You can even hear it in the reporters voice that she was moved too. She was crying. And in the meantime, to the funeral of the perp who killed officer espericueta, not even the roaches showed up.
In my opinion, the beat way to honor this officer’s sacrifice, is to raise education and awareness about family violence, since Officer Espericueta died responding to a domestic violence call. Domestic violence calls are the most dangerous for police officers. 1 in 3 murdered women are victims of domestic violence. Over 50% of mass shootings are domestic-related. Please, get educated and raise awareness about this issue, so hopefully it can be prevented or at least, reduced, and other brave individuals don’t have to make the ultimate sacrifice Officer Espericutea did.
You can even hear it in the reporters voice that she was moved too. She was crying. And in the meantime, to the funeral of the perp who killed officer espericueta, not even the roaches showed up.
In my opinion, the beat way to honor this officer’s sacrifice, is to raise education and awareness about family violence, since Officer Espericueta died responding to a domestic violence call.
Domestic violence calls are the most dangerous for police officers. 1 in 3 murdered women are victims of domestic violence. Over 50% of mass shootings are domestic-related.
Please, get educated and raise awareness about this issue, so hopefully it can be prevented or at least, reduced, and other brave individuals don’t have to make the ultimate sacrifice Officer Espericutea did.
RIP 🙏 Officer Espericuetta
Rest In Peace Hero✝️
Que descanse en paz muy buen policia.
La ptmre que triste