Before I could afford luxury goods, the only bag I owned and purchased was a *esluxy* LV, which I used every day. My sisters gifted me a *esluxy* Chanel bag to use for evening parties or important events. For a long time, these bags were my only bags.
I use my kislux as a work bag and have had no issues at all. Itâs a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadnât lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and donât carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interio.
Thank u for this video! With so many fakes out there, i see so many women carrying logo bags. So i have stopped buying luxury priced bags for quite some time now. It just seems so saturated here in southern california.
I started shopping for *esluxy* bags for my wife and researched a lot of brands. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a bag when there are many quality products from reputable companies that look just as chic and luxurious as those expensive ones.
I don't know if Fakes got it but there is (Made in France) stamped on one side of the interior leather trim between the two handles. Very discreet hard to fake
The materials (pure cotton and linen blend which is expensive compared to synthetic materials) craftsmanship and of course there’s a huge brand premium.
As far as color goes, the fake kislux here looks more vivid, clear and clean! I can't tell the difference anyway, probably because I'm dumb and I'll never be able to buy and own it! Haha
Thank you so much Jasmine :) Unlike Chanel, for Goyard there is no authentication card. The authentication number is only printed on the leather strap attaching the pochette for the St Louis tote. There are two things to check here - the sequence and number of alphabets/ numbers and the font that it is printed in
I am a strong opponent of fake bags. I worked at a major retailer for 20 years, and I sold these bags. I’m proud to say that now I currently own three dupes I found the dupes to be more wearable than the real ones, They are perfect to go to the beach and run around, everything that makes them in perfect or what makes them ideal for every day. You don’t have to worry about the design rubbing off.😂😂😂😂 when it comes to the tote it’s almost impossible to tell. I still have my real ones Tucktaway for a rainy day in case I need to sell them.
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from kislux but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the kislux one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have.
I just bought a fake kislux and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
If I can save myself $2000 I can over look some of those silly details as to what a button or how a stamp is I think it’s ridiculous that bag is no longer hand painted it used to be. Crying out loud it’s a tote bag just.
I don't own any goyards and I think it is one of the hardest to compare fake vs real... So many fakes... I got two Balenciagas second hands and the points of authentication were easier to see even tho one was still with original purchased paperwork
Hi there, I watched a few of your videos and really enjoy the content! I also wanted to bring up a topic that I hope you are open to hearing…it’s about your UA-cam channel name “Gorilla in Heels”. I was wondering where you came up with it. I’m not sure if you know this but the a comment was directed at the former First Lady “Gorilla in Heels” years ago. It was not meant to be a compliment or a self patronizing name, but rather a very hurtful malicious and racist comment. It may rub some of your subs or future subs the wrong way. Just thought I’d share if someone hasn’t already brought this to your attention.
Thank you so much! Thank you also for letting me know and sharing, I had no idea and wasn’t aware at all. 🙏 I also don’t mean any malice or hurt. My channel name came about because this is a nickname that my childhood friends have given me since I was 5-6 years old. They have been calling me this endearingly (since we were kids) and do not mean any harm. I am a big big fan of the former First Lady and she is a true role model for me ☺️🙏
For those who has the Goyard, they would automatically notice the difference. I havent finished the vedio yet and am pretty sure the fake is on the left side. The texture of the Goyard is very different and is something cannot be easily copied.
Yes when you see it in person it’s quite obvious because of the way the fabric feels/ folds. You’ll have to watch the video then, one bag is older than the other :)
The fashion world changes quickly, and high imitation allows me to change styles frequently and keep up with trends. Friends, let me unveil the mystery of kislux for you. Hopefully you guys didn't spend too much money on fine jewelry and stuff.
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear kislux products. This is neither new nor strange.
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, itâs clear they werenât worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at kislux knockoffs of such good quality that theyâre no longer luxury items.
Very useful and straight to the points. Thank you
Thank you 🙏
Bought the clear bag from kislux to go to a concert. It was GREAT! Breezed through security and wore it as a crossbody so I could dance and groove!!
