To obey the Lord is the only sure way to have peace, joy, satisfaction and eternal life. I thank the Lord for His work on me. Now I live to glorify the Lord and I will do it for the rest of my life. Praise the Lord.
I have never given anything away that I have felt sorry for. I have kept things that I have regretted. I have never been self-sacrificing, that I look back on at now and say “I wish I hadn't done that”. But I have been selfish so many times and said “I wish I hadn't done that”. - Paul Washer
"If Jesus is not enough to motivate you to godly living, then you don't know Jesus"! Wow! What a statement!! :) Oh, Lord, help me to die to self and put myself at your disposal...amen.
This hits home for me, I am currently yrying to surrender to Christ Jesus!! I feel spiritually crippled sometimes. I feel like i am in a spiritual rut right now! I havent died to myself, and i am not truly living for Jesus!! And i know i am nothing without Him!! PLEASE anyone reading this 🙏🙏🙏🙏 for my soul!!
@@matthews2965Young people... I cannot tell you how much I wish I'd listened. I told myself I'm highschool id get serious about Jesus. Well I'm just a kid trying to fit in, after HS in college will be easier. Well after Im in the real world. Yeah that's it, I'll tell my coworkers about Jesus. Boy oh boy. I was the goodie goodie kid that was doing everything right except I was "totally sold out to Christ all the way". I just played the role. That goody goody kid overdosed damn near 100 times and became a mentally ill, homeless, hepatitis infected, stage 4 liver disease, dying wreck of a man. Oh but none of that hurt as much as my heart did. I'd done Jesus wrong and my family wrong. The pain now is too much to bare. Oh little one. Please. Please listen to his calling. You have no idea how much heartache you can give yourself. You have no idea how easily your life will become a living hell. I plead with you. Give it all to Jesus today.
I'm sorry to hear this. Be encouraged brother, take hold of the promises of God, such as Psalm 34:18, 'The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in Spirit'. May God strengthen you and give you peace in the supernatural way that only He can. God bless you 🙏🏿
It's a blessing to hear the truth even if it's hard to listen sometime, but we need to be shaken, because we are too comfortable and it's dangerous. Too much preacher caress in the direction of the hair just to stay popular and loved and to have money, it's not scriptural. So thanks for our brother Paul who is humble and talk with truth. God help us to please you first.
Its sooo true, Jesus is everything.He is life.Without Him there is no life.I know because I lived, no existed outside him and I was dead, empty and now feel life inside me day by day increasing as He leads me.I am His forever now.
I've never heard this until yesterday, and was blown away by how this affected my heart. I plan on watching this every morning during my coffee time, what an amazing message to start each day with. ☀️☕🛐✝️❤️
This was posted in 2010, I was about 16 years old... yes- I did mess my life up. 18:01 I went against the will of God knowing I was going against His will. Even now, my Lord has not left me. I do regret it, my biggest regret...
I lost my smell after covid for 3 years and 3 months, my life changed completely , I am riddled with severe anxiety and headaches, I am learning how to surrender my taste and smell, it's been horribly hard not to taste and smell and the anxiety that follows, I have two daughters and a family to support, so please pray for me please thanks
May the healing mercies of the risen Lord Jesus Christ enter into your mind, body and spirit to heal you of all that harms you, and leave you only with the Peace of Jesus. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Continue steadfastly in the Lord. I am praying that your soul would seek Christ more and more and that His will would be done in your life. He is faithful in all circumstances.
This is a message EVERY CHURCH needs to hear from EVERY pastor and preacher! This is a message that serves as a REMINDER of every saint thats ever been born of God's Spirit in this generation!
Give me the strength to wash away my pride and my selfishNESS. Its all so unnecessary. I pray for my brothers and sisters, that we all join in humility, and GROW. Sheeew, praise GOD! Thank you Jesus, for BEING the message to mankind.
Even though I've heard this exact message years ago back in like 2010. I still needed to hear this message today. I Thank God for Pastor Paul Washer. This is a very Powerful and Timeless Message for all of us go through the struggles of Life and we're reminded that our Father in Heaven is still there on the Throne always with His Arms stretched wide open.
