Hi all, thank you for the lovely feedback on this video. If you are interested in the sheet music, you can download it freely here: swiy.io/bethoumyvision Hope for your kind support by subscribing to this channel. :) Cheers!
成為我異象 (Be Thou My Vision) (愛爾蘭 民謠) You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. - Psalm 16:11 這首詩的原文是公元八世紀時,一位愛爾蘭的信徒所寫,作者姓名失傳,但因原作是蓋爾語文(Gaelic)使用古愛爾蘭措辭,故後人知道作者是居住在一個愛爾蘭綠草如茵,山巔煙霧瀰漫的幽谷中。 1905年,柏妮(Mary E. Byrne, 1880-1931)將這首古愛爾蘭詩英譯成散文,發表在雜誌上。七年後,賀依理(Eleanor Henrietta Hull,1860-1935)知道它原是詩體,又將散文改寫成詩。 柏妮出生在愛爾蘭都柏林,大學畢業後,在其家鄉從事中等教育研究的工作。她最重大的貢獻是編纂「愛爾蘭語大辭典」。賀依理出生在英國曼徹斯特,是愛爾蘭教科書協會的創辦人,也是倫敦愛爾蘭文學協會的會長,著有數本有關愛爾蘭歷史與文學的書。 這是一首禱告的詩,求主使我們以基督為榜樣,成為我們的異象。詩中稱 神為「心中王」、「希望」、「智慧」、「箴言」,「良伴」等。我們常有夢想,但卻乏異象。事奉的道上若無異象,則一切都是徒勞。 這首詩歌最初引用愛爾蘭民謠With My Love on the Road,1919年被收集在愛爾蘭聖詩中,則以一小山名Slane為曲調名。相傳在公元五世紀時,國王有令,在復活節前夕,必須由他在山上點火,宣稱春到人間,那年愛爾蘭聖人聖柏爵克(St. Patrick)在Slane山上在國王之先,燃點火炬,國王有感於他的勇敢,准他在愛爾蘭傳道。後人為紀念他,尊他為愛爾蘭守護聖人。 其後有許多人改編曲調的和聲,常用的是伊文思(David Evans,1874-1948)和莊遜(Norman E. Johnson,1928-1983)的和聲。 (歌詞) 求我心中王,成為我異象, 我別無愛慕,惟主我景仰, 主日夜居首,我心嚮往, 睡著或睡醒,慈容是我光。 成為我智慧,成為我箴言, 我願常跟隨,主在我身邊; 祢是我聖父,慈愛無比, 祢常居我心,祢我不相離。 我不求虛名,也不求富有, 主是我基業,從今到永久; 惟主在我心,永遠居首, 天上大君王,祂是我萬有。 天上大君王,光明的太陽, 容我享天樂,我已打勝仗; 我心之主宰,凡事引導, 萬有的主宰,成為我異象。 ua-cam.com/video/KDi9Fh4t4Ks/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/AZfD5KrH5d8/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/JBpeGKqLoKM/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/zstKjGb6uAE/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/6vcQFZyIrFs/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/SIygZI9SQQs/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/KYXrnqkOpMA/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/s5dDm7U3u3U/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/CPhTK2Hs5KQ/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/aurILJtBA4U/v-deo.html
Hi there - This is such lovely arrangement of the song. Could you share the particularly music for the arrangement or where you got it? I am getting married next month and would really like to have the pianist play this version during the service. It is so special. Many thanks!
So sorry to have missed out on your comments. I'll be honoured to have this arrangement played out on your special day. Please let me know your email address so I can send it to you.
I love this arrangement! I see that other people have asked too, but I was asked to play this song next month and was wondering if there was a way to get the sheet music for this arrangement?
so beautiful!! God bless you!
Lovely boy 💙
Hi all, thank you for the lovely feedback on this video. If you are interested in the sheet music, you can download it freely here:
Hope for your kind support by subscribing to this channel. :)
Such a beautiful arrangement of this hymn. Keep using your talents! (:
very nice!
