This man refused plastic surgery because he had learned to love himself. As someone who struggled with my looks and body image issues this is so inspiring. He learned that he was beautiful and perfect the way God had made him.
I don't find him unattractive at all. His attitude makes him a happy, smiling person who does well. I fin'd that kind of person very attractive without any concern for facial appearance. Keep doing all you do, buddy. It's working.
He’s like the boy from wonder. I like how he is different. I see nothing wrong with him. Doesn’t matter how people look like. It only matters what he does.
Cozmo Slik you know your watching this video and watching this guy talking about how sad his life is but even I might not want to be friends but I wouldn’t mock this dude or hurt his feelings
Exactly. My son was born with Holt-oram syndrome. He is missing the radial bone in his right arm. Basically his right arm has no forearm. His hand comes right from his elbow and he can't bend his fingers. He also was born with 2 holes in his heart and with only one lung. He went through countless surgeries and is doing well today. It never crossed my mind to give him up if anything, I fought harder for him. I don't understand how a woman can carry a child for 9 months and give birth to him and turn her back on him. :(
Gacha Girl did you not hear that he would be prone to disease and health problems? The parents probably wouldn’t be able to afford constant medical issues
I'm happy for him. He found the love of his life and he is happy. He should be happy. He is a miracle. He is inspirational. I really hope he makes all those people turned him down apologise and make friends with him. I would love to be his friend. I think it is wrong that his parents abandoned him as a baby. I think it's amazing that he got married and has a family who lives him for who he is. He is brilliant. He is an inspiration to all the children and people who have the same disability as him. Thank you. 😊
Yeah, I'd love to have him as a friend. Not many want to be my friend because they think it's weird for girls to have muscles and six packs. It's not my fault I like working out ._.
I feel sorry for your biological mother, she will NEVER realize what a wonderful man you have become. Your mother is a very lucky woman to have a son as kind as you. Much love
@@oppose4456look wrong on the outside who are you to say something so vile like that your attitude is appalling your parents should be ashamed of having a mongrel for a son
It sounds like Johno was lucky to be rid of his biological family and thankfully was taken in by some one who saw past his looks who properly loved and nurtured him enabling him to grow into a becoming a great dad himself.
Why not ? His little girl has every right to live and I don't think either of us is qualified enough or in the position to dictate what you're suggesting. That's how the Nazi's operated and I'm not comfortable handing the state the power to dictate who can have kids and who can't. If anyone shouldn't be allowed to have children it's this dudes biological parents who didn't suffer from his condition but had no problem abandoning a helpless newborn baby, that's far more cruel imho.
u idiot braveheart, didnt you listen, they started to ignore and than they built their lives on that. some people are so ignorant and hateful and dont even notice it. not amazed, everyday life,. sad tho
I hate people who are mocking disable people. It is not his fault to be looked like that. He does not want to be born like that. I wish he does well for himself and family. I hope he win a lottery because he deserves it.
Lee Rodriguez I know how it feels to be mocked because u look different cuz ur disability, I couldn't eat so I had to get a nose tube. A few months ago I got surgery and I can eat again but I had the tube for a year and I'm allergic to wheat, milk, egg, nuts, soya and fish. The thing is, never let those assholes put u down or they will get a black eye and need plastic surgery 😊
Please don't hate people!, Jesus says hate the sin, but love the sinner, pray for them, that Jesus will change their hearts. Only he can, with our prayers! I love all my brothers/sisters in Jesus name!!!. Be bless.
There's a few documentaries on him. His parents have him away for the way he looked, and when he went to contact them, they wanted nothing to do with him. They didn't know treacher collins ran in their genetics, and it was a shock to them. His adoptive mother and girlfriend are truly saints though. They love and support him so much. But his biological aunt and her family have reached out to him and want a relationship with him. Currently he's trying to find ways to have a child without passing his defect to the child through invetro fertilization. Also, because he has siblings, he's hoping to one day meet them and have a relationship with them, but he's not sure they know he exists. His story is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time and he really is an awesome guy. It's too bad his biological parents can't see that.
Ikr like literally he got it from his birth parents and they abandoned him, sounds so selfish to me! I guess they didn’t educate themselves and just abandoned their baby that they created themselves!
I'm very happy he found someone who cares and loves him alot and just because he thinks he's ugly he's very beautiful and no matter what happens he will had kids that looked amazing just like him
If his parents refused to meet him, and gave him up because of his looks, then he's lucky to be rid of them, and to be with his now true mother (even if not biological), and his loving girlfriend.
The people who gave him up were worthless cowards. A real parent loves unconditionally regardless of how a child looks. But he was certainly better off with the rich lady.
Close your eyes and touch someone's chest. A heart beats in all of us. Upset a person and they cry. Tears are always crystal clear. Cut your finger, and no matter who you are, or the colour of their skin, blood is red. We are all unique, and yet the same. Do not judge.
Patience Moraa "What is the use of a pretty face and ugly heart?" If it's a sexy male I'll take him regardless of whether he is meanhearted or not! AND I am saying that as somebody who DOES NOT HATE OR BULLY people for things that isn't their fault okay.
Zeus is My King That makes no sense. So if your boyfriends Tom Brady bit he beats you you’re just gonna stay with him. Damn you’re like the distant cousin of gold diggers.
These people with their disabilities and their outlook in life make them so valuable to mankind. They show us they show me what real love and humidity is. They are my heroes.........
I'm happy for that dude. He doesn't even want to undergo further surgery and accepted him for who he is. So, if anyone has problems with their life, there are people who are experiencing way worse than you. I believe in you! Who ever is reading this! I hope your dreams and aspirations come true! God bless everyone!
Not to mention he is winning at life!!!!! Good job, beautiful girl, great self esteem.... check, check, and check!!!! There’s a boy with Treacher Collins at my son’s school. Everyone likes him and are nice to him. He’s a sweetheart
I can't believe how cruel people can be, I've met people that were beautiful on the outside but after talking with them for a few seconds I wondered why I thought they were attractive, totally ugly on the inside. Don't judge a package by its appearance. Beauty is skin deep.