I'm on a fast and The Holy Spirit is showing me things I need to any other person they are little things but in my walk, they are walls...but I just can't seem to surrender these things...
I feel the same way about smoking... Ill pray for encouragement your way. Please pray for my 'submission' as well. "I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens ME." And you. This message reaaaaally moved me.
I agree that the Scriptures call us to die to ourselves. But God doesn't expect us to do that without vision of God's glory and the hope of resurrection. Paul didn't want to die to himself without the hope of glory (1. Cor. 15:29-33) and he prays more of divine revelation for the Ephesians that they would be able to love each other (Eph. 3:14-21). So when we talk about dying to ourselves we have to also speak about the glory and beauty of Christ, without that it's impossible to die to ourselves
@superlynn27 That's true, you are RIGHT on point there. Many people will celebrate Christmas just as a time of giving material things and spending time with family, and not that there is anything wrong with gifts and spending time with people you LOVE, but if you forget about Christ or don't even know or none the less LOVE him, than you're just celebrating a holiday for YOURSELF, so you are SOOOO right.
PART 2, besides...we aren't judged by our works. We are saved by faith through grace, that we should walk in good works (that were prepared before the foundations of earth). You see...this man is right about one thing - it is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me. We must be crucified WITH Christ on cross - die to our old man...our flesh, our sinful nature - and become alive in Christ. This is the power: Christ dying on the cross. This is everything. There is no more.
@superlynn27 I personally celebrate it with my family, but we always center it around a Bible study, and giving of thanks. So I dont think it is wrong if a Christian celebrates it from a sincere heart, but I do agree that in general, Christmas is nothing more than a commercial holiday.
Praise ABBA ADONAI ELOHIM YHWY and ADONAI MESSIAH Y'SHUA and through the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen and Amen! Thank YOU, ADONAI for this message. Y'SHUA bless you always.
@promisedgrace You are right in saying,"self will never crucify self," however, Jesus does. Paul Washer calls attention this truth as a way to get others to 'examine themselves'. He know it is a work of God, but he is dealing with people who dont understand this because they have made a superficial confession. Of course not all are superficial, but he is dealing with this in the only way he can, by preaching the truth that death to old self is necessary to a new life in Christ. John 12:24,25
god/jesus gave his life for you with no strings atached // would you give your life for some one you dont know // most likeley no what a great god we have WOW
@knockout9999 Christian maturity often starts very slowly. You are so young that I wouldn't expect to be anywhere close to perfect. You are going to struggle with lust and sin. Becoming a Christian doesn't mean that you won't, but it does mean that your overall feeling is that you want God and you will chase after him.
3:20 "If I were to start 500 churches in 3 years in Ethiopia, against the will of God for me to be a janitor in a small Midwestern town, I'd be disobedient"
@superlynn27 Thats right. Jeremiah chaper 10, talks about decking a tree with silver and gold, and fastening it with nails to hold it still. But in the next verses it says not to fear it for it has no power. So specifically in Jeremiah, I believe it was talking about "worshiping" the tree and making an idol of wood. Still, I do agree that Christmas is much more commercialized than a simple celebration of the birth of Christ.
@knockout9999 If your listening to the illbehonest crew, then we are listening to a lot of the same people. They'll do a great job of informing you of who Christ is.
@superlynn27 the 25th of december may have originated as worship to Baal in Babylon, but CHRISTmas is when I (atleast personally) celebrate the birth of my Lord Christ in human flesh and remember the start of it all for me. However, if a brother is offended, I will not celebrate Christmas in his presence lest I cause him to stumble. So superlynn27, if you are in Christ, stay strong! If not, then turn to him for your time surely runneth out.
