This man is so intelligent and compassionate I do not understand (actually I do understand, unskillfull means) the attacks on his credibility. They call him a liar, a devil, an evil, shrewd politician, and many other untruthful things. I love my enemies as much as I love my family, as I love all sentient beings. I love even the enemies of H.H. Dalai Lama. They are missing out on so much. I pray for them and respect their right to believe what they want. May all beings find liberation. Metta!
I really wish there were more views. This man is so unbelievably caring, loving, and UNDERSTANDING. Love is pouring from him, I can feel it through the computer it's so overbearing!
I'm doing a religion assignment, i had a choice of Buddhism or Judhism, i firstly choose judhism, i found it difficault to follow the ways they choose, then I started looking up buddhism, and i really like the ways of buddhism, i find alot of truth and understanding, This is the first time I've listend too Dalai Lama, and i love it, i love him ^.^ when i think about , inside me i get this strange feel its wounderful, I wish australia would think like Dalai Lama
Love and Respect to this very wise soul,THE DALAI LAMA. He speaks universal truth,this applies to everyone no matter what faith or religion. Without taming the enemy within you cannot have the eyes to see or ears to hear the universal truth and escape the suffering within or without.PEACE TO ALL!!!!!
The internal dialogue, where the wild things are....this is the battle to win. The epic battle of ones lifetime, to find inner peace and self love. No more battles. Peace reigns. Blessings!
The enemy is me, within, inside. Wish I could be like Dalai Lama!!! Very impressive soul!!! Love and Compassion works. Thats the only thing that works. I tested it several times. Wish we had more leaders like him.
The kind and affinity appearance is false, you will find his deformity and completely different logical thinking when you stay together with him for a long time.
it is the desire for others to be happy. To be the happier possible we make it boundless among other things. There's a lot of things from the menu of buddhism that you can take for yourself to be the happier possible (we have to make the tree of compassion grow in many ways for it to grow healthy and strong and thus make us happy).
such wonderful man with great personality who always talks about peace of mind for all. such great and wonderful peace loving hero we have. long live H,H Dalai lama
I am a Hindhu, But I always loved Buddhism, because it is so intense & real & straightforward & uncomplicated. I have read 4 noble truths & 8 noble paths many times so far & conceptually i have understood it, but wanted a tool to practice. I mostly play games in my iPhone & I searched for Buddha related apps & I saw one interesting app called "BuDhamma"? by Lokesh Hanumappa. This app helps you practice 8 noble path in a cool way with reminders, reports, tests & graphic rich practice summary.
People in the have your views, your version of truth, the world and what is. If you can be peaceful with such principles and ideas, and have compassion and love with it towards others and's good, if not it'sbad. Judge the tree by its fruit
I love him he's made me truly think about my life and I now can realize my faults I'm not perfect im just human so I judg I act like a brat but with all his teachings I hope one day I can smile at my worst demons
happiness to me...ultimately when defined...means contentment....we realize that there is nothing that exists in this realm to fill us...which must mean that we are not connected to this world on the inside...we are trapped in our bodies..the real us yearns for something different...not physical...its as if our souls are imprisoned in these bodies for a if a test..i dont know...but definitely that is beautiful to think about
I think not thinking gives us peace. Then we are truly being ourselves, it is the most freeing of all things. I love to go out and exercise or even going shopping, just doing something outside you get an unconsience feeling of knowing that I am doing something good for me, i get such a high. And then i do the things i love doing without a care what anyonelse thinks I just unashamably being me.
Uplifting and enlightening as the Dalai Lama always is , I was straying from my path, I really needed this. TY :) Om Mani Padme Hum. Strangely I have been directed spiritually to read "The Self" from the Dhammapada. very interesting feeling I have recieved here.
thanks again for wise word from a wise man. Religion or not that it's not so important, but to develop spirituality is indeed very important. We do not know so much about Jesus before he was 30 years old but he was indeed a great spiritual man. I believe Jesus was in India before he started to talk about religion and good. . If you like more about how I revived inner peace after the terror in Oslo I was an eye witness.
