God knows who you are and what you need and I will pray that you know him and can go to him as a help in time of trouble. If you are his stay close to him , especially at this desperate time.
May our Lord and Savior, our creator GOD Almight. The God of the Bible and of Israel give you his holy spirit. The Lord Holy Spirit help you discern and convict your heart and soul to do and follow the truth of our creator GOD. And for you not to turn to the right nor to the right and keep your eyes on our creator GOD for ever. May our creator GOD always keep you strong in his word in this mean, cruel, violent, and weaked world. Our creator GOD keep away those people who are not true followers of the true living God of the Bible. May the Lord Holy Spirit keep you always focused in the things of heaven and not of this world in Jesus mighty name. Amen! Amen! Amen!
May our creator GOD Almighty who was in ancient times, who is, and is yet to come grant you strength to pass the tests that you may be going through in this world in the name that is above all names,, the Lord Jesus name. Amen ! Amen! Amen!
Finally!, I keep yelling. Thank you Jesus for Mr.Begg 🙏Thank you Mr.Begg for teaching the truth of Gods word. The entire time as your teaching Gods word in every sermon , Q&A, Radio, etc; I’m saying, Amen Amen Amen 🙌 I believe Jesus is alive and well , All glory be to God 🙌 May God continue to bless you, all of us all the days of our lives here on earth. In Jesus Christ name In Jesus Christ Spirit Amen 🙏
That is why we are to live before each other in transparency. Our life should look the same; when we are alone, doors shut, windows covered locked shut. And when we live out in the open for everyone who sees or hears. For God sees it all, it he who we aim to please, Glorify
the opening prayer in itself is almost enough, this could be the whole sermon and the intense honesty and worthiness of this prayer, is absolutely from the heart of pastor BEGG, and may this be heard by our dear LORD JESUS CHRIST. AMEN.
So true. Christions who live by the flesh should take these warnings seriously. God did not call us to be impure but to live a holy life. These warnings are given to Christians.
Just what is needed in today's world..... I wish all school students from Jr hi through graduate college could listen to this and explain it to their parents and teachers.
Listen to him every chance you can. He's always spot on. Has been my favorite for years now. I'm glad that I reconnected with him a few years ago. Totally forgot what I've been missing.
What a timely message !! I love the Lord and am glad he has saved me - in spite of me - praise to Him for all HE has done , is doing and will do !! It is such a blessing to hear a message like this , proclaiming God's truth , not man's , and delivered by a servant of God that speaks with conviction and an obvious love for God's Word and God's ways...thanks for sharing this one !!
Praise God for this message in explaining clearly the difference between justification and sanctification --- justification being legal and sanctification being moral. Enjoyed watching from Victoria, BC, Canada.
❤ We live in chapter 7 and 8; we are forever in between a war with our flesh and our spirit. Jesus has purified, is purifying His bride. We must cooperate/ submit to our Lord Jesus Amen. At the foot of The Cross,daily. Thank God for Alistair. Bless him.
Thank you for speaking the truth. Thank you for not hindering the Holy Spirit 🙏🕊️❤️. Thank you for having the love of Christ in your soul to want to save and win souls, may the Holy Spirit continue to fill you and keep you, kind servant of Christ. Thankful for the Holy Spirit leading me to your videos. Praise be to the Lord Most High 🙌
Thank you, Pastor Begg!! You have blessed me for years with your teaching and ministry and this message was just the same!! Thank you for so many years of service and blessing!!
sometimes i wonder if I'm making any progress in my Christian life.... yes but I thank God for Jesus Christ His Son my savior and redeemer. Oh, there are no words to praise Him. Thank you Alistair for teaching and preaching the PURE WORD OF GOD.
Yes the word of our creator God Almighty who was, who is, and is yet to come in true. The word feeds our souls every day and gives us strength to continue to fight for our King, Lord and Savior Jesus.