@SilenThps If I try and crucify the flesh (as he said in the video) or to die to self I am living in unbelief that Jesus has already crucified me on the cross...the problem is most people don't believe the truth of the full gospel that they died in Christ. 2Cor 5:14 we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; Rom 6:6 We know that our old self WAS crucified Col 3:3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
@promisedgrace uh... what? he's not teaching this to unbelievers who need to get saved. The message is for people who are already saved, to help them grow in their sanctification. .
8 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:8-10 NLT)
Colossians 3:3. For ye are dead and you life is hidden with God in Christ. First Corinthians 15:1-4. That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that He was buried and rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures. Ephesians 1:13-14. Ephesians 4:30. Galatians 1:6-9 Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. As we said before, so say I again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received from us, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. Romans 5:19-22. Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. Colossians 2:13. For HE has forgiven us ALL TRESPASSES. Romans 6:23. The GIFT of God is eternal life to them that accept the free gift. First John 5:13. These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. John 6:47. John 3:18. John 6:40. John 5:24. First Corinthians 1:21. For after that, by the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom, knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that BELIEVE. John 3:18. Romans 4:5. Romans 11:6. Romans 1:16. John 10:28-29. Hebrews 13:5. For He hath said, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU. He may chasten us as children, Colossians 3:5-6, But God cannot lie. John 6:47. John 6:29. John 3:16. Jesus said it, we believe it, and that settles it.
@knockout9999 When people pray for God to change them, I sometimes think that they don't realize that he might use extreme pain and suffering to do the job. God wants to conform you to the image of Christ, but not necessarily for you to help him change others in some fun and exciting way. What I'm saying is your prayer could possibly be answered by giving you a slow death by cancer alone in a hospital bed.
first you have to know sunday is not a sabbath, but a day when we come toghether the day that the Lord was raised from the death and defeated death for us so that we can life forever in his presence what did He say about the fullfilment of the law, for that reason he came, christians walk in the fulfillment of the law wich is to Love our God with all our heart soul and mind, Second Jesus gave is to Love one another as he loved us for in Love we have fullfilled the Law romans 13:8-9, Bless u
@UCAGIB I urge you to go back and listen to what he says in the 21st minute, 21:20 through to 21:55. It is good that you seek to be a watchman and warn God's people of the enemy's work but be careful, you must practice true discernment and grow in knowledge before considering yourself posted. Otherwise your false alarms will destroy the people's trust in your watchfullness, your vision, and your discernment. Keep the faith and endure to the end. God bless you and keep you.
3:25 but I’m curious, how does anyone know that God wants you to be in a certain position in life for the example that Paul was used, like being a janitor?
Why is it as adults we try to make things so difficult when things are easy either obey God because we love God and his commandments by reading his word and not doing the things what we don't Ned to do a child of mine she's ten she kept things simple when she heard this message she was like yes sir God if that is what you want she immediately wanted to be in God's word to learn to obey God
There is a beautiful simplicity in childlike faith-Jesus even said we must become like little children to enter the kingdom of God. A heart that humbly hears God's Word and responds with obedience is exactly what He desires. At the same time, as we grow, we face deeper struggles, distractions, and battles with sin that can make simple obedience feel more difficult. The key is to keep that childlike trust while maturing in wisdom and discernment, always returning to God's Word with the same willingness to say, "Yes, Lord."
This was a great message. Was the message from that night also recorded and available on here? If so could somebody please give me the link. If it is about what I think it is I could really use it right now.
For any person who lived or lives on this planet earth 🌎 the only way to understand THE SURRENDER of his own life is only AFTER REPENTANCE after listening the WORD OF THE LIVING LORD GOD ABOUT HIS JUSTICE REGARDING the live of any person that is going straight to HELL GENESIS CHAPTER 3 OTHERWISE all people will say what LORD CHRIST JESUS told to HIS APOSTLES MATTEW CHAPTER 7, VERSE 21 With all respect for TRUTH and knowledge, AMEN
Thank you G-d for your servant Paul. He is a real gift to me from G-d. I am so happy G-d is so full of mercy He sent Paul to me online!!! ❤❤❤ In G-d's grace, He accepts that we say erroneous things, the important thing is the intention not what we are saying. I can feal Paul's intention is only good, and that He is also humble enough to receive my following comment. I don't beleive Jesus was ever anxious. It is a sin to be anxious. It is not helpful to be anxious. I do beleive Jesus felt altruistic anger and all bad emotions in an altruistic way. The difference between altruistic and egoistic anger is that a miracle happens after the altruistic anger as we see proof of from the Bible. But, why would he be anxious because He was going to suffer and die an atrocious death? Or because He was risking to die of hunger or in a storm? Anxiety does not make sense. It does no goid, so why would He ever be anxious? I cannot find any proof he was ancious. The Bible does not say He was anxious, so He wasn't. Jesus is G-d, and there are no emergencies for G-d!!!
