Thank you for taking the time to review my station! It made my heart swell with pride that you love our station as much as we in Rugby do. Love, Rugby Amtrak Depot Caretaker
Oh my gosh, this is the greatest comment I ever could've gotten on this video! You do an incredible job maintaining the beautiful depot - the station deserves as much love as was put into it, and I'm so glad we could visit and document it!
We used to catch the train in Rugby when I was a little boy in the 1950s. The station is just like I remember it, although I haven't been inside in nearly 70 years.
Two trains per day is a lot more than Houston (more than twice as many) - correct? (popular lore has it that Houston only gets three trains per week - I assume that's per direction, which would make it six trains per week...)
Via's service to Gaspé ended in 2013 due to poor track conditions east of Matapédia. And the Vancouver Island service ended in 2011 due to poor track conditions as well. Dang, no toy trains to go with the tracks? Guess they might've been stolen. I loved going to Barnes & Noble as a kid just to play with the Thomas trains. It also reminds me of the Lionel display Hoboken Terminal has in their waiting room! Except theirs is in a glass case. That aside, definitely appreciate how much history is in this small building! For a small-town station, Rugby is legit!
Also, the map depicts a connecting service to Yarmouth but from what I can tell that was abandoned in 1990, so given that the map is from 2003 it is still quite outdated.
Thank you for visiting my home town. Growing up in Rugby (and now living in a South Dakota town that is actually MUCH smaller) I always brace for outsiders to look down on us as small and backwards; mocking the very things that I love about this part of the world. I’m glad you recognized the charm of this small town and gave us a little love on your channel. I bet if you make a call next time, the mayor will either give you a tour or find someone to do so!
I love your attitudes! So refreshingly unpretentious and curious, with genuine appreciation for the exploration of unfamiliar places and their history. I grew up on a farm 5 miles from Pleasant Lake, ND and 10 miles from Rugby, ND. Back in the 70's, when I was at Rugby High School, that main street was a bustling place where it was hard to find a place to park and teenagers cruised Main for fun every weekend evening. Rugby is vastly different now, but that is what has happened to most all of small rural US towns over the past 50 years. Rugby still has lots of "pride of place," and maybe works a bit harder than average to keep things from getting too run down. Thanks for exploring enough to point out some of the jewels that remain fixtures in the town, such as the train station, the court house, the post office and the Lyric Theater. But the thing that keeps this town on the map is the big complex of grain elevators along the railroad tracks that you noticed right when you got off the train, and the farmers who bring their crops to that facility to feed the rest of the world. 🙂 Also, you are right about the difficulty in measuring the exact center of the North American continent...there has been some heated debate about the true geographical center of North America in the past few years. But, to quote from Smithsonian Magazine (Jan 2017) "the USGS has no official definition of a geographic center and no agreed upon method for determining it" So arguing over the exact location is an exercise in futility. I'm sure I speak for the many thousands of Rugby citizens who live or have lived there: Thank you for showing Rugby, ND some love. 🙂
Thank you so much for the comment and information! Rugby really does have "pride of place", that's a great phrase to use. Thank you for checking the video out!
Thanks for this video! You guys are great! I immediately subscribed! I live in Minot, North Dakota which you probably passed through when you were in the Rugby area. I work at a television station directing and editing commercials so I've spent a lot of time in Rugby. To bad you couldn't get into the Prairie Village museum. It's a nice set up of old buildings and even a caboose of an old train. They also have a nice small gallery and a gift shop. Thanks for showing the train station as well...All my years going to Rugby I've never seen the inside of that place. Next time I'm there I'll have a look. Its also nice to see the theatre open again. Most of the small town theaters In North Dakota have closed so when one is still open it's a good thing. Your video also makes me long for summer since we're in the clutches of winter right now. Once again, thanks for the video! I look forward to your next adventure!!
Thank you so much for watching! The Prairie Village Museum sounds awesome, I would've loved to have checked it out if it had been open. And whoof, I was in the Upper Midwest again this winter to check out the least used Amtrak station in Minnesota (Detroit Lakes) and it was COLD - good luck out there! (I still loved Minnesota though - I also visited Duluth and the Twin Cities and they were spectacular)
I live about 40 minutes away from Rugby. It’s a pretty good image of what the northern North Dakota communities look like, pretty low key and agriculture focused! Really only make it down to rugby for machinery parts or if my wife really wants Mexican food as it’s the closest place to where we live lol. Also the diner attached to the hotel where you guys stayed is bomb!
Love that you made it all the way out here to the Great Plains! I currently live in Fargo and the station is a time capsule of Amtrak with several pointless arrow logos.
North Dakota, BEST Dakota! Ah yes, the geographical center of North America is in a Mexican restaurant's parking lot...this shows that the true controllers of North America will always be the Mexican Empire! Some North Dakota facts, the world's largest French fry feed is held every year in Grand Forks, during Potato Bowl USA. A new record was set on September 10, 2015, when 5,220 pounds of French fries were served. It took an act of Congress in the US and Royal Assent in Canada to build the International Peace Garden which is a beautiful symbol of peace and friendship straddling the border of North Dakota and Manitoba. North Dakota is also home to more wildlife refuges (63!) than any other state.
Kim Jong-un can I ask what you think of Canada in contrast to North Korea? They must be quiet similar in a lot of ways, with both countries being nationalist and socialist, and now that Canada is also ruled and unified by a Great Leader just like you, except his name is Trudeau? I think we should work on unifying the two countries together now that we share the same political philosophy, values, and even have the same structures of ruling authority. Perhaps we should also call ourselves comrades, I've been seeing a lot of average Canadians in the past few weeks and they certainly do look the part -:)
Thank you so much for making these least used station videos. They are my favorite videos you make, even thought I love all of your videos! Keeps up the good work!