Thank you for delivering this important message with grace and salt. I have struggled mightily with these issues and have been dragged through the fire. After many years, it is only recently that I have learned, through the fear of Him & His calling, to learn to really die to these unhealthy desires. I know I could have been a lot, lot worse, but either way, sin is sin, & I continue to pray and read His word and continually ask for Jesus Christ's help in becoming like Him, to be His servant. I know I am ready to fully give Him my life, and I will not be ashamed of Him. Thanks again for solid biblical teaching with character.
I also wanted to mention that this Word helped me to continue to route out selfishness in my heart this last year, from God. -Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn from wickedness 2 Timothy 2:19
This sermon should be applied for the Sabbath- Saturday day keeping! The real Day keeping in His Law!Jesus had to die for our failure to keep all His commandments, including the Sabbath not keeping by Those who say they love Him but not obey Him!
This is the tension that the Bible holds. It is all of Grace and what Christ has done for us, but with forgiveness one will be cleansed from unrighteousness. So in this body of death will be a fight of faith until the end as one's threshold for what constitutes 'lifestyle' will vary according to their conscience. The oscillation from the mental freedom of knowing justification and the despair of falling in sin or being weak and how forgiveness is available CAN leave the immature, young or weak on a mental rollercoaster of feeling saved one minute and condemned the next. No one will ever be justified by keeping the law. Faith from start to finish, praise Jesus for our salvation purchased confirmed and preserved.....allow this to fill your mind and hope in Him who is able to complete what he has started 🙏
Truth. Amen. No paint, no powder on this Sermon. No, it ain’t “that’s what the Old Testament said”. All of the Word of God. Be sure of this Paul says. More and more deny unto sin, conforming unto the likeness of Christ. Progression unto sanctification, even a wayward thought. A sinner all the way to the Pearl Gates even a thought! Pray, repent, ask forgiveness continually❗️Now matters. This here, is not all I have. It is Eternity I strive for, make the journey, Christ with me, I cannot go it alone. Fear God Only, nothing, none here. No culture such as what we have today has survived The Wrath of God. The Bible instructs us - to Eternity or death. Working providence in us, say no, no, no. Onward and Upward. ✝️♥️✝️
Of course, the only holiness we have is Christ's atoning blood. But He gives us the faith if we follow His Word, watch and pray. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in There." I'm trusting Him to keep me through these strange times. Looking up.
Get right with God friends, don't wait another day! About 500 prophecies fulfilled hundreds and thousands of years in advance prove the Bible is God's word. Believe and repent, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4!!!
It is sad that many Pastors preach sermons that in a way keep the believers in bondage, and I'm not talking about christians not following the law, the law is a good guide to follow. Obviously those are the things that mather to God the most but in reading the bible from cover to cover and IN CONTEXT you realize that Jesus freed you from the power of sin because now you have the Holy spirit living inside you since you believed to guide you and tell you what's wrong and what's not. Since I understood this basic truth about God sealing us with the Holy Spirit till the day of Redemption and how the Holy Spirit is in a way a down payment to us as a promise of His Word that He is coming back for us. I don't have to live in fear of How am I doing? Am I doing enough? Am I saved? Am I rejecting sin as often as possible? etc etc etc... I don't worry about that I just live my life the best way I can for God, it's not perfect but I've noticed in time God has delivered me from sins that I couldn't do it in the flesh. But most of the time we throw this "christianese" phrase. oh yeah it is possible with the Holy Spirit.... but Until you have that assurance of your salvation by what Jesus did for you at the cross there is no way that you're gonna be led by The Spirit, you end up trying in the flesh that's why christians fail in conquering sins.
I take exception that Christians conquer sin. Jesus Christ was manifest to destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3. We are made victors through Him. If you walk in the Spirit you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh, Galatians 5. Thy word have I treasured in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. We are saved by the word of God, or the Word of God. Eat My flesh, and drink My blood. If you continue in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
@@jjjj-ss8dq There are more and you can find them in The Epistles and Revelation. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians is basically dealing with one of those issues. Having believed The Gospel the churches in Galatia turned to a different Gospel which is no gospel at all. Gritty reading.
