highly advanced mirror that reflects the laser we didn’t know about. It’s potentially a loss of life, billions down the drain, and the failure of a important mission. We have missiles already, kinetic damage is highly effective. We just don’t know how safe and future proof a thermal weapon like a laser will be in the long run.
@@red-black8138 it's basic aerodynamics. That thing can't make hairpin turns without breaking up. Also the flat top and bottom are givaways to radars when banking
@@samsonsoturian6013 It has big moving surfaces at the front, so I'll guess it will be able to pull some instant G forces. But probably not like a 'classic' fighter plane.
I think it's very safe to say 6th gen will also incorporate active flow aerodynamics, like the air nozzle and outlet system from the X-65 program that replace flaps/rudder/ailerons. You'd also NEVER have a big canard in front of the intake like the model does, you'd create all sorts of engine stalling and compressor problems by redirecting the flow that way. Take a look at every canard-delta wing jet or even the ones with horizontal tail stabilizers too, NONE put the canards in front of an intake they're always on the side-top, and the intake on the bottom underneath.
Great point! I hadn't caught that! I hope there is some substance to these renders but I feel like America is so behind the ball on aircraft technology they just went on fiverr and hired a videogame artist to make some cool looking renders 😅 Also, not convinced it would solve the canard blocking the intake issue, but did you notice the intake nozzle was not fixed? It raised up. Just thinking out loud but maybe the large surface area of those canards is so they only very slightly deflect, and therefore won't interfere with the intakes? What do you think?
A chine blended into leading edge extension on the wings can provide a little more lift on the forward section without the complications of canards. 2D thrust diverters on the engines with independent control can provide plenty of additional directional control while also slightly improving stealth.
@@stupidburp I haven't heard chine used outside boat hulls, so I'm assuming you mean the types of sharp creases we saw on the SR-71, but in wing cross sections instead of hull areas? My understanding is that the active flow systems are much more like the second system you mention, not that it preclude in-builts features in any way. I think the designers would consider a flexible wing area that could stretch or crease no different from a detached flap in the way they describe the type of systems in testing in X-plane programs. DARPA's record is spooky in the extreme!
@@jeffdelgren2170 To move an object weighing many tons quickly the canard has to move so much air that I don't see a way to have an engine flow stream and a major control surface directly in line. I'm trying to come up with any example of that working, but I'm stumped. At even a few hundred miles an hour it would slam air into the low pressure compressor fans, probably surging them or starving them depending on the angle and air speed. The turbulence from a plane in front of another can seriously disrupt engine operation to, so a wing could definitely do it, but maybe there's a ducting or shape that's a workaround? I think the other issue is those engine tunnels look too short to shroud the compressor fan blades from giving a radar return, I don't know about the outlets, there may be enough masking by the vectoring assembly to do the job, I know less about that aspect of it though.
Another thing the NGAD should be able to do with the drones is maintain full stealth capability throughout the entire operation when deployed in combat, If you don't have to open any bay doors or have any hardpoint attachments fixed to the aircraft staying out of radar range becomes less of concern all of a sudden. Meaning it's only the drones that risk detection while attacking which is a game changer, other than increasing pilot survivability in general this would give more reach to the craft as you can now get much closer to your target knowing it's your drone that is dropping munitions not you. In theory you will be able to get under the radar screen detect a target while in enemy airspace and engage it with the drone, for all they know it's loitering munitions or a single long range drone if you did your job correctly. Now if you ask me that is cool and how war should be conducted, with some class and style of course.
if your controlling drones you're transmitting. doesnt matter how stealth the airframe is if they are constantly transmitting instructions / data / targettin to and from drone platforms.
The Phoenix missiles fired from Tomcat fighters would often climb away from the tomcat. The extra altitude gave extra range to the Poenix missiles that were designed to intercept missiles and fighters trying to take out the carrier. There was a multilayer defense that the navy has gotten away from in recent years where the Phoenix/Tomcat combo made up the outer layer.
@@greenbankreptiles Maybe made by an actual unassisted person, otherwise there are confirmed 'hits' (I imagine kills won't be released for a few more decades) from beyond the curve of the earth, which obviously isn't possible for a person unassisted.
The Canadians are no joke. They don't have the population or all the hi tech toys but their soldiers are well trained and very capable. I grew up in a military family in Washington and heard my grandfather talk about them from WW2. Fierce fighters. It's always the friendly people you gotta watch out not to piss off. Plus I'm 5'11" and felt short in Vancouver. Those guys are huge.
Great job on taking a very complex topic and breaking it down so even us non-military types can understand it. The graphics, as well as being cool, were also really helpful. Its pretty mind-boggling how far aviation technology and aerial warfare have come in the last 20-odd years, when the F-22 was considered cutting edge.
Raytheon last month informed the Navy and Army they made a major breakthrough on the power and laser focus at distance and would incorporate this into their existing contracts developing laser systems. Boom.
Sweet we’re lagging the Russians only 7 years behind at moment if we can field mobile lasers like Russian prevesat can ours take out optical sensors on LEO sats? And drones? Know the lasers name?
@@mickparkinson207 You want people to believe Russia is more advanced while Ukraine kicks them around with equipment that was designed and built from over 3 decades ago? You want people to believe Russia is more advanced yet their newest SU's 'advanced radar' is barely better then the ones used by early 4th generation jets from the 80's? Their body armor contains carboard inserts instead of, you know, armored plates. Half the rifles dont' work properly and they have whole fields of mines not detonating, but they have a more advanced laser. Lmfao, give me a break, dude. Even if that were the case, the lasers that the US let's the public see are no more powerful then the demonstrations they were giving almost 2 decades ago, so if you think that's the extent of what the US has, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. Of all the evidence available to us, thinking the Russians have better ANYTHING is laughable at best and more likely straight-pathetic at worst.
Coatings will be the biggie. As I understand it, the biggest problem for flight hours and performance for the Raptor and Lightning is the coating sloughing off. With very long replacement time and very high cost.
Everyone predicted this. The F22 and F35 would probably have been build this way if the "near peer" adversaries were actually near peer and forced the US to push the envelope on fighter design.
I've been wondering why this wasn't already a more common thing. An enclosed cockpit can be armored for the pilot's protection, the pilot will operate the craft with cameras from a position laying on their back to increase G-force tolerance. Win all around.
@@WhiteIkiryo-yt2it Based on experience from the last cold war - as long as Skynet is anti-communist, we're going keep blind eye to most of its annoying behaviors.
@@karlwithak. Not exactly a fair comparison. Chinese jets aren't exactly top notch, and are very lacking. Most of the computation power is for signal processing, to remove noise and identify targets from sensor data. GPUs are pretty good at this, but the behavior/logic of flight itself is very easy.
That's why US has the replicator program, CCA, Longshot program, project carrera, Gambit drone series, AFC program, CRANE program and hundreds more. I just wonder if the US will make its manta ray submersible drone a kamikaze drone.
Thank you Cappy. Great explanation. I've been reading other sources about NGAD and couldn't figure out what was going on. Your video does a great job of explaining things.
They always said the new aircraft will save money but the project will always end up with cost over run. Very few new aircraft in development have been developed within planned budget.
USA can "dominate" until the real war with China or Russia would began. After that point USA´s aircraft carriers would be sunk by hypersonic missilles and USA would realize, they are against some huge powers whithout any doubt. Game over very fast...
