@GodLogicApologetics destroys Sheik Uthman, Then Uthman runs and blames battery

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @JPuncut
    @JPuncut  25 днів тому +10

    I added chapters, enjoy. Make sure to drop a like!

    • @paulkoroma6065
      @paulkoroma6065 25 днів тому

      Hi JPuncut, am a Christians and have been learn from you guys, like sam/avery/ and thank you for spreading the lies of the Muslims

    • @Rapturo_to_YESHUA
      @Rapturo_to_YESHUA 19 годин тому

      We can do the same with the quran, as uthman is doing with the bible: The quran shows that Isa (Jesus) is the Word of God, and the Spirit of God, so even his quran shows that Jesus is God. Woops! Of course they will squirm, twist and turn to interpret these quran verses differently but, in plain form, it's clear! See, Jesus is God even according to the quran! Oh, they will say that in OTHER verses it shows Jesus is not God? Ah, that's because the quran is CORRUPTED by latter writers who added those verses in ! I can play their own game and they won't like it. ;)

  • @austineinferno2402
    @austineinferno2402 25 днів тому +6

    The "I am a sinner, jesus forgive me" that sam did, that was a different level of focus, the holy spirit is using that man, in the debate when he said " Muslims ancestors are worshippers of baal" that was a coup De Grace

  • @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD
    @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD 25 днів тому +2

    "The connection isn't working" must be the new excuse to escape a debate when they are getting cooked... kinda like the "you have to read it in arabic..." escape excuse for any objection ever on the Quran

  • @lahleholivia7398
    @lahleholivia7398 23 дні тому +1

    Everyone knows he turned his WiFi off

  • @karmenmiller09
    @karmenmiller09 20 днів тому

    Physical age doesn’t matter when it comes to someone being your spiritual father. Key word is “spiritual”.

  • @BruceWaynee.
    @BruceWaynee. 23 дні тому

    Jp much respect 🫡 God bless

  • @cj_8686
    @cj_8686 23 дні тому

    Bro I love the pokemon reference lol😂😂😂😂

  • @dimishyper2120
    @dimishyper2120 23 дні тому

    Glory to Christ our Lord and God ☦️

  • @SortofFriendlySM
    @SortofFriendlySM 24 дні тому

    Uthman is a bronze medal Mental gymnast 😂

  • @Apollo-fp4cu
    @Apollo-fp4cu 16 днів тому

    You call that destroyed?

  • @thomasjpill
    @thomasjpill 25 днів тому

    Specialised pokeball looool

  • @Toronado2
    @Toronado2 25 днів тому

    It was really interesting How ONE WAY contradicted JP. He said; WE Know that Uthman's Authority is the Quran. Now that was an admission that Uthman was right in his declaration that HE did NOT use the Bible for His belief that Jesus was a Muslim. How could He? Christians did not know that for over 2000 years themselves. But JP was not savvy enough to pick up on that. And Avery's question; can Muslims say that Jesus is the Son of Allah was ridiculous. Christians and especially Avery and ONE WAY Know that terms have different meanings in different Languages. I'll forgive JP for not knowing that. There is a difference when a Muslim uses the term SON and when a Christian uses the term SON. But Avery will hide that fact and that is called GUILE. Sound Familiar?

    • @sm1leey98
      @sm1leey98 25 днів тому +4

      Instead of posting 4 separate comments on here, why don't you debate any of them live?

    • @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD
      @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD 25 днів тому +1

      @Toronado2 So in arabic, there is no word that means father to say Allah is your father... even tho Uthman said that in arabic and told us that muslim cannot say such a word, and JP showed it live that you can express that.
      And I think arab Christians will disagree and prove muslims wrong.
      Uthman uses the Bible to prove Jesus was a muslim when conversing with christians to "show" them how even in the Bible he does things as a muslim... Uthman clearely says, because cornered to admit it, that he uses the Bible to argue that, not that his belief comes from the Bible...
      Is not about terms with different meaning, but expressing the meaning of Jesus being the Son of allah in different words, and as JP showed, you can express that even in the language of Uthman, which he denied.
      And Yes, Christian and Muslim have different concepts of Son... to be more precise muslims and allah himself have only the biologic sense of Son, where you need a mate to procreate with, like humans; while Christians believe also in a spiritual concept of son as well as Jesus being the unique and only begotten Son of God.
      In any case muslims cannot say that they are sons of allah, because he is mot a father in any sense, so according to the Bible which Uthman USES TO PROVE TO CHRISTIANS THAT JESUS WAS A MUSLIM, he was not a muslim, because he submitted not to allah, but to his father.