You can do everything you want as long you don't harm sentient beings with body speech and mind. Actually freedom means being free of doing things which do not hurt others and the end yourself.
I'm just an ordinary guy, trying to follow Dharma in the present chaotic world. I'll do my best to answer your question. Luck, fate, good and bad all boils down to the law of cause and effect, also know as "Karma". Do kind deeds (with ur heart) & u earn good merits or good karma, the opposite for bad. Good Karma= Good fortune and Bad Karma=Bad fortune.. keep doing good then ur negative Karma can be "neutralized" -eg u suffer frm cancer but get the best doc.
Actually emotion is a very rational response, it explains the actual circumstances in what a person it is. It ration to apear fear fear when a person could face an imminent death and also is rational to feel enthusiasm toward a thing you trully enjoy. An it not the mind that have the emotion but it is the soul, so you could ask in what state of being you are.
"Many great and wise air nomads have detached themselves and achieved spiritual enlightenment. But the Avatar can never do it, because your sole duty is TO the world. Here is my wisdom for you: Selfless duty calls for you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world." - Avatar Yangchen So applicable to real humans.
If compassion is an emotion it is still good. Why go against it? But in fact it is the desire for others to be happy. And since we all want to be happy as living beings, it is rationnal or logical to be compassionate towards others; it is the source of all happiness. All evil comes from the desire to be happy yourself. All happiness comes from the desire for others to be happy.
Your comment springs some questions spring to my mind such as ' What is personality?'. I am also tempted to replace the question ' Who am I? ' by ' What am I? ' which drive the question closer to home. Rational and natural escape statement like ' There is no self.' might preempt a deeper realization of the nature of what we are as part of this world. This is a very interesting discussion topic for which there is a great need. Thank you for your comments and all the best to you! :)
I usually listen to his videos several times for that reason, to be honest. [maybe those twenty five people just wanted you to notice you forgot a full stop :o
@tgillet1 i don't quite get what u said about the walking on the tight rope, i get that but what u mean about the complicated stuff, what are u trying to say in ur first sentence
Afflictive emotion. Painful emotions we are "afflicted" with. "Whereever I go, Dharamsala or London this enemy is there", "even in the centre of the mandala". It is the destroyer of our happiness, always there. Combine human brain & good heart to eliminate our urges to escape via booze, sex, etc. Intelligence & emotion is the way to change our inner world. That enemy, our suffering nature, "dukkha", must be renounced.
@kamwrites but what I meant was that when someone makes up their mind, if they make up their mind to look into what the Dalai Lama said that in itself is following.
@kamwrites actually you do see my point now. cause that has been my point, if they adhere to the Lama's teachings then they become his followers. you initially said the contrary, that the Buddha himself said, "don't take my word for it. Go find out for yourself." i'm simply saying that i wouldn't consider myself a devout follower. but you can if you'd like, i'm not here proselytizing or trying to convert otherwise. this is all very lively and i like exchanging thoughts with deep thinkers.
On the other hand, Star .. it was the world's gain .. I wonder if we might have lost or overlooked the opportunity of the gift of HH had it not been that way, which brought people together and allowed the world to know the plight.
sorry if this sounds like a stupid question @2.26 he talks about eliminating the enemy within, but then says if this is not possible then its better to forget and have alcohol sex ect! what if one does believe they can beat or embrace their internal conflict, is it then better just to say"to hell with it ill just get smashed!!", do we not all have the ability to overcome our fears and gain internal peace and its this concept however down you feel at the moment thats so important.any advice?