@UCAGIB He doesn't teach a works based gospel. He teaches that true regeneration will results in evidence, which will be works. A works based gospel would teach that you need to work to be saved. That isn't what Washer says at all.
@promisedgrace How can you say it is not biblical? John 12:24-25, Gal 5:24,Matt 10:39,16:25, 19:29, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:23-24 and many others. If you think he brings comdemnation without a cure, than you havent watched very many of his sermons. What do you want the cure to be?
@UCAGIB James 2:14 "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but not have works? Can faith save him?" Read on through to verse 26. Faith is only the foundation, for "each shall be rewarded according to his works". Faith saves but your works will justify the reward you receive. All the saved shall live in the Kingdom of God, each one according to his works, some in a mansion on the beach, others in a 1 bedroom apartment in the city, & all those in between. Do you understand?
@knockout9999 Make sure you understand who Jesus really is. A lot of people have this idea of who Jesus and God are, but they are just making characteristics in their own heads. Paul Washer is someone I listen to all the time and has helped me a lot. But you have to understand that he preaches that God chooses who he will save. That is somewhat controversial.
This is what's wrong with the church today. We have people in suits and ties telling us Jesus was poor like he is. Jesus had plenty!!! Jesus didn't HAVE any worldly posessions...and no, He didn't ride in a carriage. He rode around on a donkey - yet He never had to find a place to sleep, or food to eat, or water to drink. His Father provided everything for Him. The good news is that WE as Christians...HAVE THE SAME MOMENT BY MOMENT REST AVAILABLE TO US!!! Read Hebrews 4!!!
I'm here after 12 yrs. Still powerful!! Who else at the end of 2022 going into 2023 and forward felt this?
yeah! I felt it as well.
@@lovegod8582 🎉b
"God will honor a heart that makes any kind of attempt to be at His disposal." That's powerful!
3:38 "It is not to do great things, it is to put your life at his disposal"
To obey the Lord is the only sure way to have peace, joy, satisfaction and eternal life. I thank the Lord for His work on me. Now I live to glorify the Lord and I will do it for the rest of my life. Praise the Lord.
I have never given anything away that I have felt sorry for. I have kept things that I have regretted. I have never been self-sacrificing, that I look back on at now and say “I wish I hadn't done that”. But I have been selfish so many times and said “I wish I hadn't done that”. - Paul Washer
"If Jesus is not enough to motivate you to godly living, then you don't know Jesus"!
Wow! What a statement!! :)
Oh, Lord, help me to die to self and put myself at your disposal...amen.
How to put ourselves before the Lord's Disposal.
This hits home for me, I am currently yrying to surrender to Christ Jesus!! I feel spiritually crippled sometimes. I feel like i am in a spiritual rut right now! I havent died to myself, and i am not truly living for Jesus!! And i know i am nothing without Him!! PLEASE anyone reading this 🙏🙏🙏🙏 for my soul!!
I am also crying!!
How are you now? Can I pray for you in any way?
