A Biblical Church - Paul Washer

  • Опубліковано 30 лип 2009
  • Churches today are overrun with the ideas of secular anthropology, secular psychology and secular sociology. Now, don’t think you are going to have a biblical church by purging that out of your evangelism. You have to purge it out of your marriage, your idea of man, your idea of truth. You have to purge it out of everything. God’s Word is true. And if something does not line up with God’s Word, it is not true and it’s not additional truth.
    MP3: illbehonest.com/a-biblical-chu...
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    Visit Paul Washer's website at:


  • @ExecutiveProtection51
    @ExecutiveProtection51 9 років тому +20

    This is AWESOME!! This is exactly what I need right now as I'm seeking The Lord about a church home. I'm so tired of what we call "church membership" in America. You "go in", sit down for two hours and "go out" to live the rest of the week. No meaningful relationships with other believers. No sacrificial love in demonstration for each other. No bone of bone and flesh of flesh eternal relationships bonded by the Spirit of God. Most of what we call "church membership" in America is no different than a gym membership, bowling league membership, or a discount membership at our favorite store. Pastors BOAST on the numbers and the members BOAST about "where they go", but the thing that's missing is heartfelt relationships between believers where they minister to, strengthen, and truly love each other. This message has blessed me and encourages me to continue seeking God for a church home that is based on the Scriptures!

    • @antonyschwarz8749
      @antonyschwarz8749 Рік тому +2

      Yep 100 percent true ohhhh I craved proper Loving servitude fellowship in Christ ohhhh 6 years now ohhh sad I’m in wilderness in Sydney Australia xx bless u all xx

    • @antonyschwarz8749
      @antonyschwarz8749 Рік тому +1

      Bless U brother xx
      Oh ,our sweet Lord Saviour Jesus Christ please help us , pour down your Holy Spirit of Truth ,soften and change their hearts from a heart of Stone to Heart of Flesh ,so they may see your only Truth Halleluyah xx
      No Harry Potter no witchcraft !!!! The Only Truth Way to the Father , Hallelujah
      From Sydney Australia

  • @user-xb9wc2iq3w
    @user-xb9wc2iq3w 7 місяців тому +5

    I'm 47 and wasted my whole life in sin,yet God has called me.

  • @karindiamond5446
    @karindiamond5446 8 місяців тому +5

    Thank you!!!! Sooooo good to hear truth without frills.

  • @paulrivalto1974
    @paulrivalto1974 Рік тому +7

    " By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples. " John 15:8

  • @wilsons043
    @wilsons043 9 місяців тому +3

    So refreshing, I have been feeling this way for years about the church. I am so glad I found this video.

  • @Mr.biggstrength
    @Mr.biggstrength Рік тому +6

    Thank you so much

  • @Lonesoul9791
    @Lonesoul9791 Рік тому +9

    I learn SO much from this man every time he opens his mouth…even if it was 13 years ago.

  • @karindiamond5446
    @karindiamond5446 8 місяців тому +2

    What a beautiful relief! This message needs so badly, to spread worldwide.

  • @davemanggiran2836
    @davemanggiran2836 Рік тому +4

    Truly, this is so helpful until now! Glory to God

  • @jamieclark4681
    @jamieclark4681 Рік тому +8

    What is a baby Christian supposed to do who is looking for a church home but every Church they have encountered to try them out does not teach the true gospel but rather watered-down version or they teach into church everything in the world is a blessing for you and salvation is just through a simple prayer and there is no talk of repentance or talk of obeying God the way that good strong Pastors such as Paul Washer teaches. I don't want to go to church to here a watered-down version of everything but I want a church where I feel convicted of my sins I want to be told that I need to obey God and I want to hear the true gospel. Everybody says including Paul Washer that I need to be involved in a church but what if I find all the churches where I live don't speak the truth. Another words everybody around me is falsely converted and they don't hear the true gospel the way that I hear it when I watch Paul Washer videos on UA-cam. What am I supposed to do then be forced to go to a church that water's down everything and that I don't agree with and maybe I'm not happy with it because they're not speaking the truth gospel? I have been to a few churches were they say if you want to accept Jesus then come up to the altered say a prayer and then your saved. I have said that prayer and after watching strong pastors like Paul Washer and a few others I now realize that was never saved and that I needed to do more with my walk with Jesus in order to be truly converted. I realize being a true Christian is not easy but rather difficult. But that's not what they're teaching in church so how am I supposed to go to a church that I don't agree with them? No one seems to want to answer that question to help a brother out rather they just want you to watch their UA-cam videos and give the thumbs-up and then tough-luck you're on your own.🤷

