Choices: Endless Summer Book 3 Chapter 12 Ending 2 (Jake Romance - Diamonds used)

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Well, here it is. The end of an era. I hope they go ahead with another book, but with the three very different endings, I'm not sure how likely the story will continue. We can only hope for spin offs, back stories etc now.
    I am going to continue writing this into a full book. I am working on chapter 2 of Book 1, and have had a vision for a miles better fourth ending. It is one I am going with. I am disappointed with all three endings, though the second one is my favourite, hence why it is in the main video.
    I have a discord channel and a tumblr page for this channel. Written a piece that takes place after the handfasting ceremony, a Jake xFMC pairing. I'll (try) provide links if anyone wants to join these, or look at my previous video. Links are there or in the comments.
    So here we go...
    Rourke is a git. A self serving git. The first ending confirms that. True, having everyone alive again would be amazing...but at what cost?
    The scenes the Endless shows us. Oh my... Surely not all of them are from the loops? We didn't meet Kele or the Clockmaker until after the end of Book 2! And that is the first time the Endless reached that point! Not sure what to make it of it all. It felt rushed in a way.. And Fiddler helping us? I just can't see that! Most of that didn't make sense. Lila destroying the plane? Nope. Since it's daylight, she would have had to do it the next morning, before we go to the shelter. So why didn't we see the smoke, and why did it take so long to blow up? Lila was with us the WHOLE TIME from when we went to the shelter until we got to the plane. So she had no other time!
    Zahra and Estela made no sense. Seeing Quinn and Kele together - when we hadn't even met him until after we met the Endless. So yeah. Tons didn't make sense. It felt too weird. Sean and Michelle - should have happened in the normal timeline for those of us who didn't romance him.
    But...but... Falling in love with Jake over and over... Showing how you are meant to be with your LI. That was the one part about those visions I loved.
    Jake...he can't lose the woman he loves. He's just lost his best friend? How can we do that to him?
    Oh YES! Ending 2 - We get to kill Rourke. About time! Awesome moment right there.
    Waking up to Jake in the hotel room... And their scene was so cute! Worth going Ending 2 for!
    Sure, it's kinda sad, seeing them at the end, wondering if they did the right thing. But... This was the lesser of all evils for me. I will explain in the other endings. They will be up separately. This ending...still left a sour taste. Everyone they know and love back home is gone. They have to live with that for the rest of their lives. But all three endings have bad parts...
    All in all.. It has been one hell of a journey. I'm happy to have shared it all with you guys. Each and every one of you - you're amazing. No matter if you have subscribed, commented, liked or just been a silent viewer. Thanks everyone.