'Emotions are just emotions.... ' is quite right in a sense (and very much at the core of Buddhist teachings). However, once that is said, how do you assimilate this understanding in a constructive manner? I would suggest to replace Afflictive by Toxic. From there we can see that it is no more just a matter of value comparison but rather of common sense. Buddhism does not suggest to kill our personality but instead to acquire a better understanding of what is at the root of who we are. :)
tbho.. i don't think 'lasting' happiness can really ever be achieved.. you're not supposed to be happy and content all the time. when i'm not happy and content it's a signal for me to change things in my life. i'm grateful for my supposed 'afflictive' emotions, they let me know when something is wrong..
@MrBrunothedog There is a difference between short-term pleasure and long-term happiness. The DL offers this test, ask yourself, will this thing make me happy for just this moment but ultimately cause suffering, or will this thing make me happy in the long run? Works like a charm-a reasonable safety net and mindfulness practice. Peace
@kamwrites ok then maybe it was bad word usage on my part, but yeah that's essentially what i meant. i like being stimulated by different thinkers and dalai lama is one of them but i don't consider myself a buddhist.
@TheLionessjudah thank u my brother i was in all dis self righteous bs, when the light comes in u will just know that is darkness no matter how good it sounds u will just know that its not real.
"The Kingdom of God is in you"....Jesus...Luke 17; is the kingdom of hell....its a choice made unconsciently....the former...must be made consciently...this is awareness...
@TheEidolon7 When I followed Christ with my heart and left new agism. Buddhist meditation, astral etc became cheap and nothing, I had been reading the bible selecting verses for meditation but when the Spirit of God came things changed. Can a dirty rag clean a dirty table? Can a man in debt pay the debt of some one in debt, will such man not be going further in debt, so is anyone who tries to make himself righteous, they impute more sin to themselves by saying I have no sin
@EarlySeed I don't know a lot about buddhism.I do know that meditating on death is a common practice. Death as in the impermanence of all forms such as power,relationships,belongings,the body.Things the mind might identify with creating ego. This meditation weakens the minds identification with forms that are all subject to death/impermanence.I don't know enough about reincarnation to respectively discuss it, but, in my opinion, theres no need to deny death and resist what is. We all die.
@EarlySeed The mind is not WHO you are, it is a tool you have. Accept it as it is and whatever forms it comes (i.e. ego, mental/emotion pain constructs). Once you go beyond mind into Being, I believe that is where the objective reality is found. Being is the deepest you, free of mind(subjectivity) and at one with all that simply IS (as we all ARE) in the present moment (objectivity).
Look, I only agree partially with what Dalai Lama is saying here, no doubt the enemy within is a major obstacle, but you live in an interdependent world, let's say a person have mastered themselves internally. But that life of 'your own' won't get you too far in life, even being a master of yourself, sooner or later you will have to deal with other people from outside and that composes the 2nd half of the issue. It may sounds obvious and simple, but it's true. it's just my opinion.
The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to be free from the wheel of life and death that we all mortals are trapped in, this is achieved by giving up our emotions of attachment. Try and google the significance of the Buddhist Wheel of Life. In the center of the drawing is the three main emotions that trap us viz. Lust, Anger and ignorance; representated by the rooster, snake and pig. Search and u shall find!
I suggest that we take the ''things'' from Buddhism that agree with our own reason and our own common sense, for we believe nothing, no matter where we read it, or who said it, no matter if Buddha have said it, unless it agrees with our own reason and our own common sense.
so the 'will' is the 'self'?? so if you tackle your own will , you will realise that the suffering is the person who need help to conquer their own will , human is violent and selfish by nature so am i right??
Karma & Rebirth means We are ACCOUNTABLE for our actions. We take Responsibility. Karma & Rebirth means that we enjoy the Gift of Life, over & over again! Karma & Rebirth means there is no place for a Hell, no sadistic God running a torture chamber Karma & Rebirth means that We EARN everything. A Hindu must never beg nor take anything that is unearned Karma & Rebirth means we Hindus earn Praise FROM God! Anyone fool can praise God, but Blessed are the Hindus that aim to earn Praise FROM God!