The "factory" you mention across from the station is not really a factory, but grain storage. Agriculture is probably the primary industry, google satellite map shows most, if not all of the land surrounding Rugby is farm land. the major crops are probably grain like wheat and other grain crops. Farmers would well their grain through co-ops that managed the buildings you see, called grain elevators. Placed as they are along the rail road tracks, grain would be transported by train to where it would be made into what ever end products.
From now on when people talk about "Karens", we should keep in mind Karen Miller of North Dakota, who nobly cross-stitched a tribute to the Rugby train station
"You couldn't do that in Philadelphia" reminded me of a project called Hitchbot It had successfully hitched its way around Germany and the Netherlands It came to the USA and went missing in Philadelphia and was found decapitated. Perhaps Philadelphia is outside the norm and Rugby ND is closer to it.
Hitchbot 1 hitchiked coast to coast through Canada, Hitchbot 2 hitchiked through Germany and the Netherlands before being decapitated in Philadelphia during a failed attempt to hitchike in the US
Kinda want to write to some North Dakota Congressmembers to get that station a new flag. Our congressman got our town hall a new Capitol flown flag when they realized it was so old that it didn't have 50 stars...
It says Winston Cup driver, so seeing as Winston stopped sponsoring NASCAR in 2003, it is from atleast 2003. The golden outline around the Miller logo was only on the car from 2001-2002 which further limits it., and it can't be from 2000 or earlier because the hood was a different color. However I think you can just barely make out an Amtrak logo on his firesuit and comparing his 2001 and 2002 firesuits, Amtrak only appears on the 2001 firesuit, so 2001 is when the photo shoot occurred, atleast.
4:23 so fun fact about this. During the whole Southwest debacle at the end of 2022, I got stuck in an airport overnight. At one point, all the staff left. The passengers were all seated at a gate, but there was no staff anywhere past security (the TSA agents at the exit area were still on, as were a couple people at the ticketing/baggage desk).
All the towns between Glacier and Milwaukee are cool examples of old school middle American communities. The railroad is absolutely central to the core of the structure of towns but satellite to the experience of living there. Riding the train through you can imagine how practical rail service used to be (and still is on limited basis) and you get to peek at a common way of modern life that runs at a simple pace. The ghost towns around Shelby, MT are really striking, too.
This popped up on my feed this morning, loved your perspective of our small town! Would love to send you a care package from our little town. It’s too bad my business wasn’t open, we could have set you up with a fun map and bikes to tour the town! Happy travels 😉
I went on the Empire builder from Fargo to Seattle last September, It was incredible, much cheaper than flying from my airport of Sioux Falls SD, the scenery was incredible, will have to go back to seattle via amtrak again
My grandpa use to have an repair shop in Rugby, I use to go there every Christmas, a family member use to own the hotel they stayed in I'm not sure if they are still alive I'm sure one of their kids own it now and the cottage restaurant my cousin makes the dessert there. The gas station across the highway from the train has a fish bait vending machine its the first I ever seen. I wouldn't try this in the winter pretty sure they close the station in the winter and check and book a room ahead of time cause if there's a hockey game in town good luck.
We loved the Cottage Restaurant! Noted about the winter - I really hope they don't actually close the station then, that would be SO MISERABLE for people trying to wait for trains...
Rugby is such a nice little town. I visited in summer 2021 and the Prairie village museum has a nice collection including another railroad depot moved from a nearby town. I think there are quite a few Amtrak stations in the midwest at least that are open to the public and unstaffed, such as Tomah, Staples, Red Wing or Winona.
Ever since I was following this on Twitter/Discord I've been waiting for Trolleybus trip content! Looks like we're finally getting some more, and can't wait for the full Trolleybus video once you guys actually go to Dayton. Also that P42 that pulled your guys's train departing Rugby pulled my Carolinian last year from Charlotte to DC which I thought was neat.
Dayton is all filmed, I just need to edit it all! Right now another really big project has taken precedent, but the Trolleybus Video will come after that.
The supposed actual geographic location is actually in a slough SW of Rugby near the ghost town of Orrin. There used to be a cairn of rocks in the slough to mark the location but i"m not sure if its still visible or not.
I grew up 30 minutes away from Rugby and have been to that train depot many times. Rugby is a cool little town. Unfortunately, not much to do there on Sundays though lol. Great video!
super excited for Chemault, Oregon, when you do it come down from the north winding through the cascades, absolutely a beautiful ride, great on Amtrak and also super fun to do hopping on the back of an intermodal in UP Brooklyn yard and slowly suffocating in all the tunnels haha (of course the intermodals don't stop in Chemault, the crew change is usually in klamath falls). Not that I condone that kind of shenanigans of course, I am a law abiding citizen🙃
I can't say I'll come into Chemult THAT way! ;) But I am excited for that one because that's where the Thruway bus from Bend connects, so I figure I'd use it as an excuse to visit Bend.
Great review od this quaint little town in addition to the station. It's nice to see all of the railroading history still kept intact by locals and train enthusiasts alike. Also, did you visit the least used Amtrak station in Montana and Idaho along the way, since the Empire Builder is currently the only Antrak train in those two states?
@@MilesinTransit absolutely, we got that DMV chic. The weird thing is that there's a much older building with a clock tower in it that looks like it used to be a train station right next door.
3:57 that map still has some BCR routes by the looks of it!! Pretty old, I’m happy to say that VIA still operates the RDC, just not in bc. I work in their Vancouver yard and I’m patiently awaiting the day one of them comes here for some sort of service and I get to drive it 😂
Rugby's namesake in the UK is a lot busier, and is close by to one of the UK main freight rail intermodal interchanges (inland ports), the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT); lots of warehouses there, some almost with their own private spur. Some UK internal rail traffic originates there too--England to Scotland "grocery" trains a few times per week to reduce truck mileage, and, I think in theory (pre Russian sanctions) DIRFT could receive trains from China (although these generally terminated in the South of the UK)
@@jadynjuntunen6214 I was actually there for work, near the Missouri River area. I guess two things that struck me was just how empty it was for long stretches. Like in that area you'd go very small town - almost nothing for 45 minutes - very small town and that was kind of it. Only occasional houses/farms/ranches on the way. Then just the fact that nearly everyone knew everyone. When we'd go for lunch I'd notice everyone was known by everyone basically. Very few "strangers".
