A small correction on Fredriks comment: The Box of Doom actualy has a Celestion G12M65 Creamback on board. 65 watt and not 30 watt. Further more, he explained perfectly. Note: the speaker is placed on a cassette system baffle, and can changed very quickly.
Fred's using the axe fx just for reverb and echo? It's almost a 3000 euro unit, for god's sake.
Thats exactly what I thought lol
A small correction on Fredriks comment: The Box of Doom actualy has a Celestion G12M65 Creamback on board. 65 watt and not 30 watt. Further more, he explained perfectly. Note: the speaker is placed on a cassette system baffle, and can changed very quickly.
Ok I was just wondering if he had changed them.... Anyway, it sounded awesome. To his defence: He just had it delivered :)
what is the name of the song in the start?
alpha azor Eternal Rains Will Come