@migol1984 Just as well. ;) Buddhism doesn't encourage anyone to "devoutly follow" another. Even the Buddha himself said "don't take my word for it. Go find out for yourself."
@TheDaniiboy i had a different idea of ego i had an idea of the ego being more or less the total component of what one likes which fineline unwatered down Buddhism goes against. like desire, desire emanates from the ego, in Buddhism to have desire is considered wrong since it is ego, desire for wealth, wife, love of thing, love of being American, or love of Israel, etc. desire for a particular type of food etc.
@kamwrites I'm not trying to make a point really just sharing my thoughts. but now that you say Christ didn't mean conquering the universe well read this. Matthew 28:18. "All authority has been given to me in heaven and in earth." But yes, I understand the Lama's teachings and I have seen a lot of similar teachings with Christ. I just think that Christ's teachings can take the Lama's teachings a bit further than that.
people think it is about Principles Christ was not about teachings he, Christ was about belief in Him period. After that then the teachings followed. "Ye search the scriptures for in there u think lies eternal life but u dont know that they are that which testify of me". I was in all this meditation stuff and it did work a little but when the light of God poured in u just knew that u could never be clean without Christ.
@migol1984 Not at all. You can hear a message and choose not to follow it. Just because one listens to what the Dalai Lama says doesn't mean they are a follower. It means they are listening to what he says. Then one makes up their own mind.
@deseeved Just thoughts of my own but.. Yes we all can. I think you are giving your thought too much power, the mind is not WHO you are, only a tool you have. If you quiet your mind and focus your concsiousness on the feeling of being/aliveness inside you, you will understand what every human feels. A good way to quiet your mind is to watch it for its next thought. This action of feeling your body is most beneficial at times of deep struggle. Appreciate and accept the struggle life gives you.
our biggest enemy is lust because it is the culprit behind many unpleasant emotions such as anger , greed , etc etc . lust is defined as a passion for emmission of semen . one who can control his passion for emmission of semen can control so many of the afflictive emotion bcause his body will be full of bliss .it is written in budhist tantra that from emmission comes dispassion and from dispassion comes suffering . from suffering comes death .so comtrolling emmission = controlling bad karma.
The Dali Lama is in my opinion the best teacher on this planet. What is taught id extremely important.
This man is so intelligent and compassionate I do not understand (actually I do understand, unskillfull means) the attacks on his credibility. They call him a liar, a devil, an evil, shrewd politician, and many other untruthful things.
I love my enemies as much as I love my family, as I love all sentient beings. I love even the enemies of H.H. Dalai Lama. They are missing out on so much. I pray for them and respect their right to believe what they want. May all beings find liberation. Metta!
I really wish there were more views. This man is so unbelievably caring, loving, and UNDERSTANDING. Love is pouring from him, I can feel it through the computer it's so overbearing!
I'm doing a religion assignment, i had a choice of Buddhism or Judhism, i firstly choose judhism, i found it difficault to follow the ways they choose, then I started looking up buddhism, and i really like the ways of buddhism, i find alot of truth and understanding, This is the first time I've listend too Dalai Lama, and i love it, i love him ^.^ when i think about , inside me i get this strange feel its wounderful,
I wish australia would think like Dalai Lama
Love and Respect to this very wise soul,THE DALAI LAMA. He speaks universal truth,this applies to everyone no matter what faith or religion. Without taming the enemy within you cannot have the eyes to see or ears to hear the universal truth and escape the suffering within or without.PEACE TO ALL!!!!!
The internal dialogue, where the wild things are....this is the battle to win. The epic battle of ones lifetime, to find inner peace and self love. No more battles. Peace reigns.
« Welcome the enemy inside », thank you so much for this ❤️❤️
The enemy is me, within, inside. Wish I could be like Dalai Lama!!! Very impressive soul!!! Love and Compassion works. Thats the only thing that works. I tested it several times.