Military budgets are controlled by Congress...which is mostly politicians. The military and its contractors make do with what they got. That said, they are working with leading edge technology in ways that's never been used before. It's increasingly difficult to put a number on a budget for cutting edge tech. Cost overruns are to be expected, especially when you have frugal politicians controlling the purse. It's a similar issue with NASA. Lots is expected from NASA, but it's never given a large enough budget to meet expectations such they end up going over budget.
In the past the Air Force had what was known as high / low. That was things like the high cost F-15 and lower cost F-16. I think we are going to see a new dimension, being front and back. You put your advanced stuff up front with the older stuff being in the back as missile wagons along with electronic warfare to make the are as loud as a metal band.
@@奥奥利给-w6o. Consider this, the Democraps in Honolulu have spent over $14 billion dollars in the building of the “Rail To Nowhere To Buy Democrapic Votes Project” for the last 20 years that was suppose to go from Kapolei to the University of Hawaii’s Manoa Campus in order to cut 50% on the traffic on the H-1 Freeway when school is in session. So far after 20 years, along with $14 billion of Hawaii taxpayer dollars, that haven’t even reached one third of the distance promised with such a corruption laced political project. Those monies would have been better spent to improve the H-1 freeway and improving UH facilities for all the students like my two teenagers that goes there now, that would rather live at home than to live on campus. 😢😢😢
They should develop both types of engine - the adaptive one for early deployment, and the more advanced one, which will take more development time, so that it’s ready at some future time.
Agreed. That would be the best. Rotating Detonation Engines are also being experimented on which will be an amazing leap forward if we can get them to work. Not sure if those are air breathing as well. Right now it seems like it will be a form of rocket. So maybe it will only be food for missiles and space flight.
You are talking about millions in additional development costs. 100s of millions. Besides we already have UFO tech I am certain. We just need to reverse engineer it and make it somewhat public. Our researchers are always a generation ahead or two. They seem to release the tech they have as they need it and slowly enough not to give it away
@@SamtheIrishexanexactly, if you are a hundred years ahead of the competition and show it your competition can catch up close to where you are vs being 100 ahead and showing stuff 20-30 years ahead so they are trying to catch shit you are well past
They are both some time away from being ready. The adaptive engines will probably be ready for active use in the early 2030s according to the USAF. Detonation engines will probably be late 2030s to early 2040s. The US is most likely to get into a major war in during the 2020s. Which means neither engine is arriving soon enough and production should be expanded for currently available aircraft.
I wouldn't underestimate the ability of a dictator to overtax his people to fund weapon development. Heck, the soviets were building dozens of nukes while millions of them were malnurished. Talk about priorities 😂
@@nicholascecil6733 The soviet union were 15 countries. Russia is only 1. Russian engineering is so bad that the "all powerful" T-14 Armata is based on the ukranian object 477 molot tank project.
@@Mr.Dodo- and Russians arent literally starving rn like the soviets were. So how is that at all relevant? The size doesn't matter at all, the conditions do. In fact, that just makes Russia even more capable than the soviets. Thanks for helping make my point
12:11 If you guys are interested in watching DCS content featuring the NGAD and subsystems being developed as mods, GR (Grim Reapers) is the YT channel developing that content featured in this video. That clip was from the very first test session with the most basic of systems/models, but they're currently looking to improve it in each video release in an attempt to emulate the effectiveness of the NGAD and put it up against 5th generation and 4th generation assets from the US and other countries in test sessions/dog fights/BVR/war game scenarios.
I watch that channel fairly often. (Some of their videos are quite long.) I don't know if Grim Reapers are completely realistic, they seem to make various fighters (like the J20) far more stealthy than they have so far indicated, and use China's _"propaganda numbers."_ But it's the best we have currently. I wish more people did what they do, or if more people helped them with mods and stuff.
@@classifiedveteran9879 They are getting quite a bit more support now than say a year ago, with a mod-maker named CH creating a lot of assets at an incredible rate and they're fairly accurate per public knowledge. The problem comes down to it also being the sole source of income for the main guy, Cap, who has a wife and child, so it also has to be entertaining. As far as the J-20 and so on, I agree, that and the Su-57 are likely over-modeled, but I think he does his best to take the consensus of his viewers.
@@classifiedveteran9879 They do their best, but realism is hampered by the fact that the really important information is all classified while the bigger problem is that DCS doesn't model things like stealth or how modern radars work in a way that would allow these matchups to closely predict reality. Notching works in DCS but it would be useless against an F-35 or even older US jets. RCS and IR emissions are simplified to such an extent that mission planning with stealth aircraft isn't remotely realistic. Finally there's all the systems in 5th and 6th gen aircraft such as the sensor fusion that aren't modelled properly, if they're modelled at all.
It would be so cool to see more of Tyler Rogoway do a interview with you, etc. between you two, it’s incredible work. Also would love to see you go on Breaking Points and discuss Ukraine
I'd love for them to make stealth high-altitude "missile trucks" that loitered extremely high, and were issued targeting commands by NGAD and F-35s for air-air, air-ship, and smaller air-ground missiles. The extra altitude gives extra energy to the missiles, and makes them more energy-expensive to hit from lower altitudes.
Not likely. Like with most things, there are design tradeoffs. NGAD (and FA-XX) _may_ incorporate that tech in some limited fashion for the sake of range extension, but designing around using that as the "sole" means of control (like the X-65) would put a big clamp on other design features which are also desirable.
It's not that surprising. There have been all kinds of declassified concept designs for advanced aircraft going back decades. Have a look at some of the late-60s/early-70s McDonnell Douglas hypersonic concepts and they look very like things that were being talked about years later.
1:32 "A mysterious final airframe that experts believe is the sixth generation fighter..." Or it's the fictional SR-72 DARKSTAR aircraft from the movie Top Gun: Maverick, which Lockheed helped design for the mock up.
So… would be really interested to hear your take on PRC having potentially already flown a competing prototype or two for their sixth generation fighter while our Air Force’s has been put on pause and the Navy’s still appears a good decade or so on the horizon.
G'day i was curious to know if you have done a video of the Australian military vehicle called the Bushmaster?. I just looked through your videos going back a couple of years and i couldn't see a video of the Bushmaster. Have a look and check it out yourself it won't hurt you 😂.
USA can "dominate" until the real war with China or Russia would began. After that point USA´s aircraft carries would be sunk by hypersonic missilles and USA would realize, they are against some huge powers whithout any doubt. Game over very fast...
@@coreyleander7911 The advantage of block 1, was that it enabled early deployment. That there is difficulty upgrading from block 1 to block 3, does not negate the advantages of producing block 3. Similarly block 4 sounds like it might include some airframe changes. And block 5 is a way off yet.
It's entirely possible that the NGAD won't even carry a traditional weapons load out, because that space would be better apportioned to the adaptive cycle engines which will need to power the insatiable needs of a complex sensor suite, expanded fuel capacity, point defense DEWs and the ability to coordinate its stable of loyal wingmen drones. The NGAD may be as large as the old North American A5 Vigilante (a carrier-based, nuclear-capable bomber deployed in the 60s), carrying two or more pilots/mission specialists who would be responsible for controlling the attached drones. This whole endeavor is not just about spending a incredible amount of money to build these aircraft and their support systems, but also to develop the combat doctrine that will maximize the capabilities desired by the USAF. Expecting this system to be deployed by 2035 is... optimistic.
Chris, your wonderful work on this subject is shown throughout the video. It's amazing to me that the US doesn't keep its 'cards' close in the poker game of security for our future. Keep up the good work 😊
Of course it does. There’s a fine line between keeping secrets for national security purposes and a surprise factor, and exposing just enough technical progress and details of up and coming programs to act as deterrence.
