Enslaved downloads a sheep

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • The norwegian Liberal Party Venstre suggests that downloading music from the internet should be legalized.
    Grutle Kjellson and Ivar Peersen from Enslaved didn't quite agree, so they went up to the leader of Venstres farm to "download" one of his freerange mountain-sheep to see how he'd feel about his own suggestion...


  • @kimnovak2
    @kimnovak2 10 років тому +38

    Immortal video at 1:56

  • @franciscogeada3359
    @franciscogeada3359 9 років тому +29

    If they were wearing corpse paint, this would totally be a Black Metal video.

  • @nocirytas
    @nocirytas 9 років тому +20

    Whaha, the moment they run, they remind me of Asterix and Obelix somehow

    • @xisotopex
      @xisotopex 6 місяців тому

      LOL they almost ARE asterix and obelisk

  • @evolving_dore
    @evolving_dore 10 років тому +17

    1:40 cue Call of the Winter Moon

  • @bagelzkickass
    @bagelzkickass 13 років тому +3

    This video was fucking awesome. When you get an album for free, it's just not the same as actually buying it. Spending money gives it some sort of value to you, and you can actually cherish it.

  • @infernalone666
    @infernalone666 6 років тому +5

    Ivar and Grutle go on a viking. the rest is history

  • @Zodiak213
    @Zodiak213 12 років тому +2

    If you don't want to buy a CD then go see the band live or buy a shirt of theirs.
    That's how I support artists.

  • @Xeiki
    @Xeiki 13 років тому +1

    Well, piracy won't really hurt your buisiness that much ... you see, people who would buy your album will buy it anyway, and most of those who download it wouldn't have bought it anyway. Also, you get free advertising for your songs, you reach more people, and some of them will buy it, and in the and you maybe gain customers from pirating. If you deliver, people who really like you will pay for it.

  • @unic0de-yvr
    @unic0de-yvr 14 років тому +2

    This would make more sense if they'd stolen a hair from the sheep and used that to make a sheep clone, leaving the original sheep exactly where it was.

  • @TheDepthOfDepravity
    @TheDepthOfDepravity 12 років тому +1

    hehe, he said "lasta ned en sau", it could mean several things. Like "carry down a sheep", or even "transport a sheep", but directly translated to English it means "download a sheep" :D

  • @nilzardo
    @nilzardo 14 років тому +1

    If I wouldn't have downloaded music in the first place, I would never have bought the cd's i have now. Downloading is a good thing as long as you buy the cd's of the bands you like.

  • @Nem87
    @Nem87 12 років тому +1

    I've spent a LOT more money on t-shirts and tickets than on cd's. Isn't that way more profitable for the bands than buying their cd's? I sometimes buy cd's when I have money though, but usually at a bargain price/used cd whenever possible. I doubt buying one at a store is going to profit the band a lot as a huge % of the cd price doesn't go the artist, right? Perhaps that should change.
    Legalizing downloads however is bullshit. Or should I say sheepshit.

  • @xxdarkfaeriexx
    @xxdarkfaeriexx 14 років тому +2

    I'm proud to say all the albums I love I have bought legally. I love having something physical in my hand- and I love having the artwork most of the time. However cds are really expensive these days, when I was younger I used to get into new music by browsing the second hand section in my favourite little cd shops. Sadly they no longer exist. The only outlets to buy cds in shops are big chainstores that charge crazy prices. That's why I like to listen for free first- then buy it if I like it.

  • @NafanuaisMYnick
    @NafanuaisMYnick 15 років тому +1

    Haha, så genialt bra. Stå på gutta, last ned sauer for harde livet.

  • @BlackishMetalish
    @BlackishMetalish 13 років тому +1

    I'm certainly glad I paid to see them, last month...even though I listen to most music on YT, now, I always make sure to go to live shows of the bands I really like. That way I know they get paid. Also, occasionally, will buy a cd, or, dvd. For instance, I did pay for my own copy of Until the Light Takes Us, etc. It's hard keeping up with it, though. Since, am more or less starving musician, myself, most of my money goes into my own music. These guys deserve money for their genius, though...

  • @Hanskfheag
    @Hanskfheag 14 років тому +1

    Godt valg!
    Disse karene er fantastiske.