    • @briangarcia4805
      @briangarcia4805 Рік тому +2

      Brother I want you to know that you are not alone! There are many other TRUE believers all over America and the west I'm sure, that are in the exact same place as you, INCLUDING MYSELF. The truth is that evil has gained much ground in America and the Church (God's People) are in a declining state. You only seem to find places that call themselves a Christian church but if you have any discernment then you can see it is a false church following the enemy trying to deceive people. The only counsel I can encourage you with is examine yourself and if you are in any kind of sin then repent with all your heart, turn completely away from it and come back to the Lord. Then seek after God with all you have in you, beg Him to lead you to where the Truth is being pursued. Beg Him to lead you to other believers that are truly seeking Him as well. Stay away from sin and keep yourself away from the world so that you can hear from Him when He speaks to you. If you are walking in sin you are probably not going to get anywhere but confused and feeling lost. If you are willing then also fast sometimes for a time and pray as often as you can EVERYDAY and be in the Word DAILY because that is the main way He is going to lead you and speak to you. Be patient and keep walking with Him. Stay away from sin, Deny your flesh and be Patient. Hope this will help you more. Love in Christ.

    • @jamieclark4681
      @jamieclark4681 Рік тому +2

      @@briangarcia4805 I'm trying to do everything you said but I just can't find a church that's what my post was about was finding a real church that teaches the true gospel the way it's supposed to be taught. The way Paul Washer talks about the true gospel. There are hardly any Pastors that will speak the truth. Yes I try to do everything you said such as repentance and I'm still trying to figure out the fasting cuz I can't even go one day without skipping one meal without feeling sick so that's something I need to work on and I also need to work on studying God's word more and more but my whole point of my post was about finding a real biblical Christian Church that doesn't water down the gospel. I can't find a church like that in my area of where I live. They all teach some watered-down version and had it not been for UA-cam then I'd probably could have died and ended up going to hell. That's what I'm talking about everybody says go find a church, well the churches that are available would send me to hell because they don't teach the true gospel. I learned about the true gospel from UA-cam and watching people like Paul Washer but I never learned it going to any of the churches in my town. Like I said had it not been for the great invention of social media then I would have never learned the true gospel. All the few times I've gone to church they all do the very thing that Paul Washer is against and has declared war on which is the sinner's prayer. Every time towards the end of the service the pastor will say come down to the altar if you want accept Christ into your life. And then you go down there and you say the sinner's prayer and that's it all of a sudden you're just in God's family like it's that easy. No mention of repentance and trying to walk like Jesus. So that's the whole point of my comments is that I cannot find a church because they all lie. 🤷‍♂️

    • @antonyschwarz8749
      @antonyschwarz8749 Рік тому +2

      Bless U brother xx
      Oh ,our sweet Lord Saviour Jesus Christ please help us , pour down your Holy Spirit of Truth ,soften and change their hearts from a heart of Stone to Heart of Flesh ,so they may see your only Truth Halleluyah xx
      No Harry Potter no witchcraft !!!! The Only Truth Way to the Father , Hallelujah
      From Sydney Australia

    • @antonyschwarz8749
      @antonyschwarz8749 Рік тому

      100 percent 6 years in Christ in Wilderness , Gods will be done , been to so many churches and spread word every where so very few on fire doing 1st commandment ohh if we don’t do not have foundation s and are always on sand ,ohhh xxx bless u all
      If we don’t have Love Servitude Christ we r nothing , by his Grace !!!!

    • @DH-vy8hw
      @DH-vy8hw Рік тому +1

      I'm in the same predicament! God is Sovereign over where He wants us to become members in a local church. Could we stand being in a church like the one in Corinth? Yet, He wanted Apostle Paul to love that church despite its sinful ways. Let's continue to keep in mind God's Sovereignty in our church finding process. Ultimately, at least this arduous search makes us long even more to be at home with the Lord!

  • @rogersacco4624
    @rogersacco4624 3 місяці тому

    See The Bible for NORMAL People Podcast and book and leave the Dark Ages behind

  • @paulrivalto1974
    @paulrivalto1974 Рік тому +1

    The Biblical church is a people not an institution. The Ekklesia- or " Called Out Ones " - The Bride of Christ preparing for the wedding ceremony promised to come. The command still is " make disciples of all nations " - matheteusate ta ethne in the original Greek text. There we find our preparation and our marching orders! Jesus said: " If you love Me, you will obey My commandments. " John 14:15. So the question begs..... Well.... Do We?