Everyone is normal just because they look different other people does not mean that he or she is not normal with ugliness or not everyone should be treated the same way.
Don’t judge people by their looks. Judge them by their attitude. Don’t judge a book/person by their cover I’m still here! Thanks for the likes! And thanks for the support on my comment!
I am actually being honest unlike other people......this video made me so sad and so happy for the man who found the love of his life even of his look and to me he actually looks handsome and unique as a person The people who made fun of him have such a messed up life and that also goes to his mental parents who refused to meet him I was tearing up then....this guy is a true role model and is just a human to whoever is making fun of him they probably are jealous because he looks more better This is the best story I have ever heard and I hope the parents have some bad times like they abandoned their unique and handsome son
Yes. Í read about her leaving him after the documentary about having babies... they found out that all his children will inherit the can check out his fb page .
Everybody in this world has something wrong with them, either physical or mental. A person should never be judge by the color of their skin , the way they look nor the way they talk. We are all God's creation and his children.. I wish we could live together in this world without judging one another. I am so proud of those two guys. They may have suffered a great deal, neglect ,etc , but they held their heads up high and decided to enjoy and be happy with their lives.. Two amazing stories. Thank you for sharing. God loves both of you. P.S. Thank you adopted mother , God spoke to your heart and you have him love , care, protection and raised him as your son. .GOD bless you.
the one with the real disability here is the people that makes fun of this conditions. sometimes you dont have a choice but when you do please choose to be good.
she didn't even agree to meet him >:(, even when she wasn't the one who'd have to take care of him (later on in his life). I know some people might be like, 'well, maybe the parents were busy."...on a LOT of fronts, that's a NOPE! Most (until this video I thought all even the least bit decent people) would drop everything just to meet their kid, no matter what they were originally going to be doing, and to also apologize to him that they gave him up and tell him that they love him and didn't hate even the fact that he was there (alive or 'just' that he had that). Also I know that he called them before all the motivational stuff he was doing all over the WORLD, but I'm sure the news channels had him on multiple times, so unless they don't watch the news or have friends who did (if they even have any), they'd know he'd be doing those amazing things, a gazillion times more amazing than anything that the birth parents have ever done I'm SURE! I 'get' that some people think that giving their baby up is the best way to love them and let them have the best life they possibly can, but when they don't even agree to meet the kid later on, when they wouldn't be the ones who'd have to take care of them, and as far as we know, they didn't even go out of their way to call him and tell him how proud of him they were that he was helping soooooo many other people and just because he beat his disease and has lived an as normal as possible life and say they'd be totally honored and estatic to meet him, then that's when I start seeing red, and am saying, "shame on you two (the mom and the dad)! I hope you two are ashamed of yourselves, and if you want to be that way, then he doesn't need you in his life after all! The ONLY good thing you've EVER done for him was create him and give him up because it sure SEEMS like even you two wouldn't love him for who he is!" I know it sounds harsh but its true until we hear the reason as to WHY they didn't agree to meet him. Though I'm sure they probably don't want millions of people on UA-cam (which probably include their friends) to know the reason, because if it was something understandable, then he wouldn't have been crying like that (a grown man doesn't usually cry like that unless they would have been told something so insulting especially when he was probably SOOOOOOO excited to finally get to talk with his birth parents and was so ready to forgive them after so long and then BOOM they don't even agree to meet).
eggo Me too, as a mother of a small child I could never imagine giving up my child...... Even if he had physical deformities and/or physical or mental disabilities, I know the man in the video has a bit of hearing loss but doesn't have any mental disabilities, however I was just adding that in. And the fact that the parents refused to see him after all these years, makes me feel like they're either still ashamed of him *OR* they're ashamed of themselves!....... *they should be ashamed of themselves!*
eggo that was so sad when I see him as a baby I didn't want to see that it was just it was just crazy and I wanted to see if if he was still right now I want to know if he's still right now like alive so I can like talk to him and tell him out exactly how I feel too because I'm the same person and I cannot hear but I can read and I wanted to know if he's all right cuz I feel the same way
I have a friend with this same disease. She went through an operation to give her cheeks and a jaw bone. It made a world of difference. She's been married for 30yrs and has 2 very smart Children. Both married, but they say, they would love to start families, but are worried their baby's would inharet treachers. My friend said, she's very fortunate, her kids didn't. She's a beautiful friend, and I'm blessed to have her in my life. ❤
A mother why refuse your own son.. Just accept what he is...God will be disappointed after all he created him for u but u abdomen sad..god bless his adopted mother
johnny71424 LOL. But in all seriousness, the people who have this defect in their genetics are human beings and we should treat them with respect regardless of how they look.
Like does it matter if you look like an old woman or a greek god? NO! Why can't people accept that? If you think someone is ugly keep the thoughts to yourself, I don't really believe in karma but I hope his parents get it. Real bad, I actually thought people could be ugly, but that was until I heard from somebody.. "It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, but on the inside." I could be married to someone "ugly" but no one knows their inside because they didn't bother talking to them. They were made for a reason, not to be bullied or trashed around or possibly even be killed! sometimes I just hate society.
Richard Smith- Wow Richard, there us a big difference in the charisma he exudes though his inner beauty to your idea of his attractiveness being connected to money! Sad.
Don't know why you are pinning such a bad outlook on me. I am just delivering the message. It is something I truly hope will change, but it never will with the 'not all women' attitude.
You aren't ugly, society is! Don't listen to those people, they weren't the ones to create you, so they shouldn't judge you, and if they do, ignore and one day god will powerfully ignore them, believe in yourself!
even the 'person' who creates you can be heartless. I know that they may have not wanted to have to deal with the cost and effort to take care of him. But they could have at the VERY LEAST agreed to meet him, but NO they just 'had' to be jerks. I know that they said in the video that the birth parents may have had more 'serious' reasons as to why they didn't agree to meet him, but why would he be SO upset about it unless they were really 'uncivil' about it. They weren't the ones who had to take care of him after they gave him up and so the visit wouldn't have been a burden. Shame on them! I can't imagine a 'good' or 'understandable' reason as to why they didn't agree.
