Even with sss imprint shes still mid idc she doesn't need buff, what she need is to be removed from the game. Crazy gear req but doesnt answer do anything
I like the idea of the CR push on S2 instead of random proc. I so think she just needs more stats. I think they just give her a % attack buff increase like original Hwa. That gives more kill potential and double dips into more defense.
Hey Limmy! I agree, more attack would go a long way with her since it also improves her bulk. I kind of like this better than "100% crit" others were recommending, that way she's more like her original unit and less like a copy of Bellona
@@gamesuspectamy the idea of extra atk stat is very good. I'd say + 50% atk stat. BUT hear me out, I'd say rather than getting def increase scaling from atk why not she get speed instead? So we can build 5k atk hwa on base speed and get a bonus of 280-300 speed stat increase. At least she move first that way and die after killing something. At least that way we can she "did" Her job.
I agree with you, maybe if her 2 skill could focus only in light opponents could be useful, her damage isn't enough to face a Bride Senya, but her design is awesome, hopefully she will receive a buff sooner but by the moment it is complicated to play with her maybe with Abigail as support
@@septhentrion abigail protect unit by prevent them from dying after fatal attack and giving them Immortality buff. The problem is she's immune to buff.
@@septhentrion Yeah, I thought the same thing haha, I was excited to use her in the back with Dragon Bride and Abigail to protect her then I realized that wont help haha.
@gamesuspectamy it's either that or it's because they don't have her and their best unit is empyrean ilynav/bride senya/LRK. Of course they say she good coz they don't want hwa to kill their best unit since they can't pull for her and wasted their mystic on LRK bait banner if she get buffed
i manage to get kills with her by pairing her with characters that provide consistent def break like ATywin or Ran. My standard team i have been running for her Sea Poli, ATywin, Bhwa and last slot is filled with whichever unit is necessary to either cleanup or counter their comp further. she definitely needs a buff though. mine is at 4.6k atk and 310 crit dmg and still barely kills often times without the def break... (side note pen set does a lot for her s3 if you have a good enough set for her).
I was hyped for her so I pulled first thing when she was released, I didn't get her but at that point it was sunk cost fallacy and I just had to pity her even after I knew she sucked. I don't regret it, love her design. I just wished she did her job
Okay, now I feel happy that I didn't get her. I'm still at 25 pity. After seeing many people complaining about her, deciding not to continue pulling for her was really a good move. Also, thanks for the information
Yeah, definitely hold off for a bit until you see if anything happens with her. The next ML5 could be game breaking again so it would be a shame to waste the pity.
Simply put, I knew she wouldn't be as people were making her out to be, and that's ok cause I wanted her for her looks. I ended up getting got 2 in one 10 pull not even close to pity so I still won :D Hoping I can get a Bride Senya rerun soon, I really want her but didn't get her in over 100 pulls when her banner was out
I think her s2 should strip all buffs if her atk is greater than the enemies (like shalltear) her s1 needs more than just a cr push. Maybe additional dmg based on her atk or absorb 20% of dmg as health. S3 is good but extinction is kinda weird if she doesn’t kill with it…instead they should make s3 CR push the team by 15% while also having extinction (so rems artifact basically)
I got her in 1 pull so not an exact pity, but it does suck that whenever the game decides to cater to my luck here in e7, the unit i pull is dog water. Here's to hoping she gets a buff🎉❤
considering she ignores buffs and debuffs she should ignore damage reduction effects and or add armor pen to her s3 or her s2 triggers on a light unit if it has 1 on the enemy team honestly anything actually that helps make her not die to the things shes suppose to suppress would work cause the only reason shes so bad is cause her passive backfires and doesnt help stop the units she should be able to 1 shot
Ah, that's a hard call. Briseria hits so hard and works well against AS Flan (who's the queen bee right now). I think for RTA I would definitely pick Briseria but for Guild War and Arena maybe Hwa... if you have good gear for her...
@gamesuspectamy I'm regretting pulling but your buff suggestions are pretty on point. I was thinking a free soulburn and some free stats but whatever they do I hope it's done soon. emergency patch.
I pulled for looks! but yea, her first S3 didn't kill and I was left like 😐 She was supposed to be my ruele counter but I don't even use her for that. Your suggested buff makes sense but I would rather have an Extra Turn (like senya) than a CR push to 100%, although I feel this approach would deprive her of a second S3 if this happens before her first turn.
That's a great point. I think you're right, especially if you build her slower on counter set or something she will definitely miss a free second S3. The extra turn thing will help against Harsetti, so not a bad idea. Thanks Elvy!
She's damn right about her I hate this, she needs the same change that RGB whayoung got, no SB on S3, natural DMG increase on S3 and passive focus mainly on light units, she needs more base hp too, damn too much requirements I hate this
I love her design when she was reveal but my god, she just has a high stat requirement and even then, she may not kill without sb. I agree with some people saying enabling buffs on her would just make her too broken. But I do agree on some saying giving her some innate stats would be great such as with Zio. Having some crit rate for her passive would help with the stats a ton, targeting highest health unit, prioritizing light units, buffing her s3 damage and moving her sb to s1, any of those sound like reasonable buffs for her. At the moment, she’s too much of niche unit with high gear requirements so I’m for sure saving pity for the next ml unit unless they give her a good buff.
@@Cxlli52 I rather have +50% atk stat buff. Crit rate is easy to get. She need to have like 16k hp, 350cd, at least 170 speed and at least 5 k atk to kill toxic light comp. We need extra stat on atk. Higher the better. At least with 6k atk hwa I wouldn't worry bout not killing any light tank
Also, people keep saying she'll be broken if she gets buffed. I don't think anyone wants her to one-shot everything, I ONLY want her to well against light units. Light 5 stars make up 8% of the heroes in the game. Making her better against 8% of the heroes isn't game breaking.
Problem is that everyone can just focus on her and kill her easily and gear requirement is insanely high. So something like cr push when anyone hit her and a 50% crit rate ,idk if its too broken buff lol
Haha, true Far. The times I took mine into RTA she died really fast but I don't have her really built for RTA. She's kind of built for GW and Arena right now. I don't even know if I have the gear to build her for RTA haha.
Mine is pretty above average and even she doesn't always do her job, 4600 atk 340 CD, still doesn't 1 shot Illy, Senya, tanky LRK, or a buffed up Ruele. Definitely needs a damage buff
Wow, those are amazing stats. So true though, I feel like since her release every Ruele I fight is 2k defense and 30k hp haha, players just beefed up and ignore Hwa.
@gamesuspectamy Yeah, she's totally useless into an all light team, a Harsetti, LRK, Illy, and Ruele team should be what you draft her into, but she just doesn't 1 shot, feel like making her s3 do way more damage, and swapping SB to S1 may help, also making her def scaling go up a bit to keep her from getting focused. She just needs a nudge, flat damage would also help her be a bit more useful against non light
"but it would make the game P2W".....always has been but yeah, sad that such a great design goes wasted, Hwayoung's legs remain broken in every universe
My current best gear on her is an average of 98 gear score, making her my second highest gear score average unit. She kills, but the abundance of defense penetration, injury, and dual attacks makes her feel much more fragile than she actually is. Love her design, but i think her s2 could use some cr push.
Can you get her S2 to proc in RTA? I figured playing against real players they're way too smart for this and it only triggers once every 3-4 battles, but this I could be wrong.
@gamesuspectamy Most teams she runs with have fragile units like bbk paired with her, and the abundance of aoe attacks these days runs the constant risk of her s2 proccing. I would say she gets one off every 2-3 games but can also force your opponent to avoid using non-basic skills. It's a bit of a tradeoff that heavily depends on your draft and your opponent's.
Personally I'm not trying to oneshot Light tanks with her, i'm trying to make her a bane to light as a whole. Like you showed earlier, she One shot Ruele and prevented her revive. As for my build, i have her on Counter so she can rng self push up if not from my team + a random 5-8k hit on whoever. I also pair my Hwa with Injury users because if she can't One shot the light tank, Injuring it is always a good idea and usually bringing the Injured Light tank down to 90%-85% max hp means they're in range for my Hwa to Extinct them anyways. Need more play time with her but so far im having fun with her. Rather than building a team around her, i feel better using her as a unit that could help my core team. But yeah, if she ends up getting buffed then more power to her haha
I don't disagree, Potara. I started her on counter and made her way bulkier and she was ok, still died a bit too easy for my taste. My issue is that 80% of my battles felt like they were against Mort so I eventually had to just give up on Counter since it wasn't doing anything for her.
