Ron Paul opposes health bill

  • Опубліковано 18 бер 2010
  • Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas tells CNN's John King that health care shouldn't be a government issue.
  • Розваги


  • @raskinblog
    @raskinblog 10 років тому +14

    He can't appear on a debate with the republican and democratic nominee for president. wtf America.

  • @rammice
    @rammice 14 років тому +8

    I've been watching the Onion News Network and I'm surprised at how close they get with their satire to CNN.

  • @dvall1000
    @dvall1000 4 роки тому +3

    The Republican establishment's marginalization of Ron Paul is a big reason why we have President Donald Trump. KEK

  • @sibkiss2009
    @sibkiss2009 14 років тому +3

    "to have some energy in this democracy" the host said. What democracy? Ain't this a constitutional republic? and whats so democratic about a two party system? when so many times people are only voting for the lesser that the two evils? We need more choices who actually have a chance to win.

  • @russellmuscle1
    @russellmuscle1 12 років тому +3

    I think he's great. No, I certainly don't agree with everything he says. However, he says what he believes, he doesn't care what the fallout is or what the GOP thinks. Amazing, how rare that is these days to find a genuine person in politics.

  • @Pangora2
    @Pangora2 14 років тому +4

    In Ron Paul we Trust.

  • @marshall2411
    @marshall2411 14 років тому

    @Transfectingood they also only have 30 million people in Canada total, and have to wait months to be seen. Many up there come here for the BETTER and immediate care. Government intervention is and always will be bad. Why should a Dr who has hundreds of thousands of school loans, high insurance for malpractice andpeople suing and trying to sue you constantly do anything for free?

  • @carlosbucbuc
    @carlosbucbuc 14 років тому +3

    I still have my 2008 sticker!!! Ready to put my 2012 sticker under it. WOOHOOO!!!!

  • @jebril
    @jebril 13 років тому +2

    Ron Paul is the man.

  • @hecks305
    @hecks305 14 років тому

    he wouldn't be the first actor in the white house

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    @Pangora2 and a few group of people in each country got extremely rich. Imagine there are rich land owners in this who own over 500 thousand acres of land while millions of families are homeless. There are executives on Wall Streets making 140 million dollars in bonuses plus their regular $alaries, and stuck incomes while millions of workers survive with minimum wage or just making 30 thousand dollar a year, not to mention millions who have no jobs. Wouldn't you agree that's system is wrong?

  • @sibkiss2009
    @sibkiss2009 14 років тому +1

    Ron Paul is really cool in ways Obama couldnt even come close to with his hope 7 change poser act. Wish there were more men and women like him in politics.

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    Ron Paul, who paid for your medical education? Why my child can not get medical school like your child did?

  • @willwalkkent
    @willwalkkent 14 років тому

    Everyone should help each other. Americans are some of the most giving people. Though, Americans should be able to give to successful organizations. Giving your money to the government doesn't allow for the best help, it allows for too big to fail, bankrupt organizations; and that helps no one.

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому +2

    @Pangora2 I think I know how the world works; I learned that long time ago. I'll tell you: We live under an economic system called Capitalism. The system is made of antagonistic social classes. Those Social classes fight each other to gain economic and political advantages over the others. That fight is what move the countries. This economic system got to a point where difference between the rich and the poor is too large. As a result, millions of people around the world suffer hunger, and...

    • @GalacticNovaOverlord
      @GalacticNovaOverlord 2 роки тому

      11 years later, the problems of the capitalist system worsened even more...

  • @grizzlymartin1
    @grizzlymartin1 Рік тому +1

    It’s 2022 and I will NEVER vote for a republican nor a democrat again until the U.S. has had a White House administration that is neither.

  • @RyeGuyfx
    @RyeGuyfx 14 років тому

    @jimbobanalbeats WHo said it was evil to take care of each other??? Ron Paul did NOT!

  • @premo881
    @premo881 14 років тому

    If Ron Paul had ran for president against Obama it truly would have been a tough call for me.....and i prob would have voted for Dr Paul, honestly.

  • @mcgehee1980
    @mcgehee1980 14 років тому

    I don't know how anybody can be opposed to Ron Paul's Views. He is constantly talking about getting your rights back as an individual. Getting the government out of your pocket and holding corporations accountable for their actions (i.e. auditing the Federal Reserve).
    How can you be against that?

  • @yushaos
    @yushaos 14 років тому

    Ron Paul 2012!

  • @engine2truck6
    @engine2truck6 14 років тому

    slickbtk ... NICE!! ...awesome points.

  • @wayne99fan
    @wayne99fan 14 років тому

    @shadowmia22 provide one example please, I'm not aware of any and would love to learn of what you speak!

  • @marshall2411
    @marshall2411 14 років тому


  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    @Pangora2 Wouldn't you agree that system is wrong? Ron Paul never tell you this. He says he fights for individual rights and liberties so you keep what you have...what do the poor have to keep? Those who have are the rich so he defends the rich. How come you don't see it, Grasshopper?
    If I have $1 million dollars and you have $10 dollars, and Ron Paul says he defends individual rights so we keep what we have, who is he defending, Grasshopper?

  • @Alber204
    @Alber204 Рік тому

    The constitution is the government.

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    R Paul want to give more rights to the rich than what they already have. That's what he and his son are preaching.

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    Ron Paul, do you think the poor are poor because they are lazy, and the Rich are rich because they work harder?