  • @VM0451
    @VM0451 9 років тому +6

    Legalizing downloads will make people feel like it's normal. Although I'm personally not against downloads, since one should be able to know if you like what you'll spend your money on, this makes people feel like it's not important to support true artists. I must admit that there's a lot of stuff I still want to buy, but a combination of lazyness and being uncertain about my money basically made me care a bit less. Which is a shame, because it's so much fun to have the real thing, even though it's mostly less practical than downloads. Who doesn't like that spinning disc at a party? Or to listen music in your car?

  • @Paolur
    @Paolur 15 років тому +1

    When they're running down the hillside it reminds me of the video for Blasyrkh by Immortal

  • @towyjr
    @towyjr 13 років тому +2

    If the bands keep on making good cd's and artwork than I keep on buying them :)

  • @xese4lifex
    @xese4lifex 15 років тому +1

    Damnit now I feel bad for having downloaded a bunch of music throughout my life.

  • @darktreasure
    @darktreasure 14 років тому +2

    I like how the sheep tries to keep eating after being attacked :-D

  • @charz0r
    @charz0r 17 років тому

    Aldri hørt om Enslaved før nå, og kommer nok aldri til å høre om dem igjen. I mine øyne skal artister lage musikk for å underholde fans, ikke for å tjene penger. Å stjele en sau synes jeg er en tåpelig metode å vise forakt mot et partis standpunkt, og jeg håper disse gutta straffes for dette.
    Hvis gutta fra videoen leser dette: Jeg kommer nok aldri til å laste ned eller kjøpe eller høre musikken deres, takket være denne videoen.

  • @elbuengaspar
    @elbuengaspar 15 років тому

    cuando estas jodido jodido y no puedes comprar cd originales por que te quedas sin un centavo, descargar musica no es tan malo.

  • @addiel9299
    @addiel9299 6 років тому +2

    666th like

  • @mortyfeller
    @mortyfeller 14 років тому

    Sykt morsom film, men tror dere ikke helt ser forskellen på å stjele og laste ned. Skaff det litt Iq skills da. Men skapee media overskrifter og stjele sauer, det kan dere :D

  • @Kav2990
    @Kav2990 9 років тому +1

    Utter stupidity, funny doe

  • @TankHammer
    @TankHammer 12 років тому

    Hah, I didn't expect someone to reply to this comment from so long ago. Your modified example is about as close as we can get with this analogy. I'm not in-favor of pirating anything but I don't think these guys were justified in poaching this guy's livestock either, even if they had cause to be upset at the politician's stance.
    It's a "two wrongs don't make a right" situation.
    Your response was well-informed and well-phrased.

  • @RangerLaila
    @RangerLaila 12 років тому

    To use your own example: Lets say that you take a sample of a sheeps DNA to make clones of that particular sheep. You are not removing the existing sheep, but maybe the sheep has value that exceeds its meat and wool? It may very well be that the farmer has invested time and money in breeding sheeps with certain qualities. By cloning the sheep you may then be removing an important income to the farmer.

  • @aarongtr180
    @aarongtr180 13 років тому

    @1337bard It's stealing intellectual property. For example, if someone comes up with an idea and copyrights it, you can't use it in your company just because it's not a material object. And if you "don't believe you can put a price tag on something that is intangible", what's the point of copyrights in the first place? And music was just recently made digitally available. Stealing records is considered stealing, so you can't say "downloading music isn't stealing" with a logical thought process.

  • @TankHammer
    @TankHammer 13 років тому

    @PolishKurwaMetal I get that and it's been a long time since I downloaded anything without paying the artist their fair dues. I just think their disproportionate response and their use of the word download was kinda dumb and doesn't help them make their point. It just makes them look like stupid, hyperbolic criminals. They have a valid argument but they hurt their case by responding like this.
    I can disagree with them for reasons other than being a pirate.

  • @jb1563700
    @jb1563700 13 років тому

    Look at it from both sides. I've never actually bought a cd, because I simply can't find any cds from the bands that I listen to, and buying music online is rediculously expensive, to the point where music becomes exclusively reserved for the wealthy elite again. It's a brilliant opportunity for monopolies to develop as well. Besides, this discussion is about music as art versus music as business, eventually, I think.
    chribban is right too, on a more technical level.