What a beautiful reminder that physical appearance is not a reflection of the soul and heart of a person. I think these two guys have the most beautiful souls, and hearts - they are such wonderful sons, husbands and fathers. May God bless them and their families.
nyk31 that’s what I’m saying, he really doesn’t look that bad, like you look for a little and then it’s like “eh, he’s just another person” and move on
"Brave?" There is nothing "brave" about being born with a horrible, nightmarish, disfiguration and a permanent disability. You either deal with the shit or you don't but I can assure you that "bravery" has nothing to do with it.
This guy is special, he has a adoptive Mother with a good heart and a beautiful wife. Looking at the video I can say he has a beautiful heart and all the credit goes to his adoptive Mother.
Really if I met this guy, even before watching this video, I really wouldn’t mind his appearance. The face is just a symbol, like how a flag is a symbol of a country. It gives a person an identity. But it’s what’s behind the face that matters. No amount of deformities can change that.
I'm crying 😭😭 ppl like that should never be treated like that some ppl r just cold hearted and rude. Just learn to ingnore the ppl with low iq lvls and carry on keep believe in ur self👍
It sounds like Johno was lucky to be rid of his biological family and thankfully was taken in by some one who saw past his looks who properly loved and nurtured him enabling him to grow into a becoming a great dad himself.
Love jimin!Excuse me jimin it's shocking that a mom could give away a child's because of an illness. But like you said she was young. So sad that his parents don't want to meet him to this day. But I think some people when they give children up for adoption they move on with their lives and some of never tell anybody they have. That's just something I was thinking might be the reason they don't want to meet him rather than the way he looks. I certainly hope it's not because the way he looks.
I am overjoyed that johno found his way to self love! And that led him to healthy relationships🥰. Not everyone finds the inner strength to overcome painful challenges, I am learning that not all family belongs in ones life. Perhaps his biological parents shed many tears over their decision. I can't presume to know.
He's not even that different tbh. Glad to see that he looks to have become a great dad to his wee girl. I find that pretty heroic for any of us to achieve regardless of what we look like.
I .. don't think he looks that bad? I judge people by their depth of character, not how they look. I might be surprised at his appearance but I wouldn't mock him or turn him away as a friend. I like meeting people online for that reason, you see them for their personality first, before anything else. But even IRL, I'd talk to him, no problem.
These people are far more beautiful than the ugliness of terrible people who are so insecure and self loathing that they can only feel good by hurting others. God bless these people for their strength and perseverance. I was having a bad night until I seen this it made me cry, but in a good way.
Mike Sowder i am grateful for the life, good health, and loving family I have. The things some ppl go thru are unimaginable but they make me count my blessings🤗😇. May God give him strength
My best friend was born with this he had no cheek or jaw bone no ear just a hole that went to his throat 75% blind in one eye plus cant control where that eye points. In most cases it effects one side of the face than the other all his problems are only on one side the other completely normal. He had three ribs removed to build a jaw and cheek never had any teeth on that side multiple skin grafts taken from other parts of his body to build up his face tissue so his face now is all natural no man made fillers, he started his operations when he was 5 years old 14 years non stop procedures. He is now 74 retired at the top of his industry computer programmer in the 60s and 70s he traveled the world setting up whole countries for the change to colour TV, then came back to Australia from Europe went on to work with most TV companies keeping there computers and colour cameras up to date not rich by any means in money terms but has had a very enriching life, with a wife 3 children who none of had this deformity inflicted on them and even now he's long retired he's on his computer everyday keeping up with the latest and fixing everyone else's computers and programs for free because he loves it. Any questions or info needed feel free to reply to this comment.
Craig Sawyer Exactly. We live our lives the best we can. Personally, I think life would be boring in a perfect world. Perfect people would also be boring. Imperfections is what gives character and uniqueness.
Kasheena Maxwell : my cousin and myself are called...No Face.....kinda like the Otto people on the Star Trek Movies. We are born with very little facial bones. Most of us do not continue the next generation of the disfigurement. However....we are very intelligent people and we love people. We like to work for a living and pay our taxes. Most of us do not collect disability benefits for life....and yet we legally can. In a way I think that WE are the reason for Facebook. The movie....Mac and Me... James.
Life is a gift from God. They are precious in His eyes and so are you. They have a right to live just like you. Do you have children? Be careful what you speak you might have it. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. God bless them.
Vickie Hale Define "normal" please. I don't have this condition but I have other conditions that require me to take medication all my life but, that does not make my life abnormal because, to me, it is my normal life. To the guy in the video...that is HIS normal life.
If you're willing to lay down and make a child, you should be willing to love that child no matter what.
I got ur back with that straight n to the point
Agreed 100,000%
True words
Soooo true I agree
This man refused plastic surgery because he had learned to love himself. As someone who struggled with my looks and body image issues this is so inspiring. He learned that he was beautiful and perfect the way God had made him.
you right... Even us we feel the same way
Melissa Miller i love your point of view
fulfilling God' purpose he did.
Melissa Backwoods preach
I don't find him unattractive at all. His attitude makes him a happy, smiling person who does well. I fin'd that kind of person very attractive without any concern for facial appearance. Keep doing all you do, buddy. It's working.
Billy Therealtor well said
u ec
Yeah! :D
I would be his friend because he is happy
The person who adopted him has a huge loving heart for those haters ur heart is corrupted
Everyone who adopts someone has a huge loving heart.
Cardiomegaly?? that was not mentioned in the script
Yeah I think he got rich beacouse of that
Salute to his new mother
Yes sir!
He’s like the boy from wonder. I like how he is different. I see nothing wrong with him. Doesn’t matter how people look like. It only matters what he does.
Cozmo Slik you know your watching this video and watching this guy talking about how sad his life is but even I might not want to be friends but I wouldn’t mock this dude or hurt his feelings
@@andreajassmann3585 wtf is wrong with You?