Wish we had more leaders like him.
The kind and affinity appearance is false, you will find his deformity and completely different logical thinking when you stay together with him for a long time.
it is the desire for others to be happy. To be the happier possible we make it boundless among other things. There's a lot of things from the menu of buddhism that you can take for yourself to be the happier possible (we have to make the tree of compassion grow in many ways for it to grow healthy and strong and thus make us happy).
such wonderful man with great personality who always talks about peace of mind for all.
such great and wonderful peace loving hero we have. long live H,H Dalai lama
it would be good if this video were shared around the world
Thank you.
I am a Hindhu, But I always loved Buddhism, because it is so intense & real & straightforward & uncomplicated.
I have read 4 noble truths & 8 noble paths many times so far & conceptually i have understood it, but wanted a tool to practice.
I mostly play games in my iPhone & I searched for Buddha related apps & I saw one interesting app called "BuDhamma"? by Lokesh
Hanumappa. This app helps you practice 8 noble path in a cool way with reminders, reports, tests & graphic rich practice summary.
People in the have your views, your version of truth, the world and what is. If you can be peaceful with such principles and ideas, and have compassion and love with it towards others and's good, if not it'sbad.
Judge the tree by its fruit
I love him he's made me truly think about my life and I now can realize my faults I'm not perfect im just human so I judg I act like a brat but with all his teachings I hope one day I can smile at my worst demons
Wonderful ! I never forget it’s words
Namo Buddhaya!!!!
May all beings happy and peaceful...
It isn't elimination, but transcendence.
happiness to me...ultimately when defined...means contentment....we realize that there is nothing that exists in this realm to fill us...which must mean that we are not connected to this world on the inside...we are trapped in our bodies..the real us yearns for something different...not physical...its as if our souls are imprisoned in these bodies for a if a test..i dont know...but definitely that is beautiful to think about
This is very helpful indeed! "Thanks these teaching they are most beneficial! :)
I think not thinking gives us peace. Then we are truly being ourselves, it is the most freeing of all things.
I love to go out and exercise or even going shopping, just doing something outside you get an unconsience feeling of knowing that I am doing something good for me, i get such a high. And then i do the things i love doing without a care what anyonelse thinks I just unashamably being me.
Thank you your holiness great fourteen dalailama 🙏🙇♀️long live your holiness dalailama 🙏🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️🌻🌻🌻💐🙏
The biggest battle is to be within your own heart and if you won this battle you have won all battle
Uplifting and enlightening as the Dalai Lama always is , I was straying from my path, I really needed this. TY :) Om Mani Padme Hum. Strangely I have been directed spiritually to read "The Self" from the Dhammapada. very interesting feeling I have recieved here.
Because we all know that True Thinking Takes EFFORTS.True Thinking/ Deep Thought Is WORK.
NEVER for the faint of heart.
thanks again for wise word from a wise man. Religion or not that it's not so important, but to develop spirituality is indeed very important. We do not know so much about Jesus before he was 30 years old but he was indeed a great spiritual man. I believe Jesus was in India before he started to talk about religion and good. . If you like more about how I revived inner peace after the terror in Oslo I was an eye witness.
You can do everything you want as long you don't harm sentient beings with body speech and mind. Actually freedom means being free of doing things which do not
hurt others and the end yourself.
I'm just an ordinary guy, trying to follow Dharma in the present chaotic world. I'll do my best to answer your question. Luck, fate, good and bad all boils down to the law of cause and effect, also know as "Karma". Do kind deeds (with ur heart) & u earn good merits or good karma, the opposite for bad. Good Karma= Good fortune and Bad Karma=Bad fortune.. keep doing good then ur negative Karma can be "neutralized" -eg u suffer frm cancer but get the best doc.