Her S1 and S3 should have given her 50% free crit chance and her imprint should have been attack or hp. Her S2 could also prioritize hitting light units. As she is, even though I like her design I can't spare my pity for a non meta defining ML 5*. Last time I did that was for Teyron, and then I missed out on both DBSenya and Sea Poli. She takes more setup than Arunka ffs.
Omg! Getting Teyron over SPP or DBSenya is so sad. Sorry but you're so right, if you use your mystics now the next unit could be broken and you'll miss out again. I like your buff ideas, not too crazy but subtle enough to make a difference!
Haha, I know, right? Honestly, I would be ok with her "as is" if those stupid Mystic Medals weren't so crazy expensive. At that price you almost have to expect a broken unit, anything less is kind of a rip off.
The play experience when you're fighting the top % players is miserable with Bwa. Who cares that her s2/s3 is hitting Mort for 14k when her s1 is dealing 11k and she hard restricts your draft. Her giga nuke is only 10 souls too which is super easy to facilitate. It sucks that most people feel like she's a poor investment but if you can build her well she is preban worthy if you want to play turn 2
I agree in some way with this. Watching RTA streams with her, when someone first picks her the other guy really has to back off from playing light units, which in itself is kinda cool. My only gripe with this was that it seems like as soon as I was hitting high champion, my Hwa couldn't kill anything at that point, all Rueles consistently out-tank my soul burn S3, same with LRK, Tywin, Ilynav, Senya, I think the only thing i was killing was Luna at that stage.
@gamesuspectamy I had to break out the damage calculator to check the numbers because I didn't think that would be possible. Testing 4000 atk/280 cdam w/ +15 Sigurd and no pen vs 2100 def w/ 30% pen resist yeah I could see how that might struggle to get the job done. I personally run her at 4500 atk/300 cdam w/ +30 and pen set (around 15.6k mcd if you use fribbles). I had to drop her speed to 170 to make it happen but it hasn't caused me any issues yet. It might be above average gear but if we're treating her like a dark LQC I think that's fine. She's already more self sufficient than LQC who struggles to function without a lot of support.
Id say her S2 should proc against the highest hp. I think her nuke skill should increase in damage based on the number of allies with hp at 60% or less. Affects both s2 proc and s3 This punishes enemy aoe skills; mort, candy, bride, and allows s2 to do more damage especially since cant sb it. Using empnav on your team may allow you to take enough damage to reach the hp threshold without your team dying.
I got her in 20 pull but I don't have op gear bless by the god to use her i kinda regret pulling for one thing i was 120 until pity now it back to200 so if ml alencia is next I'm shed a tear
I have all RGB but I am missing so many ML5. Been playing for years too. I am done spending on this game for over a year and it seems it is always pity now.
I didnt even notice! Jenua does a WAY better job than her!! And i blew hundreds for this hottie hoping i could actually have a chance against ml senya 👎
The main problem for me is forced to dodge belian comps. Without soulburn she not killing even A Tywin 💀 i have her at 3.8k atk 180spd 94/300 crit dmg. Penetration is necessary. Her only saving grace is that she can tank hits but what the point when Vessel(S2) doesnt Proc. 💀 ALSO. NAKWHOL AND LULUCA HARD COUNTERS 💀
People were calling me crazy for not thinking that this unit was worth wasting my 1 guaranteed mystic pity on, she does nothing impactful for the kind of comps that I run and for what she is designed for, there are far better units i could use to counter said toxic light setups. This card really needs some type of buff because as of now, shes not worth pitying.
@@gamesuspectamy Good thing I waited for people to actually use her before I decide to pulled the trigger, its no telling how long itll take for me to reach pity again, and id rather use it on a character thats meta defining.
They should make her a normal nuker rather than just an anti-Light unit. Right now her S2 deals insignificant damage if not hitting a Light unit. When I see her I just pick Adin 😂 Either I straight up cut her with Adin S3 or cut someone else to proc her S2 then let RNG decide whether my Adin gets 25% or her S2 goes into invincibility, depends on who's more dangerous.
oooh Adin's a good counter for her. I didn't think of that. I have 2 light tanks on GW defense and I was thinking of an anti-hwa unit to keep them safe and Adin is a good choice here.
What should never be the case is that something in any game costs $ 750 smh. I skip her for now. I missed two of the most annoying and broken characters because I had no pity lefdt so I keep my pity this time.
I know right?! Like, mystic medals should be, like, $15 a pull, not $50... then zero people will make videos complaining about a unit being poopy lol. Smart man on saving pity, next unit could be meta breaking again.
Her S2 should trigger on whoever activated it Example LRK trigger the S2, Hwa atks LRK How to buff? Remove crit rate, she always crits, now ppl can make her 270 spd and now kills slow players
A direct counter attack? that's an interesting idea! Although I like her "anti-cleave" feature where the opener will go and she will wreck follow up cleavers (maybe, if RNG is lucky lol).
@@gamesuspectamy making her 270 spd makes her an anti-cleave, cleavers like myself hate when the main killer gets outspeed, since Hwa cannot be debuffed she will be a threat
Seriously one copy of a char for 700 is actually beyond ridiculous, most gacha like Genshin for example you could prob almost max dupe a char for that.
@@gamesuspectamy aren't 95% of genshins characters limited? Wouldn't a better comparison between the two games pull rates would be someone like young senya who is limited with a 1% pull rate vs genshins .5%
She just needs way too much, she needs speed hp attack crit and cdam, you can’t skimp on hp or she dies to any sort of mid damage aoe. She needs too much to be a super situational unit to deal with light units. The benefits of light tanks is that their damage comes from their bulkyness def/hp and she does not do enough against rgb units tech wise
i don't feel me bad by not getting her after those 4500 mystics I spent >_> Although in some RTA videos i saw good damage (grass angel :v), deleting units and doing like 17k damage to non light units with s2. I think if they give cr push and resets would be a problematic unit like old Hwa (in my noobie opinion 😅) maybe adding fixed damage based on max hp if attacked unit is light would be better?
Oh wow, 17k against non-light is too strong, I agree. I never came close to that kind of damage, I think my Soul Burn S3 into non-light is like 12k at the most. I just played against a Yufine and I was so happy to try Hwayoung's extinction on her and... yep... like, 9k damage. Very disappointing. But I'm totally ok with her being poopy against non-light, I only want her to be good against light, which I don't feel like is too broken to ask for. I think there's only 25 Light 5 stars in the whole game, which is 8% of the heroes. She just needs to be good against this 8%, nothing else and I think everyone would be very happy with her.
This is not a bad idea... Young Senya is so hard to draft into Harsetti because she needs 3 draft slots (Mort, Alencia, Senya). Having Hwa delete someone right away from Harsetti's opener is so satisfying.
Sorry, English not my first language (and even not second) So, iassume that I did not correctly understand, and I want to clarify. She has 2 s3 with separate CD with only 3 turns, instinction, ignore mitigation, x2 multiplier with element advantage, and x3 with advantage and SB, and you guys wanna more damage, right? She completely immune to debuff, has 1.5 - 1.8k free defence, can fully recovered on s1 with sigurd scythe, has plenty base HP, and crit chance self imprint, and you guys wanna more free stats right? And you guys think, buff her, and let her delete 2 targets every 3 turns it's a good idea, right? I remember times, when red Hwa which deleted only one target every 3 turns, make most of players - crying. Dont get me wrong, I'm pretty positive about her buff, but only cuz I like her a lot, and wanna see more often on my screen. I has pretty similar build, (which I combine from gear, I don't even ever use, lol) 4330 atk 181 spd 100% cc 330% CD 13.5k HP 0 defence Destruction + pen. set Sigurd Scythe And what can I say? She is freaking beast, as long as you don't forget, that she is NOT one and only unit in the team. She is "bystander", no "one-man army" Hwayang. Bring def breaker with her, add mitigation, use dual-attacks (there are so much options characters, who trigger duals with highest attack unit: camilla, singelica, Eligos, Fantom Politis, AMery) her s1 has crazy damage Try her slow and bulky, or squishy and double torrent+pen+symbol of unity with ml achates with Frida arti (pretty cool idea, thanx, btw) maybe you liked injury build, or LS. She is so flexible with free bulkiness, cc self imprint, low CDs, and strong s1. Is she deserve a buff? - undoubtedly. But not because she is a weak, or difficult in building for a newbies (what absolute truth, btw), but because, every beautiful lady's, deserve a gift, especially in this time of year. Happy new year, and merry Christmas!!! 🎉🎉🎉🥂
She looks like she lives under a bridge, so she should get a buff because she's less fortunate. :) I love your comment. I'm glad you're having success with her. Btw, I'm not asking for her to be meta or broken. Just take out a light unit without needing the best gear on your account + soul burn + defense break + someone to push you and whatever else. Just take out the light unit, that's it. Light ML5s are 8% of the heroes in the game... she should just do her job against this 8% and nothing else, that's all I'm asking for.