There's some good news for the Gaspe rail service: it looks like repairs on the route to Port-Daniel-Gascons will be done sometime this year, and the company that manages the rails is pushing hard to restore passenger rail service and secure funds to repair the railroad all the way to Gaspe.
I can tell you that the People in Western North Dakota are some FINE PEOPLE ! They are the nicest people you will ever meet hard working, if you ever have time Medora N.D, Teddy Roosevelt National Park is a AMAZING place.
Fun fact: The Baldwin builder’s plate you encountered at 2:25 is off of a Great Northern 4-8-2, either #2514 or 2515. The P2s were initially limited to 50 mph, but it’s possible that the limit was later raised to 75 mph as shown by the plate below the builder’s plate.
My fav so far! Been through driving and on the train-will have to stop next time through! Next stop Cut Bank or maybe Browning? Curious on how you decide this one!
I've taken taken the Amtrak from Rugby to Detroit and back twice, both times the train coming into Rugby from further out west was late by 2 or 3 hours,
I can't wait to find out the least used of Colorado. Went to Granby and my friend and I were literally the only 2 people getting off and 2 of 5 getting on for the return that day 🤣
Somehow I missed this when it was posted. I can't believe they have a movie theater in Rugby, ND. I can't wait for the rest of the Empire Builder content (well, maybe I missed it too, I will check).
North Dakota is still on my list of states I haven't been in. I want to ride the Empire Builder route, I'd have to have an overnight in one of those towns. Nothing like 19th Century architecture.
This is amazing, I love stations with buildings, just a simple platform is boring, MBTA''s Montello, Brockton and Campello have a platform, but Stoughton has a building, I don't think it's in use, but at least it's something. But how is this so clean? ( I know why), When south station men's room has multiple stalls out of service, because the locks are broken. That station is staffed, but not this one. This is clean, not South station. This is amazing!
It's a really nice little town! There were a couple of cultural attractions (the Prairie Village Museum, the Victorian Dress Museum) that were closed on Sunday that would've been awesome to visit.
since you travel on amtrak so much have you been to williamsburg va? You obviously passed it on your way to newport news. I was there not too long ago and while i've been to their train station somewhat often, I had no idea there was an actually usable local bus system there that goes to some surprising destinations. I decided to take the bus and video record it for my own yt channel. But yeah honestly it's a shockingly transit friendly place to go on a vacation and i think it'd make a great video.
I've never been before! They used to have a bus that went on a ferry, but sadly the route was cut and now I'm not as interested in visiting...but I'm sure I'll end up there someday.
@@MilesinTransit The Norfolk- Portsmouth VA ferry is part of the regional transit system, same fare as the bus. Also the new East River ferries in NYC are super, fare $4. And CB is right, WBG is an excellent station, like Rugby but busier and has a giant picture of world leaders visiting in the 1950s or 60s, and walkable. The next and last station, NPN, is moving many MILES closer to accommodate freight and to be slightly more multimodal. One of the those 1970s Amstyle brick stations nearish to the port will be replaced by a sail building with a wye. The new NPN is topped off and lit up at night already. Come to the grand opening and see some stroads! Downtown has an Arc de Triomphe that that took 40 years to build, started as paper mache. Largest private employer in the state! First government housing project in the US (very nice)! Beautiful river! Oldest English city in the US nearby, Hampton! First emancipation town in the Civil War!
@@MilesinTransit I'd love to see someone from out of town without a car go to either the Jamestown museum or the Busch Gardens theme park on the bus from a hotel in Williamsburg, both are actually straightforward. Although the bus stop for the way back from Busch is mildly inconvenient far across a sidewalkless highway, theoretically you should be able to take a free tram to it assuming enough people are in attendance for them to operate. And walking around colonial williamsburg itself is free, the museums are what cost all the money. Stay in a cheap hotel (all on the bus line) and eat at one of the thousands of breakfast restaurants in the area, get on the $1 trolley. All of the major tourist destinations are technically transit accessible, it surprised me.
Yeah, that Amtrak/Via map is really old. The Chaleur from Montréal to Gaspé was "temporarily" suspended in 2013. Its route is still thankfully served as far as Matapédia, QC by the Ocean E: Woah, just paused it and noticed the Bras d'Or is on the map, running service from Halifax to Sydney, NS!
Can't find the edit button, so... After consulting the French dictionary, it's golden arm. Oh well. Could be Bras of Gold, which would be even better. ;_;
Being 75, I've seen mass transit devolve. In the 1950's, Pittsburgh had a good mass transit system, then the government took it over, and destroyed it. The way they destroyed started off by combining routes, until it took 1hour to go 5 miles outside Pittsburgh. So people quit riding the bus, and routes got dropped. At some point riding the bus became the equivalent of walking. Then an interesting idea developed. In order to get Suburban riders going to Pittsburgh, they built "park & ride" parking lots for the Suburban riders. The problem came up, that the poor people who live in the city were slowing down the Suburban riders. So they illuminated stops in the city. This is a problem because the poor people depend on Mass Transit. So there are less people using the bus to go into the city, because there are no jobs in the city. Mass Transit and train system should look at total ridership. Now the answer is airplanes and cars. The government wants to take our cars off us, and throw everyone into mass transit, that the government destroyed.
