My reflection scares people ON OMEGLE
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
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Instagram - / macrobells_official
Prank on Omegle with my reflection in magical mirror. My reflection has turned and scares people on Omegle. - Комедії
Man that first jumpscare got me 🤣
I'm sorry:D I'll write the warning larger for you)
It's okay my guy. Just keep doing your job. I'll support you.🤘✨
Same omg xd
Dude it got me big time this is my first time watching his channel but if you get the audience I'd say it's a bonus lmao
This is honestly the first Omegle scare prank I find genuinely scary.
5 months ago on russian YT
In the frost place do you have a toin brother or there is a host mirror in your house sir
It got me the first time, and for whatever reason I wasn't expecting the jump scare even tho it warns right off the bat 😆😆
Somethingaboutchickens does trolls and scares too
Thing is only women can fall for it
This guy deserves an award for acting so calm i would just burst out laughing thinking what they are about to experience
He's an actor
imagine having your name and pfp as anime no one cares about anime all they focus on is the girls characters body
he's Russian, we never laugh
Cringe weeb
I like how everyone is ready to GTFO as soon as things get weird but the last guy is ready to help you take on this ghost. He's a real one.
What is GTFO?
☝ it means get the fuck out
@@ARRIVAL_6661 It's an acronym for "Get The Fuck Out"
@@ARRIVAL_6661 a game
@@ARRIVAL_6661 Get Tofu For Overlords
Surviving the first jumpscare at 3 am night alone, is not easy guys💀
Same for me now
2:45 over here lmao
Did you notice the last indian guy.. Who was trying to say you are very handsome 🤣🤣🤣🤣
it's 4am rn that was terrifying
This is legit one of the few actually creative horror pranks I’ve seen on Omegle, mad props dude
How do you have less than 40 likes its been 6 days
Edit: Okay nevermind
@@watermelonoverpoweredpizza6346 I think it's because this video was a month ago and necessarily not much people go by much in comment section or the video.
Not you again
@@watermelonoverpoweredpizza6346 it has over 400 tho
@@padarousou over 500 now
I feel so sorry for those that disconnected. They'll either think it's a prank but there's alwaya that small feeling that maybe it wasn't or they'll forever think that this creepy shit actually happened lmao.
If I am those people got pranked,I will surely stay and see wth is happening lol
This is exactly why I don't support this guy 100%... This guy lowkey gets fame and money in the expense of others. Just saying
@@vtuber3666 not for me....coz i saw someone killed a person on livestream so that always my nightmare now....
@@StreamHypeBoyByNewJeans people should get traumatised daily.
Makes for a strong population, ya know?
@@StreamHypeBoyByNewJeans omg stop being a Karen
Great video. 4:11 is the BEST. The timing of her closing and then opening her eyes up just as you have the jump-scare? Perfect!!
Yep 👍 That's A Great Video. 4:11
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The fact you allow the mirror version of you to move even after they disconnect makes this so much more hilarious to watch
Bro learn english you cant write
king had a stroke reading this and died
@@Chaz_TR how
When they disconnect and you get a still frame of their delayed jumpscare reaction was pure gold
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@macrobells When you came across the young woman that had the seven chakras 6:12 that gave me an idea. Your prank would have a much bigger impact if you sold it a little more. Very subtley. You could have told her not to mess with the spiritual realm. Then said that opening up her chakras is nothing but a way to invite evil spirits into her body and her life. Advise her to stop how she's living her lifestyle. Re-affirm that you are concerned for her safety. And let it chill. Small talk, small talk, small talk. (Can't be too on- the-nose.)
Now, ask her how she feels about God, does she feel blessed, does she feel forgiven for her sins. Cue mirror.
Y'know, sell it. 😅
I love how it goes from instantly horrifying to laughter.
7:24 lol btw that teenager was really stupid thank God he didn't fell for it saying it
here at 666 likes
Cause the girl ain't scary
The jumpscare scared the living shit out me
That first jump scare hit me right in the amygdala 💀
the amygfuckingwhat? 😂
Its funny that he warned us about all the jumpscares except for the first one..😂😂
As you can see the first 1 have a warning but you did not noticed😂
@@MMR_MMR Oh my bad 😅
Where's the first one
Top tier troll lol
@@herxegovina 0:36
Sometimes the best way to scare people isn't obvious scares like this. It's small subtle changes that causes people to feel that something is wrong, but they couldn't be sure because it's not obvious. The growing feeling of wrongness is the most terrifying.
frrr, even though I love this type of stuff too the most nerve racking feeling is feeling like something’s not really right, like you said.