I am inclined to believe, in regards to pre-destination, that gentiles as a whole were always in God's plan to be eligible for salvation. Gentiles were not/still not under the law.
I think this sermon has the wrong title. It seemed to be more about how we truly understand what it means to accept forgiveness of our sins in Christ and at the same time truly in loving thanksgiving for God's loving gift of forgiveness that we hope to change and conform to the ways of God, of Christ, Our example.
This can all be quite confusing, I always like to ask what is the takeaway message for people. In other words what should a person think they should go do after hearing this message.
There is some weird type of shadow b a n n in g occurring here. I was editing my comment and now it disappeared. oh well. To the person that asked if Alistair shared information about his congregation to me, NO HE DID NOT. It was more of a "Ruach Ha'Kodesh" type of thing. But one thing is for sure. You all are so richly blessed with all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ with Alistair being your Great Shepard. HalleluYAH!!! To Jehovah be the Glory ! “Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.” (Psalm 20:6-8) The great Tribulation is about to begin. The stages are set. But before the Anti-Christ is revealed (What a slip from the Prince of England about "HIM" having trillions to his disposal at the COP 26.), we are to be delivered out of earth and be ushered into paradise because of God's love for his children. HalleluYAH ! Because of our Great and faithful God, he will tell his son, " Go and fetch your bride". If you have NEVER seen the documentary "BEFORE THE WRATH", what are you waiting for?!? A MUST WATCH IF YOU WANT ENCOURAGMENT OF WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN AND TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN UNFORUNTATELY. The title has nothing to do with the glorious content. It's about the Galilean weddings and the "in your face" typology. W O W !!! I actually had to buy the movie instead of renting it because I have needed (on several occasions) to go back to it to feed my faith. Which is so important my fellow saints ! Let us continue to pray for EACH OTHER (as a body of Christ that is filled with the SAME spirit that raised Christ from the dead on the 3rd day!!) that we are ALL counted WORTHY in the eyes of our LORD and savior JESUS CHRIST to be caught up in the clouds on that appointed day when he will come to DELIVER us from this evil and wicked generation that we want no part of. Earth is not our citizenship. The Kingdom of Heaven is our citizenship and thank you Yeshua Ha'Mashiach for your faithfulness. We will meet him in the clouds and see him (can you imagine!) and be in his countenance and glory. True Love, Joy and Peace and no evil!!!! Woo-hoo!! And thus we will dwell with out LORD and savior forever. For Eternity! It does NOT get any better than this. When you are having a difficult day here on Earth, Please remember and pray for the martyrs. Pray for the imprisoned. Pray for the widows and the orphans. And remember the promise of deliverance given to us by the Great I AM. I don't know any of you, but I identify with you through the Holy Spirit. And so... The LORD bless you, the LORD keep you, the LORD shine his face upon you and lift up his countenance upon you, be gracious to you and gave you HIS peace. Amen.
I need to read the Bible instead of the audiobible. I'm not a very good reader and attention can wonder somewhere completely different while I'm reading word by word. So I don't absorb 50%+ and would end up having to read the whole thing over again & again. I've got to hear way more scripture and understanding through audiobooks. I like to play audio Bible videos while I sleep. But I'd probably get a completely different understanding if I read it myself and just kept trying. I have about seven different Bibles laying around my room. I even sleep with a KJVBible under my pillow.
I find it helpful to listen to David Suchet reading the bible, as long as I read along too, resisting the temptation to just listen, without reading along. Suchet has recorded the entire Bible. A perfect BBC pronunciation of difficult words also helps.
Then, Why churches with their pastors do not keep the Sabbath? Not as the Jews did but as God says should be kept, no way about it, it is His. Commandment but man has changed to their own liking and keep Sunday and even called it the sabbath! Amazing,! Following Rome doctrines and not God s! Man disobeys but doesn’t ask for forgiveness!