Lmao yeah. I was wondering if the pair of them were crazy enough to wear shorts in January, then i realised if it was January they should be up to the hems in snow
genuinely would rather have this station building than many in much larger locales. special shoutout to poughkeepsie station for being particularly odious every time i had to go through
@@MilesinTransit good to here, in a country with so few "good" public transit it has given me much hope to see a PRIVATE company gain so much respect in such a short amount of time and it shows that the demand really is there!
@@EVIL-t4o *Private with a lot of government political support, tax breaks and locally funded stations. That said, it seems to be well run and, frequency!
@@kitchin2 Isn't that true of all private transport? You would have to be pretty high on various fine metamphetamines to argue that the current trucking business isn't enjoying similar benefits. (That's not to imply that the truck drivers are sticking their straws in the juicy government coffers of course.)
When you do Benson az don't forget to do the visitor center there i am friends with the guy who runs it and it even has a g scale train you controll with a real Gp 30 control
@@MilesinTransit yes , but its not open on sundays and its from 9 to 5 i would recromend a monday or thursday for going there if you go right after the train arrives, it will be closed if you try going there from a westbound train also ask if you can see bob, he has a lot of old az rail history, tell him henry sent you!
I think those Amtrak ads are from 1999!!! I googled that credit card and it was discontinued in 2000, and the expiration date on the card in the ad has a 99 date.
Thank you for taking the time to review my station! It made my heart swell with pride that you love our station as much as we in Rugby do. Love, Rugby Amtrak Depot Caretaker
Oh my gosh, this is the greatest comment I ever could've gotten on this video! You do an incredible job maintaining the beautiful depot - the station deserves as much love as was put into it, and I'm so glad we could visit and document it!
Imma take my gf and we are visiting Seattle next winter we may take a short tour of the station
Your station is amazing! I would love to visit it someday
We used to catch the train in Rugby when I was a little boy in the 1950s. The station is just like I remember it, although I haven't been inside in nearly 70 years.
@@Aboz wow that's fascinating! what kind of train service did you even get out there in the 50s?
The station's annual ridership is about 1.5x more than the town's population which is pretty incredible.
Idk that that's incredible; New York Penn station's monthly ridership is greater than NYC's population.
Penn Station sees so many more trains and New York has so many tourists that I still have to give it to Rugby here!
@Miles in Transit that's actually a gret point since they get 2 trains a day versus the more than 50 trains in NYC
@@DevonMopiedmont1143 NYP gets a hell of a lot more than 50 - all NJT electric trains, almost all LIRR trains, and Amtrak...
Two trains per day is a lot more than Houston (more than twice as many) - correct?
(popular lore has it that Houston only gets three trains per week - I assume that's per direction, which would make it six trains per week...)
My mom made that cross stitch
pattern. Thanks for the shout-out!
Ahh, that's so awesome!! She did an amazing job!
SO COOL!!!! Sorry for yelling but so cool!!! Beautiful!
This video is so darn charming that I now want to visit Rugby, ND
Outsiders ruin everything. As a ND native, I ask you not gawk.
@@friskydingo471 girl I am not going there
Rugby would welcome you!
We would love to see you here!!
I like the spirit of wandering around a town on foot even without any obvious attractions. It's nice to just experience a new place.
Via's service to Gaspé ended in 2013 due to poor track conditions east of Matapédia. And the Vancouver Island service ended in 2011 due to poor track conditions as well. Dang, no toy trains to go with the tracks? Guess they might've been stolen. I loved going to Barnes & Noble as a kid just to play with the Thomas trains. It also reminds me of the Lionel display Hoboken Terminal has in their waiting room! Except theirs is in a glass case. That aside, definitely appreciate how much history is in this small building! For a small-town station, Rugby is legit!
Also, no longer passenger rail to Sydney or Yarmouth Nova Scotia, only the mainline route from Halifax to Montreal.
Also, the map depicts a connecting service to Yarmouth but from what I can tell that was abandoned in 1990, so given that the map is from 2003 it is still quite outdated.
What was the Vancouver Island service? How’d it get there..?
The Vancouver Island service was just a train on the island from Victoria to Nanaimo and Courtenay, I believe.
> 3:43
I like trains
*gets run over*
*train derails
@@BeardedDragonMan1997 train was bustituted
Don’t we all
I read this in the "I like turtles" voice.
Thank you for visiting my home town. Growing up in Rugby (and now living in a South Dakota town that is actually MUCH smaller) I always brace for outsiders to look down on us as small and backwards; mocking the very things that I love about this part of the world. I’m glad you recognized the charm of this small town and gave us a little love on your channel. I bet if you make a call next time, the mayor will either give you a tour or find someone to do so!
Rugby was fantastic - thank you so much!
Born and raised in Rugby. good to see the old town. I've moved on to Fargo ND but the folks and some siblings still live there.
That's awesome, thank you for watching and commenting!
Rugby in Rugby would have broken the internet, haha. Love those vlogs, more of them hopefully in the future.... and Rugby needs a..... DINER!
No rugby teams in Rugby.
@@flopster7009a shame really. Need to get a competition up and running.
I love your attitudes! So refreshingly unpretentious and curious, with genuine appreciation for the exploration of unfamiliar places and their history.
I grew up on a farm 5 miles from Pleasant Lake, ND and 10 miles from Rugby, ND. Back in the 70's, when I was at Rugby High School, that main street was a bustling place where it was hard to find a place to park and teenagers cruised Main for fun every weekend evening.