Anything your hearing about is carefully selected information released by the DOD as deterrence. Releasing it's capabilities is an excellent deterrence to China but whats really important and valuable is HOW a weapon system achieves it's capabilities. Ah, who am I kidding, the Chinese will hack their way in or steal the information anyway in 5 years
We can jump to conclusions re “telling the enemy (which one; have we made up our mind yet?) what our plans are”, but how could we really know, short of successful espionage? The plane in the video cd be intentionally wrong, along w/ any official military commentary released. I cd see an actual outcome w/ the overall wing structures a tad higher on the fuselage, w/ another two vertical mini-stabilizers longitudinally mid-wing (to the extent poss. w/ no harm to stealth) & the front ‘canard’ (if still called that), sized & operating like now, pivoting level w/ the main wing. Then the big change - an F-16 style air intake below, modified for compatibility w/ the overall design philosophy, but w/ the leading intake surfaces designed to flex, partially back to the front turbine blades, w/in specs (strength of materials, flight stability) so that a more uniform airflow is AI-maintained on the turbine blades (to enhance engine performance/range & cut wear). I’ve always suspected that the F-16’s low air inlet facilitated an improved angle of attack, w/ less airframe weight, that let it carry such a generous weapons load. If so, why not pass that on to the NGAD, w/ slightly taller/stronger landing gear (maybe not F/A-18, but at least Gripen). Follow that w/ a fuselage mod below wing, outboard of the air inlet, for higher-volume interior weapons bays (low) & some increased fuel volume (top), integral w/ wings, closer to the plane’s center-line. Tell DARPA to send me a check when it’s flying 😂
“We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.” - Ben Rich, Former Director of Lockheed Skunk works shortly before his passing.
This tech with a fleet of subs will pivot the theater of engagement dramatically. The amount of load outs per drone sub for painting/engaging targets being able to focus on defending crewed subs/ships while the air drones can even fire into water new types of torpedo munitions to in the event a hyper sonic jet/rocket\drone can unleash can maybe boat back in the event it had to use most of its fuel to get to target zone.
Taking the squishy bit out also means it can sustain high G’s and higher peak G’s assuming it’s engineered to be able to handle them since you don’t have to worry about a pilot passing out from g lock.
If they would only try to make swarm drone wingman like in Enders Game. Imagine the panic when the single radar blip turns into thirty+ bird sized abstracts that start reaping havoc ,
Something tells me that the YF-23 Black Widow was never scrapped to begin with, and was actually destined to become the next 6th generation fighter. It was basically under development all these years...🤔
the original wwII lack widow was a a extreme long range bomber hunter with radar so i assume using the name black widow II would would be a great name for the the yf-23 if released as a next gen instead of rapter competition
@@ray32245mv listen I'm just a guy in YT making comments. Now you have to remember that recently the DOD couldn't justify how more than a Trillion dollars went missing from their books and that's not even counting the Irak war....so...I don't know I could be wrong but it's hard for me to believe that the USAF would just throw away all that technology develop on the Black Widow program and not use it in the future...I'm just saying
@@juanhoyos7793 Northrop didn't do anything particularly impressive with the aircraft. It had some interesting UI/sensor fusion for it's day that's still classified for "reasons", and legitimate performance as advertised, but the main thing that happened was Northrop threw a BIG fit when the F/A-22 won. Their crying was the genesis of the "it was the better aircraft -> Lockheed cheated -> it was moved into a Black Project because it was so good" rumor mill/evolution. There are people in this world who naturally "root for the underdog", and they immediately latched on to the '23 myths, because it's edgy, and it feels good to throw vague assertions out there seem smart. But none of that stuff actually happened man. It's in a museum. The '22 was and is by far the better fighter *for the ATF Program*. Have requirements changed? Would the range and payload of push the '23 to beat the '22 in today's NGAD program? Probably. But then, Lockheed would just make something better anyway. Northrop has a very unique position in the defense industry, in that they actually made something that the DOD then wrote a requirement for with the B-2, because it's just so damn good, and they will wear that crown for decades to come - nobody does alien stealth shit like Northrop. Lockheed however, has a completely different MO - whatever the DOD asks for, especially when it's a radical departure from the current "state of the art" - Lockheed WILL meet and exceed the spec in all the right places. U-2, SR-71, F-117, F-22 - whatever you want, Lockheed will make it happen. They've "got the right stuff" as they say, and that's what it takes in the fighter game. Northrop was WAY over their head with the YF-23. That's it.
these "wingman" drones are a game changer delivering a hypersonic missile without having to sacrifice a pilot even if the drone dies it still makes the shot
If the last 40 years of American aircraft development is anything to go by. The 6th Generation fighters will go into production by about 2098, cost 5 Billion a piece and cease production by 2108 after a total of 300 are produced.
@@Ghostfury2004 Good point. America will cease to exist by 2050. Was never a good idea annoying the 7 billion members of the human race, when there is just you and the Europeans, who are rapidly collapsing. 1 billion against 7 billion never good odds. Especially since the other side has all the resources.
The US military has stuff flying around that we have no idea about, and never will. They definitely aren't going to announce every new piece of equipment that's out there or in development.
@@smileygladhands Yeah, we all remember the F117. Total of 59 built. None still flying. Became obsolete after the first Gulf War. I won’t bother covering the joke that is the B2.
Insane that you people believe this stuff. I wonder if its to make yourself feel better knowing that what you're seeing isnt enough or that good@@smileygladhands
Maybe reverse engineering uap tech is still not yet achievable... like Bob lazaar said : there is no physical and visible link between the power source and the anti gravity mechanism.... like imagine asking cave men to reverse engineer radio frequencies (invisible to the naked eye also).. but I am interested either way. I want some of that uap tech.
@@LackofFaithify I’ve literally seen the silently hovering US Navy triangle shaped spacecraft for myself up close in person. We got em. Doesn’t matter if we reverse engineered the tech or not, it’s existed for awhile. This shi is just paraded around to distract us from the goods they’ve kept hidden for decades.
I believe the NGAD is going to look more like an SR-71 than an F-22. I think it's going to be what people envision the SR-72 to be. It's going to be very large, very, very fast, and very high flying. It likely will be able to outrun anything shot at it. Maneuverability will not be part of the design. One way to increase range is to increase speed. If an SR-71 can fly four times the travel speed of an f-15 but it burns twice as much fuel that means to get the same distance It burns half the fuel.
That laser system would possibly be very effective as shorter range point defense? *edit* I wonder if (I genuinely don't know) the designers of these amazing futuristic craft also develop ways to kill it, at the same time? So if someone else gets hold of, or adapts the tech for themselves we're not suddenly outmatched. Then again, nukes. And no one can counter those
Dec 26th, 2024, China now has at least 2 CNGAD in test flight. Where is the NGAD now, Team USA? Don’t keep us waiting, get more money from your taxpayers and get your ass moving! 😂
Lol. US mainstream media seem to have got a gag order from Uncle Sam, to turn an blind eye on two new Chinese jets. What a happy new year for the Chinese air force, I wonder.
Another great video! Some of the next generation fighters are starting to look like what would have been considered science fiction just a few years ago. Unreal.
NU is a Veteran-founded Yellow Ribbon school with 190+ degrees, plus certificates and credentials to expand your military skill set bit.ly/3EyngPv
I love your videos!
Make video on Georgia 🇬🇪
No the ufo story is NOT a counter intel psyop. Even the border patrol released video's of an orb dancing around a Warthog.