@@gamesuspectamy ml lua looks like ugly beatch, and yes, she are, but you not complain, that she need 310+ spd, 150+ eff, and so much bulk, how you can achieve. it sounds like impossible task even for me (and I playing this game every day, from the launch). She has literally one build, must have 20 souls, and become useless even if opponent has kitty Clarissa with Laia arti, or Laia herself, or mediator Kawerik, or designer lilibeth, or Harsetti, or Zio, and you don't have guiding light. Even Celine, Politis and Winter give her hard time. Zero flexibility, and disgusting disign, but she is top tier, and Hwa not even niche, huh? You guys, for some reason, hammered in your heads, that BHwa is ml Shuri against light younits, and ignore the fact, that she has awesome tankiness, and the same tame hit like truck (even on s1), with lowest CD. If you need one target deleter - use: red Hwa, ml Shuri, Lethe, Arunka, DDK, Jenya, Ervalen or one of the hundred other single target DD, but if you want most flexibly unit in the game, and ready use your brain for creating awesome builds - use ml Hwa (or red Ravi with soaked Flan)
lol... sort of.... in an ideal world Mystics should be cheaper/easier for players to acquire so that no one cares if MLs are crappy... but because they're so ridiculously expensive it's really a shock when the unit isn't good.
She is qt goth girl and I got really lucky in pulling her so I'm not too upset, but what does SG have against Hwa? Can't she catch a break? She needs a buff/free stats somewhere in her kit. I can't build her effectively, and I agree with you 100% in the video. Hopefully they will do something.
Hey Guy! Wow, grats on the lucky pull! I feel like they have to do something or else she'll just be LQC number 2 after a couple of months and no one will use her.
Its funny cause i love her design so much..I only had 23 pulls until pity so i got her..but feels kinda bad that i finally am able to get a new ML5 and shes like the worst one ever made lol
Haha! If you got the new ML5 anytime over the last 10 months (except maybe Lua) you would have had a crazy strong account! Just bad luck on your timing, hang in there, Bram!
Just build her counter pen. We fought today(alucard 33). Im a fan btw. I had the ml kayron. My bystander is 4.5 attack, 278 crit damage, 16k hp. Use a dual attack unit with her. This way she has the bulk, damage and cant easily be focused down.
I watched a little bit, she does seem useful to make your enemy not pick light meta units. That's a good thing. Also he's getting way better damage into non-light units than I was.
ur totally right but i would say make her an ee that give her some free stats and same time that ee do what u said like target loght unit or cr push or increase dmg do u think this is good idea!😅
What's weird is that she's the only one-shotter in the game with no defense pen so I thought Smilegate did some big brain move to make her specifically handle Ilynav... but now it seems like without defense pen she just kinda mid lol.
Maybe give her higher her attack scaling thing do some dmg so those thing die? But think can't stop full tank ill current meta hard to solve with only one unit without making monster
Your right..she's garbage..the other day I had someone do 77 k damage to my bride senya with soulburn and without defense break and my bride senya is almost 39 k health..so yeah..she needs a buff so she can be the first ml to start nerfing..and by the way I'm being sarcastic..let's put it to thus way. If bwayoung gets a buff..she would be so busted that she would permanently banned and no one would want to use her..I actually like her the way she is..go ask yourself do you want a unit so overpowered that she would never see the light of day if anyone is a rta user..but maybe people like overpowered units..but me personally I'm happy the way she is..I destroy units just fine the way she is now ...oh..and by the way..I'm still peeved they nerfed original hwayoung..do you want them to do it to ml units also..NO BUFF..JUST USE HER
77k into Senya with no defense break? That's insane. That means she could have killed your Senya without soul burn since my soul burn only adds around 30% damage in my games. With no defense break and with soul burn I'm around 26-32k into Senya so I find this a bit hard to believe. I think you're being a bit dramatic. We just want her to take out light units without requiring the best gear on your account + soul burn + defense break + CR push or whatever. She should just do her job. Light ML5 make up 8% of the units in the game... you're saying she would be perma-banned and busted if she does well against 8% of the heroes? Really?
Insane stats to only deal 7k to mort is kind of a joke. I'm 3 off pity but might still pull for a buff since they've been buffing a lot of mls in the last year. Reworking her s2 passive allowing her to be buffed, but keeping the debuff immunity and removing the def scaling should help fix the need to soul burn and fix her insane gear requirement.
Allowing her to be buffed is interesting, Lewdy. Tristen Wulf said that would make her way too strong so I'm not sure if they would do that, we'll see! Yeah, if you're only 3 away from pity, might as well get her. Maybe the next unit is worse haha.
@@gamesuspectamy "Making her too strong" yet they're giving ee's to ml5s and the power creep within the last year has been insane. If it's too strong then they could tweak her multipliers a bit to compensate so we dont get another hwayoung incident again.
She doesn't need a buff, what's needed is a reset of expectations of what a unit should be, the problem people are having is one of hindsight, because of greedy fucks over at Smilegate we got units like ML Politis, ML Luna, ML Senya, Harsetti plus ML Ilynav all back to back, the game has gotten so bloated on power creep expectations have gotten absurd. There is so many units that need to be reworked and toned down at this point that the game is just straight up not fixable, Irony her Namesake being nerfed into oblivion was the absolute last time this game had any semblance of balance, proof what this game needs is more nerfs and not more broken units.
This lazy ass breedable highschool goth design for kill tanks, MG lilias much better n easily to build if just for kill tank, every tank 😂 tf smilegate thinking abt 🤡
I actually wouldn't mind if they buffed Gala a bit too. She's ok into tanks but they're even too tanky for her now-a-days. Shes good into others though like Laia.
@gamesuspectamy my gala can OS 30k hp ilynav before she buffed indomitable n can do OS arowel or lrk. Imagine if her soulburn on her S3 for increase damage like lazy ass goth. The problem for this deadass goth is complicated for build, tanky but u cant get a turn, fast enough but u die on 2nd turn. The only usebale on her kit is divine vessel (if) she hits the right opponent, or might be bring CR push after she use divine vessel she will be useful or bring crit stat on her base kit without imprint for making easily build 🙃
I will say this, I brought mine to deal with Ruele ilynav, 5k attk 300cd, seems reasonably tanky (she converts attack to def), good damage, guess what, she did 13k damage to the Ruele. 13k. She just s2 and now Hwa is worthless. Also ilynav one shot me almost with her s3. This unit is garbage it needs a damage buff
She's a double edged sword... or heels in her case. I think it's really good that not all ML5 units are "broken" or must haves. Bwayoung is totally for the 1%, yet how much are they gonna financially support the game, right? I hope she gets a buff but not too much, just enough so more people would get the benefit of owning her and using her.
I agree, just a small tweak. I actually am fine if she's average against non-light, I just want her to be easier to play into Light. So nothing too breaking there.
@@gamesuspectamy Totally agree as well, a "silver bullet" unit like her is actually very welcomed whenever an element got too powerful. Make her really good at was she does, that's it. I wanna pull but feels like her use is waay too niche atm lol.
