I bought this meter about a month ago, and whe set to measure amps never reads zero It always reads.4 or .25 I think I was stick with flute or fieldpiece
Yeah my meter is having the same issue ... I can't trust any of the amp readings. I don't know if it's including that 0.45 amps or adding to it when reading amperage? It's frustrating honestly.
@@jakbo_ I had the same problem and I returned it thinking it could be an original defect, but it doesn't make sense to me if it has a calibration certificate, I hope the new one they sent me DOES NOT HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. just like you I felt frustrated
Just brought March 3, 2023. Love it. You can change some settings from your phone. That is cool
Is the foward/reverse on the 3 phase rotation function clockwise= foward and reverse= counter clockwise?
When measuring temperature, does that display both temperatures simultaneously or do you have to switch between the two?
Where can i buy dl599
Looks like a good meter I love uei meters and equipment
Wow ma'am
Very nice best clamp meter ac dc
Great Meter . Thank you
I bought this meter about a month ago, and whe set to measure amps never reads zero
It always reads.4 or .25
I think I was stick with flute or fieldpiece
Yeah my meter is having the same issue ... I can't trust any of the amp readings. I don't know if it's including that 0.45 amps or adding to it when reading amperage? It's frustrating honestly.
@@jakbo_ I had the same problem and I returned it thinking it could be an original defect, but it doesn't make sense to me if it has a calibration certificate, I hope the new one they sent me DOES NOT HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. just like you I felt frustrated
@josemanuelrodriguez7855 I contacted UEI directly and they were actually super helpful
Elaina Ridge
Bradtke Shore
Mckenzie Place
McKenzie Forest
Henriette Stravenue
Casper Street
Arch Mills
Kerluke Crossroad
Durward Turnpike
O'Hara Glen
Erdman Spring
Bechtelar Plains
Lizzie Locks
Marcelino Shoals
Grant Mountains
Gleason Lock
Tremblay Village
Welch Highway
Corwin Isle
Angelita Loaf
Lorna Brooks
Kevin Vista
Hessel Road
Elissa Isle
Tyrese Hill
Javon Falls
Alexandrea Summit
Myrtice Turnpike
Camryn Point
Beatty Park
Karlie Isle
Everett Garden
Rosamond Islands
Emil Mission
Jazmyne Pine
Nash Path
Paige Road
Effertz Ways
Cristal Hills
Monahan Mount
Wehner Haven
Rowe Mountains
Raegan Walk
Bins Mountain
Koelpin Junction
Zulauf Station
Jast Mountain
Ernser Oval
Howell Ways
Nader Valley
Ziemann Knoll
Keanu Valley
Mohr Fields
Abbigail Greens
Pacocha Ridges
Reginald Radial
Elmore Pike
Maye Estates
Stoltenberg Flat
Runolfsdottir Estate
Anika Groves
Dietrich Village
Wiza Bypass
Jeanette Square
Dibbert Isle
Mina Mission
Ullrich Spurs
Kuhic Mission
Josue Loaf
Aisha Squares
Rippin Views
Moen Views
Kunze Harbors
Leannon Plaza
Blanda Tunnel
Anabel Walks
Luettgen Unions
Fisher Mountains
Kessler Courts