His Holiness #DalaiLama!! 🙏🤗💗💕💕💕❤💛💚💜🐘
Actually emotion is a very rational response, it explains the actual circumstances in what a person it is. It ration to apear fear fear when a person could face an imminent death and also is rational to feel enthusiasm toward a thing you trully enjoy. An it not the mind that have the emotion but it is the soul, so you could ask in what state of being you are.
"Many great and wise air nomads have detached themselves and achieved spiritual enlightenment. But the Avatar can never do it, because your sole duty is TO the world. Here is my wisdom for you: Selfless duty calls for you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world." - Avatar Yangchen So applicable to real humans.
If compassion is an emotion it is still good. Why go against it? But in fact it is the desire for others to be happy. And since we all want to be happy as living beings, it is rationnal or logical to be compassionate towards others; it is the source of all happiness. All evil comes from the desire to be happy yourself. All happiness comes from the desire for others to be happy.
very good for us
Wow you guys can talk so nice to each other. :)
Your comment springs some questions spring to my mind such as ' What is personality?'. I am also tempted to replace the question ' Who am I? ' by ' What am I? ' which drive the question closer to home. Rational and natural escape statement like ' There is no self.' might preempt a deeper realization of the nature of what we are as part of this world. This is a very interesting discussion topic for which there is a great need. Thank you for your comments and all the best to you! :)
Turn the volume up.
I usually listen to his videos several times for that reason, to be honest. [maybe those twenty five people just wanted you to notice you forgot a full stop :o
@tgillet1 i don't quite get what u said about the walking on the tight rope, i get that but what u mean about the complicated stuff, what are u trying to say in ur first sentence
Afflictive emotion. Painful emotions we are "afflicted" with. "Whereever I go, Dharamsala or London this enemy is there", "even in the centre of the mandala". It is the destroyer of our happiness, always there. Combine human brain & good heart to eliminate our urges to escape via booze, sex, etc. Intelligence & emotion is the way to change our inner world. That enemy, our suffering nature, "dukkha", must be renounced.
@kamwrites but what I meant was that when someone makes up their mind, if they make up their mind to look into what the Dalai Lama said that in itself is following.
Could you enable your videos with subtitles please. It's rather difficult to make out what he is saying
Awesome video!
+Pedro Paiva Who's the enemy? I don't understand what he says "Emotion" ? "Reactive emotion"?
@kamwrites actually you do see my point now. cause that has been my point, if they adhere to the Lama's teachings then they become his followers. you initially said the contrary, that the Buddha himself said, "don't take my word for it. Go find out for yourself." i'm simply saying that i wouldn't consider myself a devout follower. but you can if you'd like, i'm not here proselytizing or trying to convert otherwise. this is all very lively and i like exchanging thoughts with deep thinkers.
On the other hand, Star .. it was the world's gain .. I wonder if we might have lost or overlooked the opportunity of the gift of HH had it not been that way, which brought people together and allowed the world to know the plight.
Which can be understood as a form of eliminating the desire.
By transcendence.
@nayanmalig buddha knew everything ,he was the teacher of men and gods
@FKSTAR7 on the contrary, I think many people around the world wish for Tibet to be free
The audio is not clear which is a pity.
sorry if this sounds like a stupid question @2.26 he talks about eliminating the enemy within, but then says if this is not possible then its better to forget and have alcohol sex ect! what if one does believe they can beat or embrace their internal conflict, is it then better just to say"to hell with it ill just get smashed!!", do we not all have the ability to overcome our fears and gain internal peace and its this concept however down you feel at the moment thats so important.any advice?
Renunciation in Buddhism and Self-Forgiveness in other cultures
@FKSTAR7 He did not lose his country, his country lost him and in turn the rest of the world received him. Blessing in disguise?
"Wherever I go, there's an enemy there."