God allowed me to have the desire of my heart....and now I have a vindictive ex to, in her words, I will get even with you and make you suffer. By God's grace, I don't hate her...I pity people who follow that path...they don't get it.
God's Love and relationship with Jesus and knowing His goodness brings us to repentance. Believing you can do religion and still not know Jesus Christ. That is the ones Jesus is speaking of. We can not "fix ourselves" we can only modify behavior and that is NOT a true change. Once saved we are sealed forever. We can't read the minds or heart motivations of others. Many are born again and living miserable life out of a lack of knowledge. The world has gone it's own way and Jesus is returning soon. His command above all is if we have love for one another. No one will ever be perfected this side of Heaven. We all sin every day and to say we do not is self righteous delusion. All my faith I will put in Jesus Christ alone through faith alone. Jesus plus NOTHING or we trample the cross of Christ. I did not know you were Catholicism friendly or I would have understood the legalistic bent. No wonder so many run from religion. Love is the only way any come to believe in the gospel "good news". Our culture is heading to the end. Come quickly Lord Jesus.
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 ESV When men fight with one another and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts, then you shall cut off her hand. Your eye shall have no pity.
Isaiah 65:11, destiny is a name of a god just liked luck. The God and Father of Yeshua (John 20:17) is my Father and my God not destiny, fate, luck and or fortune. Please be careful how you used those words in your daily lives.
I feel like The Father God just told me a joke. I’m in an abyss and I snickered despite myself. Sorry wanted to share. PS future dudes, if you want a father in law, wash his feet. The mental image couldn’t help but laugh. The only father I’ve had is him, our reintroduction is recent.
Keep on sinning without repentance to see what will happen then! Haven't you heard that Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom??? Fear the Lord man... read the Word for yourself!
Please pray for me everyone that reads this I desperately need the intercession of Gods Children please
What is your name so I can properly pray? And what is going on. We are all suffering servants for Christ. Please respond !
God knows who you are and what you need and I will pray that you know him and can go to him as a help in time of trouble. If you are his stay close to him , especially at this desperate time.
The title of this sermon is "Let no one deceive you."
May our Lord and Savior, our creator GOD Almight. The God of the Bible and of Israel give you his holy spirit. The Lord Holy Spirit help you discern and convict your heart and soul to do and follow the truth of our creator GOD. And for you not to turn to the right nor to the right and keep your eyes on our creator GOD for ever. May our creator GOD always keep you strong in his word in this mean, cruel, violent, and weaked world. Our creator GOD keep away those people who are not true followers of the true living God of the Bible. May the Lord Holy Spirit keep you always focused in the things of heaven and not of this world in Jesus mighty name. Amen! Amen! Amen!
May our creator GOD Almighty who was in ancient times, who is, and is yet to come grant you strength to pass the tests that you may be going through in this world in the name that is above all names,, the Lord Jesus name. Amen ! Amen! Amen!
Simply overwhelming!!! „This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and TREMBLES AT MY WORD.“ (Isa 66:2)
Truth for life a true pillar in our Christian walk
powerful message,oh, if the whole world could hear it, listen to it and realize the urgency of it.
Finally!, I keep yelling. Thank you Jesus for Mr.Begg 🙏Thank you Mr.Begg for teaching the truth of Gods word. The entire time as your teaching Gods word in every sermon , Q&A, Radio, etc; I’m saying, Amen Amen Amen 🙌
I believe Jesus is alive and well , All glory be to God 🙌
May God continue to bless you, all of us all the days of our lives here on earth. In Jesus Christ name In Jesus Christ Spirit Amen 🙏
Amen, we should pray constantly that our nation does not fall apart. The true church is what holds us together ✝️❤️🔥
Such a powerful message.The Truth, The WORD OF GOD.
That is why we are to live before each other in transparency. Our life should look the same; when we are alone, doors shut, windows covered locked shut.
And when we live out in the open for everyone who sees or hears.