Rugby is vastly different now, but that is what has happened to most all of small rural US towns over the past 50 years. Rugby still has lots of "pride of place," and maybe works a bit harder than average to keep things from getting too run down. Thanks for exploring enough to point out some of the jewels that remain fixtures in the town, such as the train station, the court house, the post office and the Lyric Theater. But the thing that keeps this town on the map is the big complex of grain elevators along the railroad tracks that you noticed right when you got off the train, and the farmers who bring their crops to that facility to feed the rest of the world. 🙂
Also, you are right about the difficulty in measuring the exact center of the North American continent...there has been some heated debate about the true geographical center of North America in the past few years. But, to quote from Smithsonian Magazine (Jan 2017) "the USGS has no official definition of a geographic center and no agreed upon method for determining it" So arguing over the exact location is an exercise in futility.
I'm sure I speak for the many thousands of Rugby citizens who live or have lived there: Thank you for showing Rugby, ND some love. 🙂
Thank you so much for the comment and information! Rugby really does have "pride of place", that's a great phrase to use. Thank you for checking the video out!
Thanks for this video! You guys are great! I immediately subscribed! I live in Minot, North Dakota which you probably passed through when you were in the Rugby area. I work at a television station directing and editing commercials so I've spent a lot of time in Rugby. To bad you couldn't get into the Prairie Village museum. It's a nice set up of old buildings and even a caboose of an old train. They also have a nice small gallery and a gift shop. Thanks for showing the train station as well...All my years going to Rugby I've never seen the inside of that place. Next time I'm there I'll have a look. Its also nice to see the theatre open again. Most of the small town theaters In North Dakota have closed so when one is still open it's a good thing. Your video also makes me long for summer since we're in the clutches of winter right now. Once again, thanks for the video! I look forward to your next adventure!!
Thank you so much for watching! The Prairie Village Museum sounds awesome, I would've loved to have checked it out if it had been open. And whoof, I was in the Upper Midwest again this winter to check out the least used Amtrak station in Minnesota (Detroit Lakes) and it was COLD - good luck out there! (I still loved Minnesota though - I also visited Duluth and the Twin Cities and they were spectacular)
I live about 40 minutes away from Rugby. It’s a pretty good image of what the northern North Dakota communities look like, pretty low key and agriculture focused! Really only make it down to rugby for machinery parts or if my wife really wants Mexican food as it’s the closest place to where we live lol.
Also the diner attached to the hotel where you guys stayed is bomb!
We had a great breakfast there! The free voucher was much appreciated.
Love that you made it all the way out here to the Great Plains! I currently live in Fargo and the station is a time capsule of Amtrak with several pointless arrow logos.
Love your channel! The absurd adventures, the creativity, the energy and shared excitement, the details you share, and the friendship all 11/10.
Thank you so much!
North Dakota, BEST Dakota! Ah yes, the geographical center of North America is in a Mexican restaurant's parking lot...this shows that the true controllers of North America will always be the Mexican Empire! Some North Dakota facts, the world's largest French fry feed is held every year in Grand Forks, during Potato Bowl USA. A new record was set on September 10, 2015, when 5,220 pounds of French fries were served. It took an act of Congress in the US and Royal Assent in Canada to build the International Peace Garden which is a beautiful symbol of peace and friendship straddling the border of North Dakota and Manitoba. North Dakota is also home to more wildlife refuges (63!) than any other state.
Kim Jong-un can I ask what you think of Canada in contrast to North Korea? They must be quiet similar in a lot of ways, with both countries being nationalist and socialist, and now that Canada is also ruled and unified by a Great Leader just like you, except his name is Trudeau? I think we should work on unifying the two countries together now that we share the same political philosophy, values, and even have the same structures of ruling authority. Perhaps we should also call ourselves comrades, I've been seeing a lot of average Canadians in the past few weeks and they certainly do look the part -:)
I'm from there. It's fine, TBH.
Thanks for the cool facts, Kim Jong-un!
Your metro is also very neat Kim! I definitely would want to use it one day :) do invite me
Actually the geographical is 16 miles out of town in a pond. There's a small sign at the pond.
Thank you so much for making these least used station videos. They are my favorite videos you make, even thought I love all of your videos! Keeps up the good work!
Thank you so much!
You're welcome
The "factory" you mention across from the station is not really a factory, but grain storage. Agriculture is probably the primary industry, google satellite map shows most, if not all of the land surrounding Rugby is farm land. the major crops are probably grain like wheat and other grain crops. Farmers would well their grain through co-ops that managed the buildings you see, called grain elevators. Placed as they are along the rail road tracks, grain would be transported by train to where it would be made into what ever end products.
From now on when people talk about "Karens", we should keep in mind Karen Miller of North Dakota, who nobly cross-stitched a tribute to the Rugby train station
"You couldn't do that in Philadelphia"
reminded me of a project called Hitchbot
It had successfully hitched its way around Germany and the Netherlands
It came to the USA and
went missing in Philadelphia
and was found decapitated.
Perhaps Philadelphia is outside the norm
and Rugby ND is closer to it.
The Hitchbot is now located in the Heinz Nixdorf Forum in Paderborn Germany.
> 4:20
Hitchbot 1 hitchiked coast to coast through Canada, Hitchbot 2 hitchiked through Germany and the Netherlands before being decapitated in Philadelphia during a failed attempt to hitchike in the US
Kinda want to write to some North Dakota Congressmembers to get that station a new flag. Our congressman got our town hall a new Capitol flown flag when they realized it was so old that it didn't have 50 stars...
That may have been to honor someone who passed away - not a "replaceable" item if so.
2:44 Given that the racecar driver in the picture there is Rusty Wallace, who retired in 2005, I'd say pretty old.
It says Winston Cup driver, so seeing as Winston stopped sponsoring NASCAR in 2003, it is from atleast 2003. The golden outline around the Miller logo was only on the car from 2001-2002 which further limits it., and it can't be from 2000 or earlier because the hood was a different color. However I think you can just barely make out an Amtrak logo on his firesuit and comparing his 2001 and 2002 firesuits, Amtrak only appears on the 2001 firesuit, so 2001 is when the photo shoot occurred, atleast.
