Goffin Cockatoo; Ambi Toy Frenzy while hearing a children's party going on😂🎉🎈🎇🪀

  • Опубліковано 1 чер 2024
  • Adopt, don't shop, make kin, not babies!!! Lu is my 27 year old Goffin.
    Every 9months he gets an 💉implant in his back, blocking his testosterone production, which caused him to be extremely agressive towards me, the other animals in the household, and himself😱😱😱🐓🤺🗡in the last 15 years. This was my last resort. There's no way that i would get rid of him because he bites me. And boy did he bite me over the years OMG OMGOMG.😱😱😱But Lu is important kin that i made instead of babies, although it was never my ambition to own a cockatoo, since i've always had the politically correct opinion that wild animals should never have to be forced to live as pets. But when i got to know Lu, i realized that there are tons of animals out there that will live their life in captivity, frustrated, their natural inclinations and patterns deformed into becoming some sad travesty of a pet, teddy bear or lap dog, with boundaries that they will break some inevitable day and bite their owners, who will alas too often take that very personally and get rid of them.
    I realized that humanity has been doing this for thousands of years, and i may sound cynical, but i'm afraid that corporate will not let humanity change their boundaries in favor of idealistic world view and love and understanding for this beautiful earth, which they can't perceive as a beautiful, enormous sentient being, but which is a ball of money to them. Humanity is being kept in more or less the same way; the way humanity treats animals in bio industry mirrors the way we are kept by forces that we were groomed into not perceiving since infancy.
    Lu was sold as an egg or hatchling, for a couple thousand guilders, and the pet shop in the street where i lived then, tried to sell him with a profit. When they couldn't get rid of him after a year, when he was past the cuddly baby stage and started biting and screaming, i had in the mean time built this weird connection with him: there was no way that i wanted to buy their live stock: i came into the shop, ran to the back to get a big sack of cat food, and ran out without looking at the animals because i didn't want to get involved. But the first time i ran in there when he was there, i ran past his cage, and with my sixth sense i knew that a little animal had gotten hold of a tip of my huge wavy pink raincoat, and that if i'd keep my velocity i might break it's leg on the bars of it's cage. So i turned around, and met Lu for the first time. He hardly had any feathers yet, and was indeed hanging from the bars, clutching the tip of my coat in his right foot. He squealed with delight. I was apalled that they'd sell a baby that young🤯😰😱
    So in the year that followed, i somehow kept being confronted with him; he was sold, and brought back a couple of times, because he didn't live up to expectations; being too loud, too agressive, not talking enough, not being able to stay home alone...the people who ran the store, even tried to take him into their own household at a certain point, but that didn't work out either. And everytime i saw him, i was plagued by strange, and very lucid dreams, about prehistoric bonds and gods. I even met a huge old cockatoo spirit, which i could only sense being thousands and thousands of years old, and HUGE; towering over me in a cloud of pinkish white feathers, 8 foot high, being able to grab me with it's foot and crush my head in it's beak easily, but instead only looking at me with a wordless but very pointed question, night after night; "Will you Take Care?" ,and i'd wake up with this feeling of knowing this little bird in that shop in the street from somewhere, like he was already part of my life and kin without me being able to remember. The dreams were so bright that they defied the drudge of daily life, although my life was still exciting in those days; i was a singer and did a lot of off theatre in Berlin.
    At a certain moment in the spring of '89, my cats brought me a young crow. They did that every spring; a young crow is the best toy for cats; they are fierce and strong, and stay alive for days and keep trying to get away.
    Of course i HATE that cruel shit, and would always do my best to save the crow and get it back to it's family. But it also confronted me again; why was i saving this bird, and not the other one, that i kept meeting and feeling so connected to in ways that i didn't understand? So one day that spring i came back from Berlin, after having sung for a week and having made good money, and into the store to buy cat food, and they offered me a cockatoo to go, and i said okay. The first thing i did was call all the cockatoo projects and ask if i could get him into a releasing project. Nobody wanted a hand raised pet for their release project. I tried shelters, so that he would be able to live among kin, and being able to enjoy some relative space in flight cages. They wouldn't take him, and the ones that would, i didn't trust. So i ended up taking responsibility🦤