@@matthews2965Young people... I cannot tell you how much I wish I'd listened. I told myself I'm highschool id get serious about Jesus. Well I'm just a kid trying to fit in, after HS in college will be easier. Well after Im in the real world. Yeah that's it, I'll tell my coworkers about Jesus. Boy oh boy. I was the goodie goodie kid that was doing everything right except I was "totally sold out to Christ all the way". I just played the role. That goody goody kid overdosed damn near 100 times and became a mentally ill, homeless, hepatitis infected, stage 4 liver disease, dying wreck of a man. Oh but none of that hurt as much as my heart did. I'd done Jesus wrong and my family wrong. The pain now is too much to bare.
Oh little one. Please. Please listen to his calling. You have no idea how much heartache you can give yourself. You have no idea how easily your life will become a living hell. I plead with you. Give it all to Jesus today.
Praying for you man. Have you fully surrendered yet?
In the last 2 years I've lost my wife and my son god is still good All the time
I'm sorry to hear this. Be encouraged brother, take hold of the promises of God, such as Psalm 34:18, 'The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in Spirit'. May God strengthen you and give you peace in the supernatural way that only He can. God bless you 🙏🏿
-“I’m so empty, I need to put myself at God’s disposal and I won’t be empty anymore”
Amen! Me as well.🙏
Me 2
Christianity is not complicated.
Simplicity of the Gospel.
It's a blessing to hear the truth even if it's hard to listen sometime, but we need to be shaken, because we are too comfortable and it's dangerous. Too much preacher caress in the direction of the hair just to stay popular and loved and to have money, it's not scriptural. So thanks for our brother Paul who is humble and talk with truth. God help us to please you first.
I say Amen to that. What you're saying is absolute Truth.
@@RebornThaRebizzle 🙂
Its sooo true, Jesus is everything.He is life.Without Him there is no life.I know because I lived, no existed outside him and I was dead, empty and now feel life inside me day by day increasing as He leads me.I am His forever now.
I've never heard this until yesterday, and was blown away by how this affected my heart. I plan on watching this every morning during my coffee time, what an amazing message to start each day with. ☀️☕🛐✝️❤️
I suggest you read the Bible daily.
This was posted in 2010, I was about 16 years old... yes- I did mess my life up. 18:01
I went against the will of God knowing I was going against His will. Even now, my Lord has not left me. I do regret it, my biggest regret...
true Christians needs to hear and to remember this great message from Brother Washer.
I lost my smell after covid for 3 years and 3 months, my life changed completely , I am riddled with severe anxiety and headaches, I am learning how to surrender my taste and smell, it's been horribly hard not to taste and smell and the anxiety that follows, I have two daughters and a family to support, so please pray for me please thanks
May the healing mercies of the risen Lord Jesus Christ enter into your mind, body and spirit to heal you of all that harms you, and leave you only with the Peace of Jesus.
I pray this in Jesus’ Name,
Continue steadfastly in the Lord. I am praying that your soul would seek Christ more and more and that His will would be done in your life. He is faithful in all circumstances.
This is a message EVERY CHURCH needs to hear from EVERY pastor and preacher! This is a message that serves as a REMINDER of every saint thats ever been born of God's Spirit in this generation!
We need more preachers like Paul today
Nice job lord Jesus for using brother Paul to serve others for your glory alone. ❤🎉🙏❤️💯
I'm weak and a sinner and i need JESUS CHRIST🙏🙏🙏
John 3:16
We all r my fellow believer
Here I am Lord. I want to obey You. My life is at Your disposal🙏💖🙏
Give me the strength to wash away my pride and my selfishNESS. Its all so unnecessary. I pray for my brothers and sisters, that we all join in humility, and GROW. Sheeew, praise GOD! Thank you Jesus, for BEING the message to mankind.
Truly we should just seek and worship God!
Thanks 🙏 brother
Please pray for me to have victory of flesh and to do the will of the Father
Even though I've heard this exact message years ago back in like 2010. I still needed to hear this message today. I Thank God for Pastor Paul Washer. This is a very Powerful and Timeless Message for all of us go through the struggles of Life and we're reminded that our Father in Heaven is still there on the Throne always with His Arms stretched wide open.
Beginning already powerful preaching…. Be still Paul preach more and more win more souls. God bless your ministries.