  • @DIXflatlin3
    @DIXflatlin3 14 років тому

    Ron Paul 2012

  • @bmlong137
    @bmlong137 14 років тому

    @Transfectingood Cheaper? Are you considering the full cost? Also, RP is not saying you can't help other people. He is just arguing against the moral right for someone else to take your money to help other people.

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    @rittertiger exactly

  • @iTellYouNoLie
    @iTellYouNoLie 14 років тому


  • @russellmuscle1
    @russellmuscle1 12 років тому

    Hahaha "several people" that's funny.

  • @asphyxiafeeling
    @asphyxiafeeling 13 років тому

    CNN sucks SO bad. I'm glad they interviewed Ron Paul but I'm unimpressed with the host & the interview.

  • @GreyMonroe
    @GreyMonroe 14 років тому

    I think it is important to remember that corporations
    are legal entities created by the state. If we
    want a libertarian society to succeed, we would have
    to abolish limit the state and it's creations.

    • @GalacticNovaOverlord
      @GalacticNovaOverlord 2 роки тому

      At that point to truly limit the hierarchies of power- corporate class, elite class, state power, etc..., you'd need to become anarchist and communist in principles.
      You'd find that a lot of leftist movements of this nature truly flesh out what the libertarian in principle wants to achieve.
      Libertarians were leftists originally. It was corrupted here in the U.S. to be co-opted by the establishment to support the capitalist hierarchies.

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    Ron Paul, what is the origin of wealth? Why the rich are getting richer as the poor are getting poorer? Why we have nothing in spite that we've been working hard since the beginning of the country?

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    @shadowmia22 Exactly

  • @gdog00187
    @gdog00187 13 років тому +1

    @HoboGus self serving ? Then why is he always talking about everyones rights, and yes even your right to post here on youtube. You need to grow a little, and think for yourself, not let the TV think for you. Self serving ---- get real.

  • @marshall2411
    @marshall2411 14 років тому

    @Transfectingood look up cadillac taxes

  • @augustmaiiii
    @augustmaiiii 14 років тому

    @NoLibertarian agreed

  • @platano1742
    @platano1742 14 років тому

    @m8cct go ahead you, fool give all the power to the big corporations!! You have the right to keep being poor for ever.

  • @hecks305
    @hecks305 14 років тому

    Voted for obama cause he was the better candidate. I feel in order to get a real honest president, the debates need to be open to everyone who is on the ballot. not just the rep. dem. I can't believe the rep. party thought that mccane was a better candidate then dr. paul.

  • @marshall2411
    @marshall2411 14 років тому

    @Transfectingood less people, less people draining a system, get it? wait times? please... they come here for care lots of times.. They have a welfare system of healthcare.. you seem to have no idea the debt, responsibility Drs and PAs have here...Who makes fun of us? I will take our Drs anyday over theirs

  • @marshall2411
    @marshall2411 14 років тому

    @Transfectingood you must like the welfare system too, eh? eh? lets just let all people who don't work help those who don't

  • @LittleMissV
    @LittleMissV 13 років тому

    @platano1742 If Ron Paul really wanted that then he would support the Fed, but he doesn't. Perhaps you should check out some more videos on Ron Paul instead of just twisting his words in one sentence, hm?

  • @enjoyitbro
    @enjoyitbro 14 років тому +1

    Have the right to keep what you earn hell yeah

  • @eifersucht2
    @eifersucht2 14 років тому

    It was Voltaire--a complete badass.

  • @LeRationalRabbit
    @LeRationalRabbit 14 років тому +1

    Three years ago, a 25 year-old neighbor of mine fell down a flight of stairs and broke his neck. He became a quadriplegic and spent nearly the next 6 months in the hospital. Needless to say, he cannot care for himself. Oh, by the way, he has no insurance. What should we do with him? Should we have left him at the bottom of the steps? Should we put him out on the street? These are questions you "everybody for himself" types need to answer. Your solutions are what dominated 20000 years ago.

    • @GalacticNovaOverlord
      @GalacticNovaOverlord 2 роки тому +1

      He's hideous on these issues.
      Of only we had a single payer system or something similar like the majority of developed nations...

    • @GarfieldEnjoyer1878
      @GarfieldEnjoyer1878 2 роки тому

      @@GalacticNovaOverlord I disagree

    • @masterofshadows8904
      @masterofshadows8904 Рік тому

      Single payer system, to pay for it, we'd have to raise taxes on EVERYONE at by at LEAST 36%, so say goodbye to your standard of living... Even if we stole every dollar from all 724 billionaires in the US and forced them to liquidate all assets, homes, companies, etc, we wouldn't have enough to run that for even 1 year... Tax the rich for it, but then they're all drained so the next year guess who's next on the chopping block?

  • @thomasw78
    @thomasw78 14 років тому +1

    The Canadian health care system gives a high rate of satisfaction.... to DOGS AND CATS. But if you're human you have to wait in line for 6 months or go to America to (god forbid) PAY to get treated in a timely manner. Why some people are okay with PAYING for something that actually keeps them alive is something I guess socialists will never understand.

  • @marshall2411
    @marshall2411 14 років тому

    @Transfectingood hmmmm, so you're pro abortion? you are saying 'fuck life'.... so what is the difference between that and the 8 year old? At least she had a chance... Profit is the only way we get QUALITY care

  • @GreyMonroe
    @GreyMonroe 14 років тому

    @NoLibertarian noob