For God sees it all, it he who we aim to please, Glorify
I love ❤ you teaching
You good teachings
My heart ❤so happy
Thank you
the opening prayer in itself is almost enough, this could be the whole sermon and the intense honesty and worthiness of this prayer, is absolutely from the heart of pastor BEGG, and may this be heard by our dear LORD JESUS CHRIST. AMEN.
Thank you, Pastor Begg and the Parkside Church.
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
John 14:15 - KJV
I love ❤️ you lord
Amen 🙏
Thank you for putting me right. Putting your flesh aside and going the way of holiness is not without struggle
Justification and Sanctification work hand in hand.... Thank you Lord God.... Help me
Amazingly powerful instruction - Thank You Alistair Begg.
So true. Christions who live by the flesh should take these warnings seriously. God did not call us to be impure but to live a holy life. These warnings are given to Christians.
Praise Good, Thankyou Pastor Begg, I always love your teaching. This sermon should be heared by all. Especialy Christians cause it is ticking .
Just what is needed in today's world..... I wish all school students from Jr hi through graduate college could listen to this and explain it to their parents and teachers.
Yes ! Train up a child when they are young up in Christ, and when they get older they will never depart from him. HalleluYAH !
I absolutely agree with you 👍
Powerful message! We do not hear this kind of preaching too often anymore. We need more of it.
Listen to him every chance you can. He's always spot on. Has been my favorite for years now. I'm glad that I reconnected with him a few years ago. Totally forgot what I've been missing.
What a timely message !! I love the Lord and am glad he has saved me - in spite of me - praise to Him for all HE has done , is doing and will do !! It is such a blessing to hear a message like this , proclaiming God's truth , not man's , and delivered by a servant of God that speaks with conviction and an obvious love for God's Word and God's ways...thanks for sharing this one !!
Amen. Thank you, Pastor Begg.
Amen 🙏
Praise God for this message in explaining clearly the difference between justification and sanctification --- justification being legal and sanctification being moral.
Enjoyed watching from Victoria, BC, Canada.
❤ We live in chapter 7 and 8; we are forever in between a war with our flesh and our spirit. Jesus has purified, is purifying His bride. We must cooperate/ submit to our Lord Jesus Amen.
At the foot of The Cross,daily.
Thank God for Alistair. Bless him.
Ty,for this powerful message! It helps me too always remember to do better .And be changed to Christ's commands.....ty,pastor Alistair
Thank you for speaking the truth. Thank you for not hindering the Holy Spirit 🙏🕊️❤️. Thank you for having the love of Christ in your soul to want to save and win souls, may the Holy Spirit continue to fill you and keep you, kind servant of Christ.
Thankful for the Holy Spirit leading me to your videos. Praise be to the Lord Most High 🙌
Sound grounded teaching. May God continue to help you to remain hot for His Kingdom.
Thank you, Pastor Begg!! You have blessed me for years with your teaching and ministry and this message was just the same!! Thank you for so many years of service and blessing!!
sometimes i wonder if I'm making any progress in my Christian life.... yes but I thank God for Jesus Christ His Son my savior and redeemer. Oh, there are no words to praise Him. Thank you Alistair for teaching and preaching the PURE WORD OF GOD.
I thank God for the ministry of Alistair Begg! What a sermon! My soul needed this and drank it down gladly. Thanks be to God!
Hbcx ugh 😫 I
Yes the word of our creator God Almighty who was, who is, and is yet to come in true. The word feeds our souls every day and gives us strength to continue to fight for our King, Lord and Savior Jesus.
not sure I have ever seen/heard Bro. Alistair so passionate...this was an amazing sermon; one to share far and wide!
Thank you for delivering this important message with grace and salt. I have struggled mightily with these issues and have been dragged through the fire. After many years, it is only recently that I have learned, through the fear of Him & His calling, to learn to really die to these unhealthy desires. I know I could have been a lot, lot worse, but either way, sin is sin, & I continue to pray and read His word and continually ask for Jesus Christ's help in becoming like Him, to be His servant. I know I am ready to fully give Him my life, and I will not be ashamed of Him. Thanks again for solid biblical teaching with character.