15:48 NGAD in Polish colours , yes please 😄
I'm surprises you did not know about, Tinian nor associate the island with the names of two, B-29 that took of from there in August 1945, Enola Gay and Bockscar.
Because of the secrecy, i think we need this plane to be added to war thunder
Nahhhh you didn't just do this 😆💀☠☠
@@no3ironman11100 i give it max 2 weeks from the moment it`s added , that somebody will blubber something about a feature or a specification, that it`s not quite "ACCURATE" enough...
the documents are gonna get leaked 💀
You mean sky warriors 😅😊.
Yeah in the next major update in December.
Fun and games till war thunder leaks the files
At this rate yes
Or another Minecraft Discord server💀
If they do that for this it will be shutdown.noone letting that slide
I’m already on my way to the forums
Looks like Lockheed is catching up to what Ace Combat has been doing for 10 years
Hopefully! 😂
They better have a razgriz squadron
Manned flight, Submarines, Spaceflight, reusable rockets, tail landing rockets, directed energy weapons, cellphones, and much more all used to be the realm of pure science fiction.
Still waiting on hoverboards and exo-skeleton suits: not everything in scifi makes sense to make real.
@@andreivaldez2929 agreed, like flying cars.
but hoverboards and exoskeleton suits do exist. Hoverboards are not really practical. but the exoskeleton suits have already been used outside fo R&D.
The F-22 was designed with the best of 80s technologies and built with the best tools of early 90s. Imagine what we can do today.
Using ever developing AI 😳
I can imagine. It's not that different. It's pathetic in fact.
That's the funny thing about military aircraft. By the time a brand new fighter/attack or bomber airframe gets put into service, the technology is already 20 years old.
The flip side is that cutting edge aerospace tech is decades ahead of the consumer goods market. And classified. People may think that high resolution digital cameras, reflex gun sights and rc drones are products of the last 30 years, when in fact that technology existed and was used during the early days of the cold war and in some cases WWII. It just takes time for the technology to be declassified, funded, miniaturized and applied to some area of the consumer market. Most of our modern telecom and IT technology can be traced back to WWII/cold war R&D projects.
Yeah, it can be weird at times. Sometimes it's really advanced, and sometimes it's behind the ball. I can't remember if it was the F-22 or F-35 (I think it was the F-35), but I remember a general saying that the computers powering the aircraft were outdated before it flew, and said that "the chips you find in your kids Xbox are more powerful than what we're putting into this". I think they were good when they started the program, but delays saw that it wasn't at release. I want to say they put in a program to upgrade those chips though. @@galloglaigh8198
@@galloglaigh8198It is more that the technology has been deliberately withheld from consumers by Classified patents than the military being decades ahead. Military applications means civilians have outdated technology constantly, and the current stuff is reserved for war games. Science and technology has been held back by the military more than helped by it, at least since the 1970's.
Love the Polish Air Force Checkboard at various points of those renders (f.ex.: 15:45)
I thought I caught that!
Wouldn't it be reasonable for Russia to develop the 5th generation jet first before replacing it with 6th?
Na don’t be ridiculous
Ideally, the Russians would be best served by moving on to development of their 6th generation fighter. Given the current political, economic, and military situation, it seems doubtful that they will be able to do so any time soon.
No one cat match Russia airplane development. Make an airplane that can fly name it next generation
nah... they'll name an existing model 6th gen as usual...
USA can "dominate" until the real war with China or Russia would began. After that point USA´s aircraft carriers would be sunk by hypersonic missilles and USA would realize, they are against some huge powers whithout any doubt. Game over very fast...
In the immortal words of Perun, this sounds less like a fighter plane and more like a bloody spaceship.
Apperantly the helmet can read your brainwaves.
@@Mr.Dodo-Firefox reference? Love that movie
"...and all it cost was the price of equipping Private Conscriptovich for the entirety of his service contract." 😂Love Perun.
But while we wait…AT-802U Air tractor baby! 🤘
An extremely expensive and wasteful spaceship
Gotta petition the Army to develop it’s first generation Mobile Suit now.
We'll be able to make the Flag any decade now.
@@ReallyRealBenMills LMAO the Union's MS
@@johnfoulke9241 if they call it the union flag i will fking die lmao
I'm guessing Japan will be doing it but using their increased budget as a cover.
Just for the love of God let's hope they work out the kinks in the Zero system before deploying that.
I love your information dense presentations and the fact that 90% of the images you include actually depict what you are talking about.
Other channels that i don't watch very frequently anymore just use pictures of stuff. I watched a vid covering the same subject as this vid but most of the pictures were miscellaneous aircraft.
You are the absolute best!
7:17 always has been. If aliens existed the Air Force would be the first to tell us so they could get more budget to fight them.
Yes, they'd ask for budget to fight aliens, but only after the have the capability to do so. The worst case scenario would be some AF General promising they could shoot it down, getting some shitbrain nationalist President in office (think Bush) who literally runs on a platform of "We're going to shoot down these illegal alien saucers invading our planet!" and then we have absolutely no ability to. Just failure after failure. No one wants to be the general promising they can shoot one down (especially "we'll shoot one down before I leave office!"), when they really know that it's impossible or decades away from our capabilities.
Look at the budget🫣😔
How can the budget get any higher than it already is ufos not of this earth are real and 100% the government knows this just to many things support this
They don't exist. Just distractions
@@jigold22571 It's small as a percentage of GDP compared to what it was during the Cold War.
As a Canadian I can confirm, we’re amassing our secret new 5th generation Avro Arrow 2 by the border, just waiting for the right opportunity
As Canada should be. Even w current serial production of the first Arrow, the West would be the better off.
@@seamusmustapha8378 You're not allowed to used the word 'based' in a sarcastic manner. Now everyone is confused about what it means. 😄
Canada has already invaded and is working from the inside out. Just look at Ryan Gosling, Seth Rogen, Dan Aykroyd, William Shatner... the list goes on and on. It was fine when it was just Alanis Morissette and Rush influencing our children but then you had to drop Nickelback and Bieber on us, you cruel cruel bastards.
@@ronjon7942 No, it really wouldn't. You're not one of those Arrow fans who seriously believes that it would be a competitive aircraft even today are you? Even though no Western air force has had operational interceptors for decades.
Actual prototypes been Flying in isolated environments from 2020, you can do a bit of research before commenting😊.
OH! Thanks for using my NGAD design. I can see you made your own animations as well. Even greater that you used my design of F-34 Lynx as i called it.
Next NGAD design is on the way. :)
Nice thing about directed energy, the firing solution equals “point at enemy”. When your shot is at the speed of light you don’t need to spend effort on future position prediction, maintaining radar lock, etc
Main issue is getting over the refraction of the light as a result of the atmosphere, and getting efficient energy output instead of having most of the energy be wasted.
Yeah, but it needs to be future proofed, a missile to missile is a guaranteed destruction.
Laser to missile takes time to be effective, and in a realm where things are moving at hypersonic speeds, every second matters.
And if your enemy’s missile has some highly advanced mirror that reflects the laser we didn’t know about. It’s potentially a loss of life, billions down the drain, and the failure of a important mission.
We have missiles already, kinetic damage is highly effective. We just don’t know how safe and future proof a thermal weapon like a laser will be in the long run.
The return of SR-71 astetics, I love it.
It means it's meant to fly at extreme speed and altitude with no dogfighting ability
@@samsonsoturian6013 is that a theory, fact or question ?
But regardless, I agree it's for high speed, low drag (and radar cross section).