Edit: i tought You Said "I would mock him"
I have NOTHING to say because I am so mad at you!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Cozmo silk i think your right he is kinda like the boy in wonder and that's what makes him unique
He actually doesn’t look that bad he is stunning!💓
101 likes I dedicated my like to him.
Parker. Friends same.
xd Noob he reminds me of a Sonic character though.. but your right
Looks doesn’t matter
xd Noob facts
God bless him, and God bless his adoptive mom she's awesome.
I know right?
God blessed him enough, am I right? xD
Chyna Fortune Agree 125%
And God gives no mercy to that bastard biological parent and other who said that he's ugly
Don't just Abandon A child just because the child wasn't what you wanted it to look like.
And some kids online has some freaking common sense including me :P
Exactly. My son was born with Holt-oram syndrome. He is missing the radial bone in his right arm. Basically his right arm has no forearm. His hand comes right from his elbow and he can't bend his fingers. He also was born with 2 holes in his heart and with only one lung. He went through countless surgeries and is doing well today. It never crossed my mind to give him up if anything, I fought harder for him. I don't understand how a woman can carry a child for 9 months and give birth to him and turn her back on him. :(
Gacha Girl did you not hear that he would be prone to disease and health problems? The parents probably wouldn’t be able to afford constant medical issues
Cristina LaMonte they were probably not wanting the child
I'm happy for him. He found the love of his life and he is happy. He should be happy. He is a miracle. He is inspirational. I really hope he makes all those people turned him down apologise and make friends with him. I would love to be his friend. I think it is wrong that his parents abandoned him as a baby. I think it's amazing that he got married and has a family who lives him for who he is. He is brilliant. He is an inspiration to all the children and people who have the same disability as him. Thank you. 😊
Yeah, I'd love to have him as a friend. Not many want to be my friend because they think it's weird for girls to have muscles and six packs. It's not my fault I like working out ._.
I'm very glad you did this. This makes me very happy and makes your channel even better ok n my heart
Parrot, You are a good kind person. Always remember looks are skin deep, the real attraction is character & personally.All the best.
I feel sorry for your biological mother, she will NEVER realize what a wonderful man you have become. Your mother is a very lucky woman to have a son as kind as you. Much love
Kimberly Sikorski you are right he might look wrong on the outside but the inside is all thath matters!
I agree man take of yourself you are a good guy .
Kimberly Sikorski I fink you got one more subscriber for that your so nice
Dont worry people who love the differenciation of other people will become great one day...
@@oppose4456look wrong on the outside who are you to say something so vile like that your attitude is appalling your parents should be ashamed of having a mongrel for a son
Well I like his face.. He has a happy face.. Happy heart.. Real heroes don't wear capes!!
boom! in a nutshell doll
Lol agreed
Stop acting nice ! It hurts
@@abonitaronin wdym
@@karlcrawford4860 ok
It sounds like Johno was lucky to be rid of his biological family and thankfully was taken in by some one who saw past his looks who properly loved and nurtured him enabling him to grow into a becoming a great dad himself.
Braveheart He is inspiring, but he should NOT have kids. That's pre CRUEL... Just sayin🤔
Why not ? His little girl has every right to live and I don't think either of us is qualified enough or in the position to dictate what you're suggesting. That's how the Nazi's operated and I'm not comfortable handing the state the power to dictate who can have kids and who can't. If anyone shouldn't be allowed to have children it's this dudes biological parents who didn't suffer from his condition but had no problem abandoning a helpless newborn baby, that's far more cruel imho.
u idiot braveheart, didnt you listen, they started to ignore and than they built their lives on that. some people are so ignorant and hateful and dont even notice it. not amazed, everyday life,. sad tho
and making sentences comparing to hitl*r dude you must be ill aswell
HEY HEY HEY That's right!!!!!!!
I hate people who are mocking disable people. It is not his fault to be looked like that. He does not want to be born like that.
I wish he does well for himself and family. I hope he win a lottery because he deserves it.
Light House my son is disabled and it makes me happy that people like you exist. Thank you!
Light House ikr iys horribly wrong
Lee Rodriguez I know how it feels to be mocked because u look different cuz ur disability, I couldn't eat so I had to get a nose tube. A few months ago I got surgery and I can eat again but I had the tube for a year and I'm allergic to wheat, milk, egg, nuts, soya and fish. The thing is, never let those assholes put u down or they will get a black eye and need plastic surgery 😊
Please don't hate people!, Jesus says hate the sin, but love the sinner, pray for them, that Jesus will change their hearts. Only he can, with our prayers! I love all my brothers/sisters in Jesus name!!!. Be bless.
Light House I know people known as to be the way they are but why do you reproduce no matter how much for Burton your biology is
A pretty face is nothing if you have an ugly heart
Well in this day in age so long as you look good you can succeed
@@Hehe-ef7pe true bro
Yeah doesn’t mean there isn’t someone with both
but would u smash wit the lights on
It was probably the money from the family that adopted him..
There's a few documentaries on him. His parents have him away for the way he looked, and when he went to contact them, they wanted nothing to do with him. They didn't know treacher collins ran in their genetics, and it was a shock to them. His adoptive mother and girlfriend are truly saints though. They love and support him so much. But his biological aunt and her family have reached out to him and want a relationship with him. Currently he's trying to find ways to have a child without passing his defect to the child through invetro fertilization. Also, because he has siblings, he's hoping to one day meet them and have a relationship with them, but he's not sure they know he exists. His story is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time and he really is an awesome guy. It's too bad his biological parents can't see that.
Ikr like literally he got it from his birth parents and they abandoned him, sounds so selfish to me! I guess they didn’t educate themselves and just abandoned their baby that they created themselves!
@@artsyhyd Sounds like he's better off without his birth parents. What a pair of tossers
He is an amazing person whoever insults him has no heart it does not matter how he looks he is kind and caring.
kirsten loves pugs yes he is
Hero's come in all shapes and sizes.