Thank you friend.
This was truly amazing!! You have a good ear for music!
Erin Malfi Hi Erin, thank you and praise the Lord :)
i love your arrangement of this song. great to play along with my violin.
Thank you. Would love to hear how it goes together :)
This is the type of arrangement I'm looking for! Beautiful arrangement and playing! Can I have the sheet music please?
This is absolutely beautiful. It's my mom's favorite song, can I please have the sheet music?
成為我異象 (Be Thou My Vision)
(愛爾蘭 民謠)
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand. - Psalm 16:11
1905年,柏妮(Mary E. Byrne, 1880-1931)將這首古愛爾蘭詩英譯成散文,發表在雜誌上。七年後,賀依理(Eleanor Henrietta Hull,1860-1935)知道它原是詩體,又將散文改寫成詩。
這是一首禱告的詩,求主使我們以基督為榜樣,成為我們的異象。詩中稱 神為「心中王」、「希望」、「智慧」、「箴言」,「良伴」等。我們常有夢想,但卻乏異象。事奉的道上若無異象,則一切都是徒勞。
這首詩歌最初引用愛爾蘭民謠With My Love on the Road,1919年被收集在愛爾蘭聖詩中,則以一小山名Slane為曲調名。相傳在公元五世紀時,國王有令,在復活節前夕,必須由他在山上點火,宣稱春到人間,那年愛爾蘭聖人聖柏爵克(St. Patrick)在Slane山上在國王之先,燃點火炬,國王有感於他的勇敢,准他在愛爾蘭傳道。後人為紀念他,尊他為愛爾蘭守護聖人。
其後有許多人改編曲調的和聲,常用的是伊文思(David Evans,1874-1948)和莊遜(Norman E. Johnson,1928-1983)的和聲。
Hi there - This is such lovely arrangement of the song. Could you share the particularly music for the arrangement or where you got it? I am getting married next month and would really like to have the pianist play this version during the service. It is so special. Many thanks!
I feel similarly - I would love this song for my processional. Were you able to get the sheet music for this version?
So sorry to have missed out on your comments. I'll be honoured to have this arrangement played out on your special day. Please let me know your email address so I can send it to you.
kimcook3@gmail.com - thanks so much!
This is my favorite song and I would love to learn it on the piano. Is there somewhere I can get this music?
Such a beautiful arrangement, and played so beautifully! Could you please send the sheet music to me?
Thanks Anna, sure, just let me know your email address!
Shawn Wee Piano it's annallms@gmail.com, thank you very much!
I love this arrangement! I see that other people have asked too, but I was asked to play this song next month and was wondering if there was a way to get the sheet music for this arrangement?
Hi there sorry I just saw your comment. Do you have an email address for me to send the sheet music to you?
Is this your arrangement? And whether it is or not, can the sheet music be purchased?
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light
Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one
Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art
High King of Heaven, my victory won
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heav’n’s Sun
Heart of my own heart, whate’er befall
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all
Songwriters: Ian Lynn / Traditional
Be Thou My Vision lyrics © Conexion Media Group, Inc
Hi, I love this song and I love your rendition and arrangement. Would you be able to send me the sheet music for it as well?
Hi Kyra, my pleasure, just let me know your email address!
Thank you!!
This is a beautiful arrangement, I would love to have it in my wedding next May. Is there any way i could get the sheet music for it?
Hi there, sure just let me know your email address and I'll send it over :)
Shawn Wee Piano Oh thank you!! Cazelder1@gmail.com
Any chance I can get the arrangement of this?
Sorry for the late reply, please let me know your email address!
Hi! Any chance I could get the sheet music for my wedding coming up next month? I love this!!!
Sure, just let me know your email so I can send it to you. Thanks!
Shawn Wee Piano thanks!! ecomerouski@gmail.com
Are you still emailing the sheet music?
Hi just let me know your email address.