@@red-black8138 it's basic aerodynamics. That thing can't make hairpin turns without breaking up. Also the flat top and bottom are givaways to radars when banking
@@samsonsoturian6013 It has big moving surfaces at the front, so I'll guess it will be able to pull some instant G forces. But probably not like a 'classic' fighter plane.
@@mennol3885 NGAD won't have canards. That's pretty much guaranteed.
I think it's very safe to say 6th gen will also incorporate active flow aerodynamics, like the air nozzle and outlet system from the X-65 program that replace flaps/rudder/ailerons. You'd also NEVER have a big canard in front of the intake like the model does, you'd create all sorts of engine stalling and compressor problems by redirecting the flow that way. Take a look at every canard-delta wing jet or even the ones with horizontal tail stabilizers too, NONE put the canards in front of an intake they're always on the side-top, and the intake on the bottom underneath.
Great point! I hadn't caught that!
I hope there is some substance to these renders but I feel like America is so behind the ball on aircraft technology they just went on fiverr and hired a videogame artist to make some cool looking renders 😅
Also, not convinced it would solve the canard blocking the intake issue, but did you notice the intake nozzle was not fixed? It raised up.
Just thinking out loud but maybe the large surface area of those canards is so they only very slightly deflect, and therefore won't interfere with the intakes? What do you think?
A chine blended into leading edge extension on the wings can provide a little more lift on the forward section without the complications of canards.
2D thrust diverters on the engines with independent control can provide plenty of additional directional control while also slightly improving stealth.
I blame the animator, I guess he is not an aerodynamics guy
@@stupidburp I haven't heard chine used outside boat hulls, so I'm assuming you mean the types of sharp creases we saw on the SR-71, but in wing cross sections instead of hull areas? My understanding is that the active flow systems are much more like the second system you mention, not that it preclude in-builts features in any way. I think the designers would consider a flexible wing area that could stretch or crease no different from a detached flap in the way they describe the type of systems in testing in X-plane programs. DARPA's record is spooky in the extreme!
@@jeffdelgren2170 To move an object weighing many tons quickly the canard has to move so much air that I don't see a way to have an engine flow stream and a major control surface directly in line. I'm trying to come up with any example of that working, but I'm stumped. At even a few hundred miles an hour it would slam air into the low pressure compressor fans, probably surging them or starving them depending on the angle and air speed. The turbulence from a plane in front of another can seriously disrupt engine operation to, so a wing could definitely do it, but maybe there's a ducting or shape that's a workaround? I think the other issue is those engine tunnels look too short to shroud the compressor fan blades from giving a radar return, I don't know about the outlets, there may be enough masking by the vectoring assembly to do the job, I know less about that aspect of it though.
Another thing the NGAD should be able to do with the drones is maintain full stealth capability throughout the entire operation when deployed in combat, If you don't have to open any bay doors or have any hardpoint attachments fixed to the aircraft staying out of radar range becomes less of concern all of a sudden.
Meaning it's only the drones that risk detection while attacking which is a game changer, other than increasing pilot survivability in general this would give more reach to the craft as you can now get much closer to your target knowing it's your drone that is dropping munitions not you. In theory you will be able to get under the radar screen detect a target while in enemy airspace and engage it with the drone, for all they know it's loitering munitions or a single long range drone if you did your job correctly.
Now if you ask me that is cool and how war should be conducted, with some class and style of course.
yeah - like buzz lightyear !! 😜
if your controlling drones you're transmitting. doesnt matter how stealth the airframe is if they are constantly transmitting instructions / data / targettin to and from drone platforms.
@@rickthomson990highly directional emissions, which are almost impossible for anyone (including the US) to detect
Even with drones, you have to avoid operational losses. They won't be cheap units. Unmanned, but still a number limited military asset.
At this point, you dont even really need missiles. Just send the drone to kamikaze like they are doing with consumer grade drones in Ukraine.
Thank you and have a great week.
The Phoenix missiles fired from Tomcat fighters would often climb away from the tomcat. The extra altitude gave extra range to the Poenix missiles that were designed to intercept missiles and fighters trying to take out the carrier. There was a multilayer defense that the navy has gotten away from in recent years where the Phoenix/Tomcat combo made up the outer layer.
Basically a spaceship then dive straight down😅
I laughed out at the mention of Canada as "near-peer adversary" 🤣
Near by!
I wouldn't mess with them.. do they still hold longest sniper kill?
@@greenbankreptiles yes
@@greenbankreptiles Maybe made by an actual unassisted person, otherwise there are confirmed 'hits' (I imagine kills won't be released for a few more decades) from beyond the curve of the earth, which obviously isn't possible for a person unassisted.
The Canadians are no joke. They don't have the population or all the hi tech toys but their soldiers are well trained and very capable. I grew up in a military family in Washington and heard my grandfather talk about them from WW2. Fierce fighters. It's always the friendly people you gotta watch out not to piss off. Plus I'm 5'11" and felt short in Vancouver. Those guys are huge.
Excellent video. A great high-level primer on the current state of NGAD and related projects.
Great job Chris!!!
The BEST NGAD video I've found so far. Well done.
Who is here after China revealed their new ones. GET IT TOGETHER LOCKHEED MARTIN.
Great job on taking a very complex topic and breaking it down so even us non-military types can understand it. The graphics, as well as being cool, were also really helpful.
Its pretty mind-boggling how far aviation technology and aerial warfare have come in the last 20-odd years, when the F-22 was considered cutting edge.
Raytheon last month informed the Navy and Army they made a major breakthrough on the power and laser focus at distance and would incorporate this into their existing contracts developing laser systems. Boom.
I've been hearing that since the 80's.
Sweet we’re lagging the Russians only 7 years behind at moment if we can field mobile lasers like Russian prevesat can ours take out optical sensors on LEO sats? And drones? Know the lasers name?
@@mickparkinson207please cut some crack into your Copium before you smoke it as the result will be less harsh.
@@mickparkinson207 You want people to believe Russia is more advanced while Ukraine kicks them around with equipment that was designed and built from over 3 decades ago?
You want people to believe Russia is more advanced yet their newest SU's 'advanced radar' is barely better then the ones used by early 4th generation jets from the 80's?
Their body armor contains carboard inserts instead of, you know, armored plates. Half the rifles dont' work properly and they have whole fields of mines not detonating, but they have a more advanced laser.
Lmfao, give me a break, dude.
Even if that were the case, the lasers that the US let's the public see are no more powerful then the demonstrations they were giving almost 2 decades ago, so if you think that's the extent of what the US has, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. Of all the evidence available to us, thinking the Russians have better ANYTHING is laughable at best and more likely straight-pathetic at worst.
All they have to do now is eliminate clouds from Earth's atmosphere ...
Coatings will be the biggie. As I understand it, the biggest problem for flight hours and performance for the Raptor and Lightning is the coating sloughing off. With very long replacement time and very high cost.
Yep very funny that plus not so stealthy on a rainy day. Lol
Ace Combat predicted this. Enclosed cockpit that uses cameras to see around you.
The Gundam series envisioned that in 1985 with 360 panoramic cockpits.
Macross had AI drones called Ghosts in 1981.
Everyone predicted this. The F22 and F35 would probably have been build this way if the "near peer" adversaries were actually near peer and forced the US to push the envelope on fighter design.
Your device's memory is running out of space. Cannot open cameras. Manage storage?
I've been wondering why this wasn't already a more common thing. An enclosed cockpit can be armored for the pilot's protection, the pilot will operate the craft with cameras from a position laying on their back to increase G-force tolerance. Win all around.