This comment made me smile :)
The like of ur comment is 123
Number Muncher that’s true
don't judge anyone by how they look
I'm very happy he found someone who cares and loves him alot and just because he thinks he's ugly he's very beautiful and no matter what happens he will had kids that looked amazing just like him
This was written by my 8 year old daughter using my profile by accident. She is a sweet little girl! When I read it I cried.
@@Bradthacker46 your a lucky man my friend
My BEST FRIEND has this disese. Were so close we call each other brother and sister.
you now have 100 likes
Feel Proud :D
That's sweet! :)
💞✌ Wishing you both (more) happiness
The people who mocked him on the street clearly don’t have a soul :(
I agree
No it's not that because the people aren't ready to raise a child
@Shred Shredder not gingers
Hay some of use souless people don't call people like this names
If his parents refused to meet him, and gave him up because of his looks, then he's lucky to be rid of them, and to be with his now true mother (even if not biological), and his loving girlfriend.
ShepherdANDKing United! Wife*
The people who gave him up were worthless cowards. A real parent loves unconditionally regardless of how a child looks. But he was certainly better off with the rich lady.
Bau5man777 well she was once his girlfriend lol
Close your eyes and touch someone's chest. A heart beats in all of us. Upset a person and they cry. Tears are always crystal clear. Cut your finger, and no matter who you are, or the colour of their skin, blood is red. We are all unique, and yet the same. Do not judge.
Paul Williams I’m not gonna go and touch some random persons boobs.
Finish Him! He said touch their chest. But that’s not the points, he is trying to tell us something.
this is like my new motto its so beautiful
Paul Williams i did what you told me sadly i got slapped rihht across the face ;-;
TheOneRandom mkay I think he lied to us
Whoever adopted him was a truly kind person and ways he looks perfectly fine
The lads an absolute star. He got lucky being adopted by a caring lady. They are winners.
I think so
What is the use of a pretty face and an ugly heart? You got the prettiest hearts and personality may God bless you
Patience Moraa "What is the use of a pretty face and ugly heart?" If it's a sexy male I'll take him regardless of whether he is meanhearted or not!
AND I am saying that as somebody who DOES NOT HATE OR BULLY people for things that isn't their fault okay.
Zeus is My King That makes no sense. So if your boyfriends Tom Brady bit he beats you you’re just gonna stay with him. Damn you’re like the distant cousin of gold diggers.
His mother refused to accept him 😕😕she's not a mother.
HINDI Tube or a human
Do you mean momster?
HINDI Tube I agree but what if she knew that she would not be Abel to pay for his medical care
She missed a great gift from GOD
This guy Johno is so wonderful. I admire his courage and how he takes no notice what anyone thinks. He's just a wonderful man.
Roberta Gardner
What beautiful man inside and out! 🙏 Bless him and those around who except him!
vicious0111 Will wq
vicious0111 father
These people with their disabilities and their outlook in life make them so valuable to mankind. They show us they show me what real love and humidity is. They are my heroes.........
he can be my friend
Wow really impressive how he inspires others and stays so positive.
MrEagle2704 you r poop mreagle
I'm happy for that dude. He doesn't even want to undergo further surgery and accepted him for who he is. So, if anyone has problems with their life, there are people who are experiencing way worse than you. I believe in you! Who ever is reading this! I hope your dreams and aspirations come true! God bless everyone!
Ian Fernandez my man 😇
Ian Fernandez thank you
"Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart" - Khalil Gibran
Lina that's a cute picture you got there
Jacob Rodriguez 2003 oh thanks.
If u are beautiful on the outside but rude in the inside your ugly 💔👎 if you look different on the outside but kind in the inside u are beautiful 💖👍
Lina true
Lina true
He was born as a beautiful baby, and great up as a handsome, kind - hearted man.
_LlamaArtzX3_ _ want me to set you up on a date with him then
Alpha Vegas lmao
Mia Harrington Hi
Mia Harrington Hey
your so right
He’s a guy that has high self esteem and loves himself and excepts himself, while I can’t even get over how my accent is. Good job, mate.
I would *LOVE* to be his friend god made you special my friend🙏🙏🙏
@Ha'ane Duenas well apparently he did make you oh I forgot that your dads fault
Who ever disliked is cruel , he is a true role model and hero ♥️
J Stinson probably all of his birth family
Not to mention he is winning at life!!!!! Good job, beautiful girl, great self esteem.... check, check, and check!!!!
There’s a boy with Treacher Collins at my son’s school. Everyone likes him and are nice to him. He’s a sweetheart
3.5K people disliked this video can you believe It!?!?!
I can't believe how cruel people can be, I've met people that were beautiful on the outside but after talking with them for a few seconds I wondered why I thought they were attractive, totally ugly on the inside.
Don't judge a package by its appearance. Beauty is skin deep.
Yes,Totally.(but let's not get cringey 👍)
Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain.
Proverbs 31:30
Amen sister
No he definetly is not normal..
He is so kind and so nice, that's what doesn't make normal. People now a days are just bullies....
shut up
Everyone is normal just because they look different other people does not mean that he or she is not normal with ugliness or not everyone should be treated the same way.
Im a bully why
@@obbalad ask your self that
@@ridwanmattan3533 no asmr kid
Born with only half a deck of cards and yet he still won the game of life.
mc 007 that's the kind of roof example isn't it
The comment was much more, drew a picture
mc 007 Amen to that
He probably have two joker and four Ace😄
Don’t judge people by their looks.
Judge them by their attitude.
Don’t judge a book/person by their cover
I’m still here! Thanks for the likes! And thanks for the support on my comment!
Slurp Derp unless it’s a book on how to draw dabbing animals
Actually attitude does matter.. would you want to be friends with someone with a bad attitude?
Gatør. Slimes stupid
U shouldn’t judge anybody....