That VISA logo in that card is pretty old too, and in the card itself shows 99 in the data fields
4:23 so fun fact about this. During the whole Southwest debacle at the end of 2022, I got stuck in an airport overnight. At one point, all the staff left. The passengers were all seated at a gate, but there was no staff anywhere past security (the TSA agents at the exit area were still on, as were a couple people at the ticketing/baggage desk).
Oh wow, that's crazy!
All the towns between Glacier and Milwaukee are cool examples of old school middle American communities. The railroad is absolutely central to the core of the structure of towns but satellite to the experience of living there. Riding the train through you can imagine how practical rail service used to be (and still is on limited basis) and you get to peek at a common way of modern life that runs at a simple pace. The ghost towns around Shelby, MT are really striking, too.
I grew up in Rugby. I am happy you enjoyed it. The mosquitos are always hungry.
This popped up on my feed this morning, loved your perspective of our small town! Would love to send you a care package from our little town. It’s too bad my business wasn’t open, we could have set you up with a fun map and bikes to tour the town! Happy travels 😉
Ahh, alas! We really should've come on a weekday, but it didn't work out with our schedule. Thanks so much for watching, though!
I went on the Empire builder from Fargo to Seattle last September, It was incredible, much cheaper than flying from my airport of Sioux Falls SD, the scenery was incredible, will have to go back to seattle via amtrak again
My grandpa use to have an repair shop in Rugby, I use to go there every Christmas, a family member use to own the hotel they stayed in I'm not sure if they are still alive I'm sure one of their kids own it now and the cottage restaurant my cousin makes the dessert there. The gas station across the highway from the train has a fish bait vending machine its the first I ever seen. I wouldn't try this in the winter pretty sure they close the station in the winter and check and book a room ahead of time cause if there's a hockey game in town good luck.
We loved the Cottage Restaurant! Noted about the winter - I really hope they don't actually close the station then, that would be SO MISERABLE for people trying to wait for trains...
If you can stand the cold, try ice fishing!
Rugby is such a nice little town. I visited in summer 2021 and the Prairie village museum has a nice collection including another railroad depot moved from a nearby town. I think there are quite a few Amtrak stations in the midwest at least that are open to the public and unstaffed, such as Tomah, Staples, Red Wing or Winona.
Wish we could've seen the Prairie Village Museum... Thank you for watching!
I am really enjoying these least used station videos. Thanks
Ever since I was following this on Twitter/Discord I've been waiting for Trolleybus trip content! Looks like we're finally getting some more, and can't wait for the full Trolleybus video once you guys actually go to Dayton. Also that P42 that pulled your guys's train departing Rugby pulled my Carolinian last year from Charlotte to DC which I thought was neat.
Dayton is all filmed, I just need to edit it all! Right now another really big project has taken precedent, but the Trolleybus Video will come after that.
That was a really cute theater! Loved this
Thank you!
The supposed actual geographic location is actually in a slough SW of Rugby near the ghost town of Orrin. There used to be a cairn of rocks in the slough to mark the location but i"m not sure if its still visible or not.
that actually looked like a fun day/night trip.
Displacing the center of the continent to make room for a highway. Literally the most American thing ever.
Great video as always!
Thank you! And yeah, I still can't believe they did that...
I grew up 30 minutes away from Rugby and have been to that train depot many times. Rugby is a cool little town. Unfortunately, not much to do there on Sundays though lol. Great video!
Thank you!
great town and great video, makes me wanna take a long distance Amtrak some day. Banger work my dude
Thanks so much!
Great travelogue! North Dakota is a great state. Thanks for featuring Rugby.
Thank you!
Thanks Bob's Pizza Inn for your contributions!
north dakota? surprisingly super nice! i love the brick and the station kinda reminds me of ashland
awesome video as always!
the town looks straight out of strong towns as well, especially since brainerd is kinda close
i kinda like the vibes of the town though, dunno why
It was a nice place! Thank you!
super excited for Chemault, Oregon, when you do it come down from the north winding through the cascades, absolutely a beautiful ride, great on Amtrak and also super fun to do hopping on the back of an intermodal in UP Brooklyn yard and slowly suffocating in all the tunnels haha (of course the intermodals don't stop in Chemault, the crew change is usually in klamath falls). Not that I condone that kind of shenanigans of course, I am a law abiding citizen🙃
I can't say I'll come into Chemult THAT way! ;) But I am excited for that one because that's where the Thruway bus from Bend connects, so I figure I'd use it as an excuse to visit Bend.
I love those old timey Main Streets in the middle of nowhere. Bonus points for the one screen cinema. Save the Lyric!
Great review od this quaint little town in addition to the station. It's nice to see all of the railroading history still kept intact by locals and train enthusiasts alike. Also, did you visit the least used Amtrak station in Montana and Idaho along the way, since the Empire Builder is currently the only Antrak train in those two states?
Thank you! I didn't visit those least used stations on this trip, but it'll happen someday.
If you ever go for a ride on the California Zephyr and visit Helper, which is Utah's least used Amtrak station, be sure to visit The Helper Museum.
Stay tuned, Jackson and I visited Helper (and the museum!) on the same trip as this one!
@@MilesinTransit Nice! 😀
Awesome love to Rugby, ND though the Newburn/Dyersburg TN vlog still wins. That station is tha bomb btw! Rugby apparently supports its own.
I don't think anything will ever top Newbern/Dyersburg!
3:09 I just love the way you said "more history!!!" SO loudly and it echoed for multiple seconds 💀
Welcome to the state where I went to college in Grand Forks. College students frequent ride the Builder as it’s quite expensive to fly to ND.
Just took the Empire builder back to fargo from seattle and the train comes in at 3 or 4 AM depending on direction and its absolute pain
Kinda funny that the train stops in Fargo at a far worse time than it does in Rugby!
