Episode -7 Music antiwar manifest "Lullaby for a Son" Russian and Ukrainian Lullabies“

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • The lullaby, as a symbol of hope, but also as a protest against absolute evil, as a call to " wake up!", can and must now sound louder! Your voices must be louder!
    The brutal, relentless, unjust conflict in Ukraine has been ongoing for nearly three years! Most people did not believe that it was possible in principle and hoped that it would end quickly. The very idea of "war" did not fit in their heads, because war is pain and blood, it is suffering, it is murder and it is absolutely absurd in its essence. Now, after a long time, we see, alas, that no appeals to common sense, to mercy, have not worked. The earth is on fire and the probability that this fire will spread further is becoming more and more real. What should we do to all of us who are not directly affected by this disaster, those who are far from the epicenter, who wake up in the morning, can drink their morning coffee without fear at least for today? Now we hear louder and louder voices - "This is not our war", "the people are tired, we have enough unsolved problems".... Those crying for solidarity, concern for human grief, and compassion seem to be in the minority now, and, as it seems, life goes on as usual....
    Should we continue "ringing all the bells"? In our opinion, today, more than ever, it is worth it! We should do it as loudly and relentlessly as possible until the barbaric war against a sovereign European state is stopped! In democratic countries, people can and should influence the authorities with a demand - to do everything in their power to protect Ukrainian towns and villages, to protect the Ukrainian people who bleed every day, to protect our common European Home and to give us, our children and those who will come to this Earth after us a chance for a peaceful life! "There are no strangers' children!" wrote Ukrainian mother Olena Stepova, addressing mothers from Russia back in 2014. We want to believe that empathy, the ability to empathize with other people's grief as one's own, somehow still lives in people's hearts. The words of John Donne come to mind: "The death of every man diminishes me, for I am one with all Mankind, and therefore ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you". The lullaby, as a symbol of hope, but also as a protest against absolute evil, as a call to " wake up!", can and must now sound louder! Your voices must be louder!
    " Ой ходить сон коло вікон " (Oj hodit' son kolo vikon )
    -Ukrainian folk lullaby
    Oh, sleep wanders by the window's side,
    While slumber dances near the bedside.
    Dream asks of sleep, in tender plea:
    "Where shall we lay our heads, you and me?
    Where's the cozy little abode,
    Where the tiny child may softly doze?
    There we'll find our resting place,
    And cradle the child with loving grace.
    The cat purrs softly, snug and warm,
    Lulling the child, free from harm.
    The kitty's hum will gently resound,
    While the little one sleeps, dreams abound.
    "Ночной полет" ( Night flight) -
    Vladimir Vysotsky & Anna Klimashevskaya
    Sleep, my little one, oh so sweet,
    Why won't you drift into dreams' retreat?
    The Starlight guides our vessel's way,
    Sleep, my dear, until the break of day.
    No paths behind you, yet to roam,
    No trials, worries, far from home.
    The city's clamor now is hushed,
    Let dreams unfold, in silence brushed.
    You float above the world below,
    Over ancient Rome and Paris' glow.
    Invisible, weightless, you glide,
    As voices sing by your side.
    Dreams may fade as morning light,
    But in them, futures take flight.
    Sleep, my little one, oh so dear,
    In the starlit haven, banish fear.
    Perhaps, in years yet to unfold,
    You'll repeat this flight, so bold.
    Soaring high above the land,
    Through streets and treetops, hand in hand.
    But for now, my child, just sleep,
    And in your dreams, your secrets keep.
    Ты малыш, мой малыш, засыпай ,
    Отчего ж ты не спишь, баю-бай…
    Свет Звезды озарит наш ковчег,
    Засыпай мой родной человек
    За тобой ещё нет
    Пройденных дорог,
    Трудных дел, долгих лет
    И больших тревог.
    И надежно заглушён
    Ночью улиц гул.
    Пусть тебе приснится сон,
    Будто ты уснул.
    Ты малыш, мой малыш, засыпай ,
    Отчего ж ты не спишь, баю-бай…
    Свет Звезды озарит наш ковчег,
    Засыпай мой родной человек
    Мир внизу, и над ним
    Ты легко паришь,
    Под тобою древний Рим
    И ночной Париж.
    Ты невидим, невесом.
    Голоса поют.
    Правда это - только сон…
    Но во сне растут.
    Ты малыш, мой малыш, засыпай ,
    Отчего ж ты не спишь, баю-бай…
    Свет Звезды озарит наш ковчег,
    Засыпай мой родной человек
    Может быть (всё может быть),
    Много лет пройдёт -
    Сможешь ты повторить
    Свой ночной полёт.
    Над землёю пролетишь
    Выше крыш и крон…
    А пока ты спи, малыш,
    И смотри свой сон.
    / lullabyforson
    / lullabyforson
    / xtcjq
    Renata Helles - videography
    Mateo Saralegui