I also wanted to mention that this Word helped me to continue to route out selfishness in my heart this last year, from God. -Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn from wickedness 2 Timothy 2:19
This sermon should be applied for the Sabbath- Saturday day keeping! The real Day keeping in His Law!Jesus had to die for our failure to keep all His commandments, including the Sabbath not keeping by Those who say they love Him but not obey Him!
Thank you for preaching TRUTH!!!!!
Thank you Pastor.
This is the tension that the Bible holds. It is all of Grace and what Christ has done for us, but with forgiveness one will be cleansed from unrighteousness. So in this body of death will be a fight of faith until the end as one's threshold for what constitutes 'lifestyle' will vary according to their conscience. The oscillation from the mental freedom of knowing justification and the despair of falling in sin or being weak and how forgiveness is available CAN leave the immature, young or weak on a mental rollercoaster of feeling saved one minute and condemned the next.
No one will ever be justified by keeping the law. Faith from start to finish, praise Jesus for our salvation purchased confirmed and preserved.....allow this to fill your mind and hope in Him who is able to complete what he has started 🙏
Well done Alistair. Love from Scotland xxx
This is one of the most powerful messages that I (AND EVERY CHRISTIAN) NEEDS to hear. 😢❤
I heard, and listened, and Thank God for this message.
I love this teaching ❤️
Excellent message
Truth. Amen. No paint, no powder on this Sermon. No, it ain’t “that’s what the Old Testament said”. All of the Word of God. Be sure of this Paul says.
More and more deny unto sin, conforming unto the likeness of Christ. Progression unto sanctification, even a wayward thought. A sinner all the way to the Pearl Gates even a thought! Pray, repent, ask forgiveness continually❗️Now matters. This here, is not all I have. It is Eternity I strive for, make the journey, Christ with me, I cannot go it alone. Fear God Only, nothing, none here. No culture such as what we have today has survived The Wrath of God. The Bible instructs us - to Eternity or death. Working providence in us, say no, no, no. Onward and Upward. ✝️♥️✝️
excellent explanation of justification and sanctification. Thank you Pastor Begg
I love ❤ you god
Jesus Christ
Of course, the only holiness we have is Christ's atoning blood. But He gives us the faith if we follow His Word, watch and pray. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in There." I'm trusting Him to keep me through these strange times. Looking up.
Get right with God friends, don't wait another day! About 500 prophecies fulfilled hundreds and thousands of years in advance prove the Bible is God's word. Believe and repent, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4!!!
Lots more changes I 🙏 🤲 ❤
Psalm 30 is a fulfillment of ps. 130,about being lifted from the depths. Just started watching, promises to be a good one
awesome word
Wonderful Sermon 🕊
Thank you
Very sound doctrine!
It is sad that many Pastors preach sermons that in a way keep the believers in bondage, and I'm not talking about christians not following the law, the law is a good guide to follow. Obviously those are the things that mather to God the most but in reading the bible from cover to cover and IN CONTEXT you realize that Jesus freed you from the power of sin because now you have the Holy spirit living inside you since you believed to guide you and tell you what's wrong and what's not. Since I understood this basic truth about God sealing us with the Holy Spirit till the day of Redemption and how the Holy Spirit is in a way a down payment to us as a promise of His Word that He is coming back for us. I don't have to live in fear of How am I doing? Am I doing enough? Am I saved?
Am I rejecting sin as often as possible? etc etc etc... I don't worry about that I just live my life the best way I can for God, it's not perfect but I've noticed in time God has delivered me from sins that I couldn't do it in the flesh. But most of the time we throw this "christianese" phrase. oh yeah it is possible with the Holy Spirit.... but Until you have that assurance of your salvation by what Jesus did for you at the cross there is no way that you're gonna be led by The Spirit, you end up trying in the flesh that's why christians fail in conquering sins.