How blessed are we to listen to this? 🥺 I wana hear the rest!
I'm on a fast and The Holy Spirit is showing me things I need to any other person they are little things but in my walk, they are walls...but I just can't seem to surrender these things...
You are soooo RIGHT, and you have no idea how much I needed to hear that just NOW.
Mr Washer -your sermons touch my heart… thanks.
Amen I love this preacher ❤
powerful message ... God bless you, and your family ... amen.
I've heard a lot of preachers in my life! Yet not one explained what dying to yourself meant ! Until now!!!
I feel the same way about smoking... Ill pray for encouragement your way. Please pray for my 'submission' as well. "I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens ME." And you. This message reaaaaally moved me.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
I agree that the Scriptures call us to die to ourselves. But God doesn't expect us to do that without vision of God's glory and the hope of resurrection. Paul didn't want to die to himself without the hope of glory (1. Cor. 15:29-33) and he prays more of divine revelation for the Ephesians that they would be able to love each other (Eph. 3:14-21). So when we talk about dying to ourselves we have to also speak about the glory and beauty of Christ, without that it's impossible to die to ourselves
This is incredible teaching.. I know it to be true. I need to repent.
@superlynn27 That's true, you are RIGHT on point there. Many people will celebrate Christmas just as a time of giving material things and spending time with family, and not that there is anything wrong with gifts and spending time with people you LOVE, but if you forget about Christ or don't even know or none the less LOVE him, than you're just celebrating a holiday for YOURSELF, so you are SOOOO right.
PART 2, besides...we aren't judged by our works. We are saved by faith through grace, that we should walk in good works (that were prepared before the foundations of earth). You see...this man is right about one thing - it is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me. We must be crucified WITH Christ on cross - die to our old man...our flesh, our sinful nature - and become alive in Christ. This is the power: Christ dying on the cross. This is everything. There is no more.
Faith without works is dead.
This hit the soul man Jesus I love you because your loved me first you are my life🙏🙏🙏
I believe this with all my heart. The hardest part is doing it. And that’s also the saddest part too.. I want to do it, but always go astray.
Our only Hope. Praise God. Amen.
@superlynn27 I personally celebrate it with my family, but we always center it around a Bible study, and giving of thanks. So I dont think it is wrong if a Christian celebrates it from a sincere heart, but I do agree that in general, Christmas is nothing more than a commercial holiday.
Praise ABBA ADONAI ELOHIM YHWY and ADONAI MESSIAH Y'SHUA and through the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen and Amen! Thank YOU, ADONAI for this message. Y'SHUA bless you always.
First time here 2023 thank you Jesus
@promisedgrace You are right in saying,"self will never crucify self,"
however, Jesus does. Paul Washer calls attention this truth as a way to get others to 'examine themselves'. He know it is a work of God, but he is dealing with people who dont understand this because they have made a superficial confession. Of course not all are superficial, but he is dealing with this in the only way he can, by preaching the truth that death to old self is necessary to a new life in Christ. John 12:24,25
Amen🙏 Praise The Lord
Mash that like thumb. Washer totally rocked the word.
god/jesus gave his life for you with no strings atached // would you give your life for some one you dont know // most likeley no what a great god we have WOW
The Lord Is Good
very very inspiring, first time I heard the sermon..
Year and forever love christ ❤
Paul Washer a man speaking the Truth!
Christian maturity often starts very slowly. You are so young that I wouldn't expect to be anywhere close to perfect. You are going to struggle with lust and sin. Becoming a Christian doesn't mean that you won't, but it does mean that your overall feeling is that you want God and you will chase after him.
3:20 "If I were to start 500 churches in 3 years in Ethiopia, against the will of God for me to be a janitor in a small Midwestern town, I'd be disobedient"
@superlynn27 Thats right. Jeremiah chaper 10, talks about decking a tree with silver and gold, and fastening it with nails to hold it still. But in the next verses it says not to fear it for it has no power. So specifically in Jeremiah, I believe it was talking about "worshiping" the tree and making an idol of wood. Still, I do agree that Christmas is much more commercialized than a simple celebration of the birth of Christ.