COFFIN moment
These "buddy drones" need to be mass produced to a ridiculous degree. Swarm intelligence, absolutely slay.
Yeah but...well, skynet. Let's not make it even more OP than it already will be.
@@WhiteIkiryo-yt2it Based on experience from the last cold war - as long as Skynet is anti-communist, we're going keep blind eye to most of its annoying behaviors.
return to god
@@karlwithak. Not exactly a fair comparison. Chinese jets aren't exactly top notch, and are very lacking. Most of the computation power is for signal processing, to remove noise and identify targets from sensor data. GPUs are pretty good at this, but the behavior/logic of flight itself is very easy.
That's why US has the replicator program, CCA, Longshot program, project carrera, Gambit drone series, AFC program, CRANE program and hundreds more. I just wonder if the US will make its manta ray submersible drone a kamikaze drone.
Thank you Cappy. Great explanation. I've been reading other sources about NGAD and couldn't figure out what was going on. Your video does a great job of explaining things.
Damn, at this pace, Russia's 6th gen fighter will be operational before their 5th gen /s
So basically the NGAD will have the same panoramic cockpit seen in some Gundam series.
Equipped with their own version of gundam's funnels.
yes it's called "Gundam Style"
More like 'Gundam' anime stuff tended to take its cue from artistic concepts of future military hardware, as dreamed up in the eighties.
Yeah that is something that the JSDF has seriously been sinking money into.
They always said the new aircraft will save money but the project will always end up with cost over run. Very few new aircraft in development have been developed within planned budget.
Yeah legal corruption
USA can "dominate" until the real war with China or Russia would began. After that point USA´s aircraft carriers would be sunk by hypersonic missilles and USA would realize, they are against some huge powers whithout any doubt. Game over very fast...
Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that.Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that. Keep saying that.
Entire US Navy. (Please forget the Zumwalt and the Little Crappy Ships)
Exactly... Military complex and money. It's hard to be accountable for someone's else money when the government finances the expenses.
Military budgets are controlled by Congress...which is mostly politicians.
The military and its contractors make do with what they got.
That said, they are working with leading edge technology in ways that's never been used before.
It's increasingly difficult to put a number on a budget for cutting edge tech.
Cost overruns are to be expected, especially when you have frugal politicians controlling the purse.
It's a similar issue with NASA.
Lots is expected from NASA, but it's never given a large enough budget to meet expectations such they end up going over budget.
In the past the Air Force had what was known as high / low. That was things like the high cost F-15 and lower cost F-16. I think we are going to see a new dimension, being front and back. You put your advanced stuff up front with the older stuff being in the back as missile wagons along with electronic warfare to make the are as loud as a metal band.
advanced yet disposable
counterintuitive but reasonable
I feel like this should definitely be a two seater. That way the WSO in the back can be the one managing those wingman drones.
Not even released yet and already dominating the Pacific? Very impressive!
When I see the price of 200 NGADs is 16 billion dollars, I know its impossible for US to finish even 50 with 16 billions.
@@奥奥利给-w6o. Consider this, the Democraps in Honolulu have spent over $14 billion dollars in the building of the “Rail To Nowhere To Buy Democrapic Votes Project” for the last 20 years that was suppose to go from Kapolei to the University of Hawaii’s Manoa Campus in order to cut 50% on the traffic on the H-1 Freeway when school is in session. So far after 20 years, along with $14 billion of Hawaii taxpayer dollars, that haven’t even reached one third of the distance promised with such a corruption laced political project. Those monies would have been better spent to improve the H-1 freeway and improving UH facilities for all the students like my two teenagers that goes there now, that would rather live at home than to live on campus. 😢😢😢
They should develop both types of engine - the adaptive one for early deployment, and the more advanced one, which will take more development time, so that it’s ready at some future time.
Agreed. That would be the best.
Rotating Detonation Engines are also being experimented on which will be an amazing leap forward if we can get them to work.
Not sure if those are air breathing as well. Right now it seems like it will be a form of rocket. So maybe it will only be food for missiles and space flight.
You are talking about millions in additional development costs. 100s of millions.
Besides we already have UFO tech I am certain. We just need to reverse engineer it and make it somewhat public. Our researchers are always a generation ahead or two. They seem to release the tech they have as they need it and slowly enough not to give it away
@@SamtheIrishexan unfortunately, CHINA is probably Already building them!
@@SamtheIrishexanexactly, if you are a hundred years ahead of the competition and show it your competition can catch up close to where you are vs being 100 ahead and showing stuff 20-30 years ahead so they are trying to catch shit you are well past
They are both some time away from being ready. The adaptive engines will probably be ready for active use in the early 2030s according to the USAF. Detonation engines will probably be late 2030s to early 2040s.
The US is most likely to get into a major war in during the 2020s. Which means neither engine is arriving soon enough and production should be expanded for currently available aircraft.
The Army lives under the Stars, The Navy navigates by the stars, the Airforce selects their hotels by the Stars :)
Great Content!!
Each NGAD with a pack of drones to command is absolutely insane.
Cant wait to see its capabilities
Is it what we are seeing right now in new jersey?
Also, it’s Wild how much this NGAD looks like the fighter from Stealth…
I highly doubt Russia will be making one anytime soon🤣
Russia wont exist in the near future🤣↘️
China neither, unless they pull off a massive hack again
I wouldn't underestimate the ability of a dictator to overtax his people to fund weapon development. Heck, the soviets were building dozens of nukes while millions of them were malnurished. Talk about priorities 😂
@@nicholascecil6733 The soviet union were 15 countries. Russia is only 1.
Russian engineering is so bad that the "all powerful" T-14 Armata is based on the ukranian object 477 molot tank project.
@@Mr.Dodo- and Russians arent literally starving rn like the soviets were. So how is that at all relevant? The size doesn't matter at all, the conditions do. In fact, that just makes Russia even more capable than the soviets. Thanks for helping make my point
12:11 If you guys are interested in watching DCS content featuring the NGAD and subsystems being developed as mods, GR (Grim Reapers) is the YT channel developing that content featured in this video. That clip was from the very first test session with the most basic of systems/models, but they're currently looking to improve it in each video release in an attempt to emulate the effectiveness of the NGAD and put it up against 5th generation and 4th generation assets from the US and other countries in test sessions/dog fights/BVR/war game scenarios.
I watch that channel fairly often. (Some of their videos are quite long.) I don't know if Grim Reapers are completely realistic, they seem to make various fighters (like the J20) far more stealthy than they have so far indicated, and use China's _"propaganda numbers."_ But it's the best we have currently. I wish more people did what they do, or if more people helped them with mods and stuff.
@@classifiedveteran9879 They are getting quite a bit more support now than say a year ago, with a mod-maker named CH creating a lot of assets at an incredible rate and they're fairly accurate per public knowledge. The problem comes down to it also being the sole source of income for the main guy, Cap, who has a wife and child, so it also has to be entertaining. As far as the J-20 and so on, I agree, that and the Su-57 are likely over-modeled, but I think he does his best to take the consensus of his viewers.
@@classifiedveteran9879 They do their best, but realism is hampered by the fact that the really important information is all classified while the bigger problem is that DCS doesn't model things like stealth or how modern radars work in a way that would allow these matchups to closely predict reality. Notching works in DCS but it would be useless against an F-35 or even older US jets. RCS and IR emissions are simplified to such an extent that mission planning with stealth aircraft isn't remotely realistic. Finally there's all the systems in 5th and 6th gen aircraft such as the sensor fusion that aren't modelled properly, if they're modelled at all.