    • @Toronado2
      @Toronado2 25 днів тому

      ​ @sm1leey98
      This way YOU or ANYONE else can have a chance to prove me wrong. WHY don't YOU give it a try? See, here is your chance that you wouldn't have otherwise.

    • @Toronado2
      @Toronado2 25 днів тому

      ​ @anunknownpersonwholikek-po1812
      Thank you very much for making my case for me after writing THREE Paragraphs of trying to refute me. Finally in the fourth Paragraph you Agreed with Me and said "YES Christian and Muslim have different concepts of Son." You probably had time to think it over writing those Three Paragraphs and realized this Guy is RIGHT!
      So the question to YOU is the question you asked me in the beginning.
      Don't you have a TERM in English to say FATHER in the Spiritual SENSE referring to your God? Do you have to use the Literal SENSE as you use for Jesus' Father when explaining how Jesus' Father Procreated Jesus in Mary's Womb?

    • @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD
      @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD 25 днів тому +1

      @Toronado2 The 3 paragraphs were to adress the misrepresentation of the argument of Godlogic and the other 2 guys to defend Uthman who had to run away with the bad connection excuse.
      It is clear as the verses in the Quran that you did not understand, tbh I think you did not even read my answer, because I said we believe in other concepts of Son, not only the biological one that muslims and allah believes in... that is the only thing you got right, but kept going saying that Allah is not a father in ANY sense (neither the Christian nor the Islamic meaning of father), so Jesus was not a muslim according to the Bible, WHICH UTHMAN USES TO PROVE JESUS WAS MUSLIM TO CHRISTIANS. Uthman said that he does not use the Bible at all to show (not to believe) Jesus was muslim, but soon after admits he uses that. I can explain to you the argument, but I cannot understand it gor you... let me ask you this, if you think Uthman was right and was "winning" the debate, why did he run away? I hope you seriously do not believe the "bad connection" excuse.
      You can use the term father in english not only to adress a biological father... for example if I adopt a child, I am then his father because I adopted him and I have now a relationship with that kid as father-child relationship, so I am his father, ... I guess you won't know something like that since your allah has prohibited that.
      Btw God The Father did not procreate Jesus with Mary the way allah thinks he needs to procreate, we are not talking about islam, where everything goes around humans desires.
      To begin with Jesus existed in eternity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, even before the creation.

  • @Toronado2
    @Toronado2 25 днів тому

    If the Father and The Son is Equal in their Deity; Why Couldn't The Son SEND The Father to get Crucified? So The Son gets Forced by The Father to Go to the world and get Crucified. We know He is Forced because Jesus Prays HARD to His Father to Let this Pagan CUP thing to PASS. And His Father because they are EQUAL Rejects Jesus Fervent Prayers. Now we know that this is the case because Jesus says "My Father is Greater than I (Actually I AM).
    Also Jesus' Humanity kicks in and overcomes His Divinity because He says '
    Mat 26:41 “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
    So Jesus Flesh took over and was tempted Not to go through with this Crucifixion. He Prayed and He Prayed like He tells His Disciples to do expecting His Father to remove the Cup, Not as Jesus would want it done BUT as His Father would have it done. Jesus didn't care as long as it was Removed.
    Mat 26:39 ... O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.
    But as Christians claim His Father said Hell NO This CUP won't go away.
    YEAH, they were EQUAL all right.