    • @illbehonest
      @illbehonest  Рік тому +1

      Can you clarify on what from the sermon prompted your question and statement? I just did a search on the transcript and not once found the word institution or institute. So this made me unsure of what you are talking about. We indeed believe that the church is a people. This might be a helpful sermon: illbehonest.com/definition-of-the-church

    • @paulrivalto1974
      @paulrivalto1974 Рік тому +1

      @@illbehonest- My comment is on the state of the modern church in America, of which Mr. Walker is a part of. As you and I are as well. Every missionary sent out from their particular denomination is sent out as a church planter, for the most part. There is no command of Christ to plant churches in God's word. We are commanded to " make disciples of all nations ". Christ then takes those disciples made, and forms local congregations to minister in that area and to the world from that area. Christ is the only church planter commissioned in God's word. Yet, the modern denominations, then that is all of them, are the plan of Satan to separate and dilute the workforce that seeks to minister the gospel to the world that God still so loves. For there are 5 Billion people on the planet today who have never, ever, heard even one redemptive word of Jesus Christ! The true gospel! They have heard of religion, denomination, tradition, institution, organization, and the like. But they have not heard the true gospel good news. Jesus prophesied: " This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come. " Matthew 24:14. Obedience to the Great Commission Command answers the prayer to the Lord of the harvest to raise up workers for the harvest. Matthew 9:37-38. Making Disciples in the same manner as Christ Himself demonstrated in the gospel narratives is still His command to us. Be discipled, to become a disciple, who makes still more disciples in Christ Jesus. Otherwise one becomes simply a pew potatoe moving about in religion with nothing to glorify God with!

  • @benelias3556
    @benelias3556 7 місяців тому

    The hypocrisy in you claiming to have a scriptural church is repulsive. First of all it is not a church you belong to a 501 c 3 nonprofit corporation. There is certainly no scriptural reference of such an entity. In fact, when you file for the 501 c 3 nonprofit status you violate the word of God when Jesus said to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to render to God what is God's in a direct answer to is it lawful to pay taxes

  • @greggphelps7643
    @greggphelps7643 Рік тому

    The church is where poor people go to discipline their children that aren't really their own...Poor people getting poorer...It's a cycle

  • @Xinoserrot77
    @Xinoserrot77 12 років тому

    The testimony he gave about the old woman in Peru who welcomed them in her home had me in tears. Then he followed with John 13:35 "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
    I grew up in the Pentecostal church since I was a little boy, and I gotta tell you - some of these sermons have got me blown away. Speechless . . Sometimes I cry listening to them, sometimes I just can't stop smiling. God Thank You For your Word! Praise God!

  • @Withfaith777
    @Withfaith777 15 років тому

    I was thinking to watch half for tonight and watch another half tomorrow morning... but I ended up not sleeping til' I finished this sermon.. I couldn't stop watching... it was amazing... Thank you for posting this .. and God bless you!

  • @Mshodeinde
    @Mshodeinde 10 років тому

    Paul Washer always open my eyes with his his sermons, I have a better relationship with God, I am still learning, and i will continue learning

  • @reubenraj9860
    @reubenraj9860 11 років тому

    thanks for your sharing,inspired.

  • @osiokonkwo
    @osiokonkwo 15 років тому

    Great stuff

  • @Bearkiller777
    @Bearkiller777 15 років тому

    AMEN from me to as well :) It is wonderful to be able to communion with other believers when i do get the chance too...thanks for posting..God Bless :)

  • @raichuubaybee
    @raichuubaybee 12 років тому

    I have a few points about this:
    1. I'm so glad to see a new sermon from Mr. Washer!! Thanks so much for posting!
    2. This is the first video that I noticed that you allowed comments on o.O
    3. The pictures in the beginning are so adorable!! ^.^
    4. I'm glad he preached on this, I had questions recently regarding the true Church and nearly all of them were answered!
    Thanks again for posting!!

  • @UrbanGypsy2
    @UrbanGypsy2 14 років тому +1

    Paul Washer has always been a breath of fresh air to me. I am a pastor's wife, and yet here is where I am fed.

    • @briangarcia4805
      @briangarcia4805 Рік тому +1

      Im sorry to hear that. That statement makes me sad.

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  15 років тому +1

    Amen, let me know what you learned from it and where your at with your whole situation

  • @lookingup82
    @lookingup82 13 років тому

    @Withfaith777 It's awesome when we can't stop feasting on the Word and teaching of a good man of God!

  • @mariag.gallarza585
    @mariag.gallarza585 9 років тому +2

    God bless this men¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  • @liancortez
    @liancortez 15 років тому

    amen..thats the truth!

  • @svagrod
    @svagrod 11 років тому


  • @sorianobhong9288
    @sorianobhong9288 11 років тому

    wherever, whenever we grow or whoever we are with, a true relationship with the Lord is always the key. why blame others for our failure when in the first place its always us who decides for ourselves.