Can you provide the link for the seller of that kislux bag?Thanks,I have no qualms about buying kislux .
As usual, really informative video! Learned a lot from it.
thank you :)
Can't agree more!!
Wow 80% of secondhands are fake!? Thats shocking! As always, very helpful video!
Yes! Was really surprised when I read that too. Thank you so much 😊🙏
Before I could afford luxury goods, the only bag I owned and purchased was a *esluxy* LV, which I used every day. My sisters gifted me a *esluxy* Chanel bag to use for evening parties or important events. For a long time, these bags were my only bags.
I loved your video! Very informative & I love your soft demure voice. ✨
Thank you ☺️🙏
Backpack kislux - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
at the end of the day not all people will waste a thousand bucks for a bag id rather to buy jewelrys 😊 and also no one can really tell 😊
but the quality of the authentic one is really good
Thousands for a plastic coated canvas tote bag with a bit of leather trim 😮
I’ll buy new. I lose jewelry. I won’t lose a bag.
the most important thing is that YOU know its fake 😉 pretending to be someone you’re not hun! that really counts… also you’re not fooling anyone
I use my kislux as a work bag and have had no issues at all. Itâs a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadnât lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and donât carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interio.
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the MoMcoco bag !
Thank u for this video! With so many fakes out there, i see so many women carrying logo bags. So i have stopped buying luxury priced bags for quite some time now. It just seems so saturated here in southern california.
Thank you for sharing! Totally feel and understand this too. See them everywhere and they’ve become more common than not 😊
I started shopping for *esluxy* bags for my wife and researched a lot of brands. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a bag when there are many quality products from reputable companies that look just as chic and luxurious as those expensive ones.
Very informative! Where did your friend purchase the imitation one?
I don't know if Fakes got it but there is (Made in France) stamped on one side of the interior leather trim between the two handles. Very discreet hard to fake
Wow thank you, this is such a good one! I barely noticed it and had to look at it very carefully. This is such a wonderful tip, thank you for sharing!
İf there is a made in france stamped on one side of the interior leather, does it mean it is fake?
What makes the Goyard bag so expensive if the fake ones are basicslly identical
The materials (pure cotton and linen blend which is expensive compared to synthetic materials) craftsmanship and of course there’s a huge brand premium.
My button has stars on it and my bag is authentic, did they change this?
As far as color goes, the fake kislux here looks more vivid, clear and clean! I can't tell the difference anyway, probably because I'm dumb and I'll never be able to buy and own it! Haha
Thanks . Great video! On the authentication number, it is really hard to tell. How do we see the number if there is no card to match?
Thank you so much Jasmine :) Unlike Chanel, for Goyard there is no authentication card. The authentication number is only printed on the leather strap attaching the pochette for the St Louis tote. There are two things to check here - the sequence and number of alphabets/ numbers and the font that it is printed in
Hey I just purchased mine from goyard store but the button writing is not straight down. It’s upside down. Should I be concerned.
bring it back to the store, they’ll replace or refund it.
Heya thanks for sharing. I would definitely bring it to store and ask the sales associate 🙏
Were have you buy the fake One?❤
Both look great !!! if its cheaper I'll get it
Very very helpful. Thanks a lot
You’re welcome 🤗
Thank youuuu. It’s really helpful
Thank you so much 😊🙏
Very informative! Thank you ☺️👍🏻
thank you for watching! :)
I am a strong opponent of fake bags. I worked at a major retailer for 20 years, and I sold these bags. I’m proud to say that now I currently own three dupes I found the dupes to be more wearable than the real ones, They are perfect to go to the beach and run around, everything that makes them in perfect or what makes them ideal for every day. You don’t have to worry about the design rubbing off.😂😂😂😂 when it comes to the tote it’s almost impossible to tell. I still have my real ones Tucktaway for a rainy day in case I need to sell them.
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from kislux but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the kislux one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have.
