Making By-Pass In The Sewerage System During Reparation (Fab-Cob Pipe Plug Pipe Test Plug)

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
  • Making bypass in the clean water line during reparation let us to provide continuous clean water flow to system.
    We need two pipeplugs one is by-pass plug, a connecting pipe and compressor for the process.
    Plugs are placed to pipe from two adjacent manholes and must be fixed to wall of manhole to provide safety working.
    Then plugs are inflated till working pressure. Once plugs are inflated, clean water flow is provided by the bypass plug and connecting pipe to the adjacent manhole.
    Sometimes reparation of the dent or any other breakdown can even take weeks. Suppose that there is hospital or nursery after reparation area, so clean water flow must be continuous and making bypass becomes vital at this point.