    • @herobornmusic9959
      @herobornmusic9959 25 днів тому +3

      As Isaac willingly would have layed his life down by Abrahams hand commanded by God...and carried wood up to mt.Moriah which is a foreshadow of the Son carrying the cross...and it is the pre-incarnate Christ speaking through the angel (for he says you have not kept your child from me) that gave mercy after seeing Abraham wouldn't hold his Son from God for Abraham didn't have scripture and God revealed himself to Abraham so Abraham had faith. This is why Christ came was to establish you are saved by believing in the Son of God who through the Father created all things...(for Isaac wasn't a small child like some think) and even Abraham knew his Son would rise from the dead for it was promised to Abraham through isaac your offspring would be named...that's why we are children of the promise through faith and islam claims lineage to ishmael though he was sent away and isaac was the promised seed and also like Jesus was born of a miracle by God.
      You can't defeat our amazing story arc of reality with the keystone being the cross and all who have faith in what was accomplished for Jesus said it is finished.
      God bless.

    • @herobornmusic9959
      @herobornmusic9959 25 днів тому +1

      And that's why you should come to us Christians for things pertaining to the truth that's in the Torah and the Gospel(Injeel)
      Jesus is God. He is directly of the essence of God the Father just as the Holy Spirit is begotten of the Father.
      Not hard to grasp if you have childlike faith and understand simply even your name was taught to you at birth when you knew nothing...so the world has influenced your thinking...and God preserves what is his and exposed what is of the devil to those that are his.
      Pride is the root of sin itself which is why tradition rules man just like the Pharisees.
      We all know nothing and are formed by dust and daily abuse the breath given to us by God yet he's merciful and let's us continue in sin as he also allows the devil to rule and twist the word of God. That's why the Quran has biblical language but is filled with contradictions and comes 600 years after "it is finished" and allows multiple wives when many were scolded for this and Solomon even made idols to other gods through his wives...just as Muslims idolize Islamic tradition over truth in reality even so bold as to challenge those who have faith in what came before the Quran existed and will continue forever into eternity. Hell has nothing on the lake of fire for even hell itself is thrown into the lake of fire...yet you probably don't know much about 1 John 3:8 but do you bro I'm not here to convert you but provide what's in my mind body and soul. And that's 3 in 1.
      God bless again.

    • @herobornmusic9959
      @herobornmusic9959 25 днів тому

      3 is one digit.
      Trinity is one word describing 3 persons
      Show me one verse that says God is one person...for the will of God is one will. We all try to pursue the will of God over the will of man and the will of flesh.
      Do you not know we've been cursed from the garden and Christ sets us free? We've been waiting on the Messiah and he came there is only one Messiah. Jesus Christ of Nazareth who took on human flesh and even according to Proverbs 30:4 he established the foundations and even proclaimed to be with the Father before the foundations of the world and also to be glorified back to his former glory. Not to mention also the Father spoke from heaven 3 times in the Gospel account all regarding the Son,even saying he has glorified it and will glorify it again for they are one. Just as women was formed from mans rib for they are one flesh so is God not defined scripturally as one person for we are being sanctified and transformed back to what Adam was suppose to be and only through the blood of the cross of Calvary is this possible for it is the ultimate atonement for sin,Jesus died because he was perfect and was of God and was God.
      I don't follow a Law (allah)
      For if righteousness could come by the law then Christ died for nothing. But for you my friend the law was given, 1 Timothy 1-8:10
      You've been called,but only few are chosen. Understand this information exists in the world too and claims a lot more than the Quran nor does it consider the sword. But judgement upon the sword. We are called to love our enemies and pray for them and many other things. How patient must we be towards Muslims and all unbelievers? Know you not we will judge the world and angels? 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 and the Holy Spirit is in all believers? Just as the Son does all he sees the Father doing and all judgement was given over to the Son so shall he also bestow authority with us for we are joint-heirs with Christ,having the mind of Christ and will be in complete agreement at the judgement. And all will be of a sound mind.
      God bless again.
      Philippians 2 for you regarding the cup situation deep dive the hypostatic union.

    • @herobornmusic9959
      @herobornmusic9959 25 днів тому +1

      Exodus 34:14--->Matthew 2:2,2:11,8:2,9:18,14:33,15:25,18:26,28:9,28:17
      John 4:21,4:23.
      There is so many times Jesus is worshipped as God for Thomas calls him God and he doesn't reject the saying.
      John 20:28-29
      God bless again.

    • @herobornmusic9959
      @herobornmusic9959 25 днів тому +1

      You can never lose faith only misplace it.