If only that’s how everyone thought but too bad so sad majority of people don’t
Actually i think he looks just PERFECT! 😁
👍 if you AGREE
Well being realistic he doesn’t look “perfect” but he feels “perfect” which is even better
Anton Meins I just have an Eczema skin..but im still happy tho. 😂😂😂😂
L4!L4 !T5ME ! Thats a shame only 90 likes out of a billion of people in the world 🌎
+Tiarajai Wardi 91k a.k.a 91.000 people not 91
Yey he's just the same as us
I am actually being honest unlike other people......this video made me so sad and so happy for the man who found the love of his life even of his look and to me he actually looks handsome and unique as a person The people who made fun of him have such a messed up life and that also goes to his mental parents who refused to meet him I was tearing up then....this guy is a true role model and is just a human to whoever is making fun of him they probably are jealous because he looks more better This is the best story I have ever heard and I hope the parents have some bad times like they abandoned their unique and handsome son
Yes. Í read about her leaving him after the documentary about having babies... they found out that all his children will inherit the can check out his fb page .
God Bless parents who adopt 👍🏾 especially this family
I don’t believe in Jesus
Shows you even through hardship you can still have a life one way or another
One way or another is a song
He's a good man people are cruel
Sharon Platt u IH i ii UG
Sharon Platt I agree
It’s true And I Agree with you.
"Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder" 👁
Love has no face...❤
Jill Rayes after the initial shock you really get used to the way he looks. He’s ok with me.
@@evalu3260 I wasn't insinuating anything negative. Sorry if your took it that way. 😊
Jill Rayes oh no. I am fine with your comments. Sorry if you misunderstood mine. 😍
@Alex Jay 👀
The woman who adopt him is an angel.
Yes she's truly an angel
Rajballabh Baruah how come u haven't got a heap of likes Ur comment is so true.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
And his wife is one too
Rajballabh Baruah she needs to be bless 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Everybody in this world has something wrong with them, either physical or mental.
A person should never be judge by the color of their skin , the way they look nor the way they talk. We are all God's creation and his children.. I wish we could live together in this world without judging one another.
I am so proud of those two guys. They may have suffered a great deal, neglect ,etc , but they held their heads up high and decided to enjoy and be happy with their lives..
Two amazing stories. Thank you for sharing. God loves both of you.
P.S. Thank you adopted mother , God spoke to your heart and you have him love , care, protection and raised him as your son. .GOD bless you.
YOLANDA KELLY I don't believe in god but yet that was lovely
P.s we all have different beliefs but I appreciate others
Snail channel are u a Christian???
He can teach a lesson he can do normal stuff he is the same
It doesn’t matter how you look it just matters that you have a good heart
another way of saying looks are secondary to how a person makes you feel. Great looks but awful to people = no true friends.
@@dianeknight4655 mmmm..disagree
the one with the real disability here is the people that makes fun of this conditions. sometimes you dont have a choice but when you do please choose to be good.
Dude, this is very well said.
Couldn't have said it better!
Gemgem Mgeci I don’t even care how you look or talk
Beautifully said
True and his parents that wouldn’t meet him
He can be my best friend forever!
Limkhong Gaming same! 😊
Limkhong Gaming same
Saturated Odin the fu** your ass is ugly
He's probably nicer than 95% of the people on this earth & there's a lot of people way more harder on the eyes!
Who ever gave a thumbs down go to hell and God bless him
he is
And we think we have problems. Be grateful
He's beautiful and so is his wife.
ZieZie Gacha sammeeeeeee
I cried when I saw him as a baby and kid it's so sad how the mom abandoned him...
she didn't even agree to meet him >:(, even when she wasn't the one who'd have to take care of him (later on in his life). I know some people might be like, 'well, maybe the parents were busy."...on a LOT of fronts, that's a NOPE! Most (until this video I thought all even the least bit decent people) would drop everything just to meet their kid, no matter what they were originally going to be doing, and to also apologize to him that they gave him up and tell him that they love him and didn't hate even the fact that he was there (alive or 'just' that he had that). Also I know that he called them before all the motivational stuff he was doing all over the WORLD, but I'm sure the news channels had him on multiple times, so unless they don't watch the news or have friends who did (if they even have any), they'd know he'd be doing those amazing things, a gazillion times more amazing than anything that the birth parents have ever done I'm SURE! I 'get' that some people think that giving their baby up is the best way to love them and let them have the best life they possibly can, but when they don't even agree to meet the kid later on, when they wouldn't be the ones who'd have to take care of them, and as far as we know, they didn't even go out of their way to call him and tell him how proud of him they were that he was helping soooooo many other people and just because he beat his disease and has lived an as normal as possible life and say they'd be totally honored and estatic to meet him, then that's when I start seeing red, and am saying, "shame on you two (the mom and the dad)! I hope you two are ashamed of yourselves, and if you want to be that way, then he doesn't need you in his life after all! The ONLY good thing you've EVER done for him was create him and give him up because it sure SEEMS like even you two wouldn't love him for who he is!"
I know it sounds harsh but its true until we hear the reason as to WHY they didn't agree to meet him. Though I'm sure they probably don't want millions of people on UA-cam (which probably include their friends) to know the reason, because if it was something understandable, then he wouldn't have been crying like that (a grown man doesn't usually cry like that unless they would have been told something so insulting especially when he was probably SOOOOOOO excited to finally get to talk with his birth parents and was so ready to forgive them after so long and then BOOM they don't even agree to meet).
eggo Me too, as a mother of a small child I could never imagine giving up my child...... Even if he had physical deformities and/or physical or mental disabilities, I know the man in the video has a bit of hearing loss but doesn't have any mental disabilities, however I was just adding that in.
And the fact that the parents refused to see him after all these years, makes me feel like they're either still ashamed of him *OR* they're ashamed of themselves!....... *they should be ashamed of themselves!*
eggo that was so sad when I see him as a baby I didn't want to see that it was just it was just crazy and I wanted to see if if he was still right now I want to know if he's still right now like alive so I can like talk to him and tell him out exactly how I feel too because I'm the same person and I cannot hear but I can read and I wanted to know if he's all right cuz I feel the same way
i know if i was his mother i would still keep him
I have a friend with this same disease. She went through an operation to give her cheeks and a jaw bone. It made a world of difference. She's been married for 30yrs and has 2 very smart Children. Both married, but they say, they would love to start families, but are worried their baby's would inharet treachers. My friend said, she's very fortunate, her kids didn't. She's a beautiful friend, and I'm blessed to have her in my life. ❤
To be honest he looks normal and he's not bad looking either 😊😊
Ye ikr
Yeah you’re lying if you think he looks normal, but he isn’t bad looking
His adoptive mother and his wife are the real angel.!!!