Nature anomalies is always scary, regardless of your phobia
Yeah you gotta put everything in the bwckground upside down
Srsly I don’t see how they got scared by the mirror, when a mirror shatters every fragment shows a tiny reflection, so that was obviously a filter
That's why the Uncanny Valley bothers us so much. It's a term for when artifical humans whether it's CGI or a physical robot or doll makes us feel uncomfortable. Because no matter how human it looks, we can tell something is wrong and it repulses us.
"Bro, there is a ghost..." 😅 The last guy being pranked was so cool. He was actually concerned.
That was him being typically Indian... Lol
@@Azarath_Metrion_Zinthos yaa caring about others is our stuff.
@@Azarath_Metrion_Zinthos what
@@godace1766 And believe that you can see a 👻 ghost
He wanted him to say "Mein gandu hun"
mad respect to this man for holding the smile everytime they got startled
One of the best trolls I've ever seen. There was someone who did the mirror trolling, but the one in this video was very nice.
there are a lot of UA-camrs that
use to do this type of stuff years back.
there was one called nuke Norway.
He talks way too much. Ruins the joy for me
@@ralcolfwolfcoon8207 is he supposed to sit there and state at them like a weirdo or something?
DUDE THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING. The fake mirror concept I've never seen on Omegle before and this was perfect. YOU NEED TO DO MORE OF THIS STUFF. I watch Omegle Pranks all the time and this is up there with one of the best one's I've seen and original too. Just the idea of having a Stranger chatting with you then seeing your reflection turn around with the Truth or Dare 2018 film smiley like face and shush them is hilarious LOL. You should do more with this Fake Mirror concept too :D.
Thank you. I have many unique ideas. I don't want to repeat myself:)
@@macrobells perpahps a series of the mirror, its not like your repeating yourself but rather its a long content :) I really want to see your other unique concepts, its really exciting wondering what it is lol.
Yeah, would love to see more of this mirror one.. 🎯
Wouldn't it be funny if he put vampire bite marks on his neck when he does the mirror prank again.
@@macrobells please share some idea with ideas that if we can do on omegle for content
Damn. I love this prank so much! It's original, realistic, believable, and genuinely terrifying if I didn't know this would be a prank.
it's still questionable which video is original because I've seen the same video by Heriss Skuyy - MEREKA SEMUA KETAKUTAN
Yeah worst thing is it could actually be real...
@@crusaderACR nope it could never be real. as law of physics prevent that shit.
@@crusaderACR Except it couldn’t
@@crusaderACR this video probably not in this moment. But somewhere in some alternate reality...
The scream when the girls realized that the mirror broke was so perfectly-timed!
This is super delightful, and I absolutely appreciate the jumpscare warnings. I hope you do more like this!
Yea, need more of those jumpscare warning...
I didn't survive the first one
@@KuroDCupu Wait. If you're dead...
Then who posted this comment?
*epic jumpscare*
@@KuroDCupu cry about it. People are such snowflakes.
check Heris Skuy channel, he has even crazier version of this kind of prank
@@Sol_Badguy_GG bro probably crying in there room they just said they got scared so shut your mouth
That first jumpscare nearly gave me a heart attack, first time in awhile.. 😂
same lol, i didn't expect it
Same. I saw the comments and I still screamed when I saw it. Glad I watched this during daylight hours. 😂😂😂😂
me who has mc wifi didnt even get jumpscared
This may be weird but Idk why I didn’t get scared of it lol
@@Graphics_Card Bruh💀
This guy jumpscared me better in under a minute than a horror movie could do in three hours.
Well yeah because they show all the best and scariest parts in the preview to ruin the movie for some reason. 🤣
Yeah I know and we got a warning too
Because he doesn’t need plot lol
Yeah, which horror movie is 3 hours 🤔 they're like 1 hr and 30
7:06 That "yeah" made him sound like Ben 😂
That jump scare is the first one that scared me in a long time. You literally don't expect it. And I love horror as a whole. This literally made me have a little heart attack.
Literally, huh.
It was well done, but I couldn't help but laugh because of how goofy the eyes looked. Dude looked like a cartoon puppy lol
4:00 man didn't even scared, the third wife must been really scary
ha ha ha
Your 47 years ago got me
I think it would be SUPER cool if you pretended like you were trapped in the mirror! Loved this prank, very fun and unique!