  • @severedfate
    @severedfate 13 років тому

    as far as i am concerned the problem of downloading is killing music...unfortunately not the right music...ok thats a bit elitist but there are artists liek these guys, testament, the haunted (I know Peter the vocalist barely made it to their recent show at hellfest due to cash)...ok, if your too poor to afford it, i think its good to be able to get a copy..but its down to the individual to have the respect to pay for it if they can (idealism, yes-true, yes) the system been raped & has effects.

  • @Sniffer194
    @Sniffer194 13 років тому

    I do download Enslaved music, but I have a couple of their original CD's too. The thing is that I download music because the constitution of my country allows me the free and unlimited acces to the culture. But I understand - music is a certain good of a certain value. So I'll buy the CD if I like music it's recorded on. How shall I know that the CD is good withough listening to it first? If I go to the restaurant, I first eat and then pay. If they gave me untasty meal, I wouldn't pay for it!

  • @Krav1234567890
    @Krav1234567890 13 років тому

    @ulfrthor 1. When you buy music, you don't actually own the music, you just purchase a license to listen to it. Enslaved (or the label if they have a shitty contract) owns the music. Therefore, by creating a copy that didn't exist before, you are not purchasing your license to listen, aka stealing it.
    2. 6 copies per person adds up really fast.
    3. .metaltravelguide(dot)com/europe/iceland/reykjavik/geisladiskabuo-valda
    Importing online isn't very hard either.

  • @ulfrthor
    @ulfrthor 13 років тому

    Funny, yet stupid. If you download a song, the original copy still exists on the seeder's location, and Enslaved still own that song.
    If you "download" a sheep, like they did, the original copy of that sheep is gone from the owner.
    That's true stealing.
    Enslaved ought to know, that they would have sold at least 6 copies less if I wouldn't have downloaded there albums many years ago.
    We don't have many stores in iceland which sells good music. I like the idea of owning a copy of a cd tho'.

  • @spottytroll
    @spottytroll 14 років тому

    If a band doesn't sell albums, they don't get paid by the record label, the record label drops them/won't put them on tours which *is* how they get paid. The only excuse for not buying an album (even iTunes, eMusic, or Amazon downloading is legal) is if you are a broke 12 year old. Buy your CD's and stop trying to justify your actions. Obviously they support it too, or they wouldn't have bothered to make this video. Countless musicians always tell fans to buy and not pirate. Why?

  • @greyfoxagenda
    @greyfoxagenda 14 років тому

    @rosscore this i can sign under. downloading music is just like going to a record store and have a taste, and if it's good then people buy it. well, not ALL people obviously but a lot. and this is good in a way, since it will stop the big crap industries putting out single-promoted shit-crap albums. with the internet getting bigger and bigger and downloading legal this would be a weapon against bubble gum crap, since the consumer won't accept to be fooled anymore. quality. muscian myself.

  • @darkbarrage99
    @darkbarrage99 14 років тому

    you don't make a dime by writing music in this day and age. people are too lazy and ignorant to go out and buy music and are too afraid to type in their credit card numbers over the internet. along with that, some people, like I, refuse to pay money for the shit quality of mp3 files. so i download mp3, buy vinyl. you look around you'll start to notice, people are beginning to agree with me, and vinyl records are starting to come back

  • @iseeu1980
    @iseeu1980 15 років тому

    Hehe... nice stunt. Music should be payed for, although a potential loss per sold CD from an illegally downloaded digital copy, (many people do actually check out music by streaming or copying before deciding to buy), is not exactly the same as stealing something material.
    Anyway, that's not the point. I support musicians in this fight, but a new and better businessmodel have to be created. The CD as a storage medium is pretty obsolete anyway when it comes to audio quality and st. capacity.

  • @denazj
    @denazj 15 років тому

    Music to be one of the biggest industry of Norway? Well I looked at the report of TONO for 2007. Norway exports for 21 millions of NOK. If you think it is a lot, think that Norway imports for 117 millions NOK... The total exports of Norway in 2008 according to the CIA world factbook is 180... billions... of dollars. So music is around 0.002% of exports. Oh what is this logo on the bottom right? Is this video made by TONO itself? When you do propaganda, please know your own numbers!