You know, oddly enough, Bystander falls in that weird nexus as being an anti-zio character, since zio will trigger her unless he targets her, so if she is behind DB senya, it makes for a interesting zio trap. This is not her job btw, this is just the product of having to find an alternate use for a unit when they suck at their job.
This is a great Zio trap. I would totally do this. Zio would have to waste his S3 into a tank like Senya or something to make sure he doesn't trigger. I like your thinking!
Don’t let anyone gaslight you into thinking shes good. If a unit HAVE to do soul burn to do their job and the job is something as simple as doing damage then thats a bad unit. 💀 Unless you are doing a specific set up with your team, ML units should do their job without soul burns.
100% agree! Just take out light units, no setup! No one would think this is broken, those light units are toxic and light ML5 is only 8% of the hero base. She would just be a situational pick and do her job.
@@Hiken_Bakuzan haha, so true, in almost all of the non-harsetti matches from the video, if I just used Luna/Summertime/Roana/etc it would have been an easy win.
ml luna does the job for me....i waited ml hwa with the hope the she would be the end of crown harsetti era.that damn unit stunned all4 of my units(limited flan included) 3 turns in a row....3 matches in a row!!!in the 4th match i got lucky and only 2 of my units got stunned every turn. i really thought that ml hwa would punish the harsetti meta(lolisenya is good but she dies after 1 s3 and 1 s1 from the bonkers dmg lflan does on the double hit,my lolisenya has 26k hp and 2k def btw),a unit that cant be debuffed and has "staying"power cause the def,that procs s3 and can delete ANY light unit or at least do good dmg on other attributes.sadly we got a unit that needs insane gear to 1shot light tank ONLY if you sb! she needs a buff on her s3 dmg or add in her passive "when s3 procs from an ally ignores def".the minimum sg could do is to put a 50%cr push when she procs her passive,that way she can deal with light tanks and some units with high hp.such a let down and sg wont do nothing cause she sells like crazy just for her design alone!im 15 away from pity and i really struggle to stop myself from pulling her,she looks dope af
Yeah, I love young Senya but she's so hard to draft since you need to burn 3 draft spots to make her useful (ie, her, Mort, Alencia). Haha, I still find your Crown Harsetti gripes entertaining. Her day is coming soon, my friend! Waifu over Meta! Pull her if you like how she looks, that's my rule!
@@gamesuspectamy i really love her design and her as a character(i still use fire hwa on a counter/effres build 14k hp,1,3k def,6k att,140effres and 186spd on utooth) and im 12pulls away from getting her...i really struggle to stop myself from getting(but every now and then i do a single pull xD ).i dont think sg will buff her but a 50%cr push when she procs her passive would make good,no broken but good,that way she could take the turn after the passive and finish the unit she allready droped to half hp!that or make her s3 dmg bonkers like limited flans.much love n happy holydays ps f crown harsetti
Light and Khm have been having good success with her on counter as more of an anti agro unit..... but she still doesn't do her job of light tank killer and Hwa was hard enough to build before, now with counter set like 99% of the playerbase probably can't build her. I'm not sure what she needs, but she definitely needs something, just small and tuned towards the bottom 99% of the playerbase as she could easily become a menace if buffs go overboard.
Well, as long as they buff her in a way where she's still only good into light units and average into others then she wont be too much of a menace. I had her on counter and even gave her some decent bulk but she still only lasted a turn or 2 before dying (she was often focused first) and she was worse at killing light units so I swapped her out. Also, it seemed like every match I played against Mort. Still in RTA this may be the best way to play her. For GW and Arena, I think push/Soul burn is the way to go.
You're so right. I was really hoping she was better. I did go 10k mystics to get her.
Omg, sorry to hear that! It's ok, Adam, let's cross our fingers for a buff haha! :)
i burned 7k lol i got 1k left T_T
@@yngdo3867 At least you got her, lol. She might get easier to build later.
Yeah, I regret wasting my pity on her too.
Me and you both, foxy! :(
50 from pity, im gonna wait for the buffs before pulling the rest for her!
Theres no confirm of a buff
I know. Meant it like, if no buffs no pull
@@harisyyy Yeah, next unit could be broken so it's a hard call. Let's see if Smilegate does anything with her before her banner goes away.
Any character with a crit chance imprint you should assume they need all SSS of it to do their job.
Except her... she still can't do her job. Fire Hway was much better than this before she got nerfed.....
@xXMasterJ360Xx Most of if not all people complaining don't have SSS imprints, I can assure you.
@@OneMoreDesu Not a bad take. 17% extra crit makes a difference. This would allow me to switch her to pen set and add a bit more attack.
Even with sss imprint shes still mid idc she doesn't need buff, what she need is to be removed from the game. Crazy gear req but doesnt answer do anything
I like the idea of the CR push on S2 instead of random proc.
I so think she just needs more stats. I think they just give her a % attack buff increase like original Hwa. That gives more kill potential and double dips into more defense.
Hey Limmy! I agree, more attack would go a long way with her since it also improves her bulk. I kind of like this better than "100% crit" others were recommending, that way she's more like her original unit and less like a copy of Bellona
@@gamesuspectamy the idea of extra atk stat is very good. I'd say + 50% atk stat. BUT hear me out, I'd say rather than getting def increase scaling from atk why not she get speed instead? So we can build 5k atk hwa on base speed and get a bonus of 280-300 speed stat increase. At least she move first that way and die after killing something. At least that way we can she "did" Her job.
Hard agree with everything you said. Only other buff they could give is make her attacks always critical hit so she isn't as stat hungry.
This would be a good buff and make her more of a high damage bruiser and less of a opening one shotter. Which was probably what Smilegate intended.
Every unit does not have to be meta! Maybe just wait for testing before blowing your mystics.
Bruh, legs just cant catch a break.
Either she's too good or too bad, there's no in between for her on her fire counterpart lol.
I agree with you, maybe if her 2 skill could focus only in light opponents could be useful, her damage isn't enough to face a Bride Senya, but her design is awesome, hopefully she will receive a buff sooner but by the moment it is complicated to play with her maybe with Abigail as support
@@septhentrion abigail protect unit by prevent them from dying after fatal attack and giving them Immortality buff. The problem is she's immune to buff.
Ohhhh that is right... I completely forgot about the fact she can't receive a buff
@@septhentrion Yeah, I thought the same thing haha, I was excited to use her in the back with Dragon Bride and Abigail to protect her then I realized that wont help haha.
Anyone says she is good enough is just coping. 😂
True, they are just blinded by their love of gothy girls. We see the real Hwa!
@gamesuspectamy it's either that or it's because they don't have her and their best unit is empyrean ilynav/bride senya/LRK. Of course they say she good coz they don't want hwa to kill their best unit since they can't pull for her and wasted their mystic on LRK bait banner if she get buffed
Right now she basically useless for 99.9% of players, here gear requirements are insane. I really hope they buff her.
Yeah, killing a bulky unit without soul burn I imagine is only possible for the top 1%!
I had 23 pulls to get her so i just did it lol.. I like her design and dont really like pvp at all
i manage to get kills with her by pairing her with characters that provide consistent def break like ATywin or Ran. My standard team i have been running for her Sea Poli, ATywin, Bhwa and last slot is filled with whichever unit is necessary to either cleanup or counter their comp further. she definitely needs a buff though. mine is at 4.6k atk and 310 crit dmg and still barely kills often times without the def break... (side note pen set does a lot for her s3 if you have a good enough set for her).
Well hopefully not too big of a buff. I like what TristenWulf said by just giving her a 50 percent critical chance base to make it easier to build her
I think a buff like melona would be great
I was hyped for her so I pulled first thing when she was released, I didn't get her but at that point it was sunk cost fallacy and I just had to pity her even after I knew she sucked. I don't regret it, love her design. I just wished she did her job
Waifu over meta, Spicy! That's the true way to have fun in this game. :)
Okay, now I feel happy that I didn't get her. I'm still at 25 pity. After seeing many people complaining about her, deciding not to continue pulling for her was really a good move. Also, thanks for the information
Yeah, definitely hold off for a bit until you see if anything happens with her. The next ML5 could be game breaking again so it would be a shame to waste the pity.
ML5 in this game are either meta-defining or worse than RGB units
Lol, it's funny because it's true!