@@MilesinTransit absolutely, we got that DMV chic. The weird thing is that there's a much older building with a clock tower in it that looks like it used to be a train station right next door.
This was a really interesting and fun video. Thanks, guys
Thank you!
Is this the first appearance of the ALC-42 on the acclaimed Miles in Transit UA-cam channel?
I believe so!
3:57 that map still has some BCR routes by the looks of it!! Pretty old, I’m happy to say that VIA still operates the RDC, just not in bc. I work in their Vancouver yard and I’m patiently awaiting the day one of them comes here for some sort of service and I get to drive it 😂
Rugby's namesake in the UK is a lot busier, and is close by to one of the UK main freight rail intermodal interchanges (inland ports), the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT); lots of warehouses there, some almost with their own private spur. Some UK internal rail traffic originates there too--England to Scotland "grocery" trains a few times per week to reduce truck mileage, and, I think in theory (pre Russian sanctions) DIRFT could receive trains from China (although these generally terminated in the South of the UK)
This is quite inspiring to go out and visit places like these, epic series.
Great video. I passed through the station on the train in 2004 when the map was only a year old. Aww.
Rural North Dakota is another world of small, blew my mind when I first traveled there.
Where in North Dakota did you visit?
@@jadynjuntunen6214 I was actually there for work, near the Missouri River area. I guess two things that struck me was just how empty it was for long stretches.
Like in that area you'd go very small town - almost nothing for 45 minutes - very small town and that was kind of it. Only occasional houses/farms/ranches on the way.
Then just the fact that nearly everyone knew everyone. When we'd go for lunch I'd notice everyone was known by everyone basically. Very few "strangers".
idk why I enjoyed this video as much as I did lol. Great video!
Thank you!
excited for whenever you finally get to virginia! i have a feeling i know what the least-used amtrak station is down here but i won’t spoil it.
I love a small cinema. It's such a shame we don't have more of them.
Apparently a new calculation has the Geographic Center of North America a few counties south west near a town amazingly named Center, ND.
They've gotta build their *own* roadside attraction for it now!
That is an Amazing station!!! What a very cool town!!!
Neat lashup on the train back! I have never seen a GE genesis locomotive and a charger on the same train! And that was even a 50th anniversary unit!
There's some good news for the Gaspe rail service: it looks like repairs on the route to Port-Daniel-Gascons will be done sometime this year, and the company that manages the rails is pushing hard to restore passenger rail service and secure funds to repair the railroad all the way to Gaspe.
Oh awesome, that's great to hear! I noticed that Gaspe has a REALLY modern train station, they're definitely gunning for trains to come back.
The Rusty Wallace Nascar Amtrak ad was sometime between 2000 and 2003
OMG just finish the Rockville! Rugby is such a nice station!
Heyyy, good timing!
I can tell you that the People in Western North Dakota are some FINE PEOPLE ! They are the nicest people you will ever meet hard working, if you ever have time Medora N.D, Teddy Roosevelt National Park is a AMAZING place.
Fun fact: The Baldwin builder’s plate you encountered at 2:25 is off of a Great Northern 4-8-2, either #2514 or 2515.
The P2s were initially limited to 50 mph, but it’s possible that the limit was later raised to 75 mph as shown by the plate below the builder’s plate.
The builder's plate is mine and I got it off a locomotive in 1959.
@ Very cool!
Amazing little station. That was fun to watch.
"we're in a county seat right now." 😎
My fav so far! Been through driving and on the train-will have to stop next time through! Next stop Cut Bank or maybe Browning? Curious on how you decide this one!
Thank you! I haven't visited yet, but it will be Browning - "event-only" stations don't count, but seasonal ones like Browning are fair game!
As a Welshman, I approve of Rugby, ND
I've taken taken the Amtrak from Rugby to Detroit and back twice, both times the train coming into Rugby from further out west was late by 2 or 3 hours,
Nice video. I guess you learned that next time you visit a town don't do it on a Sunday. That place was deader than Buffalo on a football Sunday
I can't wait to find out the least used of Colorado. Went to Granby and my friend and I were literally the only 2 people getting off and 2 of 5 getting on for the return that day 🤣
Least used in Colorado is Lamar!
@Miles in Transit i can still believe that 🤣
Denver wants north-south rail!
Love these vids. Also learned something, didn’t know Amtrak had a connection to Victoria BC!
Thank you! Victoria would've been a VIA Rail route, but still a super valuable connection that should come back.
I’ve actually eaten at that restaurant! It’s great!
Somehow I missed this when it was posted. I can't believe they have a movie theater in Rugby, ND. I can't wait for the rest of the Empire Builder content (well, maybe I missed it too, I will check).
More to come, I've been slow to edit it!
That's a really nice station, wow
I grew up and graduated from Rugby High School. I left in 1980 and the town has not really changed.
Harper's Ferry was open but not staffed when I was there two years ago
Beautiful station, honestly. I love historic depots so much! OMG, the Via map is old! Wish a lot of that still existed!
Add me to the list of born/raised in Rugby. Love my little hometown!
North Dakota is still on my list of states I haven't been in. I want to ride the Empire Builder route, I'd have to have an overnight in one of those towns. Nothing like 19th Century architecture.
Great video! You'll need to check out Red Wing MN station.
i grew up in rugby and for many years i didn’t even know our amtrak was functional. thought we just had freight trains come through
This is amazing, I love stations with buildings, just a simple platform is boring, MBTA''s Montello, Brockton and Campello have a platform, but Stoughton has a building, I don't think it's in use, but at least it's something.
But how is this so clean? ( I know why), When south station men's room has multiple stalls out of service, because the locks are broken. That station is staffed, but not this one. This is clean, not South station. This is amazing!
Rugby used to be a staffed station monday-friday
The Rugby station reminds me of the Lamy and Mount Pleasant stations.