  • @Toronado2
    @Toronado2 25 днів тому

    Really? It makes perfect sense? How many Heads does your God have? Let me help you with the answer.
    1 - The Head of The Father
    2 - The Head of The Son
    3 - The Head of The Holy Bird
    Count them, THREE. That's ONE God with Three Heads. That makes sense?

    • @tibouzankor1997
      @tibouzankor1997 24 дні тому

      Please assist with any reference to any christian that believes god is one being with three heads. We believe he is one being with three persons. To dumb it down to the level i use to teach six year olds, it’s similar to one human nature that encompasses millions of persons. We as humans all have wills, souls, emotion etc. All the same attributes. God is ONE god nature that encompasses three persons all sharing the same attributes. It isn’t a perfect analogy but it works for kids. If you can’t get it even then, that’s now your own mental problem.

    • @Toronado2
      @Toronado2 24 дні тому

      Well you know that THAT doesn't work because it's a False assertion. You said that quote : "We believe he is one being with three persons.". So the question to you was ; Does your One God that consists of Three Persons each have with their OWN HEAD?
      And then you said quote : "God is ONE god nature that encompasses three persons all sharing the same attributes." So you should know that this statement is NOT Factual. Jesus has an attribute of FLESH that the other two Persons don't have. Jesus also has the ability To DIE that the other Two Persons don't Have. Jesus also has the attribute of being Circumcised which the other Two Persons don't have. Jesus also doesn't have the attribute of Omniscience that the other two don't have, He increased in wisdom and stature Luke 2:52.
      I can go on and on with the Different Attributes. So NO my friend they did NOT share in their attributes. Don't just make statements willy nilly. Learn the Facts.

    • @tibouzankor1997
      @tibouzankor1997 24 дні тому

      @@Toronado2 As i said, it’s not a perfect analogy but it works for kids to get what the trinity is. You’re the first who doesn’t get it and you’re an adult. No wonder Christ said we should come to him like children. They are open minded and receive and so it is revealed to them. Noone but the Holy Spirit can help you. Pray that He does.

    • @Toronado2
      @Toronado2 24 дні тому

      FOOLING Children must be easy for YOU. And that is a despicable characteristic that you are appealing to. Children have no idea about what is TRUE? They believe in Santa Claus as I did at one time and the Easter Bunny. And it seems that this what you are doing with a God that is Three in One. It's a Pagan Fairy Tale that is rooted in Paganism and NOT Logic. Also a Salvation through a Human Sacrifice is nothing but Devilish. Don't FOOL little Children, it is Devilish. Satan will be holding you close and and calling you , SON!

    • @Toronado2
      @Toronado2 24 дні тому

      FOOLING Children must be easy for YOU. And that is a despicable characteristic that you are appealing to. Children have no idea about what is TRUE? They believe in Santa Claus as I did at one time and the Easter Bunny. And it seems that this what you are doing with a God that is Three in One. It's a Pagan Fairy Tale that is rooted in Paganism and NOT Logic. Also a Salvation through a Human Sacrifice is nothing but Devilish. Don't FOOL little Children, it is Devilish. Satan will be holding you close and and calling you , SON!

  • @SonnyDelosSantos-y6m
    @SonnyDelosSantos-y6m 24 дні тому +1

    Uthman Ibn Fbn Ibn Footnote Ibn Ketchup Ibn Smolet Ibn Double Dowm ibn Taquiya...this abdool just keeps on lying and lying and lying...

  • @Toronado2
    @Toronado2 25 днів тому

    So you believe Uthman Lied? Because He said that : "HE doesn't use the Bible to claim Jesus was a Muslim"? But He uses the Quran for that. Now all these years, over 2000, Christians did not know Jesus was a Muslim and now they know because of The Quran. So of course Uthman will have to use the Quran and Not The Bible
    But Christians Lie on Jesus by saying That Jesus is EQUAL to His Father when in the Bible Jesus says ; "MY Father is GREATER than I"! So now Christians and JP have to EXPLAIN HOW Jesus has Two Natures and His Humanity overcame His Divinity and How Jesus FLESH Overcame His Godhood and made Him Less than God. Did you get caught Lying on Jesus and your doing damage control?