Heck, AS Flan is still a goddess and she was such an easy pull.
I hope SG sees this
S2 should deal damage similar against light units to RGB units
I dunno about that. Having her be good against everyone may be a bit too broken but she should at least be really good against light.
Simply put, I knew she wouldn't be as people were making her out to be, and that's ok cause I wanted her for her looks. I ended up getting got 2 in one 10 pull not even close to pity so I still won :D
Hoping I can get a Bride Senya rerun soon, I really want her but didn't get her in over 100 pulls when her banner was out
I think her s2 should strip all buffs if her atk is greater than the enemies (like shalltear) her s1 needs more than just a cr push. Maybe additional dmg based on her atk or absorb 20% of dmg as health. S3 is good but extinction is kinda weird if she doesn’t kill with it…instead they should make s3 CR push the team by 15% while also having extinction (so rems artifact basically)
I got her in 1 pull so not an exact pity, but it does suck that whenever the game decides to cater to my luck here in e7, the unit i pull is dog water.
Here's to hoping she gets a buff🎉❤
I got her is a single ten pull while I was 200 from pity. So, no skin off my bones.
considering she ignores buffs and debuffs she should ignore damage reduction effects and or add armor pen to her s3 or her s2 triggers on a light unit if it has 1 on the enemy team honestly anything actually that helps make her not die to the things shes suppose to suppress would work cause the only reason shes so bad is cause her passive backfires and doesnt help stop the units she should be able to 1 shot
Ohh... I like this, Aka. Making her immune to other effects like Def Pen would be so huge for her and sort of fits her "immunity" kit.
Should have saved for Briseria, I desperately needed anti-revive so I jumped the gun on Hwayoung but Briseria would fit my account much much more
Ah, that's a hard call. Briseria hits so hard and works well against AS Flan (who's the queen bee right now).
I think for RTA I would definitely pick Briseria but for Guild War and Arena maybe Hwa... if you have good gear for her...
100% agree. luckily I pulled her after using 2500 mystics.
oh! You're lucky, Bizz. I did 70 pulls but at least I didn't have to pity.
@gamesuspectamy I'm regretting pulling but your buff suggestions are pretty on point. I was thinking a free soulburn and some free stats but whatever they do I hope it's done soon. emergency patch.
I pulled for looks! but yea, her first S3 didn't kill and I was left like 😐 She was supposed to be my ruele counter but I don't even use her for that. Your suggested buff makes sense but I would rather have an Extra Turn (like senya) than a CR push to 100%, although I feel this approach would deprive her of a second S3 if this happens before her first turn.
That's a great point. I think you're right, especially if you build her slower on counter set or something she will definitely miss a free second S3.
The extra turn thing will help against Harsetti, so not a bad idea. Thanks Elvy!
I got her for free so i have no regret, and she need crit free stats like Mellona for easier build
Yeah, prince this seems like the most popular opinion. Mellona can be a decent bulky bruiser that hits hard, Hwa should be something similar.
She's damn right about her I hate this, she needs the same change that RGB whayoung got, no SB on S3, natural DMG increase on S3 and passive focus mainly on light units, she needs more base hp too, damn too much requirements I hate this
Well said, Zen! I really really wanted her to do well against these toxic light units, I'm as sad as you are.
I love her design when she was reveal but my god, she just has a high stat requirement and even then, she may not kill without sb. I agree with some people saying enabling buffs on her would just make her too broken. But I do agree on some saying giving her some innate stats would be great such as with Zio. Having some crit rate for her passive would help with the stats a ton, targeting highest health unit, prioritizing light units, buffing her s3 damage and moving her sb to s1, any of those sound like reasonable buffs for her. At the moment, she’s too much of niche unit with high gear requirements so I’m for sure saving pity for the next ml unit unless they give her a good buff.
@@Cxlli52 I rather have +50% atk stat buff. Crit rate is easy to get. She need to have like 16k hp, 350cd, at least 170 speed and at least 5 k atk to kill toxic light comp. We need extra stat on atk. Higher the better. At least with 6k atk hwa I wouldn't worry bout not killing any light tank
@@ReynoldJuti I agree with her. It also fits the lore with her original character (who had passive attack buff).
Also, people keep saying she'll be broken if she gets buffed. I don't think anyone wants her to one-shot everything, I ONLY want her to well against light units. Light 5 stars make up 8% of the heroes in the game. Making her better against 8% of the heroes isn't game breaking.
Imagine if they gave her fire hwayoung's old kit but keep the anti-light gimmick.
lol, not a bad idea. Old Hwa was so fun... when she was on my team lol
how to buff ml hwayoung: give her either 100% crit if you hit, or 20-50 crit rate bsed
I like these. Not too overboard but make her useful to more players. :)
Thanks for saving my pity
Your welcome, loo! Hopefully the next ML5 is worth it :)
Problem is that everyone can just focus on her and kill her easily and gear requirement is insanely high. So something like cr push when anyone hit her and a 50% crit rate ,idk if its too broken buff lol
Haha, true Far. The times I took mine into RTA she died really fast but I don't have her really built for RTA. She's kind of built for GW and Arena right now.
I don't even know if I have the gear to build her for RTA haha.
I'm glad I got ML Lua by accident before ML Hwayoung 😭 now i can stop trying to get her with this insane requirement 😭
Haha, save your mystics, my friend, the next ML5 will probably be much better.... unless they announce a buff soon, lol, then go all in haha
there is one time that made me surprised, i use ml hwayoung with soulburn to ml senya and it didnt kill, turns out that ml senya has 45k HP
lol. 45hp senyas! ugh... the meta is adapting to Hwa haha
Mine is pretty above average and even she doesn't always do her job, 4600 atk 340 CD, still doesn't 1 shot Illy, Senya, tanky LRK, or a buffed up Ruele. Definitely needs a damage buff
Wow, those are amazing stats. So true though, I feel like since her release every Ruele I fight is 2k defense and 30k hp haha, players just beefed up and ignore Hwa.
@gamesuspectamy Yeah, she's totally useless into an all light team, a Harsetti, LRK, Illy, and Ruele team should be what you draft her into, but she just doesn't 1 shot, feel like making her s3 do way more damage, and swapping SB to S1 may help, also making her def scaling go up a bit to keep her from getting focused. She just needs a nudge, flat damage would also help her be a bit more useful against non light
"but it would make the game P2W".....always has been
but yeah, sad that such a great design goes wasted, Hwayoung's legs remain broken in every universe
Haha, this made me laugh. Poor Hwa leggies!
My current best gear on her is an average of 98 gear score, making her my second highest gear score average unit. She kills, but the abundance of defense penetration, injury, and dual attacks makes her feel much more fragile than she actually is. Love her design, but i think her s2 could use some cr push.
Can you get her S2 to proc in RTA? I figured playing against real players they're way too smart for this and it only triggers once every 3-4 battles, but this I could be wrong.
@gamesuspectamy Most teams she runs with have fragile units like bbk paired with her, and the abundance of aoe attacks these days runs the constant risk of her s2 proccing. I would say she gets one off every 2-3 games but can also force your opponent to avoid using non-basic skills. It's a bit of a tradeoff that heavily depends on your draft and your opponent's.
just gonna wait for ML yuna O,O
Oh, I would love that character!
S2 S3 Dispels buffs enemy
This would be a nice subtle buff. Remove barrier and defense buff and she can do so much more.
Personally I'm not trying to oneshot Light tanks with her, i'm trying to make her a bane to light as a whole. Like you showed earlier, she One shot Ruele and prevented her revive. As for my build, i have her on Counter so she can rng self push up if not from my team + a random 5-8k hit on whoever. I also pair my Hwa with Injury users because if she can't One shot the light tank, Injuring it is always a good idea and usually bringing the Injured Light tank down to 90%-85% max hp means they're in range for my Hwa to Extinct them anyways.
Need more play time with her but so far im having fun with her. Rather than building a team around her, i feel better using her as a unit that could help my core team. But yeah, if she ends up getting buffed then more power to her haha
I don't disagree, Potara. I started her on counter and made her way bulkier and she was ok, still died a bit too easy for my taste. My issue is that 80% of my battles felt like they were against Mort so I eventually had to just give up on Counter since it wasn't doing anything for her.