If your listening to the illbehonest crew, then we are listening to a lot of the same people. They'll do a great job of informing you of who Christ is.
amen Jesus Christ is Lord Amen
I lose my life for the carpenters i sm Lord
Amen What a Message
JESUS was not poor, in the sense that all the treasures of GOD our FATHER, were at the disposal of CHRIST JESUS.
@superlynn27 the 25th of december may have originated as worship to Baal in Babylon, but CHRISTmas is when I (atleast personally) celebrate the birth of my Lord Christ in human flesh and remember the start of it all for me.
However, if a brother is offended, I will not celebrate Christmas in his presence lest I cause him to stumble. So superlynn27, if you are in Christ, stay strong! If not, then turn to him for your time surely runneth out.
@superlynn27 Well thankfully we worship a God who sees the heart and the truth of it all....
@SilenThps If I try and crucify the flesh (as he said in the video) or to die to self I am living in unbelief that Jesus has already crucified me on the cross...the problem is most people don't believe the truth of the full gospel that they died in Christ.
2Cor 5:14 we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died;
Rom 6:6 We know that our old self WAS crucified
Col 3:3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
@promisedgrace uh... what? he's not teaching this to unbelievers who need to get saved. The message is for people who are already saved, to help them grow in their sanctification. .
This is so good❤
I surrender yo no god. Never will
@hadassah37 Start with obeying Him, that's something we can work on our whole lives!
sooo good :) thank you.
8 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:8-10 NLT)
Put yourself at God’s disposal
Colossians 3:3. For ye are dead and you life is hidden with God in Christ. First Corinthians 15:1-4. That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that He was buried and rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures. Ephesians 1:13-14. Ephesians 4:30.
Galatians 1:6-9 Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. As we said before, so say I again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received from us, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.
Romans 5:19-22. Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. Colossians 2:13. For HE has forgiven us ALL TRESPASSES. Romans 6:23. The GIFT of God is eternal life to them that accept the free gift.
First John 5:13. These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. John 6:47. John 3:18. John 6:40. John 5:24.
First Corinthians 1:21. For after that, by the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom, knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that BELIEVE. John 3:18. Romans 4:5. Romans 11:6. Romans 1:16. John 10:28-29. Hebrews 13:5. For He hath said, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU.
He may chasten us as children, Colossians 3:5-6, But God cannot lie. John 6:47. John 6:29. John 3:16. Jesus said it, we believe it, and that settles it.
When people pray for God to change them, I sometimes think that they don't realize that he might use extreme pain and suffering to do the job. God wants to conform you to the image of Christ, but not necessarily for you to help him change others in some fun and exciting way. What I'm saying is your prayer could possibly be answered by giving you a slow death by cancer alone in a hospital bed.
first you have to know sunday is not a sabbath, but a day when we come toghether the day that the Lord was raised from the death and defeated death for us so that we can life forever in his presence what did He say about the fullfilment of the law, for that reason he came, christians walk in the fulfillment of the law wich is to Love our God with all our heart soul and mind, Second Jesus gave is to Love one another as he loved us for in Love we have fullfilled the Law romans 13:8-9, Bless u
@UCAGIB I urge you to go back and listen to what he says in the 21st minute, 21:20 through to 21:55. It is good that you seek to be a watchman and warn God's people of the enemy's work but be careful, you must practice true discernment and grow in knowledge before considering yourself posted. Otherwise your false alarms will destroy the people's trust in your watchfullness, your vision, and your discernment. Keep the faith and endure to the end. God bless you and keep you.
3:25 but I’m curious, how does anyone know that God wants you to be in a certain position in life for the example that Paul was used, like being a janitor?