Love the shirt. Go RU!
It's a really nice little town! There were a couple of cultural attractions (the Prairie Village Museum, the Victorian Dress Museum) that were closed on Sunday that would've been awesome to visit.
since you travel on amtrak so much have you been to williamsburg va? You obviously passed it on your way to newport news. I was there not too long ago and while i've been to their train station somewhat often, I had no idea there was an actually usable local bus system there that goes to some surprising destinations. I decided to take the bus and video record it for my own yt channel. But yeah honestly it's a shockingly transit friendly place to go on a vacation and i think it'd make a great video.
I've never been before! They used to have a bus that went on a ferry, but sadly the route was cut and now I'm not as interested in visiting...but I'm sure I'll end up there someday.
@@MilesinTransit The Norfolk- Portsmouth VA ferry is part of the regional transit system, same fare as the bus. Also the new East River ferries in NYC are super, fare $4. And CB is right, WBG is an excellent station, like Rugby but busier and has a giant picture of world leaders visiting in the 1950s or 60s, and walkable. The next and last station, NPN, is moving many MILES closer to accommodate freight and to be slightly more multimodal. One of the those 1970s Amstyle brick stations nearish to the port will be replaced by a sail building with a wye. The new NPN is topped off and lit up at night already. Come to the grand opening and see some stroads! Downtown has an Arc de Triomphe that that took 40 years to build, started as paper mache. Largest private employer in the state! First government housing project in the US (very nice)! Beautiful river! Oldest English city in the US nearby, Hampton! First emancipation town in the Civil War!
@@MilesinTransit I'd love to see someone from out of town without a car go to either the Jamestown museum or the Busch Gardens theme park on the bus from a hotel in Williamsburg, both are actually straightforward. Although the bus stop for the way back from Busch is mildly inconvenient far across a sidewalkless highway, theoretically you should be able to take a free tram to it assuming enough people are in attendance for them to operate. And walking around colonial williamsburg itself is free, the museums are what cost all the money. Stay in a cheap hotel (all on the bus line) and eat at one of the thousands of breakfast restaurants in the area, get on the $1 trolley. All of the major tourist destinations are technically transit accessible, it surprised me.
My best friends mom did that cross stitch.
Yeah, that Amtrak/Via map is really old. The Chaleur from Montréal to Gaspé was "temporarily" suspended in 2013. Its route is still thankfully served as far as Matapédia, QC by the Ocean
E: Woah, just paused it and noticed the Bras d'Or is on the map, running service from Halifax to Sydney, NS!
... They called it Hug of Gold?
Can't find the edit button, so...
After consulting the French dictionary, it's golden arm.
Oh well. Could be Bras of Gold, which would be even better. ;_;
Did you just make the flat part of the Empire Builder exciting?!
Being 75, I've seen mass transit devolve. In the 1950's, Pittsburgh had a good mass transit system, then the government took it over, and destroyed it.
The way they destroyed started off by combining routes, until it took 1hour to go 5 miles outside Pittsburgh.
So people quit riding the bus, and routes got dropped.
At some point riding the bus became the equivalent of walking.
Then an interesting idea developed. In order to get Suburban riders going to Pittsburgh, they built "park & ride" parking lots for the Suburban riders.
The problem came up, that the poor people who live in the city were slowing down the Suburban riders.
So they illuminated stops in the city. This is a problem because the poor people depend on Mass Transit.
So there are less people using the bus to go into the city, because there are no jobs in the city.
Mass Transit and train system should look at total ridership.
Now the answer is airplanes and cars. The government wants to take our cars off us, and throw everyone into mass transit, that the government destroyed.
At least it shows that the government knows it made a mistake
@@everettduncan7543 Government is one big mistake.
When was this recorded? I don't imagine this is January in the Dakotas.
Given the class of 2022 graduation banners, I'm going to guess Summer of 2022, but the theater showing a movie from 2019 is a trip.
Lmao yeah. I was wondering if the pair of them were crazy enough to wear shorts in January, then i realised if it was January they should be up to the hems in snow
The sequel Downton Abbey: A New Era came out May 2022. Maybe it was that one.
Haha, it was summer 2022! It was the Downton Abbey sequel.
There was a sequel?! I'm behind on my Downton Abbeys. Great video BTW!
genuinely would rather have this station building than many in much larger locales. special shoutout to poughkeepsie station for being particularly odious every time i had to go through
Come to Florida, ride the bright line it's one of the only places where the rail is equivalent to Europe plz it is spectacular
I'm waiting for the Orlando extension!
@@MilesinTransit good to here, in a country with so few "good" public transit it has given me much hope to see a PRIVATE company gain so much respect in such a short amount of time and it shows that the demand really is there!
@@EVIL-t4o *Private with a lot of government political support, tax breaks and locally funded stations. That said, it seems to be well run and, frequency!
Isn't that true of all private transport?
You would have to be pretty high on various fine metamphetamines to argue that the current trucking business isn't enjoying similar benefits. (That's not to imply that the truck drivers are sticking their straws in the juicy government coffers of course.)
@3:01: What I say whenever I see a new Miles in Transit video :D
When you do Benson az don't forget to do the visitor center there i am friends with the guy who runs it and it even has a g scale train you controll with a real Gp 30 control
Ooh, noted! That's awesome!
@@MilesinTransit yes , but its not open on sundays and its from 9 to 5 i would recromend a monday or thursday for going there if you go right after the train arrives, it will be closed if you try going there from a westbound train also ask if you can see bob, he has a lot of old az rail history, tell him henry sent you!
Jackson looks like pewdiepie around 7:20
I think those Amtrak ads are from 1999!!! I googled that credit card and it was discontinued in 2000, and the expiration date on the card in the ad has a 99 date.
Wow, that's awesome!!