I think it would be scarier if he pretended like he sees the mirror normally and only people watching him see weird stuff
@@HAScrashedOfficial that would also be cool
@@HAScrashedOfficial yes lol
That would be a cool twist.
But that wouldn't be scary, and you wanna make them scared.
I haven’t laughed as hard as I did after that first jump scare in like, 8 years. My chest hurts 😂
The best part of this is that you get a still frame of their scaredy ass just before they disconnect.
It's like going on one of those rollercoaster rides where you're scared as shit and you get a photo taken of you, printing that moment in time, for everyone else to remember.
I have really ever been effected by a jumpscare in my life, but man that first one got me. Congratulations.
Wow. I think the look behind and smile is even more scary without the jumpscare because its so subtle and people dont realise it was a prank
This. The other gimmicks are unnecessary imo
@@StreamHypeBoyByNewJeans They're kind of a payoff for anyone who stays long enough to see the jumpscare, to kind of give it away that it's a prank. Also... we wouldn't have gotten those jumpscare reactions if the jumpscare wasn't there :)
Bro, this is just for fun. We don't want to leave permanent traumas on people.
This is by far the most Creative Omegle video I’ve ever seen… WELL DONE
Man just the self control of not bursting out into a wicked smile when you are tricking these people is something to admire. You gave me plenty of laughs with this vid, you earned my subscription.
Робертмуха303 легенда
For me, it's almost perfect. Just loose the image distortion on the reflection and only make subtle movements to make people notice, to really freak people out.
Yeah, even more subtle movements would be even scarier
I assume it is distorted so they can't tell it's not actually him right?
Just someone in his clothes.
@@silver_YTfps yh i doubt they would. Why would you focus on the mirror?
@@George_Bland what? It is him dude. It’s just a prerecorded clip over the Mirror
Dude I've watched a lot of omegle effect pranks and this is one my favorites. Super well acted and you did every different concept with the mirror it was never repetitive! Keep it up man I loved this!
what? this is a Russian blogger, and this author is a liar
@@anlor5655 bruh wdym, of course it’s fake, everyone knows
0:31 My heart almost stopped
OK. Hands-down, this is the greatest Omegle video ever. Sure, I like it when people are incredibly amazing at their instruments, and play it for strangers, but this is beyond all of that.
You should see the one where a guy pretended to he miles morales. He had an edit set up so that he could web sling stuff in his room and his camera. He also had voice clips of miles dad calling out to him. And on top of all of that he kinda looks like and sounds just like miles. It's brilliant.
@@davidsantiago7808как называется канал Майлза?
@@davidsantiago7808to describe and not give a title should be a crime. Sounds entertaining 😮
I'm surprised people still use Omegle. But I guess these low IQ normies have nothing better to do.
The last one was probably the best. The way you just leave the guy thinking there's some kind of apparition shenanigans going on had me in stitches
Such a simple yet genius idea 😂. He should make the mirror reflection act as if he was stuck in another dimension desperately trying to talk or get out of the mirror
What filter is that 😂😂😂
Красавчик) самый лучший из таких пранков это ты )
4:15 that lady looked away at the perfect time haha. Looked away, she's in the mirror, looked back and she's right in her face.
As someone who's actually uncomfortable looking at mirrors I find this video funnily cruel
As someone
Frequently I'm afraid that if I look too much to them it will indeed pop up some scare shit on there
@@allisonleonardo5459 bc it will, it’s a portal to the shadow realm
Do you have mirror related nightmares too?
@@christophersanders3252 not anymore but I used to
In Russia, you don't look at mirror but mirror looks at you.
I live in Russia, it's true
Wht do u mean
2:49 where's my reflection?
@@Frenchpastryy Russian jokes are like that
@@Frenchpastryy (Sp)yphone
Nah bro honestly this shit scaring the tf out of me 😂😂😂 all for it tho cause damn the intensity is so real haha good stuff
Homeboy puts a jump scare warning for his viewers, props.
what a king
Can we just admit that the first jumpscare got us😆
The second too usually they don’t scare me but this one hit a bit too different
i got to say yes
Nope, there was literally a countdown…
0:39 THAT JUMPSCARE SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME 🤣🤣 literally felt like my heart came out
Same hahahah
Bro there is a ghost 👻
Same 😫
Bro my body left my solo for a second
That is the best prank I've seen in a long time!! 😂
This is top notch! That first jump scare was so fast and good that I didn't have a chance to jump🤘🏾😤🤘🏾
That's like saying it's so funny I forgot to laugh
its just a scare then since no jumping happened?
don't worry, your heart did it already for you.