@@trollerifficWhat is notching?
Congrats on all of your recent subscribers!
I heard your comment about wrong branch. I'm proud of my CIB. I'm proud of my experience and training.
It would be so cool to see more of Tyler Rogoway do a interview with you, etc. between you two, it’s incredible work. Also would love to see you go on Breaking Points and discuss Ukraine
I'd love for them to make stealth high-altitude "missile trucks" that loitered extremely high, and were issued targeting commands by NGAD and F-35s for air-air, air-ship, and smaller air-ground missiles. The extra altitude gives extra energy to the missiles, and makes them more energy-expensive to hit from lower altitudes.
why do the simluation planes at start of video have Polish Air force flags?
CGI designers are Polish ?
Hahaha the “Little St. James” island procurement got me! 🤣 Nicely played! 😂😆😅
Really like your way of reporting especially the funny side quips. Please keep them coming
Is this fighter expected to have no external control surfaces like the X-65?
No, that technology is not ready yet.
Not likely. Like with most things, there are design tradeoffs.
NGAD (and FA-XX) _may_ incorporate that tech in some limited fashion for the sake of range extension, but designing around using that as the "sole" means of control (like the X-65) would put a big clamp on other design features which are also desirable.
its crazy how Ace Combat 7's fictional 6th and 7th gen jets look like the current real life models
I guess Japan’s 6th Gen will have the advantage then
It's not that surprising. There have been all kinds of declassified concept designs for advanced aircraft going back decades. Have a look at some of the late-60s/early-70s McDonnell Douglas hypersonic concepts and they look very like things that were being talked about years later.
1:32 "A mysterious final airframe that experts believe is the sixth generation fighter..." Or it's the fictional SR-72 DARKSTAR aircraft from the movie Top Gun: Maverick, which Lockheed helped design for the mock up.
So… would be really interested to hear your take on PRC having potentially already flown a competing prototype or two for their sixth generation fighter while our Air Force’s has been put on pause and the Navy’s still appears a good decade or so on the horizon.
G'day i was curious to know if you have done a video of the Australian military vehicle called the Bushmaster?. I just looked through your videos going back a couple of years and i couldn't see a video of the Bushmaster. Have a look and check it out yourself it won't hurt you 😂.
We have seen that incremental development approach with the F35
USA can "dominate" until the real war with China or Russia would began. After that point USA´s aircraft carries would be sunk by hypersonic missilles and USA would realize, they are against some huge powers whithout any doubt. Game over very fast...
This is a complete design revision.
Although points for doing something creative for once
Yeah and it failed massively.
@@coreyleander7911 The advantage of block 1, was that it enabled early deployment.
That there is difficulty upgrading from block 1 to block 3, does not negate the advantages of producing block 3.
Similarly block 4 sounds like it might include some airframe changes. And block 5 is a way off yet.
they are adding Gundam funnels to aircrafts, this is awesome
So where is it?
The more and more I see these newer aircraft concepts the closer they get to those insane designs from the ace combat games.
Kick ass reporting dude, keep them coming.
The looks and sleekness of the F-104 compare favorably with the NGAD renderings. The Starfighter goes fast just standing still.
Wonder if in 2040 the good old B52 'll be trucking along..
I hope so the BUFF is still a formidable bomber.
Lol, you know it will.
It's entirely possible that the NGAD won't even carry a traditional weapons load out, because that space would be better apportioned to the adaptive cycle engines which will need to power the insatiable needs of a complex sensor suite, expanded fuel capacity, point defense DEWs and the ability to coordinate its stable of loyal wingmen drones. The NGAD may be as large as the old North American A5 Vigilante (a carrier-based, nuclear-capable bomber deployed in the 60s), carrying two or more pilots/mission specialists who would be responsible for controlling the attached drones. This whole endeavor is not just about spending a incredible amount of money to build these aircraft and their support systems, but also to develop the combat doctrine that will maximize the capabilities desired by the USAF. Expecting this system to be deployed by 2035 is... optimistic.
I'm waiting for the merkava mark 5 "Barak" video
9:02 which is why it's probably a good idea to redesign drop tanks; change their shape, materials and coating.
Chris, your wonderful work on this subject is shown throughout the video. It's amazing to me that the US doesn't keep its 'cards' close in the poker game of security for our future. Keep up the good work 😊
Of course it does. There’s a fine line between keeping secrets for national security purposes and a surprise factor, and exposing just enough technical progress and details of up and coming programs to act as deterrence.
Anything your hearing about is carefully selected information released by the DOD as deterrence. Releasing it's capabilities is an excellent deterrence to China but whats really important and valuable is HOW a weapon system achieves it's capabilities.
Ah, who am I kidding, the Chinese will hack their way in or steal the information anyway in 5 years
I Concur.
We can jump to conclusions re “telling the enemy (which one; have we made up our mind yet?) what our plans are”, but how could we really know, short of successful espionage?
The plane in the video cd be intentionally wrong, along w/ any official military commentary released.
I cd see an actual outcome w/ the overall wing structures a tad higher on the fuselage, w/ another two vertical mini-stabilizers longitudinally mid-wing (to the extent poss. w/ no harm to stealth) & the front ‘canard’ (if still called that), sized & operating like now, pivoting level w/ the main wing.
Then the big change - an F-16 style air intake below, modified for compatibility w/ the overall design philosophy, but w/ the leading intake surfaces designed to flex, partially back to the front turbine blades, w/in specs (strength of materials, flight stability) so that a more uniform airflow is AI-maintained on the turbine blades (to enhance engine performance/range & cut wear).
I’ve always suspected that the F-16’s low air inlet facilitated an improved angle of attack, w/ less airframe weight, that let it carry such a generous weapons load. If so, why not pass that on to the NGAD, w/ slightly taller/stronger landing gear (maybe not F/A-18, but at least Gripen).
Follow that w/ a fuselage mod below wing, outboard of the air inlet, for higher-volume interior weapons bays (low) & some increased fuel volume (top), integral w/ wings, closer to the plane’s center-line.
Tell DARPA to send me a check when it’s flying 😂
“We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.” - Ben Rich, Former Director of Lockheed Skunk works shortly before his passing.
This tech with a fleet of subs will pivot the theater of engagement dramatically. The amount of load outs per drone sub for painting/engaging targets being able to focus on defending crewed subs/ships while the air drones can even fire into water new types of torpedo munitions to in the event a hyper sonic jet/rocket\drone can unleash can maybe boat back in the event it had to use most of its fuel to get to target zone.
yeah imagine trying to defend against an entire swarm you can't even reliably detect
you'd actually be scared to engage by that point
Once the military industrial complex announced the 6th generation fighter. They are already developing and designing the 7th
Yes. That’s what we keep them around for.
That's not how science works
@@samsonsoturian6013 Military industrial complex is not about science, it's about money.
@@Matx5901 Well yeah exactly. So they're not developing aircraft possibly 40 years or more away with no funding.
I'll never understand people who think like this. What you see is *essentially* what you get.
Taking the squishy bit out also means it can sustain high G’s and higher peak G’s assuming it’s engineered to be able to handle them since you don’t have to worry about a pilot passing out from g lock.
That concept art for that fighter looks like a maintenance nightmare
Classic Air Force using more budget than the other 3 branches combined
Air Force will be the first and most mobile line of defense against any future adversary.