Never judge a book by it's cover this man gets a million thumbs up from me.
If anyone makes fun of him you need some help!
undercover blaster
sorry i had to
This guy has great taste in hair and fashion
Gasai Yuno so true!
Yeah because you have to compensate
Bluekk that's not how 'english' works
Bluekk not sure if you’re a troll or just dumb
Him flatironing his hair was everything 😍😂😇 (2:20)
A mother why refuse your own son.. Just accept what he is...God will be disappointed after all he created him for u but u abdomen sad..god bless his adopted mother
jessica yang v
if your baby looked like what he looked like, fucking bet youd yeet that bitch
@@Lilly-zj8vh Jesus xD
which god?
Pick one out of 92310
To be fair the docs told her he would never walk or talk which is a pretty hard thing to handle.
Who else would’ve been his friend? I would’ve. 😄
I live making friends. Can't stand those evil kids.
I would've.
I wouldn't be his friend, is be his best friend!!
Meeeee 🙋🏼♀️
I watched this late but I was crying 😢 after I watched this.
I watched this late but I did no cry
I cried to
I almost cried!
(Sorry I disliked then I liked it!)
If you make a child, you raise the child. I never wanted children, but I was gifted with twin daughters. All the best, Jono.
Beautiful story just love it hope the mother who left him is salty watching this
johnny71424 lol😂
johnny71424 she shoud go to hell
johnny71424 LOL. But in all seriousness, the people who have this defect in their genetics are human beings and we should treat them with respect regardless of how they look.
Primordial Nemesis the world needs more people like you
Like does it matter if you look like an old woman or a greek god? NO! Why can't people accept that? If you think someone is ugly keep the thoughts to yourself, I don't really believe in karma but I hope his parents get it. Real bad, I actually thought people could be ugly, but that was until I heard from somebody.. "It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, but on the inside." I could be married to someone "ugly" but no one knows their inside because they didn't bother talking to them. They were made for a reason, not to be bullied or trashed around or possibly even be killed! sometimes I just hate society.
Special love for him 😍😍😍😍😍
William Clarke
I think he has an absolutely beautiful face! Did you notice how rich his smile is? His face will help many people to be better. He is so charismatic!
His money doesn't hurt either. Amazing how his attractiveness would change if he was flipping burgers and living in a trailer.
Richard Smith- Wow Richard, there us a big difference in the charisma he exudes though his inner beauty to your idea of his attractiveness being connected to money! Sad.
Don't know why you are pinning such a bad outlook on me. I am just delivering the message. It is something I truly hope will change, but it never will with the 'not all women' attitude.
Hopefully we can find our own neighbors who are like this and make friends. Not this specific disability, just anyone in this position.
You aren't ugly, society is! Don't listen to those people, they weren't the ones to create you, so they shouldn't judge you, and if they do, ignore and one day god will powerfully ignore them, believe in yourself!
even the 'person' who creates you can be heartless. I know that they may have not wanted to have to deal with the cost and effort to take care of him. But they could have at the VERY LEAST agreed to meet him, but NO they just 'had' to be jerks. I know that they said in the video that the birth parents may have had more 'serious' reasons as to why they didn't agree to meet him, but why would he be SO upset about it unless they were really 'uncivil' about it. They weren't the ones who had to take care of him after they gave him up and so the visit wouldn't have been a burden. Shame on them! I can't imagine a 'good' or 'understandable' reason as to why they didn't agree.
What a beautiful reminder that physical appearance is not a reflection of the soul and heart of a person. I think these two guys have the most beautiful souls, and hearts - they are such wonderful sons, husbands and fathers. May God bless them and their families.
Good for them. Those are 2 real feel good stories
Some people are heartless while others ignore while some actually care we need to fix this judging shit right now
He doesn't even look that bad really
He aculaly kinda looks normal
Better Call Saul kinda
We can't say they look "normal" but it could be worse.
nyk31 that’s what I’m saying, he really doesn’t look that bad, like you look for a little and then it’s like “eh, he’s just another person” and move on
Better Call Saul yo😂😂😂🤦🏾♀️
He shouldn't worry about what people think or say bc he's truly brave inside and out hope he doesn't care what they say
"Brave?" There is nothing "brave" about being born with a horrible, nightmarish, disfiguration and a permanent disability. You either deal with the shit or you don't but I can assure you that "bravery" has nothing to do with it.
Bravery is exactly what it is.
Toxic Waste and more beautiful than actors and models
Toxic Waste Me too bud!
I'm so happy for him.
That guy deserve a wonderfull place in heaven with jesus and god the father.
Vincent Cris B Bangwa I agree he's nice and respectful he deserves a awesome place in heaven
Vincent Cris B Bangwa your right
This guy is special, he has a adoptive Mother with a good heart and a beautiful wife. Looking at the video I can say he has a beautiful heart and all the credit goes to his adoptive Mother.
Really if I met this guy, even before watching this video, I really wouldn’t mind his appearance. The face is just a symbol, like how a flag is a symbol of a country. It gives a person an identity. But it’s what’s behind the face that matters. No amount of deformities can change that.
Like how much beauty the American flag has, it will never change the fact that we killed millions.
Wade Sigmon, that was inspirational. Thank you!
You are in a small percentage of nice people and I will devote my life to keep that small percentage alive
That’s so deep
I'm crying 😭😭 ppl like that should never be treated like that some ppl r just cold hearted and rude. Just learn to ingnore the ppl with low iq lvls and carry on keep believe in ur self👍
the iq thing was too much.