Her S1 and S3 should have given her 50% free crit chance and her imprint should have been attack or hp. Her S2 could also prioritize hitting light units. As she is, even though I like her design I can't spare my pity for a non meta defining ML 5*. Last time I did that was for Teyron, and then I missed out on both DBSenya and Sea Poli. She takes more setup than Arunka ffs.
Omg! Getting Teyron over SPP or DBSenya is so sad. Sorry but you're so right, if you use your mystics now the next unit could be broken and you'll miss out again.
I like your buff ideas, not too crazy but subtle enough to make a difference!
Good lord! To cost so much and not be able to perform well is atrocious!
Haha, I know, right? Honestly, I would be ok with her "as is" if those stupid Mystic Medals weren't so crazy expensive. At that price you almost have to expect a broken unit, anything less is kind of a rip off.
The play experience when you're fighting the top % players is miserable with Bwa. Who cares that her s2/s3 is hitting Mort for 14k when her s1 is dealing 11k and she hard restricts your draft. Her giga nuke is only 10 souls too which is super easy to facilitate.
It sucks that most people feel like she's a poor investment but if you can build her well she is preban worthy if you want to play turn 2
I agree in some way with this. Watching RTA streams with her, when someone first picks her the other guy really has to back off from playing light units, which in itself is kinda cool.
My only gripe with this was that it seems like as soon as I was hitting high champion, my Hwa couldn't kill anything at that point, all Rueles consistently out-tank my soul burn S3, same with LRK, Tywin, Ilynav, Senya, I think the only thing i was killing was Luna at that stage.
@gamesuspectamy I had to break out the damage calculator to check the numbers because I didn't think that would be possible. Testing 4000 atk/280 cdam w/ +15 Sigurd and no pen vs 2100 def w/ 30% pen resist yeah I could see how that might struggle to get the job done.
I personally run her at 4500 atk/300 cdam w/ +30 and pen set (around 15.6k mcd if you use fribbles). I had to drop her speed to 170 to make it happen but it hasn't caused me any issues yet.
It might be above average gear but if we're treating her like a dark LQC I think that's fine. She's already more self sufficient than LQC who struggles to function without a lot of support.
Id say her S2 should proc against the highest hp. I think her nuke skill should increase in damage based on the number of allies with hp at 60% or less. Affects both s2 proc and s3
This punishes enemy aoe skills; mort, candy, bride, and allows s2 to do more damage especially since cant sb it.
Using empnav on your team may allow you to take enough damage to reach the hp threshold without your team dying.
Yep she need a buff is a new unit with some new possibilitys x fure she will buffed but when
oooh, I hope you're right! Cross our fingers!
Damn were they afraid of a replay of the chaos her normal form caused? lol
lol, probably! They over-nerfed her old unit and with this one they were a bit gun-shy, I think.
I got her in 20 pull but I don't have op gear bless by the god to use her i kinda regret pulling for one thing i was 120 until pity now it back to200 so if ml alencia is next I'm shed a tear
Haha, at least you only spent 1k mystics! That's amazing luck.
You can build her once you've farmed gear for 3 years haha, jk
I have all RGB but I am missing so many ML5. Been playing for years too. I am done spending on this game for over a year and it seems it is always pity now.
I didnt even notice! Jenua does a WAY better job than her!! And i blew hundreds for this hottie hoping i could actually have a chance against ml senya 👎
lol, On the bright side... she's better looking than Jenua! So there's that!
Oh! the irony of being 1 shot by a light tank....
I said before and i'll say it again, she is a design failure.
Preach, brother Street!
The main problem for me is forced to dodge belian comps. Without soulburn she not killing even A Tywin 💀 i have her at 3.8k atk 180spd 94/300 crit dmg. Penetration is necessary. Her only saving grace is that she can tank hits but what the point when Vessel(S2) doesnt Proc. 💀
Yeah, Monk was a big problem for me too. She should be immune to cooldown resets lol.
Mine can't tank anything. How much HP did you have on yours?
People were calling me crazy for not thinking that this unit was worth wasting my 1 guaranteed mystic pity on, she does nothing impactful for the kind of comps that I run and for what she is designed for, there are far better units i could use to counter said toxic light setups. This card really needs some type of buff because as of now, shes not worth pitying.
OMG me too!!! When videos first started coming out saying she was so amazing I was like, "WTF?" haha
@@gamesuspectamy Good thing I waited for people to actually use her before I decide to pulled the trigger, its no telling how long itll take for me to reach pity again, and id rather use it on a character thats meta defining.
They should make her a normal nuker rather than just an anti-Light unit.
Right now her S2 deals insignificant damage if not hitting a Light unit.
When I see her I just pick Adin 😂
Either I straight up cut her with Adin S3 or cut someone else to proc her S2 then let RNG decide whether my Adin gets 25% or her S2 goes into invincibility, depends on who's more dangerous.
oooh Adin's a good counter for her. I didn't think of that. I have 2 light tanks on GW defense and I was thinking of an anti-hwa unit to keep them safe and Adin is a good choice here.
What should never be the case is that something in any game costs $ 750 smh. I skip her for now. I missed two of the most annoying and broken characters because I had no pity lefdt so I keep my pity this time.
I know right?! Like, mystic medals should be, like, $15 a pull, not $50... then zero people will make videos complaining about a unit being poopy lol.
Smart man on saving pity, next unit could be meta breaking again.
Yeah guys if your new dont pull its too hard for you to build her even if your in mid game
So true! Sad panda haha... I thought she would be easy to build, I should have waited lol
@@gamesuspectamy i gave her 4k atk 14k hp 160 spd 100cc and 330 cd and still feel like its not enough iam also full imprint she could get some buff fr
Try 4500 attack and 350 cd and you will be very surprised that this is exactly what you were missing.
@@Infinity_Shot ok
@@Dis-ps6pu These are good stats. Honestly these should be enough for her to do her job.
Her S2 should trigger on whoever activated it
Example LRK trigger the S2, Hwa atks LRK
How to buff? Remove crit rate, she always crits, now ppl can make her 270 spd and now kills slow players
A direct counter attack? that's an interesting idea! Although I like her "anti-cleave" feature where the opener will go and she will wreck follow up cleavers (maybe, if RNG is lucky lol).
@@gamesuspectamy making her 270 spd makes her an anti-cleave, cleavers like myself hate when the main killer gets outspeed, since Hwa cannot be debuffed she will be a threat
Seriously one copy of a char for 700 is actually beyond ridiculous, most gacha like Genshin for example you could prob almost max dupe a char for that.
Yup it's downright predatory
Genshin only has one way to acquire characters e7 has multiple
Whoa, never thought i'd hear the day that another game would be more expensive than Genshin lol. That's not something E7 should brag about.
@@gamesuspectamy aren't 95% of genshins characters limited? Wouldn't a better comparison between the two games pull rates would be someone like young senya who is limited with a 1% pull rate vs genshins .5%
She just needs way too much, she needs speed hp attack crit and cdam, you can’t skimp on hp or she dies to any sort of mid damage aoe. She needs too much to be a super situational unit to deal with light units. The benefits of light tanks is that their damage comes from their bulkyness def/hp and she does not do enough against rgb units tech wise
i don't feel me bad by not getting her after those 4500 mystics I spent >_>
Although in some RTA videos i saw good damage (grass angel :v), deleting units and doing like 17k damage to non light units with s2.
I think if they give cr push and resets would be a problematic unit like old Hwa (in my noobie opinion 😅) maybe adding fixed damage based on max hp if attacked unit is light would be better?
Oh wow, 17k against non-light is too strong, I agree. I never came close to that kind of damage, I think my Soul Burn S3 into non-light is like 12k at the most. I just played against a Yufine and I was so happy to try Hwayoung's extinction on her and... yep... like, 9k damage. Very disappointing.
But I'm totally ok with her being poopy against non-light, I only want her to be good against light, which I don't feel like is too broken to ask for. I think there's only 25 Light 5 stars in the whole game, which is 8% of the heroes. She just needs to be good against this 8%, nothing else and I think everyone would be very happy with her.
hopefully she gets some buff :3
I tried with the five summons I had and got nothing LOL
Haha teach! Hope and a prayer!