  • @benjaminthebestbird
    @benjaminthebestbird 22 дні тому +1

    Lu lis very focused on his toy!! Love how you can just flip him right up! 😂😂Hi Meis! ❤❤ I have a feeling that a simple walk around the neighborhood is a bit complicated in your life, Ricki. 😂 Dog in one hand, bird on a stick in the other... 😂

    • @loetje
      @loetje  22 дні тому

      It's very nice to be out with them, but very tiring indeed. To take a walk with Meis or Lu individually is less tiring, but sometimes lack of time forces me to just walk two at a time😉🥵

  • @leonie892
    @leonie892 23 дні тому +2

    Lu could be the entertainer at the children's party.

    • @loetje
      @loetje  22 дні тому +1

      He REALLY loves that. We used to do that 20 years ago, and sometimes still on special request. I used to do schools with him, but children often ask if I'm a man or a woman, and wouldn't be deterred without knowing the details. I was bullied a lot as a child, and groups of kids seem to somehow read that in your aura. At a certain point I found out that being proud and honest about me being a transwoman worked best, but that led to serious complaints of angry parents who were more " Don't Say Gay" oriented. At a certain point I had to give it up between getting bullied by classes of kids, like I used to be as a child, and the angry schoolboard members, who have over the years become more and more present and loud in their hatred against the " kids who are different". I tried performing at schools as a man, to avoid the man/woman question, but the bullies would often keep yelling " HE'S SO GAY" all through the performance. At a certain point I was arriving at a schoolyard to give a performance with Lu, and heard the yelling of the alpha kids and the bullies, and thought: " Why am I doing this to myself?" So I quit, and try to go to market with Lu at least once a week, so he can give money to the sellers when we buy nuts for him, fish for Meis. It keeps him feeling like he's still performing. But he still loves kids because they scream a lot. Unfortunately for Lu, Rickie doesn't, although reli right wingers keep screaming otherwise😖

    • @asseyez-vous6492
      @asseyez-vous6492 22 дні тому +1

      @@loetje That is so shocking to hear. I’m so sorry you have been put through that terrible experience. I always found the Dutch to be tolerant of everything, at least when I lived in The Netherlands. However, I wasn’t around anyone who was trans (not by choice, by circumstance, you understand?) so I’m horrified that your experience was so awful.
      The kids here in Wales at least, hold a lot of power now. Basically, if they even feel you are too close to them, they tell on you and you lose your job! Seriously, it’s as bad as that and I am a woman (about the same age as you I think?) so I quit teaching, it’s not worth the hassle. I hope you can go with Lu to more parties in the future and that will give you more confidence. FYI: most children here are spoiled, entitled, lie and are as thick as two short planks (zeer dom). They want to play games on their phones all the time and learn nothing in class. Society has really gone done the pan! Much love to you and your feather and fur babies ❤️

    • @loetje
      @loetje  22 дні тому

      ​@@asseyez-vous6492Thank you for your sweet comment. That brought me some comfort today❤ You hit the nail on the head; kids nowadays indeed have ways of bullying grown ups that can really baffle you. I'm so sorry you had to give up teaching because of that. I guess we both had our experiences with the system. In the 80's the goverment started to centralize education; destroying a perfect school system , with lots of individual academies and colleges and universities, replacing them with factories that produced bland white sausage graduates. It really actively worked on making education too expensive for the lower pay grades, whilst the quality of that education became less and less...I guess we now see the results of that.

  • @asseyez-vous6492
    @asseyez-vous6492 23 дні тому +1

    Lu, you’re mostly upside down. Do you prefer it? I think you do. Meis is very patient, waiting to get cake. She has learned that the boss cannot be rushed 😂

    • @loetje
      @loetje  22 дні тому +1
