"Sam Harris DESTROYS the Bible in 5 Minutes" | Pastor Reacts

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • Sam Harris destroys the Bible in 5 minutes... allegedly. In this video, we break down Harris' concerns with the Bible and see if he really destroys it in 5 mintues.


  • @viccigates3756
    @viccigates3756 6 місяців тому +19

    The bible gives the ancient nation of Israel laws that govern indentured servitude where a person agrees to work foe another to pay a personal debt or for security, but not chatel slavery. It condemns kidnapping.
    Today there are still Christian organisations like International Justice Mission and Destiny Rescue fighting slavery and sex slavery in the 3rd world and other places.
    The new testaments mention of slaves is talking to the Christians who were slaves in the Roman culture on how to live out their faith in their situation. - this was distorted by slave owners to justify slavery as it is now distorted by atheists to malign Christianity.
    Harris is ignorant at best or deceptive at worst.

  • @amsterdamable
    @amsterdamable 7 місяців тому +18

    Agree with this commentary, but one problem: the current world is not slavery-free, but in fact has more people in slavery than ever before. Its just that with only 6% of the world's population we in the US dont see it.

  • @quadrasaurus-rex8809
    @quadrasaurus-rex8809 6 місяців тому +12

    You didn’t own them you owned the right to their labor for a set period of time. Hey! That’s exactly what I went through as a US Sailor! I was contractually indentured for a specific time with physical repercussions if I didn’t show up or left without orders.

    • @MichaelDavis-e9o
      @MichaelDavis-e9o 5 місяців тому

      But you were getting paid and volunteered.

    • @richiejourney1840
      @richiejourney1840 3 місяці тому

      @@MichaelDavis-e9oso were many of the OT “slaves”…

    • @smalltownhomesteadAC
      @smalltownhomesteadAC 2 місяці тому +1

      Yes, same as when you pay a mortgage. It’s indentured servitude not ownership of a person. The atheists also don’t realize that God worked with people where they are.

  • @beltigussin81
    @beltigussin81 6 місяців тому +12

    Slavery in the Bible was a reference to indentured servitude. People would offer themselves or offered by their family to a master in return for sustenance. Not in all cases. But that was what's being described in the Bible. And it didn't necessarily involve the same relationship we recognize as slavery with its cruelty and degradation. Remember the Centurion who went to Jesus pleading for him to come to his house to heal his sick slave. That wasn't a relationship of callous exploitation.

    • @RogerBrenon
      @RogerBrenon 6 місяців тому

      Exactly. It's more described as a form of employment without torture and sex slavery. This guy is not very knowledgable and shouldn't be speaking on this at all - and then doesn't show the rebuttal on top of it. I gave this vid a thumbs DOWN.

  • @sergejstanisljevic6285
    @sergejstanisljevic6285 7 місяців тому +27

    Fact is that slavery never ended...

    • @ortegae4165
      @ortegae4165 6 місяців тому +1

      John 8;31-36

    • @ingridhohmann3523
      @ingridhohmann3523 6 місяців тому +3

      Aggree ,ongoing in dark and stranger ways 😢

    • @fabfrenchies1974
      @fabfrenchies1974 5 місяців тому +1

      Depends on place, time, and context. In some timelines, at some places it has ended or is practiced no more, but not world wide. But to add to that every ethnicity has been a slave at some point. Some are still a slave to something else as well.

    • @servanteddie1004
      @servanteddie1004 4 місяці тому +1

      Truth, its been renamed employment and citizenship

  • @jeffniebergall2148
    @jeffniebergall2148 6 місяців тому +15

    Slavery still exists today.
    Africa still has auction slave blocks as we speak. Sex slavery is surpassing the drug trade from a financial perspective. Pray God ends this evil on Earth

    • @kieranforde3787
      @kieranforde3787 6 місяців тому

      Thier in the us and Europe to just. More hidden

    • @bobmcfierson2163
      @bobmcfierson2163 5 місяців тому

      Everything men do, is men doing it. There is no Santa Claus grandfather figure that is pulling strings. If you thought that was the case then why doesn't he not take out these people? Apparently he committed genocide to get rid of everybody in Sodom and Gomorrah..? Or maybe those were just a bunch of people that had no understanding of Science and every time there was thunder and lightning they thought God's were doing it.. and somehow there's people today that still believe the beliefs of people from thousands of years ago. Smfh.
      The sex trade in the drugs trade are human things.. they have absolutely nothing to do with mythology. It's just people just like everything else in this world.
      If there was actually a God that cared about the people that believed in him than he would come down and tell them to not believe all the con men using the Bible and stories in their name to free them of everything they worked for their whole lives.. these people that follow Jesus and they think they need seven private jets.. these are preachers I'm talking about of course.. the supposed men of God😂.. they're just all con-men and make money off of other people's beliefs. Why would God not take people like that out? Why would God allow a man like Donald Trump to exist, claiming his religious when he isn't whatsoever, using other people's beliefs to enrich himself and Destroy democracy for the majority of us, have his way with his own daughter and other people that didn't want to have anything to do with him.. helping people get killed, lying to everybody about things like viruses that are actually real but he pretends that when the sun comes out they'll disappear or you can just inject bleach?
      We live in an age of Science in progress and it's just crazy to me that people want to stay back in a time where you don't question anything and you just believe nonsensical things that somebody else said a long time ago that just doesn't make sense. You can't take people before an age of science when they literally explained everything by "God did it"

  • @theseeker6097
    @theseeker6097 6 місяців тому +5

    Well, I do have to correct one thing about how slavery is mentioned in the Bible. When it comes to slavery with Egypt or the Roman Empire and other non God believing countries, it was slavery. But in Biblical ancient Jewdisam, it was a business deal. Let's say you are a Jewish land owner in ancient Israel, and a fellow Jew wants to farm, build a home, and raise a family . The landlord would make a business deal with that ambitious farmer. It was to be a professional business agreement. And once the loan was paid back, that was a done deal. The farmer and his family were free. This applies to us today, and the Bible warns us that if we borrow, we become a slave to the lender! How true is that with all of us? But we had free will choosing to be a slave to our creditors. But actually, when it comes to war around the world, which pretty much includes all the world's civilizations. Defeating an enemy or just by the social political powers at that time came plundering! To which all are guilty, all nations! For actual slavery, not condoned by holy scripture.

  • @margiehelberg4594
    @margiehelberg4594 6 місяців тому +12

    God made it very clear that people had to treat their slaves with kindness and mostly slaves were fully part of the household

    • @alexandraasbury9974
      @alexandraasbury9974 6 місяців тому

      They weren't beaten or whipped and treated like dirt. They did not suffer the way slaves typically did elsewhere throughout time. And they would end up freed after a set amount of time, like 7 years. They were often able to choose to marry one of the holder's beautiful daughters if she was willing. It wasn't like the horrid sort of slavery the entire world has witnessed practically all over the place.

    • @prvtcaboose
      @prvtcaboose 6 місяців тому

      Yes... And slaves were also really only either taken after war or if someone had a debt that they couldn't repay. But yes, they were to work but if it is more than 7 years they had the option to either be free or choose to remain as a slave. Very different system than what most other nations had.

    • @dvsfdp313
      @dvsfdp313 6 місяців тому

      Exactely, it is there. People need to read the bible not say they did

    • @lionbolt2136
      @lionbolt2136 6 місяців тому

      Let me state this.
      A foreign slave who chooses to become an Israelite can be set free when his debt is paid off or when he has served 7 years.

  • @thomaslanham3863
    @thomaslanham3863 6 місяців тому +6

    The Bible was inpired and authored through men by GOD .
    The q'ran was given by an 'Angel of light' (Satan) to Muhammad .
    Satan can imitate but never duplicate GODs Word .

  • @robmiskell6656
    @robmiskell6656 6 місяців тому +3

    Satan who was cast out of Heaven to earth due to his pride and arrogance became the prince of this world who created slavery. As well as many other wicked creations, which is why the inspired word of God (Holy Bible) tells us to; Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

  • @wingzero7316
    @wingzero7316 2 місяці тому +1

    I would believe in God any God and Religion if there was actually evidence. I been an atheist majority of my life but an uneducated none believer when I was younger who didn’t know anything about science and evidence against Religions/Gods especially Christianity. In 2004 age 19 I was going through a deep depression and I was given Lee Strobel books from deeply religious uncle. I fell for Christian apologetics and creationism because I didn’t know any better. Wasn’t until I researched science and counter apologetics for the first time. Lee Strobel and others like him lie for profits, their arguments reinforced there no evidence for Christianity. Lee Strobel and other like minded apologetics use bible as evidence for the Bible, like the eye witness to Jesus resurrection, empty tomb and etc. with no evidence outside the bible supporting it. Even the exact location of Jesus tomb hasn’t been discovered, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Talpiot Tomb, Roza Bal, The Garden Tomb, Kirisuto no haka, are popular beliefs of tomb location with no solid evidence for resurrection from any tomb.
    There are suicide cults like Havens Gate who castrated male members as a requirement to join. Most people in cult died from intentionally drinking poison for a lie (Doctrine) they deeply sincerely believed in, even the cult leader Marshall Applewhite believed what he preached, he suffered from mental illness. There other suicide cults to. Also none of the gospel writers were actual friends of Jesus, they were written in Greek decades even a century later as is the case of Gospel of John. Writers are anonymous who used the names of Jesus friends, wrote down the oral stories about Jesus, which was common among the minority of literate people/Christians at time period. There was a lot of different gospels written. I recommend you read Bart D Ehrman books to learn much more in-depth factual information. Even if they were eyewitness of Jesus resurrection, there are people alive today who claimed to have seen, big foot, fairies, space aliens and etc. if you unwilling to dedicate your life to people you can talk to today, why dedicate your life to claims of people who lived thousands of years ago?
    The old testament ancient Jews and modern day Muslims sacrifice animals to the Abrahamic God, God wants animal sacrifices which seems stereotypical satanic ritualistic. Was God unable to have come up with better options than animal sacrifices, maybe God has limitations which contradict with Gods attributes I get into later.
    Reasons for animal sacrifices is due to repentance for original sin caused by Adam and Eve bringing sin into the world which makes no sense. God created Adam and Eve without the knowledge of good and evil aka right, and wrong much like a baby understanding. God supposed to be all knowing, all powerful and perfect somehow expected adults with a baby like comprehension of right and wrong to obey him and not eat the forbidden fruit in which God created and placed in their midts (garden of eden). It like if parents placed a poisonous plant into theirs babies play pen and get angry their baby didn’t listen to them about not eating poison plant. Such parents deserve to spend rest of their lives in prison.
    Christianity is self refuting, Jesus and God supposedly one and the same, therefore God cannot be all powerful, all knowing, all loving, forgiving and perfect because God has limitations by not being able to just forgive humanity, instead God went through all the trouble of turning himself into a human in order to sacrifice (human sacrifice) himself to himself to please himself which we told is why Christians don’t have to commit animal sacrifices.
    God committed genocide, Noah flood, killing first born in Egypt including children, Sodom and Gomorrah and etc. In both old and new testaments are contradictory on lots of things example slavery. A lot of passages support slavery and some can be interpreted against it, no biblical laws clearly against owning humans as property. There no scripture in bible supporting democracy nor mention of anything similar to democracy, USA founding fathers was influenced by ancient Greece and USA founding was a product of the secular age of enlightenment, a lot of the founding fathers were not even Christians example Thomas Jefferson was a Deist, read his Jefferson Bible.
    No passage In bible supports democracy nor anything close to a democracy like the USA Democratic Republic form of government, no scripture clearly supports child labor laws, no scripture supports women having equal rights as men. I can go on and on. Your God probably doesn’t exist and your religion is bullshit. The bible doesn’t have timeless morality it a product of the time period it was written in and the good morals in bible are nothing special, majority of societies and religions around the world have laws against murder, it not unique to Abraham religions and predates them, it a natural survival instinct to not want to live in a society with rampant murders. Religion are all man made and humanity needs to move away from and all other dogmatism to including political dogma, communism, fascism and etc.

  • @jarretlingle2553
    @jarretlingle2553 2 місяці тому +1

    The New Testament talks about slavery as though it was a fact of the times that neither Paul, nor the slave he is addressing, had any power to change. Because the slave became a Christian didn't just nullify any legal claim his/her owner had over them. It was what it was and as a Christian who is still a slave, then this is how you should behave. That doesn't condone slavery, it just accepts the immutable fact.

  • @Michael_X313
    @Michael_X313 6 місяців тому +1

    The truth is that this is all for the evolution of consciousness. The problem with religion is it's unquestionable claim to authority because it undermines the true spark-based nature of each individual consciousness.
    No one should be able to say that they believe in God or w/e through some special connection or capacity that others don't also have. One believes in "good" and "God" arbitrarily... because THEY think or feel something..not because God makes them. If they say they're receiving it from something else then they are lying and deceiving and people need to see through it.

  • @potentatewags
    @potentatewags 6 місяців тому +1

    If we want to talk slavery, all that should be referenced is what the King told us:
    "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free"
    Luke 4:18

  • @hectorpotnoodle6927
    @hectorpotnoodle6927 5 місяців тому +1

    Christ said “love one another, love your neighbour as you love yourself”.
    Therefore, Christ teaches a maxim that leads to the abolishment of slavery.
    When Paul sent back a slave to his master, he said “Receive him not as a slave, but as a brother”.

  • @keithdean9149
    @keithdean9149 2 місяці тому +1

    I find it interesting when people like Sam Harris try to blame God for problems that man creates.

  • @Traillesstaken
    @Traillesstaken 6 місяців тому +1

    I may be wrong here, but we are still in slavery maybe not in the sense that one may think, but in other ways ie IRS dont pay your taxes see what happens . We are always going to have ruler of sorts over the people which in turn makes us into slaves

  • @alexking4463
    @alexking4463 6 місяців тому +5

    Nobody can take down the Bible. Nobody is above the word of God. The Bible is 100% true. Those who deny that have simply not found Jesus Christ it’s that simple.

  • @MosinMan76254
    @MosinMan76254 6 місяців тому +1

    Destroy the Quran? That'd be none other than Christian Prince.

  • @vanessac0382
    @vanessac0382 6 місяців тому +1

    Lo ve this reaction. Subscribed

  • @romeyjclark
    @romeyjclark 6 місяців тому +1

    My biggest argument against this, and point I always pointed out. Even before I chose to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and merely believed that there may be a higher being is this. The scripture needs to be present through every generation, from when Moses wrote the his 5 books in the Torah to present day. Over half of the New Testament is devoted towards prophetic verbage for the end times and readying us for the Tribulations to come. Soooooooo the book needed to not just survive in some dusty cellar until it was discovered the day before the battle at Armageddon kicks off. It needed to be prevalent, available for everyone/anyone to accept Jesus in any time period, and more importantly the contents need to be well known so that anyone has a Free-Will based decision on where they wish to spend eternity after the physical shackles we inhabit a loosened. So there is no way that Empires, nations, Kings, and the Wealthy would have practiced Christianity. They most definitely wouldn't have allowed their slaves and wives to be associated with it. So the Bible needed to stay neutral. Which I think if people weren't so quick to dismiss the scripture they could see how for the times it was available, a majority of that time the statements weren't directly telling the slavers to keep getting slaves. It's telling them to be good to their masters because this is just a temporary stop for true believers.
    Also, the parts were "God" tells his followers to pillage and bring back Virgins and Slaves wasn't actually the All-Mighty. Due to King James wanting to do a 180 from the Roman Catholic Church he had the translators group together almost any divine Deity that wasn't directly named like Michael. So you have the Elohim which really means Enlighten One's or Ones above. Which could reference Angels, God, or his Council. Since the Church worshipped Angels, and he didn't approve. Which I agree, they were not named and sometimes called lower case "god or gods" . It makes things confusing because the Fallen Angels ruled over Humanity along with their offspring through Human Women called Nephilim. The Nephilim where basically taken out, which has made many believe Lucifer is Satan which isn't True. He was a Nephilim Son or Grandson of more than likely Nimrod. Many other such examples of these Beings doing devious things causes people to believe the Almighty would really need to go to such lengths? Why would God flood the Earth? To kill these beings off. The wars of the "gods" in Deuteronomy is between these Fallen Angels and more then likely the Elohim of Heaven.

    • @mavsroadrunner2298
      @mavsroadrunner2298 6 місяців тому

      Off on the fact that early peasants were killed for having a Bible, and were not allowed to have one. It was Only for The Elite. God Bless 💚

  • @shabashabadoo3899
    @shabashabadoo3899 5 місяців тому +1

    sam harris isnt as clever as his mom told him he is

  • @norbertjendruschj9121
    @norbertjendruschj9121 7 місяців тому +6

    Condoning of slavery isn´t really a point to reject the Bible. All societies at the time were slave holders.
    But it shows that the authors of the Bible had no higher moral ground than their contempararies. It is up to you to draw or not to draw conclusions from this fact.
    By the way: I hardly ever watched a channel with more commercials than yours. Do you remember the story of Jesus in the temple?

    • @fakegod8619
      @fakegod8619 7 місяців тому

      Condoning of slavery coming from a all knowing "god" that could have just said not to do it from the start is proof that the bible has no divine substance.

    • @paulwhelan8567
      @paulwhelan8567 7 місяців тому +3

      Why didn’t God send 11 commandments to Moses and include - Thou shalt not enslave people?

    • @norbertjendruschj9121
      @norbertjendruschj9121 7 місяців тому +1

      You know, there is only so much space on a stone slab. Had he used paper ...

    • @ajsirch
      @ajsirch 7 місяців тому +1

      @@paulwhelan8567You mean within 20 days of leaving 400 years of slavery in Egypt?

    • @amibrainwashed
      @amibrainwashed 7 місяців тому +2

      ​@@paulwhelan8567because The Ten Commandments has a better ring to it than The Eleven Commandments. Either that, he reached the character limit on the stone tablet.

  • @matthewpeck2926
    @matthewpeck2926 6 місяців тому +1

    The Lord God may have said slave listen to your master, but He never truly condoned slavery. He knew how we were and that it was going to happen. It was meant to humble everyone, Master and "slave". Also as others have stated, there are more slaves now on earth than ever..

  • @archonrex5600
    @archonrex5600 7 місяців тому +2

    Whoa, Excellent video! Production values, and the content's Brilliant!! Blessings, keep on producing. I salute you, Pastor, truly great stuff, wish more people/viewers were along

  • @robertpritchard4681
    @robertpritchard4681 6 місяців тому +1

    People were worshiping God's long before the Bible was ever written

    • @Guatemala14xbox
      @Guatemala14xbox 6 місяців тому

      The Bible wasn't always written as the events were happening. The first 5 books were written by Moses way after Adam and Eve or Abraham or Jacob/Israel. In which we see people would continuously disobey God and his warnings and make false gods. That's where all these religions with false and/or multiple false gods came from, even before Judaism was started because Abraham is known to be the founder of Judaism and there is a lot of generations between Abraham and Adam.

  • @theresa42213
    @theresa42213 6 місяців тому +1

    l like your channel. :)

  • @JesusChristEmmanuel
    @JesusChristEmmanuel 5 місяців тому

    Angel of God,
    my guardian dear,
    To whom God's love
    commits me here,
    Ever this day,
    be at my side,
    To light and guard,
    Rule and guide.
    Angel of God,
    my guardian dear,
    To whom God's love
    commits me here,
    Ever this day,
    be at my side,
    To light and guard,
    Rule and guide.
    Angel of God,
    my guardian dear,
    To whom God's love
    commits me here,
    Ever this day,
    be at my side,
    To light and guard,
    Rule and guide.

  • @JesusChristEmmanuel
    @JesusChristEmmanuel 5 місяців тому

    Glory be to the Father,
    and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now,
    and ever shall be,
    world without end.
    Glory be to the Father,
    and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now,
    and ever shall be,
    world without end.
    Glory be to the Father,
    and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now,
    and ever shall be,
    world without end.

  • @geoffburton822
    @geoffburton822 6 місяців тому +17

    Debt slavery is just as forceful as whips & chains.

    • @martaescobar7625
      @martaescobar7625 6 місяців тому

      "Stone Walls do not a Prison make,
      Nor Iron bars a Cage; ......"

    • @kyragerber7468
      @kyragerber7468 6 місяців тому

      Amen!! We are still slaves in the system of indoctrination, lies and govern-ment (mind control)

    • @ayoadeolatunji5138
      @ayoadeolatunji5138 6 місяців тому +1

      Not really. Especially since you choose to get out of it by simply paying your debt or after 7 years.

    • @lionbolt2136
      @lionbolt2136 6 місяців тому +1

      Its really not especially when entering "debt" is by choice.

    • @geoffburton822
      @geoffburton822 6 місяців тому

      @@lionbolt2136 When people "choose" to pay their Visa payment with their Mastercard? They are enslaved. Really.

  • @theoldbroadsdog2638
    @theoldbroadsdog2638 4 місяці тому

    I may be underthinking this, but "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" was spoken by Jesus in Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12. To me, that's the blanket condemnation for many man-made concepts, including slavery. Slavery still exists, but so does sin and it's indicative that we haven't abided by Jesus's words.

  • @Dobbie5704
    @Dobbie5704 6 місяців тому

    You left out the most important of the bible. From cover to cover the bible is about one people God named Israel.
    Israel is not a place. Israel is a people.
    Exodus 4:22 “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:”
    Isaiah 62:2 “And the Gentiles (nations) shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.”
    Acts 11:26 “And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”

  • @JesusChristEmmanuel
    @JesusChristEmmanuel 5 місяців тому

    Our Father, Who art in heaven,
    Hallowed be Thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come.
    Thy Will be done,
    on earth as it is in Heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. Amen.
    Our Father, Who art in heaven,
    Hallowed be Thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come.
    Thy Will be done,
    on earth as it is in Heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. Amen.
    Our Father, Who art in heaven,
    Hallowed be Thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come.
    Thy Will be done,
    on earth as it is in Heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. Amen.

  • @james3856
    @james3856 6 місяців тому

    Observe how frequently the author of this video uses phrases like ‘I think,’ ‘to me,’ and ‘I agree.’ However, the central issue isn’t whether he, they, you, or I agree. The Bible stands as propositional truth from God, and it will ultimately judge us-not the other way around. Our role is not to set ourselves up as judges of God’s Word or others’ perspectives, claiming superior reasoning. Instead, we must faithfully interpret and teach the Bible, without needing external proof of its veracity.
    God’s existence and the Bible’s truth are not proven to unbelieving minds. While God has provided ample reasons for those willing to listen and believe, He intentionally allows room for doubt. His book, spanning over 2000 years, remains a mystery to some. The message of Christ crucified may be a stumbling block to many, but it is through this seemingly foolish message that God saves His people (1 Corinthians 1-2).
    God’s Word in the Bible is infallible and inerrant, yet intellectual arguments alone won’t win hearts. It is the transformative power of God’s Word that draws and converts people to Christ.

  • @JesusChristEmmanuel
    @JesusChristEmmanuel 5 місяців тому

    St. Michael the Archangel,
    defend us in battle.
    Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
    and do thou,
    O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
    by the power of God,
    thrust into hell Satan,
    and all the evil spirits,
    who prowl about the world
    seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. .
    O glorious prince St. Michael,
    chief and commander of the heavenly hosts,
    guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits,
    servant in the house of the Divine King
    and our admirable conductor,
    you who shine with excellence
    and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil,
    who turn to you with confidence
    and enable us by your gracious protection
    to serve God more and more faithfully every day.
    St. Michael the Archangel,
    defend us in battle.
    Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
    and do thou,
    O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
    by the power of God,
    thrust into hell Satan,
    and all the evil spirits,
    who prowl about the world
    seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. .
    O glorious prince St. Michael,
    chief and commander of the heavenly hosts,
    guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits,
    servant in the house of the Divine King
    and our admirable conductor,
    you who shine with excellence
    and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil,
    who turn to you with confidence
    and enable us by your gracious protection
    to serve God more and more faithfully every day.
    St. Michael the Archangel,
    defend us in battle.
    Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
    and do thou,
    O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
    by the power of God,
    thrust into hell Satan,
    and all the evil spirits,
    who prowl about the world
    seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. .
    O glorious prince St. Michael,
    chief and commander of the heavenly hosts,
    guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits,
    servant in the house of the Divine King
    and our admirable conductor,
    you who shine with excellence
    and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil,
    who turn to you with confidence
    and enable us by your gracious protection
    to serve God more and more faithfully every day.

  • @African1939
    @African1939 6 місяців тому

    One comment on the issue of slavery in the Bible. Slavery suffered by people all over the earth, and especially during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade era, bears little resemblance to the 'slavery' described and regulated in the Bible. I won't go into great detail here, but seek to point out a distinct difference between what the Bible has been translated to represent 'slavery' and what the Bible describes as 'stealing a man' as described at Deut 24:7, although specific to Israelites, does make a distinction between 'slavery' in the sense of captives in battle, or the paying off of a debt, etc. I think it is also good to keep in mind when the KJV Bible was written - 1611, just before the era of authorized 'perpetual slavery' by the Vatican. Shalom.

  • @JesusChristEmmanuel
    @JesusChristEmmanuel 5 місяців тому

    Act of Contrition
    O my God,
    I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
    and I detest all my sins,
    because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell;
    but most of all because they offend Thee, my God,
    Who are all good and deserving of all my love.
    I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
    to confess my sins, to do penance,
    and to amend my life.
    Act of Contrition
    O my God,
    I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
    and I detest all my sins,
    because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell;
    but most of all because they offend Thee, my God,
    Who are all good and deserving of all my love.
    I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
    to confess my sins, to do penance,
    and to amend my life.
    Act of Contrition
    O my God,
    I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
    and I detest all my sins,
    because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell;
    but most of all because they offend Thee, my God,
    Who are all good and deserving of all my love.
    I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
    to confess my sins, to do penance,
    and to amend my life.

  • @MrGiggitygoo31
    @MrGiggitygoo31 6 місяців тому

    One thing about the slavery argument is that was under the "Civil-political Laws" given to Israel. Once that nation was no longer governing, there wasn't a command to follow for punishment for those who break the moral law (ie throwing stones at those who lie with same sex). Think of when the Jews wanted to knock off Jesus. They needed permission from Rome or else it was unlawful (their laws were basically abolished). The Ceremonial laws, although some may show practical benefit such as hygiene, are also not required as they point to Christ and his fulfillment of these laws. After sacrifice, these are no longer required. Moral law is applied to everyone and is designed for what God desires us to do and not to do to be closer to Him. If broken, it's a sin, but at least the person isn't commanded to be stoned for it.
    This is just a snapshot and I encourage everyone to look into the criticism of this (ie. not explicitly stated in the Bible) and the rebuttal.

  • @loveblooms64
    @loveblooms64 6 місяців тому

    The 10 commandments were given because man didn't even realize they were sinning.
    Once again, when we allow Holy Spirit to come to give us wisdom. It's an experience that can not be debated. Or explained. There's wisdom that comes from within. That is beyond any human understanding.

  • @marylelibana2420
    @marylelibana2420 6 місяців тому

    Jesus/God/the Bible is clearly against exploitation and slavery.
    This is what Jesus said about Himself in Luke 4 vs 18:
    "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and the regaining of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed,

  • @ajburgess7242
    @ajburgess7242 6 місяців тому

    i think that OT slavery is the physical embodiment of man's enslavement to sin. Which in this sense gives a pretty important pretext to a more spiritual concept written about more in the NT. Just as Moses physically freed the slaves of Egypt, Christ came to do the same for us on a spiritual level, Christ came and brought us out of Egypt and set the captive free. Just as God had controlled the pillar in the sky to show them the path set before them, The Holy Spirit does so for us. In that sense it's a necessary evil in the Bible to understand it's depth and wickedness. Take away from that as you'd wish, but I think that it gives us a greater understanding. We are still able to visually see it's wickedness presently for the same reason, one reflects the other.

  • @uncletbone4420
    @uncletbone4420 6 місяців тому

    Im still reading the bible but i am 99% sure the bible talks about bondage (John 8 31-36 is one of those instances) people always claim the bible doesn't talk about slavery clearly don't know how to read😭and the guy that wrote amazing grace worked on a slave ship and knew something was up he wasn't in a position until later in his life and after a brush with death he turned away from slavery a lot of people are complacent and subconsciously know what they are doing is wrong and some just do not care and require a firm teaching to show them the truth do your own research and stop letting some guy feel your mind with knowledge they claim is true without even backing it up same for me you don't believe me i don't expect you to nor do i want you to what I want is for you to do your own research and one more thing for people like this Sam Harris guy if he really cared about debate and learning he'd keep a journal with him that cites sources of all his claims this is basic elementary school stuff

  • @bobmcfierson2163
    @bobmcfierson2163 5 місяців тому

    Here you go: it makes people that don't have a good grasp of the natural world and tells them that God is doing everything and science is something you shouldn't pay attention to. Don't listen to common sense because then you might actually not believe the stuff we're trying to make you believe..
    The stories of that book are just beyond ridiculous.. I mean you have this all-powerful being that can just think the entire world and everything in it into existence but in order for a woman to exist then the man that he could think into existence had to rip out one of his ribs to change a chromosome and not bleed out or go septic and that is where women come from😂
    He also wanted to walk on earth so instead of doing that he decided to clone himself into the form of a ghost to go down and have his way with a married woman who absolutely was not a virgin just because that's the way it's worked everywhere forever- that kid was the son of two humans just like he was a human.. anyway so so the progeny of a ghost and a married woman who definitely couldn't have been a virgin, and by the way if she was a virgin and then tried to deliver a kid she would have died. But anyways this kid was supposed to be God and but not be all-powerful but still can do miracles and then got killed because the Romans didn't like what he said and they crucified tons of people and somehow this is then the symbol for him? And he got taken and murdered by group but that was somehow voluntary and it was for the purpose of dying for the sins that were not supposed to commit of people that wouldn't live for as far as they knew as long as how old the Earth was at that point..
    oh but if you do believe all these things then you get to go and live in a Silver City that's in the clouds because back then nobody knew what clouds were and you would have thought that you'd be able to walk on them.. but now that we have planes and we can climb mountains through clouds and there's no silver cities anywhere.. nobody seems to care. There's just so many things that are ridiculous I mean the story of Noah I mean come on now😂. No person that understands any science whatsoever or biology or just engineering could possibly believe that. That was written by somebody that didn't have a clue what they were talking about and somehow thought that you would only need one male and one female of every species and don't worry about them ever eating, or anything else that that story would have forced.. just believe the very vague story with details that would be necessary for it to be even partially believable.

  • @DonaldGullett-n2w
    @DonaldGullett-n2w 5 місяців тому

    Ultimately, Jesus Christ abolished slavery when he told his followers to love their neighbors as themselves.
    If you truly love your neighbor, or your fellow human beings, you will not enslave them. Instead, you will liberate them.

  • @dvsfdp313
    @dvsfdp313 6 місяців тому

    The problem was not slavery, it was the way people treated slaves. Are we not slaves to work in this modern age??? Low pay, long hours, no house, no car... a lot of people around the world... with no security, no proper equipment to work, etc etc

  • @JohnSmith-df5kp
    @JohnSmith-df5kp 6 місяців тому

    Intellectual integrity demands to view slavery from the eyes of someone living back then. It would have been an honor to be a slave for someone that was wealthy and respected and followed God’s law. That means you had a roof over your head and were given 3 square meals a day. But now if you were a slave for someone very oppressive and ungodly, well, the Bible does talk strongly against that!
    Most of us are are all slaves today; except the term was changed to “employee” and slave owners are “employers.”

  • @Hollis_has_questions
    @Hollis_has_questions 6 місяців тому

    There are still slaves. You seem to be talking mostly about America. And your five minutes were up a LONG time ago.

  • @thomaslanham3863
    @thomaslanham3863 6 місяців тому

    The Bible doesn't condone slavery , it merely conveyes that GOD knows that evil men will enslave one another and gives guidelines for that practice .

  • @lij-alchemistsjoy6400
    @lij-alchemistsjoy6400 6 місяців тому

    I have a somewhat serious issue with the statement that the Bible does not outright condone slavery but also does not take a stand against it? Is such a statement a statement that God seems to be in favor of slavery when He feels it serves a purpose?
    The things humans have done against humans for the millenia that we have walked on this Earth, can be laid at one set of feet and one set only: people are responsible for their own actions. I.O.W. humans made slaves out of humans - the Bible is a storytelling narrative; God is not the force that created slavery.
    In this modern age as many scream for "reparations" in places where there were never slaves, those who scream were never slaves, and those who they demand reparations from never owned slaves, there are other dark places where people are being enslaved in horrendous conditions - children in Africa, men and women in Middle Eastern countries and Africa, there is human trafficking across this planet that is a scourge and evil and this is all things people do to one another!
    It is interesting that those who scream for reparations in their own self indulgent selfishness do not work to free the children and men and women who in this modern times - supposed civilized times - are enslaved.
    I also find it very interesting that those who rail against the Bible and against God and against the supposed injury agaist themselves are those who continue their support of the genocide of the innocent in the womb, of the religious in communist countries who are enslaved, kidnapped, murdered?
    When all peoples live free, and we are once again ensconced in a Golden Age, only then will all humans live without slavery - but as in past ages, we are almost 100% guaranteed to succumb again to our own deleterious actions, unless we have a shift of heart and mind.

  • @jonathanardila6550
    @jonathanardila6550 6 місяців тому

    I believe the Slavery in the Bible is way different than on the one used by African and European culture, in fact economical slavery still present today with credit scores, and taxes which take away your freedom in many cases everything else as well, also the Bible have a set time for the slave to pay their debts which was and is 7 years if I’m not mistaken; therefore, it is way different than the slavery known in modern times.

  • @ingridhohmann3523
    @ingridhohmann3523 6 місяців тому

    Women where and are treated as slaves by countries that call.themselves ,,civilized,,

  • @servanteddie1004
    @servanteddie1004 4 місяці тому

    He destroys nothing, The irony of using freedom of speech to verbalise a pseudo intellectual, pseudo morally righteous position afforded by the liberties ascribed to the societies based and founded in Christian law and beliefs which have fought and died for those rights and freedoms to express one self even to the detriment of others

  • @bobmcfierson2163
    @bobmcfierson2163 5 місяців тому

    Dude, you need to actually do some research on the history of the Bible itself. You're making tons of claims that are completely incorrect

  • @pharaohcaesar
    @pharaohcaesar 6 місяців тому

    Slavery is a product of war as an alternative to genocide.
    On the other hand, if you use an alarm clock you are a slave but you just don't know it.

  • @jackiepowell7513
    @jackiepowell7513 5 місяців тому

    Sam Harris Hitchens ( the late) and Dawkins! Why send all these kids to nihilism, and to hell?? Not a good role?

  • @everettadams3171
    @everettadams3171 6 місяців тому

    Back in the bible times some people volunteered to become slaves to rich people, at least they would have a roof over head and be fed, plus maybe learn a trade. Some owing money would work off debt as a slave rather than get thrown in prison

  • @grendlew1487
    @grendlew1487 5 місяців тому

    I dont see y God would would have bothered to free Israel from slavery if he thought it was a good thing...just leave them there....

  • @JamesWilson-ox1kc
    @JamesWilson-ox1kc 6 місяців тому

    as per other comments, slavery being servitude.
    is not minimum or below functional wage for region much the same.

  • @hanikaram3351
    @hanikaram3351 6 місяців тому

    not the slavery as you wishes it to be but slavery with a code and a limited code of cuduct by the slave master also it was at the time when slavery was very much practiced and if you do not own slaves you get attacked , what slavery for one id different than the other one besides slavery was not encouraged forever it was for a certain period

  • @davearmock1466
    @davearmock1466 5 місяців тому

    Sam Harris has voiced things that proves he has very low morals and has no standards. Why even discuss his views?

  • @sherryharris5989
    @sherryharris5989 5 місяців тому

    No one can destroy the Bible when you see prophecy being fulfilled daily.

  • @WilliamDenholme
    @WilliamDenholme 5 місяців тому

    None be leavers are like horses you can leed them to water but you can't make them drink.

  • @richardhaddadau
    @richardhaddadau 6 місяців тому

    God commanded that slaves must be set free and used their experience in Egypt to remind the Israelites how awful it is to be a slave. The Israelites refuse to listen and rather than completely wipe them off the face of the earth, God gives them boundaries as well as a 7th year (of Jubilee) where they do things His way, which was to set the slaves completely free.
    In Jeremiah 34, God judges the Israelites and hands them over to Babylon with one big reason being that they refused to set the slaves free.
    Did God give rules as to HOW to keep slaves? Yes, not because He wanted them to keep slaves but because, being so stubborn, they were going to keep slaves anyway and rather than judge them immediately, He gave them boundaries and regulations. Also, as I said above, God demanded that the 7th year, things be done COMPLETELY His way, which was to set the slaves free. That was a non-negotiable.

    • @smalltownhomesteadAC
      @smalltownhomesteadAC 2 місяці тому +1

      Well said. God has always worked with humanity where we are at a particular point in time, while respecting the free will he gave us. Like a parent.

  • @terriannsalazar9171
    @terriannsalazar9171 6 місяців тому

    How can Joe Rogan be a Christion when he takes the LORDS NAME IN VAIN!!??

    • @Gloriagal78
      @Gloriagal78 6 місяців тому +3

      Rogan is not a Christian… yet. He seems to be drawing closer to the kingdom of God, however, and we need to be praying for him!🙏🏻

  • @beltigussin81
    @beltigussin81 6 місяців тому +1

    What is a twenty first century world view?

  • @eyeofthetiger7596
    @eyeofthetiger7596 6 місяців тому

    Woow the devil still convincing theses plp.

  • @lanazak773
    @lanazak773 6 місяців тому +1

    Why is anyone listening to Sam Harris after he admitted the way he thinks and then doubled down during his interview with Triggernometry?

    • @mishaanton5436
      @mishaanton5436 6 місяців тому

      Need to know oppositions worldview and claims or you can't refute them. That is the only but essential reason.

  • @mrscience1409
    @mrscience1409 7 місяців тому +1

    "DESTROYS" is clickbait.

  • @TheWordImmanuel
    @TheWordImmanuel 6 місяців тому +1

    Great video sir !

  • @cloude687
    @cloude687 6 місяців тому

    Jesus is coming soon ❤❤❤

  • @Ronin-699
    @Ronin-699 5 місяців тому

    Underrated channel

  • @paulacraig8252
    @paulacraig8252 6 місяців тому

    Who is Sam Harris? 🤷

  • @anthonycopeland4347
    @anthonycopeland4347 6 місяців тому

    Your explanation has made it very clear to me the importance of knowing history. Would you recommend a handful of books that focus on Christian people and actions like what you just described?
    I'm 32 years old and have never heard the name Sam Harris.

  • @_Keith_
    @_Keith_ 6 місяців тому

    Right on.

  • @majdishaladi7854
    @majdishaladi7854 7 місяців тому

    As a muslim....great explanation at the beginning. Thank u Pastor! But then u jumoed the wagon. Unthanks. The fact that the Wuran confrims the teachings of the prophets and bible is something somehow Christians cant grasp...

    • @smalltownhomesteadAC
      @smalltownhomesteadAC 2 місяці тому +1

      We don’t agree. But we are perfectly capable of grasping or understanding the belief you have. But again, we don’t agree.

  • @alexandraasbury9974
    @alexandraasbury9974 6 місяців тому

    One of the greatest videos I've ever seen!! Thank you!!! I have learned things from this that I hadn't known before and it is refreshing. I'm sharing this on FB. ❤💯

  • @Gloriagal78
    @Gloriagal78 6 місяців тому

    Really glad I found your channel! I appreciate your insightful, thought- provoking approach to issues that allow us to draw our own conclusions. You have a new subscriber!

  • @Bugsy0333
    @Bugsy0333 7 місяців тому

    If slavery were ever re-instituted and you yourself were likely to to be enslaved, would you then consider slavery wrong? If the answer is yes, then slavery is wrong. There are some moral absolutes that transcend religion.

  • @jayschumacher815
    @jayschumacher815 7 місяців тому +2

    The point isn’t whether or not Christians were leaders in the abolition movement. The point being made by Harris is whether the Bible, which is supposedly the infallible word of a loving patient and moral Father God condones slavery. Not only does it, it also gives guidance on how one is to practice slavery. Pointing to good deeds of its followers does not absolve the book. That’s like pointing to good deeds of North Koreans and coming to the conclusion that the North Korean government is just.

    • @ajsirch
      @ajsirch 7 місяців тому

      It doesn’t give guidance on how to practice slavery; it controls an ancient practice (and incidentally a modern practice). What have you or Harris done to stamp out modern slavery? Let me guess - Nothing.
      So why are you against slavery anyway?
      Slavery was the default situation arising from warfare - historically, there had to be a way for a deterrence against mindless warring. At this rate, a 1000 years from now, atheists will be bemoaning why the bible doesn’t inveigh against genocide or atomic weapons?

    • @smalltownhomesteadAC
      @smalltownhomesteadAC 2 місяці тому

      The bible doesn’t condone it, anymore than it condoned many behaviours prophets, kings etc engaged in. God works with humanity where they are.

  • @loveblooms64
    @loveblooms64 6 місяців тому +2

    We can be so right, we're wrong."
    This life's flies by so quickly."
    I guarantee.
    When we take our last breath here in this place, and we are standing before the spirit of truth" these debates won't mean anything none of these people are gonna be standing behind each other, when we are before truth."
    Choose it now, while you can.
    By the way, spirit of truth is Holy Spirit, that's where truth comes from, not man.

  • @brad8183
    @brad8183 6 місяців тому

    it's know that Moses dropped the 3rd tablet that contained "Thou shall not have slaves".

  • @batres1035
    @batres1035 7 місяців тому +33

    First of all, I appreciate you honesty in not trying to strawman and tackling the arguments honestly, however, I believe you missed Sam's main poin, that no matter what any given book claims is right, be that the bible, the quran or any other book, we *cannot* take these claims for granted, and should always be allowed to discuss and discard them (there may be no need to do so, but the option should always be there). That aside, you abolitionist argument was largely incorrect, the abolitionist movement happened not because of the bible, but in spite of it, nowhere in the bible does it say that slavery is wrong, nowhere does it even insinuate that it's wrong. Just because most (if not all) abolitionists were religious (which they were, I'm not denying this), and even claimed their motivation was and purpose was god given, this does not mean that it was, if that were the case then religion also supports national socialism, seeing as they wore "Gott mit uns". Furthermore, if belief in the Christian god did indeed intrinsically motivate people to be against slavery (I insist, it didn't, they were just good and brave people who had resources to make things happen), then why did it only happen in the 18th century? what about the almost 2000 years of common belief in Christianity? Again, the fact that these people were mostly christian means nothing, *everyone* was mostly christian at the time, there was nobody else to do it. Also, keep in mind that those in favor of slavery were just as Christian as the others, and just as ferverent in their belief.

    • @dmitryspivak4586
      @dmitryspivak4586 7 місяців тому +4

      Perfectly put. The Bible is EXPLICIT, crystal clear that you should not eat shrimp or mix fabrics... but when it came to the comparatively minor issue of slavery somehow it is at absolute best very ambivalent, and at most reasonable entirely happy with the institution. Which is a view you would expect from a bronze-age society... but not from an all-loving, all-knowing creator of the universe with deep concern about his creation.

    • @lemonardo7879
      @lemonardo7879 7 місяців тому

      An argument so good, I unironically started laughing. Bullseye

    • @myk_3D
      @myk_3D 7 місяців тому

      The truth is we can use the bible to justify anything. Not just slavery, but it has been used to start wars, conquer lands and extort innocents. All these are true, it happened because of how they interpreted the bible for their selfish needs. But Sam Harris points that because of all these atrocities, the bible and other religious books are to blame.
      If someone decides to shoot up a mall with an unregistered firearm, we do not blame Smith and Wesson. If I play the lyrics of a musical sheet wrongly, you wouldn't blame Mozart for it. That's the same for the bible, people used religion for terrible things but the bible isn't to blame for that. I noticed he grouped the Quran and the Bible together but most of his points were addressed to Quran.
      So I am not defending all books but only the bible.
      In use of slavery in the bible is nowhere close to the same thing that was practiced in America and trans Atlantic. That was chattel slavery and the bible was against it, the capital punishment was given to those who practiced it.
      I'm not trying to be euphemistic but the term indentured servitude would be a more accurate description of biblical slavery.
      However, there is something called the slave bible, you should look it up, but it was a highly edited form of the real Bible that people of the 18th century used to justify their terrible practices, the people who abolished slavery weren't just good people in spite of their religion, they had the real Bible to back them up

    • @Marc010
      @Marc010 7 місяців тому +1

      I read yours after I wrote my reply. You flesh it out even more.

    • @thegreatballplayer1
      @thegreatballplayer1 7 місяців тому +6

      I would argue that those in favor of slavery were not just as Christian as the others. In name maybe but not in heart or belief. The New Testament says quite a bit for slaves (obey your masters and what not) but if you knew the Bible intimately then you would know that it also says things about slave owners and that positions of power are not something that you should strive for, which being a slave owner is. People in the 1800s who argued for slavery are people who wanted to be in power and have others serving them, staunchly against Jesus’s teachings. Don’t forget that the Bible actually calls all of us to be slaves… to others and to God himself. To humble yourself and serve others is the greatest detachment of ego there is. To have desire others serve you is the embodiment of greed, selfishness, and pride which are not biblical virtues

  • @TheAgrivion
    @TheAgrivion 7 місяців тому

    where all the hypocrites at??? amen brothers 🥴

  • @purplethumb7887
    @purplethumb7887 6 місяців тому

    Genesis also talks about incest.

  • @Daniel-y1f9r
    @Daniel-y1f9r 7 місяців тому

    The bibles have done so much for the world?????

    • @Gloriagal78
      @Gloriagal78 6 місяців тому

      Hospitals, orphanages, charitable organizations and ministries have all sprung - for the most part - from Bible believing Christians.

  • @jameswilliamsgb
    @jameswilliamsgb 7 місяців тому +1

    I don't respect Harris after he has demonstrated his pathological view of Trump.

  • @JWCFB
    @JWCFB 7 місяців тому

    I have always wondered if the word slave in the Bible has the same meaning that we attribute it to? I am in my 60s and a follower of the teachings of the person I pray to, Jesus, my Lord and Savior but I have so many questions about the old testament that I left it behind a long time ago and I have serious questions about the guy that wrote most of the new testament because he said women should remain silent in church which is appalling to me and that’s why I decided many years ago that I do not worship a book like many Christians do. I worship a wonderful man named Jesus. I did a five-year study of Christian apologetics and I listened to both sides, which means I listened to people like Sam Harris. I came out of those five years believing more than ever that the Gospels are accurate accounts of the life of Jesus . As for the rest of the Bible I have questions just like Mr. Harris does and the biggest one is, why was the old testament attached to the new testament in a book? They are so different it makes no sense to me.

    • @mishaanton5436
      @mishaanton5436 6 місяців тому

      One God is the answer. One story as yet the ending is unfulfilled.

    • @liarasomers405
      @liarasomers405 6 місяців тому

      Trust me the bible makes perfect sense god doesn't make mistakes what u read is what u read women are not meant to preach in church god knows what he doing

    • @liarasomers405
      @liarasomers405 6 місяців тому

      The whole Bible is factual and all true where you don't agree with it then your questioning gods word

    • @JWCFB
      @JWCFB 6 місяців тому

      @@liarasomers405 Trust you? I don't think so

  • @Spartacus547
    @Spartacus547 6 місяців тому +1

    if make 15$ a hour and the dollar has lost 99.97 % of its value are not a slave ?

  • @MIM_420
    @MIM_420 5 місяців тому +1

    What if we meet God after death and he asks us what it was like in heaven ??

  • @Daniel-y1f9r
    @Daniel-y1f9r 7 місяців тому +1

    We need to wake up from our coma

  • @JesusChristEmmanuel
    @JesusChristEmmanuel 5 місяців тому

    Hail Mary,
    Full of Grace,
    The Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou among women,
    and blessed is the fruit
    of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary,
    Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners now,
    and at the hour of our death.
    Hail Mary,
    Full of Grace,
    The Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou among women,
    and blessed is the fruit
    of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary,
    Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners now,
    and at the hour of our death.
    Hail Mary,
    Full of Grace,
    The Lord is with thee.
    Blessed art thou among women,
    and blessed is the fruit
    of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary,
    Mother of God,
    pray for us sinners now,
    and at the hour of our death.