  • @Heresiarch88
    @Heresiarch88 15 років тому

    Well, this is funny, but they fucked up bad. Changed my opinion on them. Musicians shouldn't protest against downloading. People download their music cause they want to hear them. Can't just tell a potential fan to pay or fuck off if he wants to listen to you.. And then again, some people don't buy the albums, but buy shirts, go to concerts..
    Look at nergal from behemoth "even if you download it, it's cool, just enjoy it". Now that's a guy who makes music out of pleasure.... The way it should be

  • @bagelzkickass
    @bagelzkickass 13 років тому

    @1337bard But you get tired of it after a bit. That doesn't happen nearly as fast if you buy the album. I've downloaded music and There's not one album that I haven't gotten tired of after a month. Most usually last a week or two. However, with the albums I've actually bought, there are still a lot that I haven't gotten tired of after years.

  • @devilred1971
    @devilred1971 13 років тому

    @Tomgar18 i'm with you i always like haveing the music in my hand not stealing it. free is kool but at what cost, if the artist doesn't get paid and you really like the music then eventually they start to disappear due to lack of funds this is their job not just some hobby if you like an artist support them.

  • @viskarenvisla
    @viskarenvisla 14 років тому

    @TheBigMclargehuge You're right. I heard that most bands make a huge deal of their money from touring and playing live. When you're selling songs on CDs you have to give most of it away to the big-pig white-wigs who run the record companies. Besides, if people give away their music, all the more reason to go and see them live.

  • @somberlight
    @somberlight 14 років тому

    @efreet88. im a soundengineer by trade. partly because of steep competition but partly because of downloading, im not paid the full salary im supposed to have. bands simply cannot afford it, guess why? while i understand some things in industry have to change, im sorry, i cannot feel any sympathy for any of you.

  • @CTyler84
    @CTyler84 16 років тому

    Sheep plural is also sheep.
    But, no, downloading is not the same as stealing. When you steal an object, the object is removed from the owner. Downloading is just creating another copy. Law or not, downloading can't be stopped. The music business had better evolve instead. Enslaved! Go tour instead. Liveshows, and you'll get your money.

  • @aarongtr180
    @aarongtr180 13 років тому

    @1337bard The transition of music from CD's to the Internet does not suddenly make music worthless, in my opinion. And I wouldn't consider "charity" to be stealing from bands, who are usually not rich at all, to give to people who refuse to buy their music like everyone else.

  • @DragonForceGirl143
    @DragonForceGirl143 13 років тому

    @Grindermetalhead Its a play of words...they're talking about the fact they are stealing their income, so they steal a sheep...there's no need to take it so serious as you are. And if you want to download, do it legally, so the band still gets come money. Well, thats what REAL fans do anyway...

  • @TheAstronomican
    @TheAstronomican 14 років тому

    Enslaved are a great band, but their views are wrong. If piracy didn't exist I wouldn't even know them and I would never have bought any of their records. Piracy can benefit the music industry as soon as they stop being too dumb to use it.

  • @joesdmf
    @joesdmf 15 років тому

    what i do is a mix like i would download and album but if i really like the band ill go n buy the cd or somthing that will give the band money but thr is some bands i listen to that i wouldnt pay £45+ for a cd e.g. edge of sanity
    but i totaly agree with u

  • @essonet
    @essonet 13 років тому

    I but CD's sometimes, and I download both illegally and legally. Point is that when I buy a CD most of the money goes directly to the record company. The artist earn more from concerts if more people are able to hear the songs.

  • @Ybrethar
    @Ybrethar 14 років тому

    You think they dont? You cant just say they should take what they can get from concerts and be happy with that, they are losing tons of money due to illegal activity. They have every right to be upset.

  • @JoachimTraceur
    @JoachimTraceur 17 років тому

    They are "downloading" a politicians sheep, because that politican said that to download music should be legal in Norway. And since downloading is pretty much the same as stealing, they stole(/downloaded) one of his sheeps :)

  • @VictorVii
    @VictorVii 12 років тому

    I wont pay for album with 1 good song it. Most of them are not even real artists, they just seek out for money. There is very few bands who deserve support and they are usually in underground scene.

  • @Olaix1
    @Olaix1 14 років тому

    talentløst for å være ærlig. er musikken like dårlig, så trenger dere ikke vatne dere ut for at jeg skal laste den ned.

  • @myothernameistaken
    @myothernameistaken 14 років тому

    I'm going to download all of Enslaved's work just because of their stupidity here.
    If they cloned the sheep and took that, they'd have a point. Copyright infringement =/= theft.