Its so hard to die to self, but this is it…
“What he has given me I shall return” that’s a bar
Why is it as adults we try to make things so difficult when things are easy either obey God because we love God and his commandments by reading his word and not doing the things what we don't Ned to do a child of mine she's ten she kept things simple when she heard this message she was like yes sir God if that is what you want she immediately wanted to be in God's word to learn to obey God
There is a beautiful simplicity in childlike faith-Jesus even said we must become like little children to enter the kingdom of God. A heart that humbly hears God's Word and responds with obedience is exactly what He desires. At the same time, as we grow, we face deeper struggles, distractions, and battles with sin that can make simple obedience feel more difficult. The key is to keep that childlike trust while maturing in wisdom and discernment, always returning to God's Word with the same willingness to say, "Yes, Lord."
Jesus is lord 👑👑👑
I've heard this as an MP3, it's strange to see now the video.
Amen 🙏
This was a great message. Was the message from that night also recorded and available on here? If so could somebody please give me the link. If it is about what I think it is I could really use it right now.
For any person who lived or lives on this planet earth 🌎 the only way to understand THE SURRENDER of his own life is only AFTER REPENTANCE after listening the WORD OF THE LIVING LORD GOD ABOUT HIS JUSTICE REGARDING the live of any person that is going straight to HELL
With all respect for TRUTH and knowledge,
Obedience...... how hard is it....?
Thank you G-d for your servant Paul. He is a real gift to me from G-d. I am so happy G-d is so full of mercy He sent Paul to me online!!! ❤❤❤
In G-d's grace, He accepts that we say erroneous things, the important thing is the intention not what we are saying. I can feal Paul's intention is only good, and that He is also humble enough to receive my following comment. I don't beleive Jesus was ever anxious. It is a sin to be anxious. It is not helpful to be anxious. I do beleive Jesus felt altruistic anger and all bad emotions in an altruistic way. The difference between altruistic and egoistic anger is that a miracle happens after the altruistic anger as we see proof of from the Bible. But, why would he be anxious because He was going to suffer and die an atrocious death? Or because He was risking to die of hunger or in a storm? Anxiety does not make sense. It does no goid, so why would He ever be anxious? I cannot find any proof he was ancious. The Bible does not say He was anxious, so He wasn't. Jesus is G-d, and there are no emergencies for G-d!!!
He doesn't teach a works based gospel. He teaches that true regeneration will results in evidence, which will be works. A works based gospel would teach that you need to work to be saved. That isn't what Washer says at all.
Does anyone know what the night sermon he gave is called? Where he explains Paul exhorting to give the body.
Well spoken. Does this preacher keep the Sabbath as told in Commandment #4 or does he follow the RCC in keeping SUNday...?
@promisedgrace How can you say it is not biblical? John 12:24-25, Gal 5:24,Matt 10:39,16:25, 19:29, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:23-24 and many others. If you think he brings comdemnation without a cure, than you havent watched very many of his sermons. What do you want the cure to be?
@UCAGIB James 2:14 "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but not have works? Can faith save him?" Read on through to verse 26. Faith is only the foundation, for "each shall be rewarded according to his works". Faith saves but your works will justify the reward you receive. All the saved shall live in the Kingdom of God, each one according to his works, some in a mansion on the beach, others in a 1 bedroom apartment in the city, & all those in between. Do you understand?
Make sure you understand who Jesus really is. A lot of people have this idea of who Jesus and God are, but they are just making characteristics in their own heads. Paul Washer is someone I listen to all the time and has helped me a lot. But you have to understand that he preaches that God chooses who he will save. That is somewhat controversial.
is there a second part to this? the evening service mentioned by Paul? OR the full thing? Illbehonest?!?
Luke 9:23 john 12:25 romans 6-8 1 john 2-3
This is what's wrong with the church today. We have people in suits and ties telling us Jesus was poor like he is. Jesus had plenty!!! Jesus didn't HAVE any worldly posessions...and no, He didn't ride in a carriage. He rode around on a donkey - yet He never had to find a place to sleep, or food to eat, or water to drink. His Father provided everything for Him. The good news is that WE as Christians...HAVE THE SAME MOMENT BY MOMENT REST AVAILABLE TO US!!! Read Hebrews 4!!!