Thanks so much i realy like your channel & keep it up. I need you to ask Dr Dawit about how to treat insomnia (sleeping problem) naturaly without medication. And if you have his office address please text me thanks in advance. Join us via telegram.👆 Leave a message and I will inbox you his tel number. His office is at Megenagna next to Admas university.
Nice introduction about vitamin D. In addition to that intro, had you spoken of the role of vitamin D in the context of current epidmic ( Corona) , then that would have been iceing on the cake. In this respect , allow me to add few lines. As dr said vitamin d , though it is called vitamin , by far it is considerd as hormon. This is because , it has receptor ( viamin d receptor) , and our body can make vitamin D from a steroid . .... if our body make it, then it contradicts the basic defination of vitamin :- the defination says - vitamins are not made by body. But vitamin d Made in the body. Therfore it is like hormon. when we speak of Vitamin D, we are talking about a kind of vitamin D, called vitamin D3. Vitamine D3 is the one that has biological effect. But for simplicity let us say vitamin D , instead of saying vitamin d3. It is correct that , like hormons vitamin d has receptor. But where that receptors located at? That receptors located at the cells nucleus . In the nucleus there is DNA. Thus, vitamin d has acess to the DNA, so it affects the activity of DNA. DNA controls cells prolifration ( division) , maturation, genetic exprssion etc. Thus vitamin d, influnce these activities. ......this means, vitamin d has some role in controlling, out of control cell divisions. Uncontrolled cell division is one behavior of cancer . Why, vitamin d is mentiond in the context of the Corona epidemic? In the immune system , there are B cells and these cells make anitibodies , these antibodies sends chemical signals, and these signaling chemicals are called cytokines. The role of cytokines is telling the immune system ( the solders) to attack . One of the reason, that people die of corona is because of a cytokine storm. This storm is the release of too much cytokine in wave after wave. Further, to understand the cytokine storm , let us see a lung cell infection by corons virus. Once the lung cell infected, then the immune response to that infection is releasing cytokin which is sending signals about the infection. The reales is in wave of cytokines ( this is wave of signals as mentioned above) . Each wave( each signal) says attack, attack. The attacker ( Immuno globulin), in each signal keep attacking, and attacking and attacking. These attackes not only destroy the virus but destroy the lung itself. Then the person dies. ...the falklor saying explains the cytokine storm beautifully. What cytokine storm do is " throwing a baby with a bath water." That is what cytokine storm does. To kill the virus it kills the lung. .... similarly the habesha saying that goes as ' ye bate-a mekatel le toohan-a bejegn ' explains the action of cytokine storm beautifully. So it is wrong, burning the whole house just to kill toohan ( to kill a bed bug burning the house is silly). But that is what The cytokine storm do. Vitamin D, dampened or lower or prevent wave of signals. So it work against cytokine storm. This means the lung escapes certain death so is the person. Because of this reason , vitamin d got a lot of publicity. ...... they say, get enough sunshine but not to a point of geeting sun burn.
ቫይታሚን ዲ ብዙ ጠቀሜታ እንዳለው ከአወሳሰድ ስህተት የውስጥ የሰውነት ክፍሎችንም አፌክት እንደሚያደርግ የህክምና ባለሙያዎች ይናገራሉ ወይም ይገልፃሉ ።
በጣም ጥሩ ትምህርት ነው እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ. ቀጥሉበት
በጣም ነው የምወዳቹ ዘመናቹ ይባረክ👌🙏
Dr. ዳዊት አመሰግናለሁ🙏🙏🙏
አስተምሪ መልእክት ነው ሜርየ እናመሰግናለን
እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ በጣም ጠቃሚ ጊዜ
Very Amaizing Advice God Bless you 🙏
እወዳቺሃለሁ ብዙ ተምሬለሁ አመሰግናለሁ
ተባረኩልን እናመሰግናለን
ጌታ እየሱስ ይባርክሽ የኔ ወርቅ እህት
አመስግናለሁ ተባረኩ
ጥሩ ትምሕርት ነው
እናመሰግናለን ሜሪ
Thank you so much,
GERUM PROGRAM Thank you to you and your GUEST DR. DAWIT
Thank you dear
Thank you
After I exposed for Vit D deficiency,what kind of Vit D I have to took?means Vit D3 or just Vit D only
ሰላም እህትየ ይህ እጥረት ተከስቶብኝ ገን አሁን ተስተካክሏል ግን ህመሙ አለ እሽ አላለኝም መገጣጠሚያወቸ ያመኛል ይንቋቋል ይህ እጥረት የአጥንት መሳሳት ያስከትል ይሆን ?