I take exception that Christians conquer sin. Jesus Christ was manifest to destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3. We are made victors through Him. If you walk in the Spirit you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh, Galatians 5. Thy word have I treasured in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. We are saved by the word of God, or the Word of God. Eat My flesh, and drink My blood. If you continue in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
❤️ ali
Be aware of Prophet Paul read and compare Acts Chapters 9,22 and 26. To the point! Road to Damascus! Let TRUTH be your guide!
Practicing fornication or adultery will disqualify a person from His Kingdom, unless they repent - period.
Yeshua also said just looking at a woman you've sinned,all liars,idolaters,etc
Is it just the two sins you mentioned that will disqualify somone, or is there more, and if you could share the list with everyone that be helpful.
@@jjjj-ss8dq There are more and you can find them in The Epistles and Revelation.
Paul's Epistle to the Galatians is basically dealing with one of those issues. Having believed The Gospel the churches in Galatia turned to a different Gospel which is no gospel at all.
Gritty reading.
I am inclined to believe, in regards to pre-destination, that gentiles as a whole were always in God's plan to be eligible for salvation. Gentiles were not/still not under the law.
I'm not a liar or a thief, I don't know anything. I'm trying, does not mean anything?
I think this sermon has the wrong title. It seemed to be more about how we truly understand what it means to accept forgiveness of our sins in Christ and at the same time truly in loving thanksgiving for God's loving gift of forgiveness that we hope to change and conform to the ways of God, of Christ, Our example.
So as a Christian who lives a righteous life but doesnt bear fruit shall be stricken down. This is the interpretation i get. Correct me if im wrong.
Romans 1.....this is the 'Truth'... The Lord God is a Creator... YHWH plus Elohim plus Adonai.. .. YAHWEH... The Lord God, Creator, Owner
This can all be quite confusing, I always like to ask what is the takeaway message for people. In other words what should a person think they should go do after hearing this message.
Do you teach the book of Revelation
There is some weird type of shadow b a n n in g occurring here. I was editing my comment and now it disappeared. oh well. To the person that asked if Alistair shared information about his congregation to me, NO HE DID NOT. It was more of a "Ruach Ha'Kodesh" type of thing. But one thing is for sure. You all are so richly blessed with all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ with Alistair being your Great Shepard. HalleluYAH!!! To Jehovah be the Glory !
“Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.” (Psalm 20:6-8)
The great Tribulation is about to begin. The stages are set. But before the Anti-Christ is revealed (What a slip from the Prince of England about "HIM" having trillions to his disposal at the COP 26.), we are to be delivered out of earth and be ushered into paradise because of God's love for his children. HalleluYAH ! Because of our Great and faithful God, he will tell his son, " Go and fetch your bride". If you have NEVER seen the documentary "BEFORE THE WRATH", what are you waiting for?!? A MUST WATCH IF YOU WANT ENCOURAGMENT OF WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN AND TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN UNFORUNTATELY. The title has nothing to do with the glorious content. It's about the Galilean weddings and the "in your face" typology. W O W !!! I actually had to buy the movie instead of renting it because I have needed (on several occasions) to go back to it to feed my faith. Which is so important my fellow saints ! Let us continue to pray for EACH OTHER (as a body of Christ that is filled with the SAME spirit that raised Christ from the dead on the 3rd day!!) that we are ALL counted WORTHY in the eyes of our LORD and savior JESUS CHRIST to be caught up in the clouds on that appointed day when he will come to DELIVER us from this evil and wicked generation that we want no part of. Earth is not our citizenship. The Kingdom of Heaven is our citizenship and thank you Yeshua Ha'Mashiach for your faithfulness. We will meet him in the clouds and see him (can you imagine!) and be in his countenance and glory. True Love, Joy and Peace and no evil!!!! Woo-hoo!! And thus we will dwell with out LORD and savior forever. For Eternity! It does NOT get any better than this. When you are having a difficult day here on Earth, Please remember and pray for the martyrs. Pray for the imprisoned. Pray for the widows and the orphans. And remember the promise of deliverance given to us by the Great I AM. I don't know any of you, but I identify with you through the Holy Spirit. And so...