'Emotions are just emotions.... ' is quite right in a sense (and very much at the core of Buddhist teachings). However, once that is said, how do you assimilate this understanding in a constructive manner? I would suggest to replace Afflictive by Toxic. From there we can see that it is no more just a matter of value comparison but rather of common sense. Buddhism does not suggest to kill our personality but instead to acquire a better understanding of what is at the root of who we are. :)
@HylianSpirit what do u mean by ego? anyway
it's hard to make out what he is
saying I find his accent difficult.
Subtitles would be great.
I'm sure it's probably a great talk.
tbho.. i don't think 'lasting' happiness can really ever be achieved.. you're not supposed to be happy and content all the time. when i'm not happy and content it's a signal for me to change things in my life. i'm grateful for my supposed 'afflictive' emotions, they let me know when something is wrong..
What does he say 00:07 ???
just a question, why would you regret something you want to do?
@MrBrunothedog There is a difference between short-term pleasure and long-term happiness. The DL offers this test, ask yourself, will this thing make me happy for just this moment but ultimately cause suffering, or will this thing make me happy in the long run? Works like a charm-a reasonable safety net and mindfulness practice. Peace
I'm not emotional neither. Sorcerers come with emotional music and they put glory to their heads.
Is it possible to get a transcript of this talk? Its difficult for me to understand some of his thoughts. And I would dearly like to understand!!
@kamwrites ok then maybe it was bad word usage on my part, but yeah that's essentially what i meant. i like being stimulated by different thinkers and dalai lama is one of them but i don't consider myself a buddhist.
@TheDaniiboy what did u mean by Jesusly in ur comment?
@TheLionessjudah thank u my brother i was in all dis self righteous bs, when the light comes in u will just know that is darkness no matter how good it sounds u will just know that its not real.
Hi PETA what is your Instagram 👍
I think you will be hard pressed to find a video without the Dalai Lama laughing or making other people laugh.
"The Kingdom of God is in you"....Jesus...Luke 17; is the kingdom of hell....its a choice made unconsciently....the former...must be made consciently...this is awareness...
@TheEidolon7 When I followed Christ with my heart and left new agism. Buddhist meditation, astral etc became cheap and nothing, I had been reading the bible selecting verses for meditation but when the Spirit of God came things changed. Can a dirty rag clean a dirty table? Can a man in debt pay the debt of some one in debt, will such man not be going further in debt, so is anyone who tries to make himself righteous, they impute more sin to themselves by saying I have no sin
@EarlySeed I don't know a lot about buddhism.I do know that meditating on death is a common practice. Death as in the impermanence of all forms such as power,relationships,belongings,the body.Things the mind might identify with creating ego. This meditation weakens the minds identification with forms that are all subject to death/impermanence.I don't know enough about reincarnation to respectively discuss it, but, in my opinion, theres no need to deny death and resist what is. We all die.
@EarlySeed The mind is not WHO you are, it is a tool you have. Accept it as it is and whatever forms it comes (i.e. ego, mental/emotion pain constructs). Once you go beyond mind into Being, I believe that is where the objective reality is found. Being is the deepest you, free of mind(subjectivity) and at one with all that simply IS (as we all ARE) in the present moment (objectivity).
emotion + reason = conqure self
Analyze emotions with reason.
Look, I only agree partially with what Dalai Lama is saying here, no doubt the enemy within is a major obstacle, but you live in an interdependent world, let's say a person have mastered themselves internally. But that life of 'your own' won't get you too far in life, even being a master of yourself, sooner or later you will have to deal with other people from outside and that composes the 2nd half of the issue. It may sounds obvious and simple, but it's true.
it's just my opinion.
Is COMPASSIONt Not An Emotion?
..comb what?
?beehive (your role)??
better chance of it happening that way!
i think after america gives up not china but tibet must be SUPERPOWER>>
@nimaxify keep on dreaming with ur lobsang rampa prophecies
The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to be free from the wheel of life and death that we all mortals are trapped in, this is achieved by giving up our emotions of attachment. Try and google the significance of the Buddhist Wheel of Life. In the center of the drawing is the three main emotions that trap us viz. Lust, Anger and ignorance; representated by the rooster, snake and pig. Search and u shall find!