  • @georgeklassen8296
    @georgeklassen8296 9 років тому +3

    I believe that there will be a lot fewer folks raptured than what we have been lead to believe. There are those today who were and are victims of decisional evangelism and NOT truly discipled, there are those blinded by God HIMSELF and turned over in judgement to their own error and the churches today are filled with more "goats" than "sheep", being taught by hirlings not shepherds and who are compromising the true Gospel of Jesus Christ through New Age spirituality and ecumenism ( the social gospel )
    The great falling away of II Thessalonians is happening TODAY and it is in so-called evangelical churches that this is happening.
    When you look exegetically at biblical holiness, worship that is acceptable in God's sight and what true repentance is really comprised of, there is little evidence in our churches today of the fruits of the Holy Spirit being manifest in those areas.
    Biblical fellowship is compromised in favor of programs and social activities while the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is watered down to the point of it being nothing more than "cheap grace". As Washer correctly points out, saying the sinner's prayer and then believing "once saved always saved" after that is a very dangerous position to hold on to in light of the truth that it IS fully possible for a person to backslide and grow so lukewarm that they actually blaspheme the Holy Spirit and hence lose their salvation.
    The mainstream interdenominational ( evangelical ) churches today have a Jesus in them, but he is NOT the Jesus of the New Testament.
    Is your church a place or REVERENCE and biblical worship or is it a place where an atmosphere is created to make you "feel good" and get the idea that somehow while being there you have experienced the presence of God all the while being pleasantly entertained.
    I repeat, a serious relationship with Jesus Christ is what matters most . Read Oswald Chambers or Charles Spurgeon and compare how they describe holiness and relationship with Jesus to be and you will have no problem identifying how far away the churches of today have fallen.
    Fewer raptured than what most think--absolutely.

  • @inesmeneses232
    @inesmeneses232 11 років тому +1


  • @lookingup82
    @lookingup82 13 років тому +3

    @Withfaith777 This is happening EVERYWHERE! I have LOST my family- except my father! People are so mislead...and scared. When they hear the TRUTH from you---...you maybe called intolerant-, narrow-minded or ...Phobic... I'll wear it as a badge- as long as I walk the talk...I want Jesus NOT their approval!

  • @Withfaith777
    @Withfaith777 15 років тому

    One thing that stood out in this video is abt making disciples when brother paul said, "You can't teach them to obey what God has commanded you unless you're obeying what God has commanded you" & that we have to be an influence with our lives.
    I never knew making a disciple is this serious.. I have been told any christian can do it but I always thought it shouldn't be taken lightly & it's a serious matter. I don't think any christian can do it.. I think only a follower of Christ can do it...

  • @anhtuanb
    @anhtuanb 13 років тому

    That's correct. Only true believers can do this because it's from their new true desire that God has given to them, so the commandments are not a burden, but a joy.
    I am not one but I understand how hard it is for a non-believer to do commandments because of our lust in this world. The only hope for me and any non-believer is the mercy of God in fullness of time, and wait for that time to come.

  • @beth4893
    @beth4893 10 років тому +1

    I love Paul Washer's preaching, but I think when the time comes, he is going to be surprised at how many people are actually saved....

  • @mwem85
    @mwem85 11 років тому

    Can i get this on dvd? I would really like to make dutch subtitles for it and spread this message....

  • @Withfaith777
    @Withfaith777 15 років тому

    I am now going to a new church which is really good but please pray for me to find a christian group or a friend so that I can talk about Christ with them. I really want to discuss things about Christ.. I don't mind if I don't get to talk about other things.
    I have lost a lot of friends once I come to know Christ and I hardly have anyone to talk to. I am really praying for it.

  • @joshyun9089
    @joshyun9089 10 років тому

    Of course it influences you as you were developed within the denomination, however, it is wrong for you to automatically assume 'unbiblical' with the pentecostal church. We watch these videos not only to distinguish between the good and bad, but knowing how important holiness and the Bible is shouldn't result in you judging others who may not seem on the same page. It should be your duty to now meet these Christians and encourage the importance of holiness. God is love, so go show them love!

  • @inesmeneses232
    @inesmeneses232 11 років тому

    tray the Bible the only book in the world were Jesus is talk about the real Love --

  • @lunabranwen
    @lunabranwen 11 років тому

    tell them to stop lying about tithing

  • @karensnydergriffith7082
    @karensnydergriffith7082 11 років тому

    I like ur sermons, but when they asked u 2 be their pastor, they don't have 2 really know u. The Bible says His light shines in us, I'm sure they could see that and the fact that u r preaching the Truth. I think u were wrong in saying do u know me!

  • @StuBibee
    @StuBibee 11 років тому

    Do you know JESUS CHRIST personally?
    Why do you call Paul Washer a false prophet?
    Do you even know what a real prophet is?
    Do you know what true righteousness and holiness is?
    Please take a moment and think about you and the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

  • @svagrod
    @svagrod 11 років тому +1

    Another false prophet!!!