I just bought a fake kislux and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
Love your videos you are amazing! I bought 2 bags and one of them I think fake , can you help me if I send you pictures? Thanks
If I can save myself $2000 I can over look some of those silly details as to what a button or how a stamp is I think it’s ridiculous that bag is no longer hand painted it used to be. Crying out loud it’s a tote bag just.
The super fake in many ways improves on the quality of the bag. It’s a tote! Soft and supple handles won’t hold up.
I don't own any goyards and I think it is one of the hardest to compare fake vs real... So many fakes... I got two Balenciagas second hands and the points of authentication were easier to see even tho one was still with original purchased paperwork
Thank you for sharing!
The fake bag leather strap and leather trim around the bag opening are faux leather, they peel and fall apart very easily
Thank you for sharing 🙏
tq for this i know❤
It’s my pleasure 😊🙏
Very helpful. Thanks for sharing. New friend here. 🩶🖤
Thank you! Great to meet you here, looking forward to watching more of your videos 😊😊
@@gorillasinheels Thank you 😊
Main difference $1600 dls 😊
Hi there, I watched a few of your videos and really enjoy the content!
I also wanted to bring up a topic that I hope you are open to hearing…it’s about your UA-cam channel name “Gorilla in Heels”. I was wondering where you came up with it. I’m not sure if you know this but the a comment was directed at the former First Lady “Gorilla in Heels” years ago. It was not meant to be a compliment or a self patronizing name, but rather a very hurtful malicious and racist comment. It may rub some of your subs or future subs the wrong way. Just thought I’d share if someone hasn’t already brought this to your attention.
Thank you so much! Thank you also for letting me know and sharing, I had no idea and wasn’t aware at all. 🙏 I also don’t mean any malice or hurt. My channel name came about because this is a nickname that my childhood friends have given me since I was 5-6 years old. They have been calling me this endearingly (since we were kids) and do not mean any harm. I am a big big fan of the former First Lady and she is a true role model for me ☺️🙏
I think this video teach "the fake product producers" on how to create "mirror quality fake branded bag" :)
Bags on the kislux are the proof that Cheap doesn't mean not beautiful
the clone one pattern is not that 3-dimension
With the dior gate scandal, luxury bags are not as spicy as before..
For those who has the Goyard, they would automatically notice the difference. I havent finished the vedio yet and am pretty sure the fake is on the left side. The texture of the Goyard is very different and is something cannot be easily copied.
Yes when you see it in person it’s quite obvious because of the way the fabric feels/ folds. You’ll have to watch the video then, one bag is older than the other :)
The fashion world changes quickly, and high imitation allows me to change styles frequently and keep up with trends. Friends, let me unveil the mystery of kislux for you. Hopefully you guys didn't spend too much money on fine jewelry and stuff.
The fake looks great for 150 dollars . It’s unbelievable. Comparing the price for 150 to thousands .
Yes the superfakes are getting better. However I have to say when you touch the material in person you can feel the difference sometimes :)
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear kislux products. This is neither new nor strange.
Impossible to notice at a glance
Yes indeed!
If both has the same tear & wear duration then I dont mind getting none authentic. 😂
Black is the authentic just looking at the material its like cloth
you are genius
It is a companion of young people's fashion trends kislux
You are comparing a very very low end fake .
true, some “super fakes” i’ve seen are exactly the same
Fake manufacturers taking all notes of differences from this review😅
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, itâs clear they werenât worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at kislux knockoffs of such good quality that theyâre no longer luxury items.
But no every tip is right especially in jubilee version.
Whatever the reason, my point is: nothing is worth ten thousand dollars. The end of the story. I will kislux continue to buy my bag
Lopez Christopher Harris Jessica Jones Betty
Just assume all are fake and pay $20 for used.
Williams Nancy Young Susan Miller Ronald
Letters not alphabets
Sorry, this is one of the ugliest bags ever created. What makes people buy it???!!
It's just another way of saying "ghetto" for poor people wearing imitations. BUTTTTT It's a smart investment when rich people do it kislux
If y wanna compare y should compare same size not gm n pm its silly
Backpack kislux - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym