You have the BEST video for this task on the Internet, especially your solution for the "Timing Problem" by using cut and paste!!! I have struggled for more than two days to program my HC-06 and your video made my day!! Without it, I don't think I would notice and solve this problem on my own. Thank you!
argh! even typing AT I am not fast enough but if I cut/paste, I get OK... this has been driving me mad all day... coms on the default setting worked but I had no AT session - don't like default settings so I had to change... I can now - cheers dude
I am not able to write type anything on the terra term screen. Not even a single letter. Right clicking does not respond for pasting anything. I want to configure HC-06 based DSD TECH B30 RS 232 to BT serial converter. I am using CH340 USB to serial cable to connect with laptop windows 11
HC-06 shows up on my iPhone. When I click on it, PAIRING UNSUCCESSFUL "HC-06" is not supported. What does that mean? SO, HC-06 is just a "SLAVE" I purchased it thinking it was the Transceiver.
Hello, I have an HC05 which i am using instead of the HC06. So I wired up the HC05 the same as in the video except I do not need the voltage divider as my usb->serial has a 5v-3.3v jumper. I am using TeraTerm and I power on, then connect the enable to 3.3v to place in AT mode. I have the slow blink which I believe confirms AT mode. I am connected via com5 and when I issue the AT command by just pasting into the teraterm but I do not receive a response. It seems straight forward enough but maybe the HC05 is still not in slave mode. Do you see anything obvious that I am missing ? Thanks
There are many different HC-05 modules out there so always check with your user manual. Basically power the HC-05 with 5 volts with 3.3 volt levels for Tx and Rx and enable pin on power up. Copy and paste AT (all caps) at 38400 baud. Check out this video:
Hello sir... i have a bluetooth headphone that doesn't connect with my Android TV box but connects with Android phone and works well. Also when i connects to an iPhone, the internet connection on iPhone gets disturbed... like every minute... 😑 what can i do?
Hi there, I have connected the HC-06 with FTDI-adapter to my computer and tried the arduino serial monitor. I do not get any responce when entering any AT command. Weird thing is that if I connect my phone to the module and enter text in the "Bluetooth terminal" app then it shows up on my computer screen in the serial monitor. So I assume the wiring is correct. I do not know why the module is not in AT mode?
so the HC-06 is powered and my computer says it is "paired"... however when I try to use a serial terminal to communicate with it I don't receive any data back. The terminal is configured at the right settings, not sure what the problem is otherwise. Thanks for the video!
Standard RS-232. Signal levels are -13v and +13v. I assume the USB cable you are using is using std TTL logic of 0 and +5v and NOT RS-232 signals Please confirm.
The USB cable is a TTL RS232 cable that uses 0 and 5 volt logic levels. RS232 is a recommended standard originated in 1960 that has changed many times from RS-232, TIA-232, and EIA-232 with voltage levels from +/- 5 volts to +/- 25 volts. TTL RS232 is quite common today with the popular FTDI modules which you can use instead of the cable.
there is no such thing as "TTL RS232." this module uses 3.3V TTL natively (the common breakout boards accept 5V since apparently platforms like Arduino are never going to migrate away from legacy 5V signaling...), which is a different voltage and polarity and therefore completely incompatible with RS232, although look at the Garmin 18x's interface for an interesting hybrid that's sort of compatible with both.
Hi, I need to put a transmitter on the collar of my dog, so when he barks it would trigger a device in the house. I also need to keep track of the barks on an app on my phone that I will later make. What technology do you recommend? How? Thank you so much.
Bluetooth has limited range (~ 40 feet ) so a LORA radio link would be a better choice. You could also use IFTTT to send you notifications on your smart phone. Check out this video and other videos on LORA.
amazing! i tried to conect a ttl-usb adapter PL0323 to my bluetooth headset with RDA 28 pins eeprom chip. the bluetooth headset have only gnd tx and rx. i tried to connect with OVC3868 software however the doenst seems connected . do i need to connect a 3.3v battery to the ttl-usb adapter ?do i need to disconnect the internat battery of the bluetooth headset? please help!!
All Bluetooth modules are transceivers. A slave cannot pair to another slave. A master like the HC-05 can pair to a slave (HC-06).
What happens if the phone or PC isn't picking up the Bluetooth signal,, yes it's powered up and green light just flashing fast, but it won't show up when scanning for Bluetooth. How can we fix this
Hello! I want to use my HC-06 for project but I am not sure if my phone could really connect to the module. I checked everything in my project a few times and ı m almost sure that there is nothing wrong with my circuit or coding but when ı choose hc-06 in my bluetooth list. It says it is connected and hc-6'led stops blinking in every second and starts blikning every three seconds. In videos on youtube, ı see when any device connects the module it stops blinking and led just lights. Is there a problem with my module or mine is just a new version?
Try using a different app on your phone to connect to the HC-06. There are lots of free apps available. If that does not work, have a friend use his phone and try to pair with the HC-06. When you connect, the LED will stop blinking and stay on solid.
0033mer I tried different apps. i made my own app on appinventor. i used at least four different phones. it pairs with the phone but it doesnt send any data to arduino. i copied and pasted different codes doing the same thing from different projects. changed the wire connections according to the projects but nothing has changed yet.
Sounds like a Uart problem. Does your HC-06 baud rate match your project speed? Check to see that your TX and RX ports are not swapped. If you have a scope you can monitor the RX line for data. If your wiring seems to be correct you might have a bad HC-06 module.
The title of this video is a bit misleading. You are not really programming the module. The "program" or firmware remains the same. You are just communicating with it in AT Command mode to change the parameters.
there's another gotcha with the AT commands that's not really documented: they DON'T end in any kind of line terminator. if you send, for example, "AT+VERSION " with the newline within the timeout window it will not accept it. standard terminal programs are tricky to use, but something like cutecom that lets you send full lines (as opposed to character-by-character for modem/shell-oriented terminal emulators) without a terminator works easily without resorting to awkward copy pasta dances. of course it also doesn't send line terminators after the responses, so the only way to script this would be to use some ugly timeout logic.
0033mer that is exactly what I’m working on. This HM-11 module doesn’t work the same anymore or at lease since he did the project. I have been on this for 3 weeks now with no luck. Seems like the ROLE command screws the whole thing up. I thought I was on to something with AT+CO00xfffe MAC address Some of his commands are not used anymore. Any nudge in the right direction would be great.
Keep looking online for a Bluetooth module capable of MAC addressing programming.
0033mer thanks ordering one today! Bluetooth 4.0 HM-10 BLE Module Logic Level Conversion/Anti for Arduino
Using the BLE Scanner i get this. There is only one that has a Notify "N" and its this.. CUSTOM CHARACTERISTIC UUID:0000FFF4-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB Properties: NOTIFY Value:[x] Hex: 8x19F00400B901 !!!!!THIS NUMBER CHANGES WITH MULTIMETER VALUES !!!!! Client Characteristic Configuration UUID:0x2902 Notifications enabled Characteristic User Description UUID:0x2901 I have tried to set the module to AT+UUID0xFFF4 Thinking this would solve all my problems,I get the same trash readings. Do i have to set the UUID to a different setting???? I said earlier that the BLE Scanner is seeing the data by the changes in the hex.
Hello sir! I'm using USB to serial cable , the voltage on the TX pin indicate -5 v but when i connect the cable to the BT module it drops to -0.7 v! ( i'm using voltage divider as you shown)
1. Check that you have a good BT module and that it is operational: 2 Make sure you have a USB to TTL level serial cable. There should be no negative voltage on the TX pin. If you have a negative voltage on the TX pin that is the wrong cable. Use a FTDI USB to serial module. 3. Verify all circuit wiring and ensure the TX and RX connections are not reversed.
I used CP2102 but the module is not responding to AT cmds, when i connect the RX and TX pins it work fine, so is there any hardware reset or any other solutions! Thnx
This is a good tutorial. however I would not suggest the voltage divider circuit. Because even though the voltage is divided, it also reduces the current., and to get a good range with a bluetooth module it is better to have as much current as possible. As the current increases, the range increases. You can get 3.3V regulator ICs instead.
The voltage divider is for the Tx data line only, not the power supply. The module is powered externally by 5 volts and an internal onboard 3.3 volt regulator powers the module delivering the proper voltage/current as required.
If the HC-06 is powered down it cannot receive a signal to turn it on .If you are concerned about power consumption check out Reyax's low power Bluetooth modules. RYB080I.
whenever I send a command to the HC06, I just get the same command back. E.G. I send AT, the module replies with AT. If i send AT+VERSION, the module replies with AT+VERSION. How can i fix this?
Important notice: you have to set transmit delay int Tera Term Serial Port setup. And delay should be 1... 10. I found it in this video :) If you use default delay == 0, HC-06 module doesn't work. It reply to AT but not reply to AT+VERSION. And there is difference between AT+VERSION and AT+VERSION? :) No question mark is required *ROFL*
I am having an issue with my bluetooth HC-06 module (It's the one with ZS-040 board) . I have followed the instruction as stated in the video. But I am not able to get it in to AT mode at all. I have double checked all my Tx, Rx Vcc and GND connections but with no luck. The LED keeps blinking at a fast pace with and without the voltage divider circuit( Like even when I connect it directly to the FTDI cable) . I am able to communicate with the module using my phone using blutooth terminal software in the pairing mode. But whatever I do, I am not able to get it in to AT mode. I also tried shorting the Vcc to Pin 34 and the LED blink rate reduces to once in 2 sec, But It never gets in to AT mode. I also tried all baud rates , but with no results in any. Any help from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks.
I do have a FTDI USB to TTL serial converter module, and have used it as I followed your video tutorial to the letter, but I recieve no response when I type " AT" nothing returns... the Bluetooth sends and receives data just fine... I have been able to pair it with my PC. I also made sure it was not paired before I attempted to send the "AT" or any other command. Any suggestions???
Check your wiring .. make sure Tx and Rx are not swapped. Make sure your terminal program is working properly. Check out this video: Use capital letters when sending AT with module not paired. (LED blinking) No return is required. Default baud rate is 9600, but try other baud rates until you get a response. Try another HC-06 module.
@@0033mer Thanks for your prompt reply - much appreciated. Is the voltage divider still required when connecting TX to TX and RX to RX? I'm using a USB-TTL programmer (
Do you have any idea how to unpair one of these? I paired my module with my PC to test with but it appears that the module is not discoverable to any other Bluetooth masters from then on. I tried unpairing from my PC.
Hey there. The problem appears to be that I was trying to pair with an iPhone or an iPad. An Android, iMac and MacBook all work with the same device just fine. Very odd.
Hi, Thanks for the video, I am trying to change the baud rate using FTDI adapter but i cannot see any command in the dialogue box when i click on send. Any help is appreciated thanks
HC-06 is powered with 5 volts Tx ans Rx lines connected properly Led is blinking (not paired) Use uppercase commands .. Try AT first, watch for OK Use the default 9600 baud to send commands Try different baud rates as 9600 may not be default.
HelloI have two questions:1.when you use a USB to serial cable,do you cut the db9 connector and connect the wires coming from the USB ?2.If the answer for the above is yes, how do you determine which is tx or rs ?ThanksSam
1: I did not cut the db9 connector off a USB to serial cable. The cable I am using is meant for breadboard interfacing. The green wire is Rx and the white wire is Tx. You can buy them here: 2: Instead of an USB to serial cable you can use a FTDI module.
any idea how to do this without a usb cable? I am trying to follow some tutorials using SoftwareSerial and uno, but when I type in AT nothing returns... the bluetooth sends and recives data just fine...
There is a link in the description box of the USB to serial (TTL) cable that I am using. You can also use a FTDI USB to TTL serial converter module which is basically the same as the cable: Make sure your TX and RX lines are not reversed, commands in UPPER case and use copy/paste, BT module is not paired to anything and use default baud rate.
ty for the quick reply, but I dont have the cable, and I don't NEED to change the settings, but it would be nice if I could(so not gonna buy a usb converter. ). I do have an arduino uno sitting around. I had an idea of using it, to forward the commands from my pc to hc06. any suggestions/pointers?
OK ... You want to use the USB to serial converter onboard the Arduino UNO. To do this you need an UNO with the ATmega328p microcontroller in a DIP socket. (Not SMD version) Remove the microcontroller from the socket. Connect pin labelled RX on UNO to voltage divider then to the RX pin on the HC-06 Connect pin labelled TX on UNO to TX pin on HC-06. Connect grounds from UNO and HC-06 together. Connect UNO to computer using USB cable and run serial terminal software to program HC-06 with AT commands.
Got a problem with HC-06 module. My module responds to my AT commands through the arduino, but wont show up on any device. So far i have tried 3 phones, laptop and a BT module to my PC. Anybody got any ideas?
Yes you can if you have a gateway device to gain access. You could use your smartphone as a gateway.
Here is a question for anyone... If I was to send ASCII character via my com port to this Bluetooth module, would the device paired to it display the characters sent from my terminal program? I have an idea to control an Apple TV box with a third party controller and figure this should work...
The FTDI board should also work. It is basically the same as my USB to serial cable. Verify the FTDI board, check for correct driver, connect TX to RX and check for echoed characters. Verify HC-06 operation. Pair to it, connect TX to RX and check for echoed characters. Check out this video:
i have connected everything correctly and also have installed the driver correctly there is a pin on my FTDI board labeled as DTR whats that? i would be grateful if you reply me in my email
If you changed the default baud rate from 9600 to another value and later forgot what that value was, then you have to try them all using a serial terminal program. Go through all the speeds typing AT on each baud setting until you get a response. There is a configuration tool that is available that will do that automatically:
You have the BEST video for this task on the Internet, especially your solution for the "Timing Problem" by using cut and paste!!! I have struggled for more than two days to program my HC-06 and your video made my day!! Without it, I don't think I would notice and solve this problem on my own. Thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you for the effort and time you put into this video!
argh! even typing AT I am not fast enough but if I cut/paste, I get OK... this has been driving me mad all day... coms on the default setting worked but I had no AT session - don't like default settings so I had to change... I can now - cheers dude
Excellent video. It worked for me. I used a CP2102 USB to Serial 3.3V converter and it worked nicely.
Glad that it worked out for you.
By using a 3.3v converter you do not need the voltage divider .... Have to get a CP2102 for myself.
I am not able to write type anything on the terra term screen. Not even a single letter. Right clicking does not respond for pasting anything. I want to configure HC-06 based DSD TECH B30 RS 232 to BT serial converter. I am using CH340 USB to serial cable to connect with laptop windows 11
Another very useful video - Thank You!
great video dude! short, sweet, simple. I subscribed specifically because you didn't ask me to. Real
Thanks for the sub!
HC-06 shows up on my iPhone. When I click on it, PAIRING UNSUCCESSFUL "HC-06" is not supported. What does that mean? SO, HC-06 is just a "SLAVE" I purchased it thinking it was the Transceiver.
Glad it helped!
Thank you for the video and good explanation.
Glad it was helpful!
how i use the IO's Pinouts?
Is there a way to remove the pass word and program it to auto connect to another device just by it finding another Bluetooth connection?
You can do that with HC-05 modules.
Hello, I have an HC05 which i am using instead of the HC06. So I wired up the HC05 the same as in the video except I do not need the voltage divider as my usb->serial has a 5v-3.3v jumper. I am using TeraTerm and I power on, then connect the enable to 3.3v to place in AT mode. I have the slow blink which I believe confirms AT mode. I am connected via com5 and when I issue the AT command by just pasting into the teraterm but I do not receive a response. It seems straight forward enough but maybe the HC05 is still not in slave mode. Do you see anything obvious that I am missing ? Thanks
There are many different HC-05 modules out there so always check with your user manual.
Basically power the HC-05 with 5 volts with 3.3 volt levels for Tx and Rx and enable pin on power up. Copy and paste AT (all caps) at 38400 baud. Check out this video:
Nvr Mind, default baud was 38400 plus had to play with line ends some.
Hello sir... i have a bluetooth headphone that doesn't connect with my Android TV box but connects with Android phone and works well.
Also when i connects to an iPhone, the internet connection on iPhone gets disturbed... like every minute... 😑
what can i do?
Hi there, I have connected the HC-06 with FTDI-adapter to my computer and tried the arduino serial monitor. I do not get any responce when entering any AT command. Weird thing is that if I connect my phone to the module and enter text in the "Bluetooth terminal" app then it shows up on my computer screen in the serial monitor. So I assume the wiring is correct. I do not know why the module is not in AT mode?
Thanks! Works great without the voltage divider !
For the time being.
@@noweare1well the Bluetooth module has a 3.3 voltage regulator.
so the HC-06 is powered and my computer says it is "paired"... however when I try to use a serial terminal to communicate with it I don't receive any data back. The terminal is configured at the right settings, not sure what the problem is otherwise. Thanks for the video!
Check out this video:
Thank you for your help 👍
Can we modidy the program such that.. we can remove the pin ..and one can connect to it without any permission?
The first time you pair to the HC-06 you enter the PIN number. After that you do not need the PIN when pairing with the same smartphone.
Standard RS-232. Signal levels are -13v and +13v. I assume the USB cable you are using is using std TTL logic of 0 and +5v and NOT RS-232 signals
Please confirm.
The USB cable is a TTL RS232 cable that uses 0 and 5 volt logic levels.
RS232 is a recommended standard originated in 1960 that has changed many times from RS-232, TIA-232, and EIA-232 with voltage levels from +/- 5 volts to +/- 25 volts. TTL RS232 is quite common today with the popular FTDI modules which you can use instead of the cable.
there is no such thing as "TTL RS232." this module uses 3.3V TTL natively (the common breakout boards accept 5V since apparently platforms like Arduino are never going to migrate away from legacy 5V signaling...), which is a different voltage and polarity and therefore completely incompatible with RS232, although look at the Garmin 18x's interface for an interesting hybrid that's sort of compatible with both.
Please help. My hc06 module doesnt appear on my android phone...
Hi, I need to put a transmitter on the collar of my dog, so when he barks it would trigger a device in the house. I also need to keep track of the barks on an app on my phone that I will later make. What technology do you recommend? How? Thank you so much.
Bluetooth has limited range (~ 40 feet ) so a LORA radio link would be a better choice. You could also use IFTTT to send you notifications on your smart phone. Check out this video and other videos on LORA.
amazing! i tried to conect a ttl-usb adapter PL0323 to my bluetooth headset with RDA 28 pins eeprom chip.
the bluetooth headset have only gnd tx and rx. i tried to connect with OVC3868 software however the doenst seems connected . do i need to connect a 3.3v battery to the ttl-usb adapter ?do i need to disconnect the internat battery of the bluetooth headset? please help!!
Any way to record a custom sound and program it onto a bluetooth control board so that custom built speakers have custom startup voice prompts?
The HC-06 does not support audio only SPP (Serial Port Profile )
Can you also change the firmware using the usb to serial?
Can you pair two HC-06 Slave bluetooth modules?
No .. they are "slave" only devices. You can pair two HC-05 modules.
Isnt Hc 06 supposed to be a transceiver rather than the slave?
All Bluetooth modules are transceivers. A slave cannot pair to another slave. A master like the HC-05 can pair to a slave (HC-06).
I can't introduce any command on the Tra Term software. Is it the cause of not use the resistors?
Check out this video:
I think so he said you need them
Sure would like to have a text file of those AT commands. Thanks for the lesson.
You're Welcome. Here is a link:
What happens if the phone or PC isn't picking up the Bluetooth signal,, yes it's powered up and green light just flashing fast, but it won't show up when scanning for Bluetooth. How can we fix this
Hello! I want to use my HC-06 for project but I am not sure if my phone could really connect to the module. I checked everything in my project a few times and ı m almost sure that there is nothing wrong with my circuit or coding but when ı choose hc-06 in my bluetooth list. It says it is connected and hc-6'led stops blinking in every second and starts blikning every three seconds. In videos on youtube, ı see when any device connects the module it stops blinking and led just lights.
Is there a problem with my module or mine is just a new version?
Try using a different app on your phone to connect to the HC-06. There are lots of free apps available.
If that does not work, have a friend use his phone and try to pair with the HC-06.
When you connect, the LED will stop blinking and stay on solid.
0033mer I tried different apps. i made my own app on appinventor. i used at least four different phones. it pairs with the phone but it doesnt send any data to arduino. i copied and pasted different codes doing the same thing from different projects. changed the wire connections according to the projects but nothing has changed yet.
Sounds like a Uart problem. Does your HC-06 baud rate match your project speed?
Check to see that your TX and RX ports are not swapped.
If you have a scope you can monitor the RX line for data.
If your wiring seems to be correct you might have a bad HC-06 module.
Bro pls help me will it receive audio or not pls tell
The HC-06 does not support audio.
@@0033mer tq bro
@@0033mer does hc-05 support audio
The HC-06 does not support audio. You need a bluetooth module with MP3 decoding like the Keensoyax3bezc65. Check online for other similar modules.
@@0033mer bro pls help can we download Android and windows on raspberry Pi 4 pls tell
The title of this video is a bit misleading. You are not really programming the module. The "program" or firmware remains the same. You are just communicating with it in AT Command mode to change the parameters.
Phillip Toone welcome to UA-cam, FUCK OFF and cry about titles elsewhere FUCKEN BITCH
A bit triggered?
I thought same! I came searching for coding for BT Module, not a "Get started with" =/
Read the description box!
It is misleading because some people are actually looking for the way to actually reprogram these modules
there's another gotcha with the AT commands that's not really documented: they DON'T end in any kind of line terminator. if you send, for example, "AT+VERSION
" with the newline within the timeout window it will not accept it. standard terminal programs are tricky to use, but something like cutecom that lets you send full lines (as opposed to character-by-character for modem/shell-oriented terminal emulators) without a terminator works easily without resorting to awkward copy pasta dances. of course it also doesn't send line terminators after the responses, so the only way to script this would be to use some ugly timeout logic.
Can you make it connect automatically to an MAC address? I have a Bluetooth multimeter from OWON
Not with the HC-06 bluetooth module. You can make it work with the HM-11 v4.0 BLE.
0033mer that is exactly what I’m working on. This HM-11 module doesn’t work the same anymore or at lease since he did the project. I have been on this for 3 weeks now with no luck. Seems like the ROLE command screws the whole thing up. I thought I was on to something with AT+CO00xfffe MAC address
Some of his commands are not used anymore. Any nudge in the right direction would be great.
Keep looking online for a Bluetooth module capable of MAC addressing programming.
0033mer thanks ordering one today!
Bluetooth 4.0 HM-10 BLE Module Logic Level Conversion/Anti for Arduino
Using the BLE Scanner i get this.
There is only one that has a Notify "N" and its this..
Properties: NOTIFY
Client Characteristic Configuration
Notifications enabled
Characteristic User Description
I have tried to set the module to AT+UUID0xFFF4 Thinking this would solve all my problems,I get the same trash readings. Do i have to set the UUID to a different setting???? I said earlier that the BLE Scanner is seeing the data by the changes in the hex.
Hello sir! I'm using USB to serial cable , the voltage on the TX pin indicate -5 v but when i connect the cable to the BT module it drops to -0.7 v! ( i'm using voltage divider as you shown)
1. Check that you have a good BT module and that it is operational:
2 Make sure you have a USB to TTL level serial cable. There should be no negative voltage on the TX pin.
If you have a negative voltage on the TX pin that is the wrong cable. Use a FTDI USB to serial module.
3. Verify all circuit wiring and ensure the TX and RX connections are not reversed.
I used CP2102 but the module is not responding to AT cmds, when i connect the RX and TX pins it work fine, so is there any hardware reset or any other solutions! Thnx
This is a good tutorial. however I would not suggest the voltage divider circuit. Because even though the voltage is divided, it also reduces the current., and to get a good range with a bluetooth module it is better to have as much current as possible. As the current increases, the range increases. You can get 3.3V regulator ICs instead.
The voltage divider is for the Tx data line only, not the power supply. The module is powered externally by 5 volts and an internal onboard 3.3 volt regulator powers the module delivering the proper voltage/current as required.
why is the divider needed, what will happen if it is not present?
Thanks for the review 0033mer. Is there a way to control the power for this device? I would like to be able to turn it on and off from my transmitter.
If the HC-06 is powered down it cannot receive a signal to turn it on .If you are concerned about power consumption check out Reyax's low power Bluetooth modules. RYB080I.
whenever I send a command to the HC06, I just get the same command back. E.G. I send AT, the module replies with AT. If i send AT+VERSION, the module replies with AT+VERSION. How can i fix this?
Check the configuration of your serial terminal program. Sounds like your local echo is turned on.
Important notice: you have to set transmit delay int Tera Term Serial Port setup. And delay should be 1... 10. I found it in this video :) If you use default delay == 0, HC-06 module doesn't work. It reply to AT but not reply to AT+VERSION. And there is difference between AT+VERSION and AT+VERSION? :) No question mark is required *ROFL*
I am having an issue with my bluetooth HC-06 module (It's the one with ZS-040 board) . I have followed the instruction as stated in the video. But I am not able to get it in to AT mode at all. I have double checked all my Tx, Rx Vcc and GND connections but with no luck. The LED keeps blinking at a fast pace with and without the voltage divider circuit( Like even when I connect it directly to the FTDI cable) . I am able to communicate with the module using my phone using blutooth terminal software in the pairing mode. But whatever I do, I am not able to get it in to AT mode. I also tried shorting the Vcc to Pin 34 and the LED blink rate reduces to once in 2 sec, But It never gets in to AT mode. I also tried all baud rates , but with no results in any. Any help from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks.
It will not react if you will print commands manually. It has very short command window. Copy paste or use Arduino SDK's Port Monitor
please make a video for sterio Bluetooth headset with mic.
I do have a FTDI USB to TTL serial converter module, and have used it as I followed your video tutorial to the letter, but I recieve no response when I type " AT" nothing returns...
the Bluetooth sends and receives data just fine... I have been able to pair it with my PC. I also made sure it was not paired before I attempted to send the "AT" or any other command. Any suggestions???
Check your wiring .. make sure Tx and Rx are not swapped.
Make sure your terminal program is working properly. Check out this video:
Use capital letters when sending AT with module not paired. (LED blinking) No return is required.
Default baud rate is 9600, but try other baud rates until you get a response.
Try another HC-06 module.
Thank you, for your response!
@@0033mer By "not reversed", do you mean RX to RX and TX to TX pins, instead of RX to TX and vice versa? Thanks.
@@EdwardThian Yes .. that is what I meant.
@@0033mer Thanks for your prompt reply - much appreciated. Is the voltage divider still required when connecting TX to TX and RX to RX? I'm using a USB-TTL programmer (
Do you have any idea how to unpair one of these? I paired my module with my PC to test with but it appears that the module is not discoverable to any other Bluetooth masters from then on. I tried unpairing from my PC.
Unpair the module from your PC.
Select Bluetooth icon -> show bluetooth devices ->right click module name-> select remove.
Hey there. The problem appears to be that I was trying to pair with an iPhone or an iPad. An Android, iMac and MacBook all work with the same device just fine. Very odd.
Hi, Thanks for the video, I am trying to change the baud rate using FTDI adapter but i cannot see any command in the dialogue box when i click on send. Any help is appreciated thanks
HC-06 is powered with 5 volts
Tx ans Rx lines connected properly
Led is blinking (not paired)
Use uppercase commands .. Try AT first, watch for OK
Use the default 9600 baud to send commands
Try different baud rates as 9600 may not be default.
@@0033mer Thanks for replying, I had try all the above nothing shows in the dialogue
Check your programming setup with a known good HC-06 module. If it checks out good, your original HC-06 could be bad.
HelloI have two questions:1.when you use a USB to serial cable,do you cut the db9 connector and connect the wires coming from the USB ?2.If the answer for the above is yes, how do you determine which is tx or rs ?ThanksSam
1: I did not cut the db9 connector off a USB to serial cable.
The cable I am using is meant for breadboard interfacing. The green wire is Rx and the white wire is Tx.
You can buy them here:
2: Instead of an USB to serial cable you can use a FTDI module.
any idea how to do this without a usb cable? I am trying to follow some tutorials using SoftwareSerial and uno, but when I type in AT nothing returns...
the bluetooth sends and recives data just fine...
There is a link in the description box of the USB to serial (TTL) cable that I am using.
You can also use a FTDI USB to TTL serial converter module which is basically the same as the cable:
Make sure your TX and RX lines are not reversed, commands in UPPER case and use copy/paste, BT module is not paired to anything and use default baud rate.
ty for the quick reply, but I dont have the cable, and I don't NEED to change the settings, but it would be nice if I could(so not gonna buy a usb converter. ). I do have an arduino uno sitting around.
I had an idea of using it, to forward the commands from my pc to hc06.
any suggestions/pointers?
OK ... You want to use the USB to serial converter onboard the Arduino UNO.
To do this you need an UNO with the ATmega328p microcontroller in a DIP socket. (Not SMD version)
Remove the microcontroller from the socket.
Connect pin labelled RX on UNO to voltage divider then to the RX pin on the HC-06
Connect pin labelled TX on UNO to TX pin on HC-06.
Connect grounds from UNO and HC-06 together.
Connect UNO to computer using USB cable and run serial terminal software to program HC-06 with AT commands.
Do you have windows ui to program that bluetooth module?
He used putty. I use serial monitor in Arduino IDE. Works better: no copy/paste needed.
How do I get bluetooth on my PC Desktop.
If it isn't already inbuilt, you have to buy a Bluetooth dongle.
THX for note for 1sec window
Got a problem with HC-06 module. My module responds to my AT commands through the arduino, but wont show up on any device. So far i have tried 3 phones, laptop and a BT module to my PC. Anybody got any ideas?
Sounds like the radio section of the module is bad. Use a different HC-06 module in the same circuit setup to verify the problem is a faulty radio.
Thanks for the tip, will look into it
Sir , can I upload data on cloud using Bluetooth module?
Yes you can if you have a gateway device to gain access. You could use your smartphone as a gateway.
Here is a question for anyone...
If I was to send ASCII character via my com port to this Bluetooth module, would the device paired to it display the characters sent from my terminal program?
I have an idea to control an Apple TV box with a third party controller and figure this should work...
Check out these videos:
Please, how I can program the HC-05 Bluetooth module ??
Check out this video:
i am using fdti232 board
i cant do that
what should i do ?
The FTDI board should also work.
It is basically the same as my USB to serial cable.
Verify the FTDI board, check for correct driver, connect TX to RX and check for echoed characters.
Verify HC-06 operation. Pair to it, connect TX to RX and check for echoed characters.
Check out this video:
i have connected everything correctly and also have installed the driver correctly
there is a pin on my FTDI board labeled as DTR
whats that?
i would be grateful if you reply me in my email
and also i have echoed characters
the Bluetooth module is working perfectly fine
Thank you
Nice, thanks
thanks !!!!
hc06 need a to instal library on arduino
No! Just connect it to the serial TX and RX pins.
hc06 如何回復出廠值出廠的鮑率,已經無法輸入AT了
If you changed the default baud rate from 9600 to another value and later forgot what that value was, then you have to try them all using a serial terminal program. Go through all the speeds typing AT on each baud setting until you get a response. There is a configuration tool that is available that will do that automatically:
What you showed in the video is called a configuration.
Read the description box.
i though that the video will be how to program the micro controller but it was just how to programming by AT comands
Yes .. that is correct. Check out the description box.
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