  • @anthonymaestas4863
    @anthonymaestas4863 7 місяців тому

    I was thinking of writing a commmet but decided to look through the comment section first. Considering there are good challanges to this video in the comment section and the person(s) who made this video are jot responding to comments, it may be useless.
    But as others have wrote, the bible does not condemn slavery. It also does tell slaves to obey even cruel masters. Now considering that it claims to have highest morality, it seems to have failed on this subject which also undermines the whole book as good.

    • @andrewnusz6985
      @andrewnusz6985 7 місяців тому

      or the fact is you don't know what the Bible is really trying to say. There's a ton of things the Bible never addresses that are important because it's not the point. All the comments like yours show the extent of ignorance about what the Bible is saying. Everyone loves to throw a current day worldview on something 2000 plus years old in a worldview that is completely foreign to us. It's illogical and arrogant to presuppose a worldview on something you know nothing about. Here's a little fun fact. In the New Testament, Paul addresses this issue a little. He tells Philemon, a slave, to do good and obey his master. What would happen if he said slavery was wrong and all slaves should be freed? They'd be dead by morning or recaptured or starved. They were property and no amount of talk changes this. It was the roman empire. Paul would have caused death to the slaves. So stop trying to throw a modern view on something that is extremely complex.

  • @jimmunro2136
    @jimmunro2136 7 місяців тому

    Where in the bible does it "speak to them" about the abollision of slavery? And where in the bible does it say you must admonish people because they are different but ignore the fact that your country has the highest rate of maternal and infant mortality in the developed world?

    • @ajsirch
      @ajsirch 7 місяців тому

      I don’t think you know how maternal and infant mortality is computed in the US and elsewhere. Nor do you understand the different healthcare systems

    • @jimmunro2136
      @jimmunro2136 7 місяців тому

      ​@@ajsirchYes I do know how it is computed and I am aware of the differences in health systems and yours does not provide affordable health care for all. And, just an FYI, the maternal and infant mortality rate in your country is much higher in the bible belt/ the red states. Please don't even attempt to compare Australian health care system to yours.

    • @ajsirch
      @ajsirch 7 місяців тому

      @@jimmunro2136 The Australian health care system (and most other developed country UHC systems) is a parasitic health care system i.e. they're wholly subsidized by the American Health Care system. If the American Health Care system decides to cut off the subsidies, you'll be reduced to rubbing red dirt and salt in your wounds and drinking beer for cancer cures. UHC systems are a pathetic excuse for freeloading on the largesse of Americans. That's a fine example of secular morality to boot.
      I asked you whether you know how the maternal and infant mortality metrics are computed. Turns out - you don't.

  • @scottblack4016
    @scottblack4016 7 місяців тому

    Yes, yes he does!

  • @jimmunro2136
    @jimmunro2136 7 місяців тому

    Slavery ended due to secular thinking, not from anything that came out of the bible.

    • @ajsirch
      @ajsirch 7 місяців тому +1

      And what evidence do you have for this claim? Or do one better - what is your secular reason for abolishing slavery today?

    • @jimmunro2136
      @jimmunro2136 7 місяців тому

      ​@ajsirch What a stupid question. Slavery is not only endorsed in the bible and it even teaches you how to treat your slaves. If it was Christian/biblical reasoning that would not have happened. An example, in 2017 we (the civilised country) voted in favour of Same Sex Marriage. The result was an overwhelming 62% in favour. Now, although religion is declining in our country, only 35% are non religious and simple math would tell you that a large number of christians must have voted yes....secular thinking. Pretty simple.

    • @ajsirch
      @ajsirch 7 місяців тому +1

      @@jimmunro2136 What does your response have to do with the question - Show evidence that secular thinking ended slavery?
      Or are you just blowing smoke in whatever direction hoping that people won't notice.

    • @jimmunro2136
      @jimmunro2136 7 місяців тому

      @@ajsirch You are a little slow aren't you. Show me where, in the old or new testament, that the bible condems slavery...still waiting. Now the vast majority of anti slavery people back in the day were Christians. But wasn't everyone a Christian back then🤔. Now to go against biblical teaching is almost the very definition of secular thinking. AND these "Christians" did. Was that slow enough for you?

    • @ajsirch
      @ajsirch 7 місяців тому

      @@jimmunro2136 You mean like Exodus - isn’t the whole story of Exodus freeing a people group from slavery. That’s the central plot of the OT. Do you know what the central plot of the NT is? Freeing people from slavery to sin. I know that for secular people, unless specific instructions are spelled out in no uncertain terms, their “thinking” is unlikely to work.
      Secular thinking (oxymoron) people - cmon man, don’t go full Biden.
      You can’t go against biblical teaching when they used the bible as the basis for abolishing slavery - that was the basis of the Clapham sect and Wilberforce. So what were the atheists through time doing - hiding? I notice the wording you used - “Now to go against biblical teaching is almost the very definition of secular thinking”. Almost? You’re almost the perfect definition of a fraud.

  • @dp5141
    @dp5141 7 місяців тому +4

    Did atheism ever step up to end slavery?

    • @norbertjendruschj9121
      @norbertjendruschj9121 7 місяців тому

      This is just a demagogic statement. You find supporters and opponents of slavery on both side of the aisle. And thankfully less today than 2000 years ago.

    • @paulwhelan8567
      @paulwhelan8567 7 місяців тому +4

      God could have not allowed it from the beginning.

    • @norbertjendruschj9121
      @norbertjendruschj9121 7 місяців тому +2

      Though why should he? As he sees all men as his slaves.

    • @dmitryspivak4586
      @dmitryspivak4586 7 місяців тому +1

      It chose not to set it up to begin with.

    • @dp5141
      @dp5141 7 місяців тому +1

      @@paulwhelan8567 Not if he allows free will. Plus, my question wasn’t answered.

  • @jimmunro2136
    @jimmunro2136 7 місяців тому

    But the exodus didn't happen!

  • @loopz_attack1658
    @loopz_attack1658 7 місяців тому +1

    Amazing how Sam Harris basically said: "The Quran permits slavery, therefore the Bible is bad." Does he not see how unbelievably uncharitable that line of reasoning is?

    • @jaishkhan7442
      @jaishkhan7442 7 місяців тому

      Atheists think "Permitting Slavery" = "Encouraging Slavery" lmao

    • @dmitryspivak4586
      @dmitryspivak4586 7 місяців тому +6

      The Bible also permits slavery. Sam Harris has made that point repeatedly, when he wasn't edited.

    • @skybirdrainsong1032
      @skybirdrainsong1032 6 місяців тому

      @@dmitryspivak4586The Bible does not permit slavery. I read a great explanation further up in these comments. Look at @viccigates3756 comment for a beautifully worded answer that I am going to borrow for a future street-preaching opportunity in case this argument comes up.