That's alright, this just means your saving your good luck to one-pull the next ML5!
She basically only works if you make her a Harsetti Monkey. 0 speed and all the stats go.
This is not a bad idea... Young Senya is so hard to draft into Harsetti because she needs 3 draft slots (Mort, Alencia, Senya). Having Hwa delete someone right away from Harsetti's opener is so satisfying.
Sorry, English not my first language (and even not second) So, iassume that I did not correctly understand, and I want to clarify.
She has 2 s3 with separate CD with only 3 turns, instinction, ignore mitigation, x2 multiplier with element advantage, and x3 with advantage and SB, and you guys wanna more damage, right?
She completely immune to debuff, has 1.5 - 1.8k free defence, can fully recovered on s1 with sigurd scythe, has plenty base HP, and crit chance self imprint, and you guys wanna more free stats right?
And you guys think, buff her, and let her delete 2 targets every 3 turns it's a good idea, right?
I remember times, when red Hwa which deleted only one target every 3 turns, make most of players - crying.
Dont get me wrong, I'm pretty positive about her buff, but only cuz I like her a lot, and wanna see more often on my screen.
I has pretty similar build, (which I combine from gear, I don't even ever use, lol)
4330 atk
181 spd
100% cc
330% CD
13.5k HP
0 defence
Destruction + pen. set
Sigurd Scythe
And what can I say? She is freaking beast, as long as you don't forget, that she is NOT one and only unit in the team. She is "bystander", no "one-man army" Hwayang.
Bring def breaker with her, add mitigation, use dual-attacks (there are so much options characters, who trigger duals with highest attack unit: camilla, singelica, Eligos, Fantom Politis, AMery) her s1 has crazy damage
Try her slow and bulky, or squishy and double torrent+pen+symbol of unity with ml achates with Frida arti (pretty cool idea, thanx, btw) maybe you liked injury build, or LS. She is so flexible with free bulkiness, cc self imprint, low CDs, and strong s1.
Is she deserve a buff? - undoubtedly. But not because she is a weak, or difficult in building for a newbies (what absolute truth, btw), but because, every beautiful lady's, deserve a gift, especially in this time of year.
Happy new year, and merry Christmas!!! 🎉🎉🎉🥂
She looks like she lives under a bridge, so she should get a buff because she's less fortunate. :) I love your comment.
I'm glad you're having success with her.
Btw, I'm not asking for her to be meta or broken. Just take out a light unit without needing the best gear on your account + soul burn + defense break + someone to push you and whatever else. Just take out the light unit, that's it. Light ML5s are 8% of the heroes in the game... she should just do her job against this 8% and nothing else, that's all I'm asking for.
@@gamesuspectamy ml lua looks like ugly beatch, and yes, she are, but you not complain, that she need 310+ spd, 150+ eff, and so much bulk, how you can achieve. it sounds like impossible task even for me (and I playing this game every day, from the launch). She has literally one build, must have 20 souls, and become useless even if opponent has kitty Clarissa with Laia arti, or Laia herself, or mediator Kawerik, or designer lilibeth, or Harsetti, or Zio, and you don't have guiding light. Even Celine, Politis and Winter give her hard time. Zero flexibility, and disgusting disign, but she is top tier, and Hwa not even niche, huh?
You guys, for some reason, hammered in your heads, that BHwa is ml Shuri against light younits, and ignore the fact, that she has awesome tankiness, and the same tame hit like truck (even on s1), with lowest CD. If you need one target deleter - use: red Hwa, ml Shuri, Lethe, Arunka, DDK, Jenya, Ervalen or one of the hundred other single target DD, but if you want most flexibly unit in the game, and ready use your brain for creating awesome builds - use ml Hwa (or red Ravi with soaked Flan)
visually 10/10 gameplay-wise 5/10
Haha, I haven't heard a single comment yet saying, "Pretty goth girl? Not my thing..." :)
I donated 10k mystics without getting her, but now I feel I was lucky.
Sad panda! Hang in there, Lance!
Her buff will come out as a new EE maybe 😂😂😂
haha maybe in a few months. That would be weird for them to EE her right away.
ML should be good because only whales can get them.... HUH???
lol... sort of.... in an ideal world Mystics should be cheaper/easier for players to acquire so that no one cares if MLs are crappy... but because they're so ridiculously expensive it's really a shock when the unit isn't good.
I look at her.. then I look at lqc...
If she doesn't get buffed I kinda feel like she'll be rarely used same as LQC after her initial honeymoon phase wears off.
She is qt goth girl and I got really lucky in pulling her so I'm not too upset, but what does SG have against Hwa? Can't she catch a break? She needs a buff/free stats somewhere in her kit. I can't build her effectively, and I agree with you 100% in the video. Hopefully they will do something.
Hey Guy! Wow, grats on the lucky pull! I feel like they have to do something or else she'll just be LQC number 2 after a couple of months and no one will use her.
I spent everything and didn't get her. I give up on this game.
Ouch! Hang in there, my friend! There's probably gonna be a ML selector for Chinese New Years or something and you can pick her up easy soon!
Its funny cause i love her design so much..I only had 23 pulls until pity so i got her..but feels kinda bad that i finally am able to get a new ML5 and shes like the worst one ever made lol
Haha! If you got the new ML5 anytime over the last 10 months (except maybe Lua) you would have had a crazy strong account! Just bad luck on your timing, hang in there, Bram!
Just build her counter pen. We fought today(alucard 33). Im a fan btw. I had the ml kayron. My bystander is 4.5 attack, 278 crit damage, 16k hp. Use a dual attack unit with her. This way she has the bulk, damage and cant easily be focused down.
watch light e7 video on her, she doesn't lose...
I watched a little bit, she does seem useful to make your enemy not pick light meta units. That's a good thing. Also he's getting way better damage into non-light units than I was.
ur totally right but i would say make her an ee that give her some free stats and same time that ee do what u said like target loght unit or cr push or increase dmg
do u think this is good idea!😅
Good idea, extra stats from an EE could solve how hard she is to build. I like it!
I don’t think they’ll give her an ee soon
@@gamesuspectamy ty! also nah not as great as ur ideas 😆
@@Chibitantei2588 ik i just said maybe this can solve a problem
@@mirohassan6308 Awww you're always so nice, Miro! Thanks for watching my video.
Everyone said that lua is a lame and hwayv a goddess. Too bad glad my pity hit lua but they still have me a hway with 10 pull
Bro I spent more time and effort on my Eligos than this unit, I ain’t got resources left for her😂, I’ll wait till they buff her
From what I hear, Eligos is the poo! So you made the right choice!
I pulled her becuz she is hot
Haha, if that's your reasoning then you 100% made the right decision. Waifu over meta!
Come on guys remember fire Hwa killing everything sg have some trauma
S2: should be random light unit + cr boost( also need defense pen
They can trap her with high defence light unit or triggering bmh killing one on your side
@@rhoem1353 true, I think 100% CR and S3 reset would be better so you can pick who you want to go into.
What's weird is that she's the only one-shotter in the game with no defense pen so I thought Smilegate did some big brain move to make her specifically handle Ilynav... but now it seems like without defense pen she just kinda mid lol.
Maybe give her higher her attack scaling thing do some dmg so those thing die? But think can't stop full tank ill current meta hard to solve with only one unit without making monster
She's kinda mid like ml choux, but worse.
Your right..she's garbage..the other day I had someone do 77 k damage to my bride senya with soulburn and without defense break and my bride senya is almost 39 k health..so yeah..she needs a buff so she can be the first ml to start nerfing..and by the way I'm being sarcastic..let's put it to thus way. If bwayoung gets a buff..she would be so busted that she would permanently banned and no one would want to use her..I actually like her the way she is..go ask yourself do you want a unit so overpowered that she would never see the light of day if anyone is a rta user..but maybe people like overpowered units..but me personally I'm happy the way she is..I destroy units just fine the way she is now ...oh..and by the way..I'm still peeved they nerfed original hwayoung..do you want them to do it to ml units also..NO BUFF..JUST USE HER
77k into Senya with no defense break? That's insane. That means she could have killed your Senya without soul burn since my soul burn only adds around 30% damage in my games. With no defense break and with soul burn I'm around 26-32k into Senya so I find this a bit hard to believe.