Our defense is based on air power first and foremost. The better the aircraft the stronger the defense
But there are 6 branches
"defense" lol@@timothywood4402
If they would only try to make swarm drone wingman like in Enders Game.
Imagine the panic when the single radar blip turns into thirty+ bird sized abstracts that start reaping havoc ,
I'm thinking something along the lines of Rapid Dragon
Something tells me that the YF-23 Black Widow was never scrapped to begin with, and was actually destined to become the next 6th generation fighter. It was basically under development all these years...🤔
the original wwII lack widow was a a extreme long range bomber hunter with radar so i assume using the name black widow II would would be a great name for the the yf-23 if released as a next gen instead of rapter competition
Something is lying to you.
@@ray32245mv listen I'm just a guy in YT making comments. Now you have to remember that recently the DOD couldn't justify how more than a Trillion dollars went missing from their books and that's not even counting the Irak war....so...I don't know I could be wrong but it's hard for me to believe that the USAF would just throw away all that technology develop on the Black Widow program and not use it in the future...I'm just saying
@@juanhoyos7793 Northrop didn't do anything particularly impressive with the aircraft. It had some interesting UI/sensor fusion for it's day that's still classified for "reasons", and legitimate performance as advertised, but the main thing that happened was Northrop threw a BIG fit when the F/A-22 won. Their crying was the genesis of the "it was the better aircraft -> Lockheed cheated -> it was moved into a Black Project because it was so good" rumor mill/evolution. There are people in this world who naturally "root for the underdog", and they immediately latched on to the '23 myths, because it's edgy, and it feels good to throw vague assertions out there seem smart. But none of that stuff actually happened man. It's in a museum. The '22 was and is by far the better fighter *for the ATF Program*. Have requirements changed? Would the range and payload of push the '23 to beat the '22 in today's NGAD program? Probably. But then, Lockheed would just make something better anyway. Northrop has a very unique position in the defense industry, in that they actually made something that the DOD then wrote a requirement for with the B-2, because it's just so damn good, and they will wear that crown for decades to come - nobody does alien stealth shit like Northrop. Lockheed however, has a completely different MO - whatever the DOD asks for, especially when it's a radical departure from the current "state of the art" - Lockheed WILL meet and exceed the spec in all the right places. U-2, SR-71, F-117, F-22 - whatever you want, Lockheed will make it happen. They've "got the right stuff" as they say, and that's what it takes in the fighter game. Northrop was WAY over their head with the YF-23. That's it.
The loyal wingman stuff seems like it would be terrifyingly effective but super complicated to pull off.
these "wingman" drones are a game changer delivering a hypersonic missile without having to sacrifice a pilot even if the drone dies it still makes the shot
I love Polish Air Force marks on designed for Pacific fighters.
The CGI designers are probably of Polish descent 🇵🇱
If the last 40 years of American aircraft development is anything to go by. The 6th Generation fighters will go into production by about 2098, cost 5 Billion a piece and cease production by 2108 after a total of 300 are produced.
Under any other circumstance I will say ur right but we are basically back to coldwar2.0
@@Ghostfury2004 Good point. America will cease to exist by 2050. Was never a good idea annoying the 7 billion members of the human race, when there is just you and the Europeans, who are rapidly collapsing. 1 billion against 7 billion never good odds. Especially since the other side has all the resources.
The US military has stuff flying around that we have no idea about, and never will. They definitely aren't going to announce every new piece of equipment that's out there or in development.
@@smileygladhands Yeah, we all remember the F117. Total of 59 built. None still flying. Became obsolete after the first Gulf War. I won’t bother covering the joke that is the B2.
Insane that you people believe this stuff. I wonder if its to make yourself feel better knowing that what you're seeing isnt enough or that good@@smileygladhands
You’d think that with the reverse engineered UAP tech, we’d have variable fighters by now.
Maybe reverse engineering uap tech is still not yet achievable... like Bob lazaar said : there is no physical and visible link between the power source and the anti gravity mechanism.... like imagine asking cave men to reverse engineer radio frequencies (invisible to the naked eye also).. but I am interested either way. I want some of that uap tech.
@@LackofFaithify I’ve literally seen the silently hovering US Navy triangle shaped spacecraft for myself up close in person. We got em. Doesn’t matter if we reverse engineered the tech or not, it’s existed for awhile. This shi is just paraded around to distract us from the goods they’ve kept hidden for decades.
Everyone keeps forgetting that Lockheed Martin applied for a patent on a fusion drive propulsion system. They did it for a reason.
Good job, Cappy.
5:22 Polish Air Force Chessboard?!?! 15:53: defnitely Polish Air Force Insignia....
It's called "projecting" in English language, I believe...
A dark joke.
The CGI designers are probably of Polish descent 🇵🇱
It would be interesting if the drones could be transported via long range bomber
Look for the Rapid Dragon System
A plane only flying in the PPT. This is a total PPT trash. While China has launched two types of real 6th gen fighters in your Christmas day.
I believe the NGAD is going to look more like an SR-71 than an F-22. I think it's going to be what people envision the SR-72 to be. It's going to be very large, very, very fast, and very high flying. It likely will be able to outrun anything shot at it. Maneuverability will not be part of the design. One way to increase range is to increase speed. If an SR-71 can fly four times the travel speed of an f-15 but it burns twice as much fuel that means to get the same distance It burns half the fuel.
Good stuff man .✌🏻😎
That is an awesome airplane, it would be a shame if someone decided to lose it.
Chuckle. Ouch.
That laser system would possibly be very effective as shorter range point defense?
*edit* I wonder if (I genuinely don't know) the designers of these amazing futuristic craft also develop ways to kill it, at the same time? So if someone else gets hold of, or adapts the tech for themselves we're not suddenly outmatched. Then again, nukes. And no one can counter those
regarding laser countering, most likely there's classified ways to disrupt it
Ctak, no one can counter nukes?? Wake up. Nine nations currently possess nuclear weapons.
2040?? china has new 6 generation at 2024 hhhh
Tofu dreg
Two 6 gen🤣🤣🤣
@@曾憲祥-c5q two tofu dreg 😂😂
No they don't, lmao. 4.5 at best.
6:07 an old concept novelized in Alpha Kat. The idea is even older than that, but that's the best reference I recall.
Worked A-10s, 15s, 16s, 22's and 35's along with helping out/working closely with C130s and HH60s.
Dec 26th, 2024, China now has at least 2 CNGAD in test flight. Where is the NGAD now, Team USA?
Don’t keep us waiting, get more money from your taxpayers and get your ass moving! 😂
What's Jeffrey Epstein doing in the hangar?!? 🤐
Who knows? Because he certainly didn't end himself! 😂
Lol. US mainstream media seem to have got a gag order from Uncle Sam, to turn an blind eye on two new Chinese jets. What a happy new year for the Chinese air force, I wonder.
Ostrich mentality of US media including this content creator. Take their words like circus entertainment. Nothing can be taken seriously.
all of ur videos are so incredibly usefull word for word end to end
Another great video! Some of the next generation fighters are starting to look like what would have been considered science fiction just a few years ago. Unreal.
😂😂😂😂 american still doing PPT of gen 6 in 2024 then China 1st fly gen 6 in 26th Dec 2024.
Two 6 gen 🤣🤣🤣🤣
6 years behind and half the tech of hunters . That sums up the difference easily . NGAD Americans talked about since 2000 but you still not got it .
Seeing 6th gen fighters with no tail looks so weird
The Navy also needs a long-range NGAD fighter/attack plane. This helps carriers stay out of anti ship missile range - for a while.