@@samuelkundael3503 🫀👍🏾
I threw my phone away 😭
3:30 the freeze frame of her made my whole day
😂😂😂 IM DYING!!!
her reaction is so slow 😂😂
@@truth02496There's such thing as latency.
It’s cuz they’re in different parts of the world, so everything she does takes a second to get back to him
This man smiles so heavenly after almost giving people heart attacks💀
He's enjoying it way too much... It's lowkey concerning tbh
@@StreamHypeBoyByNewJeans 🙄❤️
By far the coolest prank I've seen in a long time that was awesome
My body flinched so hard with that first jumpscare... the last time a jumpscare made me flinch was when I was still in my teenage years.. Good job man xD
Same i actually got scared from a jumpscare lmao
Same xD
That's mean ur body took a screenshot 🤣
honestly one of the scarier ones to me, jump scare not much but i overall find the aspects of what can be done with a mirror realm terrifying.
As someone who's terrified of mirrors, this would SCAR me for life ☠️
Why? It actually useful cuz non reflecting being cannot stand in a mirror just like vampire with the sun. If you believe in that
@@zondor8123 I've heard creepy things about mirrors and reflections. And seen creepy things in them too. I hate looking at mirrors especially.
What is wrong with all of ya
Bro, even I got jumpscared at 00:38
Me too 😅 f";$(
You gotta act a lot more terrified and confused when you see the creepy reflection to make it more convincing 😆 But still, this was all fantastic and I kinda want to see more 🤣
I like how the fake reflection keeps moving even after the person disconnects, like: “ok that’s cool but I gotta finish my routine”
I have literally watched this entire video with my eyes shut.. But thoroughly enjoyed watching the reactions 🤣 Laughed my lungs out..
So you heard the video not watched
@@DheerajSukumaran She literally heard the video you mean.
@@WonderWhatHappened thats what they said..
It's not even that scary to be honest
@@DheerajSukumaran 🤣 exactly
bro the one at the end was probably my favorite because it’s a different type of horror- it’s more underlying creepy than an immediate jump scare- like i would have more nightmares from that than a jump scare
7:18 I love this realization of how much power he weilds through the magic of editing lololol
This man's ability to maintain composure is amazing
I normally despise pranks and prank videos, but this was a amazing! Funny, skillful and completely harmless lol
Harmless except to those people who now think they are haunted.
@@lumpenproletarier9584 or someone with a Heartattack.
This is creativity and skill
it's 1AM and I'm here laughing. I love the last prank, no jumpscare, the person who got pranked doesn't get mad by it, perfect.
That first jumpscare got me🤣
Omg it scared the hell out of me
Omigosh it scared me too I did I lil shimy!
Yep first jumpscare also got me
Time stamp
samee, there wasnt any warning lmao
4:11 is fucking perfect, the way she looks away right on time to get most scared... beautiful
Ikr 😂😂
Bro the first jumpscare was so goofy 😂😂😂 (the big eyes and the smile bro 😂😂😂😂)
"Why is there a mirror?"
"Why not?"
Understandable, have a nice day.
I've never had a jump scare actually make me scream before, but the first one of this video nearly made me fall off my bed. Very well done 👏👏👏
Me 2
That scares the shit out of me
Yes that's one of the scariest jump scare I've seen 😢 just after the red demon at the dinner scene in Insidious
@@raphaelv.8225 goofy ahh jumpscare
Dude amazing video! I love these things keep it up truly a talented person we have in the building here!
Wow that's so well done! I'm surprised that this video doesn't have 1 Mil views yet. Your editing skills are very impressive! You just got a new subscriber. The jumpscare is so scary tho xD
Well he is actually Russian famous UA-cam guy so it’s not surprising for him to have such editing skills 😅
He edited it all and all are paid I think so...
Becuz wait let me copy and show my message that I have commented earlier
U think and say this is real or not
I have one question
When you were showing your real reflection and transitioning to the fake reflection
Not a single time you showed that transition..
You just zoomed/cut the video in to thier faces or to your face too and we couldn't see the transitioning process and after showing back to normal video size fake reflection started and vice versa🤔🌝?
No hate but just curious about that😅
It will look legit if you show the transitioning betweent the real reflection and the fake reflection😏🌝🌚
@@debarsheechakraborty219 I don't think so. It would take alot of money to pay actors, since there were many people in the video. I don't really care if it's staged or not it's really entertaining. But you make a good point. But the reactions seemed genuine and it would be hard to fake something like that.