  • @Phazer84
    @Phazer84 15 років тому

    Du har nesten riktig. Black metal er den største eksport av kultur i norge, ikke tredje største eksport av industri.

  • @aarongtr180
    @aarongtr180 13 років тому

    @1337bard So only once a form of media can be digitized should people download it for free? That doesn't seem morally consistent. Oh well, to each their own, I suppose.

  • @turbonorsking
    @turbonorsking 13 років тому

    @Kantankeris nah, its not just about the product, its the customer, if you remove the product, you remove the customer, if you copy the product, you remove the customer.

  • @VictorVii
    @VictorVii 12 років тому

    Actually i run two blogs with underground music and every now and than i hear something good rest is just see of same bands or bands with one good song.

  • @MultiCyyber
    @MultiCyyber 14 років тому

    @darktreasure Do you know anything about sheeps? Theyre ownd by humans, thus they are custom to getting "grabbed" and therefore doesnt feel threatend..

  • @eyeball226
    @eyeball226 14 років тому

    Live or studio? Because if you're talking about live then I don't see how piracy can have an effect on how much you're paid.

  • @Jan4320
    @Jan4320 15 років тому

    Ikke musikk generelt nei, men black metal er Norges største eksportvare industri etter olje og fisk.

  • @immortalx50
    @immortalx50 13 років тому

    Can they copy this ship with one click? Stealing domestic animals is not a piracy, it's a theft, my brainwashed hairy friends :)

  • @aarongtr180
    @aarongtr180 13 років тому

    @1337bard Music isn't free. That's why downloading is stealing. It's as simple as that; not hard to understand in the slightest.

  • @Ilamarea
    @Ilamarea 14 років тому

    I have an idea.
    Let's make it legal to download music for free.
    But let's pay musicians from tax money for each download.

  • @dingledorf1
    @dingledorf1 16 років тому

    Lol Thats cool I got the same perspective.
    I only know God Takk. which I'm pretty sure they didn't say =)

  • @eon14873
    @eon14873 9 років тому +4

    as fire swept clean the sheep

  • @23Combat23
    @23Combat23 13 років тому

    According to wiki, only 5 sheep were really copied - Dolly, Polly, Molly, Royana, Oyali and Zarife.

  • @Jan4320
    @Jan4320 15 років тому

    My bad... Mente den var 3. største eksportvaren men er fullt mulig jeg har feil

  • @Listhebaroness
    @Listhebaroness 11 років тому +7

    For sure man. The deal is: in their homeland, where people CAN have easy access to the CDs, its something outrageous.
    Here in Brazil, I'm lucky if I can find a store that sells non-pop genres, Enslaved CDs are so rare that I've never got one, despite being one of my all-time favorites.
    So I have to cope with downloaded music. But I don't want to, it's a band that deserves my money, deserves to get their CD bought. Alas, what can I do?
    The way music is commercialized needs to change somehow.

    • @sudicalwig
      @sudicalwig 5 років тому

      Today you don't have to go to a store to buy shit. Import it? Buy it on the internet?

    • @Dragnwarriorclay
      @Dragnwarriorclay 3 роки тому


  • @WeIsDaTyrantz
    @WeIsDaTyrantz 12 років тому

    'Ah, Enslaved, one of metals most respected ar- wait, what, WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO THAT SHEEP???'

  • @Ilamarea
    @Ilamarea 14 років тому

    Yeah... Still people pay taxes, and people listen to them...
    You can't help it.

  • @Gozzilla91
    @Gozzilla91 13 років тому

    If you want to download it, you should clone it and take away the clone, not steal the original

  • @tunkard
    @tunkard 14 років тому

    @spazdor difference is that music isn't a consumable item, it can be used over and over again

  • @BlackAureole
    @BlackAureole 14 років тому

    hehe the way theyre running through the hill sides is like the Call of the Wintermoon video

  • @myothernameistaken
    @myothernameistaken 14 років тому

    FYI, it's well established that people who download are the people who buy the most media.

  • @eyeball226
    @eyeball226 14 років тому

    Except you STOLE the sheep. You didn't copy it. Copying the sheep would have been fine.

  • @Shadow78954
    @Shadow78954 13 років тому

    i only download albums to see if its worth it, then if i like it, i go out and buy it.

  • @SkollDrum
    @SkollDrum 14 років тому

    @Tomgar18 Everyone like that, but if u can buy many CD's 25€, everybody can't do that.

  • @owurmoshingonmyfoot
    @owurmoshingonmyfoot 17 років тому

    They should make a music video out of the parts where they're running, Immortal style.

  • @TheBts523
    @TheBts523 13 років тому

    this is the greatest thing ever filmed involving a sheep and Black Metal musicians.

  • @VictorVii
    @VictorVii 12 років тому

    After a years of listening metal i cant agree but everyone have own opinion so....

  • @devilred1971
    @devilred1971 13 років тому

    @1337bard What's a myth if bands don't make any money how can they keep going on.

  • @rereto
    @rereto 15 років тому

    lol when they was running through the trees it was like a black metal video clip.

  • @Henrik976
    @Henrik976 15 років тому

    that is a bad exuse for downloading music u can download from itunes or spotify

  • @bagelzkickass
    @bagelzkickass 13 років тому

    @1337bard I don't think that's what I said. Nice reading comprehension skills.

  • @Grindermetalhead
    @Grindermetalhead 13 років тому

    @Livetoheadbang Just like any other business, touring has its expenses, but at the end of the day no one would do it if it wasn't profitable, so I don't see your point.
    And I know it's rare, but sometimes cover songs can sound better than the the original version, and every time a band covers a song they are adding something unique to it, thus making it their own through unique interpretation.
    It's like Opera. You can listen to dozens of interpretations of the same aria and each sounds unique.

  • @Grindermetalhead
    @Grindermetalhead 13 років тому

    @unblackcellofreak777 Actually I am. I have practiced for years and created multiple pieces of music, so your insinuation doesn't hold water. I have wrapped my mind around it and I came to a conclusion that Intellectual property is an intellectually void concept, based on nothing but a state granted monopoly and upheld by the threat and use of violence. Ideas aren't private property. They are shared, not owned. And if your sole inspiration for creativity is to cash in, you are not an artist.

  • @Grindermetalhead
    @Grindermetalhead 13 років тому

    @DragonForceGirl143 It's not clever. It's a logical fallacy. When you steal something, the owner is deprived of its possession. When you copy it, the owner still has the original. The sheep they "downloaded" is gone. If I download a song, they'll still have the original. It's not stealing. It's copying. Intellectual property is bullshit. And "downloading sucks" is just your opinion. I hate CD's. They are a waste of space which only collects dust once I rip the songs to my hard drive.

  • @BlackishMetalish
    @BlackishMetalish 13 років тому

    @Possessed420 Well...I am a girl, so, was just thinking of throwing myself at their feet, and, leaving it at that...Ha...especially, after looking Grutle, straight in the eyes, as he was walking into the Regency Ballroom, back in Nov...What can a poor girl say? Sigh...he is truly fine! ( Anyway, actually, you'd be surprised how many people want to listen to my demo)...

  • @VictorVii
    @VictorVii 12 років тому

    Never heard of it, thats not really metal is it? Its fusion or something.

  • @AoLIronmaiden
    @AoLIronmaiden 11 років тому +3

    xD love these guys

  • @unic0de-yvr
    @unic0de-yvr 14 років тому

    @tunkard that's what I'm saying.
    If sheeps could be reused over and over and over like music can (ie, if it was effortless to pluck a hair and clone it whenever you liked) then this would be a fair comparison. like this, it isn't.

  • @colinsmith5879
    @colinsmith5879 3 роки тому

    I am learning Norwegian, still a beginner currently. Is this Bokmål or Nyunorsk?

  • @darkbarrage99
    @darkbarrage99 14 років тому

    indeed it wouldn't, nafets. but neither is following the rules \m/

  • @NeoXF
    @NeoXF 15 років тому

    ~8 mp3s = 1 album, wtf. Since when did albums come only in CD form?

  • @thadon12
    @thadon12 17 років тому

    Hvis ikke nedlastning hadde fantes så hadde ikke jeg kjøpt den enslaved cden jeg har kjøpt.

  • @LuciferWitch666
    @LuciferWitch666 14 років тому

    This is so wrong!
    It looks like he tryed, to get the Sheep up the ass!
    Hahaha i know now, why they love Sheeps so much haha!
    Poor Sheep hahaha!

  • @rereto
    @rereto 15 років тому

    man norway looks like a great pace to live
    or atleast to visit