The LORD bless you, the LORD keep you, the LORD shine his face upon you and lift up his countenance upon you, be gracious to you and gave you HIS peace. Amen.
I need to read the Bible instead of the audiobible. I'm not a very good reader and attention can wonder somewhere completely different while I'm reading word by word. So I don't absorb 50%+ and would end up having to read the whole thing over again & again. I've got to hear way more scripture and understanding through audiobooks. I like to play audio Bible videos while I sleep. But I'd probably get a completely different understanding if I read it myself and just kept trying. I have about seven different Bibles laying around my room. I even sleep with a KJVBible under my pillow.
I find it helpful to listen to David Suchet reading the bible, as long as I read along too, resisting the temptation to just listen, without reading along.
Suchet has recorded the entire Bible.
A perfect BBC pronunciation of difficult words also helps.
Then why did Paul oppose the Judaizers that were trying to get the early church to keep the Law. Context.
The OSAS Christian’s won’t like this pastor.
Then, Why churches with their pastors do not keep the Sabbath? Not as the Jews did but as God says should be kept, no way about it, it is His. Commandment but man has changed to their own liking and keep Sunday and even called it the sabbath! Amazing,! Following Rome doctrines and not God s! Man disobeys but doesn’t ask for forgiveness!
God allowed me to have the desire of my heart....and now I have a vindictive ex to, in her words, I will get even with you and make you suffer. By God's grace, I don't hate her...I pity people who follow that path...they don't get it.
God's Love and relationship with Jesus and knowing His goodness brings us to repentance. Believing you can do religion and still not know Jesus Christ. That is the ones Jesus is speaking of. We can not "fix ourselves" we can only modify behavior and that is NOT a true change. Once saved we are sealed forever. We can't read the minds or heart motivations of others. Many are born again and living miserable life out of a lack of knowledge. The world has gone it's own way and Jesus is returning soon. His command above all is if we have love for one another. No one will ever be perfected this side of Heaven. We all sin every day and to say we do not is self righteous delusion. All my faith I will put in Jesus Christ alone through faith alone. Jesus plus NOTHING or we trample the cross of Christ. I did not know you were Catholicism friendly or I would have understood the legalistic bent. No wonder so many run from religion. Love is the only way any come to believe in the gospel "good news". Our culture is heading to the end. Come quickly Lord Jesus.
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 ESV When men fight with one another and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts, then you shall cut off her hand. Your eye shall have no pity.
Isaiah 65:11, destiny is a name of a god just liked luck. The God and Father of Yeshua (John 20:17) is my Father and my God not destiny, fate, luck and or fortune. Please be careful how you used those words in your daily lives.
I feel like The Father God just told me a joke. I’m in an abyss and I snickered despite myself. Sorry wanted to share. PS future dudes, if you want a father in law, wash his feet. The mental image couldn’t help but laugh. The only father I’ve had is him, our reintroduction is recent.
Why are adds being shown before and during the sermon? Is this ministry agreeing to profits for the message?
UA-cam puts the adds on, you can get an ad blocker, I never see any.
If you have UA-cam Premium you won't see the ads. That's just how UA-cam works. It's not the preacher who decides.
@@moomin8251 how do I get am ad blocker?
Ads* = abbreviation of advertisements.
Add is what you do with numbers. Lol 😄
@@judylloyd7901 Be careful. LOL
If this fella is guilty of sin it is probably mostly pearls before swine. I hope the people act on his words so he is not.
What a cop out! Romans 7 & 8 in the same house. Such false teaching negates the very power of the cross.
Keep on sinning without repentance to see what will happen then! Haven't you heard that Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom??? Fear the Lord man... read the Word for yourself!
@@ronmexico8383 Amen
@@Glory.To.God.In.The.Highest ok don't we have to grow in Grace
PRAISE THE LIVING LORD! on Wings Of An Eagle/djwunministries. 🌹