@@Delta-007 Ya that's true though.
It was fun watching him
The first jumpscare actually shivered the timber’s out of me
for real 😭😭
5:50 killed me when the girl pops her head up to see what her friend was screaming about and then starts screaming 😂
Random self-yeet!
You should capitalize on your uncanny resemblance to Skarsgard by dressing as Pennywise in one of these
Wow this is the first Omegle jumpscare I actually got scared from. This video, while funny, is still creepy. Great job, I definitely want to see more mirror pranks!
How tf were you scared, knowing it's fake
@@Leukick I got jump scared because I didn't see the warning and wasn't expecting it, and as for the creepy part, I didn't walk away with shivers feeling spooked, it just preys on a part of the brain that it does for most ppl where there is just that underlying "but what if my mirror self does something different?", and ofc your rational brain denies it, but it's still there.
@@RunawayVoyager Ah, interesting.
It's not his video
@@mujicvitala Wdym? Was it stolen? If so where is the original channel?
"Bro, there's a ghost, in the mirror!"
"Come on, I'm not that white, my friend!"
I love how none of them notice that the computer screen in the mirror doesn't show his view of them, and instead shows a view of himself.
Honestly I think this guy scared me more than the first jumps are like seriously that smile and the way he just says “ha ha that looks like my first wife” is just no
“Ha ha ha Looks like my first wife” had my dying😂😂
that man was cold as ice in the jumpscare, i guess it really looks like his first wife x)
Ha Ha You First wife? 😂😂😂
Am I the only one hearing "third" instead of first?
I love the moment of realization he has that he is just plain terrifying people.
7:23 He is trying to scare people and this guy is asking him to say "He's an asshole" Nice 😂
Lol ikr he was thinking he is smart
I was about to say that 😂😂
Later we can say uski GAAND fat gayi.... 🤣🤣
He himself became one 😂 instead..
That face is genuinely terrifying!! I got goosebumps when it smiled at me. 🥶🥶
That first jump scare got me good, I didn't see the white writing on the white background for the warning, but I'm kinda glad it happened for the first one lol
This man is a legend, he deserves more subs :)
Yes bro
he already has more subs, original channel: НИКИТА МАРТИНЕС (Nikita martinez)
They will come, he just literally started out. He only has 3 videos, around 20 min of content total and the channel didn’t even make 1 month old yet. He has 68k subs already, approaching fast the 100k milestone for the first UA-cam creator award, the silver play button. There are people out there trying to achieve that milestone for years with daily or weekly content and hundreds or thousands of hours of content. I think he is doing pretty well, all things considered.
Bro these are some top notch pranks!! I need more! The mirror prank is just too good! It hits that level of creepy that I never knew I was missing.
clever use of green screen and pre-made recordings. hats off thats a very slick operation
That is actually a very cool trick. Great work. Your first jumpscare got me and I covered the screen. My favorite part was that guy at the end "bro there is a ghost" yep. Thanks for posting. 😊
This is one of the best scary reflection mirror prank ever I've seen and the addition of Omegle, yet a genius idea from Macrobells! 🙌🤯💀
I want to know how he transitions from his real reflection to his computer one so smoothly.
you can kind of see it at 7:30. he gets into the exact position and has a quick fade in to the pre recorded video, but he didnt sync it up perfectly at 7:30. Still major props to him. I could never do shit like this
pre record and layers. i cant say what software he use but i think thats it. И добавлю: Молодца, хорошо сделал :)
2:12. Funniest reaction, this is the real scream of a woman being jumpscared
@@vuhushmuk OBS probably
This is awesome, i’m glad i found your channel by accident. You seem very nice so it’s even more surprising to be scared by you 😂
7:00 not even 1 chakra of her is working lol
2:48 Where is my reflection? 😂😂😂
Can't have shit in Detroit
2:18 those type of people are a no from me
What's Wrong With Them?
@@SubscriberStats They're cringe, mate. No one likes catcalling
@@SubscriberStats what's not wrong with them
This has to be one of the best omegle pranks of all time 💀
I almost pissed myself😭💀
Me tooo
@Lael lol
It's 2 in the morning and I almost had a heart attack with that scare
Another creative and original Omegle video. This being a series would be dope!
the scream at 2:12 sounds like cardi b i'm wheezing 🤣🤣
I thought I was the only one that noticed 😂
bro I die laughing when they disconnect XD