I suggest that we take the ''things'' from Buddhism that agree with our own reason and our own common sense, for we believe nothing, no matter where we read it, or who said it, no matter if Buddha have said it, unless it agrees with our own reason and our own common sense.
ho fatto un po di cose in india cosigliami se ho fatto bene o no
so the 'will' is the 'self'?? so if you tackle your own will , you will realise that the suffering is the person who need help to conquer their own will , human is violent and selfish by nature so am i right??
@kantaification thanks
Karma & Rebirth means We are ACCOUNTABLE for our actions. We take Responsibility.
Karma & Rebirth means that we enjoy the Gift of Life, over & over again!
Karma & Rebirth means there is no place for a Hell, no sadistic God running a torture chamber
Karma & Rebirth means that We EARN everything. A Hindu must never beg nor take anything that is unearned
Karma & Rebirth means we Hindus earn Praise FROM God! Anyone fool can praise God, but Blessed are the Hindus that aim to earn Praise FROM God!
Are you a Bhuddist? Were you born one? What do you love about Bhuddism? Just curious. Thakns
@migol1984 Just as well. ;) Buddhism doesn't encourage anyone to "devoutly follow" another. Even the Buddha himself said "don't take my word for it. Go find out for yourself."
@TheDaniiboy i had a different idea of ego i had an idea of the ego being more or less the total component of what one likes which fineline unwatered down Buddhism goes against. like desire, desire emanates from the ego, in Buddhism to have desire is considered wrong since it is ego, desire for wealth, wife, love of thing, love of being American, or love of Israel, etc. desire for a particular type of food etc.
@kamwrites I'm not trying to make a point really just sharing my thoughts. but now that you say Christ didn't mean conquering the universe well read this. Matthew 28:18. "All authority has been given to me in heaven and in earth." But yes, I understand the Lama's teachings and I have seen a lot of similar teachings with Christ. I just think that Christ's teachings can take the Lama's teachings a bit further than that.
people think it is about Principles Christ was not about teachings he, Christ was about belief in Him period. After that then the teachings followed. "Ye search the scriptures for in there u think lies eternal life but u dont know that they are that which testify of me". I was in all this meditation stuff and it did work a little but when the light of God poured in u just knew that u could never be clean without Christ.
@migol1984 Not at all. You can hear a message and choose not to follow it. Just because one listens to what the Dalai Lama says doesn't mean they are a follower. It means they are listening to what he says. Then one makes up their own mind.
@jvaldez5 i feel the same way.
Christianity helps deal with the challenge of sin. Buddhism helps deal with the challenge of self.
I can hear it. But a lot of his words are hard to understand because of his accent and sometimes speedy talking. And 25 others agree.
@migol1984 Yeah...if they make the decision to do so...I'm not seeing your point, here.
@deseeved Just thoughts of my own but.. Yes we all can. I think you are giving your thought too much power, the mind is not WHO you are, only a tool you have. If you quiet your mind and focus your concsiousness on the feeling of being/aliveness inside you, you will understand what every human feels. A good way to quiet your mind is to watch it for its next thought. This action of feeling your body is most beneficial at times of deep struggle. Appreciate and accept the struggle life gives you.
@TheLionessjudah can you repeat that in simpler words my friend?
our biggest enemy is lust because it is the culprit behind many unpleasant emotions such as anger , greed , etc etc . lust is defined as a passion for emmission of semen . one who can control his passion for emmission of semen can control so many of the afflictive emotion bcause his body will be full of bliss .it is written in budhist tantra that from emmission comes dispassion and from dispassion comes suffering . from suffering comes death .so comtrolling emmission = controlling bad karma.
@MrKoto2010 hopefully those people find happiness in what they do