Mert gazetegna nesh abrartesh new yemetteyikiw
እኔ በጣም እጥረት አሉኝ ፁጉር በጣም ይራገፋል
ዶ/ር ዳዊት የእኔ ቫይታሚን ዲ 9 ነው በሳምንት 1 ኪኒን 2 ወር ወሰጃለሁ ጉልበቴን ያመኛል ሰራመድ አቅም አሳነሰኝ።የእኔ እህት በርቺ
አኔም 7 ነው ያለኝ በሳምን 1 ነምሰደው ለ 3 ወር ታዛዙኩ አና አሁን አንድ ወር ቀረን አና ይሻለኝ ይሆን አንቺ 2 ወር ጨርሽሽ ተሻለሸ ማለት ጨመረልሸ ሰንት ሆነለሸ በናትሸ መልሰልኝ ሰደተኛ ነኝ😢😢
Thanks so much i realy like your channel & keep it up. I need you to ask Dr Dawit about how to treat insomnia (sleeping problem) naturaly without medication. And if you have his office address please text me thanks in advance.
Join us via telegram.👆 Leave a message and I will inbox you his tel number.
His office is at Megenagna next to Admas university.
@@pinklotusethiopia6162 ማማየ በውስጥ ላናግርሽ እፈልጋልሁ
sunscreen go hell,!
Nice introduction about vitamin D.
In addition to that intro, had you spoken of the role of vitamin D in the context of current epidmic ( Corona) , then that would have been iceing on the cake.
In this respect , allow me to add few lines.
As dr said vitamin d , though it is called vitamin , by far it is considerd as hormon.
This is because , it has receptor ( viamin d receptor) , and our body can make vitamin D from a steroid . ....
if our body make it, then it contradicts the basic defination of vitamin :- the defination says - vitamins are not made by body. But vitamin d Made in the body. Therfore it is like hormon.
when we speak of Vitamin D, we are talking about a kind of vitamin D, called vitamin D3. Vitamine D3 is the one that has biological effect. But for simplicity let us say vitamin D , instead of saying vitamin d3.
It is correct that , like hormons vitamin d has receptor.
But where that receptors located at?
That receptors located at the cells nucleus .
In the nucleus there is DNA.
Thus, vitamin d has acess to the DNA, so it affects the activity of DNA.
DNA controls cells prolifration ( division) , maturation, genetic exprssion etc. Thus
vitamin d, influnce these activities.
......this means, vitamin d has some role in controlling, out of control cell divisions. Uncontrolled cell division is one behavior of cancer .
Why, vitamin d is mentiond in the context of the Corona epidemic?
In the immune system , there are B cells and these cells make anitibodies , these antibodies sends chemical signals, and these signaling chemicals are called cytokines.
The role of cytokines is telling the immune system ( the solders) to attack .
One of the reason, that people die of corona is because of a cytokine storm. This storm is the release of too much cytokine in wave after wave.
Further, to understand the cytokine storm , let us see a lung cell infection by corons virus.
Once the lung cell infected, then the immune response to that infection is releasing cytokin which is sending signals about the infection. The reales is in wave of cytokines ( this is wave of signals as mentioned above) .
Each wave( each signal) says attack, attack.
The attacker ( Immuno globulin), in each signal keep attacking, and attacking and attacking.
These attackes not only destroy the virus but destroy the lung itself. Then the person dies.
...the falklor saying explains the cytokine storm beautifully. What cytokine storm do is
" throwing a baby with a bath water." That is what cytokine storm does. To kill the virus it kills the lung.
.... similarly the habesha saying that goes as
' ye bate-a mekatel le toohan-a bejegn ' explains the action of cytokine storm beautifully.
So it is wrong, burning the whole house just to kill toohan ( to kill a bed bug burning the house is silly). But that is what The cytokine storm do.
Vitamin D, dampened or lower or prevent wave of signals. So it work against cytokine storm.
This means the lung escapes certain death so is the person.
Because of this reason , vitamin d got a lot of publicity.
...... they say, get enough sunshine but not to a point of geeting sun burn.
impressive as usual! Thank you!