    • @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD
      @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD 25 днів тому

      @Toronado2 God logic literally answered that objection I'm the video, you didn't watch it or listen to it... again, as I said in the other comment, and as you can see in the video Uthman uses the Bible to prove he was a muslim, it does not mean that he takes his beliefs from the Bible... to be fair, Uthman lies about almost everything, taking commentary as hadith (the name Ibn footnote comes from that), him lying about the fact that you can't express something in his language when we saw it is possible, him lying about having read the Bible cover to cover and did not even have any idea where a book was, his lie about the being stabbed and having reported it to the police and the police denying about getting any report about a Stabbing happening on that day... him lying about passages on the Bible (Rebecca was 3), about Christian sources saying Mary was 12 when it says they are not reliable because from centuries later.... I don't know if to continue or not... Dawha guys are lying machine... and his lies have been shown in countless video

    • @Toronado2
      @Toronado2 25 днів тому

      I don't follow Uthman as you do. And He is Human after all, He may say things that are not correct. That doesn't change the fact that Avery and you are accusing Him Falsely. For instance ONE WAY said " WE Know that Uthman's Authority is the Quran." THAT is what Uthman was saying when He explained that He DOESN'T use the Bible when proving Jesus was a Muslim. And AVERY also Understood that. That is why He asked the question about "The SON". You however didn't pick up on that.
      Let's look at these other accusations you are alleging. Quote;
      1) him lying about passages on the Bible (Rebecca was 3)
      Uthman is just repeating what Jews themselves say about their Bible. So that is NOT Lying.
      2) about Christian sources saying Mary was 12
      Christian sources do say that Mary was 12 or 13. These come from your Christian "FATHERS". Just because some Christians try and refute this age doesn't make them necessarily right. Why don't you tell us how Old was Mary when She got Impregnated by God?

    • @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD
      @UnknownsoldieroftheLORD 25 днів тому

      @Toronado2 You ain't following him, but you still desperately defend him when he admits he uses the Bible after saying he doesn't.
      AND FORT THE 3RD TIME, THE ARGUMENT IST NOT WHERE DOES HE GET THE BELIEFS THAT JESUS IS A MUSLIM, BUT WHY HE SAY HE DOESN'T USE THE BIBLE TO PROVE THAT WHEN HE SAY HE ACTUALLY DOES, he was just caught lying, afterwards gets busted on the argument of the Father and runs away, the evidence is clear and visible.
      1) he literally did when he did a video, giving verses on the Bible except the only one that was really needed, and his argument was based on a supposition. That argument has been proven to be wrong several times, just read what she could do before getting married, tell me how a 3 yo could carry enough water for 10 camels, his argument does not work at all, he deceived all muslims in that room (who provably would never go and read it by themselves) just to defend your pdf. Prophet ... and just because 1 rabbi thinks she was 3, it does not rapresent the opinion and understanding of others and the truth (considering the context she cannot be 3)
      2) it literally says it is a late and unreliable source, and it is not coming from any church father. He says it is a Christian catholic doctrine but there is none that says she was 12, I know that as I am catholic myself. The very sources Uthman gives says that those are unreliable sorce of centuries after the facts. We don't know the age of Mary when Jesus was born. We have no sources and no ways to know that.
      To answer your qurstion
      The miraculous birth of Mary is described in a context of holiness in the Bible.
      Titus 1:15
      "To the pure all things are pure, but to the corrupt and unbelieving, nothing is pure; their very minds and consciences are corrupted."
      Keep your perverted mind away from the Bible, and look at your own sources that says the angel jibreel blows in her vagina and impregnates her... I wonder how can you complain about the Bible when your own book uses a grotesque language to describe it.

    • @conflictortiz8906
      @conflictortiz8906 24 дні тому +1

      Jesus also said Me and the Father are one when Jesus said the Father is greater then I what's he's saying is in position he is because The Word became Flesh but in their nature there equal that's why there one
      Philippians 2:5-11
      5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
      6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
      did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
      7 rather, he made himself nothing
      by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
      being made in human likeness.
      8 And being found in appearance as a man,
      he humbled himself
      by becoming obedient to death-
      even death on a cross!
      9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
      and gave him the name that is above every name,
      10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
      in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
      11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
      to the glory of God the Father

    • @Toronado2
      @Toronado2 24 дні тому

      The question is in Conclusion; WHO is Greater?