Alien Alien I agree with that
It sounds like Johno was lucky to be rid of his biological family and thankfully was taken in by some one who saw past his looks who properly loved and nurtured him enabling him to grow into a becoming a great dad himself.
yea i agree lol
ClashWith SKULL I completely agree.
What a rude mom idc how a child is it still need love
Love jimin!Excuse me jimin it's shocking that a mom could give away a child's because of an illness. But like you said she was young. So sad that his parents don't want to meet him to this day. But I think some people when they give children up for adoption they move on with their lives and some of never tell anybody they have. That's just something I was thinking might be the reason they don't want to meet him rather than the way he looks. I certainly hope it's not because the way he looks.
this is sad.
Love jimin!Excuse me jimin I won't love them I will love all my life even though I die
Yeah I would do the same
Lmao found an ARMY
I am overjoyed that johno found his way to self love! And that led him to healthy relationships🥰. Not everyone finds the inner strength to overcome painful challenges, I am learning that not all family belongs in ones life. Perhaps his biological parents shed many tears over their decision. I can't presume to know.
He is a True hero
Mishan Adhikari he didnt save anyone he really isnt a hero hes only different
He's not even that different tbh. Glad to see that he looks to have become a great dad to his wee girl. I find that pretty heroic for any of us to achieve regardless of what we look like.
I .. don't think he looks that bad? I judge people by their depth of character, not how they look. I might be surprised at his appearance but I wouldn't mock him or turn him away as a friend. I like meeting people online for that reason, you see them for their personality first, before anything else. But even IRL, I'd talk to him, no problem.
Black Magus Fellow magus I agree.
Black Magus /he had to get surgery
Black Magus me too
These people are far more beautiful than the ugliness of terrible people who are so insecure and self loathing that they can only feel good by hurting others. God bless these people for their strength and perseverance. I was having a bad night until I seen this it made me cry, but in a good way.
Mike Sowder Love your comment Mike.
Mike Sowder i am grateful for the life, good health, and loving family I have. The things some ppl go thru are unimaginable but they make me count my blessings🤗😇. May God give him strength
zizo ntuku you what good sir, my arms and my ears are always open, share with me my friend.
I'm sorry, ma'am
I'm so sorry I didn't get your full message right away. But thank you for being a sweetheart
Their inner strength is more beautiful than any face I’ve seen
My best friend was born with this he had no cheek or jaw bone no ear just a hole that went to his throat 75% blind in one eye plus cant control where that eye points. In most cases it effects one side of the face than the other all his problems are only on one side the other completely normal. He had three ribs removed to build a jaw and cheek never had any teeth on that side multiple skin grafts taken from other parts of his body to build up his face tissue so his face now is all natural no man made fillers, he started his operations when he was 5 years old 14 years non stop procedures. He is now 74 retired at the top of his industry computer programmer in the 60s and 70s he traveled the world setting up whole countries for the change to colour TV, then came back to Australia from Europe went on to work with most TV companies keeping there computers and colour cameras up to date not rich by any means in money terms but has had a very enriching life, with a wife 3 children who none of had this deformity inflicted on them and even now he's long retired he's on his computer everyday keeping up with the latest and fixing everyone else's computers and programs for free because he loves it. Any questions or info needed feel free to reply to this comment.
Thanks for reading and liking my comment.
Craig Sawyer
What a beautiful and inspiring story! Your friend was blessed with such a wonderful life. It's always nice to hear things like this. 😊💕
I’m sorry but I’m not reading that big thing
It would be nice if the world was perfect but it isn't so we just deal with it the best we can like the video shows and my friends life history.
Craig Sawyer
Exactly. We live our lives the best we can. Personally, I think life would be boring in a perfect world. Perfect people would also be boring. Imperfections is what gives character and uniqueness.
Who cares about a faces, care about inocent heart. There are perfect faces but evil heart. God bless you all
eth always amen
eth always there is no evil there is no holy. We are either closer to our core or further away. Respect to this awesome human being
This is a real mother.
The adopted mother is an angle from heaven ❤️😍🥰🌹
He's very brave. Watching this made tears came to my eyes
Kasheena Maxwell : my cousin and myself are called...No Face.....kinda like the Otto people on the Star Trek Movies. We are born with very little facial bones. Most of us do not continue the next generation of the disfigurement. However....we are very intelligent people and we love people. We like to work for a living and pay our taxes. Most of us do not collect disability benefits for life....and yet we legally can. In a way I think that WE are the reason for Facebook. The movie....Mac and Me... James.
He does better than many people who have no facial differents,leave him be!
sun spots T my man
That is true. May God bless him and grant him peace.
That is true. May God bless him and grant him peace.
That is true. May GOD bless him and grant him peace,In Jesus Christ.
people really have no heart like why would u dislike this? like why?
Nakiyah Mckinnon because he is ugly and sick and should be put out of his misery
Life is a gift from God. They are precious in His eyes and so are you. They have a right to live just like you. Do you have children? Be careful what you speak you might have it. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. God bless them.
Sista B I'm 14 so no kids for me now, i know life is good but you have these handicap people who with theire looks gif me a uncomfortable feeling.
Because they can't understand how someone born with a very apparent disadvantage can be happy with themselves and they can't.
Ɗσραмєαη єѕcσвαя σтмιc im very happy with myself😁😁😁
He looks great! Self confidence is everything!
There was nothing wrong with him. I would be OK with him if I knew him. He is fine. 😊
Isha Dhunna
Agreed. He seems very sweet and, in my book, that's all that matters.
That is rude he has to take medication and he does not have a normal life and you are blessed that you don't have this condition
Vickie Hale
Define "normal" please. I don't have this condition but I have other conditions that require me to take medication all my life but, that does not make my life abnormal because, to me, it is my normal life. To the guy in the video...that is HIS normal life.
Ye kehne main asan hai..But...In real life. Aisa nahi hota
Awww sweet baby girl 💟 her little ears are adorable
People can be so cruel sometimes.. But I'm encouraged by heroes like these who choose to ignore the bad and enjoy life as it is