I think you're being a bit dramatic. We just want her to take out light units without requiring the best gear on your account + soul burn + defense break + CR push or whatever. She should just do her job. Light ML5 make up 8% of the units in the game... you're saying she would be perma-banned and busted if she does well against 8% of the heroes? Really?
its 170$ here in Canada
OMG, that is the $99 pack? Crazy!
But she's hot
lol, I definitely can't argue against that. :P
Insane stats to only deal 7k to mort is kind of a joke. I'm 3 off pity but might still pull for a buff since they've been buffing a lot of mls in the last year. Reworking her s2 passive allowing her to be buffed, but keeping the debuff immunity and removing the def scaling should help fix the need to soul burn and fix her insane gear requirement.
Allowing her to be buffed is interesting, Lewdy. Tristen Wulf said that would make her way too strong so I'm not sure if they would do that, we'll see!
Yeah, if you're only 3 away from pity, might as well get her. Maybe the next unit is worse haha.
@@gamesuspectamy "Making her too strong" yet they're giving ee's to ml5s and the power creep within the last year has been insane. If it's too strong then they could tweak her multipliers a bit to compensate so we dont get another hwayoung incident again.
@@lewdiii You make a good point. Also, if she's only amazing into Light and average into everything else then that's not too strong in my book.
Did a few pulls on young senyas banner, didn't get her rip.
Your comment of Jenua can fart next to Mort had me laughing.
Haha, thor! Thanks for the comment as always!
She doesn't need a buff, what's needed is a reset of expectations of what a unit should be, the problem people are having is one of hindsight, because of greedy fucks over at Smilegate we got units like ML Politis, ML Luna, ML Senya, Harsetti plus ML Ilynav all back to back, the game has gotten so bloated on power creep expectations have gotten absurd. There is so many units that need to be reworked and toned down at this point that the game is just straight up not fixable, Irony her Namesake being nerfed into oblivion was the absolute last time this game had any semblance of balance, proof what this game needs is more nerfs and not more broken units.
I’m glad I skipped
She’s probably the most gear hungry hero in the game
Edit: Ml luna at 2:22 being hit for 50k lol, she’s like “I’m mega dead, bruh”
Haha, when that happened I was, like, "wait, is she missing gear or something?" It was a nice surprise.
This lazy ass breedable highschool goth design for kill tanks, MG lilias much better n easily to build if just for kill tank, every tank 😂 tf smilegate thinking abt 🤡
I actually wouldn't mind if they buffed Gala a bit too. She's ok into tanks but they're even too tanky for her now-a-days. Shes good into others though like Laia.
@gamesuspectamy my gala can OS 30k hp ilynav before she buffed indomitable n can do OS arowel or lrk. Imagine if her soulburn on her S3 for increase damage like lazy ass goth. The problem for this deadass goth is complicated for build, tanky but u cant get a turn, fast enough but u die on 2nd turn. The only usebale on her kit is divine vessel (if) she hits the right opponent, or might be bring CR push after she use divine vessel she will be useful or bring crit stat on her base kit without imprint for making easily build 🙃
I will say this, I brought mine to deal with Ruele ilynav, 5k attk 300cd, seems reasonably tanky (she converts attack to def), good damage, guess what, she did 13k damage to the Ruele. 13k. She just s2 and now Hwa is worthless. Also ilynav one shot me almost with her s3. This unit is garbage it needs a damage buff
She's a double edged sword... or heels in her case. I think it's really good that not all ML5 units are "broken" or must haves. Bwayoung is totally for the 1%, yet how much are they gonna financially support the game, right?
I hope she gets a buff but not too much, just enough so more people would get the benefit of owning her and using her.
I agree, just a small tweak. I actually am fine if she's average against non-light, I just want her to be easier to play into Light. So nothing too breaking there.
@@gamesuspectamy Totally agree as well, a "silver bullet" unit like her is actually very welcomed whenever an element got too powerful. Make her really good at was she does, that's it.
I wanna pull but feels like her use is waay too niche atm lol.
do you have a goto flag arena team comp?
I got her in my first 10 pulls so I'm not complaining
Your pity reset 😢
My pity hit lua so I'm glad they gave Hwayoung at 150 till pity when I was trying for Lrk so I'm okay also
Haha 😅
You know, oddly enough, Bystander falls in that weird nexus as being an anti-zio character, since zio will trigger her unless he targets her, so if she is behind DB senya, it makes for a interesting zio trap. This is not her job btw, this is just the product of having to find an alternate use for a unit when they suck at their job.
This is a great Zio trap. I would totally do this. Zio would have to waste his S3 into a tank like Senya or something to make sure he doesn't trigger. I like your thinking!
Don’t let anyone gaslight you into thinking shes good. If a unit HAVE to do soul burn to do their job and the job is something as simple as doing damage then thats a bad unit. 💀 Unless you are doing a specific set up with your team, ML units should do their job without soul burns.
its ridiculous cuz for the ammount of setup she needs, might as well just fucking cleave team instead
100% agree! Just take out light units, no setup! No one would think this is broken, those light units are toxic and light ML5 is only 8% of the hero base. She would just be a situational pick and do her job.
@@Hiken_Bakuzan haha, so true, in almost all of the non-harsetti matches from the video, if I just used Luna/Summertime/Roana/etc it would have been an easy win.
ml luna does the job for me....i waited ml hwa with the hope the she would be the end of crown harsetti era.that damn unit stunned all4 of my units(limited flan included) 3 turns in a row....3 matches in a row!!!in the 4th match i got lucky and only 2 of my units got stunned every turn.
i really thought that ml hwa would punish the harsetti meta(lolisenya is good but she dies after 1 s3 and 1 s1 from the bonkers dmg lflan does on the double hit,my lolisenya has 26k hp and 2k def btw),a unit that cant be debuffed and has "staying"power cause the def,that procs s3 and can delete ANY light unit or at least do good dmg on other attributes.sadly we got a unit that needs insane gear to 1shot light tank ONLY if you sb!
she needs a buff on her s3 dmg or add in her passive "when s3 procs from an ally ignores def".the minimum sg could do is to put a 50%cr push when she procs her passive,that way she can deal with light tanks and some units with high hp.such a let down and sg wont do nothing cause she sells like crazy just for her design alone!im 15 away from pity and i really struggle to stop myself from pulling her,she looks dope af
Yeah, I love young Senya but she's so hard to draft since you need to burn 3 draft spots to make her useful (ie, her, Mort, Alencia).
Haha, I still find your Crown Harsetti gripes entertaining. Her day is coming soon, my friend!
Waifu over Meta! Pull her if you like how she looks, that's my rule!
@@gamesuspectamy i really love her design and her as a character(i still use fire hwa on a counter/effres build 14k hp,1,3k def,6k att,140effres and 186spd on utooth) and im 12pulls away from getting her...i really struggle to stop myself from getting(but every now and then i do a single pull xD ).i dont think sg will buff her but a 50%cr push when she procs her passive would make good,no broken but good,that way she could take the turn after the passive and finish the unit she allready droped to half hp!that or make her s3 dmg bonkers like limited flans.much love n happy holydays
ps f crown harsetti
Lua supremecy
welp try counter set, shes more viable in counter set
But she is a hot goth girl miss Amy
Light and Khm have been having good success with her on counter as more of an anti agro unit..... but she still doesn't do her job of light tank killer and Hwa was hard enough to build before, now with counter set like 99% of the playerbase probably can't build her.
I'm not sure what she needs, but she definitely needs something, just small and tuned towards the bottom 99% of the playerbase as she could easily become a menace if buffs go overboard.
Well, as long as they buff her in a way where she's still only good into light units and average into others then she wont be too much of a menace.
I had her on counter and even gave her some decent bulk but she still only lasted a turn or 2 before dying (she was often focused first) and she was worse at killing light units so I swapped her out. Also, it seemed like every match I played against Mort.
Still in RTA this may be the best way to play her.
For GW and Arena, I think push/Soul burn is the way to go.
Gear issue i guess 😅
Literally garbage unit the one who cope on her is definitely never go